“She [Rachel] literally confronted me and was like I know you have a power”

POV: Tyler Next POV: Aug 4th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 30th
HOH: Bayleigh Next HOH: Aug 2nd
Noms: Brett & Rachel Have Nots Fes, Tyler, Scottie

Big Brother Spoilers Nothing has changed.. Rachel is going, Rocks is all about the girls alliance, Bayleigh needs to slow down it’s Monday..

3:53pm Bayleigh and fes
Fes says using the veto put him in a bad position

Bay says haleigh did not act the way she supposed to, “All her loyalty should be with us.. you shouldn’t be defending Brett you shouldn’t be .,.. but whatever.. ”
Bay – Everyone forgotten abotu it now because Kailtyn ended up going home
Bay – Haleigh doesn’t understand the magnitude of you doing that
Bay – Even now.. and this stays between me and you Haleigh is kinda back to her own little ways. She was being all over Tyler today (poor wounded bird) and kidna flirt around with him.. I don’t know what that’s about I guess Kailtyn’s gone
Bay – I’m like.. I need you to focus.. you know what i’m saying .. stick to the play..
Bay says Rachel will put Scottie and Rockstar up
Fes agrees..
Fes says if Brett survives this week that means he’s survived “2 block.. you won’t be able to compete against him that will be part of his speech.. you can’t let someone survive the block twice” (fes is talking final 2 )

Fes says he’s voting to keep Rachel. Bayleigh says Rockstar, KAycee and Angela are as well.
Fes – we need 5
Bay asks about haleigh “she’s acting weird”
Fes – ask her if I talk to her she says she’s being attacked.
They agree JC is a wildcard.
Bay says there’s no other side not “just three of them”
Fes is saying JC, Tyler and Scottie are trying to get with their side (RS, Bayleigh and Fes)
Fes – they want to hope on board but on the bottom of their list..
Fes adds that once they take out everyone else they can turn on Scottie, Tyler and JC.

Bay – Scottie and Tyler are a dynamic duo..
She warns him that they will target Fes.

Bay – I love love Haleigh .. she’s young and i just don’t know if she’s the person I want to take to the end
FEs – if she starts pulling her weight.. we got a long way to go and a lot of people to get out..
Bay – I want to keep her forever that’s my little baby
Bay – Rockstar offered herself as a pawn to the other side.. so everyone on the other side was like we’ll throw her up if I get HOH
Fes – what a idiot.. what is she doing..
Bay – I can’t put my name on that.. I’m not offering myself up as a pawn..
Bay says they are good if Tyler, Scottie and Sam win HOH.

Fes – who would Sam put up
Bay – I don’t know it wouldn’t be us
Fes says Keeping Rachel puts the guys in a minority.

They talk about scenario for Bayleighs power.. (but everyone knows she has the power.. LOL )
Fes says If Kaycee and Angela win teh HOH they might put him up if she uses her power they won’t think it’s him because I got least trending.
Fes – they would probably think it’s scottie, JC or Rockstar which means the replacement nominee would be Scottie, JC or Rockstar..
Bay – or Tyler
Fes – say Angela wins it.. put up Kaycee..
Bay – if that happens
FEs is suggesting she puts up Rachel again
Bay says Rachel thinks she has the power..
Bay – The only reason I don’t want to touch Rachel she literally confronted me and was like I know you have a power so if I do that and she figures out it was me I will look like an a$$hole because I put her up as a pawn and I threw her right back up again
Fes – yeah but there’s not way she can figure it out..
Bay – if someone is HOH we put up the two people closest to them..
(Bay needs to keep a burrito in her mouth until Thursday)

JC tells Brett he can count on his vote to keep the BRO

4:14pm Haleigh and Bayleigh
Bayleigh wants it to be unanimous for Rachel to stay
Haleigh thinks it will be . They talk about Brett’s whole demeanor having changed..

Bayleigh – Brett doesn’t need this Brett is here for fun
Haleigh – his family has 3 vacation homes
Bayleigh – not only does his family have money but he has money.. he said he is owed 10 grande..
(here we go gain

They agree Kaitlyn acted pretty sh1tty for someone that is a life coach
Bay – she really thought she was doing good and she was living her truth..

4:36pm Angela and Rachel
Rachel – I was crying
Angela – WHY? what are you worried about..
Rachel – it wasn’t out here.. it’s not that
Rachel – your hair looks good
Angela – thanks..

5:07pm Haleigh and Bayleigh
Haleigh mentions how rachel has been pissey today
Bayleigh – she better turn that frown upside down or we’ll send her little booty home
Haleigh says Rachel snapped at Angela
BAyeligh says Rachel can go next week but they will have to backdoor her

Haleigh – A lot of people will have to go out the backdoor.. Tyler will ahve to go out the backdoor.. JC..

Haleigh wonders who she should up.. “I feel like Sam could go after my but then again would she”
Bayeligh suggests she puts Sam up because she’ll be justified for that
Haleigh asks who goes up next to Sam
Bayleigh – Angela, Rachel or KAycee
Bayleigh says if she puts up Angela as a pawn she might get voted out..

5:12pm Rocks joins them
Rocks – so Scottie came up with our name
Haleigh – The Hives..
Rock – and I got stung by a bee last night
Bayleigh – that is like perfect oh my god..
Rocks – it rhymes with 5
Rock – we are are all on the same goal.. like a hive mind..
Haleigh – the hives all go for one goal
Bay – we all serve the queen just happens to be me right now.. I’m the queen bee..
Bay – I’m the queen bee of the hive
Bay – next week you guys can be queen bee
Rocks – I want Fes to be Queen Bee next week

5:23pm Rocks and Bayleigh
Rocks is saying she will put Angeala and SAm on the block and try to backdoor Tyler. Rocks keeps going on about the all girls alliance.
Rocks says Tyler is a beast and he’s low Key, he hasn’t given anyone his loyalty
Rocks claims she tried to work with Tyler early on but he made it clear he wasn’t up for it and then Tyler started saying to put you up (first HOH)
Tocks says she thinks it was Tyler and Kaitlyn that flipped for Brett to Stay
BAyleigh agrees

Bayleigh starts complaining about having to deal with Fes all day..
ROCKS – I think it’s time we take some shots at some girls.. (without the intention of them going home)
Rocks – every night that’s what I think about … what combination would work who has the power..

Haligh storms in.. she’s pissed that Kailtyn took her pants..

5:37pm Fes and Scottie hammock time
Fes is talking about moving to LA says it costs more to live here than Florida but there’s more opportunities..
Fes says he teaches kids part time is real money makeing job is working at margaritaville.
Fes – my gig at margaritaville was F8ing dope.. there’s universal studios..
Fes – now that Noms are locked where do you think the house is leaning to
Scottie – I think Brett is going
Fes – do yo think it’ll be unanimous
Scottie sighs…
Fes – it’s still really early
SCottie – unless something comes up I don’t see why it wouldn’t be
Scottie says he’s 75% sure Rachel was the one that gave kaitlyn the vote

6:02pm Chit chat..

6:06pm Tyler and Rachel
Tyler says the whole girls alliance was bullsh1t they were telling their guys to target you girls.
Rachel says she got thrown for a loop this week.
Tyler- a lot of bullsh1t ..
Rachel – there something I need to talk to you about.. it’s not earth shattering it would make you understand why I was trusting what she didn’t.. theirs something she told me..
Tyler – yeah… does it have ot deal with the little place up there that’s not pert of the HOH room
Rachel- I Was really believing it.. so.. when the time is right I will let you know

They comment about Rockstar and Sam walking around the backyard like two old ladies.. powerwalking with their weights


7:11pm Showers and food prep…..

7:30pm Picnic

7:45pm Rachel and Haleigh
Haleigh talking about how Kailtyn thought the vote was going to 9-1 to keep her.

8pm Scottie and Brett are playing a game of pool. Fes and Rockstar are chatting about random things on the backyard couches. Meanwhile on the hammock – Haleigh and Rachel talk about Haleigh’s schooling.

8:55pm Hammock – Haleigh and Rockstar. Rockstar – me and Fes were just talking about whether or not people like us. Haleigh – its crazy that 60,000 people tired out for this. Rockstar – Fes said that the biggest stadiums hold like 100,000 people and then like 6 million people watch this.

Rachel and Scottie play corn hole.

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80 thoughts to ““She [Rachel] literally confronted me and was like I know you have a power””

  1. Bayleigh is calling people babies left and right. Did she get her period yet? I’m still betting on her being pregnant.

    1. Bay criticizing girls for blowing their game laying with guys (Haileigh and Kaitlyn). In their defense, neither of them kissed any guys in the house. Bay would still be having unprotected sex with Swaggy in the house if he hadn’t been evicted under her nose.

  2. Bayleigh is nearing Kaitlyn territory for me. Her and Rocks are a broken record. Blah, blah, blah.

  3. Angela doin the damn thing. Bikini yoga. Girl knows how to stay in the game without even trying. Show the abs, and the ass, and you may win some cash! Lmao

      1. Could you, for the span of time it takes to type such a loathsome comment, pick up your knuckles from dragging on the floor and retreat back into the cave from whence you came?

  4. Oh man, Bayleigh completely ruined her power app, not only is she a bigot, her game-play is complete garbo.

  5. Why does everyone hate Tyler? I really don’t get it. People hate flouters for not playing the game but when someone fight tooth and nail to be safe in the game they’re still hated.

    I want to hear good reasons. Not that he’s immature for like scooby doo or he has a tree tattoo. I want real reasons.

    I hated Paul because he was nasty and look down on everyone. He had 4 weeks of safety from the get go. Cody was the only one after him. If we are talking about production’s pet it’s Paul.

    Any explanation would be good.

        1. Star tune for August 9th when he’s finally gone. My Take is crazy to pick him for number 1

    1. I don’t hate Tyler I just don’t like how he plays the game. My favorite player has been Derrick on bb16. He didn’t promise people safe unlike Tyler is doing. Derrick:” I can’t promise you anything but I’ll do my best” Tyler: “I’ll vote however you want.” (I’m just being 100% truthful here)

      1. I’m a huge Tyler fan, but I was also a huge Derrick fan. What you have to realize for each of them is that each season is a different house and a different set of players. You have to make adjustments depending on what you are dealt. Derrick was dealt 5-6 bros who made great team mates and Victoria. Tyler has been dealt Kaitlyn and L6 who have left him to win any competitions. He now can’t afford to throw any comps or he’s out.

        1. Agree. Derrick’s alliance won HOHS and POVs keeping derrick safe. Victoria was much more stable and loyal than Kaitlyn was.

          1. Yeah, but that house was still full of idiots and we don’t know how stable Victoria was as she was less a part of the game and more set dressing.

    2. I want Tyler to win! He is playing the game and doing a good job of it. He was smart not to use the veto this week.

    3. Scooby Doo just shows that he probably watch cartoon network and Disney channel instead of HBO, Showtime, Fx. He’s 23 year old and he asks and thinks like he’s 5 or 8. I just hate that. Grow up.

      Game vise, he’s after Scottie and loyal to L6. I know that Scottie is going to win but its such a shame that this giant baby is called a good player

      Scottie FTW

      1. Dude, you really ought to lighten up about the cartoon thing. Watching cartoons doesn’t make you immature. Maybe dealing with the death of a parent at an early age, taking care of his mom, and having a job where people’s lives are in his hands means he just wants to come home and watch something light hearted. Some people have to deal with heavy stuff in their day to day lives and watching a bunch of serious stuff on tv isn’t very relaxing for them. Scottie plays video games…one could argue that is an immature thing to do as well. I’m not arguing that mind you, just saying your theories on immaturity are perplexing.

        1. Yeah, lay off the animation. One of my favorite shows is Spongebob. There are a lot of cartoon movies that are really cool too, like The Incredibles, that are also faves. You don’t have to be a child to enjoy some good, clean fun. You must not have young children and HAVE to watch these types of shows or you would know the merit of them.

        2. Completely agree with this. Also maybe he likes cartoons because it reminds him of childhood? A simpler time perhaps? I know I get enjoyment out of watching something I loved as a kid from time to time because it brings back great memories.

        3. Perfectly said. I call it mindless TV. I am 58 years old and a high school teacher in the hood that has bad stressful days. I love my job, but there are days I come home and watch mindless TV to unwind. It is relaxing and light! There is nothing wrong with college aged kiddos watching Cartoon Network. I get it!!

    4. He lies when it isn’t necessary, makes plans to frame other people for stupid stuff, treated Kaitlyn badly, talked shit about Kaitlyn to boost his own ego, got the house to evict Swaggy which was just plain bad for him, thinks he’s some mastermind when really L6 puts all his ideas in his head, he isn’t playing his own game, it sucks to watch him sabotaging himself.

      1. 1) I kind of agree with lying when it isn’t necessary
        2) I think your talking about JC, he’s the one who frame other people
        3) He was actually pretty patience with Kaitlyn
        4) I think Tyler insulting Kaitlyn was his frustration talking. Kaitlyn was messing up his game so he did this to vent out. Also people in the house was calling him and Kaitlyn a showmance
        5) He thought that Swaggy was his biggest competition and was running the house in his eyes.
        6) Actually it’s the other way around. He comes up with a target and L6 follows him except last week.
        7) All the moves he makes are HIS not someone else’s . He’s playing his own game.

        1. Please, Bret picked him out as his puppy like on day 2. It’s not his fault, he is 22 and getting played, it doesn’t mean that people need to like it though.

    5. I don’t hate him, but I am not cheering for him. He is playing hard and successfully manipulating people. The emotional manipulation, and how good he is at flat out lying are just off-putting.

  6. BAY, HAY AND ROCKS. Ladies..you have won WON comp between you. I don’t know how many times you think you’ll decide who’s going to final 2,
    You haven’t even glommed onto the fact that Kay Cee and Sam are NOT voting with you.
    And Rocks….forget about the all girls alliance…FFS!
    Hay looks teary and depressed and worried ALL the time.
    I don’t know about this lot. I am now not pulling for them at all.
    Bay is smart…but it has gone away with the fairies. Sure..she has a power..the knowledge of which is in the hands of Level 6.
    Bay thinks her HOH and threats are taking her to final 2. Nope.

  7. The biggests mistakes of bb20 are Kaitlyn bd swags and bayleigh revealing her power app (dumbest move ever)

  8. Hey 5 alleged straight guys!!! There is a hot chick named Angela doing yoga in a bikini and she looks fantastic!! Could you stop rubbing oil all over each other’s pecs and introduce yourself to Angela? Gdam she looks fine! She deserves a better group of men than these jabronis!

  9. Simon and Dawg I just sent a little something. Will send more towards the end of the season.
    Thanks for all you guys do!

    1. Is this the same person that had the username of freedom whatever? The one that kept talking about Angela all the time. You need to calm down. It’s weird.

      1. No he’s a different guy who seems to think if you’re not an aggressive horndog to every slightly attractive girl in the house then you must be gay. In addition to Kaycee and JC, he has called Scottie, Tyler, Brett, and Fessy gay. Even though statistically only 10% of the population is gay he thinks big brother found a bunch of them and crammed them all into one house.

        1. Percentages are estimated between 1.2-6.8% of adults identifying as LGBTQ. There’s a slightly higher percentage who admit to some same sex attraction. Accurate counts are hard though.

  10. I don’t think Bayleigh should have told anyone about her power app… because if she screws someone’s hoh over and than the veto get’s used; i can see them putting her on the block and getting evicted or becoming a BIG target the next week.

    1. Telling Rachel was a colossal blunder. After today’s conversation Rachel now knows the full extent of the powerapp and plans on telling Tyler tonight. She already told a slightly incorrect version to Anglea who has already told Kaycee, Tyler and BRett.

      bayleigh can be nominated if the veto is.

  11. I recall Bayleigh telling Tyler she didn’t care who leaves and that’s a big out for Tyler keeping Brett. Has this changed and has she told him diferently since?

  12. If CBS fires Les Moonves, does Julie stick around or walk out in protest? Who would be her replacement, a former BB player? If so, which player would you like to come back as host?

    1. Julie is on her own contract with CBS. She would probably stay. Why bring this into the discussion?

      1. Why not bring it up. This show has tolerated a lot of violent, cruel, and physical/emotional harrassment over the years,. It starts at the top.

  13. Bay needs to keep a burrito in her mouth until Thursday !! One of my favorites. Laughed out loud at that one.

  14. Swaggy tweeting that eeryone should have a swaggy attitude. That he’s just confident of himself and his abilities.
    OK..Hon. You’re a full grown man. Do something more han babysitting.
    And….you lost your chance because of your ..attitude.
    Meantime,,,,Rocks is still in the house.

  15. LMBO Oh my gosh, that pic of Bay munching down on… what… someone’s intestines she’s just gutted? Too funny 🙂

  16. In past seasons the % of idiots was low, these recent seasons have ppl i just cant stand.
    Also this game is not called “who deserves the money the most”. I need for these idiots to stop bringing its up. So maybe Brett is an entitled A-hole, however that being the reason as to why he doesn’t deserve the money is f**king ludicrous!
    Bayleigh — i now think you are an idiot! Your initial game play went out the window as son as you won HOH, and now you are acting a fool. Also any advantage gained i this game is one really effective when NO ONE KNOWS YOU HAVE IT!!!!!

    Tyler — Please WIN!!!

    Scottie — If Tyler doesn’t win, please win!!

    Kaycee — If those 2 don’t pull it off, PLEASE WIN!!!!

    The rest of them can drown in sea of their incessant whining!

  17. The Hives – what about The Lace Curtains – you can see right through them. Worst alliance ever LOL. How many weeks straight have the evictions not gone their way and they are still confused? Everyone knows about Bay’s power app. They still don’t know that Tyler, not Scottie, is the true Evil Genius. Rockhead and Haileigh better hope for another roll of the dice HOH comp before they talk about who THEY are going to put on the block.

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