POV: | ? | Next POV: | Aug 18th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 20th |
HOH: | FES | Next HOH: | Aug 23th |
Noms: | Have Nots |
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10:17pm Outside the HOH room. Scottie and Haleigh. Haleigh – Sam has a crush on Brett. She was pissed.. she was asking Rockstar if Brett and I f**king bang. That’s disgusting. I would throw up. Then she came to my room and said Haleigh – who do you have a crush on in this house? Scottie – Sam said that or Rockstar? Haleigh – Sam did in front of Rockstar. I said well JC I guess. And she started laughing. I said I don’t know there are a bunch of cute guys. Sam left and Rockstar said Sam is jealous of you and Brett. Scottie – that’s why she put you up then. If I won HOH I would put Sam up and expose her. Haleigh – I don’t know if we can work with Brett going forward if Brett puts him up. He’s not going to trust us. Scottie – no. Haleigh – I can really push Angela next to Tyler to keep Brett off. But is it really worth it? Scottie – between us three we just need to win the next 5 HOH’s.
10:24pm Bathroom. Sam and Brett. Sam – please don’t use that in part of this because I am a real person. I have feelings, I have a life outside of here so I just as that you don’t … Joke with me, we can role play .. whatever. But please don’t do that to me. Okay because I am very lonely. I am very vulnerable and I do like you so please don’t do that. And that’s all I ask because realistically Rockstar has a family, a husband, kids and you’re a baby. I am single and in the same age range. Brett – I would never use that as an advantage or to exploit that in anyway. Sam – okay, thank you. Because I have tried so hard for that not to happen in here or to anyone else in here. All I ask is please don’t use that as part of your plan. Everything else, I am yours. I have no knowledge or this.. you make a plan and tell me what it is and I’ll do it. Brett – Okay. Sam shakes his hand.
10:30pm Fes gets his HOH room. They all look at his photos. Fes then reads his HOH letter from his mom. Fes starts to tear up. Fes then talks to the house guests – I don’t think I am having one on ones tonight. I think I will probably talk to some of y’all tomorrow. Just because this whole game I feel like I’ve been a straight up player. I’ve told everybody my vote every week. Everyone knows how I get down and play the game. Yeah, I am still here day 58 but I’ve been left in the dark .. a lot of weeks. More week than I have not been. Being on the opposite sides of the vote and not knowing who flipped and who did this I don’t know if I am ready to hear all the bull crap. Throwing this person under the bus or talking crap about you. I’ve been left in the dark so I fee like I am pretty much alone at this point. I am going to do what is best for my game. Tonight I am going to chill by my self. Nothing against you Kaycee because you were on the block and I would have done the same thing to stay. But I just want to know who was the one person to keep Rockstar? Scottie puts up his hand. Fes – Scottie – anyone else. Everyone agree it was Scottie? Because I’ve been left in the dark and nobody ever tells me who the flip vote is. So now that I am HOH .. Scottie is saying it was him.. anyone else? Brett – F**k it! It was me! I will call it and claim it. I already feel like I have the whole f**king house against me. I finally f**king did it! Fes – did what? Brett – I voted to keep Rockstar. I feel like Kaycee already felt that way so sorry Kaycee. Kaycee – I did feel that. Brett – I didn’t really want to say it in front of everyone but I’ve been honest about my vote this whole time.
Brett – Scottie it is cool that you want to say that but you also wore a Swaggy C shirt and voted him out so that’s straight! Scottie – I am just letting you know this is cute. You’re (Kaycee) a bullsh*t actor! Kaycee – what the f**k are you talking about!? Scottie – you just went like this. Kaycee – I’ve always felt .. I have never been close to Brett Scott. I have never been close to the kid so when I feel him and I feel the energy. I am never close to him so you can think whatever the hell you want. I am on the f**king block! Everyone has been acting f**king fake towards me. Okay, so its not easy dude!
Scottie – oh I’ve been fake towards you? Kaycee – everyone has been weird with me. Scottie – when!? when!? I’m not saying everyone. I don’t give a f**k about everyone! Kaycee – everyone knows which way I vote every single week. So do not talk about acting. I am not close with this guy. Scottie – I am still waiting for you to tell me when I’ve acted weird with you. Kaycee – everyone has been acting weird with me. Scottie – man you’re having a hard time with specifics. Kaycee – because you’re coming at me dude! You have no idea! Fes – so who do you think? Kaycee – I haven’t been feeling good vibes with Brett. Everyone’s been acting weird with me so that’s what I have out there. You can sit there and smile all you want dude. Scottie – yeah this is cute. Haleigh – I just want to bring up that fact that was there a point where Brett apologized to you? Scottie – we were standing up there and he said I want to talk to you about what happened. Brett – I did say I wanted to talk to you about what happened because there was only one vote and you said you were going to keep Rockstar as well. Fes – so who do you think it is? Kaycee – I talk to him (Scottie) more than I talk to Brett. I came in here playing a loyal a$$ game. This is just how I’m feeling. I can feel vibes and sh*T and that’s what I’m feeling. I’ve talked to you way more than I’ve talk to him since day 1 and you know that. Scottie – cute. Brett – there is nothing cute about it .. there is no need to be hostile towards each other guys. It is what it is, I am sorry if you’re upset about it Scottie. Scottie – I am A okay! Fes – see what I am saying I never know what is going on so maybe y’all can help me figure it out. That being said ..

Everyone heads out of the HOH room. Fes then laughs and says I didn’t expect all that but I’ll take it!
10:50pm JC and Haleigh. JC – whoever did the vote. This is just a lot to take in. Haleigh – this is really good for me and you because this is drama that I’m not involved with. JC – I don’t understand what was going on so I was like what the f**k!? Haleigh – Scottie came up to me.. JC- I know you and Scottie have a good relationship. Haleigh – obviously not if he is blatantly lying to me. JC – do you know who? Haleigh – right after he (Scottie) said he was the one vote. JC tells Haleigh – between you and Faysal, I trust Faysal more. A lot of people talk to me about gamewise. Haleigh – I feel like I don’t take priority with you. JC – when you’re a part of moves in the house I have no idea where your head is at.
11:25pm HOH room. JC, Fes and Haleigh. Haleigh and JC are drinking the HOH wine. JC – remember when I told you that it wasn’t beneficial for you to be in a showmance with her. I think that Scottie really likes you (Haleigh). I think he wants Fes out so that you will turn into him. He will be like your new hero. He will by your new Faysal. Fes – I tried telling her (Haleigh) that I don’t feel that comfortable with Scottie. How are we supposed to be in an alliance if he doesn’t talk no game with me? JC – he never thought Brett would say anything. Haleigh – he knew that Brett would want to be in good with everyone else. The way Scottie was acting, he was really uncomfortable like he didn’t know what to do. Haleigh gives JC more wine. JC – this is your opportunity to un-target yourself. Haleigh – un-target me. I can talk to Tyler and try to get him completely on my side and try to make him believe that since you and I are suck good friends. Like I convince him to not do anything with or touch Tyler… but that he has to promise me that is going to be in a good place with you. Haleigh – well he made the comment that we’re even. Fes – okay so put Scottie up with who? JC – no, no are you crazy?! Scottie is the veto winner. No Scottie up. Haleigh – who then? JC – you have to backdoor Scottie.
12:20pm HOH room. Scottie joins Fes, Haleigh and JC. Scottie joins them for a bit. Fes tells says he is going to bed so Scottie heads out of the room. As he is leaving he tells Haleigh he loves her. He asks when she is coming down. Haleigh says in a few hours.
12:47pm – 2am HOH room. Fes and Haleigh. Fes – I told you I got us! Haleigh – you better hype me the f**K up in the DR. Fes – Scottie is out of control. Haleigh – say you do Scottie and Tyler. Fes – if I make a big move… will y’all back me up on this gig move? This is going to be a big f**ing move. Haleigh – tell me? I want you to make a move that is not going to.. Fes – Scottie is out of control and I told you that and you didn’t believe me. Haleigh – are you going to put up Scottie and Brett? Fes – f**k it lets see who can win a veto. The only thing I am scared about is if Scottie wins sand takes down Tyler. That’s why I thought about putting up Tyler and Scottie and then backdoor Brett up. Haleigh – that’s an idea. He is already coming after me. You don’t also want him coming after you. Fes – That’s the only way to secure .. its either going to be Brett and Tyler or Scottie and Tyler. Its going to be a big f**king move. Lets see who can win the veto. Fes – Scottie is sketchy as f**k. The only reason you don’t think so is because he likes you. HE is sketchy as f**k. Fes – I need input from you. Haleigh he’s (Scottie) not that close to Tyler. Fes – so maybe I talk to Tyler and tell him what I am doing. And I say look I am not going after you. Scottie is trying to turn people against each other. Haleigh – maybe say – If I don’t put you up I need you to promise if you win veto, you will do what I want.
Haleigh – I don’t have a lot of friends in this house. Fes – neither do I. Fes – just know I’ve got you. Lets make some deals and set ourselves up for next week.
2:32am Scottie got the glowsticks out they had a quick glowstick party!
glowstick party #BB20 pic.twitter.com/mrBNvioh9g
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 17, 2018
8:14am zzzzzzzz
9:23am zzzzzz
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It’s so good! They can’t win a frickin’ HOH but they are slaying every other area of the game. I would never play poker with KC or Brett. Impressive, all of them! JC is raising my opinion of his game play. (WTH am I doing up at 3am? I didn’t even do the dishes yet!)
Fes never say I don’t wanna talk game I’m just chillin tonight, then say I Want To Know Who Was The One Vote Against KC…..
Yeah bro that’s how you clear a room and keep it chill till tomorrow :/
JC holding BB class and teaching Haleigh how to play BB. Haleigh telling JC how smart he is. But I didn’t even realize what time it was until I saw your comment. What the heck. I lost track of time myself. Dang BB !!!
Somebody needs to sky-write while Fessy is in the back yard:
These people are beyond help. Ending their suffering and humiliation a bit earlier is the only thing you can do for them.
I hope you guys can appreciate how hard Production has been working to help Hayleigh and Fessy win HOH and how far Production went to try to keep Kaitlyn in the game.
Does anyone notice the rigging for Tyler by production?
LOL there’s always people who think its rigged… blah blah blahhhhhhhhh
If it was rigged for Tyler then the slip and slide would of been an endurance comp. this year it was a way shorter power comp. one could say it was rigged for Fessy.
Angela won . Tyler almost won 2 but gave it to sam .
He is probably gonna win one soon.
Another wild night of feeds! JC is putting in a ton of work for L6…. time will tell if Hayleigh/Fessy believe him or not.
The funny thing is there is no way L4 would do this for him. JC is going to realize all the middle people he’s trying to get Fes and Hay to put up would be beneficial to him if he wants to win. L4 will vote him out in a second if he’s up against one of their own.
Depends really on the number at the time. Once we get to the 4 plus a couple others JC becomes the number they each need to get rid of the rest of their alliance. I can see JC making it to 4 or 5 and then he needs to win HoH.
JC is killing it! I love the way he is tying together what seems like random situations going back for weeks to slowly develop a case against Scottie to Haleigh… and she’s BUYING it. Like a good defense attorney – there’s enough truth in it to work. Yes, Scottie DOES have a crush on Hay, yes, he WOULD prefer to be her #1 instead of Fez; yes he is a sketchy little dude. He definitely deserves to be L6’s plus 1.
Love him or hate him, JC is one hard working dude.
I feel like he was the catalyst for securing Sam’s vote to evict Rockstar. It should garner some loyalty, at least final 6 if L4 survive this week.
I’m looking forward to the end game when Hive is all but decimated, Level 6 has to eat itself, and players like JC start scrambling to manipulate the manipulators.
I have a suspicion Tyler is going to get the axe around final 4 or 5 and someone unexpected, like JC or Kaycee, is going to step up and twist up the house. Hoping, anyway. 🙂
Unfortunately, he has done so well in comps that he will have to win his way to the final 2. It usually doesn’t work out that well for players in such situations.
I love Tyler and want him to win…..but dang, I am getting worried….
He should go to law school.
JC hasn’t won anything( which often doesn’t mean much) but he’s playing one of the best games this season. Winning influence far out weighs winning HOH.
Totally….I didn’t care that much for jc…but dang…he is showin what he’s made of. It’s crazy how “factual” he’s making it. Shoot…I almost feel like Brett was the one to keep rocknado..lmao Let’s goooo Brett!!!!
I feel this is going to backfire on Brett. It isn’t like JC is helping either.
I would like to agree with you but the others are idiots so it has a great chance of working
I would not like to agree wit u and I really hope that doesn’t happen lol
F the HIVE, I swear there is no way people are this dumb. Every week it gets worse and worse. If they screw an HOH up when they have absolute control with no hacker app, I’m done with them. They’re f-ing going to go after Scottie, watch. If they do I want them all voted out, step into my office, you’re f-ing FIRED!!!
@TeamImNotSureYet double thumbs up. It’s painful to watch. I like rooting for the underdogs, but damn they make it hard!
Its all about Fez’s jealousy…he is going to tank Hay’s meat shield because of his insecurities. How funny!
Fess’s AND Scottie’s jealousy….and why? They like girls who are mean to them?
This is like rooting for the coyote! Frustrating!
Brett and Tyler on the block… Brett and Kaycee on the block and Brett and Angela on the block… damn I really dislike level 6!!
I’d like fuzzball to put himself and rat up…let’s go brett and L6
I’m having trouble understanding how Brett is able to trick people so easily. He must be a sociopath. I know some of the people in the house are kinda dumb and/or naive. But can anyone explain why people keep falling for the same tricks over and over? It’s very confusing.
They’re falling for it because they’re morons. It really is that simple. It’s mind boggling that people can be that clueless, but they are.
You answered your own question. A certain group of hamsters are dumb and/or naive.
L6 is that good, and the Hive is that dumb.
Sorry if that seemed rude. I’m mostly in agreement with you. I don’t think Brett is a sociopath. I think they are stupid for falling for it. I also don’t think L6 are being as cocky as many have said. I can’t blame them for laughing about how clueless the bees have been.
THATS FOR SURE!! We’re ALL laughing!
I have no explanation.Maybe the BB house is where logic goes to die.
Who says they were tricked? Just because Brett talks a lot doesn
They will certainly believe Brett over Scottie because they know he has flipped on them before.
Who says they were tricked? R u really asking that? They’re tricked everyyyyyy frickin week
They’re also falling it for it because Scottie has always been a bit socially awkward, where as Brett is as smooth, suave & persuasive as Anthony Robbins himself. Poor Scottie gets flustered sometimes.
Haleigh is REALLY starting to piss me off now.
She said to Fes “let’s nominate who JC says” Wait… WHAT???
Scottie has been so loyal to Haleigh due to his love for her & after every single eviction, it’s his name the hive throws out first as the flipper.
They NEVER mention Tyler, they NEVER mention JC & they NEVER mention Brett… it’s always, always, always Scottie.
Poor kid.
He also wore the Swaggy C shirt as he voted him out and waited a couple weeks to tell Haleigh and such. There are rumors in the house he was the flip on Kaitlyn as well. I have to admit it seems like L6/5/4 started planning from day one. It’s almost too good to be true.
This is the first time I recall where an alliance has planned so well and seemed so cohesive. Sure, they’re going to lose a member here and there, but they really have been a sight to see and they don’t even win comps much haha Just goes to show what can happen in the bb house when ya use your brain
Just goes to show that at the end of the day all Hayleigh really cares about at this point is keeping her eye candy around. She probably also sees that people like Brett and Tyler may be in a position to help her in the future while Scottie is just going to be back to his life and probably will never speak to any of them again.
So dumb. I wish Rockstar was there instead of Hayleigh. The girl just has no common sense.
I know! It drives me crazy. What does Scottie have to do? And when Brett said he was the vote last night I started screaming at the tv!
Well obviously because wounded bird lamb and brett are not part of the hive, scotty is. And almost every week, it has appeared as if 1 or more members of the hive have flipped
I couldn’t believe it but it’s because Fea wants to believe Scottie is shady so he can justify kicking him out and getting all of Haleigh’s attention. He’s blinded by jealousy, apparently. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I thought he was asking about the vote to try to trick someone into volunteering when he knew it was Scottie that voted against Kaycee but no he was really hoping someone other than Kaycee would say it was them. Unbelievable!
I think that it boils down to the fact that a lot of these people aren’t fans of the show….and have only watched a few episodes. If they watched the last few seasons, it was a case of unanimous voting and idiots letting Paul run the houses. Tyler is a super fan (and a few others) and actually knows the game. BUT, I really think that it is the fact that the last few seasons have been totally awful and they just aren’t prepared to play the game.
Oh my God!! You hit the nail on the head!!!
I really want fess to hit a good target this week.
You and me both, but let’s be real, that ain’t gonna happen.
Yeah! Like Scotty or Haystack!
RAT or haystack lol
Me too, but I’m afraid he’s going after Scottie. He should take out Brett, or Sam. Those two are gonna slide right in to the finale while the hive are scratching their heads wondering what happened. I love Fes, but he’s gonna screw up.
Even if Scottie isn’t the main target, if the guy ends up on the block he will be gone. Fez will be confused yet again.
The Hive couldn’t possibly fuck this up again!!??? Or could they??? If they even have a single brain cell, they would put up Tyler and Angela. It’s really not that tough.
Team Tyler, Kaycee, Brett, JC
RockStar outted 3 out of 4 L4 members in her eviction speech. The Hive still has no clue about L4. They dont even believe that Scottie voted to keep rocky
Love it…every second
How does it make sense that Kaycee is yelling at Scottie for voting to keep her and defending Brett for voting her out?
Good point! I’m so sleep deprived I didn’t even realize that, or, heaven help me, I’ve been listening to the HIVE too much and their stupidity is rubbing off on me.
hypothetical mindset perspective flip:
nobody knows who the vote is.
you take the stance that someone voted to save you.
in this instance, you have to present the person saying they saved you as being shady, and only saying they voted to evict you to protect their own skin with new nominations in the morning.
You have to present your stance as if that person is trying to float, and leaving you in the lurch to be put back on the block in the morning.
hence… yell at them.
Kaycee knows that Brett voted for her.
She’s saying that because she’s trying to back up Brett’s claim that he didn’t vote for her & make Scotty look like a shady liar.
if you’re kaycee and you’re trying to convince everyone it was Scottie that voted for you to stay, the first step in the lie is to convince yourself nobody knows who the vote it. i’m illustrating the construction of the lie that makes it believable.
Shouldn’t that make it look obvious that Kaycee and Brett are working together.Is Scottie the only one that saw that?Cute.
One might think…but I don’t think brett and kc have been hanging around each other that much in the open
Cuz he throws her under the bus now saying she is an actor.
Because he was being a smug little b.
They are trying to make scottie look like a shady liar to hay and fezzy becuase they know hay and fezzy are clueless. They hope that fezzy puts up scottie. L4 has the votes to take him out.
Fez’s is going to get so much bullshit information this week from so many bnb people that he is not going to get his damaged low IQ brain to process it all. He will be so suspicious of everyone including Scottie and Hay, and not only ruin this week but will also sour his only possible alliances moving forward. This is going to be an epic week on a stellar season.
So it’s basically the same old thing every week.
Wild E Coyote act, episode 7.
After the veto, it will be Scottie (an original nom) and Haleigh (replacement nom) on the block.
Fes will nom both because of what he hears this week (from the rest of the house) and from what he sees (Scottie being close with Haleigh)…Scottie even mentioned something about Haleigh joining him downstairs to sleep, while being in front of Fes in HOH; last night Scottie checking around beds, I think he was looking for Haleigh so that he could jump in bed with her.
I would love that…and although I think he’s dumb as can be…I don’t think he would leave himself with nobody
As much as I DO NOT want this to happen…he may end up tryin to take brett out because he has seen how hay is when she’s around him
Haleighs strategy – get drunk.
In a 4 hour bath. AFTER shaving her legs in it. Going under water…..she is just nasty!
Big Brother is selling Angelas bath water online
That is gross, but I am all for a towel malfunction!
I don’t want to post to a competing twitter, but…I can not deny the request:
TOOMS is awesome I don’t mind posting their stuff.
Hay is a dirty filthy little pig
I find it hilarious that most likely L6 will come out of another week where they didn’t win hoh, cuz let’s be honest they are horrible at hoh comps unscathed.. You can’t make this shit up, the cluelessness is real with the hive..I like fessy but i think he would’ve been a lot better off if he didn’t attach himself to haleigh, every time he starts to use his brain she shuts him down
Fez would have been a great asset to L6. He might even have been able to help with strategy if he could get information. He’s been with the hive and all his information is crap and doesn’t fit the facts so he’s confused.
He is blinded by lust.
Also loving that he’s giving it back to haleigh..”shhh.. Oh you don’t like that…SHUT UP”
Can’t stand that immature bratty CHILD.
JC is so full is bs. So many holes in his stories.
Red flags popping up all over the place. If fess and hayleigh are really falling for this crap of blaming? Scottie for everything bs! Ugh!
So lame.
I find it hilarious because the Hive is so stupid they eat it up!
And if on the off chance he gets caught up in it, “oh misunderstanding, language barrier”
But really, when you are assertive to the point of almost being agreesive and people see you as someone who “tells it how it is”, they tend to think he must be telling the truth. Or at the very least he must believe what he is saying even if he is wrong.
Fes should test JC by asking to use him as a pawn and watch him freak out. When you are HOH and someone keeps trying to convince you to put someone up when that person is not after either of you something is fishy.
Does anyone know what Brett and Sam were discussing in the bathroom prior to it cutting out? I feel like we missed something important there!
I think she has a crush on him and she told him. I could be wrong
Sam wants Bretts meat stick
If Fes thought with his big head instead of his little head he would nominate Tyler and Angela with Brett as a replacement of needed.
I don’t know if that’s true. Don’t get me wrong, I like Fez. Even cried when he read his HOH letter from his mama. But he’s not the brightest crayon in the box. And JC is persuasive. He’s been cultivating this relationship with Fez for weeks; Hay has been left out. I think she is hungry for friendships and telling her Scottie is in love with her seems to be stroking her ego a bit, too.
JC has taken over where Tyler left off.
Fes & Hay are actually buying this!!?? Holy F*#@!! I’m a fan of Fes & Hay now, they are awesome
I think Fussy’s Head might rip the bed off the wall.
Fez and Haleigh have listened to JC and are now targeting Scottie… their only ally. You can’t make this crap up. I’m pissed I’ve been supporting these idiots the entire time. My only satisfaction now is watching their demise. Drunk Haleigh is unwatchable.. and will be a victim of double eviction.
It really sucks that they’re so f-ing dumb.
Why are you supporting them? They make wrong move after wrong move. Haleigg is pretty but she is a mean girl, b-word. Fez seems cool but is clueless. Bay was fine until she won HOH and her true self came out. Rockhead is a drug induced jealous loser. What’s to like?
Why is big man fessy so fearful of Scottie?
And jealous?
I can see, (maybe Brett) but Scottie?
What a dumbass!
Is this dude that insecure? Wth
His family is probably screaming at their tv-
Noo fesal!
Fess better get it together before he’s a total laughing stock.
I don’t think he’s fearful or jealous of Scottie. I think he’s “territorial!” He’s an Alpha male and he’s going after ANY other male that touches or gets near his woman! He’s not threatened by Tyler because Ty doesn’t get near Hayleigh. But Brett and Scottie do, so he’ll pound his chest and back them off!
I think this is spot on, and exactly the reason why he never brings up Tyler. I kind of wish Haleigh would get out just to see him be a workhorse for JC and then they can start making power moves. Let’s face it Fes isn’t the brightest, but damn if he can’t win some comps.
He may not be truly t by threatened by Scottie, but he suspicious of Haleigh…ad in Scottie stayed up stairs prior to eviction, and Fez is something close to jealous.
Spot on analysis. One thing I learned from living in the middle east is that they’re machismo in nature. Much like certain hispanic cultures eg. Mexico , Colombia. Like Namaste said they are very territorial when it comes to women , even a quick glance at a mans wife can start a fight. Casting did a terrible job this year when casting minorities the only exception being JC. Every year they bring African Americans who have insecurities who play the victim card. I have an idea casting , bring a Nigerian American to mind f*ck the whole house !
It’s also built in the DNA of North Americans, Europeans, and Caucasians.
Simon Adebessie from Oz
Holy shit im rolling on the ground laughing right now with the Adebessie comment !!!! LOL. That dude cleverly ran shit until Oreilly came around. Speaking of O’reilly , doesn’t he remind you alot of Tyler ?
Damn I loved OZ..
1- Oz
2- Sopranos
3- The Shield
never watched the shield but loved Sopranos.
Umm, The Wire. Those three are awesome, but The Wire needs to be on that list.
BB isn’t cherry picking bad minorities, these players are emblematic of these minorities. Bay was just fine for weeks and then she went full ghetto once she won power.
I think youre confused about alpha males. An alpha would be confident around scotty not paranoid.
and she’ll still choose to be around them
Fez, Hay n Jc covo is Priceless!!! If JC pulls this off n gets scottie as main target on the block or backdoored it wld be EPIC!!! Def entertaining and downright LMAO…
Sounds like Fez is leaning towards Scottie n Tyler or Scottie n Brett on block…. He says he wants to make big moves doesnt care… LOL… It never gets old hearing how stupid Hay’s game is… JC, Hay, & Fez talking abt Hay backdooring her Bay n her best friend on her HOH… This season is great!!! Go JC!!!
JC telling her that her hacker power sent her bff Bayleigh home and then her HOH sent her other bff RS home, while he’s cackling the whole time was pretty funny. Even Fes and Hayleigh were laughing, yet they can’t get a clue and will f up this HOH too.
Seriously. In what universe do you not get that Tyler is who you should be targeting. Instead. You leave him there and go after the boys that your girl flirts with. Which honestly makes me laugh. But Fessie definitely came on the wrong show. Poor guy. But I have to say. First time Haleigh did anything I respected. Telling Fes to stop making fun of him for liking her. Telling him it wasn’t a joke. Good for her
Said on the previous boards that I would not be surprised if Fes targets Scotty A) because Brett is going to claim Scottie was the one who flipped and Fes/Haleigh would believe him. (they did) and B) Fes is jealous of the attention Haleigh has given Scottie so of course he has to get his rival out even if it costs them both the game. Stupid is as stupid does.
While Tyler wins competitions the majority of the time he seems to just sulk in a bed or a corner somewhere. If you lived with that 24/7 you probably wouldn’t find it threatening either. Scottie on the other hand talks to people, plays games with them, builds connections with them. If he was cuter and had a more suave voice Scottie would be a threat to win the whole thing, but the poor guy just has no charisma.
He got off to a bad start because of his attachment with Steve.
After that he was behind and had to try to get in with one of the various groups but no one would take him in except for the vote.
Bye bye Rockface!!!! Talking about how Angela and Brett are entitled??? Rockface is the one saying she deserves to stay/win because she has 3 kids, other people in the game have their own lives and family to think about, it’s not all about who deserves it, it’s about who is playing the best game. That is what Big Brother is all about!! 60,000 people would even be happy with the opportunity she has been given but that not enough for her. I know Rockface from back here in Bmore and she talks about equity, peace, and live so much on her social media everyday but Us doing the exact opposite in the house and it’s not even strategic. hypocrite !!!!
I feel like most people who call others entitled are just looking for ways to excuse their own disappointments in themselves. Like come on, you’re on big brother you are living in an amazing country of wealth an opportunity. We’re are swimming in entitlement, why take away from someone’s personhood like that!
If you are so busy begrudging then how can you not be bitter..
I hate when someone says they deserve to be there over someone else…. If anything, IMO, Tyler deserves to be there NOT because of what he has been through in his life BUT because of how he is playing the game. They all got picked to play Big Brother….Outside life shouldn’t matter in who stays and who goes.
If you need the money then you don’t need to take the time off from your career/education to be on a reality TV show, unless you think that the exposure will advance that career. I get irritated with people saying they deserve to win.
When I had small children, I would never have signed up for a multiply month TV show commitment where I couldn’t get in contact with my family. Every time a parent with small children complains it reminds and irritates me. They signed up to leave their children.
oh, no.
Haleigh’s going to need at least a trio in her penile juggling audition for cirque du soleil. If nomination plans stay the same, whatever will she do? Her pyramid meat shield strategy could fall apart.
oh look, wine. and suddenly she forgets everything she thought about a huge house alliance that she put together with Scottie.
oh come on. like a case can’t be made that fes has been salivating to get rid of brett since FIVE HOURS IN A HAMMOCK. like fes wasn’t annoyed that Scottie slept in hoh last night after the post shut up argument pout.
Noms haven’t been made yet, but if this ends up being his pick? It’s not all strategic is all i’m saying.
Btw, waiting until after veto to tell the winner you believe they were telling the truth about the previous vote: not transparent at all.
and while we’re on the subject of transparent: if they’re trying to keep the showmance on the down low… maybe drunken haleigh walking around the house in the HOH robe isn’t the smartest fashion choice.
Given Fes wanted to have his one on ones after the nomination ceremony… is it any wonder nobody keeps him in the loop? He couldn’t find the loop in a hoola hoop contest.
Brett’s voluntarily sleeping in the have not room. Sam voluntarily takes cold showers. It’s a match made by Grodner’s d/r monkeys on mescaline.
okay. i’m done with my analysis of the night. wait. they have glowsticks… because of course they do. lemme guess: sam caught a swarm of fireflies and made them her creatures of perpetual nightlight?
LOL Fez thinks he’s pimping it up in HOH this week, right? I think L4 & JC can barely believe they are still pulling this off. You work with the house your given, I suppose, but it has been a complete redemption season – I was ready to give up on BB after the season that shall not be named. JC should go to Law School – he’s a persuasive guy. His game, while unconventional, is good. He’s still not been on the block. I thought for sure Production might find a tiara for Angela to wear in her goodbye message. That would have been the cherry on top.
JC has been impressive. I hope he holds onto his cards a little and doesn’t spill too much to L4. The only hope in taking L4 down will be him. If he can get Scottie out this week and Hayleigh goes next, he could grab Fes and be the brains (obviously, lol) and have Fes be the brawn (and shield) and make it all the way to the end. I’m to the point where I have zero hope in the HIVE and the only way to have a little chaos will be JC or maybe Brett if he decides to make a move.
This cracked me up! I want to upvote 1,000 times.
Watched BBAD and live feeds. JC getting Haleigh’s complete trust. He’s managed to convince Faysal and Haleigh to back door SCOTTY! Unbelievable stuff. Hilarious and fun to watch. If Scotty gets evicted on Faysals HOH it will be epic.
JC and Brett should gets an academy award for their acting in this game.
Their acting actually sucks.. but when you’re fooling a couple idiots, it doesn’t matter.
I second this..
Or an Emmy
“oh boy”
Buckle up guys, we’re seeing a preview of dumb and dumber ” meet the kids”
Go L6
I have suddenly become a huge fan of JC. Level 4 has their four strongest players remaining, and yet JC convinces Fes that Scottie is the real target. If he actually pulls this off, we will have Scottie walking into the jury house telling Rocks & Bay that he was evicted on Fessie’s HOH (one week after Rocks goes to the jury house telling Bay that she was evicted on Haleigh’s HOH). Best season in years!
Production hit the jackpot with this cast, I mean you can’t make this stuff up!! I’m going to have to root for JC if he pulls this off, plus it’ll feel better to root for someone with half a brain.
If Causal and Hay fall for all that bullcrap and get rid of Scottie, them they deserve the biggest Bobby prize for being THE most gullible and extremely stupid HGs in BB history!!!!
Fessy game plan
1) target any guy who is your rival for Hays attention
2)Ask Hay if he can have his balls back
3) stop fearing Hay and stand up to her to show her he wears the pants
4) Make her sleep in the HOH every night
I hope this happens, nothing like showing jealousy and control issues on national tv to help your pimp status!
He can peek at her over the shower door all he wants as long as he’s HOH
I’ll laugh to death if they take Scottie out during Fes’ HOH. At this point, the Hive is selfdestructing.
Tyler should think about getting rid of JC during the double eviction..
I think Tyler will want to use JC to help get rid of his level 6 allies.
If Haleigh & Fes shared a single active brain cell between them, they’d ask themselves *WHY* would Kasey have been so adamant to back up Brett (ya know, the guy who supposedly just tried to execute Kaycee’s BB life??) and strangely, she was getting mad at SCOTTIE (ya know, the guy who supposedly flipped against his own alliance & save her life?).
Would that sit right with any of you??
Wouldn’t that be kind of an odd “thank you” to someone who just helped save your life?
Fes & Haleigh are so dang frustrating, I wish I could be there watching when they’re told how badly they were played ALL season!
Do either of these simpletons have an ounce of common sense, intuition or insight whatsoever? Do either of them have a bull$hit meter???
They seem like they’d be THE perfect candidates to target to join a cult, as they’re SO easily manipulated & trusted.
They incessantly accuse, blame & question the loyalty of a solid member of their alliance, but whatevet JC, Brett & Tylerr says they take for their absolute word… because they would never lie, right??
Kaycee knew all along that Brett voted for her.
She’s “claimed” to believe Brett because she was trying to implicate Scotty & make him look like a shady liar. JC then swooped right in to back up Brett & Kasey & use Fes’ own jealousy against him by saying that Scottie wants Fes out, so he can have Haleigh all to himself.
Kasey & Brett knew exactly what they were doing… she even said to Haleigh & Fes in front of Scottie & Brett “Im not close with Brett, I never talk to him (even though they’re both In L6) & then she said but she got a shady feeling from Scottie”.
One lied, the other swore to it, and Haleigh & Fes lapped it right up.
I know! OMG. I keep saying the same thing, why doubt the alliance member and believe the other side. Fes even said he didn’t find Brett convincing when he said he voted to keep Rockstar, but he let’s JC convince him. A few days ago, I was glad when it looked like they were finally on to JC, but looks like that light bulb only went on for a millisecond. Now we’re back to square one.
Texas A&M and UT-Chattanooga, nuff said.
So why does Haleigh stay in the HOH room all night when just a few days ago she told Fes that he had to leave at some point because she did not want others to think they were a couple. Not practicing what you preach again Haleigh!!
Because she is a hypocrite? Typical Millennial behavior.
If fes puts up Scottie l6 deserves f4 what a moron
J.c instead angela and its perfect final 4.
Shortly before nominations Kaycee and Angela should high five Haleigh and tell her, “Way to go, he’s not an unkissed geek any more!”
“I nominate you Scottie and I nominate you Haleigh.”
Fes the Alpha Dog! Going after the Guys to make a big move! I like that he’s not targeting the girls as he pounds his chest to show who’s the Man of the House!
I used to think that Ted Danson made the all time biggest mistake in the world when he married Whoopi Goldberg but the hive has him beat hands down.
If they send Brett to jury this week and then Hay goes next week, Fes will freak out!!
The Hive is hands down the worst alliance in the history of this game. I also can’t understand how Fes can be so stupid. So, you’re in an alliance with Hayleigh, who put up Angela, KC, and Tyler. Naturally, you would think, I should do what’s best to protect myself and my no. 2. Except it’s Fes that we’re talking about here. He’s literally considering putting up Scottie. I’m honestly without words.
If Fes were deaf he might have a chance.
“Brett – F**k it! It was me! I will call it and claim it.“. BEST line this season! Now THAT’S how you stir sh*t up!! Balls to the wall, right out front! Rock’s favorite way…in plain site!
I laughed out loud when he did that. So funny.
He should have said he’ll own it…
If they vote Scottie out than they deserve to loose, it’s like watching clueless.
Heeeere it comes…
1) Fes gets HOH. To eliminate competition for Hayleigh, he evicts either Scottie or Brett.
2) Double eviction. Hayleigh is immediately sent to jury with Scottie/Brett.
3) Fes’s brain self-evicts, leaving his body an empty, lifeless husk.
It’s always more fun when you see it coming…
Even more probable, Fez nominates Haleigh to get her into the jury house with the other girls.
That would be hysterical.
Brett’s body language was so bad when he “admitted” he voted for Rockstar to stay and Scottie was right to call Kaycee a bad actor. She thought by stuttering and cursing it would make it more convincing but she wound up looking foolish like Kaitlin saying she had bad vibes all week lol.
But good ol dumbass Fessy can’t even see it and lets JC get in his head to believe everything he tells him. JC is sitting pretty in this game, he’s doing ALLLLLL the seed planting in the house and no one is even on to him except Hayleigh. I think he has a great chance to make top 4
This week is setting up to be another classic
My only worry is Fes decides to throw Tyler up on the block and Nom ceremony. I think he would get out of it, but I want to see that cloud app used! And I want Tyler to stay!
Production wants that cloud app to do something too. So far the power apps have been duds and one hacker week blew up in the winners face. The twists haven’t worked well yet. It’s still been enjoyable for the most part though.
Tyler will stay over both brett and scottie.
So glad that RS is gone. Her exit interview with Julie was painful to watch. She couldn’t sit still and her body language was awful……she looked like a fool…..and did she keep flipping her hair and batting her eyelashes? Isn’t that why she hates Angela?
I loved Brett’s goodbye message to RS. I laughed so hard. But I do agree with others on here – It’s not good jury management.
Angela’s goodbye message was, on the other hand, very disappointing. I wanted more……
I was really hoping to see a Brett HOH this week, I would love to see what he would do, but I guess Fess being HOH isn’t the worst. So if someone from L6 has to go I am hoping it is Angela. At this point my favorites are Tyler, Kaycee and Brett. I would like to see Scotty go as well.
Y’all… I feel so bad for Rockstar having to go out in that neon tramp outfit. Poor thing! It looked indecent as hell… lol
Speaking of costumes, I love how so not subtle the people in charge of dressing them up are in regards to stereotyping them:
– who was the only man wearing a very short shorts? JC!
– who was the only girl not wearing a skirt over shorts? KC!
Damn… way to go CBS costume department.
Sitting back here to watch the Hive lose another advantage yet again. The gift that keeps on giving…
You are assuming that the cast had no input in the choice of outfits. Have you seem what JC and KC dress in the house?
At least Blockstar had a good reason this time for the way she was dressed.
Of course they have no input in what they wear for competitions. They wear what they are told to wear. It’s pretty much like that in every BB around the world. Production asking for input from ‘houseguests’ is the best absurdity I read today on here so far…
She did have shoes on too.
Yeah they probably asked the HGs first. Hay’s legs and Angela’s behind were wowza too.
Hahaha wow Fez come on really??? Scottie and Tyler going up come on…putting Scottie or Sam up at all is not a good idea. He needs to put Anglea/Tyler up, Brett/Tyler up or if he must Brett and Kaycee up with backdooring Tyler or Angela in mind. It’s not time to start putting people up not in the L6. That way if one of L6 comes down they can put another L6 member up. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Scottie is going home if he is up at all. L6 will throw it to whoever in veto to get them off the block and Scottie goes home. What game is the hive playing, because it sure and the heck is not Big Brother!
Fez still doesn’t know who is doing what. He doesn’t know about Level 6.
You need to check out the recorded live feeds from Aug 17 3:36 am to see the discussion between Haleigh and Faysal. It appears that Faysal is agreeing to do whatever Haleigh wants.
All L6 needs to do is tell Hay and fes that scottie told them about the hive and scottie goes home
Amazing THE HIVE is about to do it again.
Haleigh is the most underappreciated member of L6.
Do you think Tyler can avoid original nominations? I’m hoping for a Brett / Scotty or Brett / Angela start with the plan to get rid of Scotty or backdoor Tyler plan.
Not sure really.. I haven’t seen a whole lot of game on the feeds since I started at 2am.
One thing we can be sure of, whatever plan they come up with it will be unhindered by rational thought. My money is on Scottie as the target for the Trifecta!
And now it looks like Fessie is trying to work a deal with Tyler and Angela to help him get rid of Scottie…the only person left voting with them.
Simon, I’m really feeling for you or your partner with the next update. You’re either going to laugh yourself Sam-assed silly trying to type it or you’re going to need plenty of Haleigh’s Magic Brain Elixir to try and clear your head.
Even if you type it 100% accurately, there will be some who insist what you typed was garbled nonsense.
Great site by the way! Will be including in our next Amazon order.
It’s colony collapse disorder.
I just have to say. These people have brought BB back to life for me. Yes. Most are lying. Manipulating. Strategizing. That’s BB. No pots and pans, with the exception of RS’s brief moment. There are strong players and weak players. I shake my head at the clueless. But I love them all for their roles in the game and wouldn’t trade any of them. Even the ones I don’t necessarily care for personally. Just loving this season and it’s been a long time since I’ve said that.
I’m with you except for Sam. This constant woe is me, nobody better make fun of me, desperation for attention because you refuse to do anything gameplay wise is annoying. She’s the one cast member that they should have never put in here
It would be interesting if Tyler manages to escape being a target this week because Fessy is so easily misted, and can hold onto his power to next week. I had thought it was a foregone conclusion that he would have to use it this week, maybe not.
Hey, does anyone here know the person posting as “Houka Inumuta” If someone does, can you have a welfare check done? I am sure Houka Inumuta is having a conniption fit right now over the Hive turning on the beloved Scottie. Hope Houka Inumuta doesn’t do anything rash as it no longer looks like it is Scottie for the Win!
Lolol. I’m Scottie FTW too, but have to say your post is funny. Lol
After Rockstar gives the veto to Tyler, and if Fes goes after Scottie, this may just be the most idiotic, epic fail bunch in BB history.
Did you Season 19, the Paul Show? They had already watched Paul from the previous season and were taken in.
Faysal thinks that Scottie has a good chance of playing in the Veto no matter what because 6 of 9 house guest will play. He doesn’t seem to understand that Scottie only has a 33% chance if not nominated. The HOH and the two nominees will play. Three of nine names will be pulled and neither the HOH nor the nominees will not choose Scottie if their names are drawn.
In the 10 years that I have been watching Big Brother and coming on this site, I never bothered to comment until now…Hive is absolutely hopeless. I have always rooted for the underdog. I even cheered when I came to the site and read that Fessy won the HOH but upon reading the updates, I just wanna throw up. Scottie deserves to be mistrusted because of what he did to Swaggy so that’s on him to be mistrusted.
As for Level 6, Kaycee doesn’t really do much, Angela and Brett feel privileged maybe because they are the pretty ones we all hate from high school. Angela is more likeable because she is quite strategic and doesn’t rub people the wrong way the way Brett does. Tyler…he manipulates people’s feelings and to me I don’t like it. Paul was loud and abrasive when he manipulated you, Derek was friendly but I see a bitter jury for Tyler, or people not wanting to be friends with him after the game when they see the tapes. Gameplay-wise, he deserves to be in final two with JC.
Lastly, it seems Production is also campaigning for Tyler by not showing his goodbye messages to RockHard. She will definitely not vote for either Angela or Brett.
P.S in order to not get downvoted I have to be like all celebrities who denounce their president, and say Tyler For The Win.
I’m sure his message was just bland compared to theirs.
LOL Brett! Love this season, everyone is playing! Some better than others.
As expected, the idiocy continues. REALLYY!!!!!!! With everything they know, scottie is his focus? I don’t like ppl like Fes. First off just say you want to put up scott and brett because of jealousy. it has nothing to do with gameplay. You hear one rumour which doesn’t impact anything. Scottie won’t touch you, unless you outright come for him, for 3 reasons (1) theres a bigger side of the house thats been winning and needs attacking (2) Haleigh (3) You are an idiot who’s more focused on a showmance that won’t last than gameplay, aka you are small fry.
And again, its let me offer this person xxxxxxxx. As HOH you don’t offer shit!!!!!!!!! Its the same thing every week!!!!! The stupidity is honestly annoying at this point. And then to call it a big move??????? Thats your big move???? Honestly if i were in this season, i wouldn’t speak to most of these ppl outside of the house for fear of being infected with stupid.
How can this cow seriously say scottie is sketchy based of the words of a “trusted” ally who doesn’t tell you shit until he wants you to put someone up?????? Aren’t you asking yourself why everyone is now throwing scotties name out there?
Gawd i cant. Just fast forward to the end and give it to Tyler. this has been another cakewalk of a season
They’ve been tossing Scottie out there for several weeks now.
when the hoh is still going to be saying, “what happened?”
welcome to the HIVE.
Its like a Road Runner cartoon. The Hive is Wily E Coyote and the Acme Dynamite keeps blowing up in their faces every episode.
Did the Hive forget that Brett did the same thing with Rockstar??? He pretended they were in a secret alliance together. That was only a few weeks ago. Do they have amnesia???
That’s just it, that’s why Brett is claiming the vote to save Rockstar while saying Scottie flipped. He’s played nice with the Hive and portrayed himself as the lone wolf. He has done a pretty good job snowing Haleigh and Fez doesn’t want to tick her off but he’s also conflicted because he sees Brett as a rival for her.
Why the f@ck would Fuzzy be jealous of Scottie??? This is like a Molly Ringwald teen movie from the 1980s.
Wouldn’t it be better for JC to team up with a weak team that he control than be a fifth wheel on L4??? JC is a master manipulator but once Hay and Fezzy go, he will be a major target. He could be better off if some of the stronger players on L4 start getting evicted.
J.c doesent know about level 6!!!
So in his mind he connect better with them than with scottie ..and he is safer with them
Level4 can turn against each other in the end and j.c may get to the final 2
The problem is JC is not in L4. He is an asset to them but he is a 5th wheel. If L4 has a solid final 4 deal like the Brigade, then JC is at risk. They will be like The brigade picking off the last 3 players one by one.
this site used to have the updates on time. Not anymore apparently
eat me
So one post I have a person getting after me for publishing incomplete work and in another I have a person complaining that it’s not fast enough.. Go to another site see how their updates are ..
donate so I can hire someone 😉
Jeeze…what is wit these people…for the love of God
I wasn’t aware a schedule was posted and that game stuff happened at a controlled pace. Perhaps you can ask for a refund of the site’s subscription or fees you’ve paid to the site…oh right…this is a free site run by volunteers who try to cover the expenses with indirect income.
Haileigh is a self-absorbed selfish brat! She’s always the 1st one digging through people’s HoH baskets & grabbing the alcohol. Level 6 has shared their wine w everyone whereas Haileigh has now drank the last 2 weeks of wine herself! Now she’s claiming Fessy’s red HoH robe as hers & eating all his snacks. What a B!! Can’t stand her – she’s so rude & disrespectful to Fessy – he deserves so much better, wish he’d dump her!
At this point I really don’t have a set person I am rooting for, but Brett and Kaycee played the Rockstar vote off beautifully. Sucks for Scottie to have to take the fall on it, but to be so in sync to play that off the fly and be confident in an alliance…good play.