Sarah – These girls are so bad at lying it’s pissing me off.. it’s insulting

POV Holder: Ashleigh Next POV May 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony May 17th
HOH Winner Sarah Next HOH May 20th
Nominations: Zach and Ashleigh
Have Nots Brittnee and Zach
POV Players Everyone participates

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5:55pm Ash and Zach
Talking about getting wasted.. Zach’s 3rd time was on tequila. AShleigh usually forgets the next night. Zach never forgets. Zach drank 25 tequila shots in 12 hours in Mexico.
Zach – I’ve seen some sloppy nights from people
Ash – me two
Ashleigh brings up a party at “Melissa’s” house where one of the managers they would party with puked all over in the bathroom. She says it was up and down the walls.
Ash – I’m usually OK with puke puke doesn’t bug me
Ash brings up a time when this guy puked at a bush party and there was a full hot dog.
Ash went to a “Prep School” she said all the dudes in there thought they were thugs.
Zach – was there drugs
Ash – Ya.. just like weed
Ash – my school was all primarily east indian .. my graduating class 42 were white kids
Zach – why was that
Ash – my theory people think uniform school and they think it’s a good school
She explains further that people in the culture what their children to be Lawyers and Doctors so they want to send the kids to the best school.
Zach – was the school academically focused
Ash – ya it was really academically focused
She adds that they “Operated” at 1 grade higher when she was in grade 10 she learnt grade 11 material.
The dress code at her prep school
Grade 1-5 tunics
Grade 1-8 burgundy sweaters , Boys grey pants
Grade 9-12 forest green sweater, Boys Black pants
Every Monday you had to wear a tie and if you’re in grade 12 you got to wear your blazer
No Nose rings, No colour in your hair, girls only allowed 1 earing zero for boys.
All the girls had nose rings and had to hide them.
Zach asks if they had a football team
Ash – no
Zach – all your guys were pussies
Ash – We had rudby
Zach laughs says he’s just kidding.

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6:13pm HOH Pili, Brittnee
Pili share a story about going to a lake with a bunch of friends. They went skinny dipping.
Pili loves crazy things “Lets go on an adventure”

Pili says she’s drifted apart from her friends in Mexico and a lot of them have moved away. She mostly goes now for her Grandmother and other family.

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6:32pm HOH Sarah, Pili, Godfrey and Brittnee
Wondering about the Jury vote. Sarah thinks Canada will get a vote.
Godfrey says they’ve had a Canada vote every season. Brings up season 1 Vote was screwed.
Sarah Who did canada vote for
Godfrey – Gary
Sarah – Love it
Pili thinks there might be a double this week. Godfrey thinks it will be a instant.
Pili called into the Diary room
Sarah – She drives me f***g nuts she’s just so annoying .. if her an Ashleigh make it to the end
Godfrey – I’ll eat my shorts
Sarah – I just cannot..
Sarah is pissed that AShleigh and Pili could get Jury votes.
Sarah – they’re all just backwards they are backwards thinkers
Godfrey – Zach is working overtime with Ashleigh yo.. Isolating her
Sarah – they are so bad at it (Lying)
Sarah mentions when Pili was saying “We’re going to vote out Godfrey.. I mean I mean Zach”
They all laugh
Sarah says Pili told her she was upset because she thought Ashleigh would never vote out Zach. Earlier in the day Pili told her Ashleigh would vote out Zach if Godfrey was up.
Sarah – I can’t wait till they go up together I can’t wait until one of you two win and put them both the f*** up
Sarah – Honestly I can’t take it anymore I want to say to her Yes Ashleigh you are the f**king threat it sickens me
They agree it’s obvious Ashleigh and Pili have not been tested in the game yet because they are stumbling around making mistakes.
They all have noticed Zach has been working ashleigh hard trying to make her think a relationship can develop out of this outside the house. Sarah says that wouldn’t work on her she would see right through it. Brittnee claims she would also and ‘Run away’
Brittnee and Godfrey both hope Ashleigh doesn’t get heartbroken after this. Brittnee thinks Zach is playing Ashleigh, “None of Zach’s letters from home mentioned Ashleigh”
Godfrey says Ashleigh is probably thinking that she won’t win beside Zach but it will go down in history if her and her showmance make it.
Sarah – even if I don’t win I stayed loyal to my showmance
Godfrey – Never have I seen him dedicate this much time to her..
Sarah – I would be so pissed off if I was her.. that means right now it’s not real
Godfrey – Who knows maybe he’s working her to use that Veto on him
Sarah – she should and we would send her a$$ packing.
Godfrey brings up Zach telling him that Sarah is a mastermind of the season also said Brittnee and Ashleigh were doing double DR’s. Making Godfrey think Sarah and Brittnee are a final 2.

Godfrey goes to the storage room to get batteries.
Sarah – These girls are so bad at lying it’s pissing me off.. it’s insulting
Sarah hopes Godfrey convinces Ashleigh that he’s voting for Zach to stay then when he leaves they sit back and soak up the tears.
They agree Pili isn’t very strong in the game. They bring up during the POV she didn’t listen to the rules. “Her entire alliance was on the line”
Sarah – I wish we were here with 15 Pilis
Sarah goes on about how insulting it is that Ashleigh and Sarah are lying to her and think she will believe it.
Brittnee – it’s beast we don’t do double
Sarah – what the f*** I don’t give a f***

Pili walks in “My feet are stinky.. what’s up girls”

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7:05pm The Goblins

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7:06pm Godfrey and Zach
Godfrey tells him if Zach if voting to keep Zach he wants to talk to her tonight. Zach – “Sure no rush”
God – Bro Peels is panicking man.. she heard me in the bath room.. I don’t know how much she heard..
Zach – she heard that.. weird.

7:12pm Veto Ceremony underway (Pili is going up)

8:24pm No Feeds POV Ceremony

Feeds back Pili and Zach are on the block.

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37 thoughts to “Sarah – These girls are so bad at lying it’s pissing me off.. it’s insulting”

      1. Personally i don’t think this season is horrible, out of the all the Canada seasons it is definitely the worst, but generally i would put this season @ around a 4.5/10 mediocre at best.

        1. SMG HOOVER, I respect your perspective on this season. I should have put “(for me)” after my comment, as for your ratings on the season.. that’s about where my interest of engagement for this season is, any lower I most likely wouldn’t be watching.

    1. I use to be a Sarah supporter, but i can’t anymore! She’s so VILE!! Here poor lil Pili with such a kind soul, feels soo bad having to lie to the HoH to “play the game” and help out her friends and alliance member in the game. AND all Sarah can do is Bash her for “Not lying well enough” Really Sarah? You’re pissed of an insulted? That’s LOW Sarah!

      1. Pili’s a sweetheart but she has no business being in that house lol Sarah’s a sweetheart too and she just gets a little worked up sometimes when it comes to the game. The girls strung B and Sarah along all of last week lying to their faces the whole time and now they wanna lie to her some more and in such an obvious way as if she’s stupid? I understand where Sarah is coming from.

        1. Ya because criteria to have business to be in the house is to not be a sweetheart and to be able to lie well. AND with a superpower and a lot of acting Sarah and B didn’t lie at all last week!

      2. Well at least Pilar knows if Calgary is bigger than Ontario or not.
        She just hangs out with dumbasses at the moment, guilt by association.
        It’s vile I tell you – VILE!!! ahahahahahaha

      1. I’m sorry BBUS16 was bad, but everyone will remember BBUS15 (even people who didn’t watch the show), because they will always asked “wasn’t that that show with those racist people.” I have issues with BBUS16, but they pale in comparison to BBUS15.

  1. Yeah, then we’d have to sit around and listen to Sarah say how much they pissed her off and call them all stupid. Nice chick!!!

    1. Yeah, I can totally relate to Sarah’s annoyance. They piss me off with their stupidity too.
      But I guess other people can relate to Ashleigh and Pilar.

    2. Troll Hypocracy…..
      Remember when diapers won 3 HOH in a row. The trolls were in full whining mode about the things being said about the other HG’s by diapers. Not seeing any troll take about the nasty arrogant chit coming out of Sarah’s mouth. And as I said in an earlier thread GOD has turned into a complete trash bag. No difference between the convo above and Diapers accept they are even more arrogant in power.
      We need 1 more diaper HOH just to watch GOD and Sarah squirm. But production will keep Sarah safe!

    1. She was agreeing with Godfrey, who was speaking from Ashleigh’s point of view, about how Ashleigh seems to think that even if she loses the game, that at least she would have been loyal to her (Ashleigh’s) showmance. Watch the video for context before posting next time.

      1. oh relax, it’s easy to read it out of context since I did ask the question first. Like you haven’t made a mistake before.

  2. Sarah is a horrid troll of a person….She complains how she’s in the outs and the people in the house don’t like her then she just berates ash and peels….Sarah’s the type that hated the typical mean girl(pretty girls) (in that house she’s the mean girl) Ash and Peels have never attacked Sarah or b like they have them…Sarah’s the biggest btch in that house..can’t stand her

    1. You used the word “troll,” which I am not sure you know what it means in an online context. Do better. If anything I think the three diapers were trolling Sarah and Britnee last week when they were purposefully lying to them and then ran back to the HOH to laugh. That’s trolly behavior. They were causing chaos and anguish simply for the purposes of a good laugh.

      Side note: I kind of suspect that you’re a troll.

      1. it’s obvious he isn’t using the word “troll” in an “online context” He is actually calling her a literal Troll. uh duh!

  3. I just seen a police dog and wondered – Do regular dogs see police dogs and think, “Oh crap! It’s the cops!”? They should send one into the BB house, that could be fun 🙂

  4. I think God is 50% blowing smoke up Zach and 50% keeping his options open. The guy is in a very good spot to make it to Final 3, he just has to sit back and let the pairs rip each other apart.

  5. Godfrey better evicts Zach. It’s not the better move for him to keep Zach. He will emerge a bigger target than Ash. If Britt wins this next HoH, puts up Zach and Ash, Zach wins PoV, Godfrey goes up, he WILL GO HOME! Over Ash! Sarah will Fing vote his ass out for screwing up her HoH. Cause you just know Sarah’s like that.

    If Godfrey evicts Zach, Ash will remain a bigger target than him. If Britt still wins HoH, she puts up Ash and Pilar, Pilar wins PoV (somehow), Godfrey goes up but Sarah will tie the vote in his favor. Britt will for sure vote Ash out and we will all be happy campers for the finale week.

    1. To much thinky thinky!
      1st GOD saves Zack leaves only B to play HOH versus Zack/GOD and Ash. Makes no sense for GOD to go with a showmance he never F2’s unless he wins 7 questions. This to me is a 1% chance. Targets well it’s F5 they are all targets.
      Run lil HG’s run to the next HOH oh and watch out for GOD he’ll steam roll before you realize you flat on your back.
      2 convos of value left to be heard:
      1st brought to you by production. Godfrey telling B/Sarah he is voting out Pili because he knows Ash is saving Pili thus Pili will only think Ash betrayed her….blah blah blah! Sadly we are going to have to put up with that drivel before Wednesday. The trolls will consider it genius…ROFL
      2nd most important convo of the season…. please hurry the F up too! Who Sarah/B taking F3 and who is there choice to each sit beside. Zack goes it’s GOD or Diapers specifically Pili. Man this season is dragging. Just want a little action that clarifies some things.

  6. If Godfrey votes to evict Pilar then he will probably go final 2. Secretly, I think everyone wants to go final 2 with Pilar. Pilar is the biggest threat to Godfrey’s game right now. Either way Godfrey is almost guaranteed final 4. Whoever wins the next two HOHs neither will put him up on the block as one of the original nominees.

  7. Yah Godfrey is safe and is in a good position for final 4 but he must win a comp to be included in final 3.

  8. Why would Ashleigh ever count how many white kids were in her school? And either way 42 sounds like a large number so I don’t know why she would say it was “all East-Indian” anyway. Furthermore, she should ask for a refund from her prep school. What good is an expensive education if you are asking, “What is the capital of Calgary?” ….especially when you LIVE in Calgary?!?
    (FYI – for our non-Canadian friends on this website, Calgary is a City hence it does not HAVE a capital city. Calgary is not even the capital city of the province in which it is located.)

  9. Zac is going home ….no scratch that …it’s even worse …he is going to a house of bitter jurors that have become disenchanted with him…..I think Jp super fan might actually kill him :/….can’t wait cant wait 🙂

  10. I can’t wait for Godfrey to realize keeping Zach will protect him for longer and will guarantee one of Brit or Sarah goes home in the double eviction.

  11. The perfect f5 down…..
    Zack goes 6 RIP
    HOH Pili this creates winning hearts and minds. Ash wants the girls up but GOD overplays things tries to get Ash up. Sarah/B cut Girl power deal GOD up versus Pawn Star B. B is definitely not happy. Ash/Pili talk about backdooring Sarah(brought to you by production). Pili wins POV(she’s a comp threat) leaves noms the same. 2-0 GOD voted out.
    HOH Sarah they all compete for veto Ash wins. Pili is safe now we see B get voted out 1-0 Sadly B goes out 4th.
    part 1 endurance Pili wins
    part 2 physical/puzzle combo. Production should make sure the fix is in but even if it’s clean Sarah wins.
    part 3 7 questions. These should be tailored to Sarah but it’s luck box 101. Sarah wins and takes Pili. no no no …. Pili wins takes Ash
    Canada must break a 5-5 tie. Neither Pili or Ash received a single vote. Production is stumped. Comes down to Zack and Kev and who throws a football the longest. Fair even handed production to the end. Where’s the skag Topaz when you need her.

    Above what I believe has the most entertainment value. In a perfect world B wins and maybe Sarah gets 2nd place money she was trying all season after all. 2nd the nicest person instead Pili for 25K.

  12. i’m thinking that if I were sarah or B and I was concerned that Zach might stay, I would also make sure that the other voters in the house knew that if he stays he has my vote in jury. that’s two votes in addition to the four votes that everyone in the house thinks he has on lock.
    even if Canada gets a vote, he’s already won.

      1. in my head as I read my comment I thought I was saying that I agreed with the action of telling the voters. re-reading it does sound like I am trying to strategize that they should tell the voters. I didn’t make myself clear at all. my bad.

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