POV Holder: | Ashleigh | Next POV | May 20th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | May 17th |
HOH Winner | Sarah | Next HOH | May 20th |
Nominations: | Zach and |
Have Nots | Brittnee and Zach | ||
POV Players | Everyone participates |
9am – 10:40am Big Brother starts waking up the house guests. The house guests are getting ready for the day. Ashleigh comments that she had to get ready and look like she did yesterday (For the diary room). In the bathroom – Brittnee and Pili are doing their makeup. Brittnee says I hope they don’t have havenots any more. And no more stupid twists. I can’t really say stupid because they’ve been good for me. Sarah talks about the Shomi movie she watched last night “Magnolia”. Sarah says that Brad Pitt’s character .. you know those guys that write books on how to tame women and how to like the rules to get women. Seduce and destroy! I just want to meet someone like that in real life to destroy them. Ash says “talk to them”. Sarah says in the movie he said “Respect the co*k!” “Tame the c**t!” Sarah says that in the middle of her movie she totally forget where she was.

10:40am – 10:50am Sarah and Brittnee head out to the hot tub room. Sarah says she woke up way more optomistic. Like why would anyone keep Zach. Like Gods logic even if he thinks all the girls are working together. Britt says the only logic is if he thinks the girls were working together. He knows we’re more legit. Sarah says but also he knows were less emotional. Britt says I don’t know ..we’ll see.. what will be ..will be. It would be better to go to the final with a pair than with Zach and Ash. Sarah says we should try to keep the numbers to win HOH. Zach joins them and the conversation ends.
11am – 12:15pm Quiet morning in the BB house suntanning. They talk about being in sequester before coming into the house. They talk about random stories about drinking, and other life stories outside the house. Sarah heads to the diary room and when she comes back she asks the others if they know where some of the things are from past competitions. She heads back inside and collects some things that Willow had left in the house. Sarah tells Brittnee “She didn’t ask for her ring back so that means she doesn’t absolutely hate me.”

12:30pm – 2:50pm The silent suntanning aka sleeping continues..
2:55pm – 3:10pm Hot tub room – Sarah says I had a dream that Ash won the HOH next week and she put you two (Britt & Godfrey) up and then I won the veto. We had the power to vote Pilar off. Godfrey says hopefully thats not foreshadowing and that we actually win HOH. Godfrey says that Pili interrogated him asking if he was voting her out. Pili joins them. Sarah, Pili and Godfrey head inside to make something to eat.
3:25pm – 3:40pm Brittnee tells Zach and Sarah that she will miss them the most out of everyone in here. We always have the most real conversations. Zach wonders how long they’ll all stay after they get out.
4pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.
4:25pm – 5pm Up in the HOH room – Godfrey is listening to Sarah’s music. Meanwhile in the kitchen – Sarah says tells the others that at 2:30am while she was watching the shomi movie she went out to the hot tub room to smoke and the door opened and it freaked her out. She says it closed again and no one came out. They talk about the day going by fast. Zach says tomorrow will be Tuesday the weeks almost done. Pili says she’ll pack tomorrow. Zach says he’ll pack on Wednesday ..it will help the day go by faster. Godfrey tells Brittnee “You lost a lot of weight. Your face looks like that villain …” Brittnee asks what?! I look like a villain?!
5pm – 5:45pm The conversation turns to talking about their first impressions of each other and reminisce about past events in the season. Pili asks do you think it will be a normal eviction night? Sarah says yeah .. it went from the triple to Brittnee’s power. I think it will go smoothly. Pili says I think it will be a double. Brittnee asks really!? Like they would end it early!?
5:50pm Hot Tub – Brittnee and Sarah head out to the hot tub room. Brittnee says we’ve been really lucky ..lucky to have each other and to have support. I’ve been thinking about that lately. Sarah says yeah ..verbatim B verbatim! I don’t know if I trust God.. He’s giving off weird vibes and I don’t know what it is. Like for this vote. Brittnee says we just need to talk to him tomorrow. At the end of the day if he pulls a Bruno there is nothing we can do. They talk about Bruno going off on Sarah. Brittnee says I can’t condone someone acting like that. Its not okay it doesn’t matter if you’re stressed or what.
5:55pm In the bedroom – Ash tells Pili we have to win! Pili says yes we’ll see if I stay. Godfrey joins them and they put the clean sheets on the beds.
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I know Godfrey will vote out zach. Go Godfrey, Britt and Sarah!!
Or will he?
Lol… that was funny : )
I can’t believe Britt is calling the twist that saved her stupid what a joke.
She didn’t dumbass
She also said she can’t really call them stupid because they saved her, in the next breath. I guess we’re looking for any reason to get upset now. Come on
… News Flash …
Captain Canada defeated by worms
This guy is such a Woosy on so many levels
Each of us have our own Kryptonite, guess this is his. We need to remember, he is still young and developing. He has only been an adult for a very short time, and just needs more experiences to become fully “formed”, shall we say. I bet he’ll grow up fine and become a pretty good man.
I do have to agree!
I wanted to see Zach out from the very beginning because of the way BB sold him as Captain Canada.. for example, as another poster said, hes being described as “pre med” but all that means is he is taking a science under grad.. and because he was too cocky from the beginning and because he was manipulating the girls and not listening when Ashley was making accurate predictions about what was going on. And then he sealed his fate in my books when he said a shout-out that he wants to take Neaha on a date.. how disrespectful to Ashley!
With that being said I hope Zachs family and friends don’t take Canada cheering for his demise as against him as a person. He seems like a very well balanced and healthy person with his travels and his commitment to football and university. I’m sure (and hope!) he grows into a fine young man! This cast is full of very young people who will have all the time in the world to mature. I bet we would see a very different game with this cast in +5 or so years! I just hope naive Pili, with her heart of gold, does some serious maturing in the years to come!
Let’s all go for Sarah, the unfunny manhater.
Why do I feel like this week finally was a good week to watch? In all terms of the videos.
I just caught up with the last episode of Side Show. I hope next season they replace Gary Levy as a host. Although his rants can be funny, I am beginning to suspect that he is not even watching Big Brother. He seems to only use the show to promote his brand. Only Peter Brown seems to be really interested in what is happening in the house. There are many BBCan alumni who would show more interest and give better commentary on the game than Gary. Who do you think would make a good replacement host?
Is it possible for somebody who is outside of North America to watch the side show perhaps? If so any links would be much appreciated, cheers.
Episodes 5, 6, 7, and 8 are here: https://www.dailymotion.com/TH_3
I’m a little lost right now. I’ve been away from feeds and updates today for the most part.
can someone please best guess answer for me as of today’s events:
Is Ashleigh planning to keep pilar or is she placating her?
Is godfrey going to “pull a Bruno” (not my words, from the update) or is he voting Zach out?
I’m not looking for concrete projections of what will happen Wednesday, i’m just wondering where the two are sitting in their process as of today’s events.
thank you in advance for your assistance.
I don’t know how it’s even possible for anyone to think that Pili should be in the finale after watching Big Brother tonight. She didn’t understand the HOH comp and she gave up during the POV?? All she had to do was complete a puzzle. It’s no wonder Zach chose Ash and Pili to be his minions. I’m not sure who I have a bigger problem with, Zach for the way he speaks about Ash and Pili like they are loyal dogs under his control or Pili and Ash for not realizing that he’s doing it.