Sarah – “I will try to poison the jury against him (Bru) as much as I can even if it’s Pili” (final 2)

POV Holder: Sarah Next POV May 15th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony May 10th
HOH Winner Ashleigh Next HOH May 13th
Nominations: Sarah Brittnee & Godfrey
Have Nots Canada voted for: Sarah & Brittnee (They will compete for the Secret Power)
POV Players VETO PLAYERS PICKED: ASH, Sarah, Godfrey, Zach, Brittnee, Bruno
HOST is Pili

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11:04pm Have nots Sarah and Gdofrey
Sarah says Godfrey is staying this week. Godfrey says that Sarah has been campaigning against him. Sarah correct him says she’s campaigning to keep Brittnee. Sarah says after Brittnee goes she’s all alone.
Back to talking about Zach and Bruno being realated.
Sarah brings up the hashtag on the Zach/Bruno selfie it read final 2 but they deleted it.
Godfrey tells her if he wins HOH he’s putting up the people that put im up and that is not Sarah and Bruno.
Sarah – I have a feeling if I don’t win HOH next week i’m going home
Godfrey – and you would be correct but if I win HOH you’re not going home.
Sarah – and Bruno will be in your ear
Godfrey tells her he makes his own decisions.
Godfrey – Bruno.. he’s not even planning on putting you on the block.
Godfrey tells her to stop telling Ash and pili she’s going after Bruno because that goes to Zach then Bruno
Sarah says Bruno is making an emotional move if he puts her up
Godfrey points out it’s not emotional if she’s going around telling people she’s targeting Bruno.
Sarah freaks out on him says who should she say should say Godfrey and Pili.
Godfrey stresses that Bruno’s first choice is not Sarah. Explains Bruno used the veto on Zach to buy him a couple weeks it was a game move.
Sarah doesn’t understand why bruno using the veto helped him she thinks they are working together.
Godfrey – Ash, Peels and Willow would have gone to you all of them go to you.

Godfrey tells her if he wins HOH he’ll make it clear Sarah is not going up. The Ash, pili, Bruno and Zach will turn on each other and they’ll be able to see where the order is.

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11:29pm Have Nnots Sarah and Bruno
Sarah – I just want you to know I am smart I know numbers..
She explains when those girls come at her asking who the targets are she can’t the showmances.
Bruno – I know you were trying to get me on the block.. Sarah I hope we can go forward we need to go forward..
Sarah – I just want you to trust me
Bruno – I do
Sarah – were you not trying to keep yourself off the block
Bruno – I didn’t feel safe but I didn’t want to campaign against B, at this point of the game people’s minds are set..
Bruno understands why she’s telling people she’s targeting Bruno “You don’t have to go that extra step.. ”
Sarah – Fine you don’t trust me Fine
Bruno – that’s not what i’m saying.. you tried to jump the gun you tried to do something.. if we would have just stuck with the plan
Sarah – I tried to do something if the veto wasn’t used..
Bruno said he heard her say “Say no to Willow”
Sarah starts to get heated.. Bruno tells her he’s a grown man they can talk normally.
Sarah apologizes for getting heated.
They are trying to agree that going after each other makes no sense.
Bruno – I don’t talk game with anybody man I don’t want people to twist it does nobody favors”

Sarah claims that when she’s in a room with the other people all she’s doing is campaigning for Brittnee to stay
Bruno – there’s more being said than that
Sarah – I don’t bullshit.. is B and Sarah really that big of threats to me
Bruno – this is the final 7 you don’t get here by accident
Brittnee comes in
Sarah – I’m getting in trouble for campaigning for you
Bruno leaves “I can’t do this anymore”


11:50pm Ktichen everyone but Sarah and Britt
Talking about Sarah having lost her marbles. Zach says her marbles are all over the floor. They all start comparing notes about Sarah some light bashing. They have a good laugh at Sarah telling everyone that Bruno and Zach are related, father/son.
Bruno – I’m 9 years older than you bud.. what am I 55 give me some credit
Brittnee comes by Bruno gives her a hug. Brittnee says she doesn’t hold any grudges.
They continues to compare notes about what Sarah is saying.. Everyone laughing.
Bruno tells them next week she’s not talking game to her so if she tells them something it’s completely made up.
Godfrey – My mind is just blown
They agree Sarah sunk Brittnee this week.

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In the have nots Brittnee and Sarah going everything that happened.
Brittnee goes back to the have nots where she tells Sarah that Bruno is older than they think.
Brittnee – I will not vote for him
Sarah – me neither
Sarah – And I will try to poison the jury against him as much as I can even if it’s pili
Brittnee – ya

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12:30am Zach and Ashleigh
Zach doesn’t think Godfrey is smart enough to know the only way to get hm out is beside Ashleigh.
They head to bed. On their way Zach says to Bruno “Goodnight Dad”
Bruno – Goodnight son that’s a nice girl you have
They go into the HOH room Zach has a good laugh at how Sarah almost got through to Ash and Pili today.
Zach – I’m seriously thinking about calling him Dad around the house.

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12:36am Bruno and Godfrey
Contemplating what to do with Sarah..
Godfrey – she was trying to get me out just last night.. she worked tooth and nail right to the last minute
God – she’s campaigning harder than you did with Bobby
Bruno – as soon as B walks in the room She (Sarah) blows up for nothing.. maybe that’s the way she acts with her boyfriend..
They agree Sarah is going the extra mile by going around telling people Bruno is related to Zach.

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12:38am Sarah and Britt
Going back and forth who they want out if Brittnee stays and Sarah wins HOH. Sounds like they are drifting towards getting Bruno out. They are under the impression that Pili/Ashleigh will take out Zach when they get power again.

Sarah says Bruno’s game is emotional and manipulative Zach’s game is logical. Sarah says both Zach and Bruno are coming after them but Zach isn’t lying to them.
Sarah says she swears to god that Bruno and Zach have a final 2.. “I saw the twitter picture it gave me a pit at the bottom of my stomach”
Sarah – It’s bruno for sure
Brittnee – Yeah man

2:09am Zach and Ash are in the HOH talking about their lives outside of the house. I think everyone else is slseeping.

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103 thoughts to “Sarah – “I will try to poison the jury against him (Bru) as much as I can even if it’s Pili” (final 2)”

    1. How can you root for anyone. BB Canada already knows who they want in finals and if it’s not going there way they introduce stupid Twistos Twist to make sure it goes there way. Explain to me how an HOH loses there power to a Have Not just like that with simple math tasks. Wow are you kidding me. We are all be played stop watching.

      1. I don’t understand why everyone is whining about how Britnee won a special power. This power has prescedent in BB. It was available in BB All Stars and BB11. Not to mention that there are a host of other special powers and privileges that the audience usually gets to vote on. Every contestant should have known that this is one of the possible tricks that Big Brother can pull out of the bag. In my opinion, the special power is a fair meneuver, because the contestants that weren’t voted by the audience chose to play a very unappealing game (e.g., floating, being overconfident, hiding behind showmances, or being too scared to make a big move too soon). Part of the game is being charismatic and playing an interesting game to cater to the viewership; Bruno, Zach, Ash, and Pili don’t seem to be doing that for the average viewer.

        1. Don’t you get it, any voting by Canada for power is Production dictated the direction of the game. Canada should never vote for power only things like what food should slop be, or specialty items in the bedroom for next HOH never for power cause thats how Production takes control. You think Canada voted for Sarah and B your kidding yourself.

          1. And yes I think Canada voted for Sarah and B. They are consistently polling way ahead of all the other houst guests on every Big Brother blog. I don’t think you can fool yourself and say that there are a minority of viewers/blog readers that visit virtually every blog just to vote for Brit and Sarah. If you do, then that level of cynism has clouded your perspective.

  1. For being superfans, some of these houseguests are taking this a little too personal. It would make sense if there were some really harsh things being said, but some people are just outplaying others and, like all other seasons, it’s making them bitter.

    Hopefully the houseguests lose their grudges once they get to jury and can vote on pure gameplay.

    1. i only wish the Jury would vote on pure gameplay. Remember “The Sheyld”? supposedly super fans, but they were bitter jury members.

      1. Agreed! Peter and Alex are such pathetic posers trying to act like an authority on the game, yet they have absolutely nothing to show for their ‘supreme knowledge.’ Nothing more than two blowhards trying to remain relevant and squeezing out as much as they can from their 15 min of fame.

      2. They voted for Gary because of Villians stoopid answer. Peter asked her BESIDES these points how did you play a good game…..and her answer were only those points. The Sheyld gave her a chance, she blew it and they voted for Gary.

    1. Simon, looks like it ‘s a done deal as Brit and Sarah both said they would take Bruno out before Zach. I bet the vast majority that voted for Brit and Sarah to have the veto power will be disappointed as they probably wanted Zach out of the game.

      1. Annnnnnnnd this is how you go from the top of polls to the bottom, just like Zach did when he got scared to blindside Bruno when he was supposed to.

    1. I would expect them to get the Bruno treatment if that’s the case. Anything to help Zach is clearly a death sentence if you want fans, regardless if it’s good for your game or not.

      1. If they do let God on the block they take the chance that Z/P vote him out, S/B would vote Bruno out and Ash would send God out to please her boyfriend. That would be soooo stupid, especially when you have the opportunity to replace both nominations. Bruno vs Pili would be the best move if they wanna send Bruno out, but like it’s been said, only Britt can screw this up 😉 Can’t wait for tonight!

        1. Think you’re still giving Ash too much credit with the Bruno/Pili scenario. Zach will force Ash to keep Bruno as the tiebreaker. The over the top bullying in their relationship comes out every time Ash tries to defend an independent logical thought. e.g. Zach to Ashleigh “ARE YOU INSANE!?” when Ash stated she felt safe with Sarah. Well yeah she is insane for letting this clown run and ruin her HOH.

          The only game Zach/Bruno have together are bullying and broing it up about how tough they are because they believe the bullying is acceptable.

          Godfrey looks his worst when he is piling on with the bullies as he did again last night. It took God a while to start gaining some traction after the “SINDY, YOU BROKE THE CAMERA!!!” piling on with Graig.
          Irony is that a third world immigrant is following the bully lead of an advanced culture? lol
          Big Brother on megaphone “GODFREY, STOP DOING THAT OR WE CAN’T LET YOU WIN”

          1. Bully is a strong word to label someone..,there has been no bullying in this house. But I do agree that production is running everything…from who has power to what they are told to say in the diary room to who leaves every week!

          2. But I thought Zach would jump on the opportunity to send out Bruno now if it was against Pili. Who wouldn,t like to sit beside Pili in F2?

          3. Seriously. That ‘third world immigrant’ comment is below the belt. How did that get past the admin here? Not okay.

  2. I”m getting super super scared that Zack will stay. Getting Bruno out is the anger talking, but Zack is the only thing holding ash and bruno and then by extension Pili together. Please Please get Zack out. Ugh.

  3. What would you all rather see:
    A resurgent Diapers alliance VS Fembots with God as a free agent ?
    Black/Bru vs Goblins vs Fembots ?

    1. Hopefully the latter. Letting the 3 solid alliance that has been dominating all the HOHs get to the Final 6 would be idiotic on Sarah and Brits part.

  4. Sarah is overdoing it and is clearly hysterical. She even contaminates B. Bruno is a huge Ahole, there is zero doubt about that, but Zach MUST remain the target No.1. Hopefully they will realize that before tomorrow evening.

    1. I love how Sarah apologists label Bruno an A hole because he plays the game, but when Sarah does the same things (raise her voice, get in peoples faces, belittle others behind their back) she’s a strong woman standing up to those mean men. She isn’t Laura Secord people, she’s a whiney brat and the biggest hypocrite in the house.

  5. Its all smoke and mirrors! Zach is going home tomorrow. Its an alliance of 4 in the final 7… Yakety Yak for the camera!

  6. Well after watching the argument between Sarah and Bruno, I find it highly amusing that every other word out of Sarah is the F word, and Brittnee gets highly offended when Bruno used it. Sarah did change her tone as soon as Brittnee came into the room, and that is what really got things going. Unfortunately, Brittnee is now taking Bruno out in anger, and not taking Zach out for their game. I think this is the worst thing she can do. By leaving Zach in the game at this point they are doing exactly what they accused Bruno of doing……….writing Zach a cheque for $100,000. Bruno and Sarah have no trust in each other, each being as bad as the other. With this veto being given to Brittnee and used to their advantage, the target unfortunately will be HUGE on the FEMBOTS backs.

    1. I wanted God to win the special power and voted for him to be a have not. Can you imagine how good of an episode it would have been if that has been the case! Too bad thats not whats happening

  7. Sarah is a piece of work! Terrible gameplay, As soon a Brit walks in She says “Shes getting in trouble for campaigning for Brit” WOW, just WOW No Wonder Bruno got upset at that point, when the whole time he was cool, and Sarah kept getting upset! Her social game SUX!!!! and Brit telling a grown man he cant say the F word? LOL WHAT? The arrogance of self proclaimed “Queen B” is Astonishing!!

  8. if it ends up Godfrey and Bruno on the block, who do you see staying thumbs up for Bruno and down for Godrey.

  9. I started off liking Sarah but she just continues to get worse each week. She hasn’t made one good move in the game. She is such a horrible player, Britney is far more deserving to win than her if they were the final two.

  10. Omg, I just can’t stand Sarah! I’m actually ashamed she’s from Toronto smh. She doesn’t know how to shut up, all she’s doing is blowing up at people just because she doesn’t like Bruno. That scene where Bruno and God were in the pantry talking and she came in to save Willow and disagreed with both men but jumped at Bruno and then told him not to get in her face.. like wtf? She’s gone nuts! Then she was the vote that sent Willow home! Because as she explained it, she wanted to keep a girl (I could’ve sworn Willow’s a woman but ya kno)
    Brit has been the cry baby of the season, and I personally believe she’s had everything practically handed to her to keep her this season. (Technically Sarah gave her the first HOH, the second one was a 50/50 chance, and then Canada just HAD to give her a power to stay even longer in the house) Queen B.. I think not, more like a cat with 9 lives. But considering that she now does have this power, regardless of how she got it, her best play would be to put Zach up and get him out. Afterall, he IS the biggest threat in the house. And considering how late in the game it is, BBCAN can’t help her out anymore. So get him out while you got the chance.

    1. You must have skipped the entire fight between Sarah and Bruno in the pantry because Bruno snapped first and it looked like he was almost attacking Sarah physically and that is where Sarah snapped back at him with that “you get in to my face…”

      1. I didn’t miss anything at all. She came in, and when she didn’t like what she heard she got heated and that had Bruno snap. I’m not saying he didn’t snap at her, what I’m saying is that she came in, while Bruno and Godfrey were already in a discussion. And when they didn’t agree to save Willow she got heated, like she always does. It was a bit of a bitter sweet result with Willow going. Bitter because she’s gone, but sweet because it was at Sarah’s hand.

  11. Crazy talk! All of you! Go black & bru! I can’t see many people in the jury voting for Sarah in the end against anyone. May the best man or woman win!

  12. Sarah needs to chill out. She and Britt will go on the block next week if they don’t win HOH, no matter who wins. Zach is the better move, and they need to stick with it. BUT…… it would be very satisfying to see Bruno go.

  13. I don’t blame Sarah for getting frustrated. She’s been dogged by Bruno almost the entire season. Now even Zach is going around and calling her poison. Meanwhile the Diapers and Bruno have been lying to Britt all week. I don’t see them calling themselves poison.

    I hope the fembots gain some sense and cool down. Target Zach first, then use Pilar to help get rid of Bruno.

  14. I got to say I’m a little disappointed in Godfrey for adding the fuel to the fire BUT I do understand why it’s good game play.

    Meanwhile God knows Bruno has lied to him repeatedly. While they are all doing the “cool kids” laughing at Sarah in the kitchen what they don’t realize is them all laughing at her actually may have totally screwed up getting out Zach and now Bruno might go instead. Hopefully Britt comes to her senses tomorrow to realize Zach HAS TO LEAVE FIRST.

    I’m a Sarah fan and she did go to far tonight BUT we have to remember she thinks based on Britt not saying anything that she is leaving (and Britt cried tonight making it seem like she was leaving) so she’s feeling vulnerable and frustrated. She almost had the girls but the dumb blonde can’t lose her man candy. The thought occurred to me tonight that maybe Britt wanted to see if she could stay on her merit and not have to use the power given how much blood she already has on her hands.

    Bruno has been calling Sarah poison since day 2 so his constant denials of talking behind her back (for well over a month before Bruno’s name even left Sarah’s lips) are driving Sarah insane. Did she handle it well .. NO but neither did he.

    The reason Britt got defensive about Bruno swearing btw is b/c he’s already got in Sarah’s face once before and called her trash, fucking disgusting, etc etc so that’s why she said “hey we don’t need to go there” Britt said she went out with someone with an anger problem and recognizes the same traits in Bruno.

    Regardless God/Bruno piled on the fire wood to laugh AT Sarah with the diapers and that act may have put targets squarely on their backs tomorrow. I HOPE COOLER HEADS PREVAIL AND IT’S ZACH.

    At least once Canada roars to either Zach or Bruno leaving the diapers will have pause to question why the girls got the reward if they are so terrible!

    1. Sarah acts like a stoner in detox. Aggressive, paranoid, etc. Hope she’ll look at it and realize what weed does to her

      1. it’s not the weed that is doing that, it’s the nicotine from her not being able to smoke a cig whenever she wants.

        1. Well being a stoner myself, I recognize a lot of reactions I have when I can’t smoke. And there’s no nicotine for me 😉 Seeing her reactions slapped me in the face enough to make me quit for now 3 weeks and I see some changes 😉 Good for you if it doesn’t affect you this way!

  15. Why is Sarah still campaigning so hard? Godfrey told her that everything she says goes to Zach and Bruno. Is she incapable of laying low for five minutes?

    1. I think she is because she has no idea what the power is so she is not exactly sure that Brit is 100% safe. I also think that she and Brit are trying to just get info so they can see where they want to go next week if they win Hoh.

  16. I just can’t take this. Why is it that Sarah always makes the worst decisions or over thinks. It drives me insane that she thinks Bruno is the real puppet master and that he is controlling Zach. It seems my only hope is Godfrey in this game because Sarah constantly messes up. She votes out her biggest ally and now wants to get Bruno out before Zach. Is she losing her mind? Its also nuts that she thinks Bruno is zach’s dad.

  17. I can completely see why Sarah gets so heated when she talks to Bruno. He doesn’t admit to ANYTHING. . Everyone in the house knows that gossip spreads like wildfire and Bruno throws these comments back at Sarah but denies any rumors that involve him. He can’t even make eye contact when he’s speaking to her. Either way I find this constant battle between Bruno and Sarah very entertaining. I hope it makes the cut.

    This entire cast has diarrhea of the mouth.

    1. That’s supposed to be the game no? Why should Bruno admit to anything? And vice-versa too. Sarah is telling too much…all this talking just might screw up her and Britts game too.

      1. If they want to work together to get Zach out then you have to give a little. She at least admits to some of the rumors Bruno complains about. Bruno says outrageous things like “your closer to Godfrey than I am”. Really. She’s not blind. She has two eyes and she’s not stupid. Of course Bruno and God are closer. This is what I mean, he lies about the dumbest things.

  18. I love Britt but part of me is a little annoyed with her for not reigning Sarah in. She didn’t have to tell her she was safe but she could’ve whispered to her don’t campaign too hard, it’s okay, just trust me.

    Instead she let her keep going to try and get the girls on board. I hope there’s a method to her madness and it’s not the same thing she did with Willow (she said in DR she couldn’t have Willow there b/c it was getting between her and Sarah) so maybe she let Sarah go crazy letting her think she was leaving so the girls wouldn’t get to close to Sarah.

    In some ways it’s smart but really it puts a bigger target on both their backs. If Britt hadn’t made Sarah feel like she was leaving Sarah wouldn’t have gunned so hard.

    Regardless I think they’ll come to their senses (or at least Britt will) and recognize Zach has to go and then the girls will want Bruno out (especially when they hear the audience)

  19. OMG… I can’t believe this is for real. It has to just be them blowing off steam. Both of these girls are way too smart not to know voting out Bruno would only pit them against the diapers and then Godfrey would join them.

    WHAT are they doing?????????????? This better just be for entertainment.
    I know Bruno has been a dick and lied repeatedly to Sarah and bad mouthed her, but it makes ZERO sense to keep Zach over Bruno. The goblins will turn on Bruno but they won’t turn on Zach on their own.

    I think the final straw was Britt heard the entire kitchen laughing at Sarah and after Bruno had called Sarah fucking disgusting, trash etc and then seeing him being heated with her again and him turning on Britt she flipped. I don’t get it but I really hope they come to their senses tomorrow. Yes, I want Bruno out but Zach is the logical vote out tomorrow. GET IT TOGETHER GIRLS. WTF???


  20. Why do they have the right to have chalks? I thought they couldn’t write or take notes in the Big Brother house? Have I missed something? Oh maybe it’s just because where you’re allowed to have wine while being a have not, you can take notes too… 😛

    1. I think Sarah demanded production give her the chalk otherwise she wouldn’t accept the 100K they are about to hand her on a platter.

        1. It was Q tips, although BB certainly didn’t allow anything like this last season, I really don’t see the harm or unfairness of it. I think the house should have a poster board with the days in the house on it anyways, each morning have the day card in the pantry and add it.
          OR….. just an electronic version up on the screens.

  21. Here’s the funny thing…. Godfrey was the one who planted the seed with Sarah that maybe Bruno & Zach were related. I forgot about that. The Godfather grows in my opinion daily!

    And when he was talking to Sarah in the Have Not room and she told him ZBro called her a comp threat when he laughed out loud, it made me laugh too. Because it is ridiculous.

  22. I agree that Zach should be the bigger target than Bruno.
    But, it was observed that after Jordan left Zach lost complete focus and touch with the house dynamic. it felt like Zach was running Jordan’s plays, and suddenly couldn’t figure out how to get down the field. In steps coach Bruno. Suddenly he parrots sarah is poison, begins fearing there could be a girls alliance, begins to get close to Godfrey… perhaps without someone to set the plays, Zach isn’t as threatening. Realistically, it’s too close to the end of the season to test that theory. Sarah and B should check emotions at the door and be logical. remove the glue.
    I question why people think production would push for Zach to go home sometimes. They spent 1/2 the season pumping him up making his storyline the one to follow through editing, made him the subject of the sideshow at every turn. Look at the triple eviction pov. the cams made it the kevin versus Zach race, never once even putting the camera on Bruno and had to do a quick wideshot when Bruno won because every other camera was focused on kevin and Zach running back and forth. I truly don’t think production is fired up for Zach to leave. What would they do with the extra five minutes of sideshow, do a montage and memorial for the poster boy of the season? ‘It’s too soon for a big move, maybe next week’
    By tonight’s episode I still get the feeling it will be Zach and Bruno in the hot seats. Mix of emotional satisfaction and logical assessment on the block.

  23. Part of me think production is talking to them and part of me think it would be good to see Bruno leaving this week and next week Pilar Hoh and Zack out… The girls can surprise us… Hmmm not really come on its girls… No brainers 😉 Anyway My ideal final 2 would be the best funniest dumbo in BB history God Vs the Queen of the Pawn B… I would love to see B winning but Dude always come first ! GoGoddddd !

  24. Ps: add i never thought in a million years saying this but actually Pilar is the only one making sense… Maybe a brain behind the smile… GodBless Canada!

  25. A lot of people forget this is NOT a game but a show for entertainment. The houseguests are called ‘The Cast’ not ‘Contestants’. So Global will do anything they can to create entertainment value. You can’t think of this as a game. sure there is some strategy and advantage to winning comps but if Sarah and B hadn’t won Canada’s vote this week the entertainment value of the show would have gone down and Global won’t have that. So whether you think something is ‘fair’ or ‘not fair’ it doesn’t matter, it’s entertainment and it’s getting people to watch and comment and vent. Just what Global needs for a successful ‘Reality Show’, NOT a GAME. Cheers,

    1. The problem is if they keep using a heavy hand to affect the game then it will quickly lose credibility, and viewers.

      It’s their choice how far they take it but I don’t want something like Jersey Shore, I just can’t stomach that kind of cat-fighting BS.

      1. Agreed, I guess part of my reasoning is I’m enjoying the results of the twists. Diaper fans must be so frustrated. Of course we also have to consider the Editing of the shows will push ‘Canada Votes’ to certain houseguests. I seem to remember someone saying the Jeff (of Jeff and Jordan fame) was actually very rude, mean and vindictive. He just never got that edit though during the shows. Anyway, I’m enjoying the ‘edit’ of Queen B and Sarah right now.

    2. Actually under CRTC and FTC laws it is considered a game show and there are strict regulations as to what the producers can do to assist the contestants.

      1. On further internet research, I have to retract the above statement. It was based on a petition I saw on the web a few years back where Slice had petitioned the CRTC to classify Big Brother as a documentary The CRTC refused and by default, it was deemed a game show. In 2014 the CRTC created a new classification called Reality TV, which ironically right below Game Shows. However this for classification only. They still have to abide by regulations that limit production inference with a show that offers monetary rewards.
        In the US, an FCC official stated that do not consider Big Brother a game show but entertainment like Pro Wrestling were the outcome is predetermined (which I believe to be wrong). However the FCC has no jurisdiction over the major networks. This is in the domain of the Department of Justice which has strict regulations concerning TV shows were contestants compete for monetary prizes. So the end result is the same. It was interesting to see that Survivor has a clause in the contestants contract stating they will abide by the FCC regulations concerning game shows.

  26. Everyone say thank you to Batty… Next post are u gonna reveal that Xmas Father is a lie…. Have a lovely day

    1. You’re Welcome! 🙂 Some people get SO upset about the twists I felt like the thread needed a little home truths. Oh and Father Christmas is real, it’s the Easter Bunny I question…..

  27. After watching that conversation/argument with Sarah and Bruno I have a few things to say. From the moment Bruno entered that room to talk, Sarah was very confrontational with him. She knows he has lied to her, but she has as well. Sitting there yapping at him was getting her nowhere. He said they NEEDED not WANTED to work together this next week, but that was not good enough for her. They both have campaigned against the other, but hers was relentless. I think that Brittnee (when she entered the room) demanding to know what was going on didn’t help matters either. Bruno until the end did not raise his voice to Sarah at all. She raised her voice several times in trying to argue her point. She used the F word several times and I just hope she calms down today or I fear both girls will make a decision that will not benefit them. If they vote out Bruno today, I fear that they have ruined their game despite this Super Power they have received. Zach will come at them right away because he knows of Sarahs mouth and her ability to talk those girls into anything. If the girls win HOH he will do the same thing. Godfrey might go up against them but the target will be B or Sarah. Doesn’t matter which one and if lucky enough to be a double, they could both be out next week. Bad, bad move I feel. Brittnee is usually so logical, I can’t understand that she would think Sarah had no part in the argument. She has to think about this move very carefully. Their game is seriously at risk right now by making the decision they decided on before going to sleep in taking Bruno out. Please, please rethink this decision.

    1. I wanted to root for Sarah sooo much at the beginning! But I can’t root for someone who blames everybody for doing what she does herself and cries and yell at people when she doesn’t get what she wants. I thought she was a rationnal player, she’s clearly not! I’m happy for people who find it entertaining though, cuz she’s going that job very well!

  28. The argument between Bruno and Sarah was very telling. Bruno got caught in Sarah’s traps so many times, and often didn’t even understand how. I lost respect for Bruno’s mental ability. He got so frustrated and nearly humiliated at times. His game absolutely works on the young kids in the house but not adults playing the game. At least he gets that sarah is smarter than him and rightly wants her out because she can absolutely explain to the kids exactly how he is playing the game…and he doesn’t want that.

    Zach has more intellect than Bruno, the smart move would be to vote him out. Even if Bruno’s 101 big brother game of denial is annoying, he can be beaten. He is no Derrick, not even for a second. Derrick could make a sentence that didn’t include bro and man, and realized that’s not how you talk game with women. No wonder he failed grade 9 geography. Who fails grade 9? Not the average person.

    1. So true, Bruno is now the one who can’t formulate a complete sentence. Also Bruno’s attitude and behavior is very red flag alarming, that man has some serious anger and self control issues.

  29. Is Sarah trying to screw things up? She just might think that she won’t be able to beat her ally in the end (britt)…so if she gets britt to take out Bruno instead…she knows that Britt will be on everyone’s radar after that…therefore she (sarah) will be safe….could that be what she’s doing? She knows Britt has been by far better…and has made big moves…if this is true…it is kinda really super smart of Sarah…hmm..I honestly wonder.

  30. when did pilar overtake team seagull in the poll?
    team seagull, unite. Vote!
    and how/when did Bruno drop from being practically tied with Britt to being within 2% of pilar??
    I don’t understand the poll at all. I thought I had a handle on it… but it still confuses me.

  31. Am I the only one who founds it hilarious how Sarah is proving Bruno is right by saying she’s gonna poison the jury against him?

  32. While I think Zach should still be B and Sarah’s target, I understand why Sarah was so pissed yesterday. Bruno clearly condemns Sarah for talking game to Pilli and Ash, when Bruno is doing the exact same thing to Zach and Ash. How is that remotely fair? Also, I wish Sarah had the SP. She’s more logical than B. I honestly think she would get rid of Zach in this situation.

  33. Sarah keeps punching away at a brick wall with her bare fists.

    Brittnee has a bundle of dynamite in her hand and a lit cigar in her mouth.

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