POV Holder: | Kevin | Next POV | April 3rd |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner | Bobby | Next HOH | April 1st |
Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | Jordan, Brittnee, Naeha, Godfrey | ||
POV Players | Godfrey, Willow, Johnny, Britt, Kevin, Bobby. Jordan is the VETO HOST! |
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The CAMERA that Big Brother says was "deliberately broken" – @bigbspoilers #bbcan3 – I call BS on BB pic.twitter.com/mTq8RJxRgb
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) March 31, 2015
12:10pm – 1pm The house guests continue to hang out in the HOH room after each of them had individually left to allow the person responsible for breaking the backyard camera to confess. Big Brother then tells them that the head of household room is now open. They check the kitchen fridge and pantry to see if the food was returned and realize they only have slop. They decide to go about their day. Jordan and Willow come up with a plan to clean the house by tackling the rooms in teams of four.
Up in the HOH room – Britt and Kevin talk about the vandalism. She says the way they said it, it doesn’t sound like it was sleep walking. I hope it gets resolved soon. Kevin agrees and says its a f**ked up situation. Kevin heads down stairs. Graig and Bruno talk about how Big Brother does know who did it. There are 100 cameras in this place. By the end of the day – I hope they put the person who did it up in the TV screen in the living room. In the kitchen they speculate on if BB would have broken the camera to investigate a fight between them. Jordan and Willow agree the cameras are so expensive and BB would never do that. Graig comments that Bruno is pretty choked no one has come forward. Bruno says it bothers him but he really doesn’t care. Bruno says they know who did it. Throw up the video of them doing it and boot them out if they don’t confess. Graig remembers how Britt said God woke up in the middle of the night and set off the alarm. He’s me new pick. My target. Maybe he was walking around last night. I’m saying Godfrey. Out of all the people here, he wouldn’t man up. He’s a compulsive liar. Pilar says she has friends like that at home. Graig tells Bruno to go ask him.

In the bedroom – Sarah is talking to herself. I am so mad! Someone is ruining this experience for everyone! And literally no one cares! I am going to be livid! I can’t even look at those people!! I need a cigarette so bad! Johnny joins her. She says I don’t know how everyone is doing it. I would literally eat slop every day and have cold showers for the rest of the time if someone would just confess. Johnny says when I broke the mic and hammock but I confessed. Sarah says it just makes me sick to my stomach that someone is out there lying!! Johnny says that he is doubting himself. Sarah says don’t. It was deliberate! Narha joins them and says as time goes on people are going to get upset. Let them. We don’t need to. Sarah says I am just upset with myself. Naeha says that person is just scared. Johnny says the punishment will be severe.
1:20pm – 1:30pm Out in the backyard – Kevin inspects the “broken” camera. The video from that camera then turns on. (LOL – I thought it was broken) Then Bruno and Godfrey go over to inspect the camera and more video from that “broken” camera show on the live feeds. They notice a scratch on the camera. Bruno says even if they came forward now I wouldn’t be mad. Godfrey agrees no one cares. I wouldn’t be upset. Especially if it was an accident. But if someone was taking a shat and got up and went like this?! (Motioning he’s breaking the camera)

LOL Big Brother JUST BLEW their cover – THEY turned on the BROKEN CAMERA @bigbspoilers #bbcan3 pic.twitter.com/g1nrDt4em7
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) March 31, 2015
1:40pm In the kitchen – Jordan tells Godfrey, Bobby and Bruno that both Britt and Godfrey got up in the middle of the night. Bruno says well there you go! I shouldn’t say that. They comment on how Godfrey said he got up at 6am like he does every day. None of them believe he does that every day. Bruno says maybe he… I shouldn’t say he, whoever it was .. maybe they grabbed the camera and turned it towards them. Bruno says the first two night he walked into a camera .. but that was accidental. Bruno says if they come out and say I’m sorry that’s way different than if someone doesn’t come out. Jordan says what if that person already came out but BB hasn’t revealed it. They agree they feel bad for Johnny. Bobby says we need Derrick from BB16 to read everyone like a book.
2pm Naeha shows the other house guests the anti-bullying shirt she made – “You can sit with us” (Movie reference from Mean Girls – You can’t sit with us).
2:10pm Sarah, Pilar, Kevin, Graig, Bruno and Willow are all sitting in the backyard chairs. They continue to speculate on what happened to the camera. Graig says breaking something like that is an automatic eviction. Isn’t it? I think that’s what I read in the rule book.
2:30pm In the bathroom – Zach talks to Jordan who’s taking a cold showers. Zach says people are going to blow up! This is going to go on for a while, like a couple days. Jordan isn’t sure. Zach says he’s loving it. Jordan agrees. Zach says I’m getting in trouble for making out with all the girls and my Newport buddy is sticking his tongue down one of the girls throats. Jordan and Zach laugh. Jordan says heres the difference you have all the girls after you .. and I have none of them. She’s going home on Wednesday and I’ll be a free agent again. My parents are probably watching that being like WTF!? I know exactly what she’s doing, she’s trying to get votes and I’ll take advantage of that. Zach leaves. Naeha talks to JP. Jordan says I hope they tell us who did it. The person that broke the camera is in for a world of hurt.
2:40pm In the bedroom – Sarah comes out of the diary room and hugs Jordan in the bedroom. She’s still upset about cameragate. Sarah says JP you’re my everything. Jordan says that he thinks someone already confessed in the diary room. And if they haven’t they’re in a world of hurt. They aren’t going to make us go on slop for a week. Sarah asks to talk about a Simpsons episode to get her mind off it.
I liked Sarah but really? No one killed anyone girl, stop acting like it’s the end of the world.
I find it interesting that first of all, Sarah is throwing a fit that this camera situation is ruining everyone’s experience…when she is the only one complaining about it…while rest area taking it in stride and going about their day.
And more importantly, if this was real…because it isn’t (big brother is behind it and Sarah should have thought of that)…but if it was, Sarah should cut them some slack. It was just the other day that SHE left the tap running in the HOH, which flooded into the kitchen, and she initially denied it. I believe she said something like, “I was in here to poop, but I swear it wasn’t me…Naeha and I came back in here and I would have noticed it.” Well, it has since been revealed that it was her and now the house isn’t allowed to run water while using the bathroom. She…and the house got off very lucky that that was the only punishment…since water damage could be disastrous in that house.
Anyway, my point is that she made a mistake…that she initially denied making…and they could have been punished much worse. So, for her to be so pissed at someone else’s mistake and claiming it is ruining the whole house’s experience…is hypocritical…since the house could say the same about her mistake.
Come to think of it, not only does the camera breaking stink of production shenanigans…but Sarah’s tears and hypocritical rant after coming out of the DR…seems a little fishy as well. A secret task, perhaps?
I’m pretty sure she’s just cranky that she can’t have a cigarette all day…I know i would be !! lol
I think It was some saboteur big brother stuff… I would not be surprised if they asked someone to vandalise something in the house and have everyone else suffer the consequences because I find it hard to believe that someone would be dumb enough to break a camera. And if someone really did break it, they would call that person to the diary room right away and possibly expel that person like Chima in big brother 11
100% right. Its fake broken. Big Brother will probably ask one of the HGs if the will accept $$$$$ to take blame for “breaking” the camera. Just like the $1000 Kevin was offered to pop the large balloon.
oooohhh good theory! I didn’t even think about that. I mean i knew the whole thing was BS, bc someone would get expelled over that, but i couldnt see what their endgame was. Thought it was an april fools joke to have for the show tomorrow.
Lol, production totally messed with that camera.
How lame!
I think its sweet how Graig (the legal expert) is rounding up a posse and deputizing housemates to begin interrogating the minorities. Almost as special is Sarah (the CSI) determining that it was deliberate and therefore someone is lying. This must be a gag, right?…RIGHT???
BB Canada is so unprofessional its not even funny.
April fools joke or not, if they are truly unable to find out who did it, that is VERY poor preparation considering they have an entire f**king crew working shifts 24/7 watching these houseguests. And if it is an April Fool’s Joke, then seriously BB Canada STEP UP YOUR GAME, THIS JOKE SUCKS. The joke got old 30 minutes in, for the houseguests and for feed watchers, which just hurts the ratings regardless.
K calm down lol
exactly, but a couple things,… its not April yet, and i guess they aren’t watching everything 24/7, because water was running and leaked really bad!
also, all the hours speculating and talking about it, fake or not. it takes away from game talk, and gameplay!
I tried to like Sarah and not judge her from her looks (rat face…hello ANdy? lol) and disgusting hygene, but I can’t.
the whole thing completely smells contrived.
admittedly, I’ve yet to get a handle on how production is spinning the season, other than to notice what they are leaving on the cutting room floor and what they are putting into episodes.
I get the gut feeling that the camera shenanigans (and yeah, i’m calling shenanigans on production) are going to be used as explanation for storyline progression. after all, so far episode edit makes it look more brady bunch than texas chainsaw massacre.
Brady Bunch pretty spot on. It’s early lines will be drawn in a week or 2. All depends when the chop shop pushes the agenda. Like it to be questions next HOH anyone could win perhaps shake things up. Expect someone laying low to get evicted the next couple of weeks as to many folks think they’re safe IMHO.
was on the global bb site for a few minutes. in the vault they have each of the houseguest’s biggest secrets. most of the players unwisely mention their alliances.
wouldn’t it be battle lines drawn if the hoh comp this week was “whose secret is this”
I kinda see why BB would “fake break” a camera because with the exception of a few this whole cast really likes each other and they could use a little drama but Sarah is being OD dramatic it’s so annoying to watch.
a couple times a week, sarah does the alone talking to herself dramatically thing. I’ve gotten the feeling that she’s doing it in an attempt to make the episode cut as an underdog. similar to the adel talking to himself ad nauseum routine last season; sort of the same way Jordan does the talk to the camera ‘aren’t I a mastermind’ schtick in the pantry a la arlie.
I don’t really buy either of the routines as anything more than a propaganda tool.
every soliloquy sort of smells of production ‘what’s going on in your head’ moments.
and i’m going to try to suspend my disbelief and not mention my production theory stuff for at least 24 hours now. pretty sure it’s already gotten annoying to read.
damn from that pic I was sure it was Kevin and Pilar making out.
Jordan and Sindy? meh I willl pass.
Ok I love Naeha even more now with that anti bully shirt <3
So Jordo’s type of girl is someone who is desparate and has absolutely no standards whatsoever? So much for having goals, creep.
if the old ‘you’ve had sex with everyone your partner has had sex with’ psa can be extended to kissing, then by kissing sindy Jordan has just kissed more guys than jonny has this season.
sure he’ll spin it to look like she was trying to win his vote but he held strong to the will of the house. and it will likely work. it’s not like they can ask her once her ass is next to risha.
here’s a thought… instead of passing judgement on production just wait for the episode to see what really happened… we have the luxury of not being in the house and being able to watch the episodes
Ew ew ew ew Jordan and Sindy.
Felt like I had that Phoebe moment when she caught Chandler and Monica making out through the window. Lol