Sarah about Bruno – He’s the jiu-jitsu monster with a broken hand

POV Holder: Bruno Next POV April 17
POV Used NO POV Ceremony April 19
HOH Winner Bruno Next HOH April 15th
Nominations: Johnny and Sarah
Have Nots Brittnee, Pilar, Willow (Pickled Eggs & Chicken Feet)
POV Players Bruno, Sarah, Johnny, Bobby, Brittnee and Kevin
Zach is the POV host

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9:41pm Zach and Ashleigh HOH
Talking about Brittnee saying that AShleigh has a mean side to her.
Zach says he’s positive it will be an A or B competition.
Zach thinks they should put up Britnee and Godfrey and b@ckdoor Bobby. He stresses that Brittnee told him once Bobby leaves she hinted at taking out one of the girls, AShleigh, Willow or Pilar..

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There’s another JOrdan Big Brother PodCast going on.. After about a hour multiple people start to fall asleep

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9:58pm HOH Ashleigh and Pilar
Talking about what Zach said about Brittnee’s comments about Ashleigh. AShleigh says if she wins HOH she’s putting up Brittnee and Godfrey.
Pilar heads to the toilet.. Pilar – I can’t poop i’m so constipated.. I keep farting
AShleigh – Drop my name I’m going to come after you
Plar says she’s going to do the same thing nominate Brittnee and Godfrey

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10:25pm Bathroom Ashleigh and Sarah
Ashleigh tells her the vote is not changing Johnny is being evicted, “Johnny leaving is best for everyone’s game”
AShleigh – Its going to be a ZIP vote
Sarah is covering her tracks after Johnny spilled the beans about her going after the couples.

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10:55pm Bruno and Bobby Storage room
Bruno- F*** man I’m pretty sure this week you HAVE to win
Bobby doesn’t see it he thinks Zach will go after him before Kevin.
Bruno saying Zach and Jordan are sneaking around a lot.

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10:57pm Bedroom Jordan and Zach
Zach says emotionally he wants Brittnee out. The more Bobby stay in the house the more Sarah and Brittnee want him out.
Brittnee and Sarah walk in
Zach – 100%
Brittnee points out that every time she walks in a room he hears Zach saying 100%
Jordan says the plan is Pilar and Godfrey nominated next week.
Jordan tells them he knows the competition it’s A or B, 1/2 will pick A the other 1/2 picks B
jordan – I have a hunch based on something I witnesses.. I won’t talk about Production
Brittnee says Willow wants Godfrey gone this week
Jordan – she said she wants Kevin out this week.. she told me you two are dangerous
Zach – A/B makes me think double
Jordan – 100% its a double
They talk about their target after Bobby. Jordan thinks for Bruno’s sake he should go home before Jury says his sons got a club foot.
Jordan says Bruno has a final 2 deal with everyone in the house, “Not a final 2 but a final 2 without saying a final 2”
Jordan tells them they need a hand signal when they cast a vote.
Brittnee – are you guys going to do it when you vote out Johnny
jordan doesn’t think they should because Johnny is in their alliance.
Sarah appreciates them voting to keep her, “You won’t regret it”
Johnny comes in..

28 thoughts to “Sarah about Bruno – He’s the jiu-jitsu monster with a broken hand”

  1. Sarah needs to flip the house, but her best move is to lose this next HOH and win the next one. Once Bobby or Kevin is gone that would be the best time to go after the couples. I really just hope that Zach wins this next HOH and puts up Godfrey or Bobby, that will definitely wake up Bruno and Willow and realigns the entire house.

    Anyhow, Sarah gets back my vote as my favorite, she still annoys me when she begins to act very emotional but her strategy and know hows in the game out weight that annoyance of me. I used to think that Jordan got her in the wraps but seeing how he keeps protecting her from the girls and the Bromudas, she has been also playing him.

    1. 2 cents

      Sarah is playing Zach and Jordan. As much as I find her annoying she’s probably the best chance to smash the Diapers.

      She is totally the blind spot to newport ..

  2. i didnt realize “none of them” was an alliance vote option. lol
    i voted OBB because this site deserves the credit for making bbcan and bbus interesting.


  3. Johnny handled trying to stay in the house all wrong. Still warning the guys about the only peeps who had his back the whole game. What a loser he is…sore loser.
    Agreed that Sarah is Jordan blind spot and I hope it comes to bite him.
    I’m still in on Team Sarah. sure she can be emotional, but I don’t thin she is playing emotional, unlike Brit who could screw the game of her allies (Sarah) becuase of her dumb jealousy issues

  4. I don’t get Johnny’s motives behind bad talking Britnee and Sarah to everyone. They were the only people on his side when no else was, and now he’s been throwing them both under the bus so much. If he knows he’s leaving theres no need for him to continuously expose what Sarah did with the Gummy Bears, he was there too, she was telling him in confidence because she thought she could trust him. And I get that it’s big brother and lying is a part of the game and stuff, but what Johnny is doing is just pissing me off. You’re going and sucking up to all these people who could give 2 sh*ts about you and turning your back on people that were actually there for you? I don’t really know what I want to happen in this HOH, other than Naeha coming back, once she does I feel like this Newport alliance will finally be shaken up.

    1. No, Neaha said in an interview that she and Z had something going and if she came back she wanted to work with him.

        1. so I picture sarah having gummibear big brother talks with each of the alliances.
          how long before she has to ask a couple of them to stop eating the houseguests?

    2. Hey Finn, I have to disagree. Yah Johnny is blowing up their games, but B and Sarah were oh too quick to drop him even before the nomination ceremony took place. From the feeds it looked like a lot of throwing Johnny under the bus….then you have the POV competition…yah. I don’t blame Johnny for just blowing up everyone’s game. I honestly love it for the added drama factor 🙂 I can’t stand Zach & Jordan want them gone soooo bad! They are way too cocky and I just don’t think I can stand to hear them talk anymore how much they own someone or have complete control over them :S

        1. It’ll be their demise.. I see them and 1/2 the house going down in flames with Kevin left with the survivors to pick up the pieces.

    3. Finn, it seems Johnny is doing more than just selling out Sarah and Britt to get votes this week. He is hedging his bets that there is a by back into the game and is trying to position himself with the diapers should he return to the game.

  5. So basically Ash and Zack are going after B because she said crap about them? Like I get what she said was hurtful, but strategically she’s not the right person to evict right now. Get rid of Bobby or another guy.

      1. It is so unfortunate Bruno has to rely on Bobby for this next HOH. Whatever Pillar is or isn’t within this game Bobby is worse as he thinks he is playing a good game but is proving to be the biggest knumbskull in the house.
        I would like Bruno to stay just to see the Bros not have such a cakewalk within the game.

    1. Bobby is diehard loyal to Ashleigh because he still thinks he has a shot with her once he gets Zach out of the house. He is a number for her individual game. Britt can’t keep Ash’s name out of her mouth, and she’s made it clear that she would go after Ash. From an individual game perspective, keeping Bobby around is the better option for Ash. He’s a loyal idiot, and as far as I’ve heard Bruno and Willow also still trust Ash. Why scorn that side of the house (who you’re also in an alliance with) if you don’t have to? Putting up Godfrey and Britt would be her best play individually. It wouldn’t be what her alliance wants, but I don’t think they’d be too pissed off at her for it either.

  6. 2 cents pt 2

    I think Kevin is laying low he’s not as naive as I previously thought. He keeps his mouth shut and listens while Zach/Jordan go around talking mad game with everyone.

    I think this season has potential for some excitement we just need a match to set it off.

    1. Yes, Simon – Kevin is playing a very sly, smart & strategic game. No nerves. No ego. Steady as a rock. Completely underestimated. Barely a pulse. Looking forward to see how far he can go.

  7. I hope BBC reads here cause I just came up with a brilliant multiply choice game for the house guests.

    Who is Canada vote is playing similar games to Peter? A: Jordon
    Who is playing a similar game as Topaz? Ash
    Who is playing a similar game to Talla? Pilly
    Any other ideas? I know the house guests hated the task of where they had to be put in order according to questions.
    Also, wish they had to earn their food ……. this would be harder on the bigger guys.
    BB is way to easy would like to them to lose a little more luxuries.
    Anything to cause other %&* in the house.
    I enjoy the tasks by Martha the Moose …. wish there were more. Have someone to vote against the house, cause some sort of paranoia. The best is when Jon and Heather had to get drunk.
    Wish the double eviction would have worked. Bruno is going to kick himself in the ass not using it on Z and Kevin. Whoever sticks first and I don’t think it will be Bruno’s side. Please don’t be a Helen.

    1. Marie. It was Allison, not Heather involved in the drinking task with Jon. And it wasn’t a double eviction but a possible double veto during Bruno’s HOH.

  8. I was not happy with Sarah throwing Brit under the bus but I think this is why Jordan thinks he has her in the bag. She is playing a strong game right now, the fact that her plan to be regarded as an “emotional player” is working shows how skillful she is. Willow is now also starting to warm up to her which means there is now an opportunity for the other side to work with her. The only downside with Sarah is she sucks at competitions. She needs to win the next HOH after this one to solidify her place in the house. I just hope Naeha comes back and then they could have a go and change the game completely.

  9. I think Sarah is far from flipping the house. All she has done is sell B out. Now everything is about B and Bruno’s secret alliance. I have seen Sarah enough to know she truly believes that Britt has an alliance with Bruno. I don’t understand the hatred towards Britt. Yes she has been emotional about liking Zach but Sarah wasn’t complaining when Britt was HOH.

    Britt had told her weeks ago not to trust JP/Zach they weren’t going to take them. Sarah said “No…not Zach.” Then when she figured it out by herself she said Britt was blinded by them. She has a meltdown every 5 minutes then when she gets it together she says Britt is the emotional one.

    She gave Johnny all the information he needed to stay. It didn’t work because JP has control over her so he knows she doesn’t have the guts to flip. This is so frustrating, her calling Britt a buffer is ridiculous. She’s playing for 6th place.

  10. Kevin is by far my favorite player! He is completely cool and collected … I hope he gets to the point where he can take out Zach and then Jordan … I find it interesting that while all the others are not completely oblivious to Z/J talking all the time they just don’t think they need to get rid of them yet …

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