Sam “It may seem stupid to y’all but I am bound by a pinky promise, even if you spit in my face”

POV: Kaycee Next POV: Sept 8
POV Used No POV Ceremony Sept 10
HOH: Kaycee Next HOH: Sept 13
Noms: Sam & Haleigh Have Nots Havenots are done!

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1:25pm Tyler and Sam on the stairs.
Tyler – I know you’re sketched out with me because you don’t look me in the eye any more. Its fine. I just need you to know that if you win this week.. no matter what you want to do even if it’s some crazy sh*t that might not look like something I want to do. Does that make sense? Sam – yeah, well I already have a plan. Just in case. Tyler – you just have to trust me. I know what’s going on. I just need you to trust me. I support you no matter what. Sam – okay. Tyler – does that make sense? Are you reading my mind. Sam – I am going to be myself and do what I think is best based on what I am able to back up because my imagination.. my gut feelings or whatever.. and that plus what I am going to gather is what I am going to use but it’s still within the parameters of what I have promised to do. It may seem stupid to some of y’all but I am bound by a pinky promise. Tyler – it’s not. Sam – even if you spit in my face and told me that you’re going to vote me out. I made a pinky promise to you and I have to keep it. Whether you trust me or you’re for me or against me. If you’re using me or not using me. Tyler – you’re not going anywhere this week. You’re not going anywhere next week.

Sam – the chances of a double eviction this week are high. Just in case in the unlikely event that I f**king win… I have a feeling if anyone else wins I am going to be on the block. My bags are already packed. The people that are here are the extremely athletic people. I fully understand that this year it is different with the top 5. I am also fully aware that everybody assumes that I am a shoe in that I am America’s favorite. And that’s enough, I don’t need any more. And if that is the case hallelujah America and if it’s not then I am still going to be a winner. What I’ve gathered here is priceless. I have made it this far but I have a feeling I am not included in anyone else’s big picture plans… maybe yours. Tyler whispers something. Sam – everyone is getting on each other’s nerves. I am so glad that we are a part of an amicable cast. I am not going to do anything to rock the boat. I am here for as long as I am going to be here. I am sure that are people that are using me, taking me for granted or underestimate me or otherwise. What I am capable of or my strengths are very obviously not things that are useful in this house.

2:17pm Brett and Haleigh… (Fes who?)

2:42pm Haliegh is at the kitchen bar eating the puppy chow snack mix that Brett made. She decides she doesn’t want anymore so she slides it away from her on the bar and it slides right off and onto the floor. Kaycee jumps like she was shot at. JC starts laughing and calling for Brett to come see what Haleigh did. Tyler says that Brett spent 2 hours making that.

2:45pm Bedroom. Tyler and Brett. Brett – he (JC) keeps being like are you working with Tyler? Are you working with them? And I don’t know if that means he wants to take up or that he’s the next that has to go. He is the only one that ever suspects us. Tyler – Angela and Kaycee are definitely together dude. Its way better for me and you not to win this one though. Brett nods in agreement. Tyler – I can convince Angela to throw it. Brett – you should. Its probably going to be questions. Tyler – I will tell her that she has a lot of blood on her hands and get her to throw it to you or me. I feel bad but we have to do this dude. Brett – it might be better if we do win and we stick to the plan.

3:30pm The house guests are hanging out in the kitchen snacking and chatting about random things.

3:43pm – 4:35pm HOH room. Tyler, Kaycee and Angela.
Tyler – so here is the plan.. we tell him (Brett) that we’re throwing the sh*t to JC. I’ve got him convinced that its not beneficial for him and I to win this one and to let JC or Sam to win it. And I’m supposed to be convincing you not to win it too so that they win it put you two up and one of you goes. So Brett is going to throw this sh*t. You can’t throw it. I can’t throw it. You or I have to win it. We put up JC and Sam. If I win I will convince Brett… we’re sticking to the plan I’m going to backdoor Angela. Throw this veto and I’ll get all the blood on my hands. He throws the veto. One of us wins it and uses it on JC or Sam and Brett’s a$$ goes up. Then we vote him out. Angela – YES!! Kacyee – f**k him! He shot himself in the damn foot. Angela – Brett has to feel so safe. Tyler – I have him feeling so good. He thinks he is in a final two with me. He let JC get in his head. Angela – I knew JC was yo to something. Tyler – we have to have more Level 6 meetings. I knew this sh*t was coming. He is going to try and convince you to throw it to him or me. Its going to be because you don’t want to get more blood on your hands. Tell Brett that he or I (Tyler) need to win it. Kaycee – he needs to go ASAP. You f**ker! Little F**K! Tyler – we have to act normal. I can’t even hang out with you guys that much till tomorrow. Tyler leaves. Kaycee and Angela continue to talk about how pumped they are to get Brett out after he turned on them. Angela – Brett is going to walk into that jury house and everyone is going to be against him. Kaycee – he thinks he is sitting pretty. Angela – he is below the totem pole. Kaycee – he has no idea he is leaving tomorrow. Angela – Operation Backdoor Brett!

4:51pmJC comes up to the HOH room to pee. When he leaves the HOH room Angela fingers him.

6:10pm – 6:25pmAngela and Kaycee up in the HOH room watching the spy tv. They’re watching JC and Sam eating the salmon that Angela sabotaged. (Angela put a lot of salt and electrolytes on it.) Angela – JC is getting more? Kaycee – maybe it is good. Angela – there is no way its good its literally oil and sodium. Angela and Kaycee head down to try it. They try it. Kaycee says that it tastes good.

7:30pm – 7:50pm Kaycee and Tyler climb the wall. Angela comments on how JC has a nice butt. JC – you can play with it if you want?

8pm Sam tries on her outfit for tomorrow nights live show. Sam – my skin looks like sh*t. JC – you’re a white girl. You look really good.. once you do your make up and stuff. If it would make you feel better I could get Angela or something? Sam – that wouldn’t make me feel better, that would make me feel worse.

8:18pm Bathroom. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – the only other thing that made me feel good was Tyler. He reassured me. Not anything concrete or anything. Brett reassured me and JC told me not to freak out. I would rather know that I am going home than sit there and find out by Julie. I just wanted to talk to you because you’ve always been upfront and honest with me. Angela – And I haven’t talked to anyone but Kaycee right now… I don’t know if I am even going to bother talking to anyone else. I haven’t talked to Brett and JC hasn’t said anything. I assume he has his own agenda. Haleigh – well it only comes down to two (votes) this week. Have you talked to Tyler? Angela – we didn’t really talk directly about it. But we agreed that you weren’t going to take another shot. (LOL) Haleigh – yeah, I hope you really feel like that. Angela – yeah its really an eye for an eye. We’re past that.

8:40pm – 9pm Angela is trying to sleep. Meanwhile – Brett, Haleigh and JC are in the kitchen snacking and chatting about tv shows and other random things.

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165 thoughts to “Sam “It may seem stupid to y’all but I am bound by a pinky promise, even if you spit in my face””

  1. I think Sam is subtly letting Tyler know she’s coming for Angela is she wins. Also…. she apparently thinks she has AFP in the bag lol

    1. Sam can say more words that mean nothing than anybody I ever saw. And it’s always about herself herself herself. Deep down she knows her time is up was all she really said.

      1. They played the scene in the DR again tonight on CBS of Sam saying “I’ll rip the f’g doors of the mother-f’ing hinges” if she gets voted out. I thought there was at least one “F” and one “M-F” in that scene. My husband doesn’t watch After Dark or read OBB so he is similar to the general public who just watch the TV show. His opinion has completely changed on her the last few weeks so if he represents the general BB viewer, he wouldn’t choose her for AFP at all now.

      1. Yep, she started up there quite high in public opinion. Depending on the poll, for the first week to two weeks she was leading the polls. Tyler took over and has remained at the top.

        Interestingly though, Sam still remains higher than anyone from FOUTEE/The Hive, including Haleigh.

        1. You’re right, she did have quite the shine at the beginning. She was my early favorite. Now I just want her to get help when she gets out.

    2. I’d say so. And it’s good that she didn’t actually say it because technically, he never agreed to it. Watching the CBS show now. they showed the family videos. I know JC is a little devil, but I felt so sorry for him. He’s the only house guest who didn’t have a family video. It was some girl who is his friend. He seemed really sad. I suppose that’s the mother in me, but feel a ton of empathy for that little perv.

      1. No longer literally….. I feel you on the JC front. He may not be the most likeable character, but it’s easy to forget that these are people that have real shot going on in their lives outside of the house. It was sad to watch and the lack of acceptance from his family might help to explain why he is the way he is.

        1. Agree – Angela has a huge guard up because she didn’t have much of a child hood and she was trained to be that way. JC comes from another country, is gay, and small – AND has been rejected by his family. Tyler lost his dad and his world was disrupted as a teenager. I’m sure Sam has a story as well – she’s that sweet bubbly quirky southern girl, but she also has a dark side and there are probably reasons for it.

      2. Join the discussion… I have ZERO sympathy towards JC. He always complaining about ppl who play “the victim card”. He is living in a nice area of LA, is on a popular TV show, completed his undergrad and apparently is applying to grad schools. He is also 28 years old and should have more self awareness/ accountability concerning his words and actions. Further, if anyone but him didn’t have a family video shown , he would be making fun of them behind their back right about now.

        1. He is a 4’6″ gay immigrant whose family ignores him and his father wishes him dead… about a little compassion…..

      3. Agreed…poor guy. His height alone makes people judge him, then add being gay and rejected by family…he has a lot to emotionally continuously overcome. Acting out in his way may be his coping mechanism. The houseguests have said they think he’s thrown comps…if he actually did I wonder if he worried that if winning HOH he wouldn’t have photos and gifts from home. I hope he sees some extra compassion from people when the show is over!

  2. After the double the only person Tyler can’t control is Angela,so I wonder how he will orchestrate her eviction.

    1. Chances are he won’t. He is better off taking Angela to the final 2 over KC. KC has a good chance of winning over him. Tyler should see that now especially if KC keeps racking up the comp wins, plus she is more liked in Jury – a bad combo for him.

      He has said he doesn’t mind if Angela gets taken out but I think that is more game talk then what he wishes. He wants both of them in the final 3, at that point he might just sit back and throw the last comp since both of them are taking him to the end.

      1. Tyler has never given any indication about bringing Angela to final 3,and Angela would more likely choose Kaycee over Tyler for final 2.Kaycee JC and Sam have all pledged loyalty to Tyler,Angela has not therefore she must go before final 3.

        1. Wrong on both counts. Angela has said she would take him to the end and they have on a number of occasions, including as recently as today, said they will be final 3 together. Tyler is planning on cutting both Sam and JC after Brett.

          1. Tyler tells everyone what they want to hear,how do you choose which lies to believe?The most honest game talk Ty engages in is with JC and Kaycee.Ty dosen’t talk much game with Angela outside of Level6 talks.

            1. You can tell the difference in who he talks game with. He doesn’t tell Sam nothing, and he hasn’t talked game with JC in a couple weeks. Meanwhile he just had a meeting with KC and Angela and laid out the plan for the coming double eviction.
              That should tell you right there where his true allegiance lies.

  3. Well Brett’s putting in the work for a jury vote. Sam is…being all Sammy. I wonder is they all secretly think Sam is some kind of production plant.

    1. They thought she was for a while. they thought america voted every week on what crazy thing she would do or weird craft she would make, and how she would vote.

  4. I really want JC to leave after Haleigh. He causes drama and is a tattle tale. Sure, a few of his antics are entertaining, but not nearly as much as he thinks. Anyone else want him gone in the DE?

    1. So I saw on twitter earlier today where somebody said JC mentioned he used to work at CBS possibly even on the B.B. lot maybe a groundskeeper. I don’t have the live feeds but the person said that JC was talking to someone outside I think he said Brett and he was saying how when he used to work here you could walk right up to the parking lot or something to that effect and that production cut the feeds.

      So did anybody else here this conversation or exactly what was said about it?

  5. JC is such a great player. He’s making everyone turn against each other. I hope that JC will make it to final 2 because it’s a sure win for him. Go JC.

    1. not a great player. a great player realizes keeping the other side of the house alive to take out angela serves his interests better than all the stuff he did with convincing fessi to target his own ally.

      after tonight’s show with his family not showing up for the home video, he’s practically a shoo-in for afp though, much to my chagrin.

      1. I will not reward JC for his horrible disrespect for the people who work behind the scene, sexual misconduct and just being a horrible person.

        1. The JC segment of tonight’s episode sickened me. Not the video, that was just sad. But the fact that CBS is still giving him at least one good segment a week showing off his “charming” side to push him for AFP is just creepy.

    2. JC was a great player until Fez went out; now he’s met his matches in the remaining players (Haleigh excluded). This is a smarter house than usual and L6 have always known JC’s game. He still wants to be the puppet master, but he was only a useful tool for L6 until Fez left. He keeps trying his same strategy on L4 and it just doesn’t work. They were the Puppet Master of the little Puppet Master. He just doesn’t know it.

    3. Can you guys see that Orochimaru does this all the time, they pick the person on this board most people don’t care for. Why, who knows…I guess they love attention and the only way to get people to reply is to pick the least liked person for the week.

  6. Like I have been saying for a while now. Angela is absolute toast. JC, Sam, and Brett are all gunning for her, but even if she lucked out and made it to the F2 should would lose against anyone that sits next to her.

    1. JC, Sam and Brett are gunning for her? Between the three of them one won one competition, one had a competition gifted to her and the third hasn’t won squat.

      On the other hand Angela, Tyler (who gave one away) and Kaycee have won how many competitions? 5 HoH, 7 veto and 1 hacker?

      1. i still count sam’s win as a legit win. it was impossible to say she or tyler would have won, and just because she benefited from at least kaycee (if not also tyler) strategically throwing it, she still legit beat everyone else.

    2. i still think angela can beat brett and possibly sam, but her jury management rivals survivor’s amanda kimmel as some of the worst jury management on any competition reality show (figures that they’re both models).

      1. So, what you’re saying is that there are a lot of jealous females? I AM saying just that….Bayleigh, Rockstar, Hayleigh and Sam are totally jealous of Angela.

    3. That’s exactly why they should all want to keep her! She’s the one person they could ALL beat. The bitter jury hates her.

  7. Do you guys think Sam has any shot at winning AFP? I’m not sure her elevator reaches the top floor.

      1. i’m voting for Tyler.

        I’m not going to lie. The messages from home got me to tear up. i felt so bad for JC too.

        1. Actually, if you look at ALL the opinion polls, the GP seem to like Angela quite a bit….they’re just not nearly as vocal as her critics.

          1. angela has the same problem winning afp as she does winning the game. it’s not that she’s an unworthy winner, it’s just that the rest of her alliance is a better option.

    1. i’d vote for her over jc. but i’m probably voting for whoever seems to have the most momentum other than jc as the edits he’s been getting seem to make it look like production desperately wants him as afp, especially tonight’s.

      1. I don’t know if this will be relevant to how the AFP votes go, but in the regular news cycle, there has been a ton of negative press on JC. I haven’t agreed with all of it (the entire “N” word and “m” word discussion between him and Bay). It still consistently shows up first in google searches that he SAID the “n” word when it didn’t exactly play out like that. Also, alot of negative press about the ice cream scoop thing and his sleep petting Tyler without permission.

        1. i don’t think most voters pay attention to stuff that doesn’t make broadcast. production still parades frankie grande around like bb royalty even though everyone who actually watched the feeds despises him.

          1. You are probably right. My google news feed is customized to read news articles mostly on politics, general news, etc. but also my little obsession with some reality tv so I see a bunch of that stuff. I don’t read most of the BB related articles because it’s from Page Six and TMZ and it’s usually not entirely in context.

    2. I think the CBS edit has been showing Sam’s dark side the last few shows so I don’t know about her AFP status. I personally am going to vote Tyler or KC, and my husband doesn’t know it, but his account will also vote for one of those two 🙂

  8. How many “pinky swears” does she have out there now? Besides Tyler? Stupid play for the money and stop listening to Tyler who is game or 2 away from putting you on the block.

  9. Angela talking to Kaycee about Hayleigh: “this will be the best blindside of the season!”
    Angela now planning to blame Brett in her goodbye message to Haleigh.
    Angela…It’s not a BLINDSIDE when the person 50% expects it you idiot!

    1. This so much. Plus the bitch still hasn’t realized that she isn’t going to win Big Brother by being catty or lying in goodbye messages. She needs to go.

      1. I’ve notice something interesting about who and how opinions seem to be voiced here. For instance, take the people who dislike Angela so strongly. They tend to exhibit all the tendency they attribute to her all the time.

        Conversely, she exhibits all the grace and humility that they’re lacking.

        1. Not on OBB but on Twitter I’ve noticed the same people every year hate the same type of people on BB. It’s like clockwork and if I there’s a social scientist out there they should write a paper on it.

          1. i only hate on past houseguests on social media when they make stupid comments…. maybe I should be nicer to Kevin Martin ha ha

          2. I’ve watched Big Brother for many years, but this is my first season following along on Twitter. Wow, they’re intense. Lots of vocal Hive love and hatred toward Angela and KayCee (“mustache,” “furniture,” etc.). Not all that much appreciation for gameplay and lying low at the beginning of season — more of an emphasis on “entertain us.” You would think Haleigh is the most beloved woman in America from my Twitter feed. It’s been interesting to compare to this great site, which I’ve followed religiously for years. Thank you, Simon and Dawg!

        2. The personal attacks on all the houseguests are unfair,as is the fan worship.They’re just contestants on a game show.

        3. I might add that a few comments here define those of us who like L6’s game play as “fan worship” or Tyler as the “golden boy”. I’d say I’m a huge fan of their game play, but to put it into context, I wouldn’t drive up to my local super market to meet one of them in person. No offense to them, because I wouldn’t drive 2 miles to meet Beyonce or most anyone from Hollywood either. So not exactly fan worship. Just enjoying the good game, a great season, and OBB more than I have in awhile.

    2. That’s so dumb if their plan works he will be seeing Haleigh right after that so he is going to tell her the truth then she has 2 more jurors mad at her . Does she not care about the money or just likes being petty.

      1. Everyone there can be petty or do you just notice Angela’s comments. She has a right to them. None of these people, even the self-absorbed rockstar are as nasty as BB19 players were.

        1. BB19 was so f*ing horrible of a season but for me, Cody winning AFP then Jessica and him winning Amazing race was a nice end. Paul losing the game twice in a row was nice also.

          Did anyone ever find out what happened to MATT and RAven? last I heard Raven had a new go fund me going to scam more money.

          1. Loved watching the vote reveal on BB19. The look on Paul’s face when he realized there was one, deciding vote left…and it was Cody’s. Pure gold for me.

            As for Matt and Raven, this is from a “Reality TV World” article from today…

            “Raven Walton and Matthew Clines were inseparable after meeting in the Big Brother house, so much so that their fellow houseguests often believed neither individual cared much about the game itself or the strategy involved.

            As a couple, Matthew and Raven appreciated each other’s quirks in that he loved to eat cereal and she often mumbled her words and exaggerated stories about her life.

            Today, Matthew and Raven are still together and thriving; however, they appear to be making things work long-distance from different states.”

            In other words, they talk on the phone. Raven should go into business with Swaggy; they seem a good fit for each other.

            1. Totally! I paid so little attention I barely remember any of the HGs and couldn’t care less if any of them ever show back up.

          2. I’m shocked Raven hasn’t faced some investigation for fraud with all this Go Fund Me stuff. I googled those two quite some time ago and at that time, they supposedly were still in a long distance relationship. My skin crawled a bit the other night when Paul walked back in the house. Such poetic justice that he was “robbed” twice. And Cody & Jessica winning Amazing Race and being back to host one of the comps this season had to also sting a little 😀

          3. Agree completely. BB19 was so bad it actually still makes me nauseous thinking about it. That is one season where I could completely understand a bitter jury. Unfortunately both choices were bad. Josh is one of the least deserving winners. Just wish they would stop brining those two back as guests.

  10. The perception people have cracks me up. Why does Sam think she is AFP? What does she believe she has done to deserve that? Nothing against her curb-stomping, mud-holing self. LOL

    1. she won the first power app, so that probably makes her think she’s remained that popular instead of declining sharply.

  11. I just saw the family videos on the prime time show. JC’s video and his response made me sad. He seems to have no family- I am hoping it is because they live outside of the US or something. I hope it is not because he has been rejected by them. He has had to overcome multiple life challenges and even though he irritates me at times, I must admit that he has a fun personality and he has been playing a good social game.

    That said, if I were a HG, I’d prob still vote him out. I would not mind if he won AFP. IMHO he would make a better choice than Sam or Rat boy.

    1. He has said many times his family doesn’t accept him being gay. He even said the gay girl still had a message from her family and wishes his could have sent one too. It is so sad but that doesn’t excuse his bad behavior.

      1. I have to say that JC is my second biggest disappointment this season; second only to Scottie.

        I had high expectations for him and for a while he had good game play (play both sides against the middle), was funny and entertaining. Sadly his game play never evolved, Fessie was his last gasp, and he started getting creepy.

        I do feel bad for his family situation but having seen the video he made of himself and the minion doll, I don’t know if he does those things to lash out at his family or whether his family is estranged because he does things like that.

        1. On tonight’s show they ALL got video messages from “home”. JC got a message from a friend instead; nothing mentioned about his family.

        2. Clearly you haven’t seen tonight’s show or seen or read on the feeds that all 7 remaining houseguests got video messages from their families.

    2. Yeah, I remember him telling Tyler, I think, that his dad told him when he was a little boy that if he ended up being gay, he’d kill him.

  12. I might be the only person and I don’t care but I like Angela. I don’t know why everyone hates her because she tells it like it and doesn’t hold punches. She is loyal and wins competitions.

    1. I love Angela too! Her and KC are stand up people – they stay true and resolute… The boys, not so much… However, it is Big brother, so being manipulative and sneaky is valued.

    2. i like angela as a player, but i must admit she is probably the person in the house i’d be least likely to be friends with irl.

    3. Out of Level6 she is the most loyal but that’s not saying much anymore.Other than riding L6 to the end,I don’t know what her strategy to win is.

      1. That “poor Rachel” was a hot mess! She didn’t have much loyalty to Level 6. She was quick to believe the lies that people outside of her alliance told her more than she trusted those in her alliance. She became a detriment to the group (not to mention she wouldn’t stop freaking out and being paranoid). The best thing they did was to get her out before she blew up L6’s game.

    1. Haleigh, 17 minutes 58 seconds (Whaa?????) Ouch. Even watching it happen, 2+ minutes is super impressive. KC got it right in one round.

    2. It proves that everyone missed their chance to take Kaycee out. This late in the game it is entirely probably that Kaycee can win out and win against anyone she sits next to come final 2.

  13. Tyler wants to get rid of Brett for wanting to target Angela and Kaycee. Brett reminded Tyler about Kaycee being a competition beast. Finishing the challenge in two minutes but Tyler can not hear him because he is protecting his Angela. Tyler needs to think….Kaycee will beat him. Pretty sure Hayleigh, Scottie, Fez will not vote for him.
    When Hayleigh and Brett get to jury, they will talk.

    1. Tyler needs to stay with Kaycee and Angela who can win comps…..If he flipped now, he would be out of there. It will be an accident if JC or Sam wins something legitimately….It’s a numbers/wins game at this point.

  14. This seasons AFP is a tough one to figure out. Last year it was easy. Heck Even I voted last year a couple times.

    For this year I’m not really caring who wins they all gave a great season to watch something that has been lacking for so long I forgot what a good season is like.

    I guess if I had to pick it would be anyone but the HIVE.

    1. I’m feeling the same way. I’m not too bothered by who will win the season. I’m pretty sure I’ll be ok with whoever wins AFP unless it’s Steve (first time in so many seasons first out isn’t my first choice). I may have a problem with perjury types winning though. We’ll see…

      I’ve enjoyed this season even if it’s gotten somewhat boring right now. Thursday should see some excitement though.

  15. When angela and kaycee were talking about the salt and protein in the food, I had a bizarre inclination to check if the hive fan types were going nuts on twitter. Oh this should be entertaining, i thought to myself (when will i learn???). The same people that cheered and made excuses when haleigh talked about eye drops in people’s drinking water are bansheeing like a motherfoutte and spitting blood about Angela and salt. I think i’ve rolled my eyes so hard i’ve just done a cerebral cartwheel.

  16. This double was looking to be one of the least suspenseful in a long time until brett got his hive application approved and sh*t his whole game. I guess i can understand feeling like he needed to take a shot, though i disagree, but to tell tyler that he want to take his girl out was foutte-esque all the way.

    1. To be fair Brett was only engaging in a discussion with Tyler about options,then Tyler sold it to the girls as Bretts betrayal.Tyler had that planned for awhile.

  17. So disturbing that Angela would “sabotage” the food with salt or anything else for that matter. Then watch people unknowingly eat the tainted food on the monitor. Not only is it low down but also pretty damn creepy.

      1. Batman, you must be ok with eating food that someone else f**ked with just to see if it would make you sick but most of us are not. Hope no one ever decides to poison you cuz you’ll be too busy stuffing your face to notice.

        1. It is a prank… It is harmless. I love salt too! If it would get you sick, why did Kaycee go and eat it directly after they were laughing about it?

          I poison myself all the time — for fun! Don’t worry, I nurse myself back to health though. You know by rest, water, and netflix.

          What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?!

      2. Jack up their sodium intake so they retain water and are bloated and sluggish for any physical competitions during the DE?

    1. Lol that’s because jc commands & demandscthe girls to cook for them. Plus, jc was the one fattening ppl up with sweets. Get over yourself

    2. With that analogy, I sabotage our meals every night with light salt and some seasoning. Unless you are prescribed a bland diet in a nursing home, it’s not exactly sabotage. To me, creepy is not washing your hands before handling the food (JC).

    3. Here’s the thing, if you over salt or use too much oil, you can tell when the first bite is taken. One bite is all it’ll take to let you know the food is not good. Eye drops won’t alter the food’s taste enough to prevent your ingestion of a significant amount and depending on the drops could cause issues.

    4. Agree Janie Haze. Too much salt can have a bad effect on people (water retention to name one, and if retain enough it can go around the heart, cause breathing difficulties, etc). And Angela should get points against her for that. But production and most of the people commenting on here are too far up Angelas/Kaycee/Tylers butts to see it.

      1. Follow along….Hayleigh eyedrops to literally poison somebody. Angela did nothing more than what people used to do with untwisting the lids on salt and pepper shakers….would NOT hurt anybody because if it tasted SALTY, they would quit eating.

      2. Did you see what J.C did? It’s salt, one bite and if it was too salty they wouldn’t eat it. You just have a major hate for Angela.

    5. You must have missed when Hayleigh was trying to poison the house (except for her friends) before a competition…..she was hoping that they would have stomach cramps and diahrrea.

    1. Poor jury management makes him a desirable person to sit next to come final two. Kaycee is the person everyone should be targetting.

    1. What allegiance does JC owe level 6? He isn’t a member. Brett is the member that the has broken the trust. Every member of Level 6 knows JC’s game. Brett is responsible for his own actions. When Angela was hoh for the second time, Brett said he could drop the middle player act. Instead, he amplified the middle player act, moved to sleeping in the other bedroom, set out to form a new group (with Sam and JC). While they think JC has gotten in Brett’s head, we know better. If Brett is moving to take the weaker players to the end, and you are a strong player, logic dictates that you must end Brett. My analogy for wanting to get rid of Brett, not JC: you go to a lawyer to seek a divorce from a spouse that you have learned is cheating. Do you file for divorce from the cheating spouse, or the person they cheated with?

    2. Because they know what JC’s strategy is and thought Brett would never fall for it. Tyler, KC, and Angela wanted to bring the alliance to f4 until Brett betrayed them. Tyler was waiting for Brett to come to him and tell him what JC was proposing but he kept finding out that Brett was withholding information from him. The minute they realized JC was getting to Brett is when they realized they could never fully trust Brett to stay loyal to L6 until the final 4, especially when he approached Tyler about getting Angela out this week. Brett has a better chance of winning HOH so they know they need to get him out now before he can take the shot at them.

  18. A pinky promise should be mandatory in a wedding ceremony. The phrase till death do us part does not seem to work anymore

  19. It’s funny because after the very first show, I said to my BB Group . . I do not like Sam. I think she is phoney and is really playing up the ‘ southern drawl’ . . . and I have been proven right! First she carried on and on about how she didn’t even care to be there, now she carries on about how she will never win but that’s ok !!!!!! And that she thinks she is going to be America’s Favourite !!!!! Hmmmmmm . . . Sammy I don’t think so. Your boyfriend Tyler is going to backdoor eventually and you will not be voted AMF. Because the viewers, especially the ones that watch the live feeds and blog about it . . .know how fake you really are.

    1. I thought it when she made her grand speech about Haleigh and Rachel ( she didnt roll like that-flirting)- she does-she just thinks she is cuter at it- plus she cant walk by a mirror without looking ( most in there cant )- she uses the guys , just in a much more coy- Oh look at wittle me-she is sneaky and she knows this game- she is a liar also-

      1. I agree with all but the mirror thing….I think that if you or I were on live tv, 24 hours a day, you would look in the mirror a lot also…..

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