Sam “I volunteer as tribute. Take me out. Get me the f**k out of here!”

POV: ? Next POV: Aug 11th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 13th
HOH: ? Next HOH: Aug 16th
Noms: ?? Have Nots

8pm Lounge room. Angela, Kaycee, JC, Tyler. JC – we need the hacker! Kaycee – already after the competition he (Fes) was like where is everyone.. UUHHh.. in the house! Kaycee – f**k it we can still make it out alive guys. Tyler leaves. Angela – Tyler is f**ked! JC – we need to get the hacker. Angela – We just need to get the Hacker and throw Rockstar up there with Sam. And then Tyler needs to get picked for the veto, win it, keep the noms the same and then one of them goes home. Kaycee – yes! JC – we need to get the hacker and then pick Tyler to play in the veto. Kaycee – we just need to stay calm. Angela – the tension is so negative. JC – I don’t understand why she is always in a bad mood. JC – do you guys know that in big brother Canada you can’t whisper. (yes they can.) They can’t capture your whispers. They’re cheap. (lol) Kaycee – damn that would have been so sick if you had won. Angela – JC, last night I told Heleigh that I wasn’t mad at her and that I wished she had just told me. She said she was up last night crying. I told her that no matter what she has me. Thank the lord I said that. But what happened last night? Kaycee – they were all in the havenot room. When they were talking it must have just all come out. Angela – I don’t get why they always have drama. Kaycee – the good thing is they’re always going to be up in that room (HOH). We can have the bedrooms. Angela – true. Kaycee – maybe they won’t put Sam up because of how close Rockstar and Sam are. Angela – I have no idea. Kaycee – whatever happens we will just go from there.

8pm Bathroom. Fes and Rockstar. Rockstar – I can’t believe that our girl won HOH. I mean I can believe it. We just need to win the next one. Fes – I guess its good because the next one could be physical. Rockstar – I want to win one of these motherf**kers Fessie! I told you what I would do if I won. Fes – what? Rockstar – I said I would put Angela & Kaycee up. I wasn’t going to put Brett up for a third time. He and I are they only people that have been up there twice. Some people are walking around here .. real comfortable! Fes – what about all that with her? Rockstar – are you talking about Sam? Fes – yeah. Rockstar – just let her go. I thought you guys would have voted for her (Bay) to stay. She knew she was going though.

8:09pm Outside the HOH room. Scottie and Brett. Brett – I thought for sure Rockstar or Bay to be funny that they would have put me in their speech. Scottie – you should be good this week. Brett – all I know is Fes is piss that we voted out Bay. I told him that I didn’t want to be on the wrong side of the vote. Scottie – I think Fes thinks he is closer to Haleigh than I am .. which isn’t true. And you talked to her before about the vote? Brett – I didn’t, I thought you were. Scottie -yes, I did. Now that she’s (Haleigh) packed up here .. you will see them all crawl out here.

8:23pm Bathroom. Haleigh & Fes. Haleigh – I am sleeping alone tonight. Fes – I’m going to join you. Haleigh – no I want my first night alone. Fes – and we need to talk about this final 3 sh*t. Haleigh, okay.

8:48pm Bathroom. Tyler and Brett. Tyler – if you want to pitch to her to not put me up and to backdoor me. I am cool with that. I just think my only chance, to like win the hacker and the veto. I think the only way to save all four of us is if I don’t go up before the veto. I swear. You have to trust me on that. If its Sam and one of us, we would still be okay.

9:10pm Bedroom. Sam, JC, Rockstar. Sam – I volunteer as tribute. Take me out. Get me the f**k out of here! Brian, get me the f**k out of here.

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9:05pm Havenot room. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – there is so much still to happen. Angela – if I do happen to get the hacker I will come to you and we will figure it out. Haleigh – good, thank you. I appreciate that. Angela – these next few day are going to be long. I am so excited for this hacker bullsh*t to be over. Well if you need moral support or advice I am here. You’re going to be woken up at 4am and asked to look decent. Angela – also don’t let anyone get you to do their dirty work. I had a few people try to do that with me. Haleigh – I am excited to talk to Tyler and see where his head is at. There’s a lot that has to happen tonight. Angela – you have to decide if you’re going to make a big move or just try to stay safe. Haleigh – even making a big move doesn’t guarantee it to stick. Angela – I am glad that I didn what I did because it worked out in my favour. Haleigh – it did and you got the veto. Yeah the hacker f**ked it up.. I mean I f**Ked it up but you fixed it. Angela – it drives me nuts when someone doesn’t want to be here. Haleigh – I don’t think she realized what she signed up for. She doesn’t like it here. Angela – I think she thinks this is like playing house. Haleigh – she is a character. Angela – I love her to death. Haleigh – me too. Her best friend is Rockstar and she put her up. She is just very strange.

JC to Rockstar – I want you to get all the girls to dress showing their c@mel to*s. Would you feel better about yourself? Why don’t we have a c@mel t*e competition? I saw yours in your speech.

9:20pm Angela and Brett. Angela – I think she will put up Kaycee and Sam and try and backdoor Tyler. Would you be comfortable throwing out names. I said put up one person and a pawn. And then we would reconvene after the hacker. Tyler joins them. Tyler asks if they’ve talked to Haleigh yet. Angela says I did. I said put up on a pawn and someone you’re okay with going home. And then if you have a number one target do it after the veto. Brett – Scottie and Haliegh are really f**king close so he is going to have a lot of influence on that. He is obviously aware of you two but he is also aware of Kaycee. We have to win the veto.. and figure out the hacker. Tyler – the only way we would be good is if its one of us and someone else. Brett – I would leverage your relationship with Scottie as well. We will figure it out. Tyler – I say we still make sure we are close with Sam so that she see’s that.

Fes, JC and Haleigh in the havenot room. JC – moves that you can make without blood on your hands. Put Sam up because she put you up and then put up someone who can’t win the veto. Whatever we do this week we have to be smart about it. Just make it like have a good week. If you put Sam up and if we get the hacker we get her out (take Sam off the block) and then put whoever you want up. JC – you won the hacker and then you put Tyler up. I didn’t even know you wanted him out. Haleigh – do you see that had we all three voted to keep Bayleigh she would be here right now and Haleigh would have the power next week. Fes – we have to win the hacker. JC – she needs to make the less bloody move possible. JC throws out a bunch of scenarios and then leaves.

9:33pm Havenot room. Fes and Haleigh Fes – I wish there wasn’t hacker. Tomorrow is going to be a really good day or a bad day. If we don’t win then I am going up. Haleigh – I know. Fes – who do you want to put up? You could put up Angela and Kaycee and then backdoor Tyler. Haleigh – I was thinking about that. Fes – the thing about Kaycee .. you saw how many sushi dates she went on with Bayleigh and she couldn’t even get kaycee’s vote over Rockstar. What the f**k is that!? Kaycee just does that to cover her own a$$. kaycee spent all summer with her and couldn’t even vote for her. She is just floating, floating. Haleigh – I thought about putting Kaycee next to Sam. I can justify Sam. (Because Sam put her up) Angela is not coming after me. Angela doesn’t think I was the hacker. Fes – so if you win veto you would put up Tyler? Haleigh – yes that’s the goal this week.

Fes – hopefully I don’t get put on the block (by the hacker) and get to play in the veto. If I don’t win it, I am f**ked. Because then they would cancel JC’s vote or Rockstars vote and then I go home on your HOH. Haleigh – then you would be sitting next to Sam, Angela or Kaycee. Fes – if I go home on your HOH.. Haleigh – why are you talking about this?! Haleigh – I needed safety. Next week will probably be a double eviction and I can’t compete. Fes – next week will probably be physical. Haleigh – did you throw it? Fes – I knew you were going to beat all of them. I really like you. Haleigh – thank you. Fes talks about the Rachel vote. I wanted Brett out. Haleigh – so you did not flip? Fes – no, I am glad you’re asking because that means you didn’t flip. I thought it was you for sure because you hang out with Brett and stuff. Haleigh – Fessie did you flip!? Fes – no! Why would I flip? Haleigh – because Bayleigh told you to. Fes – now you’re being paranoid. Haleigh – these were things I was told. Fes – by who? Haleigh – if its not true then it doesn’t matter. Fes – yes it does because that means someone is trying to f**k us up. I don’t f**king care what happens in this game. I want you, that’s all I want out of this game. So it does matter … and I thought I was doing a good job at showing America and you. And now you come up with this theory that me and Bayleigh were the ones doing it. Yeah I’ve had Bayleigh’s back since Swaggy left. Who told you this? Haleigh – no, it doesn’t matter. I just need you to look at me and tell me its not true. Fes – its not true. Fes – who told you? Haleigh – Scottie. Fes –

10pm Rockstar and Haleigh. Haleigh – Angela and I had a conversation. I don’t trust her obviously. She doesn’t think I am the hacker. She literally thinks I took the fall for Bayleigh. Trying to keep Bayleigh here. So regardless, I know she’s not on my side. I also know that the nominations will probably change tomorrow. So do I put Sam next to Kaycee? Or Sam next to Angela. Or Angela next to Kaycee. Sam is a liability because in the event that she wins she is putting me up. Rockstar – who do you want to go the most? Haleigh – Tyler but we have to backdoor him. Rockstar – say Tyler got picked and wasn’t an option who would you want to leave the most? Me I would want Angela gone. Haleigh – yeah. Rockstar – she is a physical threat. Haleigh – so me and Scottie were talking yesterday and he revealed that he cried over me .. Angela and Tyler told him that I was trying to get him to sit next to Tyler. Which is not totally false. I convinced him that, that did not happen. Once we got over that he stared spilling the f**king tea. And some of the tea really upset me. After Brett stayed when he was next to Rachel. Bay came up to him (Brett) in the hammock and said you’re welcome, I told Fes to flip and that’s the only reason why you’re here. I don’t even know if this is true. Do I believe it? Not really .. does it raise questions in Fes? 100%! It upset me last night because we are working with people that are apparently going rogue.

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53 thoughts to “Sam “I volunteer as tribute. Take me out. Get me the f**k out of here!””

  1. Please stop talking to ppl about your plans especially Fes.
    6 weeks should be enough to learn from your mistakes, secondly you never put up someone who wants to go home and poses no immediate threat to you, on the block. Has anybody, besides tyler and scottie, watched this game before????

    God please fast forward

  2. So Scottie’s conversation with Haleigh is what flipped her Fes’s votes,does anyone know if he was being an evil genius or feeding her info that level 4 fee to him?

  3. Cut off the head of the snake and send Angela home Haleigh. Do not listen to anything that dumbo Fes has to say.

  4. If Sam wanted to stay in the house she now has leverage. She should go to Hayeigh and tell her about Tyler’s power. She could let her know that if she lets the other side think she is putting Tyler up, it would flush out his power. Tyler is having everyone do his dirty work.
    Own it Tyler.
    Go in and plead your own case.

    1. that would be the antithesis of the game she was playing. i still think she may be over it in terms of staying. but she wouldn’t do something she considered to be dishonorable.

        1. makes you wonder what type of questions d/r is asking her doesn’t it? ‘so sam, after your vote, do you think people still trust you, or do you think you just don’t know any better?’

  5. I have to say that I don’t like Sam at all. I did..and thought that she was just quirky. Now I know she is not trustworthy.
    Kay Cee, Tyler, Angela ..have been very supportive of her. Comforting her..keeping her in the loop.
    But she runs to the other side…says she wants to leave.
    That is the LAST thing she wants. She just wants to be on the HOH side each week.
    I think she knows a lot about this game. And is a rat.
    Her constant crying,..lecturing is pissy and annoying AF.
    She is a highly manipulative person. She wants to win this game. She lives in atrailer and gave up her job. That’s fine. I just don’t like the constant crying nd being such a good person and a victim. It gets old fast.
    I’m hoping Haleigh doesn’t get HOHITIS. But I think she will really give Fess a hard time.
    Hay thinks Fess will ALWAYS come running no matter what she does.
    Maybe not. Fess might finally feel played.

    1. Sam point blank said why she’s going through this. Her reason was to get Tyler as far as she could and watching BBAD he hasn’t talked a lot to her. Reading here he kinda let his “friendship” with her slide. She’s a person that NEEDS to know it’s true friend not game friend. I think she needs to go outside and chill and he needs to talk to her. He did to exactly what he said everyone else was going to do, play on her emotions. I like both but leaving her out was kinda messed up IMO

  6. Oh Sam….WTH????? I am so disappointed.

    How many people did you screw out of a chance to play this game? “Take me outta here. I just want to go to the small house.” You really weren’t built for this game. A nice person with a good heart but blissfully unaware that you are messing with people’s chance to win $500K. Or you just don’t care.

    I am no longer voting for Sam to get AFP. If you want to go….just go.

    The hive seems to have forgotten all about the other power app. Hay never talks about it when suggesting nominations. If she really plans to backdoor Tyler (he’s trying to get her to do just that so he can go sit in the “cloud”), she’s gonna get the surprise of her life.

    BTW…How does the hacker work? If Tyler sits in the “cloud” the hacker can’t nominate him can they?

    And if one of L4 wins veto…..we’re off to the races again!

    Best season in years!!!!!!!!!!

      1. nope. After a week of Tyler paying more attention to Angela than to her, and Bayleigh’s off feed infobomb that Tyler doesn’t keep his secrets (you know, a stab back), combined with d/r questioning, and two days without a smoke, Sam wants Tyler gone.

        1. Join the discussion..I get Sam, Kaitlyn flipped out (to herself) when she realized she didn’t have a “Person”, and thgt she would get voted out so she latched onto Fes & Tyler, everyone else is paired up but Sam, they only come to her when they need her vote & to be lied to or misled by Tyler was the last straw….

  7. My guess for this week.

    Hayleigh nominates Sam and Kaycee with the intent of back dooring Tyler. L6 side wins the hacker and pulls down Kaycee and puts up Rocks. Someone on Foutee wins veto and pulls Rocks off and try to put up Tyler who blocks it. Kaycee goes back up and Sam convinces everyone to vote her out.

  8. If Hayleigh puts Sam up, she screwed up her HOH right off the bat. This HOH would be great for Team Chaos if Tyler and Angela went up. That should be the only 2 Hay puts up.

    Team Tyler, Brett, KC, JC, Chaos

  9. Ugh if Tyler doesn’t use his power in nominations then he will use it during veto and be safe afl! I’m sure production will ensure he wins veto and or hacker ….. Sam might go home this week #waste I’ll rather see jC or Angela go home if Tyler stays

  10. Sam- I just want to stay with you all the time.
    Rockstar- You can do that. That’s cool

    Sam is playing a different game now. She’s pretending to be a baby gorilla and wants to be adopted by a momma gorilla. She’s also good at hiding in the closet all alone.

    Sam to Haleigh- I feel like a big joke. I feel like everyone is making fun of me. I dont belong here, I dont want to be here//

    If they are trying to talk Sam out of self-eviction at this point, then they are the crazy ones.

    1. Join the discussion…Has she really been hiding in the closets, I’m surprised that know one hv been hiding the SR cabinets to listen to ppl coming in…

  11. shut up fes. kaycee and angela are the perfect noms. tyler will use his power if he can’t win veto and then brett or angela goes home this week, leaving L6 down yet another member. great tv.

  12. AHA ! On BBAD Sam continues to cry to hay trying to get her to say who’s making fun of her. OVER and OVER.
    Hay says no=one.
    Sam then goes and cries to Rocks. Same thing.
    And then we get her game play.
    When Rocks says no=one is making fun of her..JC is just a dick…
    Sam now plays her game with this outburst.
    Says * I’m not against the guys. Continues and Says I like Rocks, Hay, Fess, JC and Scottie. ( All HIVE members)
    And then Calls TYLER a SHADY FUCK and how she’s going to do something to him. And that he doesn’t talk to her anymore.
    HMMM…Sam knowing FULL well that Tyler is the target this week.
    Disgusting ..FAKE SAM.

  13. Sam has now told Rocks that She pinky swears that she wants TYLER and ANGELA out of here.
    Seems on a hate mission. Says Tyler is a snake.

    1. Makes me wonder what her agenda is. I hope that now that she knows about Tyler’s power, she is trying to get him put up at the initial nominations. Maybe that’s what she thinks he wants to happen to be able to use his power. She is so wrong, if that is the case. He wants to use it when a veto replacement is being chosen. Awww….Crap.

  14. Sam is playing everyone! She just told Rocks that she thought Fez was gay. Rocks said no he’s not. So Sam said ok- I guess I’ll cut down on the cuddling then. What a little manipulator…. Go Sam! I was beginning to dislike her.

  15. Hay is complaining about Fes going rogue to the alliance member that Hay secretly left hanging on the block. ?

  16. I could be wrong, but I feel like production, in an attempt to get Sam to flip her vote, somehow convinced her that Tyler was using her. Or her brother tipped her off somehow in her phone call to him.
    I can’t think of any logical reason for the way she is acting. She is clinging to rock now because rock wasn’t mad at her for voting against her.

    1. Sam told Rockstar that she’s wants Tyler and Angela gone. Something set her off. Supposedly some lie that Tyler and Angela said. Rockstar pinky swore not to tell and hour later goes to HOH room and spills this info to Haighley.

  17. I’m loving the Sam show on tonight’s BB after dark.I don’t know what kind of psychological torture they put her through in the dr but she is going off tonight.Hillarious,asking if Fes is gay.Guess he peeps on Haleigh in the shower to keep his cover.

  18. Why is Fessy still obsessed with getting Haleigh as his girlfriend when she’s made it clear she doesn’t want him? He’s turning into Caleb 2.0.

  19. Ok so did B.B. production just tweak the hacker comp a little and add some photos for Haleigh to win this hoh?

  20. Okay, I think Sam legit is losing it…. she is talking and acting f’n crazy… like truly needs psychiatric help ASAP….. or she’s acting real well to get booted off? In any case this is extremely abnormal , troubling behavior.. wtf???

    1. I agree, something is wrong with her and I don’t know what it is. Set aside whether u like wounded, sweet, poor bird lamb…whether you think he’s a mastermind or hate him…I just can’t figure out why SAM would turn on him. He’s the reason she’s even still there and up until now, has done nothing but try to protect her

      1. Bay likely put something into her head before she left and told her to trust Rockstar – it was strange that she voted to keep Bay when Fes/H didn’t.

        Her behaviour now is concerning and puts into question her emotional/mental stability. They (production/psychologists) need to assess her and make she is ok. She is over the top paranoid and all the talk about maybe it’s just in my head makes me think this has happened to her before.

  21. I think the lesson of Haleigh and all her allies for future players is vote-counting. At no point in this game have they managed to do it before a vote or after a vote….so she decided as hacker Tyler was the threat nobody saw, which just means everybody likes him, which means you have a ton of work to do before he gets evicted.

    Haleigh goes with he Fez plan: Nominate Sam and Kaycee, then backdoor Tyler….well he’s got the votes against either of those people. It’s a 4 vote majority. Who is joining Fez and RS to keep Sam or Kaycee over Tyler? Pick another nominee. What combination gets you 4 votes to bounce Tyler?

    If Haleigh simply managed to keep a vote record, either accurate or her assumptions, of each player…she’d realize unless somebody outside her tiny, losing alliance pitches Tyler, she’s not getting him out…and the next logical step is to realize her only goal in this HOH is to gain allies because if she keeps doing the same thing that’s been a loser yet expects a different result, then she’s relying on Fez and RS, a scary proposition.

  22. JC wants to see all the women Camel Toes. Imagine if Swaggy said that..there would be 100 outrage comments about how he is a pervert, disgusting and how he has to go. Do forget JC slapped Rachel in face and multiple sexual things to the women.

  23. I get Sam, Kaitlyn flipped out (to herself) when she realized she didn’t have a “Person”, and thgt she would get voted out so she latched onto Fes & Tyler, everyone else is paired up but Sam, they only come to her when they need her vote & to be lied to or misled by Tyler was the last straw…

  24. So many of these people used the F-word quite often. When used a lot it makes them sound like ignorant pigs.

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