Sam “A lot of crying! I’m not used to that sh*t! Its week one, calm the f**k down! I’m still f**king using it!”

Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy.  Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the replacement.  Ovi is the second choice. The Veto will most likely be Monday. It’s been busy in the house today there could be a flip it’s so early.

House Guest alternate names:
Analyse AKA Sis
Jackson AKA Michie (Jackson Michie)
Isabella AKA Bella

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7:20pm Backyard. Jack and Jackson. Jack – well today has been an interesting day. I feel like I am making a target of myself. I keep blowing everything out of proportion. So we will see. If I go, I go and its my time. Jackson – Jack you’re good. Jack – if not, then I am here just to play the game. Jackson – you’re good. Jack – If I go, I go. Jack – how are you with Christie? Jack – I’m good. Jackson – then how are you burying yourself? Jack – I am trying to play a good game and communicate to my alliance. Jackson – I’ve got your back. Whole hardheartedly! 100%! Christie has your back. Holly has your back. Sis has your back. Ovi’s got your back. Jack – yup! Jackson – Nicole has your back. Kat has your back. Cliff has your back. At the end of the day even if you don’t consider the outliers you still have me, Tommy, Christie, Holly, Sis and yourself. That’s a solid six. That’s all we need. Jack – I know. I just want to be present. Jackson – the thing with Christie is she is very…. Jack – yeah boy.. much more than we thought. I thought she was a stone temple. Jackson – do you think she (Christie) could be swayed to not put up Kemi? Do you think Sam could be swayed to not use it (veto). Jack – they just has a really long talk. Feel me? Jackson – no I do, that’s why I’m asking. Jack – I’m not even going to talk to her about it unless she brings it up to me.

7:46pm Backyard couches. Sam, Jack and Nick. Sam – I am still doing exactly what I said I would because that’s what I do. Sam tells them about how Christie didn’t want him to use it and that she wants to play her game. Sam – But I am still f**king using it. So either she is going to be shocked or she was being vague. The way she was talking was do you have to use it. Nick – why didn’t you just tell her? Sam – because she was a f**king wreck. Jackson joins them. Sam – I don’t think she wants Kemi to go home. Nick – it doesn’t matter what she does. We can get Kemi out next week. It doesn’t matter. And Jess is not winning a comp. Or Analyse or Christie… so it doesn’t matter. Sam – I was so vague about using it or not using it so she probably thinks I won’t use it. A lot of crying.. I’m not used to that sh*t! Its week one calm the f**k down!

8:25pm Tommy and Jackson talk in the kitchen about how paranoid Kat is. Tommy – I completely understand where she is coming from ..14 days is a long time. Jackson – but we have the numbers! I can only tell her so many times. I can’t do it anymore .. I can’t!

Boat room. Kat and Tommy. Kat is crying again. Tommy is trying to talk her down.

8:55pm Christie and Nick in the bathroom. Christie – I am going to go the easiest, easiest route possible. This is not the Jack-show and I am not going to get manipulated. I am not going to get bullied anymore! But you need to have my f**king back.

9pm Bathroom. Kemi and Nick. Kemi – the whole conversation I had with Kat.. I was just trying to help her. I swear to god. Nick – doesn’t matter. I’ve got you. Just stay chill. Kemi – alright.

9:05pm Bedroom. Sam and Nick. Sam talks to Nick about the conversation he had with Christie earlier. Sam explain how when he told Christie he is going to use the veto she asked him what she should do then. He tells Nick how he told her to put up Ovi. And she said I totally forgot about that. I was like you’re fine and she said oh my god I totally forgot about that. Thank you. Nick – when I talked to her today I said I want to make sure you’re playing your game. I literally love Christie and I would protect her game. I would protect you, Bella, Christie. That’s it and maybe Tommy. I just said whatever you choose you make the best decision for you. Sam – just know that she is going to act shocked. That’s the whole plan that she’s not sure what I’m doing. She is going to tell Jack that she thinks that I’m not going to play it. And then when I go up there .. that’s why I told Jack. Nick – that’s why. When you were telling him (Jack & Jackson) sh*t.. I was like why the f**k is he telling them sh*t. I was like Sam you f**king idiot. Sam – always trust me. Nick – that’s good, you’re a really good liar. Sam – thats why when I say it she is going to be like Ummm.. ok.. Ovi. And we’re going to act all shocked. Nick – perfect! Nick – I really do think that he (Jack) is getting jealous because of Sis (Analyse). Sis is flirting with me. Sam – you should still kiss up on her. Nick – Just to rub it in. Every time I’m with her he is hawking me. I understand it, I would be jealous too. I know I’m good looking but he is home grown. She should want him over me. Sam – he’s probably the most good looking and then Michie (Jackson). I think Michie’s face isn’t so good but his body makes up for it. Sam – Bella is cool. Nick – I like her but her situation at home is why we had to stop it. Before she came out here she was living with guy and all her sh*t is there and she never talked to him before she came.. so two nights ago I slept with her ..not..Big Brother switches the feeds..

9:50pm All the house guests are sitting around the kitchen table telling what they’re all thankful for..

10:13pm – 10:25pm Nick, Jack and Jackson. Nick – so far we have no f**King blood on our hands. If I won next week and Kat was still here I would put her up again. That’s one less person with blood. Say I put up Ovi and Jess, one of them is staying and is mad at me. But if I put up Kat, she trusts us, she knows she’s not going home and then we just f**king send them out. She could be in here for 5 more weeks. Jackson – Its been 11 day of trying to keep her sane and today it just got to me. I can’t do this anymore. Jack – the difference between Kat and Kemi is that Kat will vote your way .. Kemi won’t. I can put up with crying all week. Nick – it doesn’t matter Kemi is going home. And then I’ll take out Ovi next week. Jack – I’ve got plans in jury bro. Nick – yeah Sis (Analyse) bro, I know. Nick then says – feeds, feeds, feeds.. I am so sorry her family is watching. I am so sorry I forgot. She is the perfect girl. Nick – I am loyal to us till the eight and then we turn on each other. And Sam… Jack – Sam is volatile as sh*t. Nick – so then we take him out. Jack – if we can. If he’s not just an unstoppable force. Nick – I told you he was good. Jack – the fact that he beat me in that comp is terrifying. Jack talks about the veto comp. It was 50 pounds of lettuce and then think of having 3 midgets.. Jackson – oh nooooo!!!! Jack! Jack Jack! Jack – no and then 3 small mini guns of dressing.. Tommy and Ovi join them.

11:10pm Kitchen. Kemi and Jessica. Kemi – I definitely think that You, Me, Bella and Christie should lock something down. I’m not sure where Analyse, Kat and Holly are at. Jess – Bella is pretty close with Nick. Kemi – I can guarantee that Bella with Nick is strictly business. I can guarantee you that. Jess – we think that Jack is a beast but Sam took it from him. It just goes to show you that this is anyone’s game.

11:40pm Bathroom. Analyse, Jack, Jackson, Nick, Bella, Sam, Christie and Cliff are chatting about random things. Meanwhile out on the hammock Ovi and Tommy are chatting.

11:48pm Bedroom. Cliff and Kat. Cliff – I think we’re good and once we make it through the next few days we can coast for a few weeks. There are bigger targets. You never know anything for certain but you’re good. Kat – thanks. Cliff – I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.

11:57pm – 12am Bedroom. Jackson and Kat. Jackson – trust the process and just be calm and everything will be good. Just don’t do anything irrational. Don’t say anything like that… Don’t tell Sis (Analyse) and Holly that you will just self evict because people will do it. At that point I can’t help you. You’re on the block and you’re putting yourself in jeopardy. Kat – I just feel like such an outsider. Jackson – the more you say that and the more you isolate yourself .. the more you won’t fit in. Just be yourself and people will love you for it. Just be yourself. You’re up there so we can execute a backdoor. Remind yourself of that .. no one wants you gone.

24 thoughts to “Sam “A lot of crying! I’m not used to that sh*t! Its week one, calm the f**k down! I’m still f**king using it!””

  1. ….. so you’re out of contact with the real world for four hours, you return and what in the sweet thundering jeepers is going on???
    how many crisis management teams are they burning through every 24 hours? and who to the what now… who is going on the block at this point?

  2. I don’t understand why Ovi is now the target. The guy has done nothing to piss people off (the last 3 days). He’s been nice to everyone, and just looks like an awkward, misunderstood nice kid. Kemi hasn’t done anything to deserve going home either, but I don’t understand the pivot this late in the week for absolutely no reason. Christie feels bad for sending home Kemi since Kemi hasn’t done anything to her, so instead, send the guy who has done absolutely nothing wrong home… I just don’t get it.

    1. I still say Christie’s crisis in conviction, and a few of the other house guests’ conversations about not nomming Kemi have a lot to do with some subtle conversation hints dropped in d/r in hopes of alleviating some of the public, press, and social media pressure and scrutiny.
      Christie has left the d/r more than once in the past two days worried about nomming Kemi. I don’t think they’ve been concerned with who else to nom, just subtle hints it would look a certain way if Kemi were the nom. Why it would be better to backdoor the east asian indian man than the black woman in terms of perceptional shift is beyond me. Especially when the other nominee has tried to leave the game.

      1. I certainly hope that isn’t the case. Evicting Kemi isn’t about race. It’s about evicting someone who will be a good player in the future, and evicting someone because you have to put up someone else that isn’t in your alliance. Ik the same can be said for Ovi, but there’s no reason to pivot like this. That’s the issue with society today, people want to say everything is about race, when it just simply isnt. A few bad apples shouldn’t spoil the bunch; especially in this case.

        1. my thought has been that it’s not about overt racism, but it is more than possible that the reason that, until today, the only targets that had been named by mutliple people may have been more noticeable because they don’t fit the 50% of the house mold. until today, the people named as targets by multiple hg’s were kemi, ovi, jessica, bella, christie and cliff. While it isnt’ because of race, age or orientation those factors make them stand out more in the crowd. The fact that until today the only named targets all checked off the notciswhiteunder35 box might not be the reason they were considered targets, but it’s likely the reason they were more noticed to become targets.
          The fact that press and social media HAVE been putting the racial identity factor out there as a consideration, whether valid from an overt or an implicit way… the d/r flying monkeys would more than likely make people aware of the optics and how it might be perceived. What they do about it is left up to them at this point unless a clear line has been crossed on camera in an explicit fashion.

    2. This would have been so much easier if they went after the biggest threats in the first place. Put up Jack, or Jackson. Put up Sam he is toooo loud!

      1. Jack and Jackson were tight with Christie when the nominations were made…more than a week ago. This is one of the biggest issues with the first HoH. It’s about 2 weeks long because she won the HoH preseason probably day 2 or 3. No one really had a handle on everyone so things started shaking out after her big decisions were made and now she’s stuck. The question is how can she pivot without just pissing off another section of the house and that may be the reason she’s focused on the previously agreed targets.

        1. didn’t they say noms were made the day that feeds went live? i thought when two of them were practicing days the first full day of feeds, they ended with yesterday, noms.

          1. Possibly but at that point things were still up in the air and everyone was playing nice. Once noms were made with another week to go that’s when things got wild. There’s a lot of time to stew. Normal HoH’s noms are done Friday afternoon, veto on Saturday, ceremony Monday and eviction Thursday. So the whole process is done in 5 days instead of 10.

  3. Ugh another season to have to hear about white people being racist because one black man couldn’t find his way out of the dark and one black woman is a self admitted nasty bitch. If they did a season of an all black cast, somehow, some way racism will still be called. I’m hoping David makes his way back because he said he wanted to show a black person in a different way than what has been the stereotypical black player on BB. Not all black people are the same! So BB stop casting the same types! And people in this forum….you don’t know what color I am so check your comments!

    1. Part of that is casting. Big Brother likes the sassy black woman which doesn’t always play well with the rest of the house. They usually have some snarky or crazy white women too but there are also the Megs, Veronicas, Brittany (season 16) and other assorted sweet, pretty, or non-abrasive types to dilute the snark. There aren’t enough black folks to dilute the black crazy.

  4. Yesterday was exciting causing my rankings to change a bit:

    #1 Tommy has moved to the top for me. He is a genuine good guy. When he talks game, it’s obvious that he understands how to play without negativity. I love that he is such a kind person…he really will be that one that HGs can “step out” of the game and chat with for a moment and get some authentic emotional comfort. His downfall would be that everyone loves him, so he poses the threat of being everyone’s favorite person in the house. I can’t remember…have we had anyone win the game and win AFP?

    #2 Cliff hasn’t done anything wrong to drop on my list, it’s just that Tommy is doing more right now. Cliff is funny and lovable. I can see him going far in this game.

    #3 Sam moves up on my ranking because he handled Christie well during her breakdown, leaving him even more golden with the girls. Also, he won a really difficult veto…can’t deny that’s important. I honestly don’t like the guy, myself, because he obviously acts one way with the boys and a totally different way with the girls when talking game, but that’s the game. He is immature for his age, IMHO, and while he is funny, I just can’t handle all his loud yelling.

    #4/5 Sis and Holly keep these spots. Nick is now on to Sis playing him (can’t believe he didn’t figure that out sooner), and for some reason Christie is convinced she is infatuated with Jack. Sis plays the innocent sweetheart role well. Holly is the cattiest of the girls, but she’s not wrong with everything she says. She needs to not think out loud so much, or it could backfire.

    #6 Nicole has moved up on my list because she has found a way to become the house’s pet. I think Nicole will be underestimated in this game and coast through before revealing herself as a threat. I love her connection with Christie, Kemi, Tommy, and Bella. I like her (so do the HGs)!

    #7 Christie has dropped on my list because of her emotional breakdown yesterday. Some of her comments just rubbed me wrong: “I wanted it to be easy”, “I just want to make friends and have fun.”, “I’m just so scared.” All of this is understandable but annoying in a game she signed up for. But, she also took control of her own game yesterday and realized the negative influence that Jack has been.

    #8 I really don’t like Nick, but he does know how to adjust his game accordingly. I must give him props for that clean-up job post (assumed) Nickella agenda.

    #9 Kemi has impressed me with her attitude this week. She does make herself standout by being such an awkward bystander, but she still garners a “place” in this house with the girls. Hang in there Kemi.

    #10 Bella is the most interesting HG to watch. She is completely original, and I love her for her individuality. She makes me laugh all the time, and I have to keep reminding myself that she’s only 22. She is far more mature that the older HGs. She is on so many HG’s radar, so I have to rank her down here.

    #11 Jessica is a great gal. She is beautiful and confident, and she is such a great role model for her daughter.

    #12 Kat’s situation is….well, unfair. Yet, she has handled it better than I expected. Her “game” was in the hands of the JJ duo, so I can completely relate to her fear and concern. Michie has not been the supportive guy he thinks he has been for her, and Jack has been down right verbally abusive. Kat has been on the block for a really long time. While it’s torture to watch her go through this…she is being real, and I feel for her. She was isolated before she isolated herself. That is harsh in such a confined environment. I hate that she keeps saying she just wants to go home, and I know she really isn’t there to play the game in the first place. But, she is a human being with feelings, and her fragility is justifiable. When people make you feel bad for having totally normal reactions and emotions, it can be emotionally debilitating. Who knows, she may self-evict. I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

    #13 Ovi is a nice guy, but he doesn’t have a foothold and I don’t see a genuine connection with any of the HGs. He’s the target and I do expect him to be evicted this week.

    #14 Michie….I hate the way he is being with Kat and trying to play on the sympathy of the girls. He comes off as a bobblehead to me. One minute he’s fierce and the next he is “just grateful”.

    #15 Jack His only positive right now is that he realizes he is making himself a target (and he is easy on the eyes).

    I want to add my personal opinion on race relations in the U.S. Yes, our nation still has a racial divide, which is completely embarrassing. But, in my world, we are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Pointing fingers at game moves being based on racial prejudice is ridiculous given there is zero evidence of that actually being true. Production is clearly influencing this week because of this asinine assumption being spewed. I used to read all comments on this site, but now I just avoid certain commenters knowing they’re just going to negatively affect my blood pressure. I’m avoiding social media, too. I just can’t handle all that negativity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet people and respect them for the people they are? I’d love a society in which humans couldn’t be defined by their race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc. In my opinion, there are two types of people: good people and bad people. That is all.

    1. Good Post Granny, I agree with you on most. As for your personal opinions at the end I totally agree. In fact I have backed off of social media because it was so toxic. The accusations of racism have take over Twitter and totally overshadowed the game. Seems that people don’t see people anymore, they see ‘the brown guy’, ‘the black girl’, ‘the Asian girl’, ‘the old guy’, the ‘plus size girl’. Probably the only way to avoid this in the future is to have an “all the same” cast, all white, all black, all old, all gay, whatever. Then we could focus on the game maybe? Sad.

        1. Me too! I follow a lot of BB fans of color and seems they have totally lost perspective and it has become toxic. Maybe being from Canada we don’t understand their point of view? Hopefully Kemi stays and David comes back and then we can get back to the game.

          1. BB twitter has always been a tough place for me to fit in. Twitter is fueled by tribalism and divisiveness. Two things that the world is in too much abundance of.

        2. twitter is a complete garbage platform. Utterly and totally despicable. I am not on it, and refuse to get on it. It is one of the worst “inventions” if you will…. I attribute it almost to solely and completely for coarsening our discourse.

    2. As a black person i wasn’t mad that Jackson put them up as camp director cuz it obviously wasnt race related…the four people that he put up gave him the only reasons he could go off of at the time. 3 others stood up to be camp director and only one person, out of the entire house mind you, decided “Hey im not gonna ask him to keep me safe”. I was angry that both black people made such fatal mistakes so early. Kemi being the target this week makes sense too…Jackson made an alliance with Christie and he wants to get out the 3 people that he put up. And out of those 3 Kemi is the strongest. But all the world say is “He put up two black people that’s racist!” When it was really all game lol

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