“you’re forced to see me I’m here to pay you a compliment.. you are beautiful”

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4:41pm Neeley and Kryssie
Kryssie saying she was misinterpreting why she was upset in the HOH.
Kryssie says Jason handled to way differently than Neeley did
Neeley – I’m not Jason.. sorry
Neeley says what Kryssie said “felt like a dig”
Neeley says it was personal, Kryssie denies it.
Kryssie says this is all in Neeley’s head
Neeley – Ok .. Ok
Neeley now saying she’s upset that Kryssie said that in front of Danielle.
Kryssie is saying Neeley is twisting things around
Neeley – you said what you said and I felt what I felt
Kryssie asks her to not get so heated.
Neeley keeps saying she keeps it real.

4:55pm Jason and Justin in the Tokyo room talking about Neeley getting wrapped in her emotions.
Jason – it makes us look weak as a side.

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5:29pm Safety servant asks Kryssie how her day is.

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5:45pm Trying to figure out “what they are arguing about” (The other side)

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6:08pm Making a cake from a mix.

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6:13pm Justin explains to Whitney the drama between Neeley and Kryssie
Justin says he wants Danielle and Neeley out of the game. Whitney is surprised.
Whitney – Jason want me out
Justin – no

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6:27pm Kryssie, Jason and Daneille
Kryssie – Neeley is our most emotional person since Shane’s gone..
Kryssie says she’s not surprised if Neeley jumps ship. Points out how close Neeley is with Morgan.
Jason and Danielle agree.

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7:38pm Live Diary room sessions have started

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7:27pm Alex and MOrgan
Alex thinks Neeley and Kryssie are fighting because Neeley wants Whitney nominated and Kryssie wants Morgan. Adds that they need to throw Scott under the bus get “We have to flip this”
Alex – we have to flip this back to Shelby and Scott
Alex tells her to go up into teh HOH and give them a deal Whitney is doing the same.

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7:39pm Storage room Shelby and Morgan
Agreeing on their deal to Kryssie tonight. They’re both going offer Kryssie their votes “put up who your target is me and Whitney will vote in your favour.. that’s 2 votes.. ”
Morgan now saying she’s goign to offer Kryssie safety next week.
Morgan is certain Kryssie wants her to go home.
Morgan is going to tell Kryssie “if you want me as your target I want you to have the honesty you preach you have and tell me”
MOrgan says Scott’s working with Jason and Justin and she’s going to tell Kryssie that “I have nothing to lose at this point”

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8:20pm ball smashers
Planning how they are goign to get Scott the target.

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Shelby – I might want to be on the block because then I can fight for Veto
Shelby is going to try and blow up Neeley’s game. Says that Neeley is lying about working at Nordstorm
Shelby goes on about lying about being a lawyer she’s been telling everyone she’s a waitress
Shelby – Ball smashers

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9:02pm Alex thanks America for the safety

28 thoughts to ““you’re forced to see me I’m here to pay you a compliment.. you are beautiful””

  1. Kryssie giving Danielle advice on being a better person is so hysterical. She believes she is so loved by America, tomorrow is going to be great.

  2. Jason is vile but his Pee Wee Herman cartoonish look seems to give him a free pass! Don’t get the Jason love.

  3. LNC is having alot of drama, starting to crumble. If their side is have nots and America nom. I can definitely see someone flipping to the other side. Lets make it happen

  4. Hey Simon and Dawg. Did you know that Vic and Paul will be in Vancouver tomorrow? Oct 22 at Alexander Gas Town 91 Powell St

    1. No, I didn’t know. That’s awesome!

      Wish I lived closer. There’s a ferry ride between us which is big $$ nowadays

      Anyone in Vancouver going?

      1. They’re actually in Vancouver right now. They did a radio interview on KissRadio Vancouver. Twitter has the Video interview of Sitting Ducks @kissradio

  5. Let the CRACKS begin! If Neely is America’s nom & if Jason, Neely, and Justin are Have Nots, that will be REASONS TO CELEBRATE!!! Let the F-works begin!

  6. Jason is a pathethetic, vile little troll and I am at a total loss as to how any BIg Brother fans could remotely find him interesting, or on any level of likeability. Honestly, I didn’t vote for either Jason or Jozea because I didn’t think either of them deserved to be in the BB house the first time much less a second time. Kryssie is deluded and thinks she is superior enough to hand down her judgements and psychobabble on anyone she feels needs to be educated about themselves. Like she would have a clue! I won’t waste time on the rest of the creepy band of social misfits who proudly named themselves the Late Night Jamboree.
    Obviously the majority of people selected for this People Of Walmart edition of BB were cast to be overly dramatic and narcissistic in hope they would create low class drama that passes as entertainment these days. Pathetic. After watching the three weeks, I have already lost interest in watching live feeds more than an hour or so each day and just read the recaps provided here. I can’t see being interested enough to stay around until the finale.

  7. No, we dont want Scott nominated. I dont like him, but he is a number for the Ball Smashers and he will help Alex, who is an awesome player get further in the game. Let’s nominate Neely to take out someone from the LNC side. So that the Ball Smashers can have more numbers on their side!

  8. I just don’t understand why Scott is leading in the polls for AN. Do the fans not see how disgusting the LNC is acting? The vile bullshit that comes out of Neeley, Jason, Kryssie and Danielle’s mouths is beyond normal game fighting. I wish America would stop rewarding these horrible people.. I’m pretty sure two of the girls will be put up, if we can get Neeley or Jason up with AN and one of the girls wins POV there’s a good chance Neeley or Jason could go. There would be a 3-3 vote with Americas vote the deciding vote which hopefully would be who they nominated.

    1. No way Kryssie will put up Jason, that’s her ride n die and America won’t put up Jason either. My vote went to Neeley, but have a feeling it’s going to be Scott. I’d rather Scott goes vs one of the BallSmashers.

    2. because Scott has weak gameplay he couldve laid low and coasted but he decides to get HOH itis and be a hero to the plastics when in reality the plastics would drop him in a second. What an idiot he was positioned well in the middle with even shane protecting him.

    3. Yes!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE America…..nominate Neely, then when the ” ballsmashers” win POV…..VOTE Neely OUT !!

  9. Alex is like Paul. everyone is up her behind about how good of a gameplayer she is, but when you ask them to explain what they’ve done that’s so amazing they say something like “the list is too long”. Morgan and Scott have done much more than Alex, she’s not a gameplayer.

  10. Oh come on ! Why is Scott leading on the poll? Neeley is the one that needs a shock to her system. She’s turned rabid. Also, kryssie is a freaking cliche.

  11. If America votes scott for nomination, that means the lnc has total power over the eviction this week and they could evict one of the plastics…please don’t do this america…

  12. I would try to win over America. Being vile and nasty to others is not going to win them over. Victor is a good example what to do to win them over. America loves a person with a heart. I know it should be strategic but lets face it we all go for the personality. Puffed up and arrogant. We hate. Humble and the underdog gets our hearts everytime. The smart player needs to realize this. Surprised Jason does not clue into this since he pretty well knows what the fans like and don’t like. His being catty to the other side is not going well with America.

  13. I really hope the poll for AN is wrong.. If Neeley doesn’t go up and out then this season will be a steamroll for Jason and there is no way America (except for the ones that condone Jason’s mouth) will want to continue watching feeds of the LNC talking nasty negative smack. I think the ratings would drop drastically if they continue paving the way for such a vile little twerp to win this game.. I’m holding out hope that America doesn’t let that happen.

  14. I’m nominating Morgan or Whitney. For me, one of the ball smashers’ have to go. They are just as bad as the LNC. I get so tired of hearing Morgan or Shelby say that “they have to start playing sometime” When referring to Justin or Neeley, and to them Krissey is just plain dumb.

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