Kenny tells the Gremlins “We just need to win HOH and watch the other side folding on each other”

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 7
HOH Winner: Heather Next HOH: Apr 10
Original Nominations: Kenny & Allison
Current Nominations: Sarah & Allison
Have Nots Sarah, Kenny, Rachelle

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8:17pm Kenny, Rachelle and Sarah

Sarah says she’s going into Thursday assuming she is leaving. Rachelle thinks the power is going to shift to their side, She doesn’t think they will get picked off one by one.

Sarah – “Who knows it’s happened before”

Kenny says he knows he’ll be the number one target until power shift or he goes home.

Sarah – I can’t believe I’m going out this week.. how quickly the tides have turned for me.

KEnny says she should have turned on him earlier in the week. Sarah says she should have lied about turning on him. Kenny yhinks Sarah might have a better chance than he does in the game, He should have used the POV on her.

Sarah doesn’t want him to say that she says

Sarah – THey are hurting Kenny by getting me out 100%.. I know they are liars but I know they trusted me as well.. I know the only reason i’m going is because of Kenny”

Sarah “Thats how much there hate is on for Kenny”

Rachelle says the other side is threatened by their competition winning abilities she points out Kenny won 2 POV’s and she’s won a HOH

Kenny breaks down the other side’s win’s says only 2 of them

Sarah says she’s going to pull Jon aside and tells him that Alison is Jon’s number one now. Kenny puts Jon and Arlie up she will vote to Keep JOn whereas Allison will vote out JOn. Sara – “Jon’s only shot in that scenario is if I am here”

Sarah plans to plant the seed in Jon’s head because Jon knows how close Arlie and her were so it makes sense that he would tell her Allison and him were close.

Kenny – “That is a pretty good scenario to put in his brain.. put a little bit of doubt”
Sarah is going to try it tomorrow night.. She doesn’t want to do it now so he has too much time to think about it.

Rachelle is excited about this “I hope it works.. do you think he’s going to go for it”
Sarah isn’t sure but it’s a chance, “I’ll be an undercover agent for Jon”

They agree it’s highly probably that Kenny will win HOH. Sarah is going to drill that into Jon’s head, “When Kenny is under pressure he performs”

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8:40pm Sarah storage room

Sarah – “Oh is Arlie’s drink down here.. ”
Sarah finds Arlie’s drink cup runs into the storage room and puts the Tabasco sauce label on it..


8:57pm HOH Arlie, Heater, Neda, Allison, JOn and Adel. joking around
(Sounds like every time Jon calls Neda a name he has to kiss Arlie’s behind)
Jon asks the girls if they have “Pep Nips” Heather doesn’t know what that is, Allison explains “Pepperoni n!pples” are large n!pples.
Heather – “Oh like Pancake n!pples”
Adel – “In Newfoundland they are called pepperoni”
Allison – “More like Salami”

Arlie tells Jon to day “Hey Neda theres more lipstick on Alrie a$$ than on her lips”
Jon tells Adel to say “Hey Allison nice Camel toe.”
Neda tells Heather To say “Hey Jon Arlie’s pinky toe has more hair than your chest”
Jon tell Adel to say “Hey heather (Squeaky voice) Oh HI”

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9:10pm All the have nots have is mustard and slop

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9:38pm Heather and NEda in the Bathroom

Heather says “Allison’s trying to be so nice.. Rachelle came in she was like oh were you guys going to work out. And Allison was like Ya do you want to come”

Heather – “I was like WHY would you ask that”
Heather – “Rachelle was like Oh that’s OK and I’m like GOOD I don’t want you to come”

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9:40pm Sabrina, Arlie and Jon (Jon laughs through most this conversation)

Jon is saying it’s not a good idea to make an alliance 5 minutes into the game. Sabrina disagrees says her alliance was good it made it far got her to week 5.
Sabrina says she was the only one that stayed loyal with the first5. Sabrina adds this proves she’s a good player to be with cause she’s loyal.

Sabrina – “It is what it is you guys can’t stand me and i’m the devil”

Sabrina says she played a great game and it was because of who won HOH and her alliance turning on her that screwed her up.

Sabrina says Arlie was lying to his face and breaking his heart, “You see it later”

Sabrina says she wanted to win the money and when it comes to the bitter end she wants the 100 thousand dollars just as much as JOn.

Sabrina says she never talked trash about Jon or Neda she also claims to have thrown the last HOH because she didn’t want to be the one to take out Jon she wanted to leave it to Kenny.

Sabrina – “this is the most honest conversation I’ve ever had in this game”

Sabrina – “The first 5 wasn’t loyal to me and they made me look like an a$$ I feel so betrayed”

Sabrina – “I saved Andrew week one and Kenny week three..”
Sabrina tells Arlie he should feel bad about it.

Arlie – “It’s a game”

Sabrina says last night they were calling her evil and she wants them to know she really isn’t.

Sabrina tells them what Arlie did to her was the same thing that she did to jon
Arlie – “There’s no difference and I never called you evil”

Sabrina goes on and on about how hurt she is, “it’s hypocritical I wasn’t the only person doing things to other people”
Sabrina says she hopes she stays in the game it’s been her dream since she was nine.

Sabrina “Don’t lie behind my back”
Sabrina leaves
Jon and Arlie are laughing..

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10:06pm bathroom Kenny and the gremlins

Kenny tells them they are in a good position because there’s lots of people on the other side with smaller secret alliance and as long as they get the power that entire side will began fighting within itself.

Sabrina says she doesn’t feel bad for lying because she’s learnt Neda told Jon about the girls alliance called the stupids.

Kenny thinks Sabrina shouldn’t feel bad it’s a game all they need to do is win HOH and watch the other side collapse.

Kenny explains everyone is lying and everyone is playing vicious they just happen to be on the losing side for right now.

29 thoughts to “Kenny tells the Gremlins “We just need to win HOH and watch the other side folding on each other””

  1. Kenny is milking his warning and playing up to the public.
    Sabrina is milking her broken record, “Grand Master of Self pity, Insecurity and Lies.”
    Sarah is milking her odd love for Kenny.
    Rachelle is milking Sabrina.
    Jon and Arlie are apparently milking themselves.
    Neda is milking Jon’s attention.
    Adel is milking being “Canada’s favorite.”
    Heather is milking food.
    Allison milked Andrew.

    There’s so much milking going on that Emmett would be jealous.

  2. Posting under multiple names to push forward your opinion is not allowed here. Tricks like replying to your own comments to make it look like people support you stinks and will end up in you getting banned.

    For example if you dislike a houseguest no problem let us know how much but if you dislike a houseguest so much that you have to create fake comments and engaged in conversations with yourself go somewhere else it pollutes this blog.

    This is just a game all these people in the house are regular people regardless of what we see on the feeds so please keep the nastiness down.

    1. People are nuts, lol, you get to watch the crazy all day then have to deal with the crazy bb commenters, hope you have “ice cream” to get ya thru 😉

    2. I wish people would abide by this (aka the same person who has been commenting under different names calling Neda a Kardashian wannabe and referring to Adel and Neda as “Arabs” or “terrorists”).
      Also, hi! I’m Samira! I’m new here! Love this site and have been scanning it for a long time now!

      1. Welcome Samira!! Glad you found the site i stumbled onto to it about 3 years ago and am hooked!!! First thing i read in the morning and the last thing at night. This has been a great season and I continue to praise BBC for the way our show is produced!!

    3. Simon thank you so much for saying this

      hopefully the chat will improve and not get bogged down with idiots creating multiple usernames having conversations with themselves to bash a houseguest repeatedly, spamming the chat

      thanks for awesome coverage this season

      for me i like canadian big brother more than usa big brother now, due to the fact you can post youtube clips of the canadian show, plus after dark is longer and uncensored

      thanks very much to Dawg and Simon

  3. Is it not offensive to be having a conversation with someone who is flossing their teeth the whole time you’re chatting?

      1. You know, I guess when you’re in this type of ‘situation’, you start sharing ‘poop’ stories and peeing in the hottub etc. but I would have thought the constant ‘eye’ of the camera is still a reminder that ‘someone is watching’ – actually millions of us. Weird.

  4. I’d really like to see Sarah play the game and try and get the votes. I think it’s totally possible with Allison on the fence, and Arlie being an old buddy. She may have to go against Kenny in the process, but if I were in that house, on the “sloppy seconds” team, I’d take Sarah over Allison if she swore to put up kenny or to vote a certain way. I just want to see more strategic gameplay. . . . thats what this game is all about! However all I see are alliances that seem to coast until they dont work and people just accept that they are going home packing. For 100,000 I’d be fighting harder to stay, wouldn’t you!?

  5. I have to give Kenny credit, he is handling losing Sarah and then putting up w/ the Gremlins like a zen buddisht today. No way I could deal w/ Sabrina & Rachelle moving forward. I would just go all Rambo on the house moving forward & basically play like Frank(after losing Mike Boogie) on BB14.

  6. I too agree with Simon. I like to think that I am a pretty nice person, but I can’t imagine living in a house full of strangers. Add the fact that there are cameras everywhere, even watching you sleep and in the bathrooms, and have them compete for 100,000 and most people are going to say or do things they would not normally do.

  7. Love reading everyones comment but I had a hard time to read …so hateful and horrible comments ever.

    Sooo. Thank you Simon !!

  8. I really hope Allison has the diamond veto and replaces both nominees with Jon and Adel!! Then Arlie wins HOH on double eviction and nominates Sabrina and Rachelle! The more back and forth the game goes, the more interesting it will be!! If the “sloppy seconds” go on a winning streak, all the drama that keeps people watching is gonna slowly diminish and we will be stuck basically watching a rerun of the last BBUS where nobody remembers the final 2 after a week! I want Neda to win but only if she gets off her a** and does something! Otherwise Kenny is gonna run away with this game! Adel just needs to go away. He went from being a favourite to someone I see as trying to hard to make fans like him. After the first week where he was basically a jack a**, he somehow realized (probably thanks to production) that me more underdogs he attaches himself to, the more he will be liked! This week he’s gonna attach himself to Sabrina cause I doubt he knows how disliked she really is by the fans which will kill his popularity. His “veto card” needs to go away!! BBC seems to be changing his “power” until he needs it. Every other season would have a limit but apparently “Canada’s favourite” gets special privilages! Rant over……….for today!

    1. Does anyone know exactly what Allison got out of the room? Was it the diamond veto, or do we have to wait to find out?

      1. We don’t know. But there was a situation in the US version where someone got to change the people on the block before the vote- so this may be something like that. Whatever it is, I don’t see she has much choice other than to play it- it’s too much risk keeping herself on the block, so she will definitely use it- it all depends on if it is just one person she can take off, or two, and what she will do. If she takes herself off and puts up Sabrina, I really don’t think much will change in the house, she would still be on Jon’s side, but anything else, she aligns herself with Kenny, and I think that is a mistake because everyone hates him.

  9. What do you say we all pray that Sabrina has something new to talk about tomorrow. Better yet – production tells her to “Stop That”. She’s either in yesterday or tomorrow. “2 weeks ago…. I used to be……” “I can’t wait ’til you see”…. “You’ll see when you watch the show”. I swear to God on my head if she doesn’t stop…”Shoot both my eyeballs” as she would say.

  10. The three girls in the Sloppy Seconds should form an alliance. Once Rochelle and Kenny are gone bring Sabrina on board, just so they have the numbers on the guys, then get rid of her and go to the end once they’ve knocked the guys off. Think they are capable of working together?

  11. Hope kenny wins hoh and nominates arlie and jon. Alison flips her vote and kenny breaks the tie wooohoo….getting good

  12. I think Alison might take herself off the block and put up Arlie, if she has to use the veto. Sabrina has already exposed him pretty much. Think it hurt his game. Do not think he can win now. Wish Kenny and Sara had tried harder to get votes for Sara. It looked like it was a crazy day in there.

    1. Arissa said that Allison’s Veto had a special power, so I do hope it’s the power to decide herself who goes up as a replacement.
      I have only the slimmest hope that she does use it this week, and if she does, then I think she’ll rather use it on Adel, because she knows what an OVERKILL power his Veto Ticket grants him. That way, it would get flushed out of the game, Survivor Immunity Idol style 😉
      A good reason for her to “flip back again” would be that she witnessed for a week how nasty the Sloppy Seconds were when constantly bashing on the others. There’s a “kicking someone who’s already down”aspect to it I’m pretty sure she didn’t think was necessary, especially given how their bashing of the others consisted of saying how nasty “the other side” was…
      – “Kenny has no shot at fighting bc of Adel’s Veto Ticket”. Muahahaha!
      – “Sarah is miserable, on her way out and we hide any way of her to make the slop acceptable”. Muahaha!
      – “Mean Girls” are back: Neda and Heather are really getting into it. “She’s an evil bitch!” … (Heather: “I hate her! No pity! I f’ing hate her!”)
      Still, I’m afraid Allison will prefer keeping the Veto for herself and use it later in the game… Who knows… I keep my fingers crossed.

  13. Sabrina saved Andrew week 1? She is delusional. He won POV and took himself off the block! And she may have kept Kenny safe week 3, but by doing that she ruined her own game. She thinks its a big deal to stay loyal to people she had only met 2 minutes ago, but it isn’t.. Why would you be loyal to people that so obviously are using you as a shield. Kenny and Andrew and even Sarah used Sabrina as a suicide bomber. She blew up her own game and in the end, I think Andrew is the only one that would have had her back long term. Then Andrew tossed her aside for Allison. Kenny was barely civil to her after she saved him during Ika’s HOH. Her only true ally is Rachelle, but when faced with the choice of voting against Kenny or Rachelle, she would have kept Kenny and sacrificed Rachelle, and she even told Rachelle. Lucky for her, Rachelle is stupid enough to accept that she is lower on Sabrina’s list than the original 5 and always will be. If she had any sense of game or the desire to win, she would have immediately looked for shelter on the other side of the house. Manipulating Rachelle didn’t take mad skills, because Rachelle is an airhead. Now Sabrina feels like she is the victim. Well that’s what you get for sticking with people that are just using you. Did she not see that when it was her against Andrew the 5 were trying to keep Andrew in the game? If it had been up to them, she would have left last week instead of Andrew.

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