Rubina to MJ – “We were theorizing if it’s a double.. it was me that won Chelsie wanted me to try and put up … [You]”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

9:23 am Wake up Chelsie and MJ
MJ is going to talk to Rubina first.

9:27 am Chelsie and MJ
MJ says she’s nauseous because she’s on her period “I’m about to start”
MJ – I want to tell you where my heads at.. So conversations last week I told you some concerns about Kimo in the beginning. I only wanted it to be us four. Us three, me, you Chelsie at the end. I do want two girls in the end that is my end goal. Would I like to see Kimo there more than Cam? Absolutely. Like I have more concerns with Kimo than with Cam
R – Even for me Girl.. After Angela left. I was like.
MJ – I told you I was worried. I had a talk with Angela ‘what would you do in this situation’ she said I am never touching KIMO
R – ahh
MJ – Kimo never confirmed who he would put up
R – THat comment before she left I was like….
MJ – he wasn’t even surprised..
R – no, and he didn’t really do anything to ….
MJ – mitigate it
R – or clear it up
MJ – I love you to death but I think I’m going to start with Y’all two because I just .. nothing to do with you I just can’t risk him getting pulled off. I want him gone.. then we can get Cam out he doesn’t win sh1t
R – we know that
MJ – I have more trust in you than anyone. I love you to death I want you here you are the only one that hasn’t been against me. EVER. I would not be afraid If I win it I’m not afraid to take you down. Not Afraid to put another person up to ensure you’re safe.
R – I’m not going to fight you. I Am ok fighting for it.
MJ says she wants Kimo gone but if she wins the veto she’ll take the risk and use it on Rubina.
R – in that scarenio it would be Cam going up.
MJ – Or Chelsie. It depends on what they talk to me about.
MJ – I love Chelsie she proved her loyalty to Cam yesterday.
R – By not putting him up
MJ – I would have put him up as the replacement

R – I would have also.. Is that a final 2?
MJ – I told you that sitting here on this couch.. I am a little concerned about that as well.
R – I think we have the same concern
R – the alternative name for Kimo is Schemo
MJ says Kimo will put up two girls and likely it will be her and Chelsie. “I want to protect him but he doesn’t tell me where his heads at”
R – I know… I’m not A under bus thrower but I know threats would be… yeah …
MJ – I just love him to death .
R – you have to protect yourself.
MJ – I know you both are close..
R – you don’t even need to worry about me. Oddly I feel more loyalty to you sometimes than to him. Only cause we’ve never been …
MJ – Against each other yeah.. .
R – our heads have been in a similar place.
Mj says that Chelsie kept her safe during the double and she’s happy for that.
R – I am aware of that.
MJ – I respect her in that sense.
Rubina warns her to “tread lightly” with Chelsie and Cam
MJ – I don’t want to piss them off cause I can’t play next week and next week will be the perfect time for my a$$ to be grass.
MJ – right now this is the best move for me in the game.
R – not many moves I can make. I’m going to.. .This is something you need to do and there’s something I can do for you. Umm.. weirdly I’m not scared.
MJ – you can win a comp you are a smart woman..
R – you are being generous
MJ – anything can happen. Take yourself off and if I win I am not afraid to use it. I talked to Chelsie and she said she would do what I want with the veto. I will convince her to use it on you as well.

Rubina – there’s something I want to share.. I don’t like throwing people under the bus
MJ – Please say it SO I feel right and confident in my decision
R – you are right but your backup choices are more right.. OK.. You know I don’t like and make things up. Late night, right before eviction yesterday. We were theorizing if it’s a double I think if it was me that won Chelsie wanted me to try and put up …
MJ – me?
R – yeah
MJ – hmmmmmmmm, love
R – She mentioned how many wins you had.. for me I’m like I don’t feel very threatened
MJ – I’m not afraid to make big moves
R – I want you to keep that in mind just in case because they were theorizing about double eviction I was playing a little dumb.. Like how to double eviction go blah blah blah.. It’s a time to get out Big Threats..
R – she wasn’t going to do it.
MJ – She won’t touch me because it’s personal.
Rubina says there’s a hardcore loyalty between Chelsie and Cam

9:52 am Kimo and Makensy
MJ – there’s not a lot of options.. this is hard enough, I’m asking everybody for whatever they know at this point. I am not unaware of the loyalty that chelsie and cam have towards each other. I’m not stupid about that. She made that clear when she put Rubina up. I thought she was going to put Cam up. So I’m trying to figure out where everybody’s heads at, what y’all want, what y’all don’t want. Anything you want to share for me to make the best decision for me and moving forward with what they want.
MJ – How are you feeling what are you thinking?
K – there’s only so many numbers.
Kimo says he’s close to Rubina but Chelsie and Cam are close too.
Mj – I’m aware of that.
K – I don’t know I feel like all I have to offer really when you ask me to be a pawn..
MJ – I KNow I get it.
K – I wish I had more information.
MJ – Who do you want to see in the end?
MJ – it’s a big Ceremony today, I’m not sure what I want. At this point I don’t want to promise anything to anybody.. I’m literally teetering back and forth. I was thinking about that a lot when I was reading my Bible ‘Help me Lord I don’t want to get played I don’t know what’s going wrong’
MJ – honestly too I didn’t want to win this one.

10:22 am CHelsie and MJ
MJ says Rubina calls Kimo, SChemo and he would have taken a shot at big threats if he had won yesterday
Chelsie – me and you and she would have backed him.
MJ – I do believe they were twisting everybody words
C – I do believe that. in the same token Leah wouldn’t have taken you far.
MJ – It sucks that … It just sucks that I have to do it and it was all based on hearsay. I know now it’s wasn’t because of her it was because of them.
C – Yeah I get you, They are showing their cards later in this game. This is not the time.
MJ – They have been protected we had to get out Bigger Threats.
C – at this point in the game you have to win to win
MJ – to win you have to win. that is why I know they would take that shot.
C – YES, It is good to have them this far. They will take that shot but under pressure they will fold
MJ – I’m still on Kimo and Rubina going up I just want to make sure which one is better to go.
C – which one to go first?
MJ – Yeah! I don’t like that Rubina said that. She’s saying you all had a conversation and she asked if she won HOH during the double if she would take the shot at me because you can’t
C – Definitely did not say that, She was using a lot of code there was no names mentioned in that conversation
C – she was saying ‘I’m afraid double eviction is tomorrow’ I was like what are you going to do ‘This is the time to take shots at threats’

MJ – they were f***ing lying about Angela.. I told you guys that sh1t
C – if what she’s saying is true about me trying to plant seed against you. You would not be here.
MJ – Also I was like well.. she didn’t put me so I don’t believe that, I don’t think you are threatened by me.
C – If Angela would have won it would have been me and Rubina on the block if one of us won you would have gone up.
MJ – Probably (LOL probably not)
C – If Rubina would have won she would have put up me and you without a doubt.
Chelsie – if Kimo and Rubina think they are going to win against you or myself they are fools (LOL they did at one point)
C – the only thing that will be dangerous is if she wins HOH next week.
MJ – Then should we keep Kimo?
C – No … take the chance and she’s less prone to win

2:30 pm Feeds on pound

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un autre nom

During Cam’s one on one with Makensy she has made zero note that he only made eye contact with her twice. Sat on the other side of the room. And it was odd.
Sorry, post disagreement over Leah, their conversation style has altered. On his part.
Both Cam and Chelsie are covering asses. HUGE.

The fact Rubina did not bus Cam does lead me to the belief she thinks her win equity is against Cam. Truthfully, if the jury votes hearts and flowers over game…. she might have some win equity. Kimo has more. He broke the collective. he broke the pentagon. He was the safest Tucker coat tail rider. He was saved with veto twice by people he would nominate. He won a veto when he could. He won a dubious AI Arena (that first AI ARENA was dubious as hell).
Kimo has a better shot at final 4 comps than Rubina. Making Kimo the target is smarter for Chelsie, who has clocked that the Godots both take Cam to the end over HER. She even suspects Cam COULD do the same as his big move. She doesn’t voice this, but the wheel was turning.
Cam? He never got that string of physical comps he was expecting. Challenge mentality thinking. He was thinking this season would be another Prodo rig season where they were trying to gain Challenge viewers with physical comps (many individual timed) like they did for 25. Nope. This season is trying to get Love Island viewers and Gen x involvement (mostly because Grod is getting to an age), and Viacom is ALWAYS trying to get viewership from 3 sources ( the love island type, the challenge type, and whatever wrestling program is current type). Demographic outsourcing.
Rubina to be honest…. should have bused CAM not Chelsie. Cam pushing the POC final 4 and targeting Mak would have spun Mak’s wheels…. Chelsie was ALWAYS a non starter because Mak honestly thinks faith based partnership means Chelsie would never lie to her.
Oh sweet summer child. Eyeroll. Apparently Mak doesn’t know about the ratchet half of Chelsie’s game.

Social media? A few are downplaying Chelsie’s involvement in the past 4 evictions and placing all of the onus on Makensy. I don’t get why they would do this…. why would they take Chelsie’s game moves away from Chelsie so they can tar and feather Makensy? I mean, blindfolded giraffe game is being given mastermind credit in a negative sense in order to protect Chelsie’s image like the edit hasn’t already done that enough.

IN A FINAL 2 then…. I looked this up because I’ve never watched the end of the season… would this be a case of Paras vs. Kaela? The woman given mastermind credit but likeable vs. the comp beast that took everyone else and gained resentment? MINUS the vets coming in to game coach finale talking points with Paras but yelling at Kaela for being a megabitch? I’m putting this out there…. the bbcan6 result was wrong. LOL. anyone saying but Paras was the new Neda…… no her camtalks and wrong predictions and never getting the result she wanted for weeks on end made her the frigging Sabrina, not the frigging Neda (and may I add, I never cared for Neda’s personality but at least she was strategic her first go round). DO I BELIEVE they will GO THAT FAR to parallel the finale of BBCAN6 like they’ve been pulling parallels for Chelsie all season? NO.
Could Mak be the Kaela not the Erica? Heavy women winning comps equity that season… and not equitable comps, just three female athletes tcb.

Another Dixie

Let the back stabbing begin!

Team MJ

Really hoping it’s the “back door” of the season and mi has finally broke through Chelsie brainwashing

Gan ainm

No, she really is as stupid as she sounds. But her loyalty to Chelsie will probably get her 2nd place.