Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo and Rubina
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
5:15pm Kitchen – The house guests are chatting about what the veto competition might be tomorrow. Makensy – Can we get another movie? Rubina – Activity?! Makensy offers Rubina a cashew bar from her HOH basket. Rubina – Oh sh*t! Someone. mass produced these. Send it out. Ship to stores and somebody bought it. I’ve never regretted something more in my mouth. I am not a quitter. I don’t quit… HOWEVER! That is so bad. She spits it out. It tastes like cardboard. Makensy – its cashews. Rubina – no its not, I like cashews. Makensy – I like it, well I don’t like it. I wouldn’t buy it myself. Its not great, I wouldn’t eat it willingly.
5:30pm Bathroom – Rubina offered to cut Kimo’s hair.
5:45pm Living Room – Cam, Makensy and Chelsie
They talk about how Leah said I’ve been honest this whole
game to a fault. I just can’t lie. And so I’m telling you right now,
what you see is what you get. Chelsie – Shut the f**k up every f**king day in the game. Cam – No scheming, when Tkor put her on the block, but the whole reason she got put on the block was for scheming.

Big Brother – One day closer to $750k! Big Brother loves you. The house guests cheer and run around.
5:50pm – 6:15pm Bathroom – Kimo and Rubina
Kimo – I know we don’t want to but who came up with the plan to go after Makensy if any of us won, Chelsea right? Rubina – yes. She’s the one who said only if it’s you, me or Cam that wins. Kimo – I know. Rubina – because she wasn’t going to do it. Kimo – my fear is that when MJ was talking to Chelsea.. because she wanted to know the interaction like what happened on double eviction like why did she put you up instead of Cam because when I came into them and talked to Chelsea I was like okay, I’m obviously going to use it and she’s like what do you think about me putting up Rubina and I was like can you put up someone else? And she was like Makensy? and I was like I mean you know. And she was like I don’t feel comfortable doing that now so but she was like I’ll talk to people.
Kimo – so I thought about this if you or I or Makensy or even Cam wins. Obviously if you or I win we take ourselves off the block she would have to put up somebody Chelsie or Cam in which case. I think either of us well, could have the opportunity to stay, I think. Rubina – I wish I could throw people under the bus more. Kimo – I told her I was like if I win HOH could protect you and pay you back for the times you protected me. And she was like no I know I want to you know I want to trust that which makes me think she doesn’t trust it. Rubina – maybe should be more skeptical, Chelsie. Kimo – that’s what I mean and she kept saying she was like and I’m well aware that she and Cam are really close. Rubina – she is very protective of Cam.
Kimo – I know we’re trying to protect Chelsie as much as we can but its a the point where we can’t. If you try to protect everybody and then all of a sudden it can start to get very messy. I’ve never once said I want to play an honest game.
6:30pm Bathroom – Kimo and Rubina.
Kimo – If they asked me to play Reindeer games I would. I am hoping that I am proving that I can play this game. Rubina – you can, you’re top five. I’m sure it will get messy. Kimo – We might have to this week or next. Rubina – I never said also that I am playing an honest game either but I also I’m just not.
7:45pm HOH room – Chelsie, Cam and Makensy
Cam is telling Chelsie about his ex and she wasn’t really his girlfriend but also got with his roommate and teammate. That is also why I am hesitant to put a label on relationships too I think. It takes me awhile to be secure in the fact that I can trust someone fully.
8:25pm Rubina and Kimo
Kimo – I’m kind of glad that neither of us in one way terrible that we didn’t win but if we had won this one and we make it to next week which is a crucial one. Neither one of us couldn’t play it. So crazy the way that this sh*t works also if at any point you feel like I’m pressuring you at all just let me know. Rubina – I can’t be pressured, don’t worry. I’m just letting things out in the universe. I feel like what do you think is best for your own personal game? What do you think is best for your own personal game? Rubina – Self evicting kind of.. Kimo – shut up. No this one. We can’t do that. I mean, if you did, then you wouldn’t get to any of the other things. Rubina – I would never do that. Hello I’m joking
Kimo – if you got to the end who do you think would vote for you? Rubina – Maybe T. Kimo – I would be in jury too. What about Quinn? Rubina – I don’t know. Kimo – Quinn really likes you. Also you would only need four. Rubina – I know. Kimo – if it was you next to Cam, Angela would vote for you. Rubina – Leah loves Cam. Kimo – Leah is going to look at the moves someone actually made in the game.
10:20pm Makensy, Chelsie and Cam are in the kitchen chatting and eating.
12am Quiet night in the BB house. Rubina and Kimo are sleeping. In the HOH room – Cam, Makensy and Chelsie are hanging out and chatting about Oreos, etc.
12:30 am zzzzz throughout the house
5:20 am zzzzz
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Who do y’all think wins BB Comics tomorrow?
I think it’ll be Makensy.
I hope she gets that veto and puts Chelsie up. Regardless if MJ, Rubina or “Schemo” win that should be the move. MJ needs to snap and realize she’s getting played.
makensy just needs to win comps and not take chelsie at the end. winning hoh this week it’s actually a pretty viable path. mostly just comes down to if she actually does cut chelsie at 3 and go to the end with cam. i think with chelsie as the final juror and unable to poison the jury pool trashing makensy and pumping up cam, she has a good shot, probably a better shot than cutting chelsie at 4th and giving her a week with the other jurors.
Yeah but chelsea would win part 3 if she gets there , she is very good at mental
Is she? They all kinda suck at mental. And I would think Chelsie would be worst at parts 1 & 2
I think makensy is dumb enough to take Chelsie to the end
I hope Chelsie wins, she’s the player of the season, BB=everything she is doing, has been and will continue to be. The bad comments about her is biased and we know why. Winning com doesn’t makes you a great player but a com winner. So far, mk is a com winner but chelsie is a player and deserves to win this season.
Chelsie is a Chola, period. People don’t like lowlifes. Nothing to do with what you’re implying…
Never know Kimo mite shock everyone if put up Chelsea in heart beat
He doesn’t have the opportunity to put her up anymore. He might win HOH at final 4 if he survives this week, but if he does it doesn’t matter who he puts up. All that matters is who wins veto. That person will be off the block and the other two will be up for elimination.
Now if Kimo were to win both HOH and veto, THEN he could determine who was sitting in the 2 block seats, but does anybody really believe Kimo is going to do that, after winning just a single veto all season long? I damn sure don’t.
Cam asked Mk who she thought she would be friends with outside of the show and she answered Brooklyn and Leah and then it went to fish. I wonder who else she said … did anyone else hear that convo?
sure the Godots are 3 friends… but were they game allies in good standing?
I say no.
a) Kimo made final 2 with Quinn and joined Andersons without telling T’kor.
b) T’kor was more interested in a final 2 with Chelsie than a final 2 with Kimo.
c) Saving Rubina was more about breaking the Collective than Rubina. Yes, they liked her more, but remember Kimo’s push to flip the vote. Wasn’t about saving Rubina, it was about lessening the power of the Pentagon…. and Quinn who Kimo bused like a jealous schoolboy thinking Quinn was winner pole position in the house and green with envy.
d) Kimo wanted a Tucker team more than T’kor’s ideal alliance. Think of how pissy he was that T’kor didn’t follow Tucker’s orders when she was HOH. He was PISSSSSED.
e) GAME STRATEGY TALK contributions from Kimo died the moment Tucker left. T’kor talked, Kimo listened and didn’t contribute.
f) T’kor and Rubina became THE pair over Kimo and T’kor. They had already packed his bags and said enjoy jury before Angela used the Veto on Kimo.
g) while they are saying final 2… Rubina and Kimo don’t feel like a real final 2 because each is trying to wiggle room themselves other situations, and each is willing to subtly bus the other.
FRIENDS? yes. ALLIES? not as much.
The worst thing that ever happened to that trio was each other. The real winner of the 3 is Rubina simply because they saved her and all she contributed back was her blind loyalty, other than that she added nothing to them. However, Kimo and Tkor sabotaged each other’s games more than anything. If Tkor had prioritized Quinn over Kimo this game would look very different especially if she had tried to de-mist Quinn from Leah’s hold on him. If not for Tkor Kimo’s love affair with Tucker could perhaps still be on going. Those are terrible allies.
Rubina, to her credit, did TRY to warn T’kor and Kimo about Chelsie weeks ago. T’kor SHUT that shit down with a fever. Because T’kor was SO biased, she was blind to Chelsie’s game. Rubina had heard from both Tucker and Quinn at previous points just how much of a threat Chelsie was. Hell, Quinn had told T’kor too. T’kor resented and took it personally and lost trust in Quinn again for saying it.
If you didn’t nod and agree with T’kor you were wrong and not to be trusted was the T’kor ideology.
TKOR winning HOH was the worst that ever happened to Kimo & Rubina’s game, he should’ve been even more pissed about her not listening to Tucker, but she was on her racist WOC bs.
KIMO suggested T’kor get Tucker to volunteer that week. Let’s not forget. He suggested the entire plan on their one on one while he was trying to puppetmaster her HOH. When Tucker got spooked is when Kimo got pissy about HIS OWN IDEA.
WHAT KIMO WANTED once the plan wasn’t working WAS LEAH TARGET, but by that point he had given up his control of the HOH. Kimo ALWAYS had a Leah thing. Remember? Because she told him week one she was voting him out as a heads up, and because she was flirting as a strategy and Kimo resented that too.
at a certain point does cam realize his resume sucks and change his strategy or is he content just finishing in second and trying to claim to the jury he barely won any comps because he didn’t need to (true) and could’ve but was throwing (false)?
It feels like he believes he is playing an amazing game. He would talk about being honest, loyal and a good friend who was part of the decisions making bla bla
While Rubina and Kimo are figuring out Chelsie is the big bad of the season…
Cam is revealing he’s a manwhore to Chelsie (at least I never started calling her Saint Ratchet the virgin) while Mak pretends to listen to music (i think the album came out before she was born…. not sure… but i think it’s 5 years older than she is).
So we’re in twilight zone land.
Dear Cam,
Don’t reveal your situationship to Chelsie before final 2 actually happens, she be petty.
The godot duo is thinking they have to get to mak tonight and demist her about Chelsie, because she’s an easier and more likely option than Cam is to take the shot that is needed. Sideye.
How many times have they actually stepped up to a deadline?
How are they going to get Mak alone?
While they are trying to get Mak to renom and evict Chelsie… they want final 3 with Cam. So tell me… what is the rationalization they are going to try to feed Mak?
I’m not saying this is impossible I’m saying what they are doing and how they are going to phrase has already been talked about by Mak and Chelsie.
Chelsie is stewing in Angela’s angry chair…. hoping there’s some valium left over.
I’ll say it. It’s impossible. The lonely Godot’s will never muster up the energy to actually push hard enough to do something, anything, ever. And even if the saintly ghost of the dearly departed Tkor visited them with whispered inspiration, Mak would run to Chelsie and tell her everything.
Exactly! LOL!
Last time I said impossible production changed the rules and Jag was HOH two weeks in a row.
I’ve given up impossible.
The one thing I wish they’d change up on the double:
Make it a 90-minute episode and have the eviction at what would be the normal time in a 60-minute broadcast. And don’t tell the HGs about the double until after the first eviction. It would completely change the strategy — and stops the “hinge” votes in the first eviction, the “we gotta get rid of so-and-so first if it’s a double” votes.
I like that idea. The only thing I would do differently is not reveal it’s DE night until after the HOH comp is done and HGs are in the living room.
Then noms would be made on the spot.
Kimo “I’ve never once said I want to play an honest game.”When have you played ANY game?!
Oh well, Kimo and Rubina finally wake up and realize they need to actively play the game and not just follow along with group moves that end up benefiting others. Way too late. Derp.
This week is going to be so boring…Rubina and Kimo just sulking, not doing crap..Do something!!!!!! If Makensy is dumb enough not to go after Chelsie this week, I hope Chrlsie takes her out next week..and it’s very likely
This era of BB-Diversity has led to the worse “gameplay” & worse winners, this season is no different.
Just say you hate to see black people win sheesh
I guess only the racists can comment
Cam appears fine with second place. Don’t kid yourself he will not turn on Chelsie and he dislikes Kimo. Chelsie continues to control MJ. MJ thinks everything Rubina told her about Chelsie trying to get her out was a lie, and Chelsie continues to confirm MJ’s incorrect thinking. Kimo and Rubina are slowly realizing that doing nothing and not getting blood on your hands is not a way to play the game. At this point, K and R don’t realize no one takes them seriously as players. I would not be surprised by a MJ or Chelsie BB COMIC win. Again, Chelsie welcome to 750 thousand dollars!
This week will be boring and predictable. What you might find mildly interesting is the conversation on social media about Chelsie being a skillful player or not. Most folks have resigned themselves to her being this year’s winner but don’t care for her personally ( words like jealous, mean, rude, etc are being thrown around, others are waiting to hear if she owns her*** in her finale speech to decide , some are comparing her to Dan G because of all the people she has managed to “mist.”. Xavier, Tiffany, weighed in and Janelle wrote a great response! Could be an entertaining distraction as we skip all this in between whiling waiting for the season finale.
Who is everyone voting for AFP?
Some of mine will go to Tucker some to Cedric.Thoughts?
Leah’s exit interviews sound like prodomuppet response.
She’s quite obvi been debriefed about what is canon in episode edit.
We know from feeds Mak was under Angela and Chelsie was target.
Leah saying she would have gone to the end with Mak and worked with Chelsie and Mak?
No. This is prodosoup.
Power fluctuations in the BBhouse last night mean the microwave has the wrong time.
They had lanterns at some point?
The light and bidet in HOH bath are out.
The hot water is out in the bathroom.
So they gave them Starbucks and KrispyCreme for breakfast.
As far as I know,
Godots never went to Makensy, they went to bed instead. Soooooo-prise.
Chelsie pushed the only way to final 2 for Mak and Chels is to take each other.
Cam reported to Chelsie that Mak considered renom and save of Chelsie.
(To Chels Mak considered renom and save of Cam).
If confronted Mak CAN get out of the Chels renom by saying she was trying to see if Cam would volunteer. But does Chels confront? Doubtful. Instead she’ll just keep pushing that final 2 idea until Mak isn’t HOH anymore. HOWEVER…
With all of this push of we have to take each other because the other options didn’t play, we dragged them here…. does backstabbing Mak at 4 for the drags change Mak’s vote?
I know people hate the bbcanism i keep tossing, but the number of times a final 4 hoh made final 2 is notable. I am having a hard time remembering a season where final 4 HOH didn’t make final 2 in that series. WIth this season feeling so bbcanned…. possible thing to keep in mind.