POV: | Tyler | Next POV: | Aug 11th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | Aug 13th |
HOH: | Haleigh | Next HOH: | Aug 16th |
Noms: | Have Nots |
Big Brother Spoilers Rocks thinks she’s staying.
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8pm HOH room. Fes, Scottie, Haleigh and Rockstar. Talk of piercings in the HOH room. Rockstar – can you imagine that this was all that was left of the show? (She points at the spy tv where Tyler and Angela are in the kitchen.) Scottie – as apposed to me going I can see you ear piercing. Fes looks at the spy tv and says her n!pples are hard. Scottie – they’re always hard. Fes – she was running outside in the blazing sun and her n!pples were hard. Haleigh – that’s what happens when you get a b00b job. Scottie – you’ve never noticed that? Fes – I don’t just stare at b00bs all day lone. Haleigh – Its hard to miss. Mine aren’t. Scottie – Are yours fake? Haleigh – yes. Scottie – what was your reason for doing that? Haleigh – everyone made fun of me. Scottie – for what? Haleigh – for looking like a boy. For having a boy chest. Scottie – how much did that cost you? Haleigh – 6 grand. Rockstar – I got mine when I was 25. Haleigh – I’m still paying mine off.

Rockstar – I like Brett much better without Winston. Haleigh – me too. Everyone does. Scottie – I think Winston was an enabler. Rockstar – I would like this entire cast a lot more without Angela. Scottie – well you’ve got yourself an HOH to win. Rockstar – I do. I’ve got to stay here first.
9pm Backyard. Sam and Rockstar – I built up a lot of hope in Tyler using it on me. Sam – well don’t read into it too much. I think it was the.. exactly what he said .. the last week garbage. Rockstar – but that had nothing to do with me. Sam – I don’t think so. Rockstar – I know we can’t go back in time but I literally showed him the answer. He wouldn’t have even been up there. Sam – did you tell him that? Rockstar – yeah. Sam I wish I hadn’t just showered, I would roll around on the ground with Brett. (stretching). Rockstar – I feel pretty betrayed by Tyler. Sam – why? Did he give you his word? Rockstar – yeah, when we were up on the OTEV thing.
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9pm – 9:15pm HOH room. Fes, Scottie and Haleigh. Haleigh – She’s (Rockstar) the one that should be out there trying to get peoples votes. She’s so confident in Sam’s vote but Sam voted against her last week and put her on the block. There are a lot more places she could be focusing her energy than in my room. And she leaves her dishes up here. I’m f**king getting annoyed.
9:30pm Hammock. Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar – its very counter productive but I keep replaying the veto in my head. Haleigh – very counter productive. Rockstar – we could trust Scottie if we knew who flipped votes but we still don’t know that. Even if Fessie was like look I need to tell you something. I’d be like Okay, lets move forward. But we don’t know so that’s what makes me nervous. And I don’t want to be nervous about our friends. Haleigh – but we won’t know. Rockstar – I totally trust you, Sam and oddly enough I trust Brett. Was it just for Brett. Haleigh – yeah. Maybe one of us has a deal with him. Rockstar – Okay well that makes me feel slightly more comfortable. Haleigh – Both flips have been for Brett. Rockstar – Brett said he liked seeing the fight in me and commented on how everyone thinks we have a final two so maybe that’s something we could explore. Haleigh – I think its a good idea and you should definitely take the deal.
9:45pm – 10:20pm Hot Tub time! Brett shows off his tan lines. Brett – I could be the coppertone baby. Haleigh – I’m in a bad position right now. So you’ve felt like this for several weeks? Brett – yeah. Haleigh – I’ll be surprised if I make it another 3 weeks. If I am here for top 5 I will be shocked. Very shocked. I don’t know things change so much everyday. Its just hard when you have one of the biggest competitors (Tyler) coming for you. The chat turns to talking about random things.. Sports games, relationships, etc.
10:30pm HOH room. Fes and Haleigh. Fes – Its further down the road but I was thinking about it because you are so close with Scottie.. maybe someone else will take a shot at Scottie but if I win HOH within the next 2 weeks I might take a shot at him. Haleigh – no, we have so many more people to take out. Fes – who? Haleigh – Angela, Tyler, Brett. Fes – Tyler – isn’t coming for me. Brett okay. I would backdoor Tyler, yes. Scottie is just sneaky man. Okay so go down the list. Haleigh – I’m not going down any list with you. Fes – why? Haleigh – you’re starting to piss me off. Fes – why because I said Tyler isn’t coming for me? Haleigh doesn’t answer and gets into the shower.
10:40pm – 11:20pm Fes – me saying Tyler isn’t coming after me .. I know he’s coming after you.. I’m not saying.. I just said a comment. I just said he’s not coming after me. I didn’t say he’s not a target. Haleigh – you’re saying he’s not coming after me so he’s not a target. Fes – that’s the same thing with me and Brett.. you’re good with Brett but I’m not good with Brett. Haleigh – yes you are. Fess – If I’m not good with Brett, then you shouldn’t be good with Brett. If Brett’s in this game, then he has to go. Haleigh – okay but don’t say Tyler’s not coming after you like he doesn’t need to go. Fes – no of course he needs to go. Haleigh – Brett isn’t coming after you. Fes – okay if Brett wins who does he put up.. Me and JC. Haleigh – no. Fes – he doesn’t put up Sam, Angela, You .. who does he put up? Fes – Tyler and Scottie are close they’re picking each other over the alliance any day. Haleigh – that’s not true. Scottie said if he get the shot he will take out Tyler. He said he’s not good with anyone coming after me. Fes – I like Scottie.. the thing is if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck .. its a duck! We’ve been here 55 days and a lot of sh*t isn’t adding up. I don’t want to get f**ked. Haleigh – neither do I .. how do you think I feel with the number one person coming after me. Fes – okay we’ll go after Tyler. Haleigh – I just want to be on the same page. Fes – I just need to win HOH. Its embarrassing I haven’t won one in 6 weeks. I know Tyler is coming for you and we’ll take care of that. However me having an okay relationship with Tyler is beneficial for both of us. Maybe then he doesn’t put us both up together so that I can take you off the block. Fes – I agree that Tyler goes before Scottie.
Haleigh – Scottie (code for the diary room) asked if you were a good kisser. Fes – Scottie asked that? You’re lying. Big Brother – you’re not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other house guests. Fes – they’re on it tonight. What did you tell Scottie. Haleigh – I said no. Fes – they’re smart though.. they picked up quick. Why hasn’t Scottie asked me? Big Brother – FES!
Fes watching Haleigh shower..
12:06am Backyard Rockstar and Sam. Rockstar – they just made me feel really good about myself.. because I was thinking I really did do good in that competition.. that was a hard competition and I shouldn’t beat myself up about it. I keep going back and forth. I keep thinking how stupid it was what I did but then I think about how awesome I did what I did. I’m reminded of how impressive that was. Thinking about my kids watching and being like NOOOO!
12:15pm Hammock. Brett, JC and Tyler. Brett talks about all about his jobs .. selling security software, modeling, personal training, a waiter at events, etc.
1:33am Bedroom. Brett, Angela, Tyler. Brett – I said Rockstar expect the unexpected what if you and I were at the end together? Angela – no you didn’t! What did she say? Brett – she was like that would depend on somethings but she was like yeah you’re right. I am open to anything. That would be crazy. Angela = this is perfect. Brett – I was like you’re the OG in this house. They all laugh. Angela – you need to think of an alliance name now. Brett – it was incredible. I thought you guys would get a kick out of that. She literally thinks she’s safe. Its like Rachel all over again. I was feeding it. I went to give her a hug and she whispered in my ear – that spoiled pretentious little b***h! And I was like yeah, this sucks! Angela – she says different versions of that to everyone. ‘ve gotten princess and what is the other one its starts with a C.. Brett – oh its a bad one.
2:35pm HOH room. Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar – I think we’re going to pull this off. Haleigh – I really hope so. I just feel like we can’t catch a break! (You just won the hacker comp last week and now HOH) Haleigh – I am making it a real sob story so that America will give us a power. Rockstar – Okay great. I love it. Haleigh – honestly they’re not really the bad guys they’re just boring. Rockstar – that’s true, they’re not .. they’re just lame. Haleigh – It would be the most boring show. What are we going to watch Angela run laps around Tyler as he lifts weights? And then what is their conversation going to consist of? Rockstar – hey did you ever go here in Hilton Head? Haleigh – just kidding. Their really nice people but.. they need to go. Rockstar – they need to go and we need to stay. I am like really!? Haleigh – what is a show without us? We are the backbone of this television. Rockstar – We are the most intriguing cast members. Without us there would be no show. Haleigh – they hate us.
3am Sam making a flower and dream catcher…
4:35am Sam heads to bed. All the house guests are sleeping..
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“Rockstar – I got mine when I was 25” never thought those were fake considering how low they hang.
Having babies really takes a toll on your breasts, just sayin
Rocks always has to have someone to pick on. She went around the house for days talking about Brett being the Devil and now she says the house would be better without Angela. In reality this house is going to be way better without Rocks.
So does having them motor boated! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angela is a smokebomb!
Angela is a smokebomb? Why? She has no ass, Her boobs are fake and she’s a nasty Catty Bitch. No that is not game play that is Angela’s true personality. If I had a choice of Angela or Rachel in the house to hook up with it would have been Rachel. Angela I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Angela’s personality is a huge turn off.
For some reason I don’t imagine Angela, or Rachel for that matter, would touch you with the same pole.
I guess the type you’re attracted to is Rockstar…suit yourself. Gross.
Angela is clueless? She knows exactly who’s going home and has formed a coalition with L4 and other houseguests who have controlled the vote each and every week. I think you mean to say the HIVE is clueless as they get blindsided every week, which is such sheer enjoyment to watch.
Yup, so true
and yet the Hive thinks they are the cats meow .. the best part of the cast ..lol.. but we all must say they are consistent when it comes to brain fart moves and ideas and reasoning .. i really do have to laugh over that… plus can i watch them watch their tapes…lmao
Angela is Clueless… She publicly made an ass of herself on national TV because she thought it was more funny to call out who she thought was the hacker. The Clueless wonder stated she has known who the hacker was from day one etc etc. and she wasn’t even close. If that isn’t clueless I don’t know what is. Just because your an angela fan doesn’t mean Angela isn’t Clueless. She should have apologized to Bay for wrongfully calling her out as the Hacker after she found out she was wrong.
Angela may be in an alliance but honestly she’s floating her way through the game. Her HOH was sheer luck since she went over the number. In the past Production has stated whoever is the closest to the tie breaker number without going over wins HOH.
Angela was over but Rockstar was too far below the number in seconds but Rockstar didn’t go over.
So angela’s HOH was sheer luck. Her Veto was not won. She took it from Rockstar and everyone who wanted to take it from angela she begged yes “begged” to keep it a first in Big Brother History refusing to hand over the veto in that type of comp begging to keep it.
So go on and tell me how well angela is playing the game? She made rasist comments earlier in the game while sunning outside with Rachel.
Angela is trash.
I disagree. Angela is not a super player but she’s far from the person you described.
I do appreciate your unique point of view.
um iirc the answer to the tie break was ~3600. angela said 3000. rocks said 1800. neither went over. angela was closest.
on feeds and in dr, she stated she wasn’t 100% bayleigh was the hacker but didn’t feel it mattered because it was just an excuse to go after her without directly outing her (correct) belief that bayleigh would not use her power to benefit angela’s game. hayleigh being the hacker is technically pretty close as it’s a bayleigh ally.
i’m not the biggest fan of angela personality wise myself. she’s definitely a little racist and a little bit of a “mean girl.” but her game is superior to everyone on the hive.
Please explain how Angela is racist and a mean girl. Because from everything I’ve seen RockStar is the one who trashes other women constantly even calling her a “c**t” and haleigh is feeding into it. I rarely hear Angela become personal or bother with those people speaking about her like that.
In the beginning of the season Angela and Rachel were sunbathing. One of them said they were getting as dark as Bayleigh. The other said something along the lines that her tan was ghetto. I believe because the tan lines were all over the place but people wanted to make it out that they were insulting those with higher proportions of melanin.
hmm has me covered on the racism. the mean girl has been showing itself in terms of rachel’s ouster and angela’s hoh. she just seems to genuinely take pleasure in watching others’ misfortune and a passive aggressive attitude that i term “mean girl,” she doesn’t resort to name calling, but she actively pushes people to their worst behavior. rs is a bit more overt in her negativity.
Apparently Rockstar’s condition is contagious.
No, just no. You have so much wrong . Sorry but your judgement is blinded by your hate. But keep trying…….
I gave this a thumbs up simply for the old saturday night live reference
the answer was 3800 she wrote down 3000 how did she go over lol
Angela is so far from racist. Everyone is so easily offended now you can’t say anything without the snowflakes crying over it. Saying that her skin is getting as dark as Bay or that she is getting ghetto bc she is tanning is so far from racist. You obviously don’t know the definition. She’s making an innocuous comment about her skin getting darker. She isn’t offending anyone, its a simple observation. According to you though it’s ok for Bay to make statements like “crackers” or “crazy ass white people.” Get off your high horse.
Bre: You are spot on with that assessment.
Angela did not go over. The answer was 3700 or so and she picked 3000 while rocks picked1200
LOL.. Angela is smoking hot and so was Rachel they were two different body types.
we cant post obb links?
are you gay then.
No but your Boyfriend is
If you think Angela is catty, what do you think rocky is?? Or even Haileigh for that matter?? They do nothing but make personal attacks constantly. Granted haileigh has just started doing it the last few weeks but rocky has done it since the beginning of the show, starting with the bros, then everyone else. Everything that comes out of rockys mouth is insulting. I get the insults about game play but I just once would love to see something about game coming out of rockys mouth but nope. Wait, rocky says Angela is floating, which is pathetic when rocky hasn’t won anything and doesn’t do anything. She hasn’t even tried to talk to anyone outside her own little group, rocky is an insecure immature 33 year old, who comes across as very jealous of Angela and the other girls. I can’t wait to see her walk out the door.
Knock Rockstar all you want jealous peeps but there is something attractive about her. She is a woman who stands up for herself and doesn’t get pushed around.
It is hard to watch a real woman play the game isn’t it gentleman as you just want to watch dumb blondes play and get taken advantage of.
Personally I think Brett will flip and vote out kc. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Brett and Rockstar have a bit of a fling when the dust settles.
Watch the game people and appreciate good game play. Sleeping around isn’t the only way for a woman to play the game.
I’m done with my rant
Rockstar is the type who walks around with a “kick me” sign on her back while she watches sullen and jealous of the superior, prettier players all around her. Then she cries.
Stands up for herself? Not sure about that, seems to blame her position in life on all the “spoiled, rich kids” not that she didn’t make different decisions that would have improved things for her family.
What show are you watching. If Rockstar was a real woman playing the game, she may not have been blindsided all but one week.
Rocks is sure playing the game.. she’s a power player just look at her knowledge of where the house lies. Even though she’s been wrong about almost everything all the time at least sh’e not a dumb blonde
Rockstar reminds me a lot of Kristie or Krissie? Big Brother Over The Top, she is good for the feeds and she come in 2nd place in comps so for Tylers game she needs to go. Angela is boring but loyal and so is Kaycee
Yeah she does remind me a bit of Kryssie .. Ugh .. ugh igh igh ugh make it stop.
We called her Krusty. So perfectly fitting, don’t cha think? Nasty vile foul person and her bf too.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Rockbottom is the WORST… awful to look at, and her “everyone who is against me, is spoiled and privelaged” personallity is just VILE.
There is something attractive about her? Would it be the way she sniffs others arm pits?
Puke!! I finally got that vision out of my head and now it’s back again. Thanks a lot, lol
OMG someone is delusional
oh my…smh…don’t sure what you are smoking!!
Whatever you are drinking I want some lol.
“stands up for herself and doesnt get pushed around” AH- HAHAHAHA. are you forreal? the only person she needed to stand up to was bayleigh. i havent seen any of the guys treat her like shyt… but bayleigh did plenty of times. rock cowered to bayleigh every time and was even willing to give up her game for bayleigh! i dont like rock but i wanted her to stand up for herself in those moments, she never did so idk what youre talking about.
I was wondering that too. I couldn’t recall one time she stood up for herself. All she seems to do is talk about others when they aren’t around to hear it. I have a feeling she is like that in real life, can’t say sh*t to the persons face only behind their back.
Re: Rockstar
The only time Rockstar was NOT UPSET or stressing over a vote was when she was sure she was going home and Queen Bayleigh would get to stay instead of her. It just sums up the “greatness” of Rockstar. She went around counting the votes for Bayleigh to stay AND even pondered self-eviction to advance Bayleigh’s game and ruin her own (in the name of social justice). That’s a rare level of game play. If you’re from a rich black family, Rockstar will fall on a sword for you. If you’re a well off white person, you’re the scum of the earth in her eyes. Just a priceless social justice warrior and the greatest game strategist to ever play the game. LOL
You’re as delusional as rockstar is.
Two hits and pass.
She really stood up to Bayleigh
“She is a woman who stands up for herself and doesn’t get pushed around.” Um…have you been watching her meltdowns about being put on the block? And you’re insane if you think Brett will choose RS over someone from his alliance.
stands up for herself? will have a bit of a fling with Brett??? OMG LMAO, thank so much for that good laugh. Rocky is terrible at this game, she does nothing but make personal attacks on everyone, yeah, thats very attractive. I think you are the one that is confused, no one is jealous of rocky BUT she is jealous of everyone. Even Haileigh is getting tired of her.
LMAO. I see what you did there.
I must agree, she needs a refund on that job.
Not wearing a bra has a bigger impact than babies…nothing to counteract gravity… just like what happens to men’s testicles as they age. “Enhancements” increase the gravity impact if they aren’t lifted when sag sets in.
To me the saddest thing is that these women have bought into the cultural lie that their value/worth is connected to their looks… makes for a sad awakening when one realizes that looks vanish and all one is left with is the areas of character they have neglected to develop.
True, we definitely need to strap the girls up with an over the shoulder boulder holder. Gravity is the ultimate b*tch, lol.
Very true and how do you raise daughters to love themselves when you went and had surgery. Must love yourself from the inside out. Rocks (and others in the house) have shown they have issues on the inside and talk nasty about others because they are not happy with themselves. Rock is very jealous of Angela for some reason.
I’m not gonna knock women who get surgery. I have a friend who had hers done because she literally had nothing, like a prepubescent boy, she was so self conscious. After her surgery she was like a totally different person, so gregarious and self confident. To each their own.
She’s not an athletic person or a physically fit one, either. I think the lack of bra theory is pretty spot on, but there’s also the chunky monkey theory.
Welp, have fun in the jury house RS. I don’t see any way she is going to make it through this one, even Haleigh is getting annoyed with her.
RE: Rockstar…and Sam
For those of you wondering how Rockstar might survive this week, do not look to the votes. That will be as one-sided as an airplane crash…for her to be evicted. Maybe she survives the week if PRODUCTION gets rid of Sam for …what is the politically correct term that I am seeking so that I do not offend the snowflakes…Production may be getting rid of Sam for ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST reasons. That would allow them to cancel the vote this week.
Most viewers do not like Rockstar but she is ratings gold. Characters like Rockstar and Kaitlyn cannot be created for scripted tv shows because nobody would consider them believable or realistic. Only reality tv can make such “greatness” possible.
CBS has exploited Sam’s psychiatric issues enough for us to grasp that she should be removed from the game. Let’s hope that Sam gets the help that she needs a.s.a.p.
Vanessa was a little unhinged. They kept her. Then there was the sh!t show of season 18 … the bar for sanity is set pretty low at this point. It’s really not cool to erase any relationships or headway made by other house guests with Sam by removing her. However, I STILL think they have the votes even if Sam votes to keep Rockontheblock, especially since KC is cancelling Fez’s vote. Good Lord, I thought Bay was going to bust a blood vessel before she left.
She DID…in her MOUTH. I’ve been screaming mad before, and I can run my mouth with the best of them, but have never bit my tongue like Bayleigh did. God was giving her a message…bite your tongue, girl! In other words, Shut Up!!!
Re: Recent twitter post from the most prolific and accurate BB INSIDER
FROM: REALvegas4sure: “Sam will be talked to in DR by a physician not just medic or nurse. I won’t be sharing any outcomes as it is medical, but she is going to be checked in properly. Concerns throughout production on her stability. though she hasn’t crossed lines many have flagged her for eval.”
CBS and BB really drop the ball with this shit. They rarely step in and open themselves with massive lawsuits if someone gets hurt. Krista Justin knife incident being the most infamous
You normally make good points, but you always sound like such an imbecile. I wonder what’s lower, your IQ or your credit score?
Snowflakes… how original of you.
A.G. you’re not fooling anyone.
I vote to evict Frank Eudy aka TYLER!
RS……ratings gold, are you kidding me? I can barely bring myself to read the updates on this page when I see her name. I am so hoping she goes home this week. I think she’s mean and hateful and needs to GOOOOOOOO!
I mean agreed to trixr4kz
Rocks and Haleigh being so clueless is fun to watch but after 8 hours straight it gets exhausting. Plus Haleigh and Rockstar are now slinging a lot of shit at Angela and after a couple hours that can get a bit much.
Rocks needs to go she’s toxic.
She is toxic. And I wonder how much of sam’s insecurities and issues are related to RS. When that’s all you’re hearing 24/7. If Sam is already insecure and easily swayed by those that she’s around. Rock could have some to do with Sam’s emotional behaviors lately.
her toxic fumes must rub off on people..
Imagine what kind madness is going to come outta Sam this Thursday./. if she lost it with Bayleigh leaving.
I’m worried about Sam. I hope Tyler or Scottie comfort her and pull her out of her funk. It’s hard watching her internal struggle, I think she really is a good person. All this lying and backstabbing isn’t for the faint of heart. I just pray that this doesn’t send her over the edge.
It would be hard to be around someone who is so negative and hateful all the time. I feel for Sam, she really didn’t seem to have a clue what this show was about or how to play it. Sam is all over the place and I agree, I feel much of Sams issues the last couple of weeks has to do with rockys negativity. rocky really needs to go just for everyones state of mind. I know I couldn’t handle being around someone as hateful as rocky.
You are the new casting director for Big Brother. Your ears bled and you nearly went blind watching Paul control his minions last year. You’re enjoying this season of Big Brother. You now have a chance to select the cast for the upcoming season. I have a simple question. Does next season’s success depend more on securing more characters like:
a) Kaycee, Angela and Rachel
b) Kaitlyn, Bayleigh and Rockstar
I’m not FOR team goldfish brains…but they are amazing characters to watch on reality tv. Angela was more like furniture than an actual character at the beginning of the season.
I don’t expect anybody to cheer for Kaitlyn, Bay or Rockstar…but they are highly entertaining. You people are like my dog with a new chew toy. You love it. But you want to kill it. When you do kill it, you do not grasp that your fun is now over. Great villains and crazy people will always add the most entertainment value.
They were all decent BB characters I am glad they entire cast was on the show they made for a fun season. Sometimes it’s the mix of people that just works. I can’t really bring it down to any more granulation than that. Just cast a mix of regular people with regular lives, jobs
bayleigh was meh
Rachel was funny
Kaycee is a tad boring but has fire in her
Angela is a tab boring but has game in her
Kaityn is crazy but can be a little overwhelming on the feeds which isn’t good
Rockstar is toxic and horrible having to type her stupid out every minute
I would say don’t bring any of those types back and start off with something new.
Under-rated Characters
It DOES take somebody like Tyler or JC to bring out the crazy or to enhance the craziness in characters like Bayleigh, Kaitlyn and Rockstar.
Would Bayleigh be screaming like a banshee and chewing her own face bloody on national TV if not for Tyler’s moves? Would she be threatening to step on that “little thing” JC if he did not bring his personality and his unique game? The dynamic also works in reverse. Brett became a star when he responded to Kaitlyn’s “vision” with a vision of his own during a speech while he was on the block. His obvious and ridiculous lie about Rockstar in another speech while on the block set her off to the point of bringing out the pots and pans and ranting about her daughter’s birthday and Brett’s micro-penis. A more sane person would not have reacted.
So, the way these characters play off of each other is key. Even Angela can be a fun character when her mean girl side is put on display.
It’s a safe bet we will not see another season as entertaining as this one any time soon. Enjoy the greatness while it lasts.
i think it comes down to anticipating how houseguests will interact. casting someone like kaitlyn is only fun if you have someone like tyler to balance her out. where casting has gone so wrong in recent years is casting around vets, generally casting people who will work well with the vets to the point that the vets steamroll them. i hope this season stops cbs casting from mixing vets with newbies. all vets or all newbies make for better seasons.
Production won’t get rid of Sam. They are having way too much fun with the edits. Plus, I think a lot of the Sam stuff is an act. I think she knows exactly what she’s doing. Like someone on here pointed out…she’s watched a lot of BB.
No she hasn’t. She literally admitted on the feeds that she hasn’t watched any past season. The girl is crazy.
That’s part of her gameplay, the “I don’t know anything, I’m just a simple person”.
Sam knows the game, and she mentioned that this was how she would play and manipulate others in pre-house interviews.
Yeah and HGs NEVER lie.
If it was said in the BB house it must be true. LOL
I used to think this was part of Sams game play but now, I’m not so sure. I hope they do send Sam to jury really soon but not until they get the threats out. Sam is no threat to anyone but they would be nuts to take sam to final 2. IMO.
Yes i believe Sam lives in la la land.Shame!
how is rockstar ratings gold over sam? sam has definitely gotten more screen time on the broadcasts than rockstar. my guess is that of the houseguests remaining in the house the amount of screentime each has gotten roughly goes tyler, sam, jc, brett, faysal, hayleigh, scottie, rockstar, angela, kaycee. she’s at the bottom of the list and expendable in productions eyes.
kaitlyn meanwhile was actual ratings gold and got a ton of screentime. especially considering how difficult it can be to find interesting female all-stars, i will be shocked if kaitlyn is not brought back for a future season (ditto swaggy. yes, he went out week 2. so did da’vonne her first season).
The biggest question is will Haleigh’s fingernails survive her hoh week? damn is she going to town on them.
She’s just trying to get rid of that nasty taste in her mouth from kissing Fesspool
Fesspool…..That was strong. LOL
I agree Angela, I would like this cast more without you. Will have to wait for this Thursday. Oxygen levels will surely rise upon your departure.
Did Tyler really offer RS safety during OTEV? Never heard that.
There is no reason other than jealousy for Rockstar’s hatred toward Angela. Just like Rockstar hated Brett because he’s white and priviledged, she hates Angela because she’s beautiful and priviledged.
Well I’d put it in perspective. She also said Kaycee was crying in the room after b/c she knows she’s going home (lie), says Tyler & Angela are in a showmance (lie) and that Angela is a sex worker (lie).
You almost start to feel bad for Rock-A-Bye until she goes on her white privilege rants & how others aren’t playing the game (Um – yeah they are and are playing you for a fool). By Thursday everyone will have been approached by her 1,000 times regarding their vote & everyone will gladly vote her out. She’s not a bad vote out either since she’s coming close on a lot of comps.
As for the POV Tyler told her right after the comp he had to consider all sides. Rock-bottom told at least 3 different stories about what happened that day. Just like today she’s talking to Brett and Scottie at different times telling them she had 4 different people offer Tyler 3 weeks of safety and how dumb he was not to take it (never mind Fessy & Haleigh had no intentions of honoring that deal) BUT what that tells Scottie/Brett is that Rs/Fes/Hal/Sam have a F4 b/c it didn’t include them in the mix.
I wanted to like her, but it was constant spewing of negatives and expletives while each of KC/Angela took their noms in stride as GAME NOT PERSONAL. I’m still back on the day Rock Salt gave KC shit for swearing at her when every third word out of her mouth if f**k. I’d have a very hard time biting my tongue and not saying – I know you’re playing for your kids and family, but we all have reasons for being here and you keep talking about being an example. Maybe consider your own vernacular before you toss out shade at others.
Absolutely agree.
The fact that Angela consistently takes the high road even after being told of the disgusting things that RS has been spewing about her, makes RS look even worse (as if that’s even possible).
Add in that Blockstar’s favorite phrase has been, “who’s d!€k do I need to suck to get a power”.
She’s yelled it out a few times over the past couple of weeks…..who’s the sex worker?
lol i know eh… Rock is the worst.
LOVED Dawg’s gif and Rockslop’s d**k suck statement on twitter!
Thanks Simon….honestly, ribs sore from laughing
Evil Dick posted a stripper pic of RS topless. Her bio says she is a stay at home mom. Her convos say she works in a strip club.
NO, he did not. She put him on the spot and said, “You’d better not F*** me over this week.” and he replied, “I won’t.” That’s open to interpretation and far from a promise. She’s a moron for pretending he owed her ANY thing when she’s thrown his name out as a target even before Kaitlyn left. Rockslobber has a severe case of situational ethics.
Besides doesn’t matter if Tyler promises anything. Anyone that is remotely familiar with BB knows anyone will say anything to help further their own game…kinda the point of it all. Go Tyler!!!!!
i’m waiting to see the comp. my guess is that rocks was going to lose anyway and tried to convince tyler she was throwing it to him. tyler said “yeah, whatever” and she misinterpreted that as “yes, anything you say, rocks.”
Listening to Rockstar & Fes “strategize” is like the blind leading the blind.
I feel like I get dumber just listening to them speak.
They’re both clueless as to how the game works, delusional by thinking they have the votes go their way (and they do this EVERY single week, & every single week they’re blindsided… how could they possibly still have such a false sense of security?).
They have no idea how much they’re being played (RS says she definitely has Brett’s vote). I predict jaw dropping expressions all around on the faces of the hive come Thursday night.
Where does all this hate Blockstar has for Angela come from? As far as I know Angela hasn’t said anything negative to her. I’m sure she is jealous of her looks but she just won’t shut up about Angela being a b!tch.
If anything Rockbottoms behaviour has been consistant since the beginning. What doesnt make sense is that she doesnt hold the same hate towards Haleigh who had used her looks since day 1. Thats called hypocrisy.
Right? And arguably the biggest hypocrisy is RS seemingly has issues with people who come from wealth and yet Bayleigh’s parents home looked beautiful and from a high end area. She vacillates to whatever hate she can spew whenever it’s convenient for her. She hated Brett (and btw as much as he can be an arrogant ass, raise your hand if you’re dying to see his GB message to her). Ditto for Kaycee who went from being “just a pawn (which is what RS is complaining about being) to some terrible person b/c she “might” (we know she is) be the hacker.
And all this time she said how important the LGBT community was to her and how she would align with them in the house. But now that JC may vote for KC based on those same common bonds, she deems it unfair.
In truth, I’m sure she’s a nice person, but it just seems like she has two gears – constantly complaining or constantly rubbing “rock” salt in others open wounds.
And Haliegh’s family is very well off too.
Hand raised to hear Brett’s goodbye message to RS!
“She hated Brett (and btw as much as he can be an arrogant ass, raise your hand if you’re dying to see his GB message to her).”
** Hand raised (with a giddy glee and ear to ear smile on my face)**
I hope Brett works on his good bye messages though, his jury management is lacking. He might make it to the end and he needs their votes!!! I didn’t really like Brett at first, but he’s growing on me. The dude is pretty funny and the way he has saddled up next to the HIVE to relay all the info back to L4 has been flawless. Although, it’s not hard to infiltrate the HIVE, they are so clueless. The fact that he keeps a straight face during his one on ones with Fes and RS earns him at least $50,000 if not the whole darn $500,000.
Rockstar hates, in her own words “white privilege”, so that includes Angela, Tyler and Brett apparently, even though by her own definition Bayleigh was the most “privileged” of all the cast. Oh and she also said Kaycee was privileged aswell, which is a contradiction because she’s not white, but RS has never been one for logical thinking and is a waking contradiction herself. Basicshe hates people who love their lives because deep down she hates the loser she is.
Everyone that is not directly on her side at that moment is a Stupid little b1tch pretty privileged white person.
Simon/Dawg, Hayleigh had a great one at around 11:34 BBT, “Let me put my bathing suit on and play with Brett a little, see if he tells me anything.” It appears as if sam was right week 4 all along.
Right! It’s sad that she thinks so little of herself to resort to that.
HAHA nice! she’s great at playing that flirt game.
She is exactly the player Sam said she was when she nominated her.
But RS wants to talk about Angela flirting her way around the guys. Which she does not do. But when Haleigh openly says that’s what she’s going to do. RS is all on board with that. Haleigh sure thinks a lot of herself.
Of course. by the time Sam said that, Haleigh had spent four days in the hoh trying to play Tyler, been a wedge between Kaitlyn and Fes for a few days, been told Brett named her a target so began flirting with him, and then started flirting with Scottie the hoh, while still flirting with Brett, and maintaining limited flirtation with Fes. It’s a valid strategy that would need to be owned. If she didn’t own it, I’d be less than comfortable with her as the winner of the season (should that happen). Then again, one winner of bb sat in bed giving handjobs for most of the summer while production kept telling other house guests not to target her.
I think Haleigh is starting to see the (dim) light when it comes to Rockstar
Sometimes I think that but other times Haleigh says things that Rival Rocks in stupidness.. Maybe today’s feeds will show more about that rift.
The House is very awkward right now. Loved..loved the convo between Rocks and KC when rocks said you weren’t supposed to go home. There is NO way to recover from that.
Scottie quite at home in the HOH..under the covers. Fess comes in. You can cut the tension with a knife.
The jealousy from Rocks is quite out of control. Hayleigh is fuming because she sees it as Tyler choosing Angela over her.
I know that Hay is young..and I do give her some props. She’s gorgeous and smart. What she has yet to learn..is that Angela is a challenge to guys. She’s not easy. Hay flirts and is too obvious. It gets old..especially in a house 24/7.
Scottie will see next week when Hay is not in power how she will be all over the next HOH..male or female.
Fess will hope against hope. Scottie is living a pipe dream.
Brett, Tyler and JC could care less.
Angela is now the focus of Rocks hate. As KC says..* HOW does Rocks think she has a chance to win this game?
Rocks even told Scottie she will put him up as a pawn. I am gob smacked a the sheer stupidity.
Sam working overtime to play everyone. I do think the damage is done though.
Well..come Thursday..lots of victim noises from Hay and Sam.
Lines will be drawn…and Fess and Hay will FINALLY realize the truth.
Fess will not care that Scottie is a number. He is jealous of Scottie and will do all he can to see him gone.
Playing emotionally is just not a good idea.
That conversation had me laughing. I had to go back and relisten before I published cause I couldn’t believe she said that at first.
You have to be honest, that builds trust. You tell the person on the block all the details about your secret power, tell one of the key voters that you’ll put them up if you win HoH, and isolate yourself in the HoH while you are on the block. You have to build trust. It’s bound to work…if you give a million chimps a million typewriters and in a million years you’ll have a masterpiece of crap flung all over the walls.
I have a sincere concern about Sam. Something’s wrong with her. They shouldn’t encourage her to stay. She’s just not made for this game. I really hope that the rumor, that they’ve got a doctor talking to her, is true.
If they let her go, they could still have the eviction this week. Just no double this season.
KC was hugging her on BBAD. Then gave her a massage. It looks like they got the word not to push her.
KC and another couple of houseguests have mentioned over the last few WEEKS how many times Sam has been called into the DR. I didn’t pay much attention..but now I suspect that they are aware that things are off with Sam’s behaviour.
I’ve noticed Sam is coming around the last couple days. She has been eating regularly, staying hydrated, exercising, and getting good sleep. She and Kaycee haven’t had their periods since sequester. Anyway, I think Sam is down with saving Kaycee.
Production calls Sam in the DR every morning to give her medication. There’s no doubt they have a doctor or counselor talking her off the cliff so she keeps her mind in perspective.
I’m pretty sure this is all for ratings. The more I watch, the more I realize that Sam’s tirades are an act.
I think it’s “cute” that Fez thinks he has JC. Fez is JC’s “plus one” for all The Hive parties.
i think its funny that Fes is only worried about the 2 guys Hay spends time with LOL. po’thang.
hey now, they did actually vote the same way for the first time all season last week.
Does Scottie really have a thing for hayleigh? I thought that they were just friends who sometimes talked game.
Hayleigh always seems more relaxed and herself when she was with Scottie.
I didn’t see any of it as flirtatious. Just two people talking strategy.
Scottie did an HOH Q&A video where he said he had a crush on Hayleigh.
I think Scottie has a girlfriend. He does seem attracted to Hay, but I doubt she is his type in real life.
Sam is really tripping me out. At first I thought it was an act. Now I don’t know anymore. She sounds like she’s all drugged up. If it isn’t an act, and she’s really freaking.
Wow. She shouldn’t be exploited.
Yeah, I don’t think it’s an act. I only had a brief thought now and then that there was strategy behind her actions. She’s just all over the place. On After Dark last night, she was having fun with Fessy and it was the old Sam we saw in the beginning, funny, sweet. They were pretending like they were doing a radio show and she did a hillbilly accent (I have cousins who talk just like that); she was fun and seemed to be happy. There’s a darkness to her moods now.
I would get REAL tired of Hayleigh, Scottie, Rockblob & Fez laying around complaining about what is or isn’t being cooked for supper downstairs. You don’t work, you don’t eat.
She has all the signs of bi polar disorder, which can be controlled to a point with medications. I know this for a fact because three generations of the females in my family have suffered from it for years.
I am glad to hear that the DR called in a real Dr. for Sam. She’s scary. I would not feel comfortable in that house with her there. When she gets talking about putting peoples mouth on a curb and kicking the back of their head to drive their teeth down their throat or into their brain… nope! Not comfortable at all. I suspect there is a reason why she lives in a camper behind her folks house. She just never divulged it for fear of not making the show. She acts a lot like one of my friends who is seriously bipolar. When my friend doesn’t take her meds, she is either so happy and life’s beautiful or she is so sad and depressed that she becomes suicidal. Her moods change very quickly. I’m not a doctor but I truly believe Sam has some serious issues. I hope she gets help because I really liked her in the beginning and I think she’s a beautiful girl.
I agree with your assessment of Sam- I have observed her demonstrating distinctly different behaviors:
-she has limitless energy and is constantly busy
– then she cries that people are making fun of her
– then she goes into rages and wants to leave the house or talks about violence
– then she is Sunshine Sam or Pollyanna and she loves everyone and sees all the good
– then she acts clueless about the game and helpless
-then she seems to know all about the game (the other day she asked the hive about the third power when they had all but forgotten about it
-also she seems conflicted about sexuality= she criticizes the ‘loose girls’ and seems comfortable and even ‘cute’ when around Fes and Tyler
My theory is that she gets by with therapy/meds and family support in her regular life- like most, but life in the BB house is so strange- artificial, stressful, wiith a lot of down time and nothing to do. That seems to affect the behavior of all HGs- think Bayleigh, RS. It is likely that some, maybe all HGs regularly check in with therapists- those who need it may also see a psychiatrist. Maybe meds are prescribed. We know that they have offered sleep aids in the past.
I think/hope Sam will be OK, but it does not seem that she is actually able to enjoy the experience or play the game, so she is not likely to win.
Remember when Rocks was fixated on hating Brett and getting him out? Ah, how things change.
ROCKBLOCK! SECOND PLACE DOESN’T COUNT!!! SHUT UP! (sorry, had to get that out).
gut feeling. first member of level that takes a shot at a fellow level that truly cracks the alliance will be brett. he’s revealing info he gathers back to level from the hives, but he’s also the mole on the other side that is forming a tenative ad hoc relationship with scottie and haleigh. it won’t happen until either fes or jc is taken out, but it will happen. it won’t happen for at least a week or two. but. it will happen.
gut feeling 2. they won’t remove sam from the game no matter what assessment is made. the only reason it’s a question is they showed some of her antic on the episode and got calls. if there was an issue that demanded removal, the doctor would have been called the night of eviction for an assessment, not days later. if there is an issue they will encourage the next hoh to nominate her, encourage the others to vote her out, and send her to jury. if they have to tranquilize her a la audrey to do so, they will. Doing anything else would deter storyline and season length, or be an absolute rig (ie/ a reset. or a return from jury after hearing goodbye messages).
gut feeling 3. the jury was going to be bitter the moment the overwhelming alliance of 9 with an interior alliance of 5 got blind sided week one. the hives still bring up week one and two. they don’t alter their gameplay. they just whine about week one and two. knowing where the train wreck started without acknowledging why the trainwreck happened, and correcting the issue so that the same thing doesn’t happen again? Sure sign of resentment and bitterness if they take no responsibility for what has happened. No matter what issue arises or what blindside happens, they whine, they complain, and they change nothing in their game play. It was always going to be a bitter jury.
Totally on board with 1 and 3, 2 is troublesome for me.
Not your logic, just that Sam’s (everyone’s) mental health is a far distant secondary issue for production. I did not like them showing those selected clips of Sam nor forcing her to stay in the house.
Brett is in a golden position for 1 but I believe it would hinge more on getting Fessi out. Fessi is good for the physical challenges, Haleigh is better for the mental challenges (but NOT strategy); they would have to be broken up. I’m not certain Fessi would/could get over his jealousy of Brett (he’s always going back to the hammock time) or even have his mind in the game if Haleigh were gone.
Just let Haleigh put on her bikini and think she’s in control of Brett until it’s time to jettison her.
A secret Brett, JC and Haleigh alliance, with Brett pretending to still be working on the inside with Tyler, KC and Angela, could pull off a backdoor of Tyler…and Brett could possibly convince KC and Angela that his hands were clean.
Remember the messages sent by viewers when they had Audrey in the have not room with her bag of pills, completely zonked for a couple of days? Or the calls for mental health evaluation / intervention for Vanessa?
Little known fact, last season Josh tried to leave as well. He was talked out of leaving. More than once.
Every season there is one or more person that begins to react poorly to the environment, or the game. If there is a red flag, a health professional is on call for an assessment to be made. It isn’t a days long procedure. So, chances are, if the Sam situation was truly serious, she’d already have been assessed. The fact that they are showing her spiral on episodes… i think that has more to do with her still saying she wants to leave and being uncooperative than her actual mental health. Otherwise, contract or no, they’d be opening themselves up to a hefty lawsuit.
LOL Brett has to win HoH before he can even attempt to take a shot at anyone. I am Team Level 6, but time for Brett to put some skin in the game…besides going shirtless.
Not in Big Brother, if you can manipulate an HoH, like Tyler does, or other HGs from past season, you can successfully take a shot at someone without being HoH.
Tyler can only claim to have manipulated Kaitlyn, and really he didn’t even do that. Kaitlyn wanted to switch sides of the house and was using Tyler as her in.
She wanted to jump ship after Tyler told her Chris called her a liability.
not really. just cast a vote with the other side. The reason i say JC or Fes would have to leave first is that each of the two provide alternative option for either Haleigh or Tyler. The perfect time to pull a back stab is at the 8 person point, There’s five votes. If he’s going to do it, that’s where i see it.
Agreed….same with Fes. They both have to win something.
They never once have thought the other side is organized, they think they are the only alliance, they are the only ones who talk game, they are the only ones who are interesting to the viewers, and they are the superior players. Hence, every time they lose it’s a mystery to them because they don’t see an opposing group so it must be one of their own who cast the hinky vote. Hay put Tyler on the block because she assumed everyone would follow along and vote him out, she never once thought about him being strongly protected. Even this week she and RS are “offering” him safety in the numbers they truly believe they hold because they truly believe he is alone. It’s the most amazing part of this season, that their Hive group is so aloof to the truth.
brett’s definitely building the pieces to turn on his alliance, but tyler’s been doing it all season. i think tyler turns first. kaycee and angela need to figure out how they intend to get past final 4.
i don’t think this jury will be bitter. bayleigh didn’t storm out of the house. and (with the possible exception of rocks) the house is generally more confused than angry. if they put it together in jury, they may vote game. their ability to put it together even in jury though is questionable. but that just makes them a stupid jury rather than a bitter one.
I totally agree. Sounds like a bunch of politicians. Especially a tall ignorant orange asshat with a bad rug.
If Rockscab got a boob job what look was she going for? The milk cow?
And we will like BB20 even more after RS is gone Thursday!
Rockscab the games almost over. You’ll be back in the trailer park soon enough to share stories about privilege people who work hard and pay taxes so dead beats like you can live off of welfare checks and food stamps
I’m convinced that outside of Tyler most of these people have either never watched Big Brother OR as soon as they walked into the house became idiots. The gameplay is terrible. I can’t stand half the cast (Angela & JC the most) most don’t really do anything (Fes & Kaycee) and how is it that NOBODY has figured in the group of Scottie, Fes, Haleigh & Rockstar that the rest of the house is voting against them EVERY week including Tyler!! Ugh even after last week with Bayleigh and the hacker comp scandal why would they still trust him?
Can’t wait until tomorrow and Thursday. Such an entertaining season!
Blockstar’s coming in first on Thursday night!
Too bad it’ll be in the eviction count.
Ricky Bobby: If your not first your last…..well…..in the case of Rocks I guess you can be first and last at the same time…..
I think the High School Principal from Billy Madison sums the Hive up best with his line in the movie:
“-_________________(fill in the blank with the names of the Hive members talking at any given time) , what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Maybe the hive is suffering from colony collapse disorder.
THE HIVE never fails to amaze me. After yesterday I realized Haleigh is just a much a power player as Rock is. haleigh’s social game is just leaps and bounds better than ROCKS.
But that’s like saying your the fastest snail…
Angela did the least amount of flirting out of the single hetero girls. For Rocks to constantly go around saying that Angela is playing a flirt game and staying off the block employing this shows the type of person rocks is. Halegh, Rachel, Bayleigh, Sam, Kaitlyn all flirted with guys a hell a of alot more than Angela. Even the unwashed mass of casuals won’t dispute This.
I’m hitting my limit with Rock supidness and I still have 2 days to go..
You may have to take a few days off for a deRocks session to regain your mental capacities. 🙂
HAHA yeah DeRocks..
I’m at my limit with Rocks. It kills me when she goes on and on about Angela and Kaycee floating by…I’m like, ROCKS!! What have you done besides call everyone names and not win anything? I hope she continues to feel safe so when Thursday comes it’ll be the biggest blindside of her life.
RS is jealous. That’s the Angela she wishes she was 🙂
Angela is such an doorknob!
Says a door stop.
Says Chris, Rockblob’s BF
I just updated the ranking grid and man is Sam really dropping FAST!
It does say something when all that stands between her and Hive territory are Scottie and two non-Hive evicted guests….AND when you can push Swaggy up off the bottom (RS).
Everytime I see a picture of Fes peering over the shower door at Hayleigh I think about how creepy he is. Has she finally given up trying to get him to stop?
Fes is the type of guy I would NEVER want dating my daughter. Can’t imagine how possessive and controlling he will be in the real world. Seems to think Haleigh is his property. Definitely does not respect women and thinks they are way below men. Very creepy.
There’s persistence and then there’s Fez. She’s told him before to back up but then she gets a little flirty and he takes that as a sign to move in again.
why is the hive not trying to convince Brett/Sam/JC/scottie that kaycee and Angela are definitely a final two and they need to break up that pair while they have the chance? And these pinky swears? seriously?? This season is great, but these people are not very bright at all. It’s annoying.
I don’t believe Hay and Fessi want to start the “we need to break the pair up” dialog.
Haleigh never ceases to amaze. She tells Fes that he has to go downstairs because the other house guests can’t think that he is sleeping upstairs. In other words, she does not want anyone to think that they are a couple. She is afraid that they will both go on the block sooner than later if the other house guests think that they are a couple. Hate to tell her but everyone already assumes that. Water over the dam Haleigh.
Once Scottie and Brett are told Fes has slept over in hoh and then sneaked down when the morning music started… how effective do you see her flirt strategy actually being?
Thinking that they have already figured out that Fes has been upstairs then sneaking back down. Her flirting is not effective at all with Brett already. He is using it for info gathering. I think Scottie is still hopeful but I think he already realizes he has no future with Hay so her flirting is for nothing.
Does Rockstar self identify as “black”? She keeps referring to “white privilege”. Is she just confused or does she think that she is another “Rachel Dolezal”?(white but thinks she is black)
Does Rockless Star ever have a thought of her own? She’s such a yes man I’m getting whiplash just listening to her.
Oh yes, and those thoughts are everything you probably expect.
For instance, today she’s been practicing her pre-vote speech. It’s a gem of Hive logic and she believes it will blow the roof off Angela’s game. She’s going to tell everyone that:
– Angela has an F2 with Tyler
– Angela has an F2 with KC
– that there are no other F2’s; that everyone else are just lone wolves with close friendships but no F2 alliance
– that the only alliances, which belong to Angela, are unfair to all the rest of them (lone wolves) so everyone should do themselves a favor and vote out one of her F2 alliances, KC.
As tortured as Haleigh’s efforts to talk game play with Fessie and Rockstar were, she’s reached new heights talking end game with Scottie a little while ago.
They were talking about going together to the end and taking Brett as their F3 companion. Scott thinks Brett will be their Victoria to which Haleigh squealed that she is Derrick.
Brett asked RS what her objective was, to break up Tyler, Angela and Kaycee, to break up Angela and Kaycee, or just take out Angela.
RS replied just Angela so that Tyler will walk around like a lost puppy like he did with Kaitlyn. To which that game genius Heleigh added, Tyler is malleable and wants to be told what to do.
what will the next twist be any thoughts
why is it that when one of the hives is talking about or reading the rules, i get the feeling they’re actually trying to figure out how to cheat? oh. because they’ve attempted to cheat before? eyeroll.
Fezzy quickly getting into the stalker zone with his peeking in the shower.
Best game
1- KC- float/shield/alliance strategy. no jury enemies
2- Brett- see above. Rock is only Jury enemy
3- Angela- see above plus comps. But will have fewer jury votes than KC or Brett
4- Tyler- Best competitor. But competitors rarely win BB. Don’t down vote Tyler fanboys. Its true. competitors rarely win BB.Bitches!
5,6,7- Scottie JC Sam. Ultimate floaters which is not a bad thing. Good strategy. But they have no shields and are not in TIGHT with any alliance. L4 will pick them off if they dont change gears and flip the house around.
8,9- Hay Fezzy—clueless
Wait am I the only one disturbed by the watching of the shower? Is this normal behavior?
It is creepy the way he stands 2 heads above the top of the shower door, clearly staring down at her, and she even pretends like he can’t see. So very creepy. She’s so concerned about her father and grandfather, I’d have a REAL problem meeting my daughter’s intended boy friend after watching those scenes. And the hypocrisy of the Hive accusing Angela of flirting through the game. Between Haleigh, Kaitlyn and Bay, Angela is the only girl who hasn’t humped kissed or flashed a guy since being in the house.