ROCK – “Tyler has to go he’s the root of the disturbance in our force.. he’s Palpatine”

POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 9th
HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th
Noms: Winston, Scottie Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar

Big Brother Spoilers – Veto Ceremony has not happened yet.

9:22am Kailtyn and Fez
Kailtyn – can you please go.. seriously..
Fes – give me 10 minutes

9:27am Haleigh and ROCKSTAR
Haleigh – JC cannot take direction I hope they penalty vote his a$$
Haleihg – My neck hurts
ROCKSTAR – my back hurts.. Day 20

They bring up Kailtyn saying Swaggy has the power. Neither of them believe that.
Haleigh – It’s going to be so dramatic Rockstar I really don’t want to be involved.. I don’t want to be involved..
ROCK – I hear you.. like I don’t want to be part of it either
Haleigh – I’m already trying to plan out where I’m going to go I think I’m going into the Have nots room..
Haleigh says Bayleigh is not going to handle it well.
Baleigh joins them. Rockstar says that they were talking about Scottie sleeping without a blanket becuase of JC>

9:32am Rachel and Kaycee

Rachel – if anyone backdoors me someone better f***ing tell me.. none of this backdoor shit give everyone a fair shot to win this thing
They talk about making a deal with their 6 not to backdoor anyone
Rachel says Winston is not going to last if someone from the other side wins power they’ll take him out.

Angela and Sam joined them..

Sam tells them last night Swaggy and Scottie got in a heated debate about past Big Brother seasons and strategies. She thought it was really interesting.
They all found this interesting…

9:35am Bayleigh, Haleigh, ROCK

ROCKSTAR – Tyler is with the other side
Bayleigh – why would he use the veto to put one of them up
Rock – Kailtyn told him to
Rock and Haleigh explain how in this game people “play different” angles” Tyler’s playing different angles right now

Rockstar and Bayleigh leaves to do the awnings.

When they Awnsings are up ROCK goes back to the hammock to talk to Haleigh.
Rockstar – I hope she wins
They agree if Bayleigh wins HOH Kaitlyn will backtrack and try to be BFF’s with Bayleigh
Haleigh – I guarantee this loyal flip bite her in the a$$ they’ll put her up in a heartbeat.. probably right nest to Fesyal
Rock – they’ll probably put up one of us.. she made the deal
Haleigh – in their mind they want a Physical threat out that threat scares them the most.

Rock – you don’t think she told Fessie
Haleigh – She didn’t

Haleigh says that Kaitlyn is going to tell Rockstar and Faysal Swagz is going up 30 seconds before she does it.
Haleigfh – when the Veto ceremony is called she’s going to whisper it to you
ROCK – so we can vomit..
Haleigh – I want to be 100% shocked
Rock – that side of the house is so wacked.. they’re the people you kick out of the club because they are ignorant
Haleigh – I know that but we have to play nice

Rock – F**ing Tyler has to go..
ROCK – Tyler has to go he’s the root of the disturbance in our force.. he’s Palpatine.. because Anika thought Palpatine was good.
Haleigh mentions how Kailtyn is going to make a statement about how Swaggy started things so early with the teams.
Rock – he didn’t start anything early.. he was just Black .. Brett and Winston started things early
Haleigh says Kaitlyn wants to work with Brett and Winston
Haleigh – I will evict myself before I align with Winston
Rock – Winston is so whack.. he needs to go

9:50am showmancing.

10:18am Bros, Kaycee and Rachel
Speculation about who has the power.
Scottie thinks Scottie has it.
Rachel and Kaycee think Scottie/Swaggy

Brett says Scottie is a improve actor.. he’s very hard to read.
They talk about wanting SCottie out over Swaggyz. Brett says he really tried but Kaitlyn has dug in her heels.
Winston complains about going up. They tell him he’s the main target of the next side so she put him up to satisfy them.

Winston – why put me up.
Winston is aware there’s a chance he could go home. Brett tells him he’s 95% safe.

11:08am POV Ceremony may have begun

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43 thoughts to “ROCK – “Tyler has to go he’s the root of the disturbance in our force.. he’s Palpatine””

    1. last week it ended around 2ish. It can be anywhere really. I think we’ve had them in the afternoon in the past. Depends if Production wants to change the outcome or build up the pressure.

  1. Rockstar is racism in its purist form. She can’t see past the color of Chris’ skin and realize that it is his personality that is going to get him evicted. She only sees him as being black, quite the monochromatic view. He clearly has as much depth to his character as every other human being, and people will judge him based upon how they perceive it, except for the racist nobs like Angie. What an ugly person she is both inside and out.

    1. OK thanks, I was thinking uuumm (?) nobody has said anything about his race, it’s that he thinks he’s running things and didn’t Rockstar (?) say she hated that Chris thought he was running ? but she’ll let him think that so she doesn’t look like she’s making the decisions (?)

    2. Snotty G, you win the internet today with your comment, it is perfectly said!

      I can remember watching an interview with Morgan Freeman, believe it was a 60 minutes interview with Mike Wallace. Mike asks Morgan about Black history month and Morgan says he doesn’t want his history to be “boxed” into a month. Mike was a little taken back by Morgans response, so Morgan turns that question around and asks Mike if he wants a white history month, Mike says he is Jewish, Morgan says oh okay which month is Jewish history month…..Mike says he doesn’t want a Jewish history month….and there you have it Mike understood his silly question.

    3. I agree with your post. As a Mexican conservative born and raised in CA I found it funny when my white liberal friends assume I though they like them because I’m Mexican and I’m suppose to be a democrat. I have the same conversation with them and they don’t understand. I tell them to stop looking at everything by color bc to me it can look racist but I know they aren’t.

      1. Much like the white “progressives” in Ellison’s The Invisible Man. The were as racist as the old white guys in the south just more patronizing.

  2. Rockstar is really starting to get on my nerves. Funny how no one else has talked about Swaggy or Bayleigh’s skin color but her. Why people choose to be this way boggles my mind. They have nothing better to talk about than to lie about other people, and make accusatory statements that can be extremely damaging. Grow up woman, this is a game, and you’re trying to make it way more than it is.

    1. Pockstar is vile imo….. so freakin’ hateful, esp towards Angela…. soooo hoping for an Angela HOH this Thursday! That’ll make her purple hair turn green

      1. That would be epic. Want either Angela or Kaycee to win an HOH or veto soon. and for Tyler to lay back. Can’t look at Rocstar in those glasses and not think of Mr. Magoo!

    2. Tom, cbs has made sure to paint Swaggy as extremely arrogant, which he is obnoxious, don’t get me wrong, but SERIOUSLY?? There have been SOOOOO many arrogant guys to walk thru BB’s doors. Dr. Will, Jesse, Boogie, Caleb, etc., etc. I don’t usually yell “racism”, but those guys on L6 didn’t really give Swaggy a chance, imo. He actually wanted to work with them. Trust me, I know guys like Winston and Brett, and they are color conscious to a fault.

  3. I wish everyone goes balls after the veto and the big drama begins. Swaggy, Bayleigh and Wiston blow up over.ahahha its evel but we all here for cutthroat btw the bros should be grateful for the outcome instead of moaning about Scottie unbelievable ya Wiston needs to go soon! maybe he still have a tiny change !

  4. Not sure if it was on this thread or another but curious as to what peoples thoughts are on rockstar saying they are only targeting swaggy because he is black or I think it was someone saying swaggy was making teams right away and then she made that comment? Or something along those lines – I may not have that exactly word for word.

  5. You people are stupid if you think that Kat, nom are not based on RACE and Homophobia. She directly said to Both Rockstar and Haleigh’. Kat said out of her own mouth she is thinking about nominating the Gays or the Blacks..

    This was said earlier in the week that y both think it is race based with her nominations.

      1. Scottie is about 2 shades from being transparent and I haven’t paid much attention regarding the sexual identities of the house guests. Are you Jayson Blair?

    1. Kaitlyn did not say that. I remember something about nominations and all three girls said something about they will put up their target and if two gay people end up on the block together then so be it. I remember thinking, “who else is gay besides JC”. I still don’t know. I don’t know how I missed it. Maybe because it really doesn’t matter who is gay or straight. Kaitlyn was all in with Swaggy so his color has nothing to do with this. Also, Rockstar knows that Swaggy wants to get rid of Kaitlyn. Did she say “Swaggy only wants to evict Kaitlyn because she is white”?

  6. Hey “Rockstar” I know you understand SwaggyC, because you both gave yourselves nicknames and think you are sooo cool.

    What Rockstar doesn’t understand is that you cannot like a black person because of their character. I guess she will figure that out when she finds out they are in an alliance with Kaycee.

  7. I was a swag hater until I saw his app speech and watched him talk to Scottie about being a super fan. I Finally figured out that besides being extremely immature he is playing the game for the audience. That is why he came up with swaggy C. That is why he thinks he is running the house after winning 2 comp. and why he said I don’t no why America does not like me I gave you the first show mance of the season. I think he has a check list and he is just following it etc. have a strong personality aka swaggy c check. Win 2 comps and so then think you run the house check get a show romance check. As much as he knows about the show if he kept a low profile he could have been a good player instead is ego id screwing up hid game I don’t think he will get mad when he gets back door he will cry ?

    1. Yeah, you have to remember that he is only 23. He is playing how he thinks you are supposed to play to become a fan favorite.

  8. How many people on here talking about the nuance of racism are actually black. Because unless you have actually been in this situation on a daily basis, you have no idea the subtle things that can happen in that spectrum. It does not have to be extreme to be racist. And even good people can talk around the idea and give excuses of why they dislike a person. Winston is just as bad if not worse and yet many of you are talking only about Swaggy.
    Now go ahead and dislike my comment.

    1. I get you, But, the same thing can be said about being a woman, being elderly, being gay, being a jock, being an atheist, being physically handicapped, being whatever is “different”.

      Love is color blind….or, at least, it SHOULD be.
      I am a white woman who fell in love with a black man (happily married for 26 years). His race was an after-thought…..if you know what I mean (like it came to my mind later that “oh….this could be a problem for my family”…and it was, at first). In my generation, it wasn’t as accepted as it is today; and don’t forget…we live in Texas. I have 3 amazingly beautiful biracial children….but, all three refer to themselves as black. They are proud to be black. I am proud they are black, but they are white, too. It’s not for me to define them; it’s not for anyone to define them. Yet, society does define all of us. You. Me. Everyone.

      While I’d like to say I can see both sides of this issue…I am white…I am a woman. I do not know what it is like to be black, or a man, or Jewish, or bi-racial, or gay, etc.

      I love all people and until someone gives me a reason not to.

      I’m very happy to see the “main-stream” these days is full of all types of people, and I pray for the day that people are no longer defined by their color, religion, sexual orientation, yada yada…rather, they be defined by their character (strong, fierce, charismatic, funny, endearing, etc.)

      1. I appreciate your comments and history. I am a bi-racial person designated black. I have seen racism all my life. Much of the subtle kind comes from those who don’t consider themselves racist but use their privilege and outrage when it suits them. Swaggy is arrogant but also very young. Much of what he is doing comes from believing this will get him trending and on TV. Black people have to walk a fine line every day just to be seen in a positive light. And if we speak up we are considered aggressive, bitchy, not a team player, or super sensitive when it comes to race. It is because people don’t know how to walk in someone else’s shoe that it is difficult to see that when you are not in the privileged group, you have no idea how much it takes each day to put on a game face and go out in the world and try to be equal to everyone else. Those on the fringe have to work harder than everyone else, not matter what outside group you are in. But skin color can’t be hidden. We have to deal with the obvious everyday. So do I feel for Swaggy? Yes I do. Do I like his behavior? No I don’t. But then, there are a lot of houseguest who also have questionable behavior.

    2. Sorry, but I have yet to see WInston say F you America, or I am the king, I run this house.. Nor did he give himself a stupid nickname, or care so much about being best dressed, etc. GTFO.

      1. I think this whole thing comes down to one thing. People, regardless of color, sexual orientation, religion, whatever, just need to accept who they are. All I have seen from Swag is a boy trying to be something he’s not. Stop the arrogant bravado, look inside yourself, and be who you are.

    3. I am a black person and I too am not a fan of swaggy because he is arrogant but I agree most racism is very subtle that we experience it daily. Sometimes The main people that say they don’t see color are the main people that use subtle racism. We all have prejudices and have used subtle racism at some point and to prove my point Winston is just as big a jerk as swaggy yet no one on this sight has ever made reference to the fact he is White.

      1. True, we just call him a douche and move on. I will say black folks have had a harder time with this game simply because it is easier to stand out in the crowd. I was a man who worked at a daycare and to maintain my license I had to attend certain classes. I was easy to spot.

    4. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. Winston is equivalent to, if not worse than Swaggy so why does he receive ALLLL of this hate. No one has to mention his skin color. It’s still those subtle things. I haven’t seen as much hate on here for Winston as I’ve seen for Swaggy. What’s the difference?

      1. I think the difference, at least for me, is that Winston is a dog on a leash whereas Chris is jumping around declaring he’s the man in charge. As much of a douche Winston is, he’s not proclaiming himself king. I look at some of the things Chris has said, he’s not as bad as Paul but he’s as eyerolly as Derrick’s statements about his awesome game (you played with morons Derrick). Mostly I ignore Winston because he’s not a big player yet.

    5. Thank you for your comment. I can bet you that there are people in these comments who they themselves are racist, but are using the fact that he is “arrogant” as an excuse to dislike him. Why don’t you guys speak of Winston and his behaviour? But then again you guys voted Trump into power so I expect nothing more from you all. America is becoming disgusting and this show and the people on here are perfect examples.

  9. I hope they dont cut the feeds for too long after the veto, since the editing they do is shambles and we need to rely in watching the feeds to really get whats going on …Now the greatest thing tthat could happen was to see swaggy blow up then calm down and the house shifty and send Winston out off the door so we would have everything good at once

  10. I won’t comment on whether or not anyone in the BB house is racist because I do not know their hearts. I will comment on Rockstar’s allegations of racism because that is a strong accusation to make without evidence. Rockstar stated, “It’s just little things that I noticed,” to which Hayleigh asked her, “Like what?” Rockstar could not come up with a single example and said, “It’s hard to say. It’s just little things.” Okay, so what are these “little things?” Don’t make an accusation that can impact someone’s entire character and life without evidence. If she has actual evidence to cite, then by all means, share that evidence because your roommates and America should know.

  11. swaggy c’s ego and delusions of grandeur are annoying. yes, as viewers we can tell he might turn out to be a comp beast. but my bet is that even if his ego and delusions were non-existant or more low-key, he would still have been an early target because he is black.

    i’ve watched big brother since 2004 and whether we want to turn a blind eye to it or not, these are some statistically proven facts of big brother: if a HG is an older male, they are an early target (unless they become comp beasts like Evel Dick or are the unassuming father figure or best friend that are pegged as place-holders like Kevin or Donny); if a HG is black (there’s only one or two per season) they are an early target (unless they luckily fall into a showmance with a production popular HG — think Zakiyah and Paulie).

    1st week: tyler doesn’t want to “get blood on his hands” and easily targets Steve. he says he can tell the HGs that the reason is that Steve performed the worst at the competition so that he doesn’t get blood on his hands. soooooooo, if that was the bs reason he tried so hard to come up with, what was his real reason? AGEISM. but the production darling can’t say that to anyone…

    2nd week: well, we know how tyler has manipulated kaytlin into turning on her alliance and targetting swaggy c. (by the way… good game play, tyler.)

    is swag a target during week 2 because of his 1 comp win, ego and delusions that he’s running the house? those are underlying factors, but i don’t think so…

    season premier of bb 20… cast is finally revealed during the show and before any competition takes place, i tell my husband “i bet you money that steve is out first and then swaggy c.”


    1. “1st week: tyler doesn’t want to “get blood on his hands” and easily targets Steve. he says he can tell the HGs that the reason is that Steve performed the worst at the competition so that he doesn’t get blood on his hands. soooooooo, if that was the bs reason he tried so hard to come up with, what was his real reason? AGEISM. but the production darling can’t say that to anyone…”
      For someone who wants to play the middle between 2 big groups, it’s BB101 to nominate 2 people that are in neither group. That’s the only option for him to continue telling both sides “I’m with you guys!”.
      Ageism had nothing to do with his decision. Being smart did. Some may think that ageism is (partly) to blame as to why Steve wasn’t included in the core of any of those 2 groups to begin with, but whatever the reason for the chess board looking the way it did when Tyler had to nominate, he had to adapt to the situation he found himself in at that time. That, again, is being smart and strategic, not ageist.

  12. Anyone know why Kaitlyn was asking Fez to go when they were in bed together? Seems kind of weird…

  13. Well i believe I just heard Rockstar tell Kaitlyn that she doesn’t like Winston bc he looks like a Trump supporter and a guy that wanted to bring a confederate flag to the house. She is THE Judgemental one.

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