Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner: RED
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Izzy, Corey & Bowie
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation Right now Cam is saying If veto is used something big is going to happen. He hints at Izzy. If Veto isn’t used Jag goes.
Blue picked Jared for Veto, Jag drew MEME,
1:09pm – 6pm The live feeds were blocked for the Power Of Veto Competition.
RED WON the Veto Competition!!
Comic Bedroom – Izzy,
Izzy – It was Cameron, Jag.. Cirie – Jag came in second. Izzy – by 21 seconds. Cirie – I know he is kicking himself. America – he is very sad. Izzy – I should go talk to him. America – its just sad .. it feels like he knows his position but before the veto we were talking in the bathroom and he was like I feel good with the votes. Cirie – I know he told me the same thing. This was the best case scenario for him, I think. They stay the same. Felicia joins them. Cirie – Jag told me before the veto .. best case scenario they stay the same because I know I’ve got the votes. America – he was telling me the same thing. Felicia – he thinks he has the votes? America – deja vu. He was counting me, Matt, Poo, Cory, you and Izzy. Because he spoke with Izzy and I don’t know .. from their conversation she just assumed that.. Felicia – he doesn’t realize that he is the main target. Cirie – I think he knows. Felicia – but if he knows, he thinks we’re…. so he is going to be stunned when he ends up not getting the votes .. I am almost certain those guys are going to be like okay we want Jag gone and Blue stays. Cirie – you know that’s what Cameron is going to say ..and Red. Felicia – yes absolutely. This is going to be disheartening. America – Okay they stay the same .. that is one less thing to worry about. Cirie – Right. Felicia – when he asks you what are you going to tell him? America – when we were talking, I just said he still needs to campaign. Bowie joins them. Felicia to Bowie – Just out of curiosity Who are you going to want to evict? Bowie – I don’t know? Felicia – what do you think Cameron wants? What do YOU want? You always ask everyone else … WHAT do YOU want? Bowie – I think they’re equally at the same spot for me. I don’t know? What is everyone else thinking? Cirie – well that’s why I dont know either. Cirie – No I am just saying I don’t know because that’s what you’re saying. They all laugh. Bowie – I thought Jag was ahead. I didn’t think that was going to happen. Cirie – I thought about it all ways. Felicia – oh man. I think once he (Jag) is gone. They want Jag gone.

6:12pm Bedroom – Jag and Blue
Jag – Damn they cooked us fair and square! HOH then Veto! Back to Back! Blue – yeah. Jag – cooked! Blue – if Red keeps noms the same how do you want to go about the week? Because for me personally there is no way I am campaigning against you. Jag – F**k. I mean yeah how do you want to go about it. I mean I agree about not campaigning against you but also we have to advocate for ourselves. Blue – oh absolutely. Ah.. this sucks .. it definitely sucks .. its rough because we’re final two you know and I am not going to bad mouth you. I am not going to talk sh*t about you or anything like that. I am definitely going to advocate for myself and make sure my relationship stands with people that I have relationships with but .. yeah. I guess its just a sh*tty situation but there is no way I am going to mess you up or think about you sideways for trying to. Jag – same. Blue – try to win your case but he is just trying to pick at us. America comes in and hugs both of them. So obviously we should both talk to Red and see what he says. Can’t be surprised if he doesn’t use it because his bestie is the one that did it .. so why put more blood on his hands. I think ultimately I am not going to talk bad about your game or talk bad about you as a person. Jag – same. Blue – and whatever happens I really hope this week can at least be fun for us. America – Cam knows that he is on the outs. He knows its just him and Red. Next week he can’t play HOH. Its going to be him and Red on the block. Especially if they get in control. You need to.. use it. Jag – he needs both of us. America – he needs both of you to back him up. I know that Matt told me that he has been trying to pull him in and make some sort of group with him. Red, Bowie and Cam. That doesn’t work unless he has people in there that he trusts because Matt is going to be loyal to you. Not them. You need to talk to him about keeping both of you. Blue – yeah. America – just be like I’m never going to be on your side… if you keep noms the same and one of us stays. We won’t be a number for you. Cam is smart, he had to have had a backup option. And he told POO that it wasn’t him. Jag – we just have to talk to him. We can’t even think about being on the block together on Thursday. Blue – yeah. Jag – we have to talk to Cam and Red and figure something out. We have to! Blue – you’re right, its actually a really good idea. America – they think that you and Red are after each other… so they won’t see this coming. Be like we will be a number for you … they won’t see this coming. They know that we have it for each other.. like gunning for each other. Cam knows he’s in trouble next week. If Red doesn’t win that HOH. And Red has a very slim chance of winning it. They’re going to put them up. Blue -t that’s true. Regardless they are going to go after him. Blue – its true, its true, its so true. America – I will talk to Cam too.. even though he speaks in riddles. Blue – Cam is just doing their dirty work. America – its because he is just trying to buy time. He knows he’s next but if we can offer him numbers .. clearly you guys are strong competitors. He needs that on his side. America leaves.

Bedroom – Jag and Blue
Blue – how do we go about this where he puts up Bowie or Meme? OR literally anyone else outside of our 7? Jag – I don’t know .. we have to meet with the 7 and its not something we will be able to do .. we will need Izzy, Cirie, and Mama Felicia for. Blue – but we have to do it tonight because veto is tomorrow. Wait, we have tomorrow.. just kidding. Jag – we got to just focus on this .. but at the end of the day I am going to campaign against you or bad mouth you. Blue – yeah we have today and tomorrow. Lets meet up with everyone tonight and then whatever we’re going to do we do it tomorrow. Then we can talk to Red and Cam… Ain’t no way its us two! Jag – it can’t be. Blue – he is shooting himself in the foot. Jag – but who is he going to put up next to one of us? Blue – I don’t know we have to talk to the seven about it.
HOH room Cam and Red.
They’re talking about the veto comp. Red – so my suspicion is that there is a smaller alliance within Legend 25. Cam – you’re not telling me anything I don’t know. Red – just based on my conversation with Cirie. Cam – I haven’t asked about that but I wanted it to be organic. Red – with Matt, I am going to try and get into it.
In the bathroom – America and Jag.
America is crying. America – I am trying to think of every scenario where Red uses it. Jag – he won’t use. America – crazier things have happened. You have to make good enough argument. You know?! Jag – even if I say I am going to work with you.. America – its between Red and Cam. You know that Cam dictates what he does. Jag – I know but think of it like .. Look we will work together and no one will see it coming.. the moment he uses it on me everyone see that we made some sort of deal. America – you’re right, I didn’t think that far ahead. Jag – he doesn’t use it on me. There is no scenario that I am off the block. There is NO scenario where I am off the block. America – But I feel like the line is already drawn with them. Maybe the argument won’t be that they wont see it coming but they wouldn’t see you guys coming together but it would buy you a week. He is going up on the block next week anyway. Its him and Cam. Jag – I wanted to win so BAD!!! America cries more. Jag – DUDE went so fast. How did he go so fast!? America – I knew he had a good number too.. he was super antsy. There is a scenario where he uses it. Jag – yeah on Blue maybe. Who goes up? America – Izzy.. Izzy was freaking out that he thought she was the replacement. Jag – but what votes do I have either way. America – me, Blue, Matt, Cory, Jared.. Bowie… Bowie was just saying that she has a better relationship with you than Blue… but she has a better relationship with Izzy. I don’t know he just needs to find someone. Jag – there are not many scenarios where I stay in the house. Like Red uses it on me which isn’t going to f**king happen.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
6:30pm – 6:45pm HOH room – Red and Cam.
Red – this is tomorrow right? (Veto Ceremony) Cam – Monday. Monday is the ceremony. So we’ve got all of Sunday to plot on how we’re going to use the veto. Red- – of course. We do need to have a Legend 25 meeting. Cam – well its not really necessary right now. Red – they want one… well Izzy wants one because she’s nervous as hell that she’s going up. And this is honestly I think going to help us build a little more trust in there. Cam – possibly. But you know.. Red – they’ll put us up. Cam – if its me and you next to someone else .. we ain’t getting that vote. Red – you mean on the hot seat? Cam – no on the final seat. Red – I want to make it to Jury with Legend25 before we disassemble it. I am waiting for them to start pointing inside again at some point. Cam – yeah and guess who. I love the name but I don’t even want to be in the damn thing right now. I like me, you, Bowie and Matt. Red – I trust Cirie explicitly. Cam – absolutely do. Red – don’t trust Felicia. Cam – Nope don’t trust her. Red – I don’t trust Izzy because she just don’t like us. Cam – yeah and I think Meme is a great actor too. I don’t think she likes us much either. Red – but that’s just 3 of the 8.. all we need to do is add a few .. it makes sense to keep the majority for as long as we can. Cam – I like Cirie. I love Cirie. Red – I don’t think Cirie would choose Izzy over me. Cam – I’ll trust that. If you say that I trust that. Red – because she told me yesterday that she would never do anything to go against my game or harm your game. Cam – I believe it. I’ve got one question for her.. I’m going to ask her and then just let her ramble. “Why is everyone so nervous?” That’s all I got. Red – yeah. Cam – why is everyone you’re around so nervous with me now what I’m HOH. Can you please tell me why? Why are you huddle up away from me just talking. If someone is nervous about the power that you have .. its because they’ve thought of doing it themselves. Red – yeah. Cam – we have already been in that discussion. We have already been mentioned.
Bedroom – Felicia, Blue, Matt and Izzy.
Blue – I think there is a possibility that one of us can try convince Red to use the veto. Here is where we as a 7 need to talk. If Red uses the veto .. in a perfect world someone like a Bowie or Meme. Izzy – they’re not going to do that. They’re not going to put up Bowie. They’re fully aligned with Bowie. Bowie is their number one. Just based on things I am hearing .. its most likely going to be me… so I can’t push for them to use the veto. I just want to be honest with you. Blue – I get that. Felicia – what are you hearing? Are you hearing someone calling your name? Izzy – yeah. Felicia – I have not heard that at all. I am being really honest. Izzy – I know, they’re not trying to say anything .. they know we’re tight. I want to hear Blue out.. this is about Blue. Blue – Comparing my situation and Jags… Jag is in a worse position right now. Izzy – I want both of you to stay. Don’t even pitch Bowie. And Meme… Cameron has done a sloppy job of promising everyone. Felicia – so who the hell would you put up? Izzy – and I worry that it would be me or Jared .. and I worry that it is me. Blue – he promised Jared that he wouldn’t put him up. He has been promising everyone. If we collectively think there is someone they could put up.. we should explore it. Izzy – its someone thing we should all talk together about.
7:05pm Bedroom – Jag and Jared.
Jag – a lot of this is going to be on them. Jared – we really do need to consider how comfortable is Izzy doing that? Jag – doing what? Jared – making this move.. because she feels like as if she is at risk. That is the thing that scares me and if she is pushing against it that is going to be tough. Jag – that’s why we’ve got to come up with a plan where Izzys name shouldn’t even be brought up. Jared – yeah but its already been brought up by the worst people that it can be brought up by… which is Cameron. Her and Cory are the only two names that were brought up. And this is why it doesn’t help to play double agent.
7:25pm HOH room – Cam and Felicia
Felicia – well nothing has to change if you don’t want it to. Cam – No. No, I don’t know why I would touch it. I am not touching nothing. When Red came in here we were like (hands off). That was easy. Felicia – there doesn’t have to be an alternate plan… its like this worked out perfect. And I am assuming your target is actually Jag? Cam – Its not even mine… its OURS.. everyone thinks me coming in here that I was going to do something nuts. We had a plan .. lets do this. Its weird when everyone is like what do you want… no its what we want. Its WE isn’t it? Felicia – yeah. Cam – Jag and Blue now have to turn their guns on each other and that’s not fun. Felicia – because now its fighting for your individual self. Especially now that the veto is done.. its you or me. Cam – Especially when you’re pretty sure you know who the target is for the entire house. Now you got to just not screw up and let them talk trash about you.
7:40pm Storage room – America and Cory.
Cory – what he (Jag) really needs to do is toss Izzy under the bus but we can’t tell him to do that. America – I know. Cory – the more I thought about it, the more I realized we’re f**ked if someone came off the block. If Jag came off the block and put up Izzy.. Cam would have targeted Izzy. And what the f**k would we have done? America – we’re not going to get there but Izzy would have stayed. Cory – Izzy definitely would have stayed but we would have lost Cam, Red and them. Which at a certain point we’re being way too transparently in the middle which is okay for now because the still have Cam and Bowie to deal with. But what I think you need to do is you need to become Izzy’s best friend like literally follow her around like a puppy. If she thinks Cory, America and Jared.. I don’t think she thinks its a real thing but if she thinks its a real thing then we’re good. America – okay. Cory – I think it is just easier to go all in with Izzy than deal with Cirie. By the way Izzy and Cameron are the same f**king person. They don’t see it.
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Wait! Was it Red or Cameron that won the POV competition?
I am sooooo happy….Jesus please put up Izzy and take Jag down! come on have some balls!
I don’t know if I am more sorry for Jag that he missed being able to take himself off the block by a small amount or that he thinks there is a Battle Back. Anyone know when the secret comp is being played?
Did Cam and Tommy Chong just say they totally trust Cirie??? What are they smokin?
” … they totally trust Cirie??? What are they smokin? ”
Easy to figure out. What do you think Jared brought into the house from the corner ??
America is quickly becoming my favorite houseguest she is giving Jag and blue great tips to point out to Cam I hope they can get together and take izzy out
To bad Jag and blue are complete idiots and want to run too the chaos coven and save their “7”
Yes! Red and Cam need to reform with Bowie, Jag, Blue, America, Cory, and Matt.
All seem like they would easily flip flop but if they can just have a truce for two weeks at least they should all make jury.
If not Red or Cameron are 100% out next so what do they have to lose.
Get Izzy or Jared out this week and shake this shit up. That’s a power move for your resume King Cameron… Blue and Jag need to spin it like that (but honestly they should honor the deal to show they will be honest and trustworthy. I think it is too early to go against your word like evil Jennifer… Save that for like Final 6. All bets are off past then. Sorry not sorry.
“Yes! Red and Cam need to reform with Bowie, Jag, Blue, America, Cory, and Matt.”
I’m not gonna lie, I want to see Izzy backdoored!! Mostly for the shock value and also cuz she’s going to FLIP!!! BUT I don’t want her spilling the secret! Lol
I want her to blast the secret through the house, like she should have done weeks ago.
The Secret? You can’t believe that everyone there doesn’t know? Of course they know. Jared and Cerie both have the same last name and. They look exactly alike! He was on her season of Survivor. I’m not even in the house and I recognized him. Come on!
You can just tell from the reaction (fake) of the evicted houseguests that they knew. Prodo must have told them all to go along that it’s “secret”. Otherwise, why have we not heard mentions of their similarities? Right?
Cam doesn’t want the six anymore.
he wants a 4 plus Cirei. he previously said whoever evicts Cirie wins.
what i’m seeing:
the sunday edit will show America and Cory are safe
it will lean hard on Izzy renom.
it will lean hard on Jared renom.
it will have Cirie d/r doesn’t have trust, fears for herself and Jared, she’d quit for him.
will show cam’s get off the block we can work together talks with noms.
Episode only viewers will run to protect three of the Ciries.
meanwhile both sides have turned on the middle that have Cirie’s number.
*this skepticism of edit is due to how production railroaded an Erica eviction in bbcan6. Feeders knew she was screwed if they had the shot… the edit was tinklymusic sadness save me Canada for most of the episode from the useless fat guy they ended up saving, then booing the hoh for taking the shot feeders knew she was going to take.
It’s going to be interesting to see how RED won. BOWIE is a natural fit to be collaborating with Team South, but she still hasn’t convinced me that she’s playing at all.
As much as I like Jag and would like him to stay, he’s not helping his situation by moping around and giving up. All he keeps saying is that there is no way Red will use the veto on him. How about he try to come up with some misting or deals?
Then there’s Jared being the total D that Cory said he was, acting sketchy around Blue when she was expecting him to engage about her post-veto situation, and then telling Jag that she’s stupid for not ensuring her own safety before talking about Bowie going up as a replacement. Well duh, she’s trying to figure out how to get off the block as step one, as any chance of the veto being used would only be on her vs Jag.
Jared’s behavior is not solely about hiding his game allegiance. He really did use her for funsies and now it’s the blame and dump when she is looking for emotional support.
He’s number one skin crawl on my list right now.
Hillbilly Bert and Cult leader Ernie.
How are they so far off the track…
it’s…. wtactualf…
Before we start debate on who outed alliances:
Izzy told Cory about 7 deadly sins
Izzy told America about legends25 and bbbitches-bowie.
Cory and America compared notes.
Can’t stand Cory. America – you’re better than that girl. Stop giving time to mid white boys. Hope he gets backdoored or evicted next week.