Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Jared
Nominees: Cameron Jag & Red
POV Players: America, Jared, Cameron, Red, Felicia, Matt
POV Winner: Cameron
Veto Ceremony: Cameron used the Power of Veto. Jared nominated Jag.
Lock your ranks in before midnight
6:15pm – 8:13pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the labour day party? When the feeds return all the cams are on Red and Bowie playing pool.
Red – for you moving forward I will do what I can to get you set up but I wouldn’t trust Felicia. Bowie – no I don’t. Red – at all. Bowie – I didn’t anyway. Red – neither does Cirie. Neither does Jared. America comes out and the conversation ends.
In the comic bedroom – Jag, Cirie, Blue, Felicia and Matt are talking about doing skits for Red’s birthday. Cirie – this is going to be funny, funny, funny! Felicia – we’re going to have a Red’roast! Cory joins them. They tell Cory they’re doing skits for Red’s tomorrow. Cory – I’ll do Red in the Pressure Cooker. Cory then falls on the floor like how Red fell in the pressure cooker comp.
In the bathroom – Red & Cory.
Red – this is a crazy game man. Cory – oh yeah and its not going to get less crazy. Red – I guess the worst part of it is people that you feel like you should be able to trust are often times the people that get you the quickest. Cory – yup and its hard to figure out if they’re really good or you’re a sucker. You know what I mean?! Red – MmmmHHmm.

8:40pm Kitchen – Red and Bowie.
Bowie – don’t be paranoid because we’re just doing birthday planning. Red – oh I’m not. Bowie – I would be. Red – I am over worried.. whatever happens happens. Bowie – do you think Izzy is involved? Red – I don’t know. Bowie – and Meme? Red – I think Felicia is orchestrating it because she’s been telling Cirie.. and she is like I am doing everything I can. And she will but if she can’t, she can’t. If I go, I go but I am going to out her on my way out. BIG TIME! And Cam! I’m going to let my mind be spoke! Like I wish I could already… and I will head out with my head held high because I know I played this game with integrity. Bowie – well everything changes every 3 minutes. I think you should be fine but I will investigate.

9:03pm Kitchen – Felicia and Cirie.
Cirie – I think he (Red) is done with Cameron. I think he will be civil with Cameron but he never really knew how everybody felt about Cameron. He didn’t know until now because we never said nothing negative about Cameron in front of him and nobody else did. But now that he knows that EVERYBODY in the house feels about Cameron .. would you tie yourself to Cameron? Felicia – no. Cirie – would you even want people to think that you’re tied to Cameron? Izzy joins them. Cirie – we were just saying that we think his relationship with Cameron is done. He will probably be cordial and talk to him .. but all the people in the house knew that him and Cameron were together. They didn’t really say how they felt about Cam until after they were separated. Now everyone has let him know that they think Cam is a pariah. So he would be foolish to tie himself back with Cameron. Would you? Izzy – NOO! Felicia – I asked him if he talked to his friend and he said nope! When I am done, I am done. Cirie – I believe him too. Felicia – he said I am either all in or I am out. I would never go back in. Izzy – Can I ask are you reassuring Red that he is staying. Cirie – I haven’t. We’re just letting him enjoy his birthday. Izzy – The more and more I sit with it, the more I am okay with it. Cirie – America and Cory know already. So somebody is telling them. America said I heard its Jag. And I was like how did you hear that?! Felicia – I told her. Cirie and Izzy burst out laughing. Felicia – I said don’t you say nothing .. this is very fluid and could change any moment. Izzy – but she’s telling her (Cirie).
9:25pm – 9:35pm BB blocks the feeds.
Comic Bedroom – Red and Cirie
Red – I think other people tried to warn me of that situation. Cirie – about him? Red – well Felicia and other people. She just .. I don’t know, I just don’t understand it. Cirie – I just think that she is doing too much. If I can be frank, she’s gotten power drunk a little bit in my mind. Red – that’s what it feels like. Cirie – but everyone is sort of tired of it. Red – yeah. Cirie – and talking about it. Red – that’s been the whispers anyway .. and I’ve been hearing it from different people already even before you said anything. And she wants to holler snake this and snake that… and I would be the second person she’s turn on our alliance. Cirie – that ain’t happening because me, you, Bowie, Matt and even believe it or not .. Izzy ain’t going for that. Trust me, you have to trust me. Red – I do explicitly. Cirie – I am already counting the numbers.. Bowie, even Cam ain’t going to vote for Jag. I got Bowie, Cam, me, Izzy, Meme.. and Matt. That’s 6! Felicia – is going to vote where we vote because she don’t want to be outside the numbers .. So I think it is going to be another unanimous vote for Jag to go. Red – I am in a mode where I accept whatever from this game. Cirie – you mad chill! I so respect it. I am hoping I can be as gracious as you.
11:50pm HOH room – Blue and Jared.
Blue – I literally before I came here was telling all my friends I was like YO getting that $750,000 is going to be crazy like its going to be rough but I think I could get America’s Favourite. BUT now I don’t really think so! I don’t know. We’ll see, we’ll see, we’ll see! But I think its going to be us four or them four and the last one.. I definitely could see Red too just because of his whole personality but him not being called to DR is making me feel like.. BB switches the feeds. Jared – I could see people not wanting to like Cameron. Like if I were watching .. I would be like dude is a snake and I can’t wait for ya’ll to get him out. Like I always tell people too, I respect the f**k out of him and his game because he performs when it is time to perform but its the same thing with Hisam. I think Reilly has a great shot. Its just hard from them to judge when they go out early instead of people that go the 90days. Blue – yeah I think if Reilly had stayed. Jared – she would have had it in the bag had she stayed. Matt also though. Blue – I don’t think Matt would get it. Jared – I wouldn’t be too sure.
12:25am Quad cam of America and Cory sleeping.
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Both Izzy and Felisha are the WORST. Can’t keep their yaps shut.
only people who know to keep their mouths shut seem to be cirie, cory, and america. it was comical in last night’s episode how much damage jared did to his mom’s game without realizing it.
you need to have information to be able to spread it.
she has nothing to say to begin with
Cory? By definition, a rat game player next to never keeps his mouth shut, and Cory has been ratting out America to Cirie, Jared and whoever else wants to listen on that side of the house, since the first time they snuggled up together, so I wouldn’t say he’s one who keeps his mouth shut. He’s most likely the primary reason her name was brought up as the replacement nominee this week, because they don’t trust her due to everything Cory has told them about what she has discussed with him.
I don’t know if she’s actually serious about that young boy, but when she finds out what he’s done to her in this game once it’s over, she’ll drop him like a hot potato.
Cirie too, tells Jared everything and Jared is the same.
jared his her son tho… its not like felicia telling him stuff.
I understand, but Cirie told him stuff game wise and told him not to say anything to anyone he went right to the person she just told him about.
Jarred is living on borrowed time. I don’t think production will let him win with what has happened this year and what has not. Frankly I was not offended by either comment. But BB will look like total hypocrites if something isn’t done. Otherwise they are looking like they are favoring a specific minority group. I don’t believe that either comment was made maliciously. Context means everything today. So if you are offended by one and not by the other, then who is the biggot? Just saying here
I agree, Cirie is almost as bad as Felicia!
Matt is right up there too
Felicia wants a For Real Alliance meeting for tomorrow so all the children feel included.
Felicia then asks “who’s in that one?”
No wonder she just blabbers to whoever is in a room. She’s in an alliance with everyone and doesn’t know which is which.
Cameron is explaining to Cory why the world hates normal guys like him.
After hearing his childhood story about his sister today, and seeing his house behavior…Freud would be giving this guy an entire box of cigars and saying not my circus, not my monkeys to him.
Not even going to check bbtwitter after Matt’s talk with Jag on the balcony.
I can already tell. he’s about to get the treatment. grimace.
Reilly’s name was said waaaay too much. Matt’s bro-plan + Cirie started to be revealed.
Legend25 minus Matt met. Cam says Matt knows Jag gotta go. The targets proposed next week are America / Blue. Fake meeting but will the women wanting a women’s alliance try to keep Cam calm? The women later worry they may accidentally push Cam and Red back together.
I was just informed about him mentioning Tate *sigh
What about his sister and childhood? I must have missed it.
with Cirie yesterday he talked about how his relationship with his older sister must have looked more bf/gf because of how close they were; she was 12 years older; when the two of them were out with their father it looked dirty old man/child bride/child. Add that to his Reilly and America weirdness.
It just has maladjustment all over it.
If Cameron was 8, and his sister was 20, I can see how being with their father, out and about, might look exactly as Cameron described, especially if his father was a teenager when his sister was born. How many couples, especially in the celebrity world or professional athletes world would that be considered normal? Many of them. Cameron has a quirky personality, but this incessant need to make him appear inappropriate, amoral, or a sexual deviant speaks more to those who see him this way than it does to Cameron. Leave the man alone. He has a seven-year-old daughter who probably watches every show. I just pray her mother keeps her off social media.
i was asked what he said. I wrote what he said. The judgement of maladjustment that I made at the end when placed with his comments regarding Reilly and America are my opinion. I’m not asking for anyone to agree or disagree. I have the right to express my opinion, popular or not, just as you have the right to express your opinion, popular or not. I respect your right to state your beliefs, as I hope you respect mine even if we disagree I like reading multiple points of view, whether I agree or not. The exchange of opinions is wonderful.
My only hard no has ever been, and will always be attacking a commenter rather than their comment. You didn’t come for me, you expressed a different point of view. I respect you for that. Thank you. I’ve thumbs up’d your comment for that reason. 🙂
Felicia cannot help herself, she runs and tells everybody everything she knows. I think Felicia is jealous of Cirie, I get the feeling Felicia has noticed how so many people gather around Cirie, they are always a talking with Cirie.
So Felicia is running around the house spilling all kinds of details to anyone who will sit and talk with her. Felicia is trying so hard to be seen as someone in the house that has all of the details, Felicia needs to learn how to read the room, chill out, shut up, stop blabbing everything that you hear.
Silence is Golden, sometimes being the one who always feels you know everything, that can be dangerous in BB. Felicia is the 1st older person I’ve seen on BB that goes out of her way to be annoying, kind of rude at times, threatening, and just a pain in the butt.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, she does not lay low, come across as someone who can be trusted, someone you can talk with, nope, not Felicia, she still has HOH power issues, she thinks she speaks, and everyone does what she says.
I can’t wait to see how she behaves when she’s on the block, and feels she’s not a Pawn !!
Felicia is the person who sees “something” and it will freak her out! She starts the flip flopping every time. She then goes to Izzy, who brings it to Cirie. Cirie talks them down eventually. Honestly, it’s Cirie who makes the final decision.
I’m not a fan of unanimous votes.
Hopefully Jane-Bowie will win next HOH & put herself up for eviction beside Felicia.
lol….careful with what you wish for…lol…
Still suspecting “bowie” is a “TRANS”….
You get ALL kinds on BB….
After all these years. This shit is literally awful. I’ve supported Simon and Dawg and been a fan since season 1 but it has become unwatchable. As painful as it is I think it’s time to move on from this show
I agree. I think they keep it b/c they have nothing else for summer. Over the years it looks like they have expanded the house & they are trying for more diversity in the casting…however there is never anything new. In the end the gameplay is the same as is most of the drama. I don’t know how long it has been since they had a “new” competition. In the end BB just ends up being the same old show w/ different people.
Same sh**…. different summer….
It would be different if CBS actually tried to make it better & newer, but they just keep the same old stale way of doing things. Even the stupid twists this year are old. What a way to celebrate 25 years. They need to get all new production staff from the top to the bottom. Maybe even replace Chenbot.
Agreed, switch to BB CAN, the season theme is different every year with actual “twists”. It holds expect the unexpected at the forefront
Is there a way to watch it here in the US? I watched some past seasons on Paramount plus but they didn’t have recent ones. I’d actually subscribe again if the newer seasons were available. I even like BB AUS better than US.
Well said!
It will soon be time to tune into BBUK (which I prefer anyway). They are returning after all these years!
You can watch whole old seasons on YouTube. Hilarious!
I know I’m repeating myself so do forgive:
All these houseguests do is talk in circles 24/7. They talk but actually say (& accomplish) nothing. Twenty Four freekin’ Seven.
Do you suppose that the show/script is designed that way to target the viewing audience??
I’m doing the same thing! Honestly, I watch the live feeds but end up repeating myself as well.
So much for late night entertainment! Lights out for the majority of the houseguests +/- 11pm. Boring, boring, boring….zzzz
Felicia and Ceri get angry if houseguest stay up late. America said Felicia was angry with her for being up late one night. They told her, all that constant talking and being up is ridiculous.
Felicia is lucky to have another senior player in the house who happens to be a legend. Otherwise, no way she’d get away with that bossy attitude. She’s be in typical older player position and just making herself stick out more as expendable if she were going around trying to impose a curfew.
Everyone thank Simon for bringing the much needed downvote button back.
Thank you Simon and Dawg!!!
It sure is getting a workout !!!
OMG YAY the dislikes are back!
Jared, you are now becoming paranoid. If you want to become America’s favorite player; play like you want to be America’s favorite player (you should not even be on the list for consideration.)
Now Cameron should be voted as America’s favorite player just to shock them all. Even if he doesn’t make it to the jury.
Like the time Cody was voted America’s Favorite on Paul’s second season…no one saw that coming! LOL! Paul did not look happy!
I remember it was shocking.
it’s always kinda funny the misconceptions contestants get about being america’s favorite. people who win are generally kinda humble and thus shocked to find that they won (taylor being the only exception i can think of — why the hell did people like taylor? she sucked. but i guess almost everyone in her season sucked too. at least they could win competitions instead of only talking about how they’d win competitions. put taylor on the challenge. i’d love to see her consistently go home first). people who lose are like “america got it wrong, they must love me,” and it’s like “no. at best we find you boring, and if you’re not shrugging it off we in fact really dislike you.”
Taylor set the bar for big brother at an all time low. She is worst winner ever. Her fans are out of their minds thinking otherwise.
Betcha she’s blown over half of her winnings on …..
There is nothing to like about CIRIE. She is REPUGNANT, both in mouth and persona, but she has that house at her feet. HUMM.
she’s the reason I stopped watching – when I saw her open the last episode, I deleted the show from my dvr, totally agree with your observation
Her and that son of hers!
The animals they show when the feeds cut, should be on the vote list too…. Some I would think rate higher than most of these yahoos in the house.
They are at least more entertaining to watch , and much more cute!
The show needs america to win hoh week 6 to target the group of jarde ,izzy, felicia ,cirie or the season becomes really boring america is the only 1 seing whats going on they are all talking that america is just another victoria from season 16 the season derrik won where victoria used her looks they are totally underesimating america and i hope she makes them all pay for that she went to brown a ivy league school have to be smart to get in a ivy league school none of them know that besides cory who she told america is a total underdog in this game i hope she goes all the way
wtf ..did victoria use her look? lol
She was a handsome woman.
Unfortunately, she has Cory in her ear. So, she’ll target Cam/Red or Cam/Bowie.
Victoria didn’t use her looks! She didn’t have looks to use, for one thing, and she was not playing the game in any way, shape or form!
It’s the insignia of US Cavalry, he probably served.
Cameron is a veteran. Served in Army for 9 years. Show him respect. The Big Brother players want him out because he can play and win! I want him to win for his daughter to get a house. The man is trying his best with these boring players.
“Cameron is a veteran. Served in Army for 9 years. Show him respect”
Who’s disrespecting who, Quack?
An obvious observation of a known fact is being disrespectful?
CAM is a veteran? Good for him. But it’s a shame that after having “served” (out of his own free will) he has to come on a rigged show with the hope of enhancing the balance of his purse that the U.S.government failed to fill for him upon his service.
Und wenn er in Deutschland diente und aus dem Süden stammte, könnte das für einige meiner Meinung nach doppelte Probleme bereiten.
Hey Spot ON calm down with your “confederate” speech is all I am saying. Your narrative is quack(w). To say in German (thanks google translate) “And if he served in Germany and was from the south, I think that could pose double trouble for some.”
When you serve military service do you REALLY have a choice where your overseas duty is? You really so defensive for trying to say that Cameron has a “confederate” narrative “IF CIRIE AND HER GANG MEMBERS FEEL SAFE” and truthfully YOU don’t know about his service. I schooled you, NOW LEARN. You fail as ZingBot. The thumbs down tell all. LMAO.
Spot ON, have you ever served in the U.S. military? Just curious.
Happy Birthday Red you look so unhappy! Made my eyes watery. I wish you happiness!
No respect for Red. First chance he got, he turned his back on Cameron. A 37 year old man boo-hooing like a child. “I have a birthday curse”. He’s full of crap. I hope his betrayal bites him hard. And he’s the one that started the whole hate feast of America. This liar said Kirsten had a thing for him. That’s how delusional he is.
This has been bothering me for a while now. The 4 houseguests voted to compete for the advantage are not the 4 most popular player in the ratings on this site. Instead of Cirie it should have been America. Don’t be surprised when Cirie wins this season with productions help
there are other fans that watch the show that don’t follow this site. cirie carried over a lot of her fanbase from survivor that fit into this category.
Suza318 just like cody all star season 2 years ago he had help by production plus america has been a fan favorite all season they vote her out next week with 8 weeks still left there goes more bad ratings
The ones scripted to win are in the following order:
2/ jared
3/ Felicia
barely see felicia and meme in the episodes.
felicia was really pushing for jag to stay and none of it was showed.
meme i would know who she is not this website (still barely know her but a liltle bit lol)
And that’s why this particular season is a bust. Meme ? Good grief.
you do realise cirie is a famous reailty star. there was no way she isnt voted in.
i watch the show only because of her.
lol….what a joke…lol
Nothing personally about Cirie, I liked her on Survivor, but bringing a celebrity to BB has ruined the show. Imagine being lucky enough to get that BB key and then you GRT there and out walks a celebrity. I’d immediately know I didn’t have a shot of winning. Major letdown.
Watch the final episode of The Traitors (episode 10) on Peacock, and you will see what a shrew she is. She promised two other players that if the three of them made it to the end, together they would agree to stop the game and split the $250,000 three ways. The three made it to the end, but Cirie broke her promise and took home the entire $250,000.
Watched traitors. She was brilliant. and did exactly what she needed to win. In a GAME show. Especially when the name of the show is TRAITORS
I watched it and felt bad for the others. I know it’s a game but that was cold hearted.
I fully expect Cirie to win, unfortunately.
The difference in the polls here & the actual vote is because the people voting here have more invested in the show than the casual viewer who only watches the broadcast shows. There many, many more of them so they voted the way production wanted them to & production accomplished that by the way they edited & manipulated the show.
nah, my strat if i were on the show and was hoh has always been put up the first two to leave my hoh room after i have my “who wants to see my hoh room” moment. clearly they both a) don’t like me very much and b) feel safe with the rest of the house so they’s gots to go. then ideally you get them to campaign against each other and you remind the other hgs how you didn’t nominate them and kept them safe.
“Hi-speed hydration with low-proof libation.” Red just said that on the live feeds, describing drinkin something
Sounds like a boring drink…
no one would want to play this game with people who base their discion that way. it can maybe work only for the first week and they did had that i think in season 8 . this hoh was voted out very fast.
Cirie is annoyed by the pace. Cirie sets that pace with her paranoia. She flipflops every comp or ceremony day, and three more times every campaign trail. Just me, probably, but I doubt Cirie will realize she has tried to implement Survivors 6 hour campaign to a 5 day big brother system.
Today she’s tired of planting seeds, so she dug up a tree handed it to Cory, and named the tree Felicia.
Cory now knows Matt wants America out really bad.
Felicia, at Meme’s urging apparently wants Cory gone right after Jag and Cam. I say apparently because I didn’t hear her say that myself, but there was a lot of whispering.
To Izzy, Cirie is saying a woman may need to go to stop Felicia from getting an all female alliance (ptsd from Black Widows Cirie?).
Cirie didn’t want to do date night with Matt/Jag. Cirie is knee deep in Red’s birthday plans.
Coughcough… hey Jag… read a room.
Who the hell cares. These clout chasing twats that are fake.
Guess the picture of Joseph Monte and Taylor on the bold and beautiful got taken down. Lol
Ceri is a ass just as much as Felicia and Izzy. She’s a part of the bullying of Cameron as much as the rest of them. They’re pulling a Taylor on Cameron but there’s no Turner in the house to call their asses out! That man was targeted by bug eyed, crazy ass Izzy and everyone else jumped on the bandwagon. I hope (bozo the clown) Matt and Felicia (the couch potato) go on the block next week. If one comes down, put Ceri or Izzy up. Truly hope Cameron wins HOH or wins some kind of power to change the nominations. Cameron seems to be a decent person, a little awkward, BUT it’s time for him to play the game and stop being agreeable. He needs to go after the core and their floaters.
Cameron would be a sheep like the rest of them. He would put up Red or Jag, whichever survives, and America
Why is Matt Bozo the clown?
That hair with the hat.
I agree with a lot of the comments on these post and have started to build a shrine for America the player to win the HOH and have her put izod and Cirie up telling them she is going to back door Manson but needs him to not use it and if he does put up jarat.
so shine on shrine America for hoh
I think a responsible Goldfish could function adequately in this ineptly cast season.
Okay, how more rigged can this season be. Cameron,Cory, Jag, America, Blu, Bowie, Matt and Red, know that Ceri,Felicia,Izzy and Jared are running the house? But, they keep taking shots at each other,(the first group I mentioned) saying that person, in the first group is a threat to their game. It’s too soon to take a shot at Ceri, Felicia, Izzy or Jared. What in the world would happen if they do?There’s no way this cast was the best of those that applied.
So Jared’s a moron.
We know he’s been exaggerating about what Cam said before noms (not lies, but big exaggerations).
Now Red is aware that Jared exaggerated, because moron Jared told him.
He’s trying to front to get the chaoscoven to evict Red without telling them explicitly that he fuq’d up. And he’s doing it without mom.
It’s Tuesday. They should be on flip 4… they’re on flip 2. Get ready for waffles.
Who did Cirie promise safety first? Usually the kiss of death come Thursday morning.
Gross. Cirie is chatting with her son, sitting in a bath towel and pulling her underwear on while they are talking. Who are these people? And the flips continue………….
That is creepy! No one wants to think of their parents’ underwear nor of them having sex!!