Raul “If she does put me up, I’m going to shove that tongue up her a$$!!”

3:20pm Bedroom – Loveita asks Maddy if she threw her under the bus to Kelsey. Maddy says no, I hate her. I was campaigning to you all week. I even told Sharry that. Loveita asks if you were HOH would you put me up? Maddy says no. Kelsey is 100% who I’m going for. Dallas and Maddy tell Loveita she isn’t even on their radar. Loveita tells them not to worry, she’s not putting them up. I have your back right now.

3:30pm – 3:45pm HOH room – Kelsey talks to Loveita again. Kelsey says just the whole trust thing. You want to know if you can trust me. I feel like we’re both in the same position. This is an opportunity for us both to show if we are going to trust. Kelsey says if you want to work with us that is something we’re going to have to work on. Before you had power I came to you and we did start to work on things. I find that with you we go backwards. Loveita says when I lay my cards my position stands firm. Are you going to make an emotional move? Kelsey says if had wanted to I would have voted you out last week. Loveita asks how do you feel about Cass? Kelsey says she isn’t a part of the three but I like her. She helped convince people to keep you. I trust her. Kelsey says those three (Maddy, Dallas, Ramsey) you can’t trust. He swore to me that he didn’t vote for me and then admitted he did. Loveita says if we do this.. in this house you’ve been on the down and how quickly things switch. People want people to pit and the drama. I think it takes huge character and strength for us to move on.

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3:45pm – 3:55pm Joel and Cassandra’s date is about to start. He goes to knock on the bedroom door to ask if Cassandra is there? Christine and Dallas are pretending to be Cassandra’s mother and father. Joel says his plan is to have a nice eloquent meal and have her home by 9pm. Dallas tells Joel if he breaks his daughters heart, he’ll break his jaw. Joel and Cassandra leave for their date in the HOH room. When they get to the HOH room door Ramsey is the host of the restaurant. They try to open the door but realize big brother has locked it. Big Brother then cuts the feeds.

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28 thoughts to “Raul “If she does put me up, I’m going to shove that tongue up her a$$!!””

    1. He is social with everyone like Cassandra, but isn’t viewed as a snake like Cassandra. His social game is VERY on point 🙂

      1. youre delusional if you think almost the entire house doesnt view tim as a strategic snake

        at this point there are either people playing the game or ramsay

  1. tim is funny, but i do get the feeling he does want kelsey and raul up, just to see what they would do, and i think it would be the best solution anyway. i think it is literally the stupidest idea ever for loveita to think one up from each side could even remotely be a good idea, then i see her saying she doesn’t want to put them up in order to prove her love and forgiveness crap.

    considering the crap kelsey and raul were saying about her immediately after they had the early conversation and heard loveita say absolutely she is not putting them up, she’d be a complete fool to not do it.

    but raul is right, all these back and forth conversations are annoying.

  2. Looks like Loveita is going to make the right move, which I was skeptical of.
    However, she had to go and make that jury deal with the third wheel alliance, not good going forward.
    Loveita is a comp beast, but man her wishy washy approach this week is going to hurt her. She has made the opposite mistake of the one she made in week 1 where she didn’t gauge the feel of the house before throwing up Kelsey and Paige.

  3. He need to get evicted with shovels and baseball bat to the face .
    Can’t stand him .
    Loveita need to trump him out of the house .
    Before I’m peg as homophobic know that i want Mitch to win now that Sharry is gone .

    1. Raul is disgusting with his carpet chest and ugly body. Nothing to do with his sexual preference. Hes just too full of himself when he looks like an ugly coyote

  4. Why did Loveita make a deal with Raul and Kelsey if she didn’t want to honor it? Again, she is only considering female nominees and I feel like deep down she’s just a catty person full of bull.

    1. i feel like loveita is torn. she doesnt want to play this game on an emotional level. thats why she is kind of fighting putting up the third wheel alliance members . however she also isnt stupid and knows that she cant trust them as far as she can throw them. and in reality if one of them wins hoh next week there’s a 99% chance she would be put up even if she held true to their deal herself. jared MIGHT keep his word but there’s no way in hell raul or kelsey would

    2. only females nominated so far, its like people are scared to nom a dude

      girls in the house need to smarten up, stop going after eachother, its just dumb

      if its again 2 more female noms, i dont think i can remember that happening before, 6 female noms out of 6 from the start in the canada/usa format

  5. It seems like in the last few BB seasons, instead of targeting the showmances; they want to work with them. Love has a reason to put Jared and Kelsey up, just as Jared put her and Shar up. This early in the game, any nomination besides the showmance is the wrong one. Hope Love sees it in the end when she makes her noms.

  6. raul and kelsey are so fake its disgusting. i am majorly disappointed in how raul turned out, i didnt think he’d be this bad but he’s just a catty little bitch.

    dallas is disgusting as is christine

    maddy is more unbearable than anyone in there

    i want to like loveita but she is making it really hard

    jared has a superiority complex like nothing seen before

    cassandra joining the third real alliance really turned me off of her

    right now im pulling for joel, mitch, one of the brothers , nikki or tim to win or even ramsey even if i find him to be a bit of a fool

    1. sometimes if there is opportunity to join numbers you do it no matter if you like the people or not, in the end its a game where you have to make moves to keep yourself safe as long as you can

      its also not always bad to be hated or not liked as much as others in terms of progressing in the game, same deal for mitch and joel, the more people say “nobody would ever put mitch or joel up” and seeing how nobody dislikes them, that will soon make them targets as well…not the sort of person you want to be up against in final 2

      if ramsay won i would never watch again ha ha

    2. phils ego is through the roof, funny guy though

      i thought it was dumb of him to reveal to joel that every action he makes including where he sits is calculated

      i would be keeping those types of things to myself

  7. Omg loveita is now annoying me….just put up Kelsey and raul. ..if one wins pov replace with Jared and send Jared home….then both Kelsey and raul together will dig their own grave not knowing what to do anymore. Just nominate already stop going back and forth it’s so annoying ….loving Tim all he wants is drama

  8. Is it just me or are Tim, Joel and Mitch playing very similar games?
    Joel and Tim are pretty much playing with everyone except for Maddy-Ramsey-Dallas.
    Tim is playing with everyone though haha.
    Floaters with possibly no direct allies (except that Tikki has each other) and they go around advising everyone.
    Reminds me a bit of Zachs game last year. It is a dangerous dance!

  9. Tim’s pot stirring is going to come back to bite him in the a** eventually, just like it may this week with Cassandra. I don’t think Cassandra would go if she was up against Christine (because Christine has no one). However, most people in the house are aware of the fact that she talks game… with everyone. Mitch has been wary of Tim, and so long as Mitch, Joel, and Phil/Nick subtly call the shots from the middle of the playing field, then they will get who they want out when they want them out for the most part (barring a double or triple eviction).

    I have to say again that getting rid of Paige the first week was a great game decision for Mitch, Joel, and Nick/Phil because it created a middle playing field through which smarter and more sociable players can float through each week.

  10. i just checked in the 20 seasons of north american bb, 17 in usa, 3 in canada before this, there has never been 3 weeks of only female noms for a total of 6 out of 6 being females nominated

    if i was production i would be trying to steer loveita towards putting at least one guy up before it becomes an all male cast

    1. No production interference please. The game is best when it develops organically.

      Loveita already stated in pre-season interviews that she didn’t want to work with girls, hence the reason she wants to work with Joel and Mitch so bad.

      I can’t think of a season where a female hasn’t made it to at least final 4. The females will be fine. They are usually who ends up being targeted in the beginning for whatever reason.

      1. i wasnt saying i want to see production interference, but the fact is it does happen, its part of the show

        if i was in their shoes i probably wouldnt want to see it so lopsided in terms of sex

        if a girl goes this week, its 1 eviction away from the girls being outnumbered 2 to 1

        im male by the way, just want to see some balance in the cast

        if i was a girl in there i would be pointing out to loveita that hardly ever does a girl beat a guy in final 2

  11. jeeez just shut up Loveita…quit saying how good you are and righteous …just do what needs to be done!

    1. If Lovieta doesn’t go after the threesome, I hope one of them wins HOH next week and gets her evicted. There’s no place for love, peace, and understanding in BB. Let the gamers play.

  12. cant hear shit when Loveita talking half the time! and quit telling us ur a great person
    i dont know why she believes Raul and Kelsey . ..deserves to go home if she doesnt go after them…Strike 2! there wont be a 3rd chance!

  13. Raul and Kelsey deserve to be put up…both are so irritating and incredibly rude. I want Kelsey up just to watch her completely unravel, this girl is as phoney as you can get. She can get her ass out of that House and Jared might finally be able to play his own game…go AWAY Kelsey

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