Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: ?
POV Players: >?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy

Bumper Pool Room – Quinn and Tkor
Tkor – what are you thoughts on Kimo and Rubina? Quinn – I would put up Rubina. Quinn – so what are you thinking. Tkor – I am thinking you should definitely talk to Joseph about that. I don’t think Kimo and Rubina were aware of Tuckers plan. Talk to them about it and get some clarity but I don’t think they were aware of it.
Quinn – I think that Makensy is a very strong competitor. It does get a little tricky putting her on the block again and again and again and so.. Tkor – I think that’s more so dependent on if she’s a threat you wanna work with or a threat you wanna work against. Quinn – I just built a bridge with Makensy. I just built a bridge with Chelsie. I just built a bridge with Cam. Cam and Chelsea were legitimately cheering me on from the get go. When I, like, wouldn’t mess up or whatever, they were very quick. Hey, don’t worry about it. Something like that. It feels crazy to target them. And so I agree. I don’t know. I’m definitely happy with them not being on the block. Tkor – Yeah. Quinn – Okay, perfect. Perfect. Okay, Okay, you are absolutely safe.
11:15pm Bumper Pool Room – Quinn and Cam
Quinn – I do want to put up Angela because that feels pretty easy especially since she waited for everyone else to drop their eggs. I might put Rubina on the block because I already burned that bridge. Its the third nominee that I am tripping on. Cam – I think Kimo would have put you up. Who do you trust? Quinn – I trust you, I trust Tkor, I trust Chelsie and crazy enough I trust Makensy. Cam – me too. Quinn – I low key wouldn’t want Angela to go home this week. I was going to say, if you get the veto, please use it. But I don’t know who I put it, but if you can pick my name, like, if you get, like, I’ll go, because I don’t think it’s worth taking Angela out this week. I tried to get Angela out twice, and they kept telling me, no, no, we’ll get her out later. I’m not about to waste my time taking her out. But I’ll still put her on the block because she’s a placeholder and that sh*t with the havenots pissed me off. Also, she kept talking, and I was like, she was throwing that up. Cam – That’s crazy. Cam tells Quinn to pick him if he gets house guest choice for the veto and he will do what he wants.
11:25pm Bathroom – Tkor, Kimo and Angela.
Kimo – I think I’ll be fine. My back will back on it. Angela – and I promise I will do whatever you need me to do for your back as well. Whatever I can do for you guys. Makensy – I mean my sleep wasn’t too bad. I just had a lot of bruises. I probably still have a lot of bruises but I’ll be chilling. Honestly the worst part is like the sleep towards the last three days. Angela – and the eating. Makensy – Honestly the eating isn’t bad for me, I don’t eat a lot. I mean I do but I’ve been able to do that before. You like if I am going on like a trip.. like the week before. I’ll be fine. Life could be worse. I could be living under a bridge.
11:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Joseph and Leah.
Joseph – we need to try and keep Rubina, Tkor and Kimo safe this week. Then other people will target them because they’re an obvious three and then it will keep the eyes of you me and Quinn.
11:59pm Unicorn bedroom – Rubina cries and hugs Kimo. She misses Tucker. Rubina – I love that guy so much. I can’t believe it. Kimo – he’s a good, good good human. Rubina – I can’t believe how sad I am. I wish he never went up but everything happens for a reason. He probably would have gone up anyway. He didn’t want to be in jury anyway. He missed Ziggy (his dog). I wasn’t ready for him to go. Kimo – I know. Everything happens for a reason and maybe this happened so that you could focus on the game. Rubina – I know, I just feel bad. I can’t hate on anyone for making a decision either, because me neither I get it. It’s so logical. It makes sense. They just thought with their brains and we thought without hearts. Maybe he was ready to go anyway. Kimo – Yeah. Rubina – the ratings are going to go down now. I feel bad also because like we talked about having the moment where I like run and like a Notebook moment but I couldn’t do it cuz I was so sad. Kimo – its okay.
12:15am Storage room – Makensy and Leah are going through the fridge as it will be restocked tomorrow. (What is with Angela standing around watching other people work/clean/cook and not helping?)
12:20am Kitchen – Angela, Kimo and Makensy
Angela – Did I make a fool of myself asking to stay? Because I feel like I was all over the freaking place. Makensy – You definitely were all over the place but it’s okay because a lot of your speeches have been like that and it’s just very you. That’s very you. I mean, you want to be here, girl. Angela – I know, but I feel like maybe I was begging and my husband said never beg. You know? Kimo – you speak really well actually under pressure. It’s very impressive.
Storage Room – Chelsie and Tkor.
Chelsie and Tkor check in and both confirm that they think each of them are fine and not going up from their conversations with Quinn. They agree that Kimo and Rubina might be in trouble of going up with Angela. Chelsie – He (Quinn) told me he was like I like Tkor she is a smart girl. I think he’s going to try to put something together and
he wants to consider working with me and you and Cam. He did bring up your name. Most of the good light, he said of all the craziness that happened. He’s like Tkor, she’s a smart girl. They talk about how Tucker bullied people to make decisions that he wanted to make. Tkor – hos tactic was intimidation. If you tell me to do something, I am going to do the opposite. Cam joins them. Cam – he said we are good. It feels good to not be on the block 2 weeks in a row, I mean another week. They high-five.
12:49am Bumper Pool Room – Quinn and Angela.
Quinn – do you have any thoughts on who you would like to see up on the block this week? Angela – that’s why I didn’t want to win that damn HOH. Not that I threw it but I just didn’t want it. I can stress an opinion of something between you and me. I just didn’t like the way people just felt so protected. I didn’t want to feel like that because he (Tucker) wanted me to feel that way. But I never felt that way. Other people did, but I didn’t want to feel like that. I wanted to come here. Like I said earlier this evening, I wanted to come here and be my own rescuer and I didn’t want a ride coat tells her be a floater. And I don’t want to do that this game at all. So my plan is, I am just still by myself. I always felt that way, even though I joined whatever it was that he had going. And even though he promised me that he would like protect me and take me to the end. I thought it was wonderful in the moment. And it did feel really good. I started seeing that he appeared to have more of alliances with others. And I mean. it was obvious. And I didn’t want to anyway. I thought it was wonderful how he kind of like put me under his wing when I was really emotional in my first HOH. I mean, he really was. He was really instrumental on me. Just kind of like gaining back through it. Quinn – Yeah. Angela – Where I needed, you know, the direction I needed to be in. And so I will always be appreciative to him for that and his friendship. But he also was a very much so wild card. You never knew what he was going to do with this House will be very quiet without him in a lot of ways. But I didn’t want to be a floater. I want to. I will continue to be on my own and I’m okay with that because I actually do care and like everybody in this house. I don’t know how else to say it but I don’t want to go up. We did have a conversation that either of us won HOH we wouldn’t put the other one up and won’t hold you to it. Quinn – I appreciate that I have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow at all. That’s why I’m doing these tonight.
12:57am – 1:25am Bumper Pool Room – Leah and Quinn.
Leah – is it in bad taste to celebrate? Quinn – no, do you want to celebrate? Leah – yes. They then celebrate. Leah – I’ve been saving something for you. Quinn – what? Leah – I am Genu-QUINN-ely excited for you.
Quinn – who would you put up? Leah – knew this question was coming. Well not me. Quinn – I was thinking about it. Leah – were you? were you!? I will tell you like, Makensy already said that she was safe in front of other people. Quinn asks who. Quinn – that’s fucking, that’s really funny who is the group of people? Leah whispers. Quinn – Okay that’s fine, that’s funny because I just wanted to make sure that it was people who are parked at the vote to send others home to send Tucker home and so then being a part of that I’m like okay and f**k it you know we did something pretty brave tonight which shoutout you’re killing it. Leah – I’ve been honest about everything I trust you as a person like in this game like I genuinely like seeing if you win was probably the happiest HOH that I’ve seen. I was just happy for you. Quinn – how do you feel about Joseph having a final two with Tucker? Leah – I don’t love it but I don’t hate it. I’ve never sucked up to an HOH prior and I’m not going to do it now. Quinn – you’re not going to suck up? Leah – I’ll shine your HOH key.
At present Quinn has promised Mak, Chels, Caam, T’kor safety.
He wants an alliance with them… maybe include Joseph.
Joseph has made Leah his new secret number one.
T’kor is mad that Quinn didn’t make Kimo and Rubina safe.
Kimo outed Quinn’s power. Kimo Outed the Collective and Pentagon. BOTH to TUCKER.
KImo and T’kor flipped Quinn’s HOH without a heads up. Kimo and T’kor started working with TUCKER who had named Quinn public enemy number one. Kimo and T’kor KNEW Tucker was lying about the vote for this week had he won Arena…. And Kimo and T’kor and Rubina knew without Head’s up. Quinn knew they were STILL working with Tucker who was actively naming Quinn as next target.
And T’kor is annoyed by Quinn’s lack of loyalty.
What is she going to do… go to Cam and Chelsie whose games were tanked by the no heads up flip that took out Cedric and Kimo Giving Tucker the alliance tea? SHE FAILS TO GRASP THE MAGNITUDE OF WHAT THEY DID TO THE GAMES OF THE PEOPLE SHE’S TRYING TO GET TO SAVE HER F3.
Oh sweet Mother Murphy’s outhouse… I can smell the shit from here.
Joseph wants to keep Kimo Rubina and T’kor safe (he really thinks they’ll make him their apparent Glorious Leader doesn’t he).
SO JOSEPH LIKELY PUSHES… Cam and or Chelsie and or Mak noms? WILD GUESS.
Mak and Kimo are in the have not together.
I think they’ve spent a total of fifteen minutes talking to each other in 45 days.
Angela tried to get people to quit in the egg wire HOH and become have nots so she didn’t have to. She swore she wouldn’t nom them if she won HOH.
Saying this to Chelsie annoyed Quinn.
PLEASE, PLEASE, send the nutcase, Angela home…
She is so fake and annoying.
I really think there is something terribly wrong with Angela’s brain. She’s erratic, manic, and overly-emotional. I don’t know how she passed the psych eval
She and her family were on Dr Phil for help with their dysfunctional family. Turns out, she was the dysfunctional one.
….you forgot to add “from day one !”
Leah Lying saying she NEVER threw Quinn under the bus made me fall out my chair wiping tears from my eyes laughing so hard. That Quinn believes her because he is so enamored by her makes him deserve her backstabbing. Quinn will mess his HOH up! I agree with un autre nom refresh Kimo outed Quinn secrets. T’kor ruined Chelsie and Cam’s game. The first episode rose colored lens blinded me with wanting Kimo and Rubina to win. I have long since CHANGED MY MIND. How it’s shaping by her being overlooked is Angela will win although she is garbage and I believe she broke the law by going on to school property to bully a young girl who was teasing her daughter.
One on Ones
Angela asks to not be nominated.
Says the alliance never told her anything game, they barely talked to her at all so she has no dirt to give. Brings up a promise from…. blow up number 4 I think… where they apologized and swore they wouldn’t nom each other… but she won’t hold him to it. Wants people that have been protected and never nominated on the block.
Leah is flirting and for shits and giggles she’s bussing Mak as she does every week. She’s being warned that her shit talking about Quinn has gotten back to him… again. Leah thinks it’s just Tucker. grimace…. not even remotely close. Continues flirting. She’s a Miami cocktail waitress right? WHEN SHE SHANKS HIM…. he’ll have nobody but himself to blame. Seriously. I mean…. she’s doing 17 year old flirting with the doorman to get into the bar level shit and he’s eating. Not even a challenge.
Yes Quinn is testing her… but it’s not even a fair test when his zipper is writing the questions.
Quinn is competing with Joseph for Leah…. sideye. Maybe they should just get a couple toilet tents.
Leah buses Kimo (Joseph told Leah to try to keep Kimo, T’kor, Rubina safe… she’s not about to do that). Leah pushes Mak Kimo and Rubina as noms. Because Leah will always push Mak she thinks Mak cuts into her screen time. THAT IS THE REALITY.
Anyone thinking Quinn is in control of this one on one…. slap your own face and wake up.
He’s campaigning to HER.
He wants to work with her and Joseph but Joseph has to prioritize his people and quit throwing everything….. and Leah and Quinn have to be the core of the trio.
Angela returns to clarify she didn’t mean Joseph when she named those protected people…. um… m’kay that’s sketch.
ASIDE: Leah is Quinn’s Kryptonite. He’s about five seconds from ditching the alliance he wanted to form a Leah Alliance… and she WILL stab him. The idiot is going to over-alliance himself again or he’s going to ditch everyone for Leah. BORROW JOSEPH’S TENT YOU MORON.
LEAH ONE ON ONE WENT SO LONG THAT Big Brother called Quinn to d/r for HOH room.
Leah cracks up laughing at how easy that was.
Mak thinks America hates her for winning AI Arena and being the cause of Tucker leaving.
She thought they had a mutual respect, but he was using her, and that hurt.
T’kor says she would have broken the tie to evict Tucker from a game perspective.
Leah floats imagine if Tucker was the Instigator to Kimo and Rubina.
Quinn has 4 or 5 more one on ones to do. The first ones were about 5 minutes each. Then Leah’s lasted for about… 45 minutes. Quinn needs a change of skort now.
Joseph scratches his junk, sniffs his fingers, and then eats some gummies while thinking of his tent. True story.
SO far Chelsie is surprised prodo didn’t change jury rules to include Tucker.
Mak thinks America hates her now because of Tucker. Imagine feeling hated for saving your ass? wtf.
I’ll probably miss the remaining one on ones unless they start right quick.
AS OF THE LEAH ONE ON ONE: QUINN WAS THINKING ANGELA, KIMO, RUBINA as noms. WHO Knows if that is stone or Styrofoam.
He was thinking of locking in with Cam, Chelsie, T’kor and Mak. maybe Joseph.
He was thinking of locking in with Leah and Joseph.
He’s overdoing it again.
quinn hoh is probably best case scenario for sending angela home, hope he does it. more than anyone else he acknowledges how much a liability she is to keep in the house.
Joseph and Leah think they’re the co-HOH. Joseph told Kimo and Rabina they are safe when that’s who Quinn is putting on the block. Leah told TKOR she was safe and Quinn had already told her. I can’t stand Joseph or Leah.
It would have been more fun if the person who didn’t do HOH had won
Booger Cheese Leah and Scratch and Sniff Ball Cheese Joseph are the perfect gross couple. Don’t these people sleep?
We NEED Angela out before jury, please for the love of…
She will make it to F3 because she will be easy to beat.
That theory usually works but Angela is obnoxious and put on the block often, in hopes of being sent home. She must be impossible to be around, and viewers like me can’t stand watching or listening to her.