Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: ?
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: ?
6:30pm Kitchen – Tkor, Angela, Rubina and Kimo hug
Angela – Tucker is screaming right now from his house. Saying that’s my girl! Rubina – thank you, you’re going to make me cry.
Bathroom – Quinn and Cam.
Quinn – so you, Leah, Chelsie, Makensy and.. what the f**K Angela!? Cam – No, Angela voted to keep Joseph. Quinn – Chelsie flipped? Cam – Chelsie and Makensy flipped. Quinn – WHAT!?
Bedroom – Tkor and Makensy chanting – we made jury! We made jury! We made jury!

6:55pm Bedroom – Kimo, Tkor and Chelsie
Chelsie – I’ve made decisions in the last week that I felt like brought to protect other people. And I’m like, what is the decision that I want to make? And who do I want to see here? And who do I love. I love you. Kimo – Same was. Chelsie – It was not even a game decision. I just love you. And I think you deserve to be here. And if you don’t win this game, I think you deserve to choose who does. Period. It wasn’t my decision. I Love Joseph to death. However, I love you more. So I just feel bad because I was like, hey, Joseph, I know. I’m like, you know, you’re not a good player, and everybody knows how they feel safe keeping you here. And I felt like he was good either way. I kind of gave him reassurance. I just feel bad about that. Like, my tears are not cuz I’m sad that you’re here. I just feel bad that I wish I could have told him before. Hey, like, you don’t have the votes but I just want to let you know that I love you and you are a player that I think really deserves to be here but I just want to let you know that I love you. You deserve to continue to play this game. And I’m glad I got to make that decision for you to continue to do that. So, like, if I were to leave this game, I would not regret this decision. Kimo – Thank you. Chelsie – You deserve to be here. And I’m going to come for this HOH. I don’t know what anyone is going to do, its going to be hard to put any freaking body up this week. So part of me is like, do I even want to win? Part of me is there, but I know it’s safest too. So I just love you guys both. I just had to come say that. And I’m glad that you’re here. You really deserve to be here.
7:06pm Bedroom – Makensy and Chelsie.
Makensy – I really hope I win. I really really need to know about my family. They leave to go study for the upcoming HOH comp.
7:09pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the HOH competition..
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Blindfolded giraffe found a way to get OUT of the premiere spot she accidentally found herself sitting in.
Cam is going to question her. But will he think Chelsie is in her ear? She is, he just thought he was too.
Leah will think Chelsie has control of Mak, not Leah.
Mak made the mistake of telling Chelsie she’d pawn T’kor as the only person everyone would keep next to Angela. Don’t say stuff like that BEFORE the HOH comp… even if you think you are talking to your final 2 (Mak thinks she’s final 2 with Chelsie… not sure WHAT Chelsie thinks).
I want to root for the blindfolded giraffe but she makes it so difficult. Soon I’ll be hoping Rubina does something so I can root for her. This is how bad it’s getting. The fish seem interesting, maybe one of them can win.
LOL! You an un autre nom are just to funny! You both have made this season bearable with your keen perspectives and humor. Did you ever think there would be a season with so many non alliances alliances that a person like Chelsey ( only one really playing) is already a lock for first or second place,but here we are.
Wake me up when Angela’s gone.
Why was she pulled off the block twice? What sort of magic is she conjuring over these people?
Why do the HOHs keep putting their alliance members on the block?
There are no alliances.
There have been and there certainly was when certain HOH’s put certain alliance members OTB!
Ask Tucker if he wasn’t in an alliance with T’Kor when she put him OTB. Ask Joseph if he wasn’t in a Final 2 with Quinn when he put him OTB.
Ask Cedric if he wasn’t in an alliance with Quinn when he put him OTB.
Yes, Tucker volunteered to go up for T’Kor, but he only did it because he had volunteered for the 2 previous HOH’s, and didn’t really want to do it. T’Kor put him up anyway, and it ended up getting him evicted.
Cedric also volunteered – T’Kor and Kimo flipped on their alliance, and sent him home.
Volunteering to go OTB is ALWAYS a bad move, and it gets proven over and over and over again.
I believe Tucker pulled her off to shake things up and try to make others play the game. He accomplished the first but not the second. From what I could tell this week Leah was bonding with the good Angela so she grew kind of close to her and pulled her friend off the block. I think Leah also wanted to make a move b/c she wanted to prove herself as a player and not just a person in the game. Angela is the classic reality show villain or crazy person that all the viewers want gone but the players keep b/c she is a number for their alliance or a shield for them. She will probably be one of the first people sent to jury. As for HOH’s putting up their alliance members, b/c everyone is in 3-4 alliances that have the same people but in different combinations. It has been impossible to figure out who anyone’s true alliance or loyalty is to. After all Quinn had said multiple times that his main alliance was the Visionaries w/ T’Kor & Kimo, but yet this week he was gunning for Kimo to go home??? This is making everything so chaotic that is should be interesting, but b/c no one is really playing it is actually very boring.
Exactly! I am pleased to have called this week’s eviction since it was a ” no brainer” in my opinion. Even though our interests in the feeds,the show itself, the remaining HG this season have exponentially diminished they all remain predictable boring. As it has been accurately mentioned in other post, Chelsey wanted Joseph out days ago, MJ too after Joseph told her he could beat her. Chelsey
now has the support of the solid trio, MJ and Cam as long as Cam knows he is safe he will play it safe. So, we only check in on Thursday ‘s eviction, Taran A, and this blog. It is still easy to figure out who will do what in our minds because, since Tucker , no one, except Chelsey is really playing. We predict neither Chelsey or Quinn or T’kor will ever have popularity or polarizing effect as Tucker, or Janelle, , Dan, etc.. Sadly Quinn is so busy being lovesick and performative he won’t see the back door coming for him. Angela ( ugg, it galls me to even type her name) is just a vote and even CBS must feel the universal vibe in the air that she has got to go.. BB history she is not. The rest are just so happy to make it to jury, what else matters? Winning, a life changing amount of money after taxes, oh yeah that.. ummmm line let’s meet later to talk about that.
Since the house was breaking down into trios anyway…
Kimo, T’kor, Rubina.
Quinn, Leah, Joseph.
Cam, Chelsie, Makensy.
with Angela both target and potential back pocket up for grabs…
What did this eviction DO?
It pissed me off because T’kor has become insufferable.
It made me grin because Leah lost a SIMP.
It made me laugh because Quinn has 100% proven to be the worst HOH possible.
BUT HERE’S the big takeaway:
for two weeks HOH’s have failed to gather the alliance they want.
T’kor failed to get her dream group together… and because of that Quinn felt threatened enough to put two of THAT trio (the mist fits foursome with Quinn) at risk.
Quinn failed to make the Tucker votes into an alliance because he was trying to be cute coming up with 9 alliance plans and forming NONE of them.
THE REASON ALLIANCES DON’T WORK THIS SEASON is because TOO many people are trying to play middle of the field and we’re at JURY. With most houseguests afraid to ‘choose a side’ everyone is a floater. Original definition.
quinn really did play his hoh badly. but it’s because he has no persuasion skills whatsoever and tries to scare people into voting his way, and he’s not scary. meanwhile all his decisions were fear based. he didn’t put up actual threats cuz he was afraid of retaliation. chelsie/cam/makensy were probably the best noms he could’ve put up as they’re the house’s three biggest comp threats, but he was too scared they’d turn on him so his noms were all people who suck at comps.
angela was the first one to break the 6 avnue with her actions.
and tkor did have the votes for tucker (also if mj was otb) before angela lost her mind on him.
T’kor’s plan was to break 6 avenue. She didn’t want to work with Angela and Joseph any more because when the 6 split at 6 it would be a 3:3 split in her world view (apparently in her world view Joseph was white).
What T’kor preferred was T’kor Chelsie Rubina Kimo with Quinn and side deal with Tucker as Friend zzzz. In her view that split at 6 was max 4:2 or even 5:1 if Tucker was target at 6 and then 4:1 against Quinn.
She failed to make that alliance.
Chelsie just made a big mistake! Makensy too!
Even if Chelsie isn’t put OTB this week, she gave T’kor the numbers to run the house the rest of the season. She can still win, but it’s gonna be a little more harder for her to get there.
i desegree cause this trio have her back for now and beats all of them
more easily than quinn and leah. also she can get them targeted before her.
I have fought tooth and nail against the idea that production has had anything to do with aiding Angela, but I’m starting to believe. This is like believing the pizza boy knocked out Mike Tyson without a fix…c,mon production put your help in better places ….stop wasting it….
HOH is Chelsie.
WORST possible move for her in many ways.
Who does she target without losing jury support.
She’s been talking girlliance while talking 5 strong while telling people she would keep them safe….
She’s way too over-aligned at the moment. Everyone but Angela has had some kind of promise.
if she kept Leah from winning it was probably smart.
Since she hasn’t talked to Cam about the vote and he was the second place finisher probably smart.
If Kimo was the second placer… probably smart because who ever knows with backstabber boy and his pliable victim logic… that he shares with T’kor.
Okay. Damned if you do damned if you don’t place. Got it.
even if she is otb (and i dont think cam would of done it ) – she is pretty safe. i think it wasnt the right time to win. maybe it wasnt intented.
Quinn doesn’t know Chelsea did him a favor cause Joseph said he was coming after him. What the house doesn’t know as well as most people is that Chelsea and Cam have a relationship that’s on hold until after the show. Since the cut most of her important conversations like her one on ones and never showing their late night conversations it’s easy to go undetected. Brooklyn who gave the late night relationship consulting was the only one who knew. Have you missed Cam telling her it’s time for bed. Or her telling him the first thing she wanted to eat when she got home was wings. Which inspired him cook her wings even though he never cooked for the house. The feeds focus on Leah’s like and literally filled stories about friends and lingerie. They focus on Quinns just being erratic and obnoxious. They focus on houseguests talking and whispering and not having a clue on what’s going on game wise. But people love to bash Chelsea who in my opinion is the best player left in the game. Oh full disclosure I’m a POC and surprised how many people didn’t realize until the Cookout won that a social experiment would include more than one POC.
well , kimo and rubina are after quinn as well. and way more capable
So now Angela Leah noms?
THEY DID USE THE 40 videos for HOH.
The final 4 in the tiebreaker were
Chelsie, Kimo, Cam and Makensy.
HOW did Makensy get there? EVERYONE said she was shit at the videos.
Chelsie tried to throw with a lowball answer in the tiebreaker.
wish it was kimo, glad its not cam.
So..Chelsie just won HOH. For the love of all that is Holy… PLEASE send Angela to the jury house so she can cry by herself for one week! That will be some good tv!
I wonder if production will hand her a bottle of whatever they’re feeding her (Valium?) to stop the inevitable emotional breakdown in jury
This would have been an easier week for Chelsie if she had evicted Kimo and saved Joe as a nom. She would have had house cover with the vote and avoided pissing off Tkor if she noms Kimo.
I agree with you, but she may have lost trust with T’Kor by voting Kimo out, so there’s also that.
You just can’t keep everybody happy when you’re so over-aligned, and the numbers start to dwindle.
If she were to put up Leah and Angela, she pisses off the women.
I don’t see her putting up Makensy, T’KKKor or Cam, and if she puts up Rubina or Kimo, well, again, we have an upset T’KKKor.
That only leaves Leah, Angela and Quinn.
If she plays along with the whole women’s alliance (plus Kimo), it only leaves Quinn and Cam. Damn, she may do that, but I don’t think she wants to.
Is this week going to turn out to be a one-sided romantic dispute?
I’m just glad I never have to see that awful moustache again!
Chelsea won HOH!