Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela Quinn and Kimo
POV Players: Chelsie, Quinn, Rubina, Makensy, Angela, Kimo
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony:Makensy used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated in her place
Havenots: No havenots this week.
7:20pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Rubina
Quinn – I’m optimistic but I am also realistic and so my talk with Angela was just me talking to her as a person and I mean like I do appreciate you on a personal level socially or like a strategically like all that. Rubina – I will always feel what could have been.. I also really enjoy your weird-a$$ charismatic light hearted. The essence of Quinn is unmatched. I thought I was going to be the weirdest and for me that is the ultimate compliment. Quinn – I appreciate that. No, I’m okay with being weird. I understand. Rubina – I’ve always been called a weirdo. Quinn – Yeah, my thing is, stay weird. Rubina – This isn’t even goodbye. I just want to tell you things that I’ve been wanting to tell you because. It’s not a goodbye. I really don’t know what’s going to happen. I generally don’t. I don’t know if you feel sure. I don’t know anything genuinely. Yeah, it’s just like but l don’t enjoy either way. What I mean, I think the next few weeks are not going to be enjoyable when it comes to this anyway, but I feel you. You definitely obviously deserve to be here. You’ve tried for so many times and I think if there was a season you were supposed to be on I think we can all acknowledge that it is this one. Quinn – I’m very happy to hear even withstanding everything. Rubina – Yeah. Quinn – I have gotten sh*t on a lot this season but I still feel okay about it like I’m not too upset. Rubina – whatever happens, I am always rooting for you.
7:30pm – 7:55pm HOH room – Kimo and Chelsie
Kimo – I just wanted to check in with you. I had a couple of conversations today. How did they go I mean, I was trying to talk Angela in the edges are gonna see where their heads are out. They weren’t giving you much. Angela was like what can you do for me like if I keep you and I was like In this game, Ok? And she was like, because I know she said she was like, will you come with? You come with people like, what do you mean? I come with people. I mean, I know I come with people. Chelsie – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kimo – And we’re protecting. Chelsie – Yeah, yeah, yeah But she was like I’m trying to weigh who’s better to keep around? She said, because of that. And I was like, I mean, all I can tell you is that having numbers on your side like that helps your game. Chelsie – I have a feeling she’s probably going to try and keep Quinn. Kimo – I’m here to let you know that whatever decision you make if it’s the best for your game and I have to respect that as I would respect you I would want people to respect me for any decisions I make so I know that they’re not voting for me Angela may to keep you if when she finds out that you have majority and Leah might play sympathy vote but Angela and Leah think they have majority. Chelsie – they’re trying to get Cam and Makensy to vote you out. Then they’ll throw Cam and Makensy under the bus in conversations with me. That’s how I’m like their lies aren’t really adding up So you’re fine for tomorrow you know where I stand and all of it you know who I’m trying to protect you. You’re good. Makensy and Cam’s conversations with Quinn is almost frustrating at this point it’s like you’re throwing your game away. Quinn is throwing his game away for Leah and it’s frustrating them. It’s like when like you’re showing so many cards, at the end of the day the one person you’re gonna protect is Leah everybody else is going to be fair game.
Chelsie – I swear I’m like so tomorrow is I don’t I am sure Makensy and Cam are very steadfast in their own decisions and and also have so much reason to not trust Quinn versus you. So I do not perceive tomorrow that there’s going to be anything that Quinn can say to change their minds nothing so going into tomorrow you should feel probably the safest that anybody will feel moving forward on the block. And you know where I stand completely know where I stand. Next week the only thing that puts you, me and Tkor in danger is if Makensy or Cam win HOH. If one of them win, I think you two are in danger and me.
7:55pm – 8:10pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Tkor
Quinn – I’m pretty confident. I know where your vote is going, and I don’t feel any type of way about it. It is what it is. And so to you, I just wanted to say that, like, both in this game. And I just feel like in real life, like or as real life as you can in here. You have treated me with nothing but like kindness. I think that you are very radiant person. You’re very sweet and you treat people with respect and that is something that stands out to me. You are one of the younger people in the house and it’s like I’m only 25. So like when I say younger what does that even mean but
it’s like you know there’s like older people in the house but I feel like even despite that you operate with a maturity and like a wisdom in the way that you navigate situations that like I think does stand out to me and I find very like genuinely impressive like on any scale and the fact that you are like on the younger end of things is like what a testament to who you are as a person and like the foundation of which you’re built on and I just really love and appreciate you and yeah.
Tkor – that is so sweet. Believe it or not this is not my ideal situation. I hate the fact that you and Kimo are sitting on the block together. I hope that you know regardless of how this week has gone l truly believe that you are one of the most loved and cherished people in this house. I know it doesn’t seem like that especially at this moment but I think that you know. I know that Chelsea putting you up was not an easy thing for her to do it all. I know that she does deeply cherish and care about you and I don’t know what changed or happened this week because
you know to my recollection she had told me that she wouldn’t put you up so I don’t know what conversations were had this week that changed that.
Quinn – I said I wanted to see you all the way at the end that if you win which is still a possibility l would be generally happy and I would be rooting for you. Tkor – I appreciate it. Quinn – because not only do I think you deserve it. I think you’ve owned it and so.I was being serious when I said that, like, you’re one of, like, probably like top. I think I said 30. I think that’s pretty accurate. Like most impressive, like social players. You are so good in the competitions too. You have on for a long time, but specifically in the mental comps, you’re very dangerous. And like, I do hope that you make it very far. If not to the end. Because if my time, if I am on borrowed time here, you would be an excellent representation of the season and like what it takes to be a winner and I think that you just have those skills like organically and I think that’s like what’s most impressive is like you just have it and that’s cool. Tkor tells Quinn that he’s going to make her cry. Tkor – thank you.
8:14pm – 8:20pm Bumper Pool Room – Kimo and Quinn
Quinn – I just wanted to take an opportunity. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to say goodbye. Kimo – Shut up, Quinn. Stop. Don’t give me a. Quinn – I think I know what’s happening tomorrow. I’m so thankful that you were here to share this experience with me. I am super thankful this is f**ked up to say that you didn’t get on other seasons. And I’m thankful that I wasn’t on Big Brother 25 because I know that that means I got to share Big Brother 26 with you and we’ll have this forever. You know, you would have been one of my favorite players in any season that you played. But the fact that you played in mine is like a really special thing. I just think that you’re a really good person. You treat people with an intentionality and kindness that like Oh my gosh you treat people with an intentionality and a kindness that I think is like generous for even the most kind person. I am just super grateful that I got to play big brother 26 with you. Kimo – you’re an incredible human with an incredible heart and I knew that is why I was attracted to you from the start. I don’t think you understand how many people you’ve inspired by being on this show. Quinn – If I am going home I hope that you and Tkor find a way to get to the end. Genuinely. Kimo – Lets not talk about that. Quinn – I am so happy to be your friend genuinely.
8:30pm – 9:07pm HOH room – Chelsie, Rubina, Quinn and Tkor
Chelise is talking about her life story / her experience with the church / god.
9:26pm Dinner time..
10:10pm The house guests sign happy birthday to Cedric.

10:25pm 10:52pm Bedroom – Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – So yeah, it’s crazy how she’ll (Angela) take her own mess and then be mad at how messy it is. Makensy – Yeah, I don’t know. So she hasn’t talked to you? I think. Well, I and this is literally all I think and assume is probably that Leah is probably talked shit to her. Chelsie – yeah about me. Makensy – and then she’s probably just taking it out. It’s just annoying. Chelsie – or she saw all of us up last night probably did her rounds to see who’s in the bed. I’m sure she did that peaked in the room and knew nobody was in there. So one of those. Makensy – I don’t give a f**k at this point me. Chelsie – Me either! Makensy – but I just, don’t know why I mean she’s been fine with me today. Chelsie – She hasn’t been mean she just been like looking at me weird and yeah I’m like Leah’s been fine but Angela has not been fine with me. Makensy – strange, Chelsie – yeah how are you doing? Makensy – Fine, I mean I feel bad cause like the whole Leah thing like I’m just like can.. you just like cuz to me I’m like grow up and say something! Chelsie – she still has not said anything. Makensy – yeah, I know I Know and not like that to me is like she doesn’t bother me like I hate my friends or people that I care about like when something goes wrong or you feel a certain way that we don’t discuss it outside of here or inside of here inside of here is even more important I feel like.
Makensy – So definitely want to talk to her and ask if she’s talked to you and see what why she hasn’t. Chelsie – what’s crazy is like as much as Leah and Quinn have done sketchy things like Leah has never seen the block when I’ve been in power twice so it’s like whatever feelings you have towards me my actions have shown that I have protected you in this game when I whenever I’ve had power so why are you and even I protected her in this freaking Angela
rumor that went around. So I just understand why she’s like maybe she’s afraid to talk to me
but when I’m confused by is how she stands on business of like how she’s the friend that’s direct and straightforward and blah blah blah but she’s not being like that with me. Makensy – yeah I agree.
Makensy – how was your talk with Quinn? Chelsie – Quinn makes me more and more conflicted too. Makensy – it makes me sad because I do think that he would be loyal. He would be loyal to it. Chelsie – for sure. He basically made me promises and offers and you too probably
the same ones and never gonna touch the block and then I’ll be the
10:58pm – 11:12pm Bedroom – Makensy and Angela
They talk about how they’re on the fence about who to vote out, Quinn or Kimo. Angela – I am very conflicted I got on this and I got a guy who wants me out like yesterday. He hates me, he does he doesn’t like me as a player in here as a person I’m probably okay with him but in here as a player he wants me gone. He made that very, very clear and then I have Kimo who I absolutely adore but he has numbers on his side I don’t so it’s like and I know that you and Leah have saved me and I feel loved and protected in that way.
11:25pm – 12am HOH bathroom – Leah and Chelsie clear the air and rehash the past events leading to putting Quinn on the block.
Chelsie – let me just debunk the fact that you are not the reason
Quinn is up on the block there are things that you said that that further already my suspicion about Quinn you’ve known my suspicion about Quinn weeks ago So this has been a conversation that I’ve talked to you about numerous amount of times where I felt a little snake like tendencies from him it’s different for you because he’s never done anything to you to get you to distrust him never like he would take you to the end 100 percent like he would if you ever put him on the block he would say thank you to you like he likes you that much for me. Personally he’s giving me reason to be half pause with him because of the alliance blow up and the Tucker stuff and so many things that cause now him not putting me on the block last week showed me like maybe he is trying to turn a new leaf and get people to trust him however I am keen to the fact that he is a super fan. He’s a wild card and in the future he’s the type that is going to make a strong move. That’s Quinn so I know that cuz he’s done it once before and I know that because he was able to get a veto around his neck from a guy that hated him and I at my expense and didn’t even give me a heads up. I gave him a heads up before the veto meeting that that was going to happen because I care about him. I am not high on his hierarchy of people that he would protect now. I do think that he would go after other people before me but in just like you took Angela off to do something that you felt like down the line would benefit you. That’s a Quinn decision and it wasn’t based on necessarily what you said it was based on so many other factors that you’re aware of. I’ve vented to you a couple times
about like Quinn is being a little sneaky just a little sneaky and he is a very good player so it would be hard to beat him.
Chelsie – The frustrating part is I don’t want to have doubt with Quinn the frustrating part is I really like him and the frustrating part is I think he’s a person that deserves to win this game and that’s a frustrating part. It’s like my heart feels this way about
him but I’ve seen and so how he’s moved in this house and it just
doesn’t feel right to me. So what you were telling me I was frustrated not at you. I was frustrated at Dang when I want to give this do the bone. There’s just every reason to not So I think you completely threw him under the bus, but I think you also displayed some reasons of hesitation with Quinn as well and you’re his close to him.
Chelsie – when it comes to you and me I don’t want people to plant these in your head based on perception because what was perception for you wasn’t reality. Leah – no and that’s why I let myself do that thinking alone and then I feel comfortable talking to you about it and I’m very sorry from the bottom of my heart for being any sort of snippy because it wasn’t my intention at all and I hope you can understand that because trust me if I wanted to I would have just gone off in that moment if that’s what I really wanted.
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I hate them all.
LOL! There really isn’t anyone we want to root for. If Quinn would stop being over the top performative, he might actually realize he is liked in the house and has the ability to get people to overlook his sloppy moves ( like putting his own alliance allies- Joseph, otb) that’s leverage he could use. Sadly for him, Leah is a huge part of Quinn’s inevitable exit. Leah, the one who said she ” never talks behind people’s back.” He offered to buy her a dirt bike.. He said weeks ago he knew Leah would betray him , then why.. why why stick with her especially since you are aware how skillfully Chelsey has repositioned every one’s thinking that Leah is the culprit( enemy). He is aware how Chelsey is carving a path for herself to the end. We laughed at his convo with Rubina, because if he comes back into the game she is his target! What do you think is Ainsley’s announcement: double eviction or Quinn getting reset week? Is Rubina over Tucker… does anybody really care? Thanks for the laughs Gan, we are rooting for you to get to the end of all this idiocy!
There have been many past seasons with genuinely horrible people and many many annoying people. I don’t think anyone this season is a bad person(at least that bad), and while they are annoying, there have been much worse. But collectively I just can’t stand this group. If any of them were playing a good game I could overlook a lot of the pettiness but in terms of gameplay this group is so weak. I credit those who are trying to play like Quinn and Makensy but they are among the worst players ever. Too many aren’t even trying to play. I think what really gets me is the overabundance self-righteous arrogant entitlement coming from some of these players and I hate that they are the ones who are going to win.
Gan, I agree! My sentiments exactly. We enjoy that they enjoy the group games they play such as Cam’s country western song, etc. Quinn and Leah’s giggly silliness not so much, but to each their own. Chelsey and Leah had a really interesting convo this evening as she explained to Leah that Quinn is most definitely leaving on Thursday. Chelsey admitted to Leah she ( C) is aware of the T’kor trio. Now Chelsey has contradicted herself several times with MJ and a few others this week and T’kor flat out told Rubina that Chelsey was her ” number 2″ and Rubina did, planned ,and said nothing, Rubina’s okay with it!?!. Watch Chelsey give her Bible lessons and Christian journey talk to the HG and cameras in one minute and be the best liar and manipulator in the next. No one should be surprised if Leah helps Chelsey take down the T’kor trio. Chelsey did good work with Leah tonight. It will take Leah another minute to get over Quinn but with no seeming agenda and wanting really to be carried ( like Quinn and Joseph would have) to the end, Leah has just boarded the Chelsey train and Quinn distant and in Leah’s words and “ick” memory, but she’ll take whatever gifts his lovesick heart will give her. How is this for arrogant entitlement!
yeah, this group is boring. chelsie, makensy, quinn, and maybe leah feel like the only people playing, and of those 4 only chelsie is playing well. angela and t’kor seem to have just bumbled into good situations despite really not doing much of anything and kimo, rubina, and cam have completely no game whatsoever.
Bring back Tucker
Yeah he is. It’s because Quinn likes Leah. By throwing his game away, he hopes she will date him.
Joseph has a better chance of dating Leah than Quinn. At least they live in the same state.
0% is not more than 0%. No chance. Nada
all contestants live in or are willing to move to la after the season ends, at least all the young ones. kenney and angela are probably the only exceptions. so geography isn’t a huge barrier. but leah would only consider dating either if they won. she’s way too shallow and materialistic.
OK, I’ll admit, I haven’t watched the feeds at all this year, and I barely care what’s going on. However, there are two questions I’m hoping someone here can answer for me, as I have been watching the show airings and I can barely figure out what in the hell is going through these players minds. This seems to be the weirdest seen of Big Brother I have ever watched… I barely understand the thought processes of these players. So here are my questions.
Don’t try to understand it, you’ll just end up even more confused bitter angry frustrated and sad, like myself. I just want it to end. I don’t care how. Please make it stop.
Agreed. Like I said, weirdest season of big brother I have ever seen. With the exception of Chelsea, Cam, and probably even Mackenzie the rest of the remaining house guests, at least to me seem to be the ones that would be many of the first evicted. Very, very strange season. Seems like every year it just gets worse and worse.
If you’ve participated in another show, it doesn’t mean you can’t appear on Big Brother. If you think everything is manipulated and scripted, then just don’t watch it. If someone you don’t like lasts longer, saying it’s all rigged doesn’t make sense. It’s just that someone might really dislike Angela and nominate her, only to realize later that she’s not a threatening candidate and choose someone else.
OK, I never said any of those things. I merely asked a question based on some things I read about in the beginning of the season. The show being rigged is fact. At least to the extent they can get away with without making it totally obvious. It’s particularly easy with the types of house guests that they have casted over the coarse of the last 2 or 3 years who seemingly aren’t capable of critical thinking and can easily be swayed by production through DR sessions. I don’t dislike Angela, and think she has provided 75% of the actual entertainment value of this seasons shows with her paranoia. Everyone thinks they can beat her in the end. But they way this season has gone you never know. I think it would be funny as hell if she won the while thing. This season was dead to me after Tucker was evicted so I don’t really care who wins. I was just curious about what goes through these people mind.
Visit this site often and be sure to catch up with un autre nom and Gan’s perspectives and often hilarious comments. I promise you will be smiling and they are fair with their observations ( more about the gameplay than the HG on a personal level). Production of BB does indeed nudge and wink at the HG to keep the ” characters” and image they want the HG to play. The HG more and more each season are there to become I influencers, I crease their followers etc. Leah has her lingerie line( there’s a reason she stays in her pj’s most of the day everyday, T’kor has her crochet business, Cam is trying to get on tv and yes Angela hae been on Dr.Phill, Let Make a Deal( where she won o er 10,000$( and the price is right. Angela is as masterful as Chelsey in manipulating but lacks self control. They keep saving her because they All believe they can beat her in the end. None of them sincerely like her, but all of the believe she will be easy to beat in the end. Poor game play and lack of strategy keeps them renoming their own alliance members. Example: it’s a safe bet that Quinn will go, Leah will cast a sympathy vote, Angela will vote out Quinn( though she has made Leah believe she will vote for Quinn) Chelsey has smoothed over matters with Leah( Leah is easy to manipulate, just cater to her ego) so if you want to watch a person play this game, watch Chelsey ( she is , IMO, meanspirited ) but between her and T’kor one of the two will be crowned winner and the rest will, foolishly, help them get there! With Quinn gone, ( good move on Chelsey part) no one remains that will take a shot at her ,not even Leah.
It does appear that way doesn’t it. Let me guess, they want an all female POC final 2? I kind of got that vibe as it seems T’kor even suggests to Kimo and Rubina that she want’s a final 2 with Chelsey… Unbelievable… and Kimo and Rubina barely bat an eye. I actually hope Angela wins this HOH, because who the hell knows what she will do. Also, Cam and Kimo are as good as gone…. only 2 males left in the house. But your point it well taken about everyone just wanting to increase their followers and barely know how to play the game. The 750k is just an added bonus to them if they can actually pull off a win.
Angela is over 50: audiences Gen X and Boomers might relate. Conflict makes a story, and her over-the-top emotional outbursts make good television. They must have a fox in the hen house: Tucker and Angela fulfil these stereotypes. All the young are so arrogant they believe that others will only choose a winner under age 30. At this point, I’m devil’s advocate. Let Angela win, and change the name to “Big Mother”. lol
No, Boomers or Gen X do not identify with Karengela, the GIANT toddler. She’s the one we hate most of all!!!
I actually feel the same way… I am low key hoping Angela finds a way to pull off the win. If she somehow manages to get to final 2 she might have a valid argument to win if she can convince everyone that she manipulated everyone into using the Veto on her at every turn, won a few comps and yada yada. It would be hilarious…
chelsie’s worried that if she nominates t’kor or rubina the trio would win the next hoh and come after her, forgetting there’d be only two left and all three suck at challenges. t’kor should be on the block and on her way out. i don’t think taking down angela and replacing with quinn/leah is a good play. putting up quinn or leah, pushes them to the other side of the house and forces a 4-4 split where you’re losing whoever stays as a number and gaining the useless angela in return who you can probably pull to your side anyway just by letting t’kor and rubina vote for her while you vote out kimo. if these players were better at the game, they probably could have figured this out, but they’re bad and leah winning hoh next week and targeting chelsie and makensy would be hilarious poetic justice.
I think after Quinn leaves tonight, if Leah wins the next HoH, she’s putting up either Chelsie and Cam or Chelsie and T’Kor.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I guess it all really boiled down to Cam and Mack not trusting Quinn. I am actually rooting for Angela to win this HOH, because who knows what she would do. I can’t see her nominating Mack or Leah as they have both used the veto on her. My guess would be Chelsey and Cam or Rubina and Kimo. I don’t think ANYONE has even remotely considered putting T’kor up which is annoying to me, because to me she seems like the most self entitled person in the house and has 0 self awareness.
I find people who automatically think that the show is manipulated or scripted just because it’s not going the way they want even more annoying than the Season 26 participants.
That sounds like something someone would say who is part of the conspiracy.
It’s way too obvious with Karengela, the GIANT toddler, being saved over and over when she’s a horrible human being and she has no game!
Erroneous! Erroneous on all accounts!
Why does Chelsie keep saying Quinn blew up the Pentagon? Tkor blew up the Pentagon, Quinn just gave her the ammunition. Does she plan to take her to final 2 or is she hoping someone else takes her out?
Chelsie is under the impression that QUINN outed the alliance to Tucker causing HER nomination. It was Kimo that outed it to Tucker causing her nomination.
Chelsie is only capable of viewing from how anything effects HER.
Reality, Quinn outed Pentagon day 10 to Kimo and T’kor. Brooklyn knew within a week and said nothing. KIMO outed the Pentagon to Tucker on day 30-32 area (don’t remember if it was day before, day of or day after Kenney was evicted when Tucker became HOH).
So Chelsie blames Quinn for how the reveal of Pentagon effected her. it was actually Kimo that caused that problem directly.
One thing I can give Quinn credit for is he keeps a good attitude.
Yeah, he knew his goose was cooked. Still he fought hard to stay, made the most of his last few days and went out with class.
And as the true super-fan that he really isn’t, he screwed up Mike Boogie’s legendary “Get to stepping” line by saying “Get to steps”. Now I found THAT highly indicative of his true game play and knowledge of the game history, and his total lack of strategy in the game. He came in there bragging about what a true super-fan he was, and he ended up being more of a partial sound bite guy, and he didn’t even get THOSE right!
Quinn seems like a nice guy, but he ended up being just another clown they recruited that doesn’t know how to play the game, like so many others in there this season.
STILL thinking of the “What does Ainsley have in store” comment at the end of the episode.
Mathing. 32 days left. at end of 31 days left they are at 8 people. 24 days left 7 people. 17 days left 6 people. 10 days left 5 people still in the house. 3 days left 4 people left in the house? so they could fit a double in at the 24 day mark to get us to 3 people with three days remaining…. final HOH in three days with this group? Not reasonable.
SOME-thing is wrong. The math doesn’t math.
Triple? could they do a bbcan triple eviction to get us to … no because 10 days is too long for 3 people in the house…..
WTF is up with these numbers?
They can’t do a cancelled eviction scenario with 9 people and 32 days remaining. That would mean 2 doubles in 4 weeks plus 3 days…. something is off.
Final week before finale is never just 3 days.
so normal eviciton leads us to 8/31. Double leads us to 6/24. normal eviction leads us to 5/17. normal eviction leads to 4/10. special evicton for the sunday episode leads us to 3/7. OKAY. DOES THAT MATHING MAKE SENSE? That mathing SORT OF makes sense.
Therefore i expect Ainsley will introduce a double eviction. The week will go as normal, then on day 64, Chenbot will announce a double. Unless they shorten a bbweek so that evictions are on Wednesday instead of Thursday… It’s the only thing the most reasonable solution to getting to the final 3 without doing the final HOH in 3 days. WOULD THEY SHORTEN WEEKS? Doubtful because they’ve already sold Ad spots for Thursday eviction episodes at higher rates than Wed. Episodes…. and they charge even more for ad spots on doubles nights….. hmmm.
HOWEVER… that week really drags on… but these shoeheads would never be able to do 3 comps in 3 days and determine who is getting voted out because nobody speaks directly.
Note. Tonight Rubina was again Annoyed that T’kor is the belle of the ball for Quinn’s good wishes in the game (his vote realistically) Will she DO anything? MOST LKELY NOT.
Quinn is doing his please keep me goodbye tour. It sounds like Jag’s push to stay the night before he was evicted and didn’t leave. BUT WE KNEW ABOUT THAT TWIST A WEEK IN ADVANCE.
I wish I had a favorite. Instead I just want things to make sense and be strategically sound in an analytical fashion. The edit is doing it’s best to make strategic analysis that makes sense a thing of the past.
Chelsie’s HOH week in the episode EDIT: We went from emotional Angela gotta go, to petty Leah gotta go, to someone else’s analytical process of Kimo gotta go… to Suddenly it’s Quinn who has to go based on the ravings of a lunatic.
We get Cam / Leah clips from week 2 or 3 included in this week’s episode as current to explain the petty Leah push.
We get Cam tattoo talk from week 5 included in this week’s episode as current to explain the Chelsie crush on Cam.
Leah is practically invisible in this week’s episodes. Suddenly Angela loves Mak. Whatnow? Still saying where did that come from.
We exclude Chelsie promising Quinn final 8 then the Shenanigan renom that STILL didn’t make sense given what we were seeing vs. what they showed us…. but skipping that promise only does one thing… keeps Chelsie’s hands clean in the edit.
The trio of Cam and Mak and Chelsie isn’t in the episodes. T’kor and Chelsie pact is not canon either. Girl thing? NOPE. Hasn’t been included either…. Mak and Chelsie voting based on Kimo’s speech? NO. They excluded the two PLANNED to flip that vote because Joseph was THEIR threat.
WHY LEAVE ALL OF THAT OUT? The narrative and who stays clean and loyal… THAT’S what we’re looking at.
I feel uncomfortable because I prefer strategic houseguests. Wheredeyat?
I like your comments but what does GODOTS mean?
Godots are my name for the T/K/R trio.
They talk in circles and DO nothing most of the time about that talk.
Reminded me of the play waiting for Godot.
With this explanation I went from reading Godots-(G*d-Ots) to Godots- (Goo-Dohs). Thank you from making my old brain THINK.
so double on the 25th in a 90 episode? or season recap?
hmmm. so they go from 7 to 5. that would match season 24 pattern. hmmm.
The placement of a double has become more and more like the bbcan double than us double that used to be the week after jury started. hmmm.
It must be nice to have minions who will groom you for hours.
I honestly don’t understand how Tcup is getting away with this… shes annoying and boring to watch and doest do anything for her minions she just accepts their help and praise. and the “accent” that is more speech impediment comes and goes at will
I’ve come to the conclusion that that fake accent is caused by 2 tampons shoved up her nostrils & a bag of marbles in her mouth. Then when she forgets, she talks pretty normal. There is no speech impediment except for her brain not working with her mouth.
DEFINITELY a speech impediment. She’s the girl who had no friends in school, so she reinvented herself, including her name.
Boring season with no-one to cheer for. I expect cocky Chelsie or DEI Queen T’kor will probably end up winning.
I would love to see Chelsie on the block. The other houseguest would then see her big mouth. Go Cam!!!!
I’m hoping we end up with Kimo and Rubina as the final 2. Not because I like them, or because they deserve to win. More so because they seem to be the least entitled of all the players left, and the one they’ve leached onto, and totally supported throughout the game (T’KKKor), has basically abandoned them for Chelsie as her final 2 pick.
Chelsie is using Cam and Makensy (it appears) to also choose T’Kor over them. If not, why is she protecting her and the Godots the way she is? She knows she’s safe with all of them, and yeah, I get that, but where’s the loyalty to those who fought with and protected YOU?
Angela and Leah have no chance, unless they surprisingly win a bunch of comps near the end (that’s also the only chance Kimo and Rubina have), so they’re basically out. I think Rubina and Kimo have at least a punchers chance to win comps if they hang on to final 5 or 6.
Rooting for a Leah/Angela HOH tonight to shake things up
Whoever ends up leaving will cause chaos. I am actually rooting for a Rubina HoH because I think that is where T’Kor won’t have as much influence
Can people please be careful with their wishes? For those who wished for a twist to liven up the game at jury, Julie is out sick so goofball Jerry O’Connell is guest hosting tonight
Is there actual footage anywhere of an actual tear being shed by Angela? So tired of her dry eyed crying. #FACEPALM
WTF???? So all of a sudden out of nowhere, Leah is starting to “crush” on Quinn? The week he’s about to get evicted. Ok.
Evict Quinn tonight
FYI on tonight’s Quinn’s-First-to-Jury-why-bother-to-watch-Night-Lost-Interest-BBHOUSE26-Long-Time-Ago no Chenbot tonight. Jerry O’Connell stepping in. See “X”(tweet) Julie left.