Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week
11:55pm Bumper Pool Room – Quinn, Joseph and Tkor
Quinn – Dude! The AI arena, hopefully Cedric just clutches up and wins. He has been a pretty good competitor at everything. Joseph – even yesterday, that took smarts. You know what I’m saying to like do well in that so he is pretty overall. Tkor – well rounded. Joseph – yeah. Quinn – I don’t know where the f**k they found Tucker because he really is gearing to be good at everything. Joseph – he might be the best ever. Quinn – yeah. Joseph – like other than the quizzes and stuff like that .. he has struggled in those. Quinn – Micheal cooked in the quizzes right? Joseph – yeah. No, yeah he cooked in everything. Quinn – dang! Joseph – who won the wall that season was it Taylor? Quinn – yeah. Tkor leaves. Quinn and Joseph bond over talking about Survivor and past seasons of big brother.
12:50pm Backyard Couches – Cam, Leah, Quinn, Cedric, Joseph and Tkor
They’re hanging out talking about movies.

1:40pm The house guests are suntanning in the backyard.
1:45pm – 2:22pm Backyard – Chelsie – Chelsie’s Cheese! Proverb for the day 24/7, Don’t have an ashy attitude! Chelsie’s observations, I’ll tell you those later. There are too many people out here right now. Observation, Brooklyn is easy to scare. When I scare Brooklyn her eyes change colour to red. I scared Kimo so hard coco puffs went flying in the air.

3:30pm Backyard – Brooklyn, Cedric and Quinn
Quinn – I have to have a very awkward conversation with Rubina.
3:55pm Backyard couches – Tkor, Cedric, Makensy and Rubina
They talk about how the think the next HOH competition will be the Wall Endurance comp. Tkor – it is the wall. My goal is to be the fifth person to fall off. Rubina – she keep saying that.
Rubina alone in the Unicorn bedroom.
Rubina – Be strong. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll see you here next week. I’m a fucking lady. I’m not leaving. Taylor can survive the block. I can survive the block. Ooh, week 4. is my lucky number. Let’s build that resume, baby! Not scared. I can do this. Ooh, sassy. I’ve been about to come out. Sassy. I’m not scared. I’m not scared. Let’s go. I’ll see you next week
4:05pm HOH room – Tucker and Kimo
Tucker – I might as well just finish when I started and beat Cedric in that fucking Ainsley AI arena. And if he beats me cool, but I don’t want to tell anybody else there so Quinn can change his thing. I was going to say I was going to use it on myself, but I was literally thinking I would, I would tell the gods that my
numbers too. And I have Makensy pick one through three and if she
guesses the right number, I’ll save her because I always say the gods are just and that’s how my brothers and I play games when we can’t decide what to do. But now at this point I might as well just and Quinn, you can’t trust anything that fucking guy says. You’ve
lied to me before. We’re never going to be partners in this game. You can keep trying because he’s been going around doing sob stories to everybody.
Tucker about Quinn – He’s the biggest snake in the grass in this house. Tucker talks about not using the veto on himself and taking his chances in the AI area again. Angela – Please don’t. Don’t don’t do something like that right now. Tucker – I already did it once and it worked out in my favor. Angela – I don’t doubt that you could do it, Tucker. But I don’t want you to do that. Please don’t do that. You’ve already shocked America enough. You do not need to do that. Tucker – Yeah, don’t need to do that. I’m not doing it for America. I’m doing it for my game. Angela – I know, but don’t do it. I’m asking you. I’m pleading with you. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Tucker – Yeah, I know. And I know he probably got this wall coming up but that also means that is probably not a physical challenge. It’s just gonna be a mental one like you had which I’m good at that stuff.
4:30pm HOH room – Angela, Tkor and Kimo
Angela – He’s trying to find a way to be in with the girls and I don’t care if they say all day long to my face. The girls aren’t
tight. Yes, they are! Yes, they freaking are everyone can see it and well there’s more cuz I listen to everything but can I trust you guys? I overheard conversations between two people? lately at night and being in that Power Ranger room. It’s opened everything I am hearing everything and these two people were kind of fighting because 1 is a boy. 1 is a girl and he’s like she’s upset because she wasn’t in on the fact that there was a boy alliance after the whole outing of everybody’s alliances from Tucker and so she was ticked off that he hadn’t told her about that. So that leads me to believe they had something and he was so apologetic and this was right after the blow up there was there was a lot of pleading. Don’t be mads you know. I know you have something with the girls and then she was in denial of that and it was a lot to listen to right by my bed you know they also were arguing outside in the yard I won’t point to and I was like yeah keep your business to your souls and so I’m in the power range room which means I’m hearing everything and who goes to what bedrooms I can see everything and so then when Quinn. Who leaves my room Joseph to secure that bed keep it safe and all he wants to do is talk. Those two they’re strategic and they are playing the game. And I’ll have you guys know I actually really do like Quinn. I like Joseph they’re just playing the game I think they’re really neat guys and yeah outside of here and even in here I don’t mind chatting with them and talking with them I think they’re really cool but it’s it’s interesting and fun to watch the game unfold and I’m in it.
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Why did Quinn nominate Cedric?
Cedric volunteered so there would be someone to beat Tucker in the veto or AI.
He volunteered.
Quinn volunteered because they all see Tucker playing like an idiot, so why shouldn’t everybody play like an idiot?
I get he’s got an ego, Tucker called him out in front of the entire house, and now he wants to “man up” and beat the guy in the veto comp. How did that work out for him? un autre nom seems to think the comp was an individual timed comp, which likely means Cedric had absolutely NO CHANCE against Grod’s favorite player, and the man who had I don’t know how many d/r sessions on last nights show, but a whole bunch. Clearly Tucker is the star of Grod’s storyline, and she is not going to let him go just yet, and the players should recognize that and stop doing stupid things (like volunteering to go on the block) to try and get him out.
I’m not saying they should stop nominating Tucker. I am saying it’s dumb to put yourself in danger by volunteering to go on the block against him. THAT math simply isn’t mathing, when production has their hand on one side of the scales.
“Cedric” not Quinn. Sorry for the error.
I don’t think it’s that Tucker is good at everything I think it is more that everyone else stinks at comps.