“They put us in the house with a bunch of F* taken ladies… Nobody wins”

POV Holder: Andrew Next POV ?
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: Paul Next HOH: March 12
Original Nominations: Andrew and ?
Current Nominations: Anick, Ika
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots ?

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10:30pm HOH Paul, Sabrina, Heather

Paul is downplaying how much his first move was planned out. Paul tells the girls he’s worried he’ll be a target. Sabrina doesn’t think so she tells him by guaranteeing safety to 8 players is giving him 8 allies.

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10:40 Kyle joins them. Paul tells him that Sabrina is worried. Kyle jokes that so is he. Sabrina “I don’t think i’m in trouble anymore so lets clear the air”
Kyle: “I don’t even do anything and I hear my Name”
Paul: “It’s insane dude… it’s insane”
Sabrina: “Thats because your muscles are the size of my legs”

Kyle complains that all the girls in the house are taken, “They put us in the house with a bunch of F*-**** taken ladies… Nobody wins”


10:47pm Anick and Kenny Anick starts doing some Reiki master stuff on Kenny

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10:58 Neda and Ika
Neda is worried about Andrew says if he wins HOH she is going up for sure.

Neda thinks Sarah and Sabrina are not going to win any competitions. Ika thinks this makes them bad teammates.

Jon comes by tells them production will want them up early tomorrow. Jon: “They want everything done early… for sure.. Like the Eviction ceremony and HOH”

11:05pm Adel, Paul, Sabrina and Kyle Chatting about the game rules (Video Uploading)

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11:10pm Poolside Ika and Neda doing laundry

Neda shows off jon’s underwear

Neda: “F*** Jon’s dirty a$$ underwear”

Random chit chat.. Ika and Neda both thing Andrew and Kenny are forming a boys alliance. They are both worried that the girls will not try to win competitions instead they think the girls will attach to guys and coast through. IKA says she’s going to fight for competitions but is worried it’ll make her a target.

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Heather joins them they say Anick thinks she is safe this week but she is not. Heather leaves Neda tells IKA she is really bad at keeping quiet.

Ika says they need to get Adel and Paul put on the block.
Neda says Paul talks way too much Sh1T he would have been smarter to keep his mouth shut. She thinks Paul would go home and Adel would stay. They agree thy’re plotting too much and need to mingle with the the players.

Neda wants them to come up with an alliance name she doesn’t liek their current one “The stupids”

Ika tells her Paul doesn’t think he’s black. She asked him if he was black and he said “I’m South African” Ika takes offense to this, “I’m Jamaican but I’m also black”

Kyle joins them says he’s been laid 153 times.. they laugh.. (Notice the hands down the pants below)

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11:40pm Paul in the HOH with a ersious case of HOHitus

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9 thoughts to ““They put us in the house with a bunch of F* taken ladies… Nobody wins””

  1. I am so over Paul. He is the “powerhouse” of the season!!! I bet he would eat his housemates when he goes on slop.

  2. Paul: “Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude. Oh my God, Dude! That’s insane, Dude.”
    I hope he’s out soon, or at least gets some challenge consisting of having to remain silent for a really long time.

  3. aww i wish paul was not hoh. as if anick is going home first. she seems entertaining!

    it sounds like ika, neda, sarah & maybe sabrina are in a girls alliance? i dk about rachelle or heather, the other girls seem jealous… neda seems close with jon too. but jon may be in a boys alliance? kyle, andrew and kenny seem to be together, maybe with arlie, paul and adel (that’s all the boys..). paul said adel was pushing for a guys alliance (adel = the new aneal/aj). sabrina seems close to the boys too, but i wonder if they are bullshitting her. the girls target seems to be andrew and the boys targets are paul, heather or rachelle it seems.

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