Pressure Cooker into the Day **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Cameron
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots:  ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Pressure cooker is rolling. The have nots eat Peanut butter and Jelly this week.

7:20 am Corey is out leaving Jag, Blue, MEME, Cameron and America in the cooker. (it’s supposedly freezing so more of pressure freezer if such a thing exists)

7:30 am

7:45 am Blue is out

7:53 am Jag is out (Feeds keep cutting)

8:00 am MEME, America and Cameron
Cameron – we doing this we’re going the distance?
America- I got a couple more hours
Cameron – I got I kind you not days.. I’m not trying to be weird.. Two weeks guys

8:01 am Blue, Matt and Jag
Matt – 19
Blue – we did 12 ..
Jag – 13
Blue – it was so cold
Jag says after Matt left they pumped up the AC for 40 minutes. “I’m praying it’s America or MEME..”
They think America is going to target Red.
THey talk about how happy they were when REd and Bowie dropped. Blue points out how pissed REd was.
Jag – I hope MEME wins hopefully.. MEME is cool with me I can try and talk to her to
Blue – I don’t talk game with her.
Jag – the reality of it is me and you (Blue) are f***Ed
Blue – I should have ran and got myself a jacket.. If I had a jacket I could have gone longer.
Matt – the cold f***s you. the whole 10 hours I thought about how cold IU was
Blue says she got 1000 dollars.
Jag – I got perfume.. not even for myself they sprayed perfume in the room.

They decide to get some sleep. Matt apologizes for not winning.
On their way out Jag tells Blue he could have stayed much longer but he dozed off for a minute.

8:15 am Corey and Jared
Jared going on that he heard Red has been throwing Corey’s name out there.
Corey says if Cameron wins HOH the nominations are Jag and Blue.
Corey – Izzy and Felicia are going to be so f***ing annoying about we should have kept Hisam.
Jared – they already started when I got in and I shot that sh1t down.
Corey points out that America won’t be in trouble whoever wins HOH will make a deal. Says that Cam was trying to make a deal when there was 9 people.
Jared says people are worried if America wins so he’s counting on Corey.
Corey tries to explain to him that he doesn’t talk game to America. “What do they expect they pull her into a room and say you’re our seventh if you do anything we’re going to boot you out of the house and they expect her to be… and they do this sh1t without telling me so now I look shady to America”
Corey – they are f***ing unorganized it’s pissing me off (Cirie/Izzy masterclass)

8:33 am MEMEME is out she won a dinner party for two.

8:50 am Cameron wins the head of household He tells them both they are safe from have nots.
(they were minutes away from breaking the all time record)

9:05 am Cameron and Red
Red – Cheers
They fist bump
Red – did you strike any deals?
Cam – none that were shocking
Red – Izzy did not seem happy she walked in and said ‘your boy did it’
Red – I think there was a bit of an effort on our side given the reaction.. We’ll talk.
REd – Izzy and Felicia both knew something that is just a guess.
Red says there was a weird air about Izzy when she found out he won.
Red – not that we need to turn inward yet but that’s for you.. you’re the man with a plan.
Cameron – you saw what happened to HISAM (OHH man)
Red – yup

(I’m taking the next 90 minutes off seeya all before lunch.)


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42 thoughts to “Pressure Cooker into the Day **updated**”

        1. See see See I told you it was a BAD MOVE to get rid of Hisam. If I were Cameron, I’ll put Cirie and Felicia on the block… why would he not, they have been putting his a&& on the block many times…. what reason would Cameron not to do that??? It would be stupid if he nominated America and Cory.

  1. Well they are about to hit the 8am pacific mark. Wonder if this thing has a roof to keep it cool. If it’s a canvas tent it will start getting hot real quick in there and poor snakes lol

  2. Feeds have been blocked for a bit wondering why since blue was last one to drop and still had 4 to go.

    1. They didn’t. Blue was talking about before the competition started and I believe they had to pee where they were.

  3. I want Cam to win HOH.
    Why does everyone seem to not like him?
    He’s been forced into being the easy pawn and that has got to suck for him. Pawns do go home
    sometimes. He’s kinda had a sh!t deal from the get-go. It will be refreshing to have someone else up there that is not Cerie’s Circus.

    1. he was one of the ring leaders of the handful, and honestly thought he was THE leader…that jumped ship the moment someone didn’t agree with him.
      He jumped ship, but the Professors said prove your loyalty.
      he didn’t get a raw deal, he created his raw deal.

    2. I was wondering the same thing. I mean, what is there not to like? I am so over Cerie’s Circus…I have my fingers double crossed that Izzy is nominated for the block this week! ??

    3. Cameron only got a raw deal because he’s a moron. It looked like he was in with the Reilly group plus red on the side. He inexplicably ran to the choascoven (thank you un autre) spilled everything, got Reilly evicted, and now only red trusts him.

  4. I hope he stirs the house up!

    Felicia and Izzy freak out and have such misconstrued feelings about the others. I know it’s paranoia but as much as they flip flop…

    1. I want him to cause those women to start doubting each other, Nothing would make me happier if Izzy finally tells what she knows about Cirie & J’rod.

  5. Yeah! Cam won !! I’m happy for him. I hope he puts up Cerie and Felicia. Maybe backdoor Icky Izzy. Or, how about throwing Jared into the mix? Wouldn’t bother me seeing them all sweat.
    Thanks guys for keeping us all informed !!

  6. At this point I really don’t care who goes home….except Matt, I like his personality. I was only concerned about the creeeeeepy psycho hitting the road and he did last night…yeah! The rest of them are annoying especially Icky, the two mamas, and the lazy floater son. Let’s go Cameron, cause some major chaos.

    1. not everyone, but:
      america: nothing. safety deal with cam.
      meme: dinner for herself + 3 hg
      Jag: sewage body spray
      Blue: $$
      Cory: have not and choose who joins him?
      Red: home theater paramount +
      jared: snakes Cirie: 6 pack Izzy: death metal concert

      bowie/matt unknown

  7. hmm… interesting to see who cam will put up. he’s aware of the professors which may mean he keeps them safe to help red, but i think both he and red realize red is on the bottom of that alliance. really hope he puts up cirie and izzy with the potential thought of backdooring jared.

  8. a nope is HOH.
    (weakly) yay.
    how fast before someone turns on the chaoscoven?
    how long before the chaoscoven turns on someone?
    gotta admit…i fell asleep for about four hours and missed the end of the comp.

  9. Manson’s Perspective from Week 2/3
    Cam thinks he’s in legends25 with Izzy, Fe, Cirie. He thinks Matt is his boy.
    we know his target is Jag, Blue with renom America (as of Monday). He and Red pushed for Jag, Blue noms from all Legends members.
    The take a shot at the Legends members was for after they get rid of Jag.

  10. Major congrats to Cameron.

    Now if only he would nominate that power trio he referenced but he is doing Blue/Jag (the target) most likely which is so dumb. He’ll be out next week now.

    Jag and Blue need to convince him of all of Izzy/Jared/Cirie’s alliances.

    Play up the bond that hopefully formed in the 8+ hours they all were together without Izzy/Cirie/Jared.

  11. Cam and Bowie talk.
    Cam think Felicia has pulled in Jared, and Cirie is a little leery of Jared, but she’s reeling him in too. The two of them really trust Cirie. Cam thinks they are pulling Jared in as a soldier for his army.

    Remember: Cam thinks he and Cirie have an unspoken spiritual bond
    Remember2: Cam didn’t think the Professors would join together, and if they did they’d be too late and to week to stop the Handful
    Remember3: Cameron quit handful the night the group listened to Jag instead of yes daddying Cameron.

    His reads are horrible. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone. He’s usually wrong.

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