“praying for tomorrow to have Kaitlyn in front of me .. I just want to see her face”

POV: Scottie Next POV: July 21st
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: Brett & Winston Have Nots Angela, Sam, Tyler, Brett

Big Brother Spoilers

1:55pm Bayleigh and Rachel
Bayleigh again talking about JC having the power. goes on about JC getting the coup d’etat
Rachel – lets be honest.. there’s girls we vibe with better than others..
R – this alliance will go to a certain point.. at that point.. this is very smart to take right now and run with
Bay – of course.. duh..
Bay – obviously I miss Swaggy but this gives me an opportunity to take a look at whats’ going on
Bay asks if Sam knows about the alliance.
Rachel – yeah Rockstar told her
Rachel – do you have the third power
Bayeligh – no
Rachel – are you sure..
Bayleigh says that Kaitlyn has the third power
Rachel – I could have sworn it was you

Bayleigh says that Sam told Kailtyn she would use her power if Kaitlyn used the power on her.

BAyleigh asks about the vote. “Brett is a threat and he’s coming swinging”
Rachel – Brett is going after guys..

Rachel – I feel the guys are going after the guys …
Bayleigh – do you think he would go after Tyler
Rachel – probably..
Bayleigh says Tyler has a final 2 with same

Rachel – WHAT
Bayleigh – he has a final 2 with Sam, Kaitlyn and a final 3 with Scottie.. he’s protected .. just between you and I girl
Rachel – interesting.. I feel like my relationship with Tyler is basic.

1:58pm JC and RS
Jc – knowing who your enemies are and not knowing who your friends are.. I want to make a big move
RS – I am going to.
JC about Kaitlyn – it’s a little late right now to be lying on top of him (Brett)

They agree Kaitlyn isn’t loyal.

JC – every time this side.. swaggy side fess side.. and stuff.. every time they try to vote someone out it never works
RS – I know
jc – there’s always something blah blah blah.. find out who it is..
RS – I want to
RS – do you think she has a power
JC doesn’t think so.
JC – he is sitting with his legs open.. she’s getting in the middle

2:04pm Kaitlyn and Rockstar
RS – JC doesn’t think we have the votes with all the massaging with BRett and stuff like that..
RS – I’m trying to convince JC to vote Brett out but he’s nervous..
K – we do have the votes
RS – I always think we have the votes but we never do
K – we have the votes.. the only person that scares me is Tyler
RS – right so I’m trying to secure another person but JS is saying Brett keeps giving out massages
K – I’m taking full advantage of it before he leaves
K – that b1tch is going home, I won’t forgive him what he did
RS – i’m just trying to secure a just in case vote.. just in case
RS says JC won’t vote if he thinks BRett will stay
K – Brett’s not staying.. don’t scare me
RS – I’m trying to get a just in case vote.. I’m tired of thinking I have the numbers for anything..
K – you have a number from me.. He’s not f***ing staying under my watch
Kaitlyn says the votes from her, RS, Bayleigh, HAleigh and Fes are locked to vote out Brett. She’ll have a conversation with Tyler later tonight, “Every time I enter a room he leaves… which is concerning”
Kaitlyn tells her to go to JC say they have the majority so he can vote for whoever he wants.

2:07pm KAycee and Sam
Sam – I spend way more time with Brett.
Kaycee says she likes Winston “he’s such a good guy”
They talk that it doesn’t matter who leaves both the guys are a number for them.

2:21pm Kaycee making the moves.. nice


2:24pm Angela and Rachel
They are positive about the girls alliance for at least the next couple weeks.
Rachel says Bayleigh knows that JC has the second power.. and says Kaitlyn has the third ..
Rachel – that’s the information I got upstairs
Angela – that’s amazing (LOL)

Rachel brings up Bayeligh saying that Tyler has final 2 deals with everybody..
Rachel – apparently Tyler has a final 2 deal with Sam, Final 2 with Kaitlyn
Angela laughs says Sam has a final 2 deal with everybody she doesn’t under stand the difference between a final 2 and working together.
Rachel says this all girls alliance is just the other side trying to cover their a$$es because they know they are next on the Choping block. The Vixen will still use this alliance if they can.
Rachel says they are pushing her hard to get rid of Brett..
Angela – it’s funny how no one comes to me..
They talk abotu the powers like JC has one and Sam’s expires this week.

2:50pm Brett and Bayleigh
Brett tells her if he stays he’s the biggest target in teh house so everyone will be concentrating on getting him nominated again
Bay asks him if he’s got a final 3 with the boys. Brett says no, that’s stupid so early in the game. Bay tells him there’s a few final 3 running around the house already. Bayleigh says he’s a manly man nobody would expect him working with her.
Brett says the only guy he really hung out with is Winston that that screwed him.
BRett says if he stays he won’t go into another bromance.. its’ too predictable.

Bay says he still has KAycee, Angela and Rachel, “that’s not going anywhere”
Bay asks him if he’s talked to Tyler.
Brett – no
Bay tells him much of the vote this week hinges on Tyler.
Bay – I’m under the impression he’s voting with her (Kailtyn)

2:50pm Rachel yelling at JC for putting a V@gina hole in the pine wall person

3:02pm Rachel tells Brett she’s keeping him.
She asks him if he’s level 6 to the end. Brett is, “I’m just trying to keep my mouth shut as much as possible”

Brett – I’m sending Rockstar a$$ gladly home the second I get HOH
Brett tells her if he gets the power to pick HOH he’ll pick Rockstar and Kailtyn .
Brett – I don’t mind being a have not.. they can pick me to be a have not
Rachel says Kaitlyn was trying to get her to vote him out again.
Rachel says she heard a rumour that Kaitlyn has the power
BRett- Bullsh1t.. I’m not buying it
Rachel – you want to get rid of Rockstar ..
BRett – I’m on the fence with Fess..
Brett – once Winston is outta here it’ll be just me and Fess.. I like Fess and Shit the problem is he’s 100% loyal to Kailtyn
Brett says he’s putting up a pawn and Rockstar take the pawn down and put up Fes, “whatever makes their side split the most”

Rachel says she told the girls she’s keeping Brett and KAiltyn/Rockstar went on and on but Haleigh didn’t
Rachel – I think Haleigh wants to keep you
Brett – HAleigh wants to keep me but she doesn’t want to upset ROCKwall

Kaycee joins them.. They start talking about who on the other side they can reel in. Rachel suggests Fes.
They laugh if they tell Haleigh Winston doesn’t have the votes and Kaitlyn ends up the only one to vote out Brett.
Brett says it’s nice that the blow up happened now he doesn’t have to be nice to those “F***ERS”
Rachel mentions Kaitlyn saying that after what Brett did to her she couldn’t imagine any girl that votes for him to stay.
Brett – what about what you did to Swaggy

3:37pm JC and Brett
JC jokes about the other side being so Stupid they were so confident week one then they got shook, Week 2 all confident then shook, now they are all confident and about to get shook
Brett – they will sh1t their pants if I stay
JC – oh I know … i’m just praying for tomorrow have like Kaitlyn in front of me so when they say the thing I just want to see her face.. becuase what is coming is crazy.. I just want to see Bayleighs faces..

Brett – I want to see them squirm when I get HOH
Brett – I like Bayleigh that’s the thing
JC says Bayleigh is the one that was very much excited that the bros were going up
JC – she literally hates the 4’s guts they want you all out.. it’s out of the question .. she just wants revenge for SWAGGY
Brett – if Bayleigh wants revenge why not go for Kailtyn..
JC – oh yeah she’s going to vote her out
JC tells him the same people that voted the last few weeks are voting the same way this week, “The Votes are locked” . JC thinks Brett is staying.
JC – I don’t want Kaitlyn in Jury.. that’s a big NO NO.. we have two weeks for that
Brett – if the other side was smart they would want to keep me I’m a big f(**ing target
JC – Fes is nothing but a big guy..
JC brings up KAiltyn 2 days after yelling at him in the kitchen is sitting between his legs with Brett saying he’s got the votes to stay./

3:50pm KAycee and Angela
Kaycee – I don’t trust them (RS, Bayleigh, Kaitlyn, Haleigh)
Angela – not for a second.. They’re trying to save their own asses
Kaycee – yeah because if we win we won’t put them up..
Angela – we would just have to go for the guys first.. good move for us because the girts are not competition for us
Angela – we’ll let Brett and Tyler get rid of the girls
Angela says they could always call them out for having an all girls alliance to drive a wedge between fes/Scottie and the girls
Kaycee – if need be..
Kaycee mentions the girls alliance name “Like meat eaters.. man eaters” (LOL call it meat eaters)
Angela – that’s disgusting
Angela says the way RS came to her was so awkward
Kaycee – we have no bond we have no trust lilke how is that supposed to F*** work
Kaycee says she’s getting the feeling from Haleigh that it’s all super vague if it happens it happens.

4:08pm Fes and BAyleigh
Fes says once they hit Jury “I’m going crazy”
Bayleigh tells him when he wins the HOH next week he doesn’t want all those girls in his ears.
FEs – I told swaggy I’m going to flip this house upside down
Bay – good
Bay – if you win HOH this week I’ll use the power the following week and that will be our..
Fes – you have to use it next week
Bayleigh – don’t tell anyone I have it..
Fes – of course man

4:18pm Kailtyn, RS, Haleigh and JC
Kaitlyn says she’s voting to evict Brett after what he’s done to her.
Kailtyn asks him who he’s voting for.
JC – hopefully I am voting with you guys..

4:22pm fes and Brett
Fes points out the game is too easy for the girls right now.. he points out that Brett is a physical threat and he hasn’t even won a competition.
Fes says all the girls do it maker their rounds..
Fes – it’s not about sending a girl home it’s about putting them on the block..
Fes – they will back stab their best friend.. as long as we’re on the same page with that..

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27 thoughts to ““praying for tomorrow to have Kaitlyn in front of me .. I just want to see her face””

  1. OMG…All Kaitlyn can say is “I’m voting him out for what he did to me” also saying all the girls should vote him out for what he did to her. Sorry Kaitlyn…you do you and the others will do what’s best for them. Time to get over yourself and those voices in your head.

  2. Kaitlyn’s spirit guides have been so quiet about this coming eviction leaving Kait just 1 million % positive that Brett will be evicted. At least they are good at keeping a secret.

    1. LOL exactly! Those girls (Bay, Hay, Kaitlyn & Rockenstien) haven’t been loyal to one another. They don’t seem to understand the genuine friendship that KC, Angela & Rachel have developed. Poor Kaitlyn’s voices have been wrong most of the time.

  3. I can’t remember what Tyler and Bayleigh’s powers are. They always talk about Sam’s power and I know that one but can’t, for the life of me, remember the others. Anyone?

    1. Tyler’s is the cloud if he feels he is in danger he can use his power to save himself from being nominated at one nomination ceremony or veto meeting and is good for 8 weeks (from the time he got it so he can use it for the next 6 weeks)
      Bay has identity theft any time before the final 8 she can nominate two people at any nomination ceremony instead of the hoh

        1. Not completely he can only use it once and he has to use it before the ceremony so it’s only going to benefit him if he knows he is gonna go up if he gets blind sided by someone and they put him on the block he can’t pull himself down

  4. I don’t like how Winston thinks he’s better than Scottie, imo Scottie is the best lo9ing guy in the house. I call him hottie.

  5. Ah…Just like I predicted this alliance wasn’t gonna work . I think in theory it could’ve worked but for some reason All Girl Alliance(s) don’t work out in BB. I can’t recall a girl alliance that worked out ( I could be wrong there could’ve been a season where it did work out . ) All and all it was doomed from the start hopefully the Rachel , Angela, and Kaycee actually do something significant other than reporting to the guys what the other girls are doing or what conservation they had with another person . ( Also I want free to come @ me because his obsession with Angela is unhealthy and she is boring I don’t get how you would root for her but that’s just me .)

    1. Free has picked his favorite houseguest and is loyaly supporting her through thick and thin. I wouldn’t call that unhealthy. You being so concerned with who he supports might be a little unhealthy though. Just saying. I wouldn’t normally reply but I’ve seen you come at him a few times and he has been pretty respectful about other people viewpoints.

      1. I don’t see it as running her mouth. She paid lip service to the girl’s alliance knowing it was doomed. She then told someone she is close with gamewise as a heads up.

  6. ? Ummmmmmm is anybody else noticing that Tyler is on the Kevin Hart game show called TKO that came on right after Big Brother? LOL Somebody better call ?Bobby Mueller, this smells like whole gang a collusion!!!! Or maybe I missed an episode or update where there was some kinda competition where you get to appear on a CBS game show ? that Tyler won? That’s a lil Sus tho ? that CBS had a professional Relationship with Tyler before he entered the BB House ?

    1. He’s on it to try and get people to watch tko he was selected by big brother first but too filmed his episode before B.B. started

  7. geez, that douche donut on fess’s head is probably just a saddle horn for his boyfriend to hang onto. what an ahole. but then any male who has one fits the ahole category nicely.

  8. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow night!

    Haleigh saying, “…Yeah, but don’t tell anybody, okay?”… Famous last words, huh? I’m certain that the first person he will tell is his BFF, Kaitlyn. From there, it’s all over. Literally, spread all over the house. Leaking that info was a bad move. She’ll keep trying to spread the story that JC got the power but, too bad. Cat’s out of the bag now.

    I also want to see people’s faces if (when) Sammy uses her power and both Bros stay. Production has to have been driving her nuts to use it. They report that she has been called to see the Doctor repeatedly today. It will be such a waste for her if she doesn’t use it. Next week when it would go into play automatically there is no control over who benefits from it. Please use it, Sam!

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