POV: | Faysal | Next POV: | ? |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 2nd |
HOH: | Tyler | Next HOH: | July 5th |
Noms: | Sam, Steve | Have Nots | ??? |
9:10pm The live feeds return from the Power Of Veto Competition! Faysal has the Power Of Veto around his neck. (They were being dunked in ice cold water and being shocked & shot with paintball guns while having to do something.)
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In the bedroom – Sam talks about the veto and how it was tough. She says she kept getting shocked. Sam – Oh my god it made me so angry!!

9:18pm In the storage room – Faysal and Kaitlyn celebrate by jumping around the room. She hugs him and says congratulations!! Kaitlyn – this competition sets the tone for the rest of the competitions for the season. Faysal – they’ve never done anything like that before. Haleigh joins them and hugs Faysal. Faysal – now we have options. We can make a deal. JC joins them. JC – you’re my daddy! You’re not going to use it right? Faysal – we’ll talk. I have to hear everyone but I like you. I like everyone but you have to f**k with me if we’re moving. Meaning if I don’t use it… say I don’t use it you’re not going home anyways. But if I do use it, you’re safe. So if I look out for you in that aspect, you’ve got to look out for me. JC – I’m not stupid. There are ones that I like the most and the ones that I like the less.. you know what I mean.

9:30pm Steven shows off the welts he has from the paintball guns.
Kaycee, Angela and Rachel in the lounge room. Kaycee – he already said he’s (Faysal) not going to use it (veto).
9:43pm Lounge room. Angela and JC are talking. JC – The four plus Kaycee and me, that’s six.. we need one more. Tonight Tyler, me and Haleigh are having a small little meeting.
9:53pm HOH room. JC & Faysal. Swaggy C joins them. JC – I am all for having a small group of friends or alliance for in the future to work together and stuff. But right now we don’t know what the big twist is of the summer… making a big move is not beneficial for you. Faysal agrees. JC – if you guys are keeping the noms the same who are we sending home. Swaggy C – its got to be Sam. They talk about how they didn’t like how she was swearing during the Veto comp. Swaggy C – she was saying f you mother f**kers (to production). They agree that people would died to be on the show.
10:30pm – 10:40pm HOH room – Swaggy C, Bayleigh, Faysal, Tyler, Kaitlyn are chatting about the veto competition and how tough it was. Faysal – I still have burn marks from the shocks. Bayleigh brings up how Sam was already packing up her stuff. Kaitlyn – do you think you’ll keep the noms the same? Faysal – I don’t choose who goes on the block. Kaitlyn – you don’t think you’ll put Angela up? Tyler – no, I don’t want her power to f**k me up. Kaitlyn – the power wouldn’t be to disadvantage someone else’s game its to advantage her game. Tyler – I don’t want to talk about it anymore ..I don’t want the veto used. Kaitlyn – are we also just supposed to pretend we’re scared of Angela because we think she has the power? So next week, I’m not supposed to put her up because of what she might do. Bayleigh – I don’t think we should live in fear.
10:35pm – 10:40pm Bedroom – Scottie and Steven. Scottie – the plan was for him to pick me but we got put in a tricky spot because I got picked before that happened. As long as they go first, its a good move because it builds trust. Steven – yes. As long as its us in the end, I don’t give a f**k. I have to get better at comps. Scottie – literally the only reason they would get rid of you is because if they though without you they could get me. Steven – yeah. Is it possible for me to not be good at comps and stay in as long as that time? Scottie – its definitely possible, it happens all the time. Faysal comes by and tells Steven if he gets one sense that he (Steven) is going home he will use the veto.
11:08pm Bedroom. Faysal, Bayleigh, Rockstar, Kaitlyn are chatting about the veto competition. Kaitlyn – I don’t know why I don’t feel safe. Faysal – he isn’t going to put you on the block. Bayleigh – I don’t think you did anything to Winston. Kaitlyn – he just feels threatened because I hear him talk. I walked in hearing him and I was like dude! Be subtle if you’re going to talk game. Faysal – best case scenario if if we can convince Tyler to put up Angela if we pull you (Steven) off but I don’t think he is going to do that. Faysal tells Steven he has 8 votes for sure. We’ve got 8 plus one more .. that’s nine! We will all get to jury. We are all guaranteed jury if we stick together.
11:25pm – 11:55pm HOH room – Kaycee, Tyler and Rachel. Tyler – Faysal agreed not to use it (veto). And if he uses it, you know who’s going up. But they’re getting real skeptical about me. Haleigh said if you’re working with them I will never talk to you again. Rachel – and by them who does she think? Tyler – you, Angela, Brett, Winston. And they think you (Kaycee) just because you’re hanging out with them. Kaycee – they created their group. We were not invited to their group. Rachel – every time I’m in a room with Rockstar she stares at me like I’m an idiot. And I am f**king over it! Angela, Winston and Brett join them. Brett talks about how Faysal came up to him in the bathroom and said if I don’t use this (veto) I’m going to be safe next week. He’s talking about competitions next week that we haven’t even competed in!? Winston – this is a marathon, the problem with these guys is that they’re making too many mistakes. We just need to lay low and slowly they’re going to break apart. Bayleigh joins them and the conversation ends.
12am Big Brother switches the feeds to the BB re-runs…
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They should start this season with a bang. Take same or Steve off and backdoor Winston. That will be a game move. But these houseguests don’t have the balls
Put Winston up. Can’t stand the bro alliance ugh
Tyler is smarter than I thought. Swaggy is annoying af glad Tyler isn’t giving in. I wonder if he’ll still try to get the votes for Steve to go or just let Sam use her power. At least production gave her a 2nd chance after screwing her with this robot thing.
I was just reading back posts Tyler…Shaggy Minions) and Tyler says that he doesn’t know who got the power but that it was a FRENCH WORD. Possible that Sam got it and it is the Coup d’ eta ? I really do hope so. That would certainly have the houseguest’s heads spinning and really change the game. I like both Sam and Steve and want them to stay. Would much rather see Not-Swaggy and/or Bayleigh gone .
I’m pretty sure Tyler was just playing dumb with that. I think it was Swaggy that was explaining to Tyler what a Coup d’ eta was (even though Tyler surely knows, he’s a superfan), and that Swaggy thought that is what the power could be. And then I think Tyler was just bringing that info up to someone (that Swaggy was suggesting this), and pretending like he couldn’t remember the name of the power but that it was a french word.
Can’t stand the bro alliance either.
Too bad its not one of them on the block.
Can someone please tell me who is on the two sides?q
Well, let’s see…
There’s the side Granny doesn’t like because they are over confident egoists: Baggy (Bayleigh and Swaggy) , Fay, Haleigh (she just landed in the wrong spot), and Kaitlyn.
Then there’s the group that gets a thumbs up from me: Tyler, Brett, Kaycee, Winston (not really a fan him though), Angela, and Rachel.
Sam is loyal to Tyler, but she is not really in an alliance.
Steve, Scottie, Rockstar, JC, and Steve think they are in an alliance here or there, but I think others pretty much see them as expendable.
Oh, and Kaycee is on my thumbs up side, too
I know it’s still early but it seems like more people know the game this year unlike in years past where it was a few game players and a lot of model types. Hopefully it will make for a better season and one not so full of sheep.
not popular opinion but for me me Wiston is right and they will fall apart!
I think you are right. Angela is a serious type and Rachael follows her lead. Seems to be a lot of pressure in the house at an early stage this season. yay
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Why do insistent on Angela? Why bout Brent or Winston? Is this just Kaitlyn jealousy? I’d want to get a guy out personally.