Power Of Veto Results! “We lay out a strategic plan till the end”

POV: Scottie Next POV: July 14th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 16th
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: Brett & Winston Have Nots ?

Big Brother Spoilers – Power Of Veto Players Scottie, Brett, Winston, Rachel, Tyler, ROCKSTAR
HOST: Haleigh

Power Of Veto WINNER: Scottie

2:28pm – 4:22pm When the live feeds return – Brett, Winston and Tyler are in the storage room. Brett talks about how he didn’t realize they could keep doing 15 and coming back. I was almost done. I had three left. I was done before, way, way before. I’m an idiot. I don’t know why I didn’t ask that. I think the only way is if he wanted to backdoor someone. They leave the storage room. Brett continues to talk about how he didn’t know he could keep going.

Kitchen – Bayleigh asks Scottie – are you going to take your sister? The one who got you on it? Scottie – I don’t know. Bay – or your new girlfriend? Or you could give it to your parents? It literally said tickets for two Greece. Scottie – I’m not even worrying about that until after.

4:30pm Storage room. Brett and Winston. Winston – I say we go up there in the middle of the night just you and me. We ring the door bell and wake him up and have a meeting just us three. And we lay out a strategic plan till the end and I’m talking to the end with this kid. Its the only way he go for it. And I’m talking somehow, some way over the next few days if he’s decided to use the veto on you. He has no one right now. I have it in my back pocket that he lied to the entire alliance that he voted for me. I will shut up and not spread that if you backdoor Kaitlyn. I’m talking about 3am. That’s the only offer we can make him. I think he might, just might bite. Everyone knows I’m pissed off at him. NO one would expect us to work with him. Scottie joins them. Winston congratulates him. Winston – I’m sorry for blowing up on you. Its a game. It just sucks. Who are you going to take? (To Greece) Scottie – I have no idea. Scottie leaves.

4:38pm Storage room. Brett – it doesn’t make sense to back door Sam. It makes sense to backdoor Kaitlyn. It almost makes sense for you to go alone and for me to not be there. It might be more compelling to hear it from him to hear a final 2 from you. Winston – He’s got no one to go that far with in the game. I don’t care about Fes, he doesn’t know the game. Winston – we’re not going to campaign against each other. We try at 4 or 5 am. Brett – I don’t want to say Kaitlyn because he won’t go for that. Winston – the snake in the grass is Rockstar.

5:20p Kaycee and Scottie..

5:50pm – 6pm Bathroom. JC and Tyler. JC – Rachel just told me that she is voting for Brett. Tyler – to stay. JC – yeah to stay. Sam is voting for Brett. Angela is voting for Brett. That’s three. Tyler – Kaycee might vote how they vote. JC – Four. JC – I think this is the only opportunity we will have to get him out (Brett). Tyler – agrees. JC – He is very liked. If we ever end up on the block with him .. we have no chance. Haleigh – I don’t know how she will vote. Tyler – I think she will vote out Winston. JC – I think we have to vote for Brett. Rachel joins them.

6:15pm Kaycee and Angela. Angela – JC told me that Rockstar was running around saying we need to evict Brett. I asked if that was true and she said no. Kaycee there side is going to want to keep Brett and our side needs to keep. Angela – see I don’t know. Honestly I don’t know. I talked to Brett and Winston last night and I can’t remember what I told them about the app. Kaycee – what app? Angela – Sam’s app.

Lounge room. Kaycee, Rachel and Tyler. Kaycee – do you think he is going to use it or keep it the same? Rachel – I think he is going to keep it the same. Tyler – that was his plan all along. Rachel – I keep thinking its better to keep Brett. He is great at competition and will have a great chance at winning competitions than Winston will. Tyler – but the same thing is its a double edged sword. Rachel – Brett is a fierce competitor. Rachel – right now I feel like there is a target on my back .. with almost winning HOH and almost winning the veto. Like you.. it might be better keeping a competitor in the house. With this whole Scottie thing.. someone from level 6 has to win.

Tyler – He (Brett) makes stronger relationships with people and he does it on purpose. Kaycee – be careful what information you tell him. Rachel – I don’t tell anything to anybody. I am just trying to take one for the team. If I have to make out with him I will. I am serious. If I had to do some manipulation I would.

6:23pm Storage room. Fes and Kaitlyn. Fes – have you talked to Scottie yet? Kaitlyn – for what? There is no plan, he’s keeping the noms the same. Fes – who would you vote for? Kaitlyn – I don’t know. Fes – we can always get Winston out. Kaitlyn – Brett is good for my game. I trust him. I don’t trust Winston. I think I will just vote with the house. Fes – its scary if no one uses a power it will be 3 straight dudes out. Kaitlyn – Sam told me if the veto was used and I went up she would have saved me. Fes – really? Kaitlyn – yeah. I kept her here. I’m the reason she’s here. Fes – you have to let me know if she is going to use it so that I vote.. Kaitlyn – obviously.

6:40pm HOH room. Kaitlyn and Fes. Kaitlyn – I feel like Tyler is much more of a target than you. I hear his name a lot more than your name. Scottie joins them. Scottie – I don’t have a vendetta against either of them. Its that they’re a pair. Fes – who would be more dangerous later in the game? Scottie – Oh Brett for sure. Fes – If Brett didn’t know about the time .. hhe would have killed all of y’all by far. That’s scary! I thought he wouldn’t be athletic and that he was just a big muscular dude. They question if Brett or Winston have a power. Kaitlyn – they don’t, they were asking me. Are you sure you don’t. Fes – they’re kind of being happy go luck but it might be because they want to enjoy their time left.

6:40pm – 6:50pm Bedroom. Bayleigh and Rockstar.
Bayleigh – if Winston gets put on the block for a third week in a row, he is going to be broken. Rockstar – I agree. Bay – and everyone is on board. I just keep waiting for it to be our week to win. Of course I trust everyone. I don’t think anyone has turned on me or anything. I feel blessed. I have a solid group of people that I trust. I just can’t wait for it to be my turn. I am doing things a totally different way. Scottie says that he thinks America thinks we’re cowards. I am excited. I am ready to do big things! Everyone is getting close to each other.. and we need to figure out if our group is going to be solid. I want to know we’ve got each others backs. I want Haleigh to see what is going on and for her to come to her own conclusion. Bay – if you got HOH what would you do? Rockstar – I would put up Winston and Angela and backdoor Tyler. I think Angela would pull herself off. Bay – do you think they would keep Winston over Tyler? Rockstar – Winston is far less threatening. Bay – absolutely. Rockstar – Tyler is liked by everybody. Its really bad for everyone. He has a great social game. He is a physical threat. Bay – don’t say a word to anyone.. But I like that plan. We need to even the playing field.

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35 thoughts to “Power Of Veto Results! “We lay out a strategic plan till the end””

  1. I don’t think the bros are going to be able to talk Scottie into using the veto, but I like their effort. Sure makes for an entertaining week, once again!

    I highly suspect production manipulated the winner of the apps. There is no way that Bayleigh won most trending. And before I gather a bunch of haters writing about racism and Donald Trump (I had no idea he was playing Big Brother? :-)), I shall disclose that I like Bayleigh and I want to see what she does in the coming weeks without SwaggyC. I just can’t see her being “most trending” when her only airtime last week was about her relationship with her BF. Hayleigh as least trending, now that one I can see!

    1. Well I tried to skew my voting for her to be most trending, just for the drama incase Brett or Winston won HOH. That’s why I can see her being most trending.

      It really should be an entertaining week. I agree with you about Scottie not being swayed. I’m just wondering how bad Winston will lose it once he realizes it’s either him or Brett.

    2. She got a lot of TV time and a decent edit last week plus with Chris’s eviction she gets the sympathy votes as well. Most of the voters don’t watch the feeds or check the updates and so they rely on the televised show. I can see her winning it. Although, I have no doubt that production would manipulate any of the challenges if they felt like it.

    3. My friends and I voted for Bayleigh. I felt like she was alone in the house as it was showing most of the alliance was ready to move away to the other side. Just like Sam, I think people felt sorry for her so I can see her winning the app.

    4. Well I believe she did win without the help of production. If you went to other places besides this site, you would know she had plenty of people voting for her. People were voting for her from various accounts as well as past players asking their followers to vote for her.

    5. No I voted for Bayleigh Least trending I voted Winston. What’s left of the cast and the questions I was scratching my head because from the HG to select none of them showed me anything worthy. Funny how Winstons scared tactic didn’t work on Scottie. He still got it

      1. Pretty sure the least trending person is the one with the fewest hits on questions. So selecting someone for any answer moves them up the trending ranks. They don’t care why you’re talking about them as long as you do.

    6. Of course she won. She got the combined votes of her and Swaggy. In addition people who like level 6 split the vote. Bayleigh won by a landslide

    7. I think that Bayleigh won most trending because Janelle and other BB alumni spearheaded a campaign on Twitter to get their followers to get Bayleigh trending so that she can win the Power

    8. Everyone in our group voted for Bayleigh because we all felt like she might need the morale boost after Swaggy got evicted…

    9. I personally voted the maximum times for Bayleigh, and I’m not surprised many others did, too.

    10. Just like last year, after Cody left for the first time , Jessica got a power. I knew Bay would get it when Swaggy left.

    11. According to RHAP’s source, Bayleigh had the second-highest number of votes last week, so she definitely got the most votes this week. She’s one of the few in the house to have a built-in fanbase too (from her beauty queen days).
      It’s also true that the “other side” needed a power or something to keep this season interesting, so I’m glad she got it. Let’s see if she’s smart enough to use it right.

    12. But here’s what you have to understand about voting for a slate of candidates: Winners don’t get absolute majorities and voting blocks are split, which means in an election where candidates get eliminated, the closest ally of the evicted is the beneficiary. People who voted Swaggy for two weeks swing 100% for Bay on sympathy, who also pulls some votes from the rest of her side for the same reason, and it’s enough to win the week.

      If an HG was smart, they’d understand simple voting dynamics and see there’s a really good chance that whoever survives this week is the favorite to get the power. Because the power is double jeopardy for the HG’s (the survivor gets two likely bites at the apple via HOH/App) one would be smart to not let temporary power go to your head, but instead go out of your way to be nice, speak nice, of the nominees to make sure you’re not a target

    13. I am not playing the race card here, but I question Bayleigh was the most trending too! I guess it is what it is. It’s time to even the playing field. And just for the record I don’t like Trump, since you mentioned his name.

  2. ScottieBoiiiiii! Wins HOH & Veto… doing God’s Work 🙂 Now he just has to follow through with this weeks plan and next week Hayleigh/Bayleigh will win HOH and send Angel or Rachel out that door! Super happy for their group!


  3. YEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! Winston is such a bad sport. He thinks he’s entitled to be taken to the end because… He’s Winston? Who knows why. He’s taking it very personally. He is a bad sport. But Brett is definitely the bigger threat. Personally I would want Winston out, but Brett is the smarter game move. I love how unmoved Scottie was by Winston’s threat. Winston actually called Scottie a dork. It’s so Harry High School that’s it’s pathetic.

  4. I just have to say I love this season so far. It’s such a breath of fresh air to not have any return players messing everything up. An all new cast is the way to go from here on out, unless it’s All Stars.

  5. GO SCOTTIE! Take that jerk Winston out. Karma bit him in the ass and no med school can teach you how to treat it. BYE WINSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It’s fine to vote out Winston But….. he wants Brett out NOT Winston.:( did something change I don’t know about?

  6. So I doubt either Bayleigh’s power or the veto gets used this week. Sam’s is a toss up. I don’t think she’ll mess up Scottie’s HoH for Winston and I don’t think Tyler will shed a tear for him either. Brett is a different story. She might. If she doesn’t usee her power this week, it will have to be used next week no matter who is evicted and that fact may push her to save Brett this week. We’ll see what happens Thursday.

  7. This is a tough one. Clearly the more annoying player is Winston and I’d love to see him walk out that door Thursday night. But for that very reason it may be best to keep him over Brett. Game wise Brett needs to go. Winston will always have a target on his back. I think he’ll be useless once Brett is out of the house.

    1. Because Tyler is pretty good at this game. So far. I understand his reasons for the work he did on Kaitlyn but she might be his downfall. I hope not but it’s a good possibility.

  8. You know what is strange about Scottie when he targets the bros as apparent vengeance for Steve… All the Bro’s did was the vote. Tyler put up Sam and Steve, Fez did not use the veto to save Steve, he didn’t use it so he could save Bay. The other ironic part is Sam went around and actually came to people asking for votes as I recall Steve, Scottie, Fez, Rockstar, Bay, and Hay acted like they had it all locked in and really didn’t ask anyone outside their clique, they just assumed votes. Last week the bro’s were OK with Swaggy being backdoored, they didn’t actually do it. That was Kaitlyn plan and Tyler took Scottie off not Winston… Winston was on the block he wasn’t even a vote. Swaggy went home because they got cocky and boom. TBH they really didn’t campaign to save Swaggy either, until last minute (Bays talking to Kaitlyn wasn’t really campaigning because Kaitlyn couldn’t vote.). I watch the feeds and comparatively, I think the Bro’s, Angela, Racheal and Kaysee talked way less s**t than Fez, Swaggy, Bay, Hay, Kaitlyn, and Rockstar… some of that s**t talk was about each other, Scottie and Tyler. Who Scottie thinks is his team. Honestly, his big move is to get out the people who never till this week talked about getting him out so that the people who did talk about getting him out and were responsible for Steves eviction could be safe. Yeah, it has been great to see Scottie’s balls and have all the power… but it is also strange to see how clueless and duped he is.

  9. JC’s brain & mouth have got to be tired! He has not taken a breather from playing the game since he got their! He’s wearing me out! Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk! Geesh! Sit down & give it a rest just for a moment! Pace yourself! For the love of Pete!??????Lmbo!!!

  10. Omg…watching BBAD right now…I can NOT stand the sight of JC and I can’t stand to hear him talking about the other players in a negative way…”Fessy has rocks in his head…he does what I tell him”…makes me want to literally put a hot curling iron against his mouth!

    1. Funny, a few days ago, fessie boy told someone that JC trusts him and only listens to him. JC/fessie both have rocks in their heads apparently..LOL

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