Power Of Veto Results! “That’s so much frigging money! A lot of money!!”

POV Holder: Kevin Next POV May 1st
POV Used ? POV Ceremony May 3rd
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH May 6th
Nominations: Bobby and Brittnee
Have Nots Zach, Bobby, Willow (Season slop pass)
POV Players Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili

** The 2 round HOH twist that was leaked last week is once again back up for this week (Week 7). **

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3pm – 11:10pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition to take place. AFTER just over an 8 hour competition in which Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili all competed in, KEVIN WON. He also won $10,000 to the BRICK! Guessing from how long the feeds have been down it is likely this was either an endurance POV or a competition where one player competed at a time.

When the live feeds return – Kevin and Pili are in the HOH bathroom – Pili tells Kevin I am so frigging stoked for you!! Pili wonders if she has to put the lobster costume back on? Kevin tells her no, your 24 hours is over. Pili leaves the HOH room. Kevin is alone in the shower drinking a beer and says “that’s so much money!! So much money OH MY GOD!! A lot of money!” Pili joins him again and says that he feels bad for Ashleigh. (Asleigh was second place.) Pili says you can’t feel bad .. you won! Pili joins him in the shower. Pilar wonders if her family will be disappointed in her because she couldn’t finish the competition. Kevin says no they wouldn’t be disappointed just like my family wouldn’t be disappointed if I hadn’t finished. Pili tells Kevin you just won $10,000! We have to go shopping at the Brick!

In the bedroom – Zach and Bruno are talking about random things like jobs and working your way up the ladder.

11:25pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

11:52pm The feeds return. Most of the house guests are in the kitchen cooking food and chatting. Pili is talking about quitting the competition.

12am – 12:10am In the bathroom – Bobby questions Ashleigh where the missing condom is .. “It was Zach’s birthday on Wednesday… he got a nice football cake did he get something else..” Ashleigh says no. Bobby says he’s just joking. Ash leaves. Bruno joins Bobby. Bruno asks so its Godfrey? Bobby says yeah he’s GONE-FREY! Bobby says he knows that Godfrey is good for their game but they would piss off two sides of the house if they kept him. Godfrey joins them. Godfrey tells Bobby I think you’re good he’s going to take you off for sure. Bruno asks Godfrey do you think you’re good? Godfrey says I don’t know. If he keeps his word it’ll be Sarah going up. They agree they need to take to Kevin before the veto ceremony.

12:20am – 12:50am In the bathroom – Sarah and Willow are getting ready for bed. Sarah notices she left her toothbrush out and says oh no… it might have been tampered with. Willow says they wouldn’t allow that. Brittnee joins them and asks do you still think they want to get God out? Sarah says thats what they said the other night. Zach said Kevin isn’t going to want to make a big move. Britt says at least you don’t have to worry.. you lose comps and don’t get put up and I lose and get put up. Sarah says honestly its what I would do. Sarah says someone is lying to us or Kevin is really that chicken sh*t … if you thought someone actually had a secret veto wouldn’t you want to get them out? Brittnee says it doesn’t make sense. They either have a 7 person alliance and you’re going up next to me or it just doesn’t make sense. Brittnee asks do you think I should push the idea of getting it out of Bobby? Sarah says yeah. If you’re thinking of taking him down when he has a secret veto .. let him take himself down. Sarah says you can say to Bruno I thought we were trying to make it not look like we were working together. So why would I not say that to Kevin to make it look like we aren’t working together. Brittnee and Sarah head to bed and continue to talk. Pilar joins them and tells Brittnee to not worry. Just keep fighting its only going to get harder and harder. After Pilar leaves and Sarah says that was the fakest conversation.

Sarah says if they put me up I will f**king snap on these people!! Brittnee says if they put you up I will go off on them. Sarah says she basically said when I vote you out don’t be upset. Brittnee this is the longest Ash has left you alone. Sarah wonders if Zach put her up to it. Sarah says he (Zach) is a snake. You can see it in the way he talks to you. Britt says he’s rude.

1am In the bedroom – Willow is talking to Sarah & Britt. Sarah says everyone is acting really weird. Britt says God is acting so comfortable. Sarah says I’m going up. These people are idiots. I don’t know why Zach would come right out and say you guys are good. That’s him basically admitting the couples alliance. Sarah says if I’m a bigger threat than someone is jacked and saying he’s coming after the couples. I just hope I’m not getting played. Willow says I would tell you. Sarah says unless they just want redemption. Britt says for Jordan? Sarah says yeah. Britt says if Godfrey doesn’t go up tomorrow I would be like what kind of f**king horse shoe do you have up your butt for them not to put you up after how many times you’ve said you’re coming after them. Sarah says basically Pili just said that I’m going to vote you out and you have to like me. I wonder if she says that to Kevin, Zach and Ashleigh.

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1:30pm Sarah and Willow head out to the hot tub room. Willow says you get so worked up .. just breathe please! Sarah says I just don’t have anyone. Willow says I am picking King Kong over Missy Elliot or whatever I’m going to call her. Bobby joins them. WIllow says they told me they’re taking you down and putting up Godfrey. Bobby says if Godfrey goes up you have the numbers to keep Britt. Bobby says any time anyone mentions your name I am coming to you. Sarah says yeah the same. Sarah says I should have won that one. Willow comments that she’s not winning anything either. Willow says are we Adel, Paul and Kyle right now?! Bobby says we need to win the next HOH. If we squeak by with God going home!!

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2:20am All the house guests are trying to sleep ..big brother hasn’t turned off the lights..

2:35am Big Brother turns off the lights…



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73 thoughts to “Power Of Veto Results! “That’s so much frigging money! A lot of money!!””

  1. Shoot! I was hoping someone else would win the pov. Here’s to hoping Kevin actually does something “sexy” with it . . . . . . . . Lol!

  2. Boooring when the same side keeps winning hoh and pov each week.
    The NON Diapers suck they can’t win any comps.

    1. Non diapers can’t win nothing because they are too slow, I am loving Kev in the game right now but if he puts bruno up i am gonna gain even more respect for him. #Diapers hopefully win next week then kev and zach go all the way then kevin blinds him takes him out ha. Sara and Bruno are all talk and no action

      1. Live feeders are only 10% of he audience.
        BB announced they don’t give a flying f#ck about live feeders
        Therefore I am limiting my participation by 90%
        Also because this cast is a bunch of p#$$ies
        $100 says woosy clueless Kevin won’t even make a good move with his vito/hoh

      2. My friend worked on production for BB in Europe and she told me that when they started they were allowed to film the houseguests 24 hours a day but then some regulations were created and production had to turn the feeds off for 4 hours a day. She told me that she thinks Canada has similar rules, which explains the feeds being down all the time.

        1. I saw BB Germany from Season 1 (year 2000) onwards:
          1st season: 24/7 feeds. When something happened they didn’t want the audience to see, they’d just switch to another room (instead of blocking the feeds altogether!!). There almost never was anything they didn’t want people to see, since there were no HOH or POV comps to “keep secret”.
          2nd season: they introduced 1 hour per day of no feeds, because of a court ruling that “those HGs had the right to some privacy”. 😉

  3. Wouldn’t it be funny if Kevin didn’t use the veto & just expected Bobby to get up & veto himself after he puts his veto in his box (to re-nom sarah or godfrey) but than bobby rly doesn’t have one & the noms stay the same? l0l0l0l.

    but for real : Hopefully Kevin is smart & veto’s Britnee & puts Bruno up on the block. If he takes Bobby down & puts Sarah up, i quit this season.

  4. Not shocked….. At all. It is hard to root for the other side when they are not winning the competitons.

    I do not remember a season where there has been so many HOHs who win the Veto that week as well.

    Ashleigh is the Queen of Second place when it comes to competitions.

  5. I think bruno could be doomed because if they replace britt with bruno then bobby cannot save him if still on the block. They would be smart to attack bobby and bruno but if they put God it will dumb for kevin. Willow game has got screwed if the nom is the same because it would show her true colors but sarah cannot campaign for God to go up because it would be fishy. I hope kevin leave noms the same

  6. Kevin, should have let Ashleigh win! Why????

    Because going into the triple eviction the fact he just won $10k of Brick product coupled with once again showcasing how he can beast competitions squarely put the light back on him as a target.

    If he had let Ash win then he might have been able to slide back into a bit of obscurity but now if the Diapers don’t win HOH (though the way the season’s gone Zach will probably win ARGH) he’ll end up on the block beside Zach along with Pilee or Ash.

  7. Goof forKevin if he’s gonna take down Brittany and put up a real player!

    I’m sorry i just don’t understand the eviction rules for this week, So Kevin is not going to nominate a third player or anything, correct? There is going to be anothr HOH sometime this week where 3 people will go up and one will go home?

    1. I think there are 2 HOHs this week: the first one is a ‘regular’ one and the second one will nominate 3 people for eviction.Then there will be another POV and , if the POV is not played, the 3 nominees nominated in the first place remain on the block.If the POV is played, one nominee is replaced.People will vote for who they want to evict and the nominee with the least votes to be evicted is safe and the other 2 are eliminated.Therefore there will be 3 people eliminated in one single week.But i might be wrong…

      1. I think you are partially right up to the voting:

        After eviction there will be 9 players remaining. One will be HOH and 3 will be noms, leaving just 5 people voting so I think the voters will have to select 2 of the 3 noms to evict each.

        1. I still have the feeling they will be asked to vote for which one of the three they would like to save rather than being asked which two of the three they would like to evict. easier to keep track of.

  8. Take a close look at Bobby and Bruno’s faces lying on the bed talking to Zach… They are BOTH SUPER STRESSED OUT. Bobby looks like he’s going to cry and Bruno is speaking about stuff but you can see his mind spinning on other things. Tell me even the oblivious Zach can’t miss these obvious signals of worry from the boys!

  9. It’s funny to watch how the guys are freaking out as they don’t know what Kevin is gonna do with his veto

  10. Thank-you Simon & Dawg for your hard (and likely painful) work on this site! Makes yet another achingly predictable season of BB easier. I don’t watch anything but the evictions. And skipped the last one due to your great Intel. You guys rock! If it weren’t for Sindy with an S this season would be a complete and total yawnfest. Now that she’s gone…well…yawn.

    1. Thank you! And hopefully with the triple eviction it will shake the house up and change some of the dynamics.. we need it to be a lot less predictable ..

  11. I cannot express how much disgust there is when Kevin and Pilar are showering together. Don’t want another Jillian and Emmett season again (had 1, don’t need another one) #idontshipthem.

  12. I see Kevin doing something completely crazy… taking off Brit and nominating Bruno. Now that would be Sexy

  13. Why kevin would use the veto on bobby? wasn’t the whole plan to put bobby up is to flushed down his veto lies? or do they already know about it or they’re just a coward idiot

  14. Caterpillar: you just won 10k! We have to go shopping at the brick
    Kevywevy in his head : ….. Yeah… Ofc… “We” ????

  15. I don’t know if the houseguests are already talking about Kevin being a competition beast. He’s had the most wins so far (2 HOHs, 2 POVs) and made himself a bigger target than Zach. I hope he’ll just keep the nominations the same, dunno if backdooring Bruno or Godfrey right now is good game move.

  16. POV is over and here comes the whining and complaining from Sarah and Brittnee. Also, she’s ready to throw her alliance members under the bus. I am actually surprised she waited this long.

    She’s getting fed scripts in DR, being given special treatment by BB production, and all she does is complain and whine and how things are so unfair for her. A lot of competitions have been geared towards her but she’s a complete competition DUD. She just complains and whines about other houseguests but the sheep who watch the tv show are in love with her…

  17. I hated season 1. Jillian and emitte won the last half if the comps back to back. Don’t think pilli has it in her. Nobody seems to know what Kevin is doing. He is throwing all his eggs in the diaper alliance and doesn’t seem to making relationships with the other side. Bad move. Please bb gods let the diapers lose next week!!!

  18. Brittney and Sarah are so catty. I get that they’ve been stomped on (though they have never been targets) but its their own fault so it comes off as petty and annoying. I don’t believe anybody would like Sarah if she wasn’t opposite a ridiculously strong alliance.

  19. I’m reading on twitter that Willow called Godfrey King Kong and Britt Missy Elliott.
    Is this true??.

  20. i should swim to B.C from my home state of Washington to tell Jordan what kind of a moron he is and look at what you done. LOL

  21. Yuck, 10K to Kevin, this season and cast is seriously the worst ever. There’s not one person you can truly root for. This cast is a big FLOP SHOP . Evict everyone now. Its a sinking ship.

  22. Damn I kinda wish Kevin would’ve let Ashleigh win. The target that he already had on his back probably got a lot bigger. And instead of Zach being enemy#1 I could see it being him now. But then again, I kinda understand that maybe he thinks that if he doesn’t win the game he would at least win some money. I know for me personally it would be very difficult to just give away 10k.

    As for if he will use the veto, I honestly don’t know. Yea he has an alliance but he seems to have a mind of his own and be able to make his own decisions. If he took off Brittnee, and put up Bruno I think it would be 4-3 with Bruno leaving. If he put up Godfrey it would probably be a unanimous.

    I don’t want him to put up either, since I would rather Bobby leave but Bruno and Godfrey are better players then Bobby.

    But I think its pretty much guaranteed that if the Diapers (still such a dumb name) don’t win the next HOH that they will be taking seats in jury.

  23. a number game twice. a poker player that works with numbers,…..mmmmmm. BB wants Kevin to stay longer?? How about a puzzle, balancing, or both for the next comp ? I like to see Britt, Sarah, Bobby or Willow to win to see how good they are with determining who they put up & what the house will do. Ash will have to stay for the cameraman though….right ?

  24. There is something fishy why would bobby on the block and take him down with the veto. Knowing well that bobby could backstabbing him. Very strange I having feeling nominations stay and see if bobby veto is real if not bobby is gone maybe

  25. i’m sick and tired of Sarah’s routine freak out every pov …I just want to Scream and shout “SARAH they don’t consider you a threat…because fortunately or unfortunately you cannot seem to win a competition”….plus you convinced the house that your weak …you literally went to every single HG and said ” i suck @ comps, am weak”. Sarah you have succeeded in convincing the HG and Canada ..so please relax!!….Sarah your not going to be put up anytime soon or ever.. production may paint you as a some mastermind ….but the houseguest and myself see you for what you are A GLORIFIED FLOATER.
    i know this will piss off a lot of people but frankly my dears i dont give a Damn!

    1. don’t worry, there are also a lot of people who think you’re 100% on point with that comment! 😉

  26. Tonight was a microcosm of the game to date.

    *Kev wins POV followed by ZERO discussion on what he’d do with it, instead he showers with Pilee
    *Bobby/Bruno chat with Zach with major fear written all over their faces (Zach doesn’t notice!)
    *BB talked about who to throw under the bus intermittently switching between God & SBW,
    *Britt threw out sarcastic comments at Pilee that went right over her head while Pilee laughed in Britt’s face & told her to enjoy the block (insert eye roll)
    *Sarah picked up on Bruno/God panic which sent her reeling a bit
    *Willow calmed her down which led to SW plotting next steps

    And best of all Bobby, Zach and Willow ended the night in the Have Not room laughing at how many people are left with Bobby saying yeah right there won’t be a double ha ha ha.. it’s about as likely as a triple eviction ha ha ha! LMAO and SMH

  27. Please Kevin put Bruno up against Bobby, that would be fun to watch. If he is not going against Zach at least make a big move to shake the other side of the house and of course it will make good tv lol

  28. Financial Winnings to date:

    Kevin $1k for popping the balloon + $10k in Brick merchandise for POV today
    Godfrey $5k for last weeks POV
    Zach $5k (?) for T-shirt challenge
    Did Bruno also win $5k for the laundry HOH?

    ….. Britt $48.00 for some other challenge
    Boys are cleaning up on the money rewards

  29. All season I have wondered why the HOH has to shortlist their nominees to 4 and then secure 2 nominees for the block from this. Is it set up this way for the upcoming week? And how would it come into play and be utilized for this triple nominee HOH? Possible pre-selected replacement nominee should 1 of the 3 win POV?

  30. How are Sarah and Willow talking about how they’ll put up Pilar when they’re HOH to spite her for hurting Brittney’s feelings (When it seems Pilar was just going about the wrong way in comforting her) and cobbling together some snide remarks they’ll make to avenge poor Britt when they only JUST blew it in yet another competition – and Sarah has no real allegiance to Brittney, she said it herself (though I don’t blame her for that, Brittney’s useless). Please tell me why Sarah has fans… disloyal, disingenuous, messy, all around annoying human being.

  31. Pilar ..I am pretty sure they CHOSE HER to make sure no one from the east coast would win this year. I cannot see any other reason why she would be picked, over the hundreds of others that would have tried out, in the east coast.

  32. and i thought Ashleigh was the catty girl this season
    but Sarah, willow, and brittnee are so alone and missing men
    that they always bash the couples for no apparent reason
    does Sarah REALLY think that pili has the brain to “act nice” for a freaking jury vote?
    no, ofc she doesnf

  33. Anyone – do you know of a comp Sarah or Willow could win i can’t think of one, they suck so bad at comps.

  34. Fastest person to roll a joint..Sarah
    Bong set up…Sarah
    Quickest to bring on the tears..Willow
    Whining..both Willow and Sarah
    but to be serious…Geography..Willow or Sarah ..the other house guests seem clueless about any part of Canada other than where they live except for pilar well she still doesn’t even know she is in the big brother house.

    1. Pili thought Nova Scotia was closer to Calgary than Saskatchewan… AND…. this was after the road trip!
      Guess she didn’t notice that was a Map on the big screen.

  35. I really need to apply to BB next time, these people are way too “house way” and “its what the house wants” Man, if I threw a comp I would just self evict. 110% or go home kids.

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