Power Of Veto Results! “Jess exposed herself as a competition beast!”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Jess
Have note are:
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson
Power of Veto Players are – Jessica, Jack, Jackson, Kat, Nick, Tommy (Nicole – Host)
Power of Veto holder – Jessica
Power of Veto Ceremony –
Powers in the game *** LINK ***

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1:24pm – 4:30pm The live feeds were blocked for the Power Of Veto Competition.

Power Of Veto WINNER: Jess
Kat gots a Hawaii vacation
Nick got 5 grand
Tommy got a punishment.
Jack & Jackson got a 24 hour alien punishment (Area 21)?

The live feeds return with all the house guests in the kitchen. Jessica won the veto. Everyone is congratulating her. Cliff congratulates Kat on winning a Hawaii vacation. Holly to Jess – you done good with your boss B***h energy!

Tommy to Sis – This is the best case scenario! Sis – literally .. like what more could you ask for? Tommy – I didn’t have to be in a position where I had to choose. Jack will not be going home. We get to be punished for what we did. It is literally perfect! Sis – I know! Tommy – we made it up to Kat by giving her that f**King thing (Hawaii vacation). Literally perfect! Sis – I was sh*tting bricks! And I was feeling bad for Nick ..I didn’t know what he would have.. Tommy – he would have had to take the veto if she hadn’t because he was a possibility to go up. Sis – this is best case scenario! Tommy – Also Nick has been struggling in the house so now he gets 5 grand. Best case scenario!! And I am so happy I got a punishment so now I can beg for what I did. Jess wins the veto and she gets to keep her noms the same. Sis – I just feel bad for Holly now. Tommy – we have her, she will be good. Jack joins them. Sis – great job. Tommy – you’re not going home. Jack – yeah Jackson didn’t win. And Jess exposed herself as a competition beast this week with a clean sweep. Tommy – best case scenario! Jack – do you think he has anything up his sleeve? Tommy – no, I won’t let him. Jack – you’re going to have a punishment like pin-wheel one with a dress. Tommy – I don’t care punish me .. make me sit in a room .. as long as it makes it up to Kat and the house. I still don’t regret it. Jack – Alien.. 24 hours .. he is going to be pissed!!

4:46pm Storage room. Cliff, Nicole and Jess celebrate the win. Jess – the gods love me I swear! Cliff – but now .. Nick and Kat.. I worry about both of them. Kat we’ve got to just say you’re hanging us all out to dry if you change what we’ve done. Jess – Kat, why Kat?! We just need four and I’m the tie breaker. Wait why wouldn’t Kat vote with us.. she IS with us. Cliff – I think so but they’re all going to be sitting in there with her. They’ll all be in her ear like Jackson has treated you so horribly how could you not. They’ll be saying you’re betraying your womanhood if you don’t do this. I just know what kind of pressure they’re going to put on her. We’ll talk about it. You guys just keep an eye on Kat and I’ll keep an eye on Nick.

Nick is feeling nauseous after the comp.

5:25pm Jackson and Holly are making out in the camp comeback room. Kat joins them. Holly – Tommy was already like I’m good with Kat now because he didn’t take your Hawaii trip. Kat – you’re about to evict me but you give me a Hawaii trip that I could.. Kat hears something and checks the door. Kat – I don’t want it to sound like I’m not grateful because I am. Kat – you’re fine. By the way I lied to you .. I do watch the show. Jackson – I would love it if you could explain to Jess .. hey Jackson and I did talk in depth about Holly but I never told him that we knew each other. Because she thinks that.. so half the house thinks that Jack just found out about this info on day 44 and not that I told him in week 1. I need you to help me out. Jackson and I talked for hours about careers and stuff and he very well might have told Jack that… which I did. It would validate and verify my story because its the truth. They were saying why they wanted to flip was because it was the first time they heard it when in reality they heard it week 1. Kat – this is what pisses me off.. during the stage coach .. Christie would have already know. I had a conversation with Tommy .. and said that Jackson and I had a good talk. Tommy said that is what made him believe it since we fight so much. Bottom line just had reason to put you up but she does not want you out. Holly – Christie is up Jess’s a$$ right now. Jackson – so fake! Kat – they’re also going after Cliff too. The thing that Tommy keeps harping on ..they’re going to try and flip this back on me. You said that four sources told you stuff about Christie. They said it was Cliff..me, Jess and then you back tracked. Nick, Sam, Cliff… but don’t say me. Don’t you dare. Holly – can you say Bella? Jackson – I don’t have a story to with that. Kat – say my story but use Bella’s name. In the big brother house people take one little thing and run. Kat – we might fight but its all personal. Jack has been affecting my game and he tried to have me evicted. There is no way you will get evicted. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jackson – Tommy, Sis, Christie .. they are now the minority. I’m coming after them .. and I am coming after them guns f**king blazing! Kat – Tommy is on my sh*t list! Does he think that he can give me a Hawaii and that makes things all better. I could go to Hawaii.. Jackson – at the drop of a hat. Kat – he would have gotten it taken from him. Holly – he was third out .. he would have had that taken from him. Kat – even last night Jess said that she didn’t know if she made the right decision by putting you up. Jackson – she did and I respect it. Tell her that I want to talk to her whenever she would like. I will be in my office. Kat – you have me, Nicole, Cliff, Holly .. that’s four.. Holly – we need to secure it just in case Cliff makes a deal with the devil. I don’t think he would. Jackson – send them to me because I don’t want it to be obvious.

6pm – 6:13pm HOH room. Jess, Kat and Christie. Kat is fake crying. Kat – I feel really uncomfortable. I can’t get straight answers out of people. I have some people telling me one thing and other people telling and like I know what happened. I literally just want to move on from it and it went not how I expected it to go. It really just made me f**king paranoid. And I hate feeling this way and I am just really confused. I wish it never happened. I am sorry. Christie – no don’t be sorry. You know how you solve that problem .. you get people that are telling you different things and put them in the same room. Kat – I know, I know. I literally don’t even care .. I just want to cut it and forget it.

6:27pm Camp Comeback room. Jack and Jackson.
Jackson – I don’t know what you’re wanting to do or where you’re at.. Nick – I know .. I just want you to just wait and not do anything stupid. Jackson – I am staying up here and will let the chips fall where they may. I am not going to campaign against Jack. I am not going to throw anyone under the bus. There was a very locked in plan to have you win the HOH. Nick – I know and then get backdoored. Get put up next week and then go home. Jackson – use you and then toss you. Nick – Holly told me. I know Christie wanted me. I know that she was one of them. Jackson – I am not going to say names. You know where I stand and where I would go after this. Nick – I thought you were going to win this comp. What is Holly doing with her vote this week? Jackson – I am not going to ask her .. I think she would probably vote to keep me. I am not going to speak for her. Nick – I would just say continue to lay low and don’t give up. Nick leaves.

6:40pm Cliff tells Holly that Kat came out of the havenot room crying and then asked why would he say that? Holly – I don’t know. I was in there and it was nothing bad. I don’t know what she’s talking about but it worries me who she’s in there with.. Christie was making stuff up about me yesterday. Cliff – we have to get Kat reeled in. Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with.. maybe she was just rehashing. We have to get Nick. Holly – I am going to have to act like Jackson is going .. which he still might. He does not deserve to leave this week. He can leave later and I will be sad. Cliff – now that Jess won the HOH and the veto ..they (Christie) can’t use the power. Holly – I just want to have a calm week. Cliff – I feel better that you were in there. I thought he had said something really mean to her.

Christie – hopefully this is a unanimous vote that that you don’t have to break a tie because that would suck. Christie – they were both given a chance to play in the veto today and they both choked.. so now its up to the house. Jess – I really didn’t want to have to make another pick.. b***h does not want to win another HOH. Christie – its so good that you have both.. you’re in full control.

7pm Outside the HOH room. Jackson – Jack was saying that he is going to have to talk to you now because he’s going to need your vote. Cliff – I’ll probably just going to tell him Jack, I am pissed at you that you threw me under the bus. Jackson – my target is Christie. Cliff – and mine is Jack. Play it cool though this week. We will not let on that we’re planning to vote out Jack. We have Holly, me, Nicole, Kat and or Nick. Here is the reality .. if you go home on this week .. I will probably go home on the next. If they call me in I am going to act like I am pissed at you. Jackson – where I am going these next few weeks is Christie, Tommy, Sis.

7:15pm Bedroom. Nick, Tommy, Jack and Christie.
Nick – what’s wrong? Christie – I’m in a bad mood. Nick – what just happened? Christie – I’m in a bad mood and its just because of my own selfish things that’s all. Nick – what does that mean? It doesn’t have to do with Kat? Christie – no it does have to do with Kat. It was a series of a couple things. Cliff is a snake. I walked out of the HOH room and he was nestled in the corner with Michie and then they just split in two opposite ways when I walked out. And Kat was in the havenot room for a while and when she came out everyone was like where were you, where were you? And somebody said you’re a bad liar. And she didn’t say names she said that she owes it to everybody to hear everyone’s side and she doesn’t want to be questioned. Which I get, I also asked her where were you so she was probably pissed at me too. Its not even a big thing. I’m just salty. This is a no brainer and she is making it seem like it is a big brainer. Tommy – we just f**king gave her a trip to Hawaii!! How are you going to give a speech like that and then keep him? There is no way she is going to keep him. We just have to be so delicate. Tommy – Michie is the only reason why you did this. Christie – the person she is considering keeping is the person that said that they knew each other (Kat and Holly).

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148 thoughts to “Power Of Veto Results! “Jess exposed herself as a competition beast!””

        1. Thank god they only need Nick OR Kat and not both.

          I really can’t wait to see the reactions when it dawns on Christie, Tommy, Sis, and Jack that they’re finally not getting their way this week. I speak to The Universe and it’s telling me Christie will go apeshit.

    1. Tommy and Sis thinking “this is the best case scenario”..lol!

      Simon..keep that Bro Shrine handy so Jacka$$ will go home!

      1. jess would be dumb to draw further blood

        if there was a jack win, one of sis or tommie were going up as renom and perhaps going home

        now they are seemingly both safe, so in that sense for their own safety it was best case scenario

        1. Don’t necessarily agree with your first part….time will tell. But your second part is right. The way Tommy and Sis think…it’s all about themselves…so for them…this was in fact the best case scenario.

          1. obviously its better you are safe…alliance members come and go…theres only one winner in the end

    2. Yeah but this season unfortunately still sucks major ass and ruined the big brother summer because this cast BLOWS!!! ?????

      1. Why exactly are you still watching and following along? Keep your negitive attitude to yourself if you dont like it. Jessica winning this HOH and veto is the most excitment since Cliff one, than blew it at the veto ceremony

        1. uh ok bob guess we should run our posts by you first you know make sure they’re not too negative for your liking i mean we wouldn’t want to offend a sensitive snowflake like you bob

          1. Lol.. posting a comment about a summer tv show has nothing to do with free speech. It sounds like you are the melting snowflake. Lol

    3. but if the other side wins next hoh she goes back to being mediocre

      if josh can win a season she can too, but id rather that not happen

      being out of the loop for the first 44 days i think makes someone unworthy of the $500k

      1. True, but it’s whoever lasts the longest. Scavengers feed off the carcasses off the predators and prey…scavengers are floaters in the game of life, they also make it to the end of Big Borther but staying quiet for the first half.

        The new BB game plays out in uneven quarters:
        1. Survive first evI toon
        2. Make it to jury
        3. Make it to final 3
        4. Get in top 2

      2. The only thing that made it amazing that Josh won his season is that Paul’s puppet beat his a#* – if it’s not Kat or Cliff in the final 2, any of the Six getting beat by Jess would equally be poetic justice

        1. i prefer to see someone win who played the better overall game over the course of the season

          but the jury system is flawed…likability is too much a factor in determining the winner

          too often the least deserving of a final 2 is gifted the win

          1. So you want best overall gameplay to win but you want Kat to vote personal and take out Jackson because you think it will make it more balanced. If it does in fact give one side the big edge you claim it does and Kat is on that side isn’t the best gameplay overall to keep jackson and vote out Jack? Very hypocritical. You just want to complain about the the season.

            1. i dont think jackson going would make it more balanced…i know it would

              you cant get more balanced than 5 on 5

              1. My point is if you respect good gameplay isn’t kat evicting Jack the better gameplay as it gives her side a distinct advantage in the game

              2. I think the point is the best gameplay for Kat is “unbalanced,” not “balanced.” So in this context, asking for both is incongruent.

          2. I think likability is a vital and important factor. It forces players to strike a balance between honor and dishonor — true coopertition. Without it, BB would be a bloodbath. Those that some say were deserving but denied (e.g., Paul) simply didn’t play an honorable enough game (e.g., he pissed too many people off).

    4. Tiny Tommy saying he won’t let Jackson “have anything up his sleeve”…GOD get him out next, up beside Crusty!

      1. Agree! Tommy and Christie are the most annoying fake ass ppl. I pray its Christie or Tommy sitting as the 3rd person this week, and give Mich safety incase Christie talks her into voting the other way

        1. I am splitting my vote betwen Tommy and Christie up until the vote and once I know who gets evicted, the left over Jack will get my vote from that point until the 11th. That will almost even out for the 3.

    5. Glad you are enjoying it Simon, this has been the most boring, dull, lackluster generic yawn inducing season of BB ever! Everyone is so uninteresting and even with Jess’s power win, my usual gang of BB watchers aren’t even interested. There is no pulse this season. Everyone can keep fooling themselves and say this is a rad season, but let’s get real, it’s a snoozer!

  1. so noms will stay the same
    no power will be used
    it all comes down to kats vote
    does she side with hollie to keep her pre game alliance member jackson who has cuckolded/humiliated her all season
    or does she side with christie to vote out jackson
    if kat votes out jack, someone she doesnt want there jackson stays, and kat loses christie/tommie/nick/sis(she can no longer play both sides)
    does kat vote out jackson so its 5-3 and pin it on someone else like nick

    last week christie kept kat as she thinks kat will sleep with her in vegas
    this week christie thinks kat will vote out jackson, because christie thinks kat will sleep with her in vegas
    christies blind trust of kat for no particular game reason is pretty dumb…im not even sure that kat is bisexual so its very odd to me

    christie and hollie in a battle to see who can be leader of the kat/jess/nicole/cliff group whilst staying majorly fake to their initial group

    if jack goes will nick take his chance with sis haha

    if the minority dont win the next few hohs its gonna be a predictable steamroll…i hope to see a few hoh wins for nick/sis/tommie for better unpredictable entertainment to create an even balance of the sides rather than it being majorly lopsided

    1. I’m not sure how you get the 5-3 vote

      To evict Jack: Nicole, Cliff, Kat, Holly (4)
      To evict Jackson: Christie, Tommy, Sis (3)

      Nick I think will go with the top group and make it 5-3 to take out Jack b/c even if he voted for Jack then Jess would send him packing anyway. And — all he has to do is say look I knew Jess was voting that way & you guys have done the house vote as well so I’m not making myself a target again just for no reason.

      Plus – we all know with Jack gone Sis will want to work with him/Tommy because unless Christie/Tommy win b2b HOH/POV the rest of the season that group will be outnumbered against Jess, Nicole, Kat, Holly, Michie, Cliff (6).

      Don’t forget for as much as Nick has been playing things up with Jack, he’s also been checking in on Michie telling him he has his back and is on his side (i.e. he’s was playing both sides until the POV was decided).

      Plus Sis already has issues with how Tommy/Christie play (at least as a duo – & especially Christie).

      Besides if you wanted a sign of what Nick is going to do – if he was so gung ho to work with Jack’s group then why hasn’t he given them the slightest clue the true target is Jack?

      1. nick is playing both sides but he gets on with six shooters alot better

        a 5-3 vote could be tommie, christie, sis, nick

        and kat getting revenge on jackson as 5th vote…christie is certain kat votes out jackson, but im not sure what she will actually do, only because of how much jackson has humiliated her…her stating she wants to backdoor jackson is either very telling or shes faking to try to downplay the 3 person pre game alliance to the tv audience

        above i meant to say kat could try pin the vote on nicole(not nick)…or even cliff, then try to continue to be a number for christies side, especially if they win hoh

    2. Kat doesn’t lose if Jackjaw stays he’s also a target in front of everyone else on the undesirables.

  2. Tommy’s not gonna let Michie have anything up his sleeve hahahaha I really hope the other side can keep this quiet. It will be insanely pleasing to see their blindsided faces as they cry and tell Jack they love him. Pleassseeee let this happen!

  3. Cliff and Nicole were on the block, and there was a 6 and an 8 person alliance against them. Nicole is for sure going home.
    The 6 blows up the 9 person alliance. Nicole stays. Cliff wins back into the game.
    Then 2 of the 9 go home.
    Now 1 of the 6 are going home, and Nicole and Cliff are STILL in the game.
    Nicole is not a likely target for anyone next week.

    AND it is likely 1 of the 6 will be a third nominee for the next noms, which means the 6 will not have the votes to save themselves.

    This game changed very quickly.

    1. nicole and cliff have been pretty fluky…nicole saved from certain eviction…cliff blindsided then battleback

      jess most notable game point has been her massages…shes been the furniture for 6 weeks then suddenly relevant

      it shows bb has so much luck involved

      1. Luck, yes; but you can’t discount the Six Shooter’s big mouths and disloyalty to one another. They should get docked for even mentioning Level 6. Every private strategy conversation this season has included one or more members outside their “alliance”.

        1. for sure, i agree

          thats why i kept saying to people jealousy and ego will result in a gr8ful/unde9able/six shooters implosion when everyone kept whining about them and that they were too strong

  4. kats swing vote if noms stay the same…

    jackson has disrespected, humiliated and cuckolded kat all season…with jackson/hollie rubbing their relationship in her face daily, calling her 5th wheel in their fake alliance, and 3rd wheeling her both knowing she really liked jackson, likely the most humiliating experiences of her life, live streamed for all to see

    she has stated she wants to backdoor jackson both to christie and in her live vote with julie

    in her eviction speech it was all about values

    she now has her chance to get rid of jackson

    if she keeps jackson she can no longer play both sides, with christie gunning for her

    if she keeps jackson it confirms to me that her 3 person pre game alliance with jackson/hollie is contractually obligated to keep each other safe no matter what

    i dont think production will be happy with no power usage…and a showmance ending…and a lopsided balance of the 2 sides

    the best part about a jack eviction would be a christie meltdown

    1. Awesome observation! I was actually thinking the same. I don’t mind Holly, but lose a lot of respect for her for succumbing to her much younger, slightly imbalanced, boy toy (who treats her like crap).

  5. i just want a great season of back and forth balanced sides going at each other

    it appears most of you here just want a boring steamroll by southerners/cliffs angels(a majority being the least entertaining personalities)

    thats exactly how its shaping up

    i dont care if players are liked or disliked by the group think masses

    i just want to be entertained with a very unpredictable season

    so many here obsessing over ‘must break up the 6’ but they were split a while ago

    its clearly been the 3 person pre game threesome alliance who would join up with cliffs angels against the rest for weeks now

    will people start saying “gotta break up southerners/cliffs angels now they are too strong, its getting boring”?

    will you be celebrating if jess wins the season? a player out of the loop for 44 days? it would be worse than josh winning

    1. You underestimate the power of the HOH. Whomever wins the next HOH will get those wanting to save themselves. If Sis, for example, were to win the next HOH, you know Holly would be back with the six. And they would have Nick. The only way the other side get the numbers is if they keep winning. But almost everyone has won something or come close. (except Nicole) So everything is up in the air and will now be from vote to vote.

      1. i dont agree

        cliff/kat are too in with hollie/jackson duo and nicole/jess duo and they will also have nick if jack goes

        christie and co will be further disadvantaged with one of them being 3rd nom due to the field trip vote…that makes it 6 on 4 or 7 on 3

        so even if the non cliffs angels/southerners side win hoh…they still likely lose yet another number due to having a member as field trip 3rd nom…then it will be 7 on 2, with alot of boring personalities on the majority side, so you end up with not only a predictable steamroll, but also alot of players in the end game lacking liveliness…to me itsbad from an entertainment standpoint

        kat being saved, then kat keeping jackson will result in a boring predictable 2nd half of the season in my honest opinion

      1. it was alot more balanced though the first 44 days…now its highly unlikely there will be anything other than a steamroll for the next 55 as the current majority are by far more likely to stick together

        1. What show were you watching? (Or are you related to one of the four?) There was not a balance the first 44 days. The first four ppl voted out were people of color and they were the outsiders. Talk about steamrolling. We are just starting to get a balance now.

          1. it was an unstable 8 person alliance which became 6 pretty quickly, and was shaky, culling its own multiple times

            the current majority are much more likely to only target the minority rather than each other

            its very obvious to see

          2. when i say balance im talking only about numbers…

            first 44 days, there was an 8 person shaky alliance out of 16(50% of the house) which continued to shed and target its own

            now the numbers of the much more stable largest aligned group will be 7 on 3(70% of the house) and 6 on 3 in the hoh comp…with it probably being 7 on 2(78% of the house) the following week even if the minority win the hoh due to the fact the small group will be further disadvantaged by fans forcing one of them to be a 3rd nom due to field trip voting…so one of the small groups members will still go home even on their own alliance members hoh

            if jack stays…its perhaps 5 on 5 and we get a great unpredictable 2nd half of the season, 2 balanced sides with same amount of numbers going to war back and forth, rather than a predictable lopsided steamroll

          3. OH LORD the race cared has expired a long time ago honey. The first four people were voted out cause they sucked ass!!

            1. Yes…David was one reason…he couldn’t find his way outta the room quicker than the others. Ovi had a power. And Kemi made herself a target. It easily could have been Cliff and Nicole out first as well if they had made themselves as big a target as Kemi and Ovi. The part about the first 4 being outsiders is correct.

    2. I think you are overestimating the outsiders sticking together the rest of the season just as many of us were overestimating the gr8ful/6shooters would stick together and run the season. Other than the Pretty Boy alliance on the last season of BBCan, these alliances never make it to the end. Even if Jack goes this week the will be some people that see Crusty, Tommy and Sis as numbers for them to work with. Plus there’s no stopping Crusty, Tommy and Sis from winning some HOHs and vetos. That’s when we’ll see people crawling back to them for safety.

      So I don’t think Jack leaving will make for boring rest of the season… just a shift in how I’d will be played.

  6. if kat votes to keep jackson after he has cuckolded her all season and treated her like absolute garbage, by far the most humiliating experience of her life, with her family and friends and millions watching on…

    1…it will show to america and to the rest of the house that she has no respect for herself and that her eviction speech was bs

    2…it will confirm to the house that the 3 (jackson/hollie/kat) do know each other and they will be targeted even more

    3…the pre game 3 person alliance are contractually obligated to keep each other safe no matter what

    1. They will d/r it all so that she can skate on the issue as a bigger fish issue.
      While i agree with your points, i’m not as concerned with how America views her. It will be how the house guests with the biggest mouths view her, and how often they make it a talking point.
      points one and two are things Christie said to Kat in the HOH a while ago (only from Christie’s own vantage point, not the house or america).

    2. If she makes the choice to get one douche bag out before the other douche bag, she is still in control. Jackson may be useful a week or two and THEN she can vote his sorry behind out. Or better yet, send him steppin on her own HOH.

  7. So, people were kind of bashing Jess’ initial noms because of the veto power but allow me to make the argument that her noms were best for what she wanted:
    Her target was Jack. People pushed for a Jack and Sis combo but that’s a bad move. If the the veto was used it would be used on Jack. No one would save Sis, let’s be real. The only one who would save her would be Jack and it’s not as if he would sacrifice his game for her. If the noms stayed Sis and Jack until Thursday, Jack has the potential to flip that vote to stay. Sis is the least valuable player in the house right now and everyone knows it. She’s a goat but goats are commonly used in sacrifice. Jack is capable of making inroads with people in the house. He’s a total charm swarm when he puts on his act. He’s good. He’s gross but he’s good.
    Keep Jack and Jackson on the block, you put the bros against one another. There’s no chance for unification of the six or 5. Keep that tension sizzling. The worst things for Jess’ game is if the 9, 8, 6, turns into a 5.
    The risk is in the veto but her maneuvers were limited in achieving her goal of getting Jack out. The risk is worth the reward.
    With that being said, in no way do I think that the above is HER rationale for her noms but she played the week the way we wished Cliff had played his. She took in information, she gave little away, she lied, she positioned herself in a higher hierarchy in her own alliance, and she made the move against the six.
    I’m a fan of this week.

    1. I agree with every dang thing you just said!!! Butttt….I’m not sure Jess was thinkin all that. She just was like…2 boys…2 boys who just had a big fight and I knew nothing about it. lol I started typing this b4 I got to where you said “in no way do I think the above was HER rationale…” HAHAHA

  8. Oh please let it be Jack leaving. Jackson annoys me too, but Jack makes me cringe. Finally something! Cliff shoulda done this on his HOH, put Crusty up and sent her ass out. Would’ve been a big power move and she didn’t use her power. He could have done it! Sam stirred the pot and now this game is getting interesting.

    1. Pretty funny thing going on right now – Cliff is trying to sabotage Nick & steal his thunder. Nick suggested to Cliff that maybe Jess should take down Michie and put up Christie to build trust with him (for a future payback). So what does Cliff do? He tells Holly precisely that as if it was his idea AND then says he doesn’t know if they can trust Nick’s vote.

      Cliff’s being uber slimy atm (hope this comes out or I hope Nick mentioned it to Nicole beforehand so Cliff can’t take credit for it). Btw Cliff STFU b/c THAT is what YOU should’ve done in your HOH so for you to push for it to happen now is only so you push the target off yourself.

      Bottom line Cliff definitely wants the underdogs to go far but he’s also going out of his way to paint them with dirty brushes while he does it. He’s planted negative seeds about every single one of Kat, Nicole, Jess and Nick. Fortunately, Holly/Jackson do see through him & we know Tommy/Christie/Sis aren’t fans.

  9. so now that there is a clear overwhelming minority…

    are people going to give the majority cliffs angels/southerners even more of an advantage with the field trip vote, further maximising the chance of a steamroll 2nd half of the season?

    will you vote on likability or best chance of getting the most entertaining 2nd half of the season possible?

    1. Let’s wait until they’re officially a majority. As soon as the eviction vote happens…then we can start saying they’re a majority.

    2. Actually voting for3 of what is left of the 6 shooters. One guaranteed to go on the block one guaranteed to get a punishment and one will get a prize and have an even bigger target on them. 🙂

      1. great then its 7 on 2…shooting fish in a barrel

        what fantastic unpredictable entertainment that will be!

        1. I’m not a player, I’m a viewer and feeds watcher and I’ve watched a small group of people run that house like it is their own personal kingdom like they are entitled to do what they please. I want them to feel a little pain, on their way out of the house.

    3. Right now, it appears there aren’t two distinct sides. There are two’s and three’s and the interactions between those groups isn’t clear. Who’s working with who and will they work with the periphery folks? It can be fun again!

      1. cliffs angels/southerners are grouped…cliff/kat being the link between the 2 groups…nick will join if jack goes…7 on 3…then 6 on 3 in the hoh comp…then due to field trip 3rd nom 7 on 2 no matter who wins hoh

        1. What you’re calling Cliff’s Angels/Southeners I would call a “voting block”, not an alliance, working together to get Jack out. If Jack is voted out and until we see who wins the next HOH we don’t know how the #s are going to shake out. I see it right now as more like a 3(Christy, Tommy, Sis)/3(Cliff, Nicole, Jess)/3(Miche, Holly, Kat) with Nick floating between the 3 groups waiting to see who ends up with the power. Also all 3 of these groups have different targets in mind for next week- Cliff, Miche, Christy.

          1. yes a voting block for now but i think its only a matter of time before cliffs angels and southerners combine, with cliff/kat being the link between the 2 groups

            once jack goes his side will for sure lose another number even if they win hoh due to the needless 3rd nom twist…as fans will almost certainly send that sides players to the field trip, they are assured of having someone on the block eviction night and so the larger group can send them home, rickrolling the hoh if need be(unless they do the rules so if veto is used on the 3rd nom there is no renom, and only 2 rather than 3 are on the block eviction night)

            1. actually i should say, to avoid a four shooters hoh being rickrolled by 3rd nom next hoh…they would need to also win veto, and take off that 3rd nom, then put up someone else…so four shooters can get someone out they want next week, they just have to win both hoh and veto, but with only 3 players, plus perhaps nick, its a tough ask

    1. He’s trying to say she OWES him or that he made up for trying to flip the vote b/c she got the Hawaii trip. He went out third of the six in the comp though (not sure what position Kat went out) but her point is relevant someone would’ve taken the trip from him anyway out of the final 3 since the top 3 prizes were POV, $5k & trip to Hawaii.

      It’s just typical Tommy always trying to spin things like you owe him or to make himself look like the good guy. Instead he’s coming off as very smarmy b/c Kat also knows he didn’t want to win POV b/c he wouldn’t want to potentially lose a jury vote (Michie) b/c he thinks Jack has it in the bag to stay. Plus Tommy winning POV would also have meant Christie likely would’ve used the DPOV meaning he (Tommy) would also be the guy putting up someone on the block and thereby chance losing that jury vote too.

  10. its pretty obvious now

    look at her kat squirming to christie coming up with bs excuses for potentially keeping jackson

    kats contractually obligated

    shes not allowed to vote out jackson as part of the 3 person deal

    when kat said to julie “i vote out jackson” when he wasnt even on the block, she was lying to millions…part of a cover up plan to minimise the unfairness of the 3 person pre game alliance for the tv audience

    1. breaking a tie makes it harder for an hoh to deflect the blame from an eviction onto the voters. every hoh should try to avoid ties.

      1. of course, but its a task the hoh may have to face every 2nd week

        she said it as if expecting it to potentially change how people vote

        they dont care if she has to break the tie…those voting have their own agenda

  11. kat a few thursdays ago…”i vote out jackson” (who wasnt even on the block)

    kat last thursday…a speech telling her parents how well they’ve raised her and she hopes they’re proud

    kat this coming thursday…”i vote to evict jack…him mom, hi dad” (and keep the guy who banged me, then discarded me, cuckolded me with my best friend hollie, whilst calling me stage 5 clinger in a fake alliance, shouting at me, disrespecting me, and treating me like crap…humiliating me to millions

    kat is a fraud…but i dont think she has a choice…i have a feeling grodner made hollie/jackson/kat sign an agreement for storyline purposes that, like christie and tommie, they keep each other safe

    1. I’m going to put on my tinfoil hat (this is just for FUN)
      WHAT IF:
      Christie was brought on as a late addition due to her connections with casting and her connection to Tommy in order to be a red herring that was presented to the audience on night one in order to make us all think they are obviously production favorites that the Grod is trying to make win.
      That outed immediately connection distracts everyone from the Connection between Kat to Holly (shared friends, been to same events together, Holly was Kat’s chaperone at a pageant all of which the show downplays as know of but don’t know each other) that was all over reddit before feeds started, and Holly’s connection to Jackson (not just the IG connection, but his room mate being her long time friend as the friend/ room mate tweeted to congratulate when Holly won HOH) that the show has yet to acknowledge as existing. If we are looking for a production favorite: who has spoken on feeds of undisclosed medical conditions that breached the casting interview contract without any reprisal, has gotten three warnings, broken the have not rules and should receive a penalty vote for every infraction in this vote if they are following the same rules that have been given in past seasons, and been given the have not room as his private ‘shower stall’ (if you catch my drift) in order to play dead with the cancellation of have nots for the week, while simultaneously only getting a poor edit once due to Kat’s live vote SNAFU and press coverage of the Holly/Jackson breakup necessitating that they show reasons why Kat would vote to evict, and that some women are annoyed with it. He’s been given information about how the outside world is perceiving him a minimum of four times, and he’s now on his rise from the ashes and switch sides as a hero redemption tour that my week two tinfoil hat chat prophesied as happening between weeks 5 and 7.

      What if the OBVIOUS Christie Tommy thing is an intentional cover for the COVERT (until they screw up and mention it, and until their friends on social media screw up and mention it) Kat/Holly/Jackson thing that is the real production rig of the season to crown their camp director with first week immunity and everyone kissing up to him to avoid a punishment (gee that sounds like a paul thing from 19…) and an almost perfectly fictional episode edit… the winner.

      To be honest, 25% of my Jackson hatred comes from this production story line theory that has been in my head all this time, BUT i’m actually writing this not to convince anyone, But for FUN.

      1. yes i think the tommie/christie connection was cover for the 3way alliance pre game connection

        these 5 players to me if any of them win should have an asterisk

        way too big of an advantage and unfair on the others

      2. Anytime production can get banboozled by a contestant, it’s a double win. No amount of spin in the world will make either Christie or Jackson look good.

      3. Also Holly is 31 Kat is 29. I doubt holly was Kat’s chaperone at any event when they were younger. And no way Jackson’s roommate tweeted congrats to holly (his roommates alliance member and showmance) on her hoh win. The audacity. That seals it. They must have known each other previous to the game. There are a lot of people on here that know Jess if that is the qualifying hard evidence needed.
        Can someone please link this reddit post where the sleuths have uncovered all of this

        1. So…they don’t know each other although they’ve mentioned they know each other. On feeds.
          When Holly and Jackson mentioned Adam to each other… overlook it. When they both know why Jackson had to stop following her on Ig without discussing it… nothing to see here.
          When Holly and Kat talk about knowing each other more and more… disregard it.

    2. Damn man for weeks it was the Jackson hate now it’s the Kat hate because she is smartly voting based on game and not personal. This definitely will not be the last chance to get Jackson out (he will be targeted for weeks to come) . It may be the last chance to get Jack out. What did Jackson do to you? Holly and Kat knew of each other they didn’t know each other personally. As far as Jackson following one of them previous to entering the house on Instagram I bet he did it in sequester. I’ve heard one of the houseguest say they clicked with someone in sequester (can’t recall who but I think bella was involved). I don’t know how much contact they have in sequester but I’m sure they may see each other here or there. As immature as Jackson is he probably said damn she’s hot and started following her on instagram.

      1. i have no vendetta against anyone…i actually find jackson one of the better and entertaining players this season, im not a fan of kat, as she didnt even wanna be there and now will likely go to the end…her going on about being treated badly by jackson sounds so fake now

        im just disappointed the season could have had an amazing finish but now probably not

        it was such a slow burn build up heading into the 2nd half, i wanted a 5 on 5 war…its not possible now

        people were so hung up about their dislike of gr8ful/unde9able/six shooters

        but now you get to watch a large group, most of whom are fairly shy/unlively/not majorly entertaining people, voting out bottom of the totem pole every week until finale

        1. These people are in there to win 500k not entertain specifically you. Voting out Jack is the best game move for any of the outsiders. Michie is still going to be hated by the other houseguest and continually be a target until he goes. Jack may never touch the block again if he skates this week.

          1. yes but its a tv show after all…ideally it is supposed to be entertaining…a key element is personality of the players

      1. i think shes playing for whacky and zany character camera time moments

        if a player who didnt want to be there for 3 weeks and tried to self evict multiple times ended up winning it would truly be an insult to the game

  12. Go Jess !!!! So happy right now. BUT I would be even happier if Cliff could keep his damn mouth shut for 24 hours, he is starting to catch some of Christie’s paranoia. I hope Michie goes this Week, but stay tuned for all the drama and yoy just know it will be feeds Gold.

  13. the best part of this scenario…

    christie thinking kat would sleep with her in vegas has ruined christies game…she saved her from the vote flip now is getting played on the jackson vote

    theres nothing christie hates more than being made to look a fool (especially by someone who wanted to self evict and was a virtual basket case the first 3 weeks) and also christie hates not being in control…add to that christie had a crush on kat(i think based on her vegas comment)

    i want christie to go full pots and pans on kat this thursday night…that would be some fun feeds

  14. if jack goes…very soon it will be 7 on 2 after next hoh week(even if the minority win next hoh due to field trip 3rd nom rickrolling an hoh)

    if jackson goes…starting thursday we get an epic 5 on 5 battle(i would much rather see this, and im sure production would too…not just because it will be better entertainment, but also mickie going will remove him from the game after he has caused the show so many bad headlines)

    the quality of the rest of the season rests in kats vote

    if she keeps jackson…jacks game is over, but so is the unpredictability/potential greatness of the season

    so someone who wanted to self evict, who didnt want to be there for 3 weeks, may turn a potentially great season into the final 8 weeks being a slow predictable steamroll(with most of the end game players being the most quiet/shy, and least lively/entertaining personalities)

    1. Wait production wants to see him gone? I thought they had preordained this 3 person pre-show alliance as the winners and they wouldn’t let kat evict Jackson. You say the season will have a predictable end please tell me who will win. The only thing predictable is your schtick.

      1. production would have preferred someone go this week that would set up 5 v 5…the way the noms ended up, kat isnt able to vote out jackson though…only cliff or nicole could potentially be 5th vote(or jess as tiebreaker) but thats hugely unlikely

  15. So. for the sake of argument: let’s say that Jack is evicted (which is 95%+ to happen right now ).
    I’m already predicting Jackson wins the next hoh (removing him from field trip chances).
    That would mean as of the last polls that i saw: Christie, Tommy and Cliff would be going on the field trip.
    I’m off topic there, but it is worth noting.
    This means that if my prediction that Jackson wins the next HOH is true, then two of the field trip participants will be on the block regardless.
    Now let’s look at the flip side. Let’s say that Tommy or Christie were to win HOH. That means that according to the last poll, Jackson, with either Christie and Cliff or Tommy and CLiff would be going on the field trip.
    Both scenarios bring up multiple conundrums.

    I’m not going to go whacko on Jackson’s current drivel about never lying and being surrounded by bullies stuff. Lying is part of the game and he’s telling doozies to get through right now. I think when he’s alone with Holly and he’s saying them, i’m more concerned about the bullshit factor. But i’m not going to rag on him for playing innocent and dumb to the outsiders. He should if he wants to get in with them. It will only take a week before they see he’s full of crap, if anyone makes a decision that doesn’t match his desire. That’s been the beginning of every issue involving Jackson. Somebody else decides something, and it isn’t Jackson’s decison. Jackson IS the male Christie.
    Nick getting outed as playing both sides for the second time. Due to yet another convenient listen at the door trope. I don’t like Nick, so go for it, just don’t ask me if i thought it was impromptu or by design. Don’t ask.
    Cliff. oozing all sorts of little jabs at his fellow outsiders behind their backs, like he wasn’t just called out on Thursday when notes got compared. Ok there mr. put up christie…. sure, let Jess carry all the water for your failure as an HOH. He’s big talk now that he’s not going to take heat. Oh damn, I just now realized i don’t like Cliff either.
    Crusty being too crusty with Kat in front of Jess. Oh we knew that wouldn’t be seen well in Jess’ eyes. After all, she’s the big apologist unless she’s the one that is offended.
    Tommy and Sis have every right to want Jackson gone. He WAS giving them the boot from the alliance after all.
    Tommy’s memory of the flip and Crusty’s inclusion. Let’ go back. Tommy and Jack decide it the night before. Tommy has previously suggested it twice and been shot down. the next morning they tell Crusty in the form of a flip is happening go make peace with Sam. It wasn’t Oh what is your input. It was here is what is happening. Tommy and Jack can boohoo it all they want. feeds don’t lie unless production is doing an image fix and d/r pretty much gives people talking points to put in to conversations repeatedly over three days.

    So. If Tommy or Sis or Crusty were to win the next hoh, or even Nick if they go through with the blame Nick for Jack leaving plan they are currently talking about 36 hours before the veto ceremony… what do the outsiders do? I think Cliff tries to sing like a canary. I think Holly tries to act I was with you all the time, i just couldn’t vote out my potential babydaddy. I think Nicole tries to fade into the woodwork. I think Jess will crack. Until the field trip, which will have voting going on until the friday. As much as they are saying strong and united now, they will all say take Jackson as tribute. except Holly who will push for Jess or Nicole.

    If Jackson or another outsider wins: Christie and Tommy. Nick renom?

    1. jackson isnt an outsider…christie/tommie are

      if an outsider wins, maybe hollie/kat are noms for a jackson backdoor(or cliff backdoor if jackson wins veto and saves hollie)

      if the majority wins, maybe sis/tommie are noms for a christie backdoor(or nick backdoor if christie wins veto and saves tommie)

      its all fairly irrelevant as once jack goes, another outsider is going home again next week regardless of who wins hoh, as even if one of the outsiders christie/tommie/sis/nick win hoh, one of them still goes home due to the fans field trip 3rd nom vote putting one of them on the block for their own alliances hoh…meaning the hoh is rickrolled

      1. considering i dislike almost all of them, I actually don’t care who goes. or in what order.
        I’m not going to switch the outsider nom de guerre because of reversal of fortune just yet, because tbh, Tommie and Christie have yet to realize they are the outsiders. Sis? Never cared. If it isn’t a bitchy mean girl comment or flirting, she’s pretty much a functional mute.
        I’m pointing out according to conversations today what the next week would look like.
        Do i care if Jack leaves. NOPE. Do i dislike Jackson more, YUP. If he left i’d be very happy. But does that mean i want Jack to stay? NOPE. I’d like a hole to open up in the floor and send them both out to the adoring press and social media.

        THE MOMENT that Jack told Tommy and Sis that Jackson didn’t want them in the alliance any more, the three of them should have RUN to NIcole, Jess, and NIck and said here’s the deal. WAAAY before the Thursday blow up. That would have pre-empted this week. BUT NOOOOO… they just had to polish their egos and keep looking down on the people they consider less.
        They misplayed. They can suffer. They could have built numbers to take down Jackson’s proposed team with HOlly, Kat and Cliff. They didn’t. Too bad. Not sad.
        The only thing that alters anything is the third nom and safety option for next week. That’s why i’m taking pains to look at the potentials.

        1. can i ask if given the choice since you dont care who goes and in what order…

          would you prefer:

          1… a 2nd half of the season predictable, much less entertaining steamroll in favor of southerners/cliffs angels?
          2…a 5 on 5 battle? (nick/sis/jack/christie/tommie versus cliff/kat/hollie/nicole/jess)

          i also dont care who goes when and in what order…but i do want maximum entertainment…so for the good of the season i think its crucial jack stays/michie goes…i think it would make things alot more interesting

          1. How long do you really think Jackson will work with Jess and Nicole? The two of them haven’t been in a single one of his scenarios. Jackson only stays with Nicole and Jess as long as it takes to take out Crusty.
            By tuesday i predict he will be pushing his four of himself Cliff, Holly and Kat again as the real alliance. with nicole and jess on the outside until Christie is gone and then axe them.
            He may be on the redemption tour, but a person’s base instinct personality is still there.

            1. would you prefer:

              1… a 2nd half of the season predictable, much less entertaining steamroll in favor of southerners/cliffs angels?
              2…a 5 on 5 battle? (nick/sis/jack/christie/tommie versus cliff/kat/hollie/nicole/jess)

              1. Preference is irrelevant. I’m not Grodner. I don’t get to make the decisions. lol.
                I don’t get a vote in the house either.
                Getting myself worked up to the point of being obsessive is a failing of mine. I’ve indulged in it once this season already. I don’t want to make myself dervish over a preference between two complete asshats.

  16. Christie is no longer in control; she hates Jackson because he’s on to her (I can’t stand him either) but they are the fools who quickly teamed up with the tool and he’ll likely be the tool to help get them out. Cliff and Kat are my faves now followed by Jess and Nicole; Holly if she has sense enough to go against the Four and even eventually vote Miche out down the road.

    1. i watch BB to laugh, i miss Sam, he is funny like good ole Johnny Mac.
      so i hope Jackson n Christie stay a while.
      they next funny ones to watch…hoo haw

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