Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Nicole
Nominations – Christmas & Tyler
Power of Veto Players are –
POV Host: –
Power of Veto holder – Cody
Power of Veto Ceremony –
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1:08pm – 4:50pm The live feeds were blocked for the Power of Veto competition.
Kitchen – Cody, Nicole and Memphis are talking about the competition.
Nicole – I am not going to lie if I knew what I was doing in the first three minutes I would have kicked your butt. Cody – its always something with this one!
Bedroom. Christmas and Enzo.
Enzo – it is what it is! Man Cody is unreal YO! Christmas – I know. Enzo. he is a beast YO! Christmas – I haven’t talked to him yet. Enzo – he isn’t going to use it. Christmas – I don’t know who he is leaning towards. Enzo – it doesn’t matter we’ve got the votes. YO You’ve got me and Memphis. You know what I am saying .. like who the f**k cares! Christmas – I wanted to ask you has he mentioned my name? And have you seen his season? Enzo – somewhat. Christmas – The reason he didn’t win.. he not only played comps very well .. he freakin like .. like dirty play. I can sit down and talk to him again about where I am. They talk about next week and how it all comes down to who wins the veto. That’s all that matters. Christmas comments on how Cody did it in 4 minutes. And Nicole was right there too. Memphis joins them and says we’re good! Memphis leaves. Christmas – I play pretty straight up and he (Tyler) doesn’t… he has bags of shade sh*t everywhere. I don’t even know what that means but you know.
Tyler has his wounded baby bird sulk on in the bedroom. Enzo – Yo take some time for yourself and then we got to play the game Yo! Enzo leaves. Memphis comes in – You good man? Tyler – I’m good. Memphis – it happens man. Memphis leaves.
5:42pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Enzo – Yo Memphis definitely wants Christmas to stay. He is pushing me hard as F**K. Cody – I know. Enzo – because right after the comp Christmas throws me in the room already talking this and that. Throwing Tyler under the bus. Tyler came clean about the Committee to me Yo! He was.. Cody – wait what?! Enzo – Tyler. Cody – oh he did?! Enzo – before the veto. In my mind I was like I know what he’s doing. He was like I’m going to tell you tomorrow. I was like I know already. He was like I was TT to the end. Now Cody is upset. If I win the veto he is going to put you up. Tyler joins them. Cody – he (Memphis) wants to keep Christmas but we will just make sure that is not the case. Tyler – I just can’t see who Nicole will F**King vote for me to stay dude. Enzo – I am trying on her… because I saved you yo! Tyler – we need to take her to the final four. Cody – what is she going to do? She hasn’t done anything!!! Tyler – I want to tell her I want you to go far but she isn’t going to believe me. Cody – dude I will f**king say it to her. What I want to tell her is she is not a threat .. you haven’t won anything. Tyler – what if she said she wants to vote me out would you use it on me? Cody – and put her up? Tyler – no not her, Memphis. Cody – Maybe. She has already said that she want’s Christmas gone.
HOH room. Cody and Nicole.
Cody – keeping him keeps that target here for Memphis but what is he going to say that could possibly change that. Nicole – why does he have secrets on you? Cody – no but he is literally dogging Christmas. Nicole – Oh I see what you’re saying .. he could try to team up with Memphis and make it seem like we’re a thing. Cody – right. Nicole – I am down for whatever. I don’t like either of them. Cody – they’re both extremely good at competitions. The big thing is the final 3 that they have makes me want to clip it but Tyler being here could be just as bad. But knowing that and knowing how bad Memphis wants to keep Christmas .. how hard do we push. Nicole – he already wants to keep Christmas .. that’s not good. I would rather get rid of Tyler .. I can’t stand him. Nicole – Final five was the slippery slop for us. Cody – we’re screwed because I can’t compete in that. Nicole – Enzo won’t win that? Cody – I have no idea. Nicole – I wondered if Christmas or Tyler would be better at that. Cody – Tyler will be a beast at that. Nicole – I know. I am worried about him winning that comp. For my game I think it is better if Tyler stays but.. Cody – honestly next week there are a million scenarios that are bad outside of you or Enzo winning HOH. Tyler joins them.
7:10pm HOH room. Christmas, Cody and Tyler are talking about drugs.
7:30pm – 7:50pm HOH room. Christmas and Cody.
Christmas – I was going to go ahead and assume that noms were going to stay the same but before I talked to anyone I wanted to talk to you. Because obviously I want you to know that I respect you for keeping the noms the same. Two follow up if you have any questions. And three explore where you feel. I don’t wnat to just go and talk to people blindly. I want to know where you want the house to go. Cody – I don’t… I just want to find out where that whole thing stemmed. I have just had so many conversations that were just so straight up .. how did that go to where it did. I don’t view you any type of way .. like what is good for me is I need Christmas gone. You know what I mean? Christmas – yeah. Cody – I am not pushy at all I want to talk to Memphis, Enzo and I feel like Nicole is indifferent. I am just going to talk to them and get feelers from them. Cody – I feel like when we’ve talked we’ve been pretty transparent with each other. Christmas – The only thing I want to remind you of is how you’ve seen me play not only this season but my last season. And that should give me some credit.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Christmas tells Cody that the way he nominated her was right. Cody – nothing has changed in my mind about you at all. Lets just see how this week plays out.
8:08pm Kitchen. Enzo and Tyler.
Tyler – Cody is in the final five! Enzo – YUP! He is f**king beasting it YO! Man today I was like holy sh*t! The last two comps he’s turned it on. And he is a small fricken kid. He is a small f**king kid. Tyler – he’s got 6 wins! That is crazy! Enzo – that is f**king crazy! F**king crazy!
8:30pm HOH room. Memphis and Cody.
Cody – lets f**king go! We are absolutely killing this! Memphis – I think Christmas is f**king losing it. Cody – she is. She came up here.. let me tell you this .. I think it was Tyler because talking to her .. and then I talk to Tyler and hers is more like I felt like I was on the opposite side. I was this, I was that. I was like okay you’re blaming Tyler .. whatever. But when he talks .. its .. he said to me what are we just going to go through with what Memphis wanted?! And then he was like I wanted Dani out. And so I wanted to send Nicole home because I thought David would go after Dani. And Nicole wouldn’t go after Dani so that is why I was thinking that. So for me that is a thought out process that is not just a spur of the moment. Memphis – yeah if you’re thinking about all that dude. Cody – Christmas in her mind is like “big move” not thought out .. thinking this is what I want. Christmas is thinking like lets send out Nicole because I want to send out Nicole and Dani. Memphis – for sure. She definitely thinks big move big move. Tyler is thinking methodical. It still throws me off them trying to do that. It just showed me that they’re both working together. Cody – right. And for me it shows more so like I don’t care what my relationships are because my relationship with Tyler is much better than it was with Christmas. It just showed me for both of them.. Christmas I never felt like crazy tight with. Like your relationship with Christmas is better than my relationship with Christmas. Memphis – yeah its good because I am not saying what I want to say. Because if I said what I want to say .. it would not be good. Cody – right. Memphis – which I think it is tearing her up inside. But if we decide to keep her I can’t say it. Cody – Tyler wants Christmas out badly but he also wants to go after “Big Players” which is you and me. Memphis – he would be an idiot.. like I would be offended if he didn’t put me up. The fact that he bombed today is a reason for us to send him .. because he ain’t going to slip up again. And you know that! Cody – exactly! Are we going to get another chance that he slips up in a veto? Memphis – that is my concern. Memphis – I think we’re on the same page. He f**king scares me. I walk into any comp and he is the only person I am worried about winning. I am not worried about you winning, I want you to win. They agree to talk to Enzo about voting out Tyler. Memphis – Tyler is an amazing player and its just a smart move. Ok, well that makes it easy.
8:41pm HOH room. Enzo, Memphis and Cody.
Enzo joins them. Cody – we were just talking about Tyler being the smarter choice. Enzo – it is a good move for you (Cody) because your HOH’s have been weak yo! Seriously, what are you going to say .. I deserve to win because of Keesha and Kevin. But you say TYLER! I am just saying! (LOL) Memphis – that is hilarious. Cody – what a punk you just said that. Enzo – the thing with him (Tyler) you don’t know where his head is at. Cody – Christmas is chaotic and running around. When it comes to comps she was handed an HOH and a veto. Memphis – if we take the HOH .. no matter which way you slice it we all make it to final four. Enzo – that is why I would rather do it without Tyler in it.
8:56pm Kitchen. Tyler and Christmas.
Tyler – Enzo should have listened to us. I told him in the hallway. Christmas – I think since they beginning they’ve had something. Tyler – he must just not have wanted to rock the boat. We got hung out to dry. Christmas – yeah but the boat is going to leave him behind! Tyler – that is what I am saying! You two got to link up once I’m gone because they’re going to run through you guys. Christmas – I know.
9:05pm – 9:50pm Big Brother gives the house guests beer and wine! Everyone but Nicole cheers. They wonder if they should get Nicole but Christmas says not to .. because it would be rubbing it in (that she can’t have any as she’s a havenot). They head up to the HOH room to drink and chat about the meet & greets / club appearances they did after getting out of their previous seasons. They talk about how they likely won’t be able to do that this time for at least awhile because of covid.
10:03pm Big Brother blocks the feeds..
10:25pm Still blocked..
11pm Still nothing..
11:42pm No feeds for you..
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does it sound to anyone else like BOTH the HOH and the VETO were individual time comps?
Just sounded like both of them, like the croquet hoh were inidvidual time comps.
we were due for comics, so i figured one of them was comics.
veto was events in order, individual runs i thought they said.
HOH has never been comics. ever.
I’m back sort of. I checked out after week 2 when Bay and Day wouldn’t vote out David for no other reason than he was black. How did that turn out for them. Oh yeah he voted their dumb asses out of the game. If they had kept Nicole and aligned with Kaysar and Janelle we would of had a much better game. Not only would there have been some back and forth instead of steamrolling. The single worst player in the history of BB (David) wouldn’t have been around to annoy me enough that I had to stop watching feeds and reading these posts. This past Thursday was the first time all season that they started to actually play the game and that didn’t even occur until the third eviction. I might stick around until the end now but quite frankly I don’t like any of the people who are left.
When does BB23 start? I can’t wait!
King Cody
He`s so dominant.
And still, no one has mentioned evicting him.
Derrick told them not to.
after veto lots of mentions happening of evicting him. Whether they are real or subterfuge? That’ the question.
Actually Christmas did. She mentioned Tyler goin out this week…and then takin Cody out next week. That was the 1st instance I’ve heard.
Something tells me we are gonna enjoy another soap opera from Mrs Angela Tyler ” I WAnna go home to be with my hubby buahhhh”!” lol send me home! or i’ll evict myself!
Noooooooooooooooooo not Cody 🙁
Holy crap, Houtamata was correct in one of his predictions….it really is 2020
still not sure they’ll vote out tyler or xmas though.
Bummer YO. I was rooting for Ty. Think they are going to vote him out?
Enzos the wild card. I feel like like Nicole will vote for Tyler to stay if that’s what Cody wants and Memphis will vote him out. I think it will all come down to Enzo. I really don’t see anyone now beating Cody at the end if he makes it though he has all these comp wins this season and has all played a good social game!
enzo seems incapable of thinking for himself and i think he’s more likely to listen to cody than memphis.
Still wonder why anyone, going by ranking, holding Enzo so highly?? He’s a follower, not a leader and grips those with higher power which he lacks. Why anyone would want to hold onto him and or Nicole except to look better is beyond me, They voted all the weak players, anyone who would have made Cody look better then the whiny Nicole F, who very possible could win a 2nd time with the women votes and Ians. Doesn’t matter that she hasn’t won anything, her weeping, whiny voice and sympathy for the weaker sex, may well be to her advantage and what she is counting on.
Enzo has played the best social game. He hasn’t won a lot of comps and brought attention to himself. He will be the biggest threat to Cody winning the game.
I don’t think so. Cody will want Christmas out to break up the Ty/xmas Memphis/xmas final twos
Enzo and Memphis have told both Tyler and Christmas that they are safe this week. Who is the real target? I know
NicoleVictoria wants Xmas out, but who’s really leaving?Only King Cody knows…it`s his decision and Memphis, Enzo and Nicole will do what he wants.
I think memphis is for sure keeping christmas
Whatever cody wants will happen since enzo and nicole will just follow his wishes as always
So far cody has said he wants christmas out… im hoping he keeps thinking the same by thursday
However tyler has no one in the game and will have to win all comps while playing against comp beasts
Really bad odds for him 🙁
I hope memphis realizes cody has enzo and nicole with this vote (i mean hes next level dumb if he doesnt) and goes to tyler and explain how their ONLY way to advance in the game is alligning with each other
Which is the best move for both of them
Actually if tylet doesnt see that im gonna be quite disappointed
memphis needs to target cody (they all do), but when cody’s not an option i think memphis is better off taking out tyler than enzo/nicole. memphis should beat enzo/nicole in most comps.
If memphis doesnt allign with whoever survives this week he will be next out unless he wins hoh or pov
Cody nicole and enzo are a trio and they will keep each other over memphis
Also memphis has a shot in final 2 against both tyler and christmas but he doesnt have a shot against cody (cody gets nicole dani and enzo 100% tyler and david most likely too, with ian being a likely vote too)
These ppl really need to start thinking ahead which is what enzo isnt doing
Going in a f3 with 2 ppl who will take each other is a formula to end up 3rd
i think memphis’ only shot at winning is final 2 with whoever stays this week. whoever stays can only finish runner-up.
I think it is Xmas regardless of what is being said Cody needs her out. If Tyler goes then it will be Xmas/Memphis vs Cody/Enzo (Nicole is useless and like her season will just be dragged along because she isn’t a threat). If they keep Tyler he is basically alone which is why they want him. They have told both they are staying but Tyler believes no way Nicole keeps him which is why he thinks he is leaving but it will actually be Xmas unless Enzo goes against him this late in the game it should be Xmas and Memphis will be pisses
The plan as of now is to evict Tyler unanimously
i dug up a classic OBB Nic pic for all to enjoy!
She’s so pretty
Nicole is not a bad person – she’s done pretty well for herself in the
Big Brother house With how long she managed to stay in the house all three seasons. If she manages to get to the end again- she deserves credit for it because that is not an easy thing to do on two separate seasons.
Well considering producers literally told Natalie to work with Nicole and Corey during season 18. Also told Meech she couldn’t put her up even though Meech was Co-HoH and the other side had the numbers so Nicole was in no danger. For a variety of reasons, production gets heavy handed and protects certain people. It gets frustrating when people, who are aware of more information from the feeds, realize just how much the game is manipulated.
Meech And Natalie have no one but themselves to blame- They both screwed up there own Game that season – meech should know better not to call someone a snake and then not to nominate them right after is her own damn fault.
Remember Jacob and Parker in bb 9 there’s a reason why you don’t call someone a snake publicly. And why people call Jacob the worst player ever!
Production told Shane not to put boogie and frank up together and what did Shane do in bb 14 he ended putting frank and boogie up against each other!!
They did what production told them to do because it’s no longer about winning the game but rather using the Big Brother show to advance whatever pseudofame you get into something entertainment driven. Other reality shows, modeling, acting, or just being a social media mogul are the goal. If you deny production, you risk not getting the use of those connections to further your career.
Nicole has done nothing she has been carried along this game only because their are bigger threats and was lucky enough to be aligned with the right side of the house. In the first part of the season Dani carried her now Cody is I find it sad that such a useless player will probably make it to F2
She is almost certain to get to the final 5. She has made good decisions with who she has allied with.
She is a good player, period.
She looks pretty good when she puts makeup on though. I still don’t think she’s ugly. Not hot by any means. But definitely cute.
Not even close and I’m a woman. Its only makeup that makes her at least tolerable to look at. There are a lot more attractive woman that played this year and if I rated her with the other women, she would be on the bottom. Then there is her personality, which would put her even below several of the men besides the women.
seriously done watching this crappy rigged season. I wanted Tyler to win, he should have won. I will tune to these online feeds on Oct 28th to see the final outcome. Only hoping to see either Enzo Christmas or Memphis win. It will be a disappointing end if Cody or Pignole win. Thank you Simon and Dawg for keeping us updated. It really replaces watching the shows on TV.
How pathetic of a season is it when there are Actually people pulling for christmas In the final 6
Countdown for Nicole to start talking about how bad Tyler & Christmas are at this game… As she adds another loss to make a total win count of 0 HOH, 0 POV, 0 Powers, 0 Safety, 1 Pre-Game Alliance.
Dr. Will won zero competitions in two seasons of big brother- in his own words you don’t have to win competitions to be a great player. It’s been to her advantage not to win.
Christmas and Tyler blew up there Games by taking a swing and miss at Nicole it was to her advantage to not win the Veto against David because Christmas and Tyler completely exposed themselves by keeping David which has put them in the position they are now.
I mean Nicole made up a lie to flip the vote on David, Kevin, and Davonne and make them target for three evictions straight In order to save Tyler Just two weeks before.
Nicole was the one that had to do the face to face talking lying to David, Kevin, And Davonne And making them think they had false sense of hope to keep Ian- that strategy paid off because all three of them went out in succession.
Nicole has played the ultimate floater game this season and it has worked to a tee- as a former winner the target couldn’t be any smaller for her right now which insane to think about?!?
Because she’s mostly been loyal to her main alliance the committee and she hasn’t had to get any blood on her hands- which is a huge selling point to a jury to secure votes.
I cannot believe how much I dislike Nicole right now! She’s shown who she really is in last couple of days to the max. Victor needs to run before she gets home. I thought Janelle was brutal towards Nicole & now I think she was easy on her. And now she & Cody blatantly are talking about their pre game alliance.
Watch and see next HOH ,Nicole wins cause Cody can’t play.
Enzo has ZERO capability to think for himself.
Tyler goes and tells him about The Committee, and so Enzo runs to Cody to tattle instead of keeping that information under those ugly hats of his.
He can’t do anything without Cody’s blessing, it’s pathetic.
Yeah, Enzo made a bad move by ratting out Tyler for sure. He can’t really think that he’s going to win this game, can he? You’re right, he should have kept that info to himself and tried to look ahead a few moves. He knows Xmas is working with Memphis and that alone should make him want to separate them. He’s so scared of Tyler that he can’t stand it. Enzo is an idiot who never really had a chance. If he ever had a scant chance, he just ruined it.
Not to mention-Enzo ratted out Memphis to Cody about the separate Wise Guys Alliance involving Memphis, Enzo, and Christmas
Enzo is pathetic. He reminds me of the kid in school that was teachers pet. It tells a lot of how he conducts himself outside the house and who he really is.
Oh brother, just call it a season and give Cody the money.
It doesn’t matter who goes. If Cody is at the end no one else will win.
Nic is pushing for Tyler to go & talking about how terrible of a player he is & that he’s the biggest liar in the house. I guess Tyler must have had a mirror attached to himself for her to constantly stare at. Seriously — I’ve never disliked an individual BB player (personality wise) more than I do Nic & that’s saying a lot.
With Cody winning HOH he is leaning to keeping Christmas and part of that reason is based on Ty telling Enzo about the Committee. Unfortunately like a good little #3 Enzo ran back & told Cody.
It was a TIMED event that Tyler didn’t do well in & of course Cody won with by the sounds of it Xmas coming second………
Although none of these hamsters are anyone I’m invested in having Tyler stay was the only way we could have a true underdog remain & provide some drama.
Grodner’s Golden Goose is essentially guaranteed to sail to the end now & Nic is virtually a lock as F2 (99%). Enzo is the only player with two different SOLID F3s remaining in the game & set up to leave at F3 AGAIN!. Memphis believing his F2 with Cody is real but when it’s time to clip him Cody will use the hypocritical “you made another F3 with Xmas/Enzo & didn’t tell me so I couldn’t trust you would take me”
Wondering how Cody will play off his blatant lie to Ty to just trust him he’s not going anywhere & he could NEVER take him out on his HOH. One of the few times this season he’s played super sloppy & if he does go to the end with Enzo it could be the one reason Ty votes for Enzo over him b/c while they are both lying Enzo is simply being loyal to his ride or die. To that end, Ty underestimated how close Enzo is to Cody (and again speaks to how strong his social game is that Ty bought into their ties).
Basically unless production steps in to force a change Ty is done so just when I think this season can’t get any worse it does.
Ty screwed himself. Can’t feel bad for these guys. They had the chance at the Triple and failed. If Dani or David would’ve gotten hoh or pov, it would be a whole different house right now. Hell , I think even Ty would’ve taken a shot at Cody or Memphis.
Beg to differ — ENZO got Tyler – b/c Ty believed the eight weeks of constant “We HAVE to take out Nicole” was real. It was just the meow meow juice he sprayed on everyone granted that particular howl was a little louder.
The truth is Enzo really did want to take Nic out – but he hung Ty/Xmas out to dry b/c he’s safer with Cody.
The only person in the game who hasn’t fallen prey to the Meow Meow mist is Cody b/c Cody has all the cat nip in his corner.
Is it me or are they thinking that Enzo is throwing comps? If Enzo is final 2 he better win for that bs going sround.
In a year that has been the roughest most of us have experienced in our lives we’ve clung to few guilty pleasures to help us navigate these trying times.
When they announced Big Brother would be delivering an All-Star season it was a little gem to grasp on to and offer some entertainment to help pass the time while holed up at home.
THEN —- this season arrived and I watched as the very few players I wanted to see play were targeted & evicted by the prearranged alliances. After Janelle & Kaysar were ousted I found myself searching for someone to cheer for but then Ian left & now it seems Tyler will go Thursday. Of those remaining the only one who didn’t show up with 3 levels of protection or doesn’t make me cringe is Enzo and his likelihood of getting any further than F3 isn’t strong.
While I’m typically not a fan of TPTB interference — at this stage the only thing that would inspire staying invested in the feeds let alone the season is if Tyler got a DPOV to take both himself & Xmas off the block & put up Memphis & Nicole in their places. Not only would it force Cody/Enzo to show their cards it would piss them off which is all I have left to cling to. Or maybe — they could do that replay week like I envisioned could happen based on the number of days not seeming to align with the finale (unless they intend to do three full weeks of F5, F4, F3 — UGH — I can’t even bear the thought of that torture. (Cue the massive exodus of TV & live feed viewers if it’s those 5 hamsters — that is the ones who already haven’t abandoned this crap season).
Looking back, it’s crazy the number of times I’ve looked for the silver lining this season constantly searching for a hamster to invest in, a strategy to be impressed by or heaven forbid someone doing something other than what the prearranged alliance & Allison Grodner’s script called for just so fans could get some true drama & a semblance of what the OG lifelong BB fans expected from an “ALL-STAR” season.
The closest shift from the original plan we got was Ian and Dani leaving earlier than scripted and the only reason those hamsters moved up in oust order was b/c the love triangle females couldn’t play by Derrick’s rules.
With Tyler set to leave next I feel like it’s time for the Don Meredith NFL blowout game ditty ‘Turn out the lights, the party’s over”. It’s also true of me that my glass is always half full so I’ll keep an open mind — but…suffice to say I may need to finally quench that thirst & drink the rest of the wine in that glass!
As it turns out and like many have said — the best part of this season has been and continues to be OBB. Thanks to Simon & Dawg for this outlet, everyone who posts and all the people who interact. As always, I enjoyed coming here to see old friends, make new ones and offer my take however naive on BB22. You’ve made the past few months more enjoyable on a daily basis for me. And, while I’ll still probably be around after Thursday albeit, less frequently, I wanted to take the time to thank each of you for making my life fuller and giving me something other than the NBA to write about and fill my days.
Thank you to all 🙂
Here here! Thanks for all your insights!
I ment hear hear lol
I can’t see how Day, Bay ,Kevin, David ,and a few others are considered ALL Stars. Does CBS think we are all stupid or what .
it’s mostly because they didn’t want an all-white season and kaycee and josh both had to drop out last minute.
kevin at least made a deep run in his first appearance, but generally speaking representation in bb is bad, but it’s mostly because they keep casting minorities who are more interested being personalities than playing and get voted out super early. i’m not sure how bb fixes this issue, but an all-white season was never going to fly considering how frequently bb already gets cited for casting racist houseguests. they just made do with the best minority contestants they could, which all had no game.
All the blacks?
That’s the major issue with black representation, especially on Big Brother. It almost seems casting is picking people for different shows. They are only casting two or maybe three black people and when they are supposed to fill the same disposable role every season of either being the source or receptacle of drama then it’s no wonder they can’t get traction to play a decent game. Their options for all star caliber is really small.
Although the choices for some of the white “all stars” is also highly suspect this season.
Simon. Is the target shifting to Tyler or are Cody/Yo trying to mist Memphis?
I think they should keep Tyler if evict Tyler then Xmas and Memphis will target Cody and Enzo and since Cody can’t play in this HOH then it will likely be Memphis who wins. If they keep Tyler then ty and Memphis will target each other.
Christmas is our only hope. Nominate Cody and Nicole!!!
After Nicole’s fall off the kiddie beam in the triple eviction veto competition I was hoping she’d be med evac’d like they do on survivor & pulled from the game.
I believe Nicole could be pretty if she had a different face, voice & personality .
I don’t think it’s in Cody’s best interest to get rid of Tyler. What he should do is try make a deal with Tyler just for himself that Tyler won’t put him up next week if he wins since he can’t play in HOH as I think Cody will be in the most danger next week. If these other players can gather enough brain cells at all they will be trying to get rid of him as he would easily win against all of them at the end. I’m really wondering if Enzo really thinks he can beat Cody doubtful since he was talking today about him being a beast. I think the only one who won’t put him up would be Nicole maybe. Tyler really needs to play up this week to Cody that there’s no way Christmas wouldn’t put Cody up and make that deal to not. I’m not a huge Cody fan but think both him and Tyler deserve to win more than these others. I mean who’s gonna wanna watch Christmas, Memphis or Nicole be the ones who remain in the game and one of them win not me ugh!!
Nicole’s “play” has been to piggyback off a male player. She lets her “ride” do all the work. She cries on cue, plays along on being told who to vote out & whines here n there for effect. She is no mastermind. The remaining tools should vote out Nicole but wont. This season is such a disappointment.
This show sucks this season ?
I call them ( the big brother house guests) THE ALL SNORES Because they aren’t acting like all stars!!!!