Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I’m going to the final 3 with Holly!”

Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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Power Of Veto Winner: Jackson
Nicole & Jackson are guaranteed final 3

Nicole that was hard. Jackson – thank you god! Jackson leaves the room and says sorry. I’m not trying to be rude. Cliff – no, go and celebrate. Jackson – its not even that, I just need some time. Cliff – embrace the moment, we are all proud of you. Holly and Nicole – well deserved! Holly talks about how she had to stop three times to use her inhaler

Jackson goes to the bedroom and starts crying. Jackson – I love you mom! I’m going to the final three with Holly! I’m going to the final 3 with HOLLY! We DID IT! WE DID IT! I love you mamma. We did it! He did it Holl’s! We did! We’re going to finale night! Thank you god! We had a job to do and we did it! Big Brother calls Jackson to the diary room.

At the diary room door Holly tells Jackson to be happy. Jackson says this is me being happy. Are you serious! This is me being happy! Holly – okay! Jackson – sh*t! Holly – I didn’t know! Jackson grabs the door and shakes it forcing it open. Holly – okay, I love you. Jackson heads into the diary room.

While alone Cliff tells Nicole – I trust him. Holly comes back and talks about how Jackson is mad. She says that she should be the one that is sad.

Nicole, Holly and Cliff talk about the competition and how they had to run back and forth. They realized that this was Michie’s comp because of his stamina. Nicole – no offence against Michie. I am just frustrated in myself. Holly – me too because my life was on the line.

7:33pm Jackson comes out of the diary room and head to the bedroom to do a prayer by the bed. Holly comes in and Jackson asks her to give him a second.

7:35pm Jackson comes out of the bedroom and opens his arms to Holly. She jumps on him to hug him. Jackson – I would never turn my back on you. You’re coming with me. Holly – do you realize how much you deserve the half a million dollars!? Do you realize that. Its within reach. There is no way if you’re up there the jury won’t give it to you. Jackson – I want you up there with me. Holly – you deserve this. Jackson – we’re going to finale night! Jackson – we did and no one in the jury wanted us to. We wouldn’t be here in this position if they didn’t try to F**k it. Holly – I handed her top three. Jackson – nothing in this game or in life is just served up on a platter. I’ll be damned after working my a$$ off if I am going to give someone else a half a f**king million. I worked hard to get here and I am not giving it to anybody! Holly – you worked harder than anyone. Jackson – I give you permission to compete but you have to evict him?! It makes me want to f**king throw up. Holly – like I said in my eviction speech you have a heart of gold and backbone of steel. And that backbone does not allow bullsh*t like that. Jackson – if y’all want to be snakes in the grass I will slither right there with you. But there is bite behind this f**king bark and y’all are about to see it. Holly – you amaze me! Jackson – we did it!

7:40pm – 8pm Kitchen. Jackson tells the others in the kitchen that he might sleep on the cot tonight. Jackson – I walked away from that and was about to have a panic attack. I was like can we please just go to the backyard. Cliff – I heard you and I saw you. Jackson – I was certain. I can live with loss when I did the best I could. I walked away knowing the mistakes I made and what I could have done to change them. Cliff – as long as you know you did the best you could. I came in at 38 minutes. I was exhausted out there. They all sit around the kitchen talking about how are the comp was and what their strategies were.

8:03pm Jackson – my blood pressure was scary high. I wasn’t throwing a temper tantrum but I was so mad I thought I was going to tear up the DR. I thought.. I was so certain. Cliff – I think we all left it all out there in that last veto. Jackson – we did. And even though I know where I could have fixed it .. I truly gave it my all.

Kitchen. Jackson – Mom is going to be so happy. Nicole hugs Jackson. Cliff – you all did so good. Holly – we all worked so hard to get here. Jackson – I don’t think anyone expected any of us to get this far. We all had the odds stacked against us. We’re in the final four! Cliff – since day one we all had a connection. Holly – you three were who I was instantly drawn to you. Cliff – the three of you have a special spot in my heart. They reminisce about the personalities of the evicted house guests and why they got evicted.

8:24pm – 8:40pm Cliff – our first formal dinner at the small table. Jackson – what was that one called? Nicole – “Win & You’re In!” The sit around the table eating and chatting.

Kitchen. Cliff and Nicole. Nicole as a fan of the show I would be more than happy to see you and Michie. Cliff – well thank you. Nicole – and that’s okay with me. The competitor and the perfectionist in my is very frustrated in myself. Cliff – its two versus one. There is still game to be played. Now if either one of us goes up against him in the final 2.. it is going to be hard. But if either one of us takes him out .. I think that helps our own case. You and I with voters… who knows which way that will go. Nicole – it could go either way.

8:53pm – 9:04pm Bedroom. Jackson holds the veto and tells Holly – this is our ticket to final 3! We’re going to finale night! Give it a kiss. They both kiss it and then kiss each other. Jackson – I did it for you. I was fine ..both were going to take me. Holly – I don’t think he was going to. Jackson – I wasn’t going to risk it. Jackson – I am sorry to the Hogg family. (Cliff Hogg) This would not have come to this if they had kept their word. He should have stuck up for himself and not the he was sticking up for Nicole. Its going to cost him. She might have cost him half a million. Why would I bend over backwards for someone who broke their word. If you want something you f**King take it. You don’t just wait for someone to hand it to you. I am not done fighting.. we have a job to do next week and I am going to bust my a$$.

9:26pm Nicole – Love fest!

9:40pm – 9:52pm Tie die party .. POP TV gives the house guests t-shirts and ink to do their own t-shirts. They leave it to do later or tomorrow and head up to the HOH room. Nicole listens to her music and Holly / Jackson play chess.

10:12pm The reality of everything is hitting Nicole. Jackson – your social game is impeccable. And you earned a spot in the final 3. You earned it. Your social game has carried you thus far. You won the veto to keep you and Cliff safe. Your physical game has brought you to final 3. Nicole – I know. Jackson – there is no reason why assumptions should be made or why you would feel like you haven’t earned something. Nicole – even just in general.. and maybe I shouldn’t be saying this until after the season but I’ve questioned everything so much that for you guys to go with your word that.. just I don’t know! You’re far better people than me .. I don’t think I could have done that. Nicole starts crying. I just feel bad. Jackson hugs her. Jackson – don’t feel bad for a second. We all have to turn on each other at some point in this game. We signed up to be 1 out of 16 winning. One person wins and 15 don’t. The decisions we make are game but the connections are real.

10:50pm HOH room. Holly talking to the cams. Meanwhile, Cliff and Nicole chat about the game. Cliff – this is the strangest experience I’ve ever been in. When I get out of here I’m not going to be able to trust anyone.

11:36pm – 12am Nicole and Cliff reminisce about past events of the season while looking at the memory wall. The conversation turns to talking about their outside lives and other random things.

12:47 am Cliff and Nicole
N – I just hope it works out CLiff
C – I think it will
N – You spoke with Michie again?
They agree he shouldn’t be the paranoid person that always brings up the matter.
C – he’d be hard-pressed to change it he’s talked about it too much.
N – It still amazes me she threw that HOH. Am I a different type of person am I a horrible person?
C – she agreed to do it for a chance to be here another week
N – even then if people voted for me to stay I would have a hard time going through with it
They talk about hos much money Michie has won already
Cliff – you’re going to make somewhere between 10 and 500 thousand
Cliff says the viewers are “watching us make deals and make things happen there’s nothing wrong with that”
They go on about Holly taking that deal and throwing the HOH.
N – I feel guilty because I knew she was going to throw it I was like oh great Cliff and I will win I never discussed with you what we should do. I should have thrown it to you I don’t know why I didn’t consider that.
C – no we did it the right way. Why would you throw that one to me that wouldn’t make any sense?
N – I have survivors guilt
N – I respect Michie’s game so much and he deserves to be in the final 3
They agree they wish Michie was in Final 3 but he Deserves to be there
Nicole – so much
Cliff says Mcihei is a “Southern Gentalman” in the south “A handshake means something”
C – if you look a man in the eye and shake his hand and agree to something
N – that’s crazy
C – all this swearing on the bible. it’s just a handshake and a look in the eye. That’s why I trust it’ll go the way it did
C – that’s why I felt a little trapped if I had won
Cliff is happy he made the deal with Jackson he thinks Jackson will take him over Holly.
Nicole tells him he’s got her jury vote.

1:02 am The backyard is open

1:20 am Chit chat

1:54 am Michie and Holly
Talking about using the veto on Holly. Jackson laughs that with his luck she would decide to keep Cliff over Jackson
H – WHAT! JACKSON! never in a million. I threw a fricken HOH to Nicole
J – how stupid would I look guaranteed ticket to final night give it to a girl I’m in a showmance with BURNED out you go
H – You know I would never in a million years do that but it’s up to you
Holly says even if she knew she would lose to Jackson, in the end, she could never evict him, “I cold enver live with myself if I don’t take you”

Jackson says if Holly wasn’t here he would roll the dice with Cliff but if Holly is here he wasn’t to go to the end with her.
Jackson – I really wonder if Cliff would have taken me.
H – he was making it seem like it wouldn’t be you to me
J – that’s fine if that’s the case it makes this a whole lot easier
2:16 am
J – He got very out of his Character the past week
H – he’s exhausted I feel bad
J – I do too
H – like you said he’s getting sloppy
J – Sloppy
H – He’s always been a deals man always but he’s making sloppy reckless deals
J – reckless. He’s not thinking them through. There are only 4 people in this house and you’re thinking that talking to the only showmance in the four they are not going to compare notes and realize what you are doing.
J – You’re telling me to my face if you pick me to go to final 3 I have to take you to final 2 but then you are not taking me to final 2 in return
J – You’re telling Holly that she has no choice but to throw the HOh and the veto but if she wants to compete in the veto she has to take you (Cliff) to final 3.
J – I’m sorry it’s almost comical. In what world would that ever fly. Especially knowing the individuals you and I are? Do you really think we’ll bend over backwards here’s your finale night ticket
J – I’ll take fourth I’ll do whatever I can to win this thing but I rather you have it.. You have it.take it.. no it’s all yours
J – I love him as a man and I have so much respect for him on a personal level and that will never change. I had so much respect for him on a game level until this week
H – Same
J – that’s the unfortunate thing.
Jackson explains had they not tried to flip on Holly she would have won HOH
J – it would be a tough decision for me to pick between Cliff and Nicole. Very very tough. But this picking between new cliff. Cliff 2.0. FDR Cliff and Holly it’s a no brainer.
J – it gets me so worked up when he said in the kitchen it’s all your last few days
J – No offense Cliff but he made these deals way too soon he should have seen the outcome of the veto. He was trying to set himself up for success this early. knowing we will gun for the veto!
H – there first mistake was breaking our deal. Our FInal 4
Jackson says all the Keeping Tommy Drama and Cliff/Nicole going back on their deal last week is what is costing Cliff his game.
J – That was a half-million-dollar mistake
H – it was, going back on their word, Forcing me into a corner
J – strong-arming you
H – and then I didn’t go back on my deal and things turned out regardless
J – the thing that infuriates me the most is the superiority to you and him making you feel inferior like you need his permission to compete in a veto. The most important competition of the season. 13 weeks in the making. She is 31 years old grown women she doesn’t need permission from anyone for anything in life.
Jackson about what Cliff said “You can compete but if you win you have to use it on me”
J – either you don’t compete. You throw it to me OR you will be allowed to compete on the grounds that you evict him (Jackson)
Holly laughs
J – where’s Ashton Kushner is he going to say we’re on punkd
H – it’s one of the more outlandish things I’ve ever heard.
Jackson – this past week he’s been sloppy. He’s playing checkers now. He’s playing like Nick, Like Bella. Just slinging sh1t around seeing what sticks and getting messy doing it
J – He’s not Cliff right now. He’s off his game
H – I know and it makes me feel bad or at the same time is this more of his true character begin exposed now that he’s so worn down.
J – I think he’s exhausted and he’s making decisions outta haste to be done with this. He’s over it and doesn’t have the energy to put the thought or effort into it
J – I think last week for them to have the power to control the fate of this house got to their heads a little bit
H – it did
J – There’s a sense of confidence thay they didn’t have all season
H – they haven’t been in power for most of the season
J – they had FULL control
H – Cliff had one HOH early in the game since neither had any power until day 79. their whole attitude changed.

2:42 am Holly and Jackson
Michie – feels like yesterday I was trying to get votes for Camp director and making it seem like I don’t want it.

6:20 am Zzzzzzzz

10:26 am Nicole up talking to us about her casting experiance.

11:41 am Zzzzzzz
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Nicole for the WIN!!!!

This is officially the Jackson show! Game over!!! Ur BB21 winner = Snackson!!!


I can’t stand Jackson. No need to watch any longer.

Michie is a stud

Don’t hate what you can’t beat.

Everybody is jelly now that my man is going to win.

Enjoy having wild unadulterated sex with Holly for the next week.

They are truly a Big Brother Super Couple!

Jelly jelly jelly… Hahahahaha

Cotton Weary

decent troll post. upvote

Franks fumes

It’s interesting how everything Jackjaw and his receptor have done this week is the fault of everybody else….I like their logic.

House Stark


Has anyone checked on Houka? This veto probably hit him hard.

Sally B

Craziest thing, but I, too, was wondering all day “Hey. Where’s Houka??” What a character. Always so wrong, but so adamant. Makes me laugh, for some odd reason.

Cotton Weary

ah Houka, AKA, NOT-stradamus.

never took Houka serious, but hope Houka’s okay. fun guy. fungi.

Joey Versus Corn Pop

I bet Houka went back to his hookah.

BB Watcher

that’s not being jealous. that’s called rooting for who you want to win. i dont like michie either


What makes them a power “couple”? Holly has done…….?

another name

she’s been a human c@ck holster. that’s what makes her part of a couple, and that’s the only thing that has given her any social sway in the game.


“Cliff – since day one we all had a connection. Holly – you three were who I was instantly drawn to you.”

BahahahahahaHA! Ohhh Holly, you really crack me up!!

Danger Will Robinson

Yeah, what kind you of BS was that; on both their parts!!!

zingading ding

Has anyone been watching ex on the beach with Elena & Mark being on there??? Elena was only on 2 weeks…she’s turned out to be a hot mess. Mark now has control over their relationship which makes Elena appear desperate. Mark is hooking up with Aubrey O’day lollllllllllllllll…she & her ex gf are teaching him to kiss…ugh! Theyv’e all 3 agreed that Aubrey can be with all of them…go figure…ew


haha…I saw that…crazy! :p


And this pertains to BB how?

Butters Mom

they are former bb contestants


Thanks for the assist :p

Cotton Weary

polyamory? nice


:/ lol


I’ve been over this season since I first saw Jackson’s face. I’ve watched BB religiously since it first aired and this is by far the worst season. I just keep hoping Evil Dick will walk through the door and Give Jackson and Holly Hell. Ugh so annoyed.

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Enjoy the jury house Cliff.

PS Save a bed for Nicole.


Nicole is guaranteed F3 and be there on Finale night. She’ll never see the jury house.

Britney Haynes Rules!

I think Jackson deserves to win the season but Nicole at the worst is going to win favorite player in my opinion.

Joey Versus Corn Pop

Hopefully we get some jury footage on tonights show.

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Agree! I see production wanting one of each couple in f2 so it will be intersting to see this play out. Jackson most likely wins part 1 hoh goes to 3rd and i see Nicole winning part 3 Hoh…

When Nicole wins part 3 she has said she wld take Holly cuz Jackson scares the crap out of her… We shall see and i hope Jackson finishes 3rd place cuz this whole season has been catered to him. He has won $10 grand already on top of stipend… If he won it all that wld be crazy!!!

Franks fumes

Yep sadly that’s all we can hope for with 2 physical competitions in a row this week it looks like production wanted this…..weird.

another name

Oh you KNOW Grod was pissed when that HOH comp only took a few minutes. You GOTTA know that.
You know i’ve been pointing out every Grod move this season and how it would shield or help Jackson in the game since week one. From saying they’d have him separate from the gr8ful side and jump to the side with the more fan friendly players (predicted near the end of Jack’s HOH so weeks before it happened), increasing individually timed comps for the season so they could be sure he wouldn’t be in peril, allowing him anything he asks for so that his true personality doesn’t sneak out (including with holding alcohol as much as possible). Reminding him about his image and how to act daily.
How anybody is surprised the final 4 veto was an individual time comp instead of a head to head race in a season where a house guest that would have been a good bbplayer without the help is given so much help is beyond me.


Nicole might be at a disadvantage in the third comp, which is a how-well-you-know-the-jurors comp. she really only knew Jessica, Nick and, now, Cliff.

Jackson and Holly know their foemer alliance members very well.


I see jackson winning part one and holly winning part 2 and then part 3 wont matter as holly and jackson will take each other to f2. Nicole is useless, she aint winning another comp, know one will throw her this one.

another name

Part one of HOH is traditionally a test of endurance. Depending on which route they go each one has a case. If it’s more strength and power edge to Jackson. If it’s about patience and flexibility the girls have the edge.
Part two of HOH is traditionally a test of house history knowledge with a skill twist (except season 18, that was a stupid individually timed exercise in ridiculousness).
If Jackson is smart he tosses part one to Holly and competes against Nicole in part 2. Holly’s recognition of events sucks and while she might have more ability in the skill twist, she’s lacking in requisite knowledge of the house events that will make her time suffer immensely. Jackson will not think to toss part one to Holly. He will want the easiest road for himself. That decison could give a part 2 edge to Nicole.
Part three is usually some kind of house guest knowledge. Tricky. Nicole knows more about Jess, Nick and Cliff maybe Kat (in game not in real life). Holly knows more about Kat (in real life maybe not game) Sis and Tommy. Jackson knows more about Jack. I’m not sure if any of them paid attention to Crustie. The rest of the house Holly and Jackson had a tendency to talk over, not listen to, one up in conversation or dismiss (Holly famously as people she’d never associate with in real life). While Nicole bonded with jurors before they left, I’m not sure how much authenticity she got from them.


That’s a format change ai don’t like. It was much better when only two people were left in the house and the jury questions went for more than an hour. You really don’t learn anything as a juror in only a few questions — and you don’t really have time to consider the answers and the reasons behind the moves.

Bitter jurors don’t have the time to think, so they remain bitter. When the questioning was a few days before, it can allow plenty of time to overcome.

Dan wouldn’t have swept in BB10 under the current system. April and Ollie and maybe Michelle would have gone Memphis’ way.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

That makes you a fan of the BB game. Most people are fans of house guests, not BB.

Sadly, production is a fan of ratings.


Totally agree.

Franks fumes

At least you can tune out until finale night….I need a break from that legoheaded mommy chaser and it will be well deserved. Punishing season lol.


“I just keep hoping Evil Dick will walk through the door and Give Jackson and Holly Hell.”

He has aids…..he is never stepping foot in the BB house again.


He does not have AIDS, He is HIV positive..big difference.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

“I just keep hoping Evil Dick will walk through the door and Give Jackson and Holly Hell.”

If he came through the door he would high five Jackson.

Tired Of Cliff

It is Jackson game.. but don’t give up on Nicole just yet..I think she can win it. I am not a Jackson fan..he really played the game..it is a dirty game and lying, backstabbing is part of it as well. I believe you play a different character in BBH than out the house..to get to the end you will get dirty 500k is on the line. I want Nicole to win.


You say all that and then say o want nicole to win. Nicole is none of that

another name

Nicole vs. Jackson vs. Beth
Jury management: Nicole got close to and bonded with most of the jurors before they were evicted. Jackson antagonized them and blamed them. They don’t think of Beth as an individual.
Target aquisiton: Jackson took out Sis and Jess. Spin it how you want: if you have Christie in your crosshairs and you take out Sis and Jess you are a piss poor shot. Jackson can’t even claim Tommy unless he claims his lie. That one if he wants to keep his good guy edit goes to Nicole, who also gets to claim being the deciding vote in most evictions, and the honor of taking out Christie. Nobody thinks Beth’s hoh was even Beth’s HOH.
Comp wins: goes to Jackson.
Clutch comp wins: goes to Nicole and Jackson evenly (if Beth is stupid enough to throw a comp it still goes to Nicole).
Social game: goes to nicole.
Strategic game: would have gone to Nicole if they took out Beth. Now goes to Jackson for intimidating everyone into doing his will.
How any of this adds up to Jury I don’t know.
All i can truly say is if Jackson or Nicole win final HOH and don’t take Beth, they are dumb.

J e t s jets jets jets

How great would it be if mommy dearest is so embarrassed by her sons performance this summer that she doesn’t show up for final night!


That’s dumb. What would she be embarrassed about? Do you have family problems you want to share?

Franks fumes

She is probably very proud of him it’s called enabling…….she helped make him the pompous douchebag he is lol.

Tom is a Canuck

Where’s Jackson’s dad?

another name

Jackson’s dad is a keyboard player named Fish.
I get the feeling he’s either on the road a lot, or his parents are no longer together.

Franks fumes

Dad is hard at work at the Lego factory.


That’s nasty that you would wish something like that on someone. Grow up.

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Same! Nicole for the win!


I wanted Cliff there. Yet if it’s Jackson/Holly F2 I prefer Jackson winning. Of course Nicole would be my choice of winner and she has a shot. So they all are in the extra money now. So may vote Cliff AFP.


Agree, it is a dirty game. Being a Pollyanna won’t get you 500k. I’m rooting for Nicole but she does need another win. That, alongside her social game could give Jurors an excuse not to vote for Jackson if they’re final 2. Remember, she went from being the crazy 8’s number 1 target to sweet, harmless lovable Nicole. Some even cheered for her.

I just don’t want to see Jackson in final 2. The righteous act from J&H just rubs me the wrong way. It’s not so much what they did to get to F4, It’s their pompous attitude, the way they pretend they played with integrity and justify their moves…it’s Nicole and Cliff’s fault that he told the big Tommy lie. It’s not so much that he did it, albeit it was pretty brutal, he just needs to own it. He made a move to keep him & Holly safe. It’s the game. I’m not saying he should come clean w/C&N but behind closed doors and cameras on? Dude, come on. We see you. I didn’t see Ciff disrespecting Holly but seriously? I guess Jackson thinks he is the only one that gets to do that.

I do hate Cliff’s game and the influence he had over Nicole. I hate that Nicole let him influence her game, often going against her better judgment.

Just me thinking out loud.

J e t s jets jets jets

All we need to happen is for Nicole to win 1 of the 2 HOH comps then she has a great chance against either Jackson or Holly in the true or false on final night. Then she takes Holly and has about a 70% chance in my opinion to win.

There’s still hope!

Exactly. She has been studying just as much as everyone else. They’ve had 2 physical/endurance in a row so the rest should be mental…I think….which gives her a chance.

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Or if they fo before or after as the 3rd and final hoh like they use to do in the past bb…. Nicole wld have a good chance at that!

the corey's

lol cliff

this what you get for booting tommy


Sad but true! As poor as cliffs health has been looking lately I’m afraid when Jackson evicts him he could stroke out. He actually believes Jackson would give up holly so quickly?? His decision making has been quite bad lately, the game has taken a toll. Sorry cliff, we didn’t want things to end this way for u but it’s what u insisted


Jackson can only beat Holly in the final two. Holly has no hope of winning (it would be a fluke because this is not a bitter jury.)… both lose to Nicole… they are not bitter but most like Nicole and she did get further than anyone expected.



Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Goodbye. 🙂

Last Season was Better

Cliff you have lost the game. Jackson will win. ?


Bye, Bye Cliff!

America's Favorite

Cliff played so hard for America’s Favorite, but he’ll leave Big Brother as America’s dumb@$$.


Hahaha, indeed!!

Tom is a Canuck

Why does Cliff have no money? He’s a petroleum engineer!

House Stark

Cliff spends all his money on Furry costumes. Do you know how much an Peppa Pig costume in Cliff’s size costs?

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Cliff cld still win AFP! Wldnt that be the cake topper to end this season… I wld LMFAO!!!


Bye Cliff!

Get to Steppin Cliff

Addios grandpa.


Its official J&H final two. Best of luck Nicole not. You and cliff fooook up last week and karma is gonna send Cliff out. How hell is he gonna send all those messages to wifey now?

Franks fumes

Sharon……I f@cked the pooch on this one…,..

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Cliff played a very good game but Jackson played a better one.


Jackson won comps but cannot say he played a better game. I’ve disliked a lot of winners but he should never even made the show. He a violent, aggressive, domestic assault asshole that’s been coddled by mommy all his life. I had a father that physically & mentally abused my mother & brothers…I see it every time his jaw clenches…and the intensity changes in his eyes. This time I agree CBS walked him to the end by putting the challenges in place they knew he could win. Mommy & her money scared CBS with threat of a lawsuit, she said his mental health was in jeopardy, while at the same time she’s left at home to clean up his legal issues…14 counts to be exact. Holly is his puppy & stress relief while on the show. He’s already set it up to kick her to the curb on finale night. Besides humping perv Nick, I’ve never dispised a houseguest more. Rant over!!!

Tom is a Canuck

What 14 counts? And where’s his daddy?

Sally B

Yeah…..whuuutt?? Guess I missed this?

Franks fumes

His new nickname should be Compson….

another name

For the sake of all the ones that are inevitably going to come at you like hyenas:
you mean alleged charges and alleged lawsuit.
While there are multiple reports of charges, nothing has yet been verified. The same is to be the case for any alleged lawsuits. There are reports but nothing verified.
We have only Kat’s word on feeds that he is facing dv charges. Just like we only have jackson’s word that he has been abusing multiple prescription drugs since long before they ever gave him a prescription. Just like we only have Jackson’s word that he committed fraud by failing to disclose parts of his medical records in his application forms because those disclosures would disqualify him from participating.
The fact that production took face value and didn’t practice due diligence in vetting, and put him on the program as a danger to himself or others would be the basic basis of any possible avenue of litigation. Because of the legalese of the application and contracts he signed, he most likely would not win such litigation unless he could prove that he was not of a capacity to be held liable due to his undisclosed conditions.

Franks fumes

Yep you sign your life away on the CBS bb contract…..(Your not allowed to talk about production!)

another name

It’s the part of the contract that extends for years after the season where you are not allowed to mention anything about production involvement in your season that has always freaked me out. I mean: if I were conspiratorial i’d be reading that and saying what have you got to hide?
I think the term has ended for 15… so Helen, were you pushed?

Tired Of Cliff

Cliff tells Nicole that Jackson is a trustworthy man and he believe Jackson will keep his word. Cliff needs to wake up he is about to get a big eye opener. Jackson is Not going to take him to the F3..I don’t understand why would Cliff think Jackson or Holly would take him to F3.. taking out Tommy costed Cliff a chance at winning 500k..I do not feel sorry for him at all..Cliff made too many mistakes with Nicole..Cliff wanted Jackson and he is about to get some of Jackson..crazy stuff LOL

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Cliff knows he is toast.

Sis's Werewolf

Cliff’s a slack-jaw

Derpy dee derp dee derp…. drool cup

Franks fumes

By the time the jury(including a pissed Cliff) deliberate their won’t be enough votes for him to beat Nicole but Mommy he could beat.


Tommy wouldn’t take Cliff either. Even if he voted out Holly, how would that help his situation. tommy sucked in the mental comps and was strong in the physical/endurance ones. Jackson knows Cliff is strong mentally, so he’d still get cut.

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill


Any idea what the veto comp was?


Sounds like it was shooting balls to knock down houseguest cutouts based on Q&A.

Ol' Buzzard

The veto comp was a watermelon eating contest. Go figure.

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Biter, party of one crow?


I for one am happy for Jackson. Say bye bye to the Cliffster! I honestly don’t get that Cliff actually thinks Jackson would take him instead of Holly.

Hope Hicks Was Here

So what happens now? If he uses it on Holly then only Cliff is left, but there has to be two people on the block right?

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

He uses it on himself and votes Cliff out.


Jackson will use it on himself, Cliff goes up; Jackson votes Cliff out. No matter what, Holly is in F2.


Down votes for answering a question with the truth? LOL

J e t s jets jets jets

How do you figure “NO MATTER WHAT” Holly is final 2?


Because, regardless of who wins the 3rd HOH, both Jackson and Nicole will take Holly to F2

J e t s jets jets jets

Your right my bad.

House Stark

i know some people who want Jackson to win. I know some people who want Nicole to win. Does anyone know anybody who wants Holly to win?

Cotton Weary

so what will holly do with the $50,000?

i leave to you, OBBers. zing away!

Ovi's tongue

She will let her next boyfriend gamble it away during a weekend in Las Vegas that she paid for.

BB Crusty Crab Shack

Hahaha, sad but true

another name

she’ll design flesh colored tights for the homeless. Then buy a weeks worth of makeup. The remainder she’ll give to Jackson to cover his rent because he’ll have already spent his winnings on xanax without a prescription, some floozy he met at the wrap party, and watermelons.

Christie's crusty nose-ring

Botox, Juviderm and makeup

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Whatever she wants to…just like anyone else.

House Stark

She will use the money for diapers for baby jackson.

BB Crusty Crab Shack

Down payment for Jackson’s house in LA

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Don’t forget jackson doesnt have a car so def some of his money wld be for a car… prob legal fees for a lawyer to straighten up his mess…

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Well since she said her and jackson are going big time on 1st vacation to boli (maldives) this year im sure there goes a bit right out the window… supposedly they both want to travel alot…

Jan Nan

It would be hilarious if Holly won the final comp and took Nicole to F2. That would be the icing on the cake and make up for this crappy season just to see the look on Jackson’s face. A girl can dream.


She’d still lose. Nicole has made bigger moves, Nicole has made friends in jury, jury hates jackson so would hold it against her. Holly is playing for 2nd.

Sis's Werewolf

Dee derpy dee derp dee dee derp

Hope Hicks Was Here

Thanks for the answers guys. And thank you to the jerk offs who put a thumbs for me just asking a question. Wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow.


The season is a snooze fest. So sick of wacko Jacko and his winch. Cliff and Nichole made a huge mistake by getting rid of Tommy. DUMB DUMB DUMB! Cliff is high as hell if he thinks Jackson will take him. Funny how Cliff and Nichole are the devil for considering their options but here’s Wacko Jacko rearing back about to stab cliff in the back…but who cares Jackson is god…kill me now.

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Someone is a little jelly.


Don’t hate the player Babieeeee, hate the game!

America’s Favorite

I hate both.

Butters Mom

I hate Grodner


Omg,I was saying the same thing. I was so mad Thursday night when they evicted Tommy. And for Jackson to say they broke the deal how the hell did they break it yeah there was the thought of keeping Tommy but after Jackson put fear in Nicole and cliff they still kept his girl. Now Jackson is talking shit on cliff saying he should have kept the deal blah blah, even if Nicole and cliff wasn’t thinking of evicting holly and never made Jackson lie to Tommy( Jackson said that) he still would have voted cliff out over holly regardless. I think it’s funny how Jackson is telling Holly he doesn’t know if they will be together after the show but I garantee if she wins he will be farther up her ass than he already is. Lol. Now cliff I kinda feel bad for but then again I don’t how dumb he truly believes Jackson is taking him over holly, come on cliff really he can’t see how happy holly is. I always liked cliff but now not so much. For some reason all season he talked about getting Tommy out I think cliff was a little anti gay could be wrong but imo. Anyway cliff and Nicole are going to feel so stupid when they re watch the show and see Tommy was telling the truth but it’s a game and it’s to late now.


Cliff is a fool if he thinks Jackson is going to honor anything


Does Cliff REALLY think Jackson is taking him to the final 3 over Holly???!!!??????
When will the light bulb finally turn on? Will Nicole have to turn in on for him??


I don’t get Cliff’s logic either. First, there was the final 4 agreement that Nicole and Cliff decided to break which caused a major blow-up. Second, Cliff decides to renegotiate new agreements with Jackson and Holly for both to bring Cliff to final 3 all while forcing Jackson and Holly to vote out each other. These 2 have been banging the whole season and Cliff actually thought that he could manipulate his way between them. He must be really dense if he doesn’t realize that these two talk. I thought engineers were supposed to be smart. You couldn’t make this stuff up. I think this is hilarious.

Franks fumes

It’s probably directed by the DR…..they were all ready to keep Tommy then the impossible happened (production) I refuse to believe Cliff/Nicole are that clueless…..but who knows it’s all scripted anyway.


On the feeds, Cliff is seriously telling Nicole that he expects Jackson to evict Holly and take him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Cliff, please get your stupid away from Nicole.


OMG Cliff has lost it

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

Now he won’t be able to do the shirt pull and finger snap routine again. Priceless!

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Thank You 10 fold for that! That annoyed the crap out of me watching him do that every time…


Didnt Cliff tell Michie if he won veto or HoH ..he was taking Nicole…but if anyone else won they better take him? Can’t have it both ways Cliff. Final four is over. Can’t get upset because its now a fight to the finish.


Nicley done Jackson !


K we know Nicole is already F3, now with Jackwad winning Veto he takes himself or Holly down and Cliff goes up. Buuuttt, who casts the vote for Cliff or Holly to stay? Just Jackson? (forgive me…its been awhile since I actually paid attention to how this works with a showmance etc at the end) Thanks!

Howl at the Moon

Christie has the universe cast the vote to evict.

J e t s jets jets jets

Based on his comments is he going to to take Holly off the block and let her evict Cliff? That would really be a total dick move towards Cliff.

Jan Nan

Jackson cast the vote


Can he be a douche? Hell yes!
Does he have a strange affinity towards watermelon? FOR SURE!
Does he deserve to be in the final two? ABSOLUTELY

People can hate him, deservedly so, but you can’t deny the boy has done an awesome job. He wins when he needs to win, had Cliff eating out of the palm of his hand the whole season, was the first one to call Christie on her bullsh*t, and completely cut himself from the sh*tty six minus Holly. Bravo Jackson

another name

I would honestly be giving Jackson a standing ovation for winning veto if they had had customary final four race at the same time to finish the final four veto comp. The individual time comp we’ll never get to see in full side by side, I don’t trust it. Sorry. I’ll never trust an individual time comp on big brother.
NO. honestly. in a head to head race comp, i’ve congratulated every winner, even if i loathed them. this individual time we’ll never see the whole thing crap? nope.

Cotton Weary

my fellow conspiracist, do you think production is done? or will we see “change ups” for the F3 comps?

another name

The only move I can see them making is the season 18 move. That had nothing to do with the final three comps per se (although one of the season 18 final hoh comps was complete and utter crap), the only possible thing they can do now is:
a) concentrate on jury questions (they write them, hand over a bunch, and tell them to pick from the pre- arranged bunch). They could feasibly give a finalist a heads up to how to answer said questions (like how they prepped Jack for his dressing down by Julie, or how they prepped Jackson for the field trip so that his reaction would be in character and come off well to viewers like Jackson said on feeds after the fact). That one is more for viewers than jurors.
b)council jurors and suggestively guide them. Like those 2 surprise votes that got Nicole the win in 18 (Natalie and Da, who spoke regularly and often about having no respect for Nicole’s game even in jury segments on the show cast two head scratchers for her. Anyone that doesn’t remember the head scratching after the vote saying why did they switch? was too busy basking in Paul lost and a woman beat a man for the first time in us bb (in the season grod and kassss had advertisd in early season pre-feeds interviews as a season where women could win out) to question how for that season… which led us to him getting the second chance in 19 and the carte blanche he had for that second bite at the apple). In the conspiracy they needed 2 surprise votes because James would still be heated and vote against her (James had been Nicole’s cliff all season and got cut at finale).

An aside: Anyone bitching about pre-existing relationships this year look at season 4 where exes of some house guests were the twist. Look at season 5 where secret family members were the twist for SOME of the house guests (including a half sister/brother relationship where she didn’t know he existed and the first twin twist). Look at season 6 where everyone walked in with a secret pairing. It was common practice in the early seasons. Look at 18 where paulie and nicole had the added cushion of knowing they would each be on for the season, Nicole having spent time with paulie’s family on multiple occasions had a pre-existing relationship that helped her in the game with alliances and jury. NOW we are outraged? Now our outrage gets production to downplay all existing ties except the one announced on the first episode? THAT was by design. The other seasons had one thing in common: all pre-existing relationships were KNOWN to viewers by the end of the premiere. This year they live beta tested to see how viewers would respond and ditched or downplayed the reveals later. Bam-frickin-boozled.


He should have lost tons of points/votes for all the cheating production covered up/glossed over. The eating all day everyday while on slop, among other things.

another name

Let’s remember: Jackson was ON THE BLOCK at the time he cheated in have not. Season 8: Jen receives a penalty vote for eating while on slop. Season 19: Matt receives a penalty vote for eating while on slop. Season 21: they have a individually timed veto that Kat later says she won the comp but doesn’t get the veto, while Jackson gets the veto where his video footage and total time don’t add up.


I have a feeling they went easy on Jackson because of the eating disorder he mentioned having. I think that’s also why Have Nots only last two weeks this season. As soon as Jackson was eligible to be a Have Not again, it was over. Not saying I agree or disagree with the decision or think they should have gone easy on him. I’m just giving a possible theory as to why nothing was done to him – CBS avoiding bad publicity for “punishing” someone with an eating disorder.

Butters Mom

What is his eating disorder and if he has a medical issue that prevents him from participating in the aspects of BB why was he cast?

another name

Here’s my problem: Jackson says a lot of things to skirt taking responsibility. He says the only reason he was getting negative press is because of Christie, not because of things he said or did. He says he’s in law school. Other house guests on feeds have said he took a couple law courses, but he isn’t in law school because he never graduated from his undergrad.
What proof do we have he has had an eating disorder, given that he admits to having falsified his medical evaluation by failing to disclose factors that would have disqualified him (such as his drug habit).

another name

By the way, BBCAN put Nikki Grahame in the house. And made her a have not. There have been other house guests in recovery from eating disorders on big brother. They also completed Have nots. Some for multiple weeks. They have medical and psych services on call. No. they didn’t give him an easier time because of an eating disorder. They’d already started coddling him before that.

zingading ding

Does Cliff know he’s a goner now?


Jackson deserves to win this he has played the best game cliff deserves to go home

Christie’s C****

Jackson is a racist moron. I hope he dont win.

Deep Thoughts

Actually from your screen name and post it is pretty easy to see who the real moron is here.


How is he racist?


He’s not racist lol. I swear it’s a term people LOVE to throw around when they have nothing real to say. There was no racism on this show at all this season


And of course there’s *crickets*.

Nicole for the WIN!!!!

Sorry but there was racism on the show! Jack and jackson both called david the n word clear as day and more than once. I dont have feeds anymore but go on utube and put in jackson calling david n word and u will hear it! They were in the kitchen talking abt david and both said it. Jackson’s u have to really listen cuz he tries to say it low key…

BB Crusty Crab Shack

LOTS of receipts……especially with Cliff, Jackson, and Aquadouche


Gee, do you think Cliff will be upset when he gets blindsided next week? Hopefully, we get a true blindside – we haven’t had one of those this year yet.


I’ve been saying for 2 weeks cliff and nicole are sharing half a brain. They should have evicted jackson the last 2 opportunities, cliff is gone this week, and regardless of whose sitting next to jackson, like him or not hes getting the votes to win.


They didn’t have the opportunity


when they booted Tommy???

Ill Logic

They had the chance to boot Holly or Tommy last eviction. Jackson was HOH.


They had the chance and the double to split them up and then last week too!!! Both deserve to go….idiots

America’s Favorite

Yup. Cliff and Nicole screwed up their games when they didn’t evict Jackson in the double eviction. I reluctantly watched this season but I will definitely pass on this show next year. Whether the game is staged or these houseguests really are that stupid, it’s not an enjoyable show to watch. And CBS continues to cast the worst people and protect them.


Jackson stayed up on that wall on his last HOH to keep Holly, Nicole and Cliff safe. When Nicole fell, he knew he had to win it to keep all 4 of them safe. That wasn’t the HOH to win, but he did it for the 4. And he kept his word to Tommy by not putting him up. So I get his anger over C&N considering keeping Tommy. Like him or not, he’s played the best game of the 4 of them.

I don’t think it’s going to come as such a shock to Nicole when Cliff is evicted. She’s said she wouldn’t have honored that last HOH like Holly. (That’s Holly’s nightmare to live with)

And Cliff should leave that house with his head held high. When was the last time someone his age made it to the final 4?


Yep…and I think Nicole knows who Michie is going to evict, She just doesn’t like confrontations or seeing people get their feelings hurt.


Seriously. They couldn’t see that Jackson was going to annihilate them? What a huge blunder to not get rid of Holly. Cliff and Nicole deserve to lose. Jackson would never get rid of Holly.


Shoot!! Sure was hoping Nicole would win!! Cliff agreed to evict whoever Nicole wanted to. That was going to be Michie. I believe Cliff would have honored that agreement because it was with Nicole. Cliff is now going to realize he has been played by Michie when he is evicted. The only hope there is now is for Nicole and Michie to face off in the final HOH, Nicole wins, and takes Holly to final 2. If that doesn’t happen, Michie wins $500,000, Holly wins second place for the $50,000, and for my own personal preference, Nicole wins America’s Favorite Player for $25,000. I know this is from another show, but it really fits this game between Cliff and Michie. Michie outwitted, out lasted, and out played Cliff.


Michie outwitted, outlasted and outplayed the whole house. He deserves to win if he makes it to the final 2. The game isn’t over yet.


On a compition level, yes he should win. But, on his social game, he played horrible!! I do agree that if he is in the final two, he will win. Him and Holly will eventually break up, Cliff will realize that he made a huge mistake, and Nicole will realize that her so called brother/sister relationship she had with Michie was a farce. For awhile I thought Michie had a little crush on Nicole, but the way he has been saying and doing things behind her back, is such a mean and douchy thing. Yes, she was going to go back on her word, but she was actually playing a game in such a way that would not be malicious. Michie played maliciously just to save a girl that he is just using for you know what.


You could be right but wasn’t it Nicole that first decided to break their final 4 agreement? She brought it up to Cliff first. Then she said their final 4 agreement was only for 1 week which expired. Then when Holly was talking to her just before the vote Nicole just sat there stone faced and said she was weighing her options. If anyone else did all that would they be considered malicious? All of that being said I’m pretty sure that Nicole was being malicious. Nicole is a sweet girl but when push comes to shove I wouldn’t underestimate her. And that ok because she shouldn’t be a pushover.

America's Favorite

His social game was horrible and he played a personal game. He wanted to be surrounded by minions. When Jack and Christie confronted Jackson about his lies, Jackson dropped his alliance. When Cliff and Nicole started to have independent thoughts, he dropped them too. He targeted weaklings on his HoHs (except when Tommy was evicted, but that was because the picks were slim). He’s not a smart player, but that doesn’t set him apart from the other morons from this season.

Ovi's tongue

That’s Survivor.

Christy Afp

Hope Christy manipulates jury so we have a awfully bitter jury and Jackson loses.

Don’t over think it

People hate him but that kid deserves to win. If you say otherwise you’re just butthurt.


It’s one thing to win competitions, and it’s another thing to be a disgusting womanizing condescending pig. I believe he is in law school. Fits the bill. He’ll be the perfect BS lawyer.

Don’t over think it

Try some ice for that butt.

another name

From what was said later, he isn’t in lawschool. he took one or two law classes while at UT. There was also a statement that he hasn’t actually graduated yet.

zingading ding

I think Jackson lies about what his outside world is, just like I don’t believe Cliff the engineer needs this money. I almost married an engineer & his dad was a lawyer. Even his dad admitted to me that his son had more money than he did, but then again dad the lawyer really wanted me to marry his son LOL. I didn’t.


There’s so much more to the game of BB than winning competitions. If Nicole is final two with Jackson she deserves the win.

Cotton Weary

you’re right. there’s production

zingading ding

Christie hates Michie especially for using her as a pawn repeatedly, so if Tommy relates to her or the other jury members Jackson horrible behavior in the end to sweet adorable fake Tommy, I believe with Christies big mouth, she and Tommy can convince Jack, Sis, Jess, Cliff, to vote for Nicole for the win. All the challenge wins in the world are forgotten & fall on deaf ears when hatefulness enters the scenario. Jurors aren’t as forgiving as they were in earlier seasons if you ask me.

holly&mitchi suck

he doesn’t deserve it because the game was set up for him, who else ever got steak every nite wi a full watermelon, & he cheated on slop plus other times, it wasn’t a fair game at all cbs

zingading ding

Maybe this is where CBS will get him for even intimidating them??

Don’t over think it


The core

Don’t worry about it Cliff you made the right decision to get rid of Tommy….. Somewhere Boogie and doctor will are on their finger phones just laughing their butts off

Tommy Is Faker Than a 3 Dollar Bill

I bet Cliff thinks he is going to win America’s Favorite Player too. Reality check is coming.


Funniest comment! Thanks for the chuckle


Everyone keeps saying that but keeping Tommy would not have made a difference whatsoever.

another name

you keep saying it would have made no difference, so you think individually timed comps are rigged like i do?


J is the last person I wanted to win the VETO! Guess there is still a chance for Nicole but it is now slim. She has to go up against that beast in the 3 part HOH. First part is usually endurance,(all 3 play) second is mental/physical (two losers of first challenge play) and last one (players are winners of #1 & #2) are guessing how the jury HS, appearing on video, would finish their sentence (choice given). Winner of that picks who will sit next to them as F2.

another name

Hey. Everyone.
Come on. Let’s get serious here.
Did any of you SERIOUSLY think someone other than Jackson was going to win that veto?

If they’d played the season 16 stalking the veto final four: most knowledge of events wins.
if they played season 17 martial smarts veto final four: most knowledge of day numbers wins. physical speed required
if the played season 18 cover your bases veto final four: same comp as 17
if they played season 19 back to the veto veto final four: less physical version of 17.
if they played season 20 down to the wires veto final four: they just did that comp when jackson beat nick in veto. competition names in answer to trivia is the difference. must know comp names and events.

HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE THIS YEAR: FINAL FOUR VETO WAS NOT A DAYS COMP. WAS NOT AN EVENTS COMP. it was purely a physical comp. throwing balls at cutouts q/a maybe?
Come on. Like Jackson was not going to win veto and get to the finale hoh given the edit of this season since episode one.
Let’s be serious.

another name

basics to me: season 16-20 were all done at the same time. This year individually timed.
i might be wrong about whether or not trivia involvement was major.
I’m NOT wrong that season 16-20 was not individually timed.

another name

Not one single before or after comp for the season.
Individually timed vetoes more than any other season.
First individually timed final four veto i can see… and so far i’ve gone back as far as season 9. never individually timed. Always all four at same time, first to buzzer with correct answer.
Just throwing that out there because somebody has to.

another name

The last time they competed one at a time in the final four veto was season 5 socket to me. times ranged from 2:13 to 14:27. They stopped doing individual runs after season 5 because fans thought the comp had been rigged. The guy that was like the 1/2 as bright as Jessica wins the game knowledge veto. I remember the letter campaign.
Season 4 was same time whoever gets to top of pyramid first wins.
Season 3 there was no veto. Danielle was hoh.

another name

My confusion with season 5 was i thought the final 4 veto was the final 5 veto. I forgot that Nakomis’ newly discovered half brother cut her at 4th.


Do not care for Jackson but he deserves the win. Hate that Holly will come in second.


I’m not willing to give Jackson the game but Cliff is surely done. Nicole still has my vote.

Jackson Rules

Nicole is roadkill.


Someone needs to kick him to the curb. One of ithe most despicable creatures. I’d put his victory right up with the red headed witch and derrick. Just so cringeworthy. Ladies get your act together and get him out. Ugh what an ugly victory lap. Bleh


Wow. Nicole offered Jackson the HOH room so him and the Hollster could go do their celebratory sex stool dance for the night, and he turned her down. Now Hollster is maybe thinking…”I screwed him to get this far and now he doesn’t want me? waaaaaaa”

Get to CHOMPING, Houka Inumata!

From last week – “Houka Inumuta says: How do you guys feel knowing that i’m going to be right next week when Michie goes? Everyone keeps saying i’m always wrong I can’t wait to say I told you so!!

If I’m wrong (which I won’t) and Michie makes it to top 3 I will eat my words and accept the unlikely defeat.”

Let's get real

I completely forgot Houka’s promise to eat his words!

If it really happens it could make the disappointing, yet expected, Michie veto win worth it.

That and seeing Cliff get his comeuppance for being a moron.

Don’t over think it

Maybe he choked on them?

Roisin Dubh

LOL! Cliff you stupid moron. You waffled on your HOH, and you waffled by keeping Holly over Tommy. Worst case scenario, he was your meat shield. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. At the very least Nicole gets AFP. Jackson can only win against Holly. I said it would’nt be a bitter jury, but when it comes to him, it’s gonna be bad. They’ll only give it to him if he’s against Holly. She was nothing but his C##Dumpster all season.

Just Sayin...

Nicole’s not stupid…she knows that there’s no way Jackson will evict Holly and keep Cliff. They should’ve kept Tommy last week.


What difference would that have made? Jackson would have smilies him in the veto as well.

another name

Guessing how well evicted house guests would have done in a comp they didn’t have a chance to compete in is conjecture. Something we will never know. But I do think someone that was a baseball player before becoming a dancer would have been a bit better than the long island chihuahua and the texas roadkill at that comp. It would have been more of challenge. That’s my bit of conjecture.


It is all conjecture…I fully agree. But we can still engage in it and guess what? I agree with you. lol I think it would have been between Tommy and Michie for that veto. But I do believe the outcome would still be the same, in that Cliff would have been the one leaving this week. There is no way, that if you’re not part of a duo….that you’re going to continue to final 3 WITH a duo. It would have been Nicole, Michie, and Tommy off to final 3…with it coming down to Michie or Tommy battling it out as I think both of them know more about their former allies in jury, than Nicole does. Then, if Michie won…he would take Nicole because he knows Tommy would cream him in the finale…and it would be a tossup on finale, leaning Nicole. If Tommy won…he would have taken Nicole as well and he would have won handily. (all conjecture lol :p)

another name

Playing what if and conjecture is fun. I agree. We just have to remember to bookend our conjecture as speculation we have to argue to support not fact that is a given. I know. I throw conspiracy out there but I acknowledge to everyone it’s tinfoil hat and prediction when I do it (and attempt to support my arguments).


When you’re right, you’re right, and when you’re wrong, you’re wrong lol. Would be fun if they had “alternate endings,” even though I know there’s no way to physically do that.

another name

Why do you think she held out for Holly to take the same deal Tommy offered? She was the hold out, Cliff was the one pushing to keep Holly. She made sure she wasn’t the outside of the triangle. And Holly has whined about that deal since. Nicole was hoping that Cliff was right, but she was pushing to make sure she wasn’t in Cliff’s shoes by holding out.


Nicole is stupid because she should’ve gotten jackson out in the double. Problem is she’s too “mesmerized “ when it comes to Jackson.

another name

Her stupidity comes from:
Nick saying Christie can’t be trusted, Jackson can. truth: neither can be trusted.
Cliff saying I’m scared of Christie and Tommy. truth: he had a deal with jackson.
Those two made her more scared of her than Jackson.

I'm not telling

The truth is that Jackson takes Holly or Holly takes Jackson, unless Nicole can win the last challenge. If she goes to the jury, she wins. She was the best towards the end and Tommy should talk about Jackson. He can cry all he wants to. He played good and all’s fair in the BB House, but you have to pay the piper and if he is against Nicole or Holly is against Nicole, they lose. Getting rid of Tommy was the biggest mistake. Whether he knew Christy before or not he was getting her vote.

Don’t over think it

How the hell is she the best towards the end? Lmao


Good game Cliff. It wouldn’t have mattered if you voted Tommy or Holly out, Michie is too tough to beat in veto comps. Hopefully Nicole or Cliff win AFP if Nicole doesn’t also win the finale.


Yes it would have because Tommy would be sitting next to him on eviction night instead of Holly.


But Jackson would probably wind up keeping tommy to break up the last pair, and also to avenge for Holly’s eviction. It would have only mattered if tommy won veto and stayed with Nicole and cliff, but I think production would have persuaded tommy to evict cliff and keep Jackson.


Agree,,,and it would not have taken much persuasion as NOBODY is going to go to final 3 WITH a duo that they are NOT part of.

Are you kidding me?

But it would have been nice to see Holly out in 5th


Goodnight Cliff. Goodnight Nicole! Goodnight
John Boy!

My Two Cents

Dawg/Simon – Could you please put the link to the Tip Jar back up? Thank you guys for all your hard work. See you next year!!!


Cliff, “While alone Cliff tells Nicole – I trust him” Cliff, Cliff, Cliff, you are so delusional. Don’t you know who he’s been screwing all summer? You blew it dude. If you’d saved Tommy, it would be Tommy he’d vote out but now it will be you. He really thinks he’s Cody.

another name

I’ve said it since Wednesday: Cliff is a buffoon.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for him

You didn’t realize that before Wednesday?

another name

i settled on buffoon on Wednesday. I’ve called him lots of other names mostly suck up, kiss ass, coward, stuff like that. there was an entire low key sexist pig phase, and a low key bigot phase, but i never went all in on those assigning them to carryover of outdated zeitgeist cultural socialization (he had a little bit of a soft spoken archie bunker to him for a while). Buffoon just encapsulated a big brother mega fan that pushed to keep a showmance together for final 4. that was the buffoon cement. That started gearing up just after the Wednesday episode when Cliff was puckering at the slightest mention of a final 2 from Jackson. Long before the lie.

SD Bird

Rip Off The Band Aid

I hope we don’t have to suffer Jackson stringing along Cliff until Veto Ceremony.
There is no need to be cruel.

Ovi's tongue

Do we really need a Cliffie Three Fingers pity party until Thursday? Let him delude himself until Julie gives him the good news.

another name

oh no. tell me he’s not doing the two in the pink one in the stink hand gesture again. shudder. His game definitely has the one in the stink part right.


Jackson just might use the veto on Holly n let her be the sole vote to get Cliff out I can see him doing that n it would be hilarious if he did do that n Holly voted him out now that would be awesome tv but nobody could be that stupid right!? Bye Cliff

No Name

Proud of Jackson. Don’t hate the player…. 🙂

another name

Why can’t I hate the player? That makes no sense. lol. Of course i can hate the player. I’m a big brother watcher all we do is hate the players.

BB Watcher

this sucks. odds aren’t in nicole’s favor. REALLY hope nicole gets to final 2. I can’t stand jackson, but i can see him winning. Best case scenerio would be if nicole wins. Also why is this season lacking so much jury footage

Grumpy chat

Took a gamble and lost.
Give the devil his due.


I can’t. A number of us saw this coming and viewed them as not evicting Holly as a crucial mistake

zingading ding

Holly is a number for Jackson, why wouldn’t he want her in jury??? smh


Just a thought…do we think production steps in, convinces Jackson to do the chivalrous thing and use the Veto on Holly (the angle of letting her get the blood on her hands for evicting Cliff would appeal to his sense of game play, IMO), all the while convincing her to pull off a savage blindside and sending Jackson to jury (thereby building her resume should the fourth horseman of the apocalypse appear and she somehow wins the final HOH)?

another name

Production do something against Jackson’s interest?
uh. hmmmmm.
Production will not do anything at all that would in any way shape or form do anything that would upset Jackson.

Ovi's tongue

Wow. Turn on the feeds and see Nicole in bed with jackson and Holly with the veto medal on Jackson’s chest….time to reprogram the DVR, this season just lost my interest. The only thing that would have piqued my interest for the end of the season was the prospect of Jackson being evicted but that possibility is over.


I’m SO glad. Cliff has irritated me since he p***ied out on his HOH.

another name

Game: Jackson should of course take Holly.
d’uh. That’s obvious.
If you have a chance to take the season mattress no majority votes to win, of course you drag it to the end. Even a bitter jury is gonna say but come on, we can’t reward the human blow up doll. We just can’t.

Revisionist justification: Jackson shut up with the whole things might have been different if Cliff didn’t break his word shit. There is not a universe where you were going to cut Holly and take Cliff. Just don’t. Nobody is stupid enough to buy that drivel.
Ohhhh… if they weren’t backstabbers everything would be different. Really fool?
Like he’s cutting the sure thing (in every possible way since day 15/16, not 23 holly, it was 15/16 and it was 18 to 24 hours after he last banged your friend Kat)? Right. Sure. I believe you. Somebody gag him with a matermelon before he keeps saying crap that just makes him sound worse. There was no universe where everything was going to be different. This is spin so he can hope to keep his edit. I’m so tired of edit generated spin crap.
Just like being absolutely giddy about the move that knocked out Tommy until being called to d/r and suddenly coming out and crying about not wanting to be a monster. Spin. Spin for edit. Stop.


Can someone remind me if a showmance has ever made it to final 2?


Big Brother 7


Don’t forget about Jeff & Jordan. I believe that they were in the final 2 of one of the seasons both were part of Big Brother


That was all stars with Boogie, Janelle and Erika F3, how is that a showmance?

another name

Erika and Boogie were showmancing. That’s how.


So I’m watching BBAD & no sight of Cliff. Did he finally realize he’s toast &can’t be with the rest? I like Cliff although think he is stupid to think Holly will be sent home. However, I think it was really unfair to have a competition that Miche was a shoe-in to win.