Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “I told them I was going to do that, so its no big surprise”

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6pm – 6:25pm Hot Tub room – Dallas and Mitch are talking. Dallas tells Mitch he likes the way he’s playing the game. Dallas says he thought Nikki and Tim would be the first ones out the door but with everyone liking Tim that’s not happening. He says he thinks Nikki will just end up quitting. Mitch says that so many people don’t want to win HOH. I don’t even know what I would do if I won. Dallas says I’m at the point where I have to try to win it because I called out Ramsey because I would be up if he won it. People like you and Christine are playing it like let things just play out. I wish I was playing it like that. Mitch says he thinks most people just want to make it to jury. Dallas says if I can’t win this game, I don’t want to be a part of jury. What do you do all day… wack off?!

6:40pm The house guests are on a backyard lockdown. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

7pm The feeds are still blocked..
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The house guests are working on a Big Brother prank to play on Joel and Cassandra about the laundry. Nikki plans on saying this just proves I have absolutely no friends .. I need to just go.

Joel talks to Cassandra about his theory regarding the “Jackpot” lights …

7:15pm The feeds are blocked again…

7:40pm The feeds are still blocked.

10:15pm The live feeds are still blocked… looks like the prank the house guests are playing on Joel and Cassandra is being blocked.

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42 thoughts to “Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “I told them I was going to do that, so its no big surprise””

  1. I don’t get the hype for Nikki. She is annoying and all she does is complain. Now Tim I actually like 🙂

    1. Most of Nikki’s complaints have serious reasons behind them. You should probably read up on her background. Her dietary requirements are related to her LONG history of anorexia and her germophobia has to do with her OCD that she developed from overcoming her eating disorder. Her story is unbelievably heartbreaking and she’s really a strong human being.

    1. No they don’t have bed bugs. They were told yesterday they are no bed bugs. This whole thing is just a shameless plug for the sponsor Oxiclean using Cassandra because she bragged about never having done laundry before.

  2. I’m glad to hear that Tim is getting more invested in actually staying in the house and playing the game. I don’t know what Nikki’s deal is, or why she’d want to come into the BB house again if she doesn’t feel up for it.

    I’m really excited and nervous about the next HOH. The HG are going to be going back and forth these next few days over evicting Sharry or Loveita, but I get the feeling things will be more intense next week as people struggle to gain control over the power.

    1. Mitch is a phony baloney and it reads on him loud and clear. The people in the house are too vapid too see it and all of Mitch’s “fans” are drinking his kool-aid because he has a youtube channel about science with his boyfriend. Give me a fucking break.

  3. i thought nikki complaining and talking about how she wants to get out all the time is the reason she is there. didn’t anyone voting actually check out who the options were?

  4. It is a fact that Jarred and Cassandra know each other personally because Bruno from last season was on Dick at Night and told Evel Dick that he was at the premiere taping of the first episode and he said that when Cassandra walked into the house Jarred ran up to her on the stairs and whispered to her “We don’t know each other from the outside” and Cassandra agreed. Of course production didn’t show this on the episode, but why would Bruno lie about this and why would production cut the live feeds when Kelsey asks Jarred if he know Cassandra from outside the house? Super wrong to come into the house knowing each other like that and then production tries to cover it up because casting (kassting) was too stupid to do their homework before casting these two.

    1. Well, if Bruno said so . . . Rolling eyes. . . Actually, if this is true, then good on them for fooling the house. Now which season(s) was it the BBUSA sent in people that knew each other? Was that unfair too?

      I don’t know if this is your first time watching this show, but big brother has never been about being fair. It’s about manipulation, strategy and game play. And just when the people think they have big brother figured out, production ups the anti, to keep us, and the players, on our toes. I love Big Brother!

      1. a few minutes before Kelsey ‘said do you know her’, when asking why he didn’t want her to get close to Cassandra, Jared said ‘well we’re both from Winnipeg so… d’uh.’
        He’s letting the cat out the bag without letting it out of the bag.

      2. Because he was getting really aggravated talking about not wanting Kelsey to make an alliance with her and Jared said he has so much to tell Kelsey when they get out of the house.

  5. I’d be afraid to have someone who has never done laundry, do my laundry. I wonder how much shrinkage and new pink T-shirts will happen? (thanks, but where are all my WHITE Tshirts?) . I wonder if Global is prepared to replace some of those “accidents”?

  6. cassandra was playing a princess role to get on the show, and to make it fun tv. the chances that she has never done laundry herself at least for herself, or when younger and sent to do chores, is astronomically low.

    i did notice the machines are in the bathroom, a big improvement over having it outdoors, like on US, and the backyard constantly locked down due to setting up comps.

    i don’t look at the BB CAN global site very often, but are they doing voting and stuff at all? seems like canada had a lot of input into shows prior to the international visitors coming in like a big surprise, not to mention i think it is really stupid to run the brothers as a team all the way thru the show. why can’t they be separated at a certain point, makes it more interesting, i mean, huge targets on their backs if they are supposedly going to get to the end or always going in as a pair. who cares really, it isn’t a twist, it is just annoying.

  7. So do those three (Jarod. Kelsey, and Rual) ever come out of their HOH cave? I know they do to smoke but other than that it is almost like they are hiding from something lol (possible pending doom!) Jarod really got the power bug bad huh! lol

    1. When Jared told Tim he wasn’t the kind of guy to tell other people what to do, my mind instantly went back two days to Jared telling everyone in the hoh room the eviction order they should follow for the next four weeks.
      This from the guy that said he’d only be in the hoh to sleep, and never use the room at all the rest of the time so people didn’t think he was getting too cocky like Loveita. Nice soundbites, but that’s all they are: distracting words.
      I haven’t decided who i really like yet, it still feels to early, but I know it’s not Jared.

  8. I’m actually liking this season, of course it’s fairly early n production could mess it up…scratch that,they will definitely mess it up..I have watched Tim on bbaus, n these guys should not underestimate.

  9. someone should tip off the net on the Jared and Cassanda connection.Totally not fair and explains why Cass is siding with Jared on voting. Also why he is baking at pulling her in to an alliance.

  10. jared having the audacity to call anyone dumb is just to good. that guy is delusional. i really hope him trusting dallas bites him in the ass. you dont team up with someone who has shown that he doesnt even know what the word loyalty means. at least kelsey is wary of him ..never thought id say this but it honestly seems like kelsey is the smarter of the 2 and thats scary

  11. kelsey ..for someone who doesnt know the game seems to have a better grasp on strategy than jared. that should tell you how dumb that guy is

  12. I was watching the feeds when the “you have just been kidnapped, the cast of the last show you watched are mounting a rescue… who’s coming to save you” meme came across my social media. Wonderful. Tim will sympathize and join the kidnappers… the rest of these yahoos will join along out of solidarity. And i’m left with Nikki to be my hostage negotiator. I’m dead.

  13. Just go home Nikki!
    Every time I watch … the girl is bitching about being there.
    She should of gave someone else a chance who wants to play.
    Whoever did their casting for this season really screwed up.
    To bad BBAU is canceled … I found it very entertaining
    At this point … Tim for the win

  14. If anyone is waiting for Nikki to become some strategic game master… it’s not going to happen. Her entire claim to fame is that she behaves poorly and throws tantrums. It’s not that she plays the game in an amazing way. It’s that the only thing predictable is that she will misbehave, have a rotten attitude, cry constantly, whine that she wants to leave, and throw a few zingers in the d/r. I mean this is the girl that was evicted and voted back in (precursor to the Gary style re-entry back into the game). The only difference is the voting public was led to believe they were placing their vote to ban the person from ever being on big brother again, and the network was ordered to pay heavy fines for misleading the public in order to showcase a scandalous personality having public breakdowns for ratings.

  15. Cassandra = Sabrina but a little bit better
    Jared = Emmett, if he sucked at this game
    In all honesty, Tim and Nikki for FINAL 2

    1. why does cassandra deserve that type of insult from you?

      i wouldnt compare even my worst enemy to sabrina, who is one of the most insane, annoying and nasty people ive seen in north american bb, right up there with amanda from bb usa…and was sh!t at the game

      stay off the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

    2. Cassandra = Sabrina but a little bit better
      Jared = Emmett, if he sucked at this game
      In all honesty, Tim and Nikki for FINAL 2

      Cassandra is not by any means Sabrina of BBCAN2. Sabrina has been the worst of the worst in Big Brother history…to say the least. Jared is not Emmet either. Emmet has been a very smart player whereas Jared … is just a “cowboy”. I’d wouldn’t mind to see Tim winning all, but Nikki … even Victoria of bbus 16 deserved to win 20k more then Nikki even though she didn’t make it to F2. At least Victoria didn’t grate on my nerves.

  16. Anonymous, I agree with you on some points, however, as an avid BBUK watcher I can’t help but love Nikki. I’m a big Nikki fan. At the end of the day she is genuine and has a huge heart. Yes she is dramatic and famous for throwing tantrums but this is not fake –that’s just Nikki. She’s actually THAT frail and spun. I can’t help but find her endearing. She eventually won over the British public and she is the most beloved BBUK star of all time. A BB legend. So excited that I get to watch her on the show but I still think a Canadian should win!

    1. I’m not saying Nikki is putting on the tantrums and behavior as an act, or that she is an inherently bad person. I’m saying when you bring Nikki into Big Brother you aren’t bringing in a strategic svengali, you’re loosing a bull in a china shop.
      I’m sure she has endeared herself to the viewers of bbuk. I’ve been oddly transfixed watching her shenanigans in early seasons myself. A complete why can’t I look away this is horrible but I can’t stop watching situation.
      But the fact remains that there was an outcry in her first season that perhaps the network was taking advantage of someone with diminished capacity for the sake of ratings.
      As well, there is the public record (and articles in the bbc news archives online) that the network was forced to pay a fine for misleading the voting public in her first season. multiple complaints were filed. the governing body did determine that the show broke their own rules and guidelines intentionally misleading the people paying to call or text vote because her unpredictability was good for ratings.

  17. I wasn’t excited about the international house guests coming in but now I feel like Tim is the only one I really like so far lol

  18. Tim’s strategy is usually if he can’t manipulate that player then he doesn’t have any use for them. So I’m wondering if the ones he is connecting with are the ones he can manipulate. That was some of his strategy on Big Brother Australia. He is also a big pot stirrer and brings chaos to a house but in a loving way!

    1. looks like tim will align with people he has a genuine connection with and can joke around with

      you can tell from his banter he particularly likes cassandra, phil and nikki in that way

      he will try to have a word in the ear of anyone he is aligned with, but im more looking forward to seeing if he will clash with anyone that he dislikes

      if he gets hoh he will nominate dallas and raul…could get some good speeches and antics if he wins some comps

  19. looks to me like jared does not want kelsey to have a female connection in the house, a girl she could take final 2 for a better chance of winning rather than against a guy in final 2, and kelsey has realized the only decent female connection she has is with cassandra, and kelsey likes phil alot and jared is jealous of that, its why he all of a sudden wants the brothers out

    with kelsey seeing how rattled jared was in that conversation re cassandra and the brothers its looking like jared really wants total control of kelsey, basically saying do whatever you want then the next second its a really bad idea dont do it and getting angry, and it will be interesting to see what she does possibly making side alliances away from jared that could help her individual game

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