Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “You f**ked up! For real! You’re a liar!”

POV Holder: Steve Next POV July 3rd
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 28th
HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jackie Nominations 2: Becky, Johnny mac
Battle of the Block Winner Becky and Johnny Mac Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ?
Original Nominations: Becky, Johnny, Steve, Jackie
Current Nominations: Jace, Jackie
Have Nots Austin, Da’Vonne, Liz, Vanessa

Big Brother 17 Alliances cheat sheet

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12:30pm – 1:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. As head of Household James has stuck to the plan of wanting to put up Jace as the replacement nominee. Results of the Veto Ceremony: Steve used the veto on himself. James then nominated Jace as the replacement nominee.

With the live feeds only being turned on a few days ago there is already so much game play happening with some house guests (Especially Audrey) making the biggest mistake in big brother. She’s playing way too hard and way too fast. And the other house guests are noticing she’s the source of all the lies/drama. It’s going to be an exciting first week on the live feeds – signup and watch it all for free with the 1 week free trial!

When the live feeds return – Jace tells Jeff in the bathroom. “I know you’re friends with Jackie. It’s okay I understand.” Jace then heads into the diary room.

In the kitchen – James says its just a game. The cameras switch to the HOH room. Becky is talking to Audrey. She says its a blessing to be HOH but comes with a curse. The feeds switch back to the kitchen where James asks hows Austin doing out there? He’s probably feeling like sh*t. Jason says he is probably going to throw you and Audrey under the bus …like they agreed to do this. He’s just doing damage control now in case I win. James says yeah I knew that. James heads up to the HOH room.

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1:40pm Up in the HOH room – Audrey asks has he said anything to you yet? James says he’s pissed! Clay says if he tries to talk to you just stay calm. James says I’m the last person he is going to want to talk to. James says it wasn’t a laughing matter. I wasn’t trying to go at it like that. I don’t want to go up against him (Austin) in the battle of the block. Clay says he would die be for he stops. I think he will understand. James says I think he just needs a little time. He is really mad right now. Like super pissed. I can see why they put the HOH room up here because after sh*t like this I can see why you would want to lock the door.
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1:45pm Out in the backyard – Austin says James is a liar. He did what he said he wouldn’t do. Don’t blow up like they think you’re going to do. Just focus on getting the 7 votes. Jace says I can’t believe I’m going home on the first week. Austin says people are already starting to connect the dots. Jeff came to me and so did Vanessa. Jace heads inside.

Austin says I think we could get a movement going… that’s just between you and me. They are probably going to use you to throw BOB’s. They might try to get me to do that too .. like you’re a big threat we’re going to put you up but you’re safe.

Up in the HOH room – Jace comes up to talk to James alone. James says look I heard things that you were trying to flip things on me. A couple people told me that. Jace ask why would I do that when I’m in an alliance with you. I’ve had your back since day 1. James says its just a game move. It’s nothing personal. Jace says it feels personal. James says its a last minute decision. Jace says there are a lot of people buzzing around throwing people under the bus and I’m just the easiest person. You realize you have a lot of liars around you. DO you realize that!? James says probably so. This is big brother. Jace says I wasn’t one of them. So you fucked up! For real! It just sucks because I thought you were an honest dude. James says I’m sorry. Jace says no you’re not. You’re a liar. You wouldn’t even look me in the eye the last 24 hours. Jace says you’re going to send my home in the first week and ebarrasse me and my family. James says I respect you as a player and I don’t want to go up against you again. James says its not personal. Jace says it is personal. You just sh*t on me in front of everyone. I know you’re in a little alliance. James says I’m not in an alliance. Jace asks what does it say for your character making an alliance the first day and then going back on it. What would your daughter say? You’re wearing that Jesus bracelet. What do you think Jesus thinks of your character?! James says don’t bring Jesus into it. Jace says people won’t talk to me. They act like I have leprosy. James says because people are afraid that you’re going to blow up. Jace says why would I blow up. James says I’m sorry. Jace says don’t say you’re sorry when you’re not.

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2:10pm In the bedroom – Jace talks to Vanessa about how he gave up everything to come here. I gave up 2 of my jobs, my beach house. Vanessa says you can come stay with me. Jace says I don’t want to go to Vegas! I am going to have to go back to living with my parents. Jace says I’m being treated like a leper. Only two people came up to me after. James said that two people came up to him saying that I lied. Which sucks because I’ve played a super honest game. There is someone going around the hosue lying to everyone since the beginning. It’s going to happen to you ..just like its happened to me. Just so you know – since day 1 he came to me and asked to be in an alliance with me! Jace tells Jackie you have nothing to worry about. People went up to James and said I was gunning for him. You’re not the target. Everyone is trying to shoot me. There are multiple alliances in this house that are fake. Its funny that you can come in wanting to play an honest game and the people that are pretending to play an honest game can screw you over. Its fine, at least I will go out with my integrity.
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Jeff talks to James. Jeff says that Liz is already starting to detach from Austin. She started scrambling. She threw Austin under the bus. James says she knows that one of her key players is gone. Jeff asks how can we play her?

In the bathroom – Austin tells James that he wished he told him Jace was going up but that he understands why he did it.

2:20pm Backyard – James, Jason, Meg and Clay are talking. James says other things that are going to start to circulate are that James and Audrey can’t be trusted.. but we just have to stick together. Jason and Clay talk alone. Jason says Jace hasn’t even talked any game with me. Clay says I trust Vanessa. Not that we have her vote.
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2:38pm Clay and Jason

Clay – I’m proud with myself for being honest to the people I trust
Neither of them trust Vanessa long term maybe for a week. Jason boasts if his people go up he doesn’t care if he’s in the minority he’s voting with them.
Clay – There’s lines drawn now
Jason – it’s easier with lines
Clay says they have the numbers they are fine now.
Jason – We got enough numbers.. we don’t even need Jackie

They agree to stick with the alliance they have now. Clay trusts Sheli 100% Audrey trusts Jason. They all trust James.

Becky walks outside Clay whispers “Get out of here Becky”
James joins them. Jason says if Audrey suggests a house meeting they need to stop her, “House meetings never go right”

James – Austin pulled me to the side
Told James he understands James decision he just wanted to know ahead of time.
James – He said it’s good for his game with Jace gone
Camera switches to bedroom..

2:53pm Backyard James and Jason
They believe JAce would be the target of the majority of the house this week. James doesn’t think they would have been as smart as they were.
James acting like getting Jace out was a power move. He considers the Jace one of the stronger players.
Jason – we didn’t come here to hang around we came to play
James – Dude we are sitting really good right now we took control of the house.. we have control of the house.

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2:20pm – 3pm In the cabana room – Audrey says I feel very hurt by you. Stuff that I came to you with in confidence. Multiple people have come to me. Vanessa asks what?! First off I thought you told me that so I could go find out if it was true? The only thing I ever said was have you heard anything about an all girls alliance including me. And that person told me no. It never involved you. Remember if some tells me I am in an all girls alliance I have to find out about. Audrey asks so you haven’t told Clay that you don’t trust me? Vanessa says no! That’s retarded! You three are the people I want to work with! Audrey says this morning Austin followed me up to the HOH room and basically told me everything I had told you? Vanessa asks like what? Audrey says that groups are starting to formulate. Vanessa says I think everyone in the house is saying that! Audrey says I told you that a group was being formulated, that Jace was going up. Vanessa says you never told me that a group was being formulated that didn’t involve us. I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. I would be happy to ask Austin. Ask him! Audrey goes to get Austin. Audrey says theres a weird game of telephone going on. Audrey asks Austin who did you tell that Audrey was involved in an all girls alliance. Austin says I never said that. This is ridiculous. Audrey asks so you didn’t talk to anyone about me? Austin says no. I literally went out and talked to Johnny and rocked out. I didn’t want to be involved in any of it. Vanessa asks what is the rumor you are concerned about? Audrey says I was concerned about you talking about me. Audrey says I will go talk to that person again that told me and see if it feels like bullsh*t or not. And if it doesn’t maybe I put you and that person in a room to figure out. Vanessa says I can hold my head high with my integrity. Audrey says my biggest concern is that you hurt me and that I confided in you. Austin says I think you should just bring that person in here. Audrey says I will go confront them. Austin says this is the second time this has happened to my in two days. Austin says the only person I talk to about this was Clay. Vanessa says how about I just say it didn’t come from you and that I just asked you about it. Austin says I just going to take a 24 hour game break. Vanessa says I will swear on my life that it didn’t come from you.

Audrey says I am telling you in confidence… Clay and Shelli told me that you don’t trust me. Vanessa says since that moment we had that conversation when you questioned me about my life which you have ever right to do. ..since then I was done with it. Audrey says Clay seems like the common denominator that everyone trusts. What was he trying to accomplish when they told me at 3am and told me Vanessa doesn’t trust you (Audrey). Vanessa says I don’t know. Audrey asks why would he say that? Vanessa says I don’t know? Why would I say I want to work with you if I said that?!

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2:56pm Bedroom Shelli and Jace
gives him a hug says she’s been staying out of the conversation this week she feels bad he’s the nominee.
Shelli says she wants him in the house it’s breaking her heart..
(Shelli and JAce start to tear up)
Jace – I would really like to stay .. everybody started targeting me I don’t know why
Shelli tells him it’s a compliment he’s a strong player.
Jace – I feel like i’m a walking leper
tells her she’s the only person that came up to him. Jace says James told him he was safe he’s been lying to JAce a lot
Jace – “They’re going to send me home”
Jace – DA hates me… I know Becky doesn’t like me.. I don’t dislike her.. I Don’t know what to do.

Shelli – you do have real friends in this house regardless of what happens.
Jace wants to know who stabbed him in the back. He says someone was in James ear.
Shelli thinks he was seen as a strong player and it’s the first week people don’t know what is going on. She doesn’t think it’s because people don’t like him.
jace says he has nothing to go back to.

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49 thoughts to “Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “You f**ked up! For real! You’re a liar!””

  1. I swear if this season has Audrey winning the whole thing I’m out. This BB has the potential of a Derrick scenario where people just shrink up not wanting to upset Audrey. At least some people are realizing that she’s the source for all the tension in the house but who has the clout to confront her about it?

    1. Hopefully, everyone on the on the other side get together and do something or else it will be something like Jace, Austin, Steve, Vanessa, Liz, Becky and John going one after the other ….this is exactly what I’m afraid would happen when the battle of the block came back…the two HoHs will just get together and pull in a whole bunch of people…apparently CBS never learns or they want a season like last season or they just are relying heavily on the week by week twist to shake things up…well, judging by the week 1 twist… The twists look very weak…

    2. Well seeing as this cast is much more confrontational and gutsier than last year, i can definitely see someone snuffing her out, hopefully.

    3. Not a Derrick scenario, more like an Amanda Zuckerman fear. Audrey is totally dominating everything so much that people stand there and make excuses to her like they were two year olds. Time and again she has people making emotional pleas to her about how they didn’t steal a cookie from the jar. Time and time and time again. It’s getting weird to watch and I’m glad some of them are catching on to it. She just told too many lies and had too many of these little “tell Mama you love her” sessions.

    4. Waitwaitwait…you are actually somehow comparing the calculated always in control gameplay of a true mastermind in Derrick to the paranoid overplaying control freak Audrey?!?! That is laughable as Audrey will be gone within the first 4 evictions.

    1. There’s some hypocracy for you. I don’t mean Jace either I mean James. He says don’t bring JC into it….well don’t wear the bracelet and play big brother. I don’t like Jace but the real guy in the room was Jace not turd boy. James is gonna be around awhile I can see a good healthy hate happening for me like Dan the hypocrite Christian and the bible BS.
      WWJD- what would Jesus Do? Well lying is not an option. He could have just told him beforehand but he douche bag blindsided him. It’s allowed in the rules but Christian it’s not.

      Yeh jumbo alliance until folks start figuring out pecking order later on. Jeff and Jackie likely to get it 1st but to late on numbers. Audrey is going no where nor DA. Liz goes next baring a miracle. No fan of hers either. Clay is the most interesting to watch IMO. I just don’t think he can split off a couple of High Rollers to make a move. So have they decided who the stooge is that’s going to throw the BOTB every time yet?

      1. As a strong Christian for over 40 years I have to disagree with you about a couple of things. Yes the Bible teaches us not to lie, but in a game to win it is expected. I do believe it s OK for strategic purposes. But to lie about ones character and assassinate them is not OK. We can not put Christians on a pedi-stool and same them when they are playing the game.

  2. No Jace, you f*cked up by being way too aggressive and cocky. You made yourself stand out in week 1 and that’s not the time to stand out amongst a group of 16 players.

    1. during introduction of the 2nd set of HGs, in the episode, Jace says ‘and what’s your name ‘sweetheart’, and i was turned off immediately. it is one of those things that is going to rub some women the wrong way, and all it takes to get some working against you, for sure. and guys who do this kind of thing are clueless, think they are being friendly, and to a point, yes, but it is also patronizing and condescending, whether intentional or not, and especially from one so young. so i don’t mind if he is the first to go, but if someone is working behind the scenes putting his name up, and that is the only thing I have seen him do, i can only imagine what else he’s done that some find offensive.

      plus, he seems to have flipped out, which only proves to the HGs that he should be voted out. had he expressed some remorse or humility or kept quiet, instead of confrontational, and making some deals, it could go a different way.

      I have no problem seeing Jeff & Jackie out, as interlopers on the game. Jackie obviously only watched recent seasons when she knew she was coming on the game, she didn’t even know what the After Dark is. and mark my words, they won’t be considered targets simply because people will pass them off as being bigger targets than they are. same with audrey, we have to put up with the drama because people think it is ‘too soon’.

      1. sunnydee! Good to “talk” to you again! I agree, the introduction with Becky by Jace was a complete turnoff, followed by ” oh yea? Where in Rado? Turned my stomach!! Lol. Yuck!

  3. Sunday till Thursday… Wow that’s a ton of down time from POV ceremony to eviction. More than enough time to flip the votes this season for someone on the block

    Johnny Mac is safe !! 1 week at a time for Team #IncognitoDentist

  4. All these flavors, and Jace chose to be salty. Work up a movement, you can easily weasel out of this dude. Make sure everyone hates your guts so you aren’t evicted and you stay a target. That’s what Will and Dick DID do, and they won. Instead of complaining, get something going. Try to flip the house on Jackie, or think logically instead of crying to everyone. Between Steve, Johny Mac, Vanessa, Austin, Audrey, and maybe Becky or Liz you can turn the votes around. Get your ass up and moving Jace, it’s GO TIME.

    1. Dr Will, Dick, and Dan would have a field day with this cast hahaha. Completely agree and wrote ^^^ 4 days is a ton of time to save yourself. Jace doesn’t realize how easily he could help his cause just by saying Jackie is already with Jeff and he will be a threat every week.

      I actually hate they moved the POV Ceremony because if they would’ve kept it the same there would have been a legit chance to get Audrey in the block. I don’t want her to go just yet but conversations could have been had today that may not be had now.

      1. Nah there could have been 2 more weeks before the veto ceremony and Audrey still wouldn’t have gone up… not with James as HOH. From what I have seen from James and his preseason interview he seems pretty simple. He said he was going to backdoor Jace and so he is going to backdoor Jace no matter how much evidence is given to him. I am not a Jace fan but if he had any smarts he could easily turn the vote in his favor. The problem is those he is aligned with will be so much better off without him aka Austin and Liz.

  5. I don’t think Audrey will have a peaceful week. Now a few HG are catching on and not intimidated by her change. The HG see her as Audrey and not transgender. I can see her playing that card though on a few of them, which will be a lie. Get her Jace! Blow her up!!!

  6. its pretty rare that playing this hard(even taking away all the petty stupid fighting about he said she said) in week 1 will work out for you

    I feel like last year we got a bunch of people who wanted to sit around. this year we got a lot of people who you could tell from the interviews wanted to play the game and play hard. it definitely doesn’t mean they would play smart.

    sure is entertaining though, so many bridges will be burned by the end of the week that there will just be a lot of chaos the entire season. no trust…this season has potential in different ways than expected.

  7. I have to say that this season is off to a really good start. I’m happy with Jace getting the boot, and some of the cast has grown on me through out the week. I really hope the entertainment carries itself through out the season and the drama gets better.

    1. Unless we have some sort of twist, Jace might stay, however I hope he goes he is really sickening, him and Austin.

  8. I personally think Jace would make this game much more exciting that Jackie would. Anyone else agree?

    1. Agreed. I wince at the thought of dullards and dummies staying around, we had enough of dull all last season. Not a fan of Jace,but I’m betting he’d stir things up for as long as he’s in the house.

  9. Why does Audrey has to approach everyone about something ..WHy is she so involve in every drama .. AUdrey cant keep her mouth shut … when audrey leaves i will rejoice because she seems to want to lead way too early … she wont last….Any drama that happens in the house audrey name always the center of it.. she cant hold anything in

    1. I am a high school teacher on summer break. Audrey reminds me of my attention seeking needing to be validated students. She will come up to you aggressively, just like she did with Vanesa and accuse you of causing drama while not trusting her. It seems like for no apparent reason, except to catch you off guard when your defenses are down. She would be a night mare to live with though the game. I like a good BB game, but the HG also need down time to process what is going on. With Audrey not allowing it, they are having a hard time seeing her for who she really is in the game. A trouble maker. So far my favorite is Vanesa and her thought processing. I hope she stays the course and stays in tuned.

  10. Jace leaving is probably actually a good thing for multiple people’s game, including Austin. Now that Austin, Vanessa, Da’Vonne, Jeff, and Jason are all onto Audrey they could team up after Jace leaves and work to remove Audrey next week. That would be a strong alliance moving forward, they just need to all come together and make something solid.

    But 4 days is a long time and Jace may just survive the first eviction (though I do wish he would stop whining about it. You put yourself in this situation Jace).

  11. I feel old. Is “ride or die” the new way of swearing something is true? I have heard this said by house guests quite a few times

    1. Lol Robert I’m not sure you’re old so much as you just might not be aware of the language people my age use (I’m 21). A “ride or die” is a person who more likely than not is either a best friend or a family who has your back no matter what. They always stick up for you, defend you, and if the world was ending tomorrow you know that you could depend on them.

      Translated into Big Brother, this would be a player who is your overt or covert alliance member who tries to ensure that both you and them are safe, and go as far as you possibly can together in the game. Austin and Jace are an example of ride or dies, Chilltown would be a similar example, as are Brittnee and Sarah (the Fembots) from BBCan 3.

  12. Ummmm Jace….maybe they don’t like you because you are an obnoxious bully. LMAO@ the propect of the ” nerd herd” waving ta ta to Jace at the door on Thursday.

    #team Steve

  13. Audrey is seriously crazy. If she calls one more meeting with everyone on the room I am going to loose it. All these house guests need to see that she is the common denominator of all the drama. She has a new target every half hour. Please call a meeting Audrey and I hope eveyone calls your dumb ass out.

  14. So I tried to sign up for the feeds but it says they are not available in Canada this year? Simon and Dawg, do you have a link so I can at least watch the episodes?


      1. Thanks Simon, this is the first year I don’t get the feeds, so disappointed. I will just have to rely on you two this year and watch the episodes the day after. Will send a donation as always later in the season. Thanks for everything you guys do. This is the best bb site bar none!

    1. Just tape watch series online big brother on Google and u will be able to watch it. However u will always have to wait till next day of the show to see it time to download.

  15. I want Audrey to stay and to continue to stir the pot! I want to be entertained! Keep her as long as possible!

  16. Only 4 days and so much drama… In a bit from now blood will be everywhere in da house. It would be so nice to see James, Audrey & Jeff out! Those 3 are so freaking vilains! As a BB fan & no matter whats going on the game they should split Jeff & Jacky… Its a pair come on guys week 1… whats wrong with you! I would love to see John, Austin, Vanessa, Steve, Shelly & Liz working together and take the others one by one. Big Brother 17 should be called Bold & Beautiful 😉

  17. Ps:Who the f**** needs a house meeting? You wait till everyone is in one place and call someone out… #amatures

  18. Jace, Austin, & Liz obviously didn’t learn anything from Nick, Jeremy, & Kaitlyn in BB 15. Jace isn’t so bad when he doesn’t try to be over the top. He was humbled real fast. I can’t wait to see Day & Audrey get into it because we all know it’s coming soon! Right now I’m leaning towards rooting for Austin, Liz, Vanessa, Johnny Mac, & Day. I also don’t mind Shelli, Steve, & Meg.

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