POV Holder: | James | Next POV | Aug 1st |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 3rd |
HOH | James | Next HOH | Aug 6th |
Original Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
After POV Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
Have Nots | Austin, Liz, Julia |
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Power Of Veto Meeting results:
- As veto holder James did NOT use the veto.
- The original nominations remain: Shelli and Clay
11:20am – 11:55am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the veto ceremony to take place. During the veto ceremony James chose not to use the veto and as a result Shelli and Clay remain on the block for eviction.
Bedroom – Clay and Shelli are in bed. Clay says my speech was so lame. I didn’t know what to say. I almost froze up. Shelli starts crying and says we have 4 days left so lets just make them good. Clay says I don’t really care to talk to anyone in the house. Shelli crying says I’m going to miss you so much. Shelli asks how am I going to last 2 months with out you. Shelli says I feel like such an idiot. Clay says don’t. Everything happens for a reason. Shelli says that didn’t need to happen (Them campaigning last night throwing Austin under the bus.)
Meanwhile in the backyard – James, Liz, Austin, Becky Johnny Mac and Julia. Liz says a lot of guys aren’t like that. Johnny says its tough. James agrees.

12:05pm James goes to the comic bedroom. He asks if Steve is good. James says yeah its tough. Steve says well you did exactly what you said you were going to do. Steve says your job is done too because you’re not breaking a tie. Its an odd number of votes. James says it was so intense in there I don’t even remember what I said. Steve says you said you were left in the dark last week and and plans were set in motion. Steve says I think we’re jury now. I can’t imagine we aren’t. James asks do you know who was talking about possibly trying to get me up on the block? Steve says you hit the nail on the head. James asks was it Clay or Shelli. Steve says to be honest I don’t differentiate them a part. I don’t know that it was them… I’m just picking up bits and pieces.
12:10pm Austin says that Vanessa is really gungho about keeping Shelli but I don’t think its a good idea. Austin says but look how Clay is acting, its dangerous to keep him in this game like that. Austin says I feel bad and don’t want either of them to go. Julia says but they were throwing you and all of us under the bus. Austin says we need to talk to Vanessa and fill her in on what happened last night. Julia says I want to know which one of them was leading the conversation last night because that will dictate who I want to vote out. Austin says I think they were trying to pin it on me to get me to go up. Liz says I don’t care which one goes at this point. Austin says that Johnny Mac was crying over them (Clay and Shelli) after the veto. He has the weirdest loyalties. They don’t even care about him.
12:15pm Becky and Johnny Mac talk in the cabana room. Becky says if Shelli went home Clay would actually stay and play a few more weeks. They’re doing what love wants. Johnny says we have Clay, he’ll be with us. Becky says Clay wants us to vote him out. Johnny says I’ll vote him out. I’ve already told James that. Then we’ll tell Clay if you want to stay we’ll vote Shelli out.

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12:20pm Austin talks to Vanessa about his conversation with James this morning. Vanessa says they woke me up at 5am out of a dead coma .. they were basically both crying. They said we just did something and wanted to to you because we think we made a huge mistake. They told me they said stuff. Austin asks what stuff? Vanessa says they didn’t tell me any specifics (Lie). They said they’re going to have to talk to us today because they didn’t think it worked. They basically implied that it wasn’t bad stuff about you or me. But if it was bad about me and they outed my alliance .. let me tell you about how bad I would take that. Like no f**King fools!! My recommendation this morning was what a shame for James to try and pull us a part. Of all things Austin may be .. he is a forgiving man. He would understand that you’re position was a difficult one. My advice is for them to just come clean to you, the twins and me. They know too much. Austin says I want to know what they said. Vanessa says that was before I knew they outed our alliance .. so our only other option might be to work with James. Liz says I know they outed our alliance. Austin tells Becky that James implied that they tried to throw me under the bus last night for not helping them more. Becky says you gave a very convincing argument. Becky says they’re in a tough spot. When they look back at the week they’re (James, Meg, Jackie) not going to be pissed at you. No one takes them (Shelli & Clay) seriously as I’m sure you know.
12:35pm – 12:40pm Bathroom – Vanessa tells Austin I am so f**king mad! Vanessa says if they beg for us to keep Shelli. There is no need for him to stay. We just have to ask him. Vanessa says it doesn’t make any sense because one of them has to stay and work with us. Austin says so they were trying to get me backdoored. Vanessa says it sounds like it. That’s 4 votes in jury .. do they not get that?! We need to make some re-assessments. I need to know what was said last night. Austin says they’re going to say whatever they’re going to say. They’re scratching and clawing anything. We could just deny deny deny to the grave. Vanessa says we need to find out what was said. Austin leaves. Vanessa tells Liz I am so f**King mad. Liz asks did they throw you under the bus? Vanessa says of course.
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Shelli’s audacity and selfishness knows no bounds! She really thinks she is staying 100%. OMG i want her to go so bad! She is really Amanda in sheep’s clothing.
Shelli’s arrogance might be her undoing. A few posts back Vanessa was saying screw james, we’ll vote the way we want. Now, in this post, she’s saying they might be better off working with James (and presumably his group).
If Vanessa gives Austin and the twins marching orders, Shelli very well could be on the way out.
I hope she is. I think for everyone’s game, keeping Clay is the smarter play. Keeping Shelli and her two HoH’s is asking for trouble down the line.
Immediately for James – but also for Austin and the twins when the numbers start to dwindle.
I am no fan of Shelli either! I am just sooooo glad that James did what he said he was going to do! In this day and age, too many people are cowards and don’t have balls. James just pulled em out and let them swing from side to side!! I have A LOT of respect for James and it’s kinda of nice to see Meg/Jackie be on the winning side for once 🙂 !
Do they (James/Jackie/Meg)have an alliance name yet?? And I really hope that one of those three win the next TWO hoh comps….I would love to see Austin/Liz walk out the door….Vanessa can stay…I am not a huge fan of her however she is playing the game and that is fun to watch!
I was so mad when Shelli said, “but we’re good people!” You sent every entertaining person home. It’s your turn to get evicted. See you never on my TV. This is a great game move by James.
When people say things like that it’s really annoying. She had to send those people home because she believed it was good for her game. Evicting people isn’t mean it’s called playing big brother.
YES!!! Bye Bye Shelli
Thank you James. Best move of the season thus far! You did fine work during your HOH! You showed what kind of big brother player you are. Go hard or go home.
Bye Shelli
Clay better hope Jeff don’t swoop in on Shelly’s skanky ass outside the house while he’s sitting in jury. Jeff will lock that cooze down like all the rest of them.
How is jeff going to get anybody in jury when he wont be in jury?
“hope Jeff don’t swoop in on Shelly’s skanky ass OUTSIDE THE HOUSE” If Shelli is evicted it is last eviction before jury therefore Jeff & Shelli are both outside the house. “while he’s sitting in jury” talking about Clay. SMH!
im still confused. I don’t think it even matters, clay won’t want anything to do with that used up broad after the show anyway.
Omg that’s hilarious
Damn you are back? I guess you made bail. I can’t believe you thought Jeff was good at anything. He couldn’t even nail the one WOMAN (not ho) that he came in with. I imagine you like Jeff only date one girl and her name is Palmla.
How you knew I was incarcerated? Jeff nailed Jackie. That’s been established. The rest of these hoes trying to swim in her wake.
Simply put! I like it!
Great news. I really feared James would get talked into something. Bu it looks like he’s stronger willed than most that have played this game.
*throws confetti*
thanx James, this game is getting good…at least you stuck to your guns,…..
Yes, best move for James, another nom would have just added more enemies to his list. Hopefully Shelli goes, because I don’t see Clay as a real threat without her, he might win physical strength competitions, but he isn’t a strategist or a deep thinker. I see him trying to get with Becky, Jmac and Vanessa. I’m sure Meg will be there for him. I really think Meg is useless, last night she was painful to watch, she should have just shut up and let Clelli sink their own ship with their pathetic reasons that spoke more to why they should go than why they should stay. I hope James and Jackie can work with Austiwins at least for next week. Meg can go home anytime because she is a waste of space. Hearing her call out floaters last night was just hilarious.
I am hoping that some of the other HG noticed how differently James handled his HOH. Unlike Shelli and Vanessa, he isn’t telling anyone what they have to do. He made his noms, and he seems to be willing to let each HG vote according to what’s best for his game. He is more likely to get what he wants this way, and he protects himself a bit from backlash from whoever stays, because at the end of the day, he doesn’t get a vote and he didn’t dictate to the others how they should vote.
I respect James a lot more now. (his game play anyways. He needs to learn how to respect women but that is a different topic) Of all the BS and “straight shooter” crap we have heard so far this season James is the only one that walks the walk. He said week 1 he wanted to make use of his HOH to get out a threat and not waste it on a floater and he did. He made his plan this HOH, bounced his check and stuck to his guns. I personally would like to see him, Meg, Becky, Vanessa and the twins work together. James would be in his glory being the only man left in the house. Looking at the cast this season I think James is the only guy who has a shot at it. The women are much smarter and much more organized. I still think Vanessa is the strongest and best manipulator. Jackie is too emotional and takes it too personal. At least Jackie thinks for herself and doesn’t get snow blinded like last years boring cast who all did as Derrick wished. Best season in along time with two sides going after each other and we all can’t wait to see which side will get the power next.
As others have said thanks Dawg and Simon for keeping us updated. This is by far the best site online!m
I’m glad James didn’t use the veto! I wanted vanessa to be on the block with Shelli but maybe this is for the best… as long as they get the votes to ensure that Shelli goes home, I don’t want vanessa pulling something out of her ugly green hat to keep Shelli.
Not sure if Vanessa will even want Shellie to stay now after how she acted and the things she told while on the block. Plus her staying to team with Vanessa will put an even bigger target on Vanessa. Clay staying might be a better option. He could probably convince others he was no longer working with her while secretly doing so. On the other hand he may not even want to work with any of the Six Sense. Guess it will determine who gets the next HOH.
It’s probably 50-50 as to whether Shelli actually goes home this week.
Putting Vanessa on the block was probably the only way to ensure Shelli’s exit, but I understand why James wouldn’t take that chance. No reason to irritate yet another player — and Vanessa would be vindictive after a trip to the block.
Thank. god.
Bye Shelli……..I’m going to miss you (NOT)!!!!!!!!!!!
Aren’t they all saying they’re going to vote for Clay to leave though?
lol i cant believe people think shelli is going home. i think its going to be 7 votes to evict clay 2 for shelli. jmac, becky, steve, and vanessa are for sure voting for shelli to stay. its very unlikely that the austwins will vote against vanessa…
James did what he can . Let us see how Vanessa is going to flip the house to save S. And how everybody is reacting
Aaaaw poor shelli realizing that one of them are going home and that she will likely never see her little puppet again. Bye, Felicia! I love you, James!!!!!! Now we just need another good week, Jackie win hoh please!!!!!
Good job James! He stuck to what he said he was going to do, got as much info as he could and broke up a solid couple/pair. The sixth sense is down to 5. If Meg or Jackie win HOH next week and keep the pressure on they may have a chance. I think John and Steve will try to float through again and just be loyal to whichever side gets HOH. If they win one now they would have to officially pick a side. Becky is in the best spot as far as being trusted by both sides for the most part. I think they both consider her an undercover number for their side. I do not see her being a target anytime soon. I would love for the twins to boot the creeper and team up with Meg, James and Kim K!
I love that James makes a decision and sticks with it. Would have loved to see fireworks between Vanessa and Shelli but I’m happy.
Way to go James!!!! I am forever grateful that you shook up the house this week and made it an interesting week. The only thing that would make this week better is if Johnny Mac wins the next HOH!
Goodbye Clelli! I’d love to see Johnny Mac, Becky or Steve win next week. A wildcard HOH would really shake up the house. Julia would also be a wildacard winner. Can’t wait!
becky, johnny mac and steve would all have very predictable hoh’s.
johnny mac is just a blind clelli lover and would be out to get renge, most likely wanting james gone
becky would probably be the same way
steve would be a waste of an hoh by trying to get rid of meg or becky
I think it’s a good game move for Steve to get out Becky. No one is going to waste an HOH on Meg.
It’s even more annoying that this bitch assumes clays gonna be the one to go. She is such a spoiled, entitled little bitch. She’s gonna be spiteful if clay does leave, they’d really all be stupid to keep her considering how many HOH she’s won!
yessssssssss yessssssssss
*happy dance*
Can’t wait for Thursday.
Can’t wait for Shelly to have some more spaz outs.
Can’t wait to see who’s HOH next.
I will die laughing if Meg wins. That would be priceless.
I have to give James the award for best move of the season!
Who gets the andy rat of the season award?
Its a tie between Becky and Steve.
BTW they could also get the player most like Victoria award as well
I really just took notice that there are some really strong girls this season- Vanessa, shelli, Jackie, Becky. If they’d be able to come together they could do some serious damage to the game but instead they chose to allnie themes elves with idiots
I hate to say this Womens Alliance have one major flaw over Male Alliances. Women are more Competitive and Territorial with each other. Men really are not the most competitive gender.. women in these games will always turn on each other. At some point Liz and Julia will be the one to turn on Vanessa not Austin. Jackie already views meg as the Beta woman and will help get Meg out… Becky will go by the Twins, Jackie and Shelli if she stays.
As much as I would love to see a true women alliance… it always implodes on itself.
Glad to see that a houseguest sticks to the plan. Way to go James. Would have been epic though if he saved Clay and threw Vanessa into the nomination pit with Shelli. They would be throwing each other under the bus big time!
Can’t wait 2 months? LMFAO – she’ll be dating someone within 2 weeks. Here’s hoping she never dates anyone who would get deployed.
I love how she hasn’t once argued with Clay to stay in the game. She just completely assumes he is going, and that’s that! So she should shut up and stop crying then! Whiny twat!!
Vanessa: “We need to know what was said last night.” SO ASK JAMES!!! Why just sit there and speculate!? James is like 10 feet away from you!!! Man I hope this goes down the way we want it to…. Time to get the popcorn folks and watch the show!!!! yay!!
Oh I hope its her that goes home!!!! Oh please oh please oh please!!!
I know it’s mean to say but I can’t stand her, and I just don’t get why Clay is with her, she is so unattractive.
I agree 100% I never thought she was attractive at all from day 1. She thinks she is some kind of beauty queen but when she reads that most people think she looks like a horse and acts like a donkey I think she will need some counseling 🙂
On a side note that was probably her best shot at getting a younger “good looking” (I assume you girls find him good looking?) guy to bang her she should have worn a paper bag to bed and let him take a poke.
He may be attracted to her voice or something… my guess is looks most like her mom.
Beauty is subjective I mean my list of Female Beauty in the House would look really different than most… I know I am gay but a still know a beautiful woman.
1) Jackie
2) Da’Vonne
3) Audrey
4) Vanessa
5) Julia
6) Liz
7) Becky
8) Meg
9) Shelli
NONE OF THESE WOMEN ARE UGLY…. This is not a statement that any of them are ugly… they all have a beautiful feature.
The Men:
1) Clay
2) Jace
3) Austin
4) Jeff
5) Johnny Mac
6) Steve
7) James
8) Jason
Jeff and Austin almost a tie but Austin is taller.
James and Jason almost a tie for me also…. James went up a peg in attractiveness because he put up Shelli and Clay.
holy crap! # 1 Jackie? the KK wanna be with more fake than real? Da # 2? Hell Audrey was better looking the those two. As you said beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder and everyone has different tastes. Jackie without an inch of spackle on her face and her hair extensions has nothing going for her except her but if that is real.
Well – Shelli had some big balls throwing up Da’Vonne from the start and getting her out and now James has shown he has even bigger balls throwing up Shelli + Clay from the start and keeping them up there.
Getting rid of Shelli is obviously the smarter move for James’ side of the house, but if I was Vanessa/Austin/Twins I would try and work Becky to vote with them to keep Shelli. Shelli is obviously the stronger player of Clelli and would be gunning hard for James – who has now proven he’s a huge threat. Plus, if Shelli stays, she’ll most likely be a bigger threat than either Vanessa or Austin next week if the other side wins. Finally, if Clay stays, he’ll most likely be super mopey and not much use. Becky seems to think she somehow owes Shelli and Clay something, so maybe they can convince her to throw a vote Shelli’s way.
Week 6 and only 3 distinct HOH’s (James, Shelli, and Vanessa). Real competitive season!
Actually the people who keeping Shelli is Austin, Liz, Julia and Vanessa. She completely blames for being in this position. She has also kicked them under the bus so hard I am surprised they don’t all have tire track tattoo’s. She feels they did not reciprocate and save her and Clay… NO saving Clay is really their best move.
Well done, James. Now make them fight by spilling the info they gave you. Call Austin, Judas. Lol
What did Shelli mean miss him for 2 months? Is Clay still sacrificing his game for her? I hope not. Many people would to be on BB. She is selfish if she lets him throw his game away.
I hope she meant her missing him while she is outside the BB house!
Since jury doesn’t start this week it doesn’t matter which one goes, they won’t see each other until the season ends. That is one thing Shellie was pushing to James last night, was to not vote them out this week because they wouldn’t be in jury together.
I think Shelly meant that she wasn’t going to see Clay for a few months because she thinks shes staying in the house….HOPE NOT
Because one will be in jury and the other will go home, hence two months apart…..
This season is so good!
At least we get 1 week of no flip floppin!!
First thing Austin says is lets vote out Clay. The pic of him and the hos is hilarious.
there is a god !!!!!!!
Doctor, I concur!
I’m loving this entire season say what you want but every week no one has not wasted an HOH. Week one James got out a strong player Jace. Week two Shelli got out Day who is a smart player and who was figuring out everything . She also was going after Audrey and maybe even Clay. Week 3 Vanessa got out Jeff who was also an amazing social player who has Johnny Mac, The entire other side of the house, and Liz. Week four the house got out Jason who I love believe me I love him but he was an number for the other side ,a super fan, and like Day figure things out, and great at endurance comps. Now this week James is possibly getting rid of Shelli who is a beast at comps and the mastermind behind a lot of the decisions that were made in the house, or Clay who is not as strong as Shelli but is a lot likeable than her.Clay has Meg wrapped around his finger, Johnny has his back, and witout Shelli the house don’t see him as a threat and that can get him pretty far. So either way James is getting rid of a strong player. I am just happy no one is wasting an HOH on a Steve, Becky, or a Meg.
James is a Wanna be balla, shot caller Twenty inch blades on the Impala A caller gettin’ laid tonight
Swisher rolled tight, gotta sprayed by Ike. 🙂 You Go James!!!!!!!
Shelli and her delusions will he walking out that door
come Thursday. Mark my words, once Austin catches
whiff she threw him under the bus, she is HISTORY.
I’m glad they got rid of the BOB and just let these people play it out with one HOH. The drama will be there. The BOB gridlocks the game and promotes a big alliance forming too fast. And it’s not that fun to see people use throwing comps as strategy. This has been the best week so far in the game because it reminds me what I like about Big Brother. If the BOB was still intact the results likely would not have been the same. And no matter who goes James did what he was supposed to do this week in the game.
They are all Judas. Only Austin owns his.
Johnny-Mac is this season’s DONNIE ! ! !
that’s disappointing 4 sure….
I wish clay would grow some balls.
Smell ya later Shelli!!!
From your mouth to God’s ear, Nikki Hyde.
I wish the Bobbsey twins were gone. Messy witches.sick of their whiny asses.
I knnnnooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwuhhhhhh. Right?
I’ll celebrate on Thursday IF either of them is actually evicted. I really prefer Shelli to leave, but I’ll settle for Clay. Let’s just hope Production doesn’t throw a mysterious life line.
Production can’t stop me.
Ok House Votes will be a tough to estimate. really tough. It all depends on Shelli and Clay.
My guess it will fall like this
Vote to Evict Clay:
Becky, Johnny Mac, Vanessa, Steve
Vote to Evict Shelli:
Jackie, Meg
Unlike other people this really is harder to call because there are three players that are wild cards.
If the vote based on best for their game for Austin, Julia and Liz it is to evict Shelli.
If Vanessa influences the votes may Fall to evict Clay
Even if one flips to evict Clay… from a Shelli eviction choice… Clay would go.
Now it is at all possible Shelli will screw up and earn an eviction or Clay may wake up and campaign…. say he wants to stay. If does that Shelli is gone.
if shelli really cared about clay she’d tell him to stop acting like a moron and sacrificing his game for hers. if she doesnt then she obviously doesnt care that much about him
She doesn’t, they have no real passion.
Vanessa will vote Shelli out. Vane sized her up in the first week as her greatest competition and does done an excellent job keeping her ‘frienemy’ close and giving Shelli just enough rope to hang herself. Clay is much mentally weaker and easy to manipulate.
And I’ll bet you not to far down the road, Clay would have cut Shelli anyway. He is just putting on a good front now. He was tired of getting treated like a kid.
I see them making the mistake of keeping shell I due to ybe fact they can use her being spitefull as well her dominance in comps, because Austin and the twins are not good so Vanessa would have to carry them. They,can’t rely on Clay in comps as much as they could with Shelli. They seem like they dont want to work with James and keeping Shelli could be theirnonly chance at not totally aligning with them.
Some combination of Lizia has one two competitions so far. One hoh and one battle of the block. She/they came in third in two more hoh comps during the battle of the block phase.
I don’t think she/they are as bad at comps as people are thinking.
One question:
Why do people seem to want Clay saved so badly?
I can see if the orig noms had been shelli and vanessa. but why save clay? because he’s muscular? because meg likes him? because his goal is to be a floater? because he might side with meg and Jackie and james until they aren’t hoh anymore?
I Don’t see where he’s done anything to warrant any salvation.
That’s easy. Clay does what he is told. Shelli tells everyone what to do. Going forward, Clay would need to find a life raft. Shelli will drive a boat over the other houseguests, even her closest allies, as she has shown several times already.
i’m not disagreeing with you, but my question was unclear I think. I was inquiring why commenters wanted clay removed from the block, not why players would want to keep him. I don’t see him as a lesser evil than shelli or vanessa in terms of character flaws, so I stand perplexed.
I’m really beginning to hate Becky. I have a feeling she is going to ruin J Mac’s game! He needs to win HOH and make some moves. I’ll bet you anything if Shelli goes Becky is going to latch herself on to Vanessa and continue her rat behavior. She needs to be outed for the rat she is!
jmac has no game, like zero game. so there’s really nothing for becky to ruin
Johnny Mac is Soft..
i’d love to see what a julia hoh would look like. she might target clay and she might even try and get rid of austin
I’m not surprised James has done nothing to assure his safety this Thursday against the 8 HOHs who wil put him back on the block. Just like his first HOH, he sets in motion a trajectory that leads to his whole alliance getting evicted and not much else. Say what you want about Vanessa (and you will) but she’s breezed through 2 HOHs without a scratch.
There is nothing he could have done to make himself any safer. If he hadn’t won the HOH, he would have been on the block, if he still won the POV, he would be losing Jackie or Meg. If he had taken Clay down and put up one of Austwins, he would have pissed off the threesome and Clelli would have stayed in the house. If he took Clay down and put up Vanessa, she obviously wouldn’t honor the final 7 deal she made with him ( she might no keep it, but maybe is better than no deal), if he had put up pawns, it would have been a waste and he would be taking out people he could potentially work with. The move James made is the only one that he could have made, and even though he is still a sitting duck, he has a remote chance of still being there in a week or two.
YAY Shelli goes home and reads how much she is hated. Love it.
She walked in there thinking she would be loved like HGs in the past. hahahaha Good luck on your acting career.
why save Clay over Shelli?
Cause he’s not a bitch like she is and we want to see what kind of game he has in him now that his Momma is gone.
I think Clay is as much a bitch as Shelli.
He’s the one that threw a fit, took off his microphone, turned off the lights and told production where to go when they told him to put on his mic. and turn the light back on.
Maybe her game would be better if she wasn’t holding junior’s hand.
As a viewer i have definitely turned on Becky this week. Her way of speaking is veeeery, veeeeeery, veeeeery annoying, I also don’t like the way she is playing the game.
I have a feeling Shelli will have a very hard time after her BB (non) fame. LOL
Why is everyone so happy. Clay will go home…
I am actually surprised some fans like Becky. Never liked her and never will. She brings nothing to this season and makes Victoria seem like _______ (insert kick ass female past BB HG) Janelle? LOL
It’s not likely but i hope next week either Austin or Liz go somehow. I can’t take this anymore. Not even the dentist chairs can stop this geek wanting to be a freak. Somebody needs to stop this please!
Shelli —————————————————– > Julie on Thursday Night
You will NOT be missed
Meg will ride coattails right to winning
Steve and Becki are going to evict Clay and possibly Johnny-Mac . ..so what does that leave?
How come i cant like comments anymore on here????? jmac is this season’s Donnie. Im depressed jmac isnt doing more. Stop crying dude is sad. Cut some throats man!
No he is no Donnie. Or if he is he hasnt shown the brains yet.
It’s better for Vanessa’s game to save Shelli …Clay has no strategy – just follows Shelli around all day.
Hoping Meg or Jackie win HOH next or else James is gone I’m afraid.
If Shelli stays it’s the ‘outsiders’ fault. They had all the power this week and didn’t use it properly. They knew there was a big alliance targeting them , they know Austin is a liar, and they were aware Clay was telling people to vote for Shellii to stay over him. They should have taken steps to ensure .Shelli went home by putting up a twin or Vanessa. I have no sympathy for them .They keep trusting the same people who they know have lied to them or targeted them n the past. Its so frustrating rooting for them b/c its clear they have no idea what they’ re doing. James is very smart and a comp beast . Hopefully he will detach from Meg soon, she is a huge liability at this point. Im so over Meg and her childless nonsense. “I don’t know what’s happening”, or “its so weird”, that’s all she ever says I need her to go ASAP!!!
Is there any reason there cant be another 9 person jury?
Even though Audrey is gone, she did influence what happened this week. During Audrey’s last week, she spent a lot of time with James, he was very kind to her and she told him about the 6 and said that Clelli were not trustworthy. The events of last week solidified that for James.
This week he gave each and every one of the 6 the chance to come clean without him telling them that he already knows. None of them did, so that tells James that they are working together and he really can’t trust any of them to work with him. He is reaching out to Steve and JMac (he doesn’t know that they are parachutes for Vanessa and Clelli) because he knows the remaining 5 won’t work with him. By not letting on that he knows, he is keeping a trump card up his sleeve. I was glad when Audrey left, but credit is due for her contributions to this week’s nominations. If Jackie can win the next HOH, he could go far, but it feels like first to jury scenario for James because there is really nobody he can work with. He apparently has 2 people, but Meg doesn’t really count for anything except being a vote.
Jackie was smart, she stayed away from HOH when Clelli was up there, she stayed close to Vanessa even after the punishment and effectively blocked Vanessa from having conversations with anyone in private. Meanwhile, James should have asked Meg to leave for those conversations because she is an idiot, and it would be good for him to distance his game from hers, even though he likes hanging with her. I can totally see her trying to become Clay’s new cuddle buddy if he stays.
James was kind to Audrey. Then he ran to Shelly and Clay and told them everything she said. Then he was kind to her again. Then he ran to Shelly and Clay and told them everything she said again.
She was trying to forge a bond and help his game in order to prove useful in keeping, because her alliance told her she was on her own. He joined the lynch mob and then made her eggs.
He ratted her out, and didn’t 100% believe the possibility she was actually being truthful until about 6 this morning.
Looks like Vanessa once again has rallied the troops behind her and is getting the votes for Shelli to stay. I have no idea why these people continue to just do what she says, if she’s ever evicted that side of the house will just walk around like zombies not knowing what the hell to do with themselves
How does the information that Shelli told James, Meg and Jackie help them go far. Steve knows everything already. JMac and Becky are not aligned with them, I doubt if they will care too much. James can’t play next week and he only has Jackie and Meg (who can’t win anything). They should enjoy this week because it is going to be short lived. There side will have to many people targeting them, especially James and Jackie. One of them will be evicted next week, if not 2 depending on if it’s double eviction and they don’t win one of those HOH’s.
How does the information that Shelli told James, Meg and Jackie help them go far. Steve knows everything already. JMac and Becky are not aligned with them, I doubt if they will care too much. James can’t play next week and he only has Jackie and Meg (who can’t win anything). They should enjoy this week because it is going to be short lived. There side will have to many people targeting them, especially James and Jackie. One of them will be evicted next week, if not 2 depending on if it’s double eviction and they don’t win one of those HOH’s.
Expect the unexpected… Just wait til the houseguests meet the Johnny Mac triplets! And you thought Clay was hard to understand before! #TripletTwist #MegLaughsMegCries
Yes, yes, yes, yes!! Bye bye, Showmance!!!
Meg is such a whore bag… Lol wow!! I never got what ppl liked in her. Can’t stand her personally. And with that dumb ass walk she thinks is sexy lmao #girlbye
James was so smart to break up the duo. Next week they need to get rid of Liz since she is a duo with her sister or with Austin…. Send Liz home and it breaks up two potential duos!