POV: | ? | Next POV: | Sept 1 |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 3 |
HOH: | Tyler | Next HOH: | Sept 6 |
Noms: | Haleigh & Scottie | Have Nots | ? |
Big Brother Spoilers POV Players Picked: Angela is not playing Brett is hosting.
8:55pm Houseguests waking up.. Angela and Sam first 2 to get moving.
8:57pm Kaycee and Halegih
Haleigh says she’ll pick Kaycee for veto if she gets houseguests choice and she believes Scottie will to.
9:24am Kaycee and Sam
Kaycee says she was really nauseous yesterday after the HOH. every time she moved her eyes she felts ill. Today she’s finally feeling better..
Sam wonders why they’re up so early.. “there’s something happening here”
Kaycee – picking veto players
Sam says she went to sleep with her patch on and she had the worst nightmares. she won’t up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, short of breath.
Sam says she almost asked JC to come sleep with her “that’s how freaked out I was”
10:08am JC and Tyler
JC – I didn’t want to play.. I just want to be sitting and not getting invovled..
Tyler – Poor guy
JC – don’t pick me as a have not tomorrow
T – it’s your turn
Jc – why dioes it have to be my turn
T – whos turn is it then
JC – Angela, Brett, and you can pick either Scottie or
Tyler – Scottie has done it three times
JC doesn’t want to be the have nots.
Jc – Angela has done it once.. Brett twice
Tyler – Halegih has done it twice she just did it..
Tyler- if it’s fair I will make you
10:12am Tyler and KAycee
Tyler says it’s funny how Brett and JC come up and tell him they are trying to convince the other that KAycee/Angela are not a final 2 with Tyler as the third wheel..
Tyelr says Brett and JC will be a problem, Maybe not right now or next week but after that they will be a big problem.
KAycee mentions how everyone seems fixated on KAycee and Angela nobody knows about Tyler and Kaycee.
Tyler tells her she needs to start spending more time with BRett in the short term. HE suspects taht Tyler and Brett have made some sort of deal
T – they say the exact same thing but blame the other one.. it’s so weird..
Tyler says Haleigh is coming up to the HOH .
Kaycee groans…
knock on the door.. walks in
Kaycee – house of beauty this is cutie.
Angela is also behind.
Haleigh asks Angela if she can cheer for everyone during the POV
They comment how pissed JC is for getting picked.
Angela – if he throws this I’m going to kill him
Halegih – he probabaly will
Kaycee – he needs to f*ing play
Angela – play these f*ing competitions don’t be a little poor sport..
10:28am Kaycee, Angela and HAlegih
Halegih – this veto pick didn’t go great..
Angela – I know I wanted to get pick..
Kaycee says she’s going to get some nausea medication she thought she was feeling better this morning but she’s not sure now..
Halegih – I need to win this veto…
Angela – I want you to win .. you got nothing to worry about stay calm and have fun
Halegih – I can’t beat Scottie or Tyler
Kaycee – it could be anything it might be something you are good at
Halegih – Like napping..
Halegih – If I leave this week and Sam isn’t walking in .. i’m freaking the F* out..
Halegih says if she wins the veto she’ll put it on her stomach and get a tanline
Angela – hell yeah.. that’s genius ..
Angela – lay it on you spray sunscreen around it so you burn a veto onto you on your a$$ cheek.. (now we’re talking.. Halegih for VETO build the shrnines)
10:40am Kaycee and Brett
Brett is the “host” but they have a “celebrity” host for this POV.
Kaycee points out that JC doesn’t even want to play in the veto
BRett – I really do have a feeling it’s not going to be physical
K – yeah
B – everything has been so physical
K – maybe the comic book..
BRett – yeah.. good thing Ty is up there because if it’s really physical
Kaycee – I know dude
Brett – I just want to compete I would like to win something else
Brett – you’ll get your second
kaycee – the whole time i was BRett/Angela.. Brett/Angela (to be picked)
BRett – I know
Kaycee – f*ing JC ..
Kaycee – we got this.. or Haleigh to win
Brett – it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for Halegih to win
Kaycee – oh yeah..
it's like her fingers taste like butterscotch or something.. #BB20 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/uS1pxUg6Lc
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) September 1, 2018
11:01am SCottie and Halegih
Scottie – they really aren’t playing us very well
SCottie – we work shopped all this in the jury house .. say it’s the six of them.
Scottie – we’re going to make sure we all vote together in Jury..
H – yeah
SCottie – so what’s going to happen is this is the deal we have so far between the 4 of us.
S – if when we get to final 5 or it’s the six of them. we’re all going to pick one person and none of us are going to vote for that person. So theoretical that’s the five of us the winner is the one we decide is alright..
Haleigh – that’s terrible..
Scottie- if none of us win the veto I’ll probably say that in my speech..
Halegih – BRett has played the best of them..
Scottie – it assumes all 6 of them are in this thing together
Haleigh – I think it’s 4
Halegih – When you left and Angela won. I walked in here it was BRett, Kaycee, Tyler and ANgela.. freaking the f* out.. and jumping..
Haleigh – I think they’ll take Sam out next
Scottie – that’s why I picked Sam.. shell use it on me not that she wants to she wants you out..
Halegih – whoever stays on is probably going
(of course the hive will be horrible jury members)
11:16am cuddles
12:20am chit chat and cuddles
12:46pm Angela saying she would go crazy if Tyelr wasn’t here.. She says the jury house is her nightmare.
1:18pm This is the new SwaggyC shirt that SCottie’s been wearing.
1:35pm ..
Kaycee tells them that she was told in the DR that their “Guests” arrive in 45mins to an hour..
2pm The house guests are all sitting around the kitchen table. JC – they (production) asked me if “Ticky Ticky” is a bad thing. Tyler – what is it? JC – shut up. (Its just something stupid that JC says to the other house guests. He was trying to explain it to them yesterday) They chat about random things.

3:04pm Bedroom. JC to Sam – you’re competing again. Are you excited. Sam – yeah, I hope I don’t have to catch things in my mouth again.
3:30pm – 3:45pm HOH room. Angela and Tyler are curled up on the bed talking about movie theaters in Hilton Head. They see Haleigh coming up to the room. Angela jumps up out of bed and groans. Haleigh joins them. She wants to get pumped up for the veto. She wonders if it will be the dark room veto. Angela – tell Tyler about what Scottie said about f**king everything up. Haleigh – he was just telling me what Bayleigh and Rockstar were saying in jury and he was talking about jury votes. And that there have clearly been sides this entire time .. just one side won more and made smarter choices and apparently that is what he is going to say in his speech. Angela – I just don’t get what he means by that ..like how does that benefit him? Haleigh – I don’t know. I don’t know what he is expecting. I mean me personally if I leave and come back I don’t expect anyone to be excited about it. Like I was excited to see him but we all unanimously wanted him to leave. Angela – he got a second chance to come back handed to him on a silver platter. He said whoever gets themselves off, the other is going home. Angela – that’s a bold statement. Tyler – does that mean he would vote you out? Haleigh – no. He said he picked Sam because he thinks he can beat her and she would vote me out over him.
3:50pm – 4:15pm HOH room. Haleigh – So you and Sam must be super close? Tyler – no. We were in the beginning and then not any more. Tyler – then we went through that whole Kaityn sh*t where she felt like she was trying to protect me .. and being all noble and sh*t. Then after that it just faded. Now she throws jabs at me. Haleigh – She was very adamant about you winning over me. Tyler – I think it was just.. Haleigh – she knew for a fact that I was putting her up. Tyler – she was sketched out as she normally is though after an HOH is crowned. Haleigh – I hope I get that chance to take a shot (at taking Sam out). Would that not be a move that you would want made? Tyler – well yeah but not me. Haleigh – obviously. Tyler and Haleigh talk about how they’re both over it and not coming after each other. Tyler – and eye for an eye now its done. Haleigh – I’m over it. (I highly doubt it – both of them would put each other back up if they get the chance.)
4:27pm Big Brother calls Brett to the diary room and then they switch the feeds to the BB re-runs. The power of veto is starting now…
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They are right that Brett & JC are going to be a problem.
JC and Brett think THEY are problem. This is gonna get real….
I think the odds of Tyler and Kaycee winning stuff is a lot higher than Brett or JC.
Its about votes
Kaycee won POV.
And Houka is officially on suicide watch. Goodbye Scottie.
I have wanted them to get rid of JC for weeks now. JC is arrogant and annoying as hell, he needs to go sooner rather than later. Even starting to think that need to get rid of him before hayleigh. Hopefully scottie doesn’t win HOH and he goes this week and hayleigh wins HOH next week and puts up JC/sam, hoping to get sam out only having everyone vote to evict JC. Sam doesn’t really have much information on anyone to be able to do any real damage but JC will spill his guts to everyone but he would do that regardless of when he is on the block so put him up now and get him out. Since he thinks he has this “real” F2 with tyler and trusts him, he might be able to get JC to stay calm and not blow up their game because everyone is voting sam out because they are tired of her or because hayleigh wants her out really bad, telling JC whatever they have to to make him keep his mouth shut. Will be great to see him OTB, watch him squirm or well with JC he will probably feel real safe after talking to tyler and that side because he thinks he is the puppet master who controls everyone. I look forward to seeing his face on 2 occasions, first when he gets put OTB and 2nd when he is voted out unanimously. I see tears, lots of tears for that week from both him and Sam…LOL.
I hope Tyler can win the veto.
Nope, I want either Scottie or Haleigh to win just so I can see how Tyler is able to smooth over the renom person.
sam winning and taking down scottie makes things most interesting.
Tyler has an incredible skill of rolling with the punches. He really can make the most out of any situation he finds himself in. With the exception of putting his own alliance on edge by being too close to Angela he has played an almost perfect game. I really hope this late game mistake doesn’t sink his chances of going down as one the the all time BB players.
You’re right Tyler reminds me Marty from the Netflix show Ozark. Every time he gets crapped on he turns out smelling like a rose.
I agree with your sentiment he’s probably as good as Dr. Will and that’s the gold standard for BB……
I hope jc goes up if one comes down Sam win use on Scotty and up goes jc as pawn then L 4 decid s to send little guy to house for being so annoying
As much as I want JC to go, I hope it isn’t this week, scottie needs to go first, then JC next week.
I just want anyone but Scottie to win the veto. He is dangerous and must go. Hayleigh is a good backup evictee but Scottie needs to go sooner than later.
You no need to worry about Scottie. I’m sure all the HGs go every morning.
Hay is just trumping up the “I hate Sam, Sam hates me” line nonstop in order to manipulate the house into keeping her over Scottie. As soon as she’s the last of the Hive, it’ll be a nonphysical competition, probably involving verbal skills (her strength) b/c production wants to see 1 Hive member in final 2 or go as far as possible to keep suspense. Plus, Hay is relentlessly clingy whereas Scottie is relatively chill. They oughta get rid of her. Still got 4 physical competitors vs 1 so it’s not like Scottie would have a huge edge. In reality I doubt Hay is going after Sam at all. Ty/Angela have been her targets all along & especially now.
Is anyone else surprised that Hay, Sam, Brett and jC have not tried to align?
They should, right? But those girls can’t stand each other, and can’t separate game from personal.
I think it is Brett is under Tyler’s spell. JC is just a little bit misted.
No one in the hive could do that, apparently it’s even carried over to jury.
A floater who cannot win comps, Sam who never revealed Tyler’s app, Haleigh who has learned to add (albeit too late) and Brett, who knows that unless they can sweep things he will pay the price. I don’t see it happening.
They think its too early so they are hesitating. They play week to week and not long term. But they maybe waiting too long
Yes and no…Brett is already in a final 4 so he doesn’t see a need. JC thinks he’s in a group…and Sam…don’t even know what to say, she doesn’t know what to do in this game. That leaves Hay and I think if she survives this week…she will try and start up an alliance
I think Sam is crazy like a fox… she has a deal she believes Tyler is keeping and if she pisses everyone off, the strong players, (Tyler especially) will see benefit in taking her to the final 2.. she cant win comps to get there on her own so, her strategy has worked so far… interested in seeing how long it lasts. At the very least, she finishes 2nd with this strategy. Not bad for being a maid all summer.
None of them will take her to F2, they all know she hasn’t done anything and the rest of them have all pissed off the hive so they need to take the person they think the hive hates the most and most of the time it was brett they hated, So I think whoever chooses who goes to F2 with them, needs to take Angela as they all hate her. I think Bretts game picked up for the last 4/5 weeks and deserves to be in F2 with Tyler (if we just went by who played the best game). I think they would all lose against Sam/JC/Kaycee, especially kaycee she hasn’t pissed off anyone and even the hive seem to like her. Sam the only one who really hates her from the hive is hayleigh, and even though JC annoys the hell out of the hive and fessieboy thinks JC played them all, I can still see them voting for him over Tyler/Brett/Angela. Whoever sits in F2, one of them has to be Angela for the other person to win.
Not at all surprised. Sam and Haleigh don’t like each other. She seems to in general not like girls especially the attractive ones that hit on the guys.
She also will barely talk to Brett after confessing her feelings for him and him not reciprocating so I’m assuming she feels embarrass. Brett also is put off by Sam and her behavior and thinks she’s crazy. Brett also seems to be a little uncomfortable with JC and thinks he’s a bit crazy and until 2 weeks ago Scottie wasn’t loyal to anyone so why would anyone wannna team up with him. Especially after the things he’s been saying they were talking about in the Jury.
Brett has been loyal to Level 4, why would he hive dive now?
Okay, this is ridiculous and will never happen, but I’d love to see all the participants pull a Christmas and throw it forcing JC to win veto.
Oh wow. Had forgotten about that. That was the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen. Well. Until this season. Lol. But how fun would that be if everyone else just refused to participate and made him win. Too funny.
if I was Hayleigh I would be very nervous if Scottie or Sam win the veto.
IF I WAS HAYLEIGH I’d be chewing my nails, wondering why I cannot eat paste in the Big Brother house and trying to think up new superlatives for my weekly ass kissing session with Julie Chen. Oh, and I’d wonder how to get a restraining order against Fessy when this is over.
Making this idiotic woman-child out to be worthy competition for Tyler is just silly. Her edit is just laughable.
I had to read this twice – I read it as super laxatives the first time
That would make her ass-kissing a lot more fun to watch.
“Scottie to Haleigh- We already have a deal in the jury of what’s going to happen. We’re going to make sure we all vote together in jury.”
The Hive is one mindless group of followers.
I think that is a great idea. They want to make sure they finally have some power and they have that through working together. Ppl are angry here because they think it means their golden boy Tyler might not win. Hayleigh was talking about Brett playing a good game and I do think they will be bitter “and” look at what the ppl left have done. If they vote together it means they will debate who they want to give the money to. This will defuse some of that angry because each has someone they don’t like and it’s not the same person between them.
Those of you on here that have talked about how well L6 have worked together. Don’t be hypocrites now when it comes to the Hive working together to give out the money. I am extremely happy they will talk among themselves to decide how to vote. It’s what L6 has been doing all along.
Agreed, actions have consequences.
yeah. the only people in the house that don’t deserve to win are jc and sam. if hayleigh and scottie make it to the end the stuff they have to do to get there makes them worthy winners. any member of L6 winning is fine, even if they beat tyler, because it comes down to jury management. do they respect brett’s ridiculous lies week after week on the block? tyler curling up next to them only to stab them in the back? angela saying all kinds of things behind people’s back but being all smiles to their faces? or kaycee’s just generally avoiding them? none are perfect jury management strategies and it’s hard to say any one is more valid, so it’ll be interesting to see what the jury thinks if/when they have to choose one of them.
I am not rooting for JC but i think he has made a significant impact on the game, so i would include him as a worthy winner if he can either manipulate his way or sneak a win or 3 out at final 5 and make it to final 2.
What size Swaggy shirt do you have wrapped too tightly around your head?
He/she can’t answer u cause they have swaggy’s c*c* shoved down their throat
Love the name
Your comparison is ridiculous. Working together on a game level is not the same as voting for a winner. These Hive people keep proving over and over that they don’t have a brain cell between the five of them. You don’t “work” together in the BB jury, it’s not a legal trial. Consensus is not required.
But but but Baywhore is almost a certified genius. Sure spin another lie Baywhore family.
What you aren’t catching here is they (Bay/Rocky/Scottie) have already decided they WILL NOT ALLOW Angela or Tyler to win no matter who they sit beside. Angela b/c she is entitled and drives a Range Rover she EARNED by working in her self made frame business. Geesh I guess Haleigh wouldn’t deserve to win then based on driving a Hummer and having implants. (do you not see the hypocrisy?).
This group isn’t going to debate the MERITS of who should win they are saying they won’t acknowledge “best game” but rather use their vitriol and pettiness to pick someone even if they weren’t the best player.
Under this premise Dr. Will, Dan or Derrick never win Big Brother – super fans my ass – bunch of petty fame whores IMHO. Scottie is the most shocking that he would agree to be in on this. I hope Dr. Will rips them a new one in jury round table & they all get booed on finale night.
Why not just get JC to F2 chair then at least it would be appropriate that someone who touches people while they sleep is the representative of winning season 20. (rant over)
I agree they dont want to vote for angela or tyler but if for some crazy reason Angela n Tyler are final 2 they wld have no choice… Have they even thought that thru? NO!!!
If it was me hands down taking Angela to final 2 n its set n locked for the Win!!! Ud be stupid not too… Tyler wld loose to KC in a finale 2 n doesnt even see it since the jury is very bitter… look at Paul lost to who wld of thought Josh…
Yeah Tyler really needs to reevaluate taking Kaycee to the final 2 because if this jury is going to be bitter AF and deny Tyler the win he deserves then the only way he can win is if he takes someone equally disliked in Angela. For as good a player as he has been this entire season if Tyler can’t figure that out soon all his hard work will only be worth $50,000 (although I expect him to also win America’s favorite houseguest so $75,000 + his Hawaii trip *kinda like Ross another player who should have won*).
Hopefully if the final 3 is Tyler/Angela/Kaycee Angela wins final HOH and takes Tyler because she realizes that Kaycee would win against her for sure. I don’t think there is anyway she wins sadly but 2nd place is better than 3rd.
Really dumbest ridiculous wanna be man of all time it was a sad end to a dismal year better game this year
RE: Trying to determine the Hive’s SHIT LIST
Bayleigh and Rockstar now KNOW that Tyler and JC pretended to be on their side only to stab them in the back over and over. Angela was just a mean girl and a bitch in their eyes.
I think Tyler will end up at the very top of their shit list. voting as a bitter block, they will see to it that Tyler does not win. It won’t even matter who he is up against. Even Angela can beat Tyler. (Factor in all the final 2 deals Tyler made and how many people on his side may come to feel betrayed by him at the very end).
Tyler has no chance. If he takes Kaycee then it’s an easy win for her.
Here’s the shit list as I see it:
Hive enemy #1) Tyler (backstabing them, pretending to be their friend and powerful enough to get them out.
Hive enemy #2) Angela (mean girl, put up Bayleigh, allied with Tyler)
Hive enemy #3) JC (played them like a fiddle, but in the end he’s not going to be seen as hated as Tyler and Angela).
I know there are a lot of Tyler fanboys and fan girls. They will take finale night really hard.
Paul lost because he cheated and was a bully.
The Hive will find a way to mess up jury votes as well. Heck I guarantee a few of them may even lock in the houseguest key to evict rather than who they want to win.
#tellyourstorywalkin or take to stepping and don’t let the door hit your sore loser @sses on the way out! ;o)
Best scenario for hateful 4 in jury is they have to pick between Angela and Tyler would serve them right. They’ll explode over decision. Unable to choose they’ll give to Tyler despite the fact they swore they wanted winner to be female their petty delusions of Angela being cold instead of cautious will probably leave burn marks on their brains
… on their shared brain
You’re also under the assumption that Scottie is telling the truth, that he would follow them, and that anyone can act as a cohesive unit.
I think Haywhore hive hummers, she doesn’t drive them.
I think Haywhore gives hummers, she doesn’t drive them.
Oh — and they are saying they will decide this PRIOR to finale so they have no intention of even listening to how each of the finalists navigated through the game, what their strategy was or why they made the moves they did.
There’s no way this is surprising to anyone. The rat has confirmed that the hive’s “game play” this season was not a fluke or a joke as some have speculated. They really are as clueless, ignorant, classist, and dumb as they have appeared to be throughout the game
He IS a rat because, again, he reveals the Hive’s plan and then goes along withit anyway.
It is BS and now that the producers know this they need to introduce a challenge they did in BB Canada where the winner gets to eliminate one jury member’s vote.
So if the final three is all L6 members either way they would eliminate one of the brain dead Hive members’ jury vote. The 9th vote (if even needed) would just be America’s vote then.
I expected something stupid like this from bitter idiots like Bayleigh, Fessy, Haleigh, and the older crazy useless Angela but NOT Scottie. Sure he is a rat but I thought a superfan would be above such f*ckery..
Once L6Members start entering the jury they will give the hive information about what really went on in the game….no matter who Tyler is sitting next to at end he will win…the hive is still bitter and are still speculating what happened.. I believe once it is confirmed Tyler was playing them all he will be rewarded for his gameplay…I think the final L6 Jury members will be the the ones that will be butt hurt the most…..the hive is gonna love to start seeing L6 Enter the jury…the hive no they all made dumb mistakes that got them all to jury…L6 Will be the ones that will feel betrayed by who ever is sitting at the end
The only way Tyler gets Hive love from jury is if L6ers whom they also hate come in steamed that he tricked them. Schadenfreude.
He may yet flip without telling them. Been known to happen.
I say, “What Jury? Shit on all those losers. CBS – Let the public decide who wins! ”
We, the American Public, know better than anyone who deserves to win this season (and every other after) of Big Brother! Yeah, give us the vote.!
We’re not “angry” here like the bitter hivesters. Getting power, usually requires using one’s brain and having some level of awareness, therefore, I don’t ever see the hive jurors getting any kind of power. I just can’t see how a group of mindless boneheads are going to work together and decide who gets the money. This will def be a clusterf*c*
The Hive will mess up jurý votes too because they will listen to
Fes-the-big-mess and Rock-tard.
Seriously?They couldn’t work together all season so why would that change in jury?
Both undeserved, & petty since at that point it can’t serve any of them. Cooperation only makes sense to further your game. On jury, it’s just colluding for the sake of colluding, a pyrrhic victory at best since it requires sacrificing the one power you actually have left as an individual. It’s basically nothing but a spite move. However, I can certainly see Hivers like Bay & her toady RS pushing that idea, because they think they’ll be the ones calling the shots, and because it’s what weak people do — collaborate when they don’t have any reason to, purely in the hope that it hurts someone (anyone) more deserving than them.
What makes you think they can suddenly execute a strategy?
“Who flipped”…………
The problem with Scottie deciding who they are going to vote for, is that once you’re in jury, the only think you have left is looking forward to what happens once you leave the show. Unfortunately, for Bay/Rocky/Scottie, Hayleigh has already acknowledged that she wanted to align with Tyler in the game and frankly, she has more opportunities outside of the house, as she did not blow up on anyone or act too alienating or rude within the house. Therefore, I don’t think it would be in her best interest to then somehow “stick it” to Angela or Tyler and stay aligned with the Hive, as she had 1.) already admitted that she made a mistake by trusting them with her game, and 2.) she would then be unjustified in wanting to get to know anyone from L6 outside of the house, which we all know is really Tyler for her and possibly Angela, as she’s been hanging on those two, ever since Fessie left. Also, she’s been saying on camera how things outside of the house will be okay. It’s sort of obvious that she wants relationships with these people outside of the house, and while the Hive thinks they can blackball a person ot of the win, I wouldn’t count on having Hayleigh’s vote. Fessie may stick with Hayleigh, but wither way, I think Hayleigh is smart enough to know that she will lose friendships outside of the house if she sticks with the Hive on finale day.
“Hayleigh has already lied that she wanted to align with Tyler in the game”
Fes actually wanted to. H goes whatever way the wind blows.
LOL… Tyler is irritated at Brett because he remembers spending over 6 hours alone with Brett during last week’s POV comp.
Angela and Brett are the 2 to sit out this time.
He doesn’t want Angela to spend any amount of time alone with Brett! 😉
That’s why he’s telling her this morning how “Brett can’t be trusted”…
He’s kind of mixing up what Brett said and what JC said, like for the story about the 3 cups. By accident? Me thinks not.
I was rooting for L6 as a group, but now that we’re getting closer to the end, I find myself rooting way more for Brett – and therefore… kind of against Tyler.
Tyler is playing a great game, but ever since he chose Hawaii over the best interest of his alliance, Brett had to be the one to infiltrate the other side. Tyler should be a bit more grateful to Brett imo.
Like for this POV, I hope Haleigh or Scotty wins, just so Tyler has to use one of them as a pawn, thereby showing either JC or Sam that they are not the F2 he always tells them they are.
Did you miss weeks ago that Angela had the VETO and wanted to keep it to take Tyler off the block, so when Tyler could take the veto from her, he had no choice but go for the trip to Hawaii? He did not drop the ball on his alliance at all this season.
As for Brett, I think Tyler is watching and listening . I doubt he is jelly. If Angela wants Brett, Tyler will not care. His focus is to win.
The jury bees are bitter. They have no appreciation for how the game is played or what it takes to win. They need to vote for whoever outwitted/outlasted/outplayed (thanks Survivor) the rest or vote for the HG they dislike least.
the jury doesn’t have an option of an unworthy winner. they all hate jc and sam, and those are the only two that don’t deserve to win.
“when Tyler could take the veto from her, he had no choice but go for the trip to Hawaii”
Are you serious? Tyler was on the Block. He “won” the Veto comp that would have given him the power to take himself off the block.
“The HOH asking you to trust them” isn’t a good enough reason not to take yourself off the Block. Except when you’re obviously 100% trust in that HOH. He showed the entire house that him and Angela were in an alliance.
Caleb did a similar thing in season 16, choosing 5000$ instead of the POV when he was on the block, and his entire alliance was pi§§ed at him for doing so.
OR … maybe Tyler did that on purpose to create “the appearance” of being ruled by Angela so if he did go on the block it would be beside Angela (who he knows would be voted out over him).
oops, slight rectification: Caleb wasn’t on the block, but Cody was HOH and Caleb was a potential replacement nominee. He didn’t take the POV, allowing a nominee to keep the POV, and showing everyone that he knew Cody wouldn’t put him on the block.
Season 16 was so boring my brain cells couldn’t be bothered to remember much from it.
Frenchie, I don’t think we’re watching the game.
I suppose you meant to say “watching the same game”.
According to the thumbs down, it does seem like I’m in the tiny minority here, so I guess… you’re right.
I remember that perfectly. It was Cody’s HOH and Caleb let Victoria win the POV. Victoria took herself down. Cody had promised Donny he would not put him up. Cody wanted to put Caleb up so bad but his alliance didn’t want Caleb up on the block. And so Cody broke his promise to Donny and put him up. I was PISSED. I love Donny a lot and they were shitty to him all season long. I was so happy when Donny won that black box challenge all by himself. Screw Christine. I couldn’t stand her.
Donny was a cool dude and a genuinely nice person.
Tyler paid his own dues first half of the season laying with Kaitlyn and pretending not to be nauseated bt Bay and RS’s endless gibberish and grating voices. Not to mention had he not won some comps, more L6 members would have left tyke house.
Actually — I think Tyler is painting his new targets (Brett/JC) to go up on the block together. This is something Ty has done the entire game he starts planting seeds a few weeks prior. He already talked to KC about how JC/Brett keep coming to him with same stories & how JC is pushing Ang/KC have F2 so they have to split them up. This (IMO) is part of Ty’s game play.
Oh, absolutely. As I said, I acknowledge that Tyler is playing a great game. I’m just sad that Brett won’t finish higher than 5th if Tyler has his way because I think he’s been great fun to watch and root for.
FREEENNCCCHHIIEEE!!! That never gets old lol. Totally agree. I’ve been rooting for L6 as a group, but I def want Brett to win the most. I like wounded bird lamb but you hit the nail on the head. He’s trying to jedi-mind-trick Ang. Let’s gooooo Brett!! (even though he can’t win veto today lol)
So disappointed in Scottie. You would think he would have more respect for the game and gameplay. But No he actually thinks it’s a great idea to scam the jury votes and all vote the same. What a sore loser. No better than the rest of the idiots in the jury house. Shame on Scottie!
Yep, kind of ironic that the only time these losers can come up with any sort of strategy is when they’re in the jury house. As for Scottie, he’s bound and determined to be remember as a very pathetic loser.
I thought of all the super fan HGs, Scottie would have been the one to appreciate and reward the person who had the best game play (which I think the remaining jurors are incapable of doing).
100% agree. I get like Paul egging josh on to terrorize people and that affecting the jurors. But that’s not happening now. If you get outplayed then grow up and own it. Once you have had time to get past the disappointment, then look at the game. Hoping the L6 members that are there can talk sense into these people. I am amazed at scottie saying that. Maybe it dr will is there he can get through to them. I know Bayleigh acted rudely at times but I think if she didn’t have rockstar in her ear constantly she could let it go and vote for the best game. Then maybe Haleigh. But rockstar most likely will just keep trashing everyone and keep bad feelings fresh. As it stands now. Anyone takes Angela and they win. Jealousy is not a good look but they are eaten up with it. So sad.
angela’s had some really bad jury management though, so i think that’s on her. she can potentially beat brett, maybe sam and jc (but the odds of angela/sam or angela/jc final 2 seem slim to none).
i think Angela has hurt her game with her goodbye messages.
Hodor is smarter than Hivers.
Hodor was also very loyal. Not a chance he would have turned against his alliance.
Hodor > Faysal
Well said Callie.
You guys forget bailey and rockstar are the only two jury members so far they came up with the plan and told Scotty..fes has said in interviews Tyler and Brett r playing the best game..I believe the best season in years will have the best jury and right person will win that played the best game
I can definitely see Fess ignoring Hive demands and voting for gameplay rather than deliberately against it out of spite: he enjoyed himself, took the game as a game, and didn’t get overly emotional about any game moves like Haleigh, Bay & RS did. Although his shade-throwing at Angela was low, he was probably stupidly doing it to fall on his sword for H. He also didn’t let H tell him what to do, so why would he let Bay/RS dictate his vote?
You all have had everything go your way and talk about how great it is that L6 have worked together. Now that the Hive is working together you call them sore losers. They are now doing what your group is doing and kudos to them for finally getting it. Extremely happy that they will compare note and decide who will get the money.
Comparing notes is one thing, but to say you will vote together is stupid. All the Hive cares about is an unanimous vote. Fez thinks it was great that on his HOH everyone did vote the same. But that’s what made last year horrible. The Hive couldn’t get it right in the house. They need to vote as individuals and who they as an individual feels played the best game.
Bitter party of one. You would of made a perfect Hive member.
Oh good God…you really are calling this good game play and “working together?” You prove how delusional you are, every single time you post
Nothing says Hive like groupthink. Haliegh has already related this plan to L6 so they will remain loyal to each other in the Jury house and squash this stupid strategy too.
They are all free to vote in any manner they wish.. even if it’s voting together. L6 enjoyed voting together, flipping votes, and blindsiding so why can’t the others play the same way in jury?
Cuz jury its not the fucking time to play the game!!! Its one vote to give the win for the most deserving
How is it the same with voting to evict while still in the game????
Level 6 shouldnt vote toghther in jury unless they have the same opinion.
How can scottie know who to vote for?
There is still game to be played and he doesent know nothing about how th hg played!!
We just have different perspectives. To me, jury is still part of the game since it determines the winner. If they decide they all share the same reasoning, that’s their choice to vote together. At this point, i’m looking forward to a bitter jury.. but that’s just me.
Jury management is part of the game. ideally the best played game would win. The problem is that no one really agrees what that means.
Well said Bbfan
The hive never came together with plan that works while voting in the house..so I would imagine that will be the same for the jury voting too….its just fresh to jury bitter talk…honestly any L6 Player at the end wil be good choice to win…L6 are not my favorite people but they all contributed and stayed true to their alliance won when they needed too and made smart decisions …the hive was def outplayed but I love them as people and hate all of the personal attacks
It really won’t matter because half of the Hive members will put the wrong key in the box on finale night.
Exactly! ^5 Reid! Hive has no clue!
Because they are in the jury house and got played. So award the person who played the best game using your brain not the 1 brain the Hive has. Because they should see together they suck. Maybe they would be better as an individual.
If the Hive-mind are going to decide in advance to vote as one regardless of their individual opinions, then they deserve production to give them what they want: one vote to share amongst the lot of them.
Yeees… flipping in this case would be good strategy, i.e. voting independently.
If that’s the disgusting way they are going to screw the voting process then I think CBS should leave the decision up to the public/live feeders to vote I am not one to jump on with protests and boycotting etc. But I will definitely raise my share of calling out CBS on this one. It’s pathetic.
As opposed to the way Allison Grodner screws over the players by changing the rules and coaching her favorites? How but the way she rigs competitions and gives secret powers that dont have to be won? You okay with that? I would love it if the players stuck it to CBS and Grodner for once. But guess what? It won’t happen. Grodner will break out the checkbook and people will vote the way she wants.
Well we will know the fix is in if the veto comp really is a napping competition.
or a sulking competition, or a stalking/clinging competition
This is perfectly legal. That’s what each group has done before, they just don’t talk about it. Stop being sore losers. You8 all have no idea who they will vote for. You are just worried Tyler won’t win. You sit hear and laugh about how stupid Hive is but now cry because they are thinking together. Deal with it!
deaz enjoy watching another Hive member going out this week. We sure will.
They tried to think together in the house and got them to jury. If they were smart, they would not discuss anything because look how well that did for them lol
The Hive will STILL go down as the worst and most stupid alliance ever. Deal with it!
And coming in worse than foutte is quite a feat!
That’s a difference without a distinction. The Hive is just the bloody remnants of Foutte.
The only sore losers are all the Hive members who won’t vote for the best player!
I’m loving this season! Anyone else reminded a little of the online BB? The super tight alliance of the Ballsmashers vs the extremely dumb alliance?? Lol Both seasons are in my top 5 seasons for sure
I was just watching a few episodes of BBOTT the other night. I had my own little drinking game of whenever Kryssi or anyone in her alliance talk about how much America loves them. The ego of that alliance was epic! I also spit my drink out when their alliance was being formed. They were sitting around the hot tub and Kryssi made some comment about how everyone in their alliance were really smart game players. Bwhahahahah! Justin, bless his heart, had no idea what he was doing. Shane was a pretty boy idiot. I actually liked Neely. Kryssi was clueless and narcissistic and thought she was brilliant because she watched one or two episodes . Oh and let’s not forget how she constantly thought she was her right to tell everyone else how they should think. Then we have Jason who was so disappointing.
might not be a popular thing to say but I think it’s time they find a new way to determine who wins bitter juries are ruining big brother how hard is it to vote based on gameplay and not personal vendettas cause someone got you out
If Grodner and CBS would stop rigging the game you would have fewer bitter jurors.
How do you think rocky and Bay view the battle back comp??? Lets create a game wear the winner has to be tall with long arms. Lets create a 7 piece puzzle with giant parts.
Bitter juries happen in BB and they happen in Survival. It’s part of the game. And because of that, you will just have to deal with whomever ends up winning. It will at least be someone from L6 so stop complaining.
Do you need any cheese with your whine?
I’m not whining. I’m stating that it happens so stop spending so much time being outraged. You all are the ones complaining. We are allowing to have an opinion that doesn’t agree with yours.
You mean like he had?
Actually in Survivor, they seem to vote who actually did play the best game.
LOL tell that to Coby, Russel, Boston Robb & many others.
The Hive members need to go back to school to learn about objectivity.
I bet none of them understand what that means.
Think outside the box … won’t hold my breath!
It’s like trying to teach an old dog new tricks or in this case …just a lost cause… train wreck alliance ;o)
Various ideas for mods: award votes based on # of competitions won or 1st-or-2nd place during season minus # of times evicted greater than one, or award votes based on eviction order: 1st evicted gets 1 vote, nth evicted gets n votes. The former would discourage tanking and the latter would reward effective teamwork such as L6, weakening the value of bitter jurors evicted early (like Bayleful & Blockstar). I also have a theory that strong competitors (comp beasts) are generally less apt to be bitter b/c they don’t suffer from as much insecurity. It does make sense to reward superior game play not just with chance to win but voting power. Having a jury that’s only part of the house is only 1 step of that.
1) I just love how Hay asks Angela to “cheer for everyone.” Don’t you remember OTEV, Hay, when you were jumping and screaming for Rockstar? Convenient memory.
2) Nothing irritates me more in BB than a bitter jury. This isn’t like BB19 when Paul was proactively bullying people. You got out-played. Stop being a whiny victim and vote for the best game player. Not surprised that Rockstar and Bayleigh are acting this way, but I expect more from Scottie and Hay as so-called fans of the game.
Bravo SD Gal.
Yep…you can tell which posters have half a brain cell and which don’t
People voted against Paul becuase they gave him 6 weeks of safety from eviction. Plus friendship bracelets that allowed him to create a team before anyone else knew WTF was happening. And he got plenty of DR coaching where they let him know who were his threats.
Paul’s pushing of the bullying was also a major factor combined with the fact that he was such a douche himself.
Paul wasn’t bullying anyone. He just mistakenly assumed their skin wasn’t one-cell thickness.
I wish they would bring back the food comp and get rid of the HN. I liked it when they had to grab balls with food items written on them in a certain amount of time to get what they would have to eat for the week. This rotating HN every week is boring. JC at the very least should be a HN every week that he is one of the first ones out of the competition. He would either try harder to win or suffer the consequences. The HOH basket seems like its not even a big deal anymore to them because they are living so large in the house with the well stocked pantry. I’ve over heard more than once this season how they are letting expensive food go to waste because no one eats it and this has been a topic of discussion in past seasons as well. Also, they are very stingy with the alcohol compared to past seasons. Let these people get good drunk. It could only add to the entertainment value… can you imagine Sam hyped up on whatever they are giving her AND drunk?!
Uggghhh…bitter jury are the worse, hope a twist for that too, plus America has a vote
My fingers are crossed for a hayleigh veto win.
Girl has tried to make some good moves and has had everything blow up in her face.
Haleigh might bite them fingers
It’s almost impossible to describe the stupidity of the Hive. One vote at the end? How does that make any of them feel better? I have to guess that they believe it shows solidarity which they certainly didn’t have when they were playing, maybe they are revising their history this way? Making themselves seem like they are playing? I just can’t.
I wonder if the entire Hive will be wearing their Swaggy C shirts when they cast their votes. I bet they think CBS will bring them all back for a Hive All Star season.
Only Hive members and they still lose to the owl…
OMG lmao…an all-star hive season. Can u imagine how entertaining that would be lol
CBS needs to remind the jurors that jury isn’t about them having more power and that it’s not supposed to be about them. If they can’t be impartial they should go. This has always had the potential to be the biggest problem with the show and now after a great season, here it is again. At a minimum they should be strongly encouraged not to do what they are planning and told how bad they will look to America as sore losers.
What game are you watching. This has always been part of the game. That is why Paul lost to Josh. They all had to deal with what was happening in that house. They can do anything they want to with their vote.
Actually Paul never owned up to his gameplay…that is what cost him.
Excellent post Starman. Leave it to the incompetence of The Hive to ruin the best season in ages.
Maybe if 2 members of L6 make the Final 2 then CBS can give them a choice to nullify 2 voters thus removing their power
Has anyone else noticed Sam seems to hate the girls. She called out girls at her first HOH for trying to use men to get ahead but she seems to be doing the same thing.
Sam is just jealous that all the guys give their attention to all the other girls and not to her.
This is exactly what I’ve been worrying about. The Hive is going to be deciding who wins and with Bitter Bayleigh always running her mouth, she’ll try to make them not vote for Tyler because she is salty that Angela/Tyler got her out. It’s sad that the worst alliance in BB history is going to decide who wins.
Just keep in mind, not only will they be remembered as very childish losers, in all likelihood, they’re still have to give the money to two people they hate.
Worst in the history of BB for sure. It’s funny how so many of us see the same thing and have different opinions. I feel bayleighs emotions are always right there. And she snaps and she’s rude. But then after she feels badly. Her eviction was a bit salty but classy. I do think when she is over something. She’s over it and can look at things clearly. But she has rockstar in her ear on a daily basis which will probably keep her from doing that. But if it wasn’t for rockstar. I think Bayleigh would be the only Hive member that might vote based on game. Then Haleigh.
That’s why I liked Bay. It’s sad that rocknado is around her 24/7 to fill her with hatred. And now fuzzball is arriving to add another level of cluelessness to their very thoughtful and intelligent deliberations
I liked Bay too, even though she is pretty snotty. The problem is that Bay, Hay, RS and Fez did not come to play- instead they let Swaggz do the playing for them and he sucked at BB. If Bay or Hay played their own games for themselves and could get along with others, they would have gotten far in the game. RS and Fez joined BB for… why did they decide to do it? I hope Bay and Hay and Ratso decide to vote for the player they liked best. I think Fez because he has been a competitive athlete, will vote for the best player.
Set it aside, there is more game to play. Tyler FTW
“Fez because he has been a competitive athlete, will vote for the best player.”
Agreed. Fuzzball will…and I also think Bay will. She’s the one out of all of them, who actually tried to evolve when swagz left and play the game.
Nothing classy about that tongue chewer
So true. This is going to be so disappointing.
The perfect way to screw The Hive is if Tyler and Angela are the final two.
It would be funny to see how Rock would vote if it was Angela or Brett. lol
Oh, wow! They’d have to put her in a Hannibal Lecter chair and mask.
She’d prolly cry about it…spew some hate…and then abstain…thinking she’s making some important statement on humanity
Yep…and rocknado will want to see pay stubs of the final 2
So it would be great if the hive was forced to choose between Angela and Tyler. That would be their worst nightmare
Scottie – it assumes all 6 of them are in this thing together
Haleigh – I think it’s 4
Halegih – When you left and Angela won. I walked in here it was BRett, Kaycee, Tyler and ANgela.. freaking the f* out.. and jumping..
Day 75 and a member of the Hive finally figured out the alliance………oh boy
I think Hayleigh was the smartest of the Hive all along, but the tribe got to her brain and she couldn’t use it.
Agree. All summer she would stumble onto a nugget of truth and the Hive idiots would shoot her down. I can see her at Fezzy’s age, and especially by Rockslug’s age, being a more mature, evolved, intuitive person. As long as she can put a stop to the disaster that looks like a relationship with Fez. (Run, Girl, Run!).
Yet her greatest desire before she leaves is to take a shot at Sam? Spoken like a true member of the Swarm.
Oh don’t worry…fuzzball or rocknado will talk her out of that foolish thought
Hopefully Level 6 didn’t make a colossal mistake with that celebration. Why couldn’t they just wait until later?
Ugh. The Hive are going to be the absolute worst in jury. Whoever is the least deserving of the final two will win hands down.. So annoying.
Scottie, Rockstar and Bayleigh are going to vote the same way. Hayleigh seemed like she will vote her own way. Pretty sure JC, Sam, Brett and Angela (or Kasey or Tyler) are not going to do what Bay and Rock tell them to do.
Kaycee still appears to be ill from the veto competition. You would think they would have a doctor look at her.
Hopefully she hasn’t caught what Bayleigh got…oh, wait…nevermind.
They checked Hayleigh for a concussion, so I’m sure if Kaycee asked they would check her out
Scottie just handed Haleigh a beautiful tool…one she should have thought of already, but if he’s ready to use it in his veto speech, it’s now perfect.
All she needs to do is guide Scottie to embellish his jury “workshop”. Instead of the vague, we’re going to vote as a bloc and decide the winner, Haleigh needs to tell Scottie to attack pairs: He says “Tyler you can’t take Angela to the end or you lose because we think you’re her puppet. Angela you can’t take Kaycee because we like her and hate you, Kaycee you can’t take Brett because he lived on the radar and you coasted under it, Brett you can’t take JC because we think you’re obnoxious. JC you can’t take Sam because at least Sam played straight while you’re a rat.”
If he does this, all she’s gotta do is tell each one of them privately that their clearest shot at winning is taking her to the end so that the 5 vote jury bloc becomes 4 and no longer control the outcome. Maybe it has traction, maybe not…but it’s a better play than just trying to be everybody’s friend, like she’s doing. If anything, the move is to take the attitude that they need her more than she needs them and they better kiss her *ss because she’s that 5th vote and if they evict her, she’ll pick the winner…and STOP campaigning for Sam to go…STOP.
no one left in the house is dumb enough to fall for that. they know hayleigh wins if she makes it to the end.
No way I want somebody who wants a napping comp to win the game. Hayleigh is only still here because she rode Fez this far.
Yeah…I don’t care who wins. I’ll forget who wins the following day. I want entertainment and there are obvious truth that simply have to be exploited to avoid an “orderly” final month with Scottie going, then Haleigh, then Sam, then Brett, then JC, then Angela and Kaycee beating Tyler because she was nicer…
Kaycee can beat Tyler at the end, but I want some drama in between. Team Chaos!!!
And is looking to ride him on Finale night too
See you have the same problem as all the fans here whining about the jury. HALF THE GAME IS JURY MANAGEMENT and if you’re not doing it, you’re not a “great” player.
If Scottie makes crystal clear that the current jury will vote as a bloc, then only a fool doesn’t realize if you send him and then Haleigh, that’s 5 votes, that’s the majority, they decide who wins. If Scottie says the majority beyond bitter, a smart player starts to think. So if I transparently lied a lot like Tyler and JC to those 5 or if I kinda went out of my way to be nasty like Angela and Brett, now I’m worried who I can beat…and it’s obvious a Haleigh that acts arrogant to the 5 would be jurors still in the house, is the perfect final 2 or a the very least a perfect final 3.
If the house is as smart as you say and don’t consider the composition of the jury and think somehow their final speech will carry the day…well, they ain’t smart
Let me get this right. You’re saying it would be foolish to evict Scotter and Haleigh because then the jury would have five angry members instead of just three?
Don’t throw me in that briar patch.
i mean, the argument op suggests already is what the house believes. sam beats jc who beats brett who beats kaycee who beats angela who beats tyler. i.e. eliminate them in that order. everyone has final 2’s with tyler because they all think they can beat him. i’m not sure that’s true (in fact, i strongly believe it isn’t). but the op’s suggestion doesn’t change anything.
Well Haleigh decided that wasn’t the way to go —- she went straight to Ty & Angela and told him what Scottie said about Bay/Rocky/Scottie plan. So, what that does is allow Ty the opportunity to discuss this in greater detail with Scottie especially if he stays on the block he’ll be able to get full details as Scottie has a propensity to spill when under pressure.
Let’s see if Ty can spin this with Scottie as to why it wouldn’t be smart for the jury to be bitter voters.
Dr. Will is going to have a field day with these people! I’m looking forward to it.
I think if Scottie or Haliegh get pulled off the block this week and L6 suspects JC threw the competition and/or didn’t try… JC should be made the replacement nom. Everyone keeps talking about Sam as replacement meaning JC has absolutely zero reason to win this veto and even says so to Tyler that he doesn’t want to be involved at all It’s to the point now where you are either apart of the team or not.
Anyone also thinking like me when Scottie explains how the hive is going to vote for the winner. I think they have that plan but somehow the hive won’t vote together and they will end the season with one last fucked up vote LOL. I also truly do not believe Haliegh and Scottie will vote the way they are told vs the way they feel. They are both two super fans of the game. Also Haliegh at this point seems more angry at the fact she aligned with the hive to begin with bc it screwed up her game the entire season.
if the jury is looking bitter, cbs will remind them that bitter jurors don’t get invited back, which generally is true… though no one in the jury house is getting invited back anyway except maybe bayleigh if they do a couples thing with swaggy (swaggy is definitely getting invited back).
I really really hope Swaggy is not invited back Swaggy is more hype then anything else. He came into the house and created by far the dumbest alliance in B.B. history, won a comp to keep 8 ppl safe (including himself) week 1 and then was taken out week 2. Could Swaggy have been a great player this season? He absolutely could have but most ppl in any season who don’t make jury are forgotten about quickly. The only reason he is still brought up anywhere is bc of the t shirts they still wear.
he’s way more interesting than da’vonne and she was a 2nd boot her first season. i will be surprised if this is the last we see of swaggy (though he and bay on amazing race may make more sense than reappearing on big brother, depending what happens with their relationship).
I think its awesome that the Hive is gonna try to sandbag the Jury votes. Send a message against all of the Production game rigging. I doubt Grodner will let it happen. She will just write a few more checks to buy everyones vote. But I appreciate the effort by the Hive.
George, all the game rigging was for the Hive members, they were just too stupid to capitalize on it!
Brett is the most venerable person after Fessy. Brett must align and make side deals with other players after this next eviction. He said he felt 4th in a 4 person alliance. So he must be unsure of himself of who he can trust. I can understand his dilemma of if i pick the wrong person it will get back to my alliance members and i get booted. If I was Brett I would try to work with Hayleigh as much as I could. First priority is to GET RID OF TYLER. Brett needs to make a big move win HOH and put Tyler on the block next to Kaycee. Why Kaycee? Kaycee is an athletic girl that can win comps. like the veto. WHAT IS MY REASONING? Tyler if he gets to final 3 will probably win the whole thing and he will be choosing who he goes to the final two with and it won’t be Brett. JC is so attached to Tyler and his plan to get rid of Kaycee or Angela was shot down should tell JC I need to work with other people because I’m 4th or 5th. If I have a final 2 deal with Tyler why isn’t he even entertaining the idea??? Giving me reasons why we shouldn’t take a shot at this point Tyler??? It will be getting interesting if Scottie leaves, then Hayleigh leaves. Any big moves now? If there is one I bet it is Tyler’s attempt to get rid of Brett.
Hayleigh cannot help anyone at this point so it would not be worth it to team up with her because the numbers aren’t there. JC can’t win any comps and her and Brett are iffy at winning comps and she would never get Sam on her side, especially against Tyler.
Its becoming evident that both Scottie and Hay are horrible at BB. Not as bad as fezzy. Scottie comes back and has absolutely no plan to move forward. Hay’s game is to simply hope she is not a target. Its like they are stuck in nuetral and dont know what to do. There was literally no point to bring back scottie. He has added nothing to the game. Julie Chen even gave him hints before he came back and he had a week to gather intel from bay RS and fezzy on the final nite. This was pointless.
CBS BIG BROTHER, please consider bringing in a cast of known CBS SURVIVOR contestants in the house! I think that would be fun!
I don’t believe the hive can get it together enough to vote together. They will undoubtedly be surprised by the winner.
Who flipped????
The Hive is only 5 people. I would be really surprised if Haleigh or Scottie actually vote the same as the Hive unless it is for the person that played the best game. Now, Bay, Rock and Fez will be very very bitter and want to vote the same because Fez thinks that’s cool.
I think that the jury should vote however they want to vote. That said, they will be instructed to vote for their golden boy Tyler.
Probably even make sure that Angela is sitting by Tyler’s side.
The big reason hayleigh gets so much hate in the first place is because she dared put Tyler up.
Everyone wanted her to get screwed on that move and she did. ( Rigged!)
I don’t care what her reasons for putting Tyler on the block were. It was the right move and I’m good that she tried.
Wind bag. What a sore loser. The only reason Tyler is still here is because Rockstar gave him the OTEV answer and because Hayleigh is such an idiot she picked Kaycee to play in the veto comp.
If Tyler had lost that POV he would have just invoked his cloud power at the veto ceremony.
The move was good in my opinion. Her calling a house meeting to tell everyone she made the move was not. Bay was leaving anyway. And Bay’s blow up just made it 1000 times worse.
I’m not sure why everyone is so concerned that the Hive is now working together. They’ve had glimpses of togetherness before…..and then screwed it up. I’m sure they’ll do it again.
Samantha is the woman of my dreams but her ‘voice’, wakens me.
i hope Haleigh wins veto.
If you want Hay to win it had better be a fingernail chewing comp.
Yes, this POV promises to be a nail bitter. (Yes, I know…but just too darned easy to pass up.)
This online group has spent the majority of their time laughing at the other side and playing along with the “mean” mentality by calling people names. Now something isn’t going your way and you all cry foul and want to name call those with a different opinion. Well I hope the other side does exactly what they say, and you all can complain for the rest of the season. They are now the majority and they will be the ones determining who wins BB. Karma is a wonderful thing.
Uh…you do realize that even if the Hive can pull this off, something which most people don’t believe, that they will still in most likelihood have to vote for first and second place “winners” that they detest and they’ll still be “losers”? The only thing they can possibly accomplish is enhancing that image.
Yes one of L6 will win. But they get to choose. It will be interesting to see how they will try to sell themselves. A person is only a loser if they believe they are, not because others say they are.
Another lie. If you lose…you lose…period. You really are a perfect advocate for the hive! Please keep it comin!
Your entire Hive alliance are losers and the other side is cashing in. I think it is clear who the losers are here. The worst alliance in Big brother history. Thanks for the laughs all season.
It’s not my alliance. I’m not playing the game. And I don’t believe anyone is a loser. This site has a bunch of mean spirited people who like to call people names. As a teacher, I believe everyone deserves a chance and name calling and bullying has no place anywhere. It doesn’t matter that the Hive didn’t catch on. I don’t even like all their gameplay. But I not going to sit here and complain about things being unfair. It is what it is. I’m not a Tyler fan but if he wins, then so be it. I don’t have to agree with the choices. Bitter jury or not, there will be a choice made and none of us have any say in the matter. I will accept whomever win. Can the rest of you say the same.
Might I suggest that you stay out of these chat rooms and spoiler sites. They don’t seem to fit your “better than all” character flaw. You might want to not watch a show that you deem a bully show also.
Yea I think deaz should stay away from any shows where people have to think…and where people can win or lose. And I’m not buying that you will accept whoever wins. I will…but your previous postings demonstrate that you will not. Just go back and read what you’ve said about some of these players, on a personal level. I’m actually sad that you’re in a position to be teaching others
No one in that house called more people more names that Blobstar, so once again deaz you would be…WRONG!!!
It really is a shame that the better you play, the more bitter the jury becomes. They don’t respect the game any more. That could be a sad ending to one of the best seasons in years.
Whoever the final two are, and it looks fairly likely they will both be from L4, they should incorporate a strong message to the jurors in their final speeches. Reveal to the jurors that you know what their plan is, courtesy of Scotter and Haleigh. Reiterate to the jury exactly what their plan is, what their threats were…for the benefit of the viewers.
Basically, put the jurors in the position that if they actually try to carry out their plan everyone will know just how desperate and pathetic they were.
Tell Scotter to shove his threat.
People say that production has been favoring Tyler but I don’t see it as far as I can see they have been doing whatever they can to help the hive then the hive shoots themselves in the foot over and over again.
I think the picture of “Peanut” (Hal created on the pin wall) looks like JC…a little.
So Scotty says jury has decided to all vote the same though I didn’t quite understand his explanation, it isn’t lost in me that jury in this case means Bayliegh and Rockstar because they were the only two there besides Scotty. But enters Fessy whos mind is open to these two and any cockamany notion they spin so that makes three idiots playing their part in the jury just as they played the game.
Is there any possibility that production can remind them the game is the best player wins and to do their jobs. Maybe Dr. Will can show them the error in their thinking.
Their way if playing lost them the game. What can they possibly hope to gain or win with their plan..?
Kaycee won her second consecutive Veto!
Bye bye to the rat again I suppose!
KC won veto!!! See ya Scottie!
Kaycee for the win!!! Way to go level 6 looks like scotty going back to jury!!! Kaycee won veto!!!
I honestly didn’t think the hive could disgust me more until reading what scottie said to hayleigh about how they are going to pick a name and none of them will vote for that person to win. Then follows it with that is how the 5 of us will vote. Rather presumptuous of scottie to think hayleigh will go along with it without asking her her thoughts on that plan. They really seem to think they are still playing as a team in jury instead of understanding they don’t have to do what any of the others are doing and they can actually all think for themselves now. I expected more from scottie considering he has stated many times how he is a super fan and bay said it too, you would think they would have more respect for the game. I get rocky loving that idea because she is a very negative hateful person. It seems that S/r/B are back in JR high, seriously they are adults acting like spoiled children. Some how scottie was able to work fessieboy agreeing to this idea, which I don’t know how he could, considering they didn’t talk to him long enough before the battle back to tell him about this idea. I thought scottie was smarter than that. I am hoping that when/if hayleigh goes to jury she is able to tell them that she doesn’t agree with that plan and that she will vote for whoever is in F2 that she feels played the better game, fessieboy said that he thinks tyler is playing the best game even over hayleigh, so maybe he wont go along with that plan either and only scottie/rocky/bay will look like the idiots if they follow through on voting that way. They seem pissed that there was another alliance in the house besides theirs. Even sam who knew nothing about BB knew there would be some alliances in the house, she started with a F2 with Tyler almost from the start. I hope hayleigh meant it when she said “that’s terrible’. Maybe whoever they have this year talking to the jury will be able to talk some sense into these idiots. I hope scottie does tell them their jury plan in his eviction speech and the audience boos his pathetic ass when he walks out for the 2nd time. Sorry for ranting, its just out of everything that was posted here that was something that really just pissed me off. I get bitter jury and all but come on a bitter alliance because they sucked and voted out their own members? not the others fault that they couldn’t execute any of their HOHs to go as planned, how dare anyone in the house be against them..the nerve. SMFH. I can only imagine what everyone will say about the hive if they do actually follow through with this plan, think some of us bad before this, watch what some will say about them after this. LMAO