POV Competition Results! “I should just go f**k myself! Like why am I even here!”

POV: Kaycee Next POV: Sept 1
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 3
HOH: Tyler Next HOH: Sept 6
Noms: Haleigh & Scottie Have Nots ?

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4:27pm – 6:56pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the power of veto competition.


– It was an emoji competition

Kitchen. Sam – I was like this is Kaycee’s comp!! JC – I was trying to just not think about it. I was like you don’t need to put the water on .. its hard enough without water!! Sam – you (Tyler) were in the lead for the longest time. JC – they kept calling the emoji names and I didn’t know what any of them were. Brett – she (Sam) didn’t even try.

Bedroom. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – f**k dude!! When I sat down I got dizzy. Brett joins them. Brett to Haleigh – you were doing good. Yours was slippery as f**k. I was watching you. Haliegh – I really think they hit me as hard as they could with the pie. The greased up my lane. Just kidding. Brett – she (Sam) was like can you turn the water on again. Haliegh – she’s just a f**king b***h. I stopped talking to her the last 3 days. F**K dude! Angela – you’re fine! You’re going to be okay! Haleigh – I should just go f**k myself!!! Like why am I even here. Kaycee joins them. Brett – I think the technique for that was to start with the biggest balls first. JC would have won but he was going so slow. Haleigh – she doesn’t try in any of them. She was walking in the HOH comp. I wanted to win so bad just to put her up. I didn’t even know who else I was going to put up. If I leave this week, someone better send her next week. Or just leave her because she isn’t getting any jury votes. I am going to freak out on her this week. Brett – don’t, you’re looking good. Haleigh – no, I’m not .. well I guess everyone did vote him out. Brett – and he got a second life. He got a trip to Greece, 5G’s and he got to chill in the jury house for a week.

7:12pm HOH room. Tyler and Brett. Brett – We have to send Scottie out. So apparently Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie and obviously Fes coming in now have this big plan to pool votes in the jury house to decide who wins. Which is obvious we had an idea they wouldn’t vote for us. If it ended up being me or you with Haleigh at the end they would all vote for her. We already knew that but they have this big plan to control who wins. Tyler – it has to be us at the end. Brett – exactly. Tyler – she said (Haleigh) today that she though you, me, Kaycee and Angela were working together. Brett – the only thing you have to be careful of .. if you want something to get out tell her. She repeats everything. Tyler – yeah I know that. Brett – are you thinking we keep them the same or? Tyler – yeah. Brett – that’s the best move. Tyler – I didn’t want to tell Haleigh she wasn’t the target. I didn’t want to tell her she was or wasn’t. Brett – Sam 100% threw that comp. I watched her on purpose try to throw it. JC – tried to win it. Sam straight up threw it. So that is a nice little piece of ammunition. Haleigh said they have a plan to control who wins.. all they need to do is convince one other person to vote with them and they control the game. No sh*t that’s how a jury works. Its just funny how they’re going to decide to vote the same way no matter what. Tyler – sketchy as f**k! They just ruined the game if they do that. I mean not if its the best player but you know.

7:20pm HOH room. JC and Tyler. JC – I didn’t care who won I just didn’t want Scottie to win. I just know if he won HOH next week .. he was going to f**k us up! I am telling you, he’s been on to us before he left. You know what I mean its going to be me and you on that block. Tyler – I know. That’s why he’s up there. JC – of all the times we’ve had meeting he is the only one that has walked in on us. How do you like that big brother .. you want a battle back, we send him right back out. JC – my main goal right now is we’re taking out Scottie. And try to get closer to Brett. See where his head is at.

7:30pm Kitchen time .. so this is happening..

7:30pm Kaycee comes up to the HOH room to join Tyler and JC. They chat about the veto.

8:15pm The house guests are cooking and eating.

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119 thoughts to “POV Competition Results! “I should just go f**k myself! Like why am I even here!””

    1. I think Houka is Scottie’s mom or some other relative as obsessed as this person seems to be with him. After Scottie was evicted there were no comments from Houka and the day before the battle back and Houka resurrected the Tyler eviction date comment the day of the battle back.

      Whoever it is has gotta be bummed today knowing there will not be a replacement nomination.

  1. Damn, KC is legit. She just keeps winning these, so does this mean Brett is the only L4 member without any other key wins other than the 1 Veto. I love the guy, but he needs to start winning if he wants to have something to present to jury worthy of 500k.

    1. With this jury he might just have to make the final. All those Hivers would rather not vote for anyone who outplayed them.

    2. Yea the “Biggest Asshole” argument goes to Evel Dick… Tyler got this in the bag his whole argument “I literally controled every HOH & had my whole alliance playing my game, never their own”.. I mean why does everyone else say “Hey I threw my game away for Tyler, give me 50k”?

    3. Yep. I judged her on day 1 that she would be a certain type of player, that would have the same hateful, spiteful outlook like most on the Hive. Boy was I wrong.

    4. No wins and a jury that hates Brett is the ideal final 2 for Tyler…….give those idiots in jury no alternative lol.

    5. Kaycee has the best shot in the game now. JC is second. Sam is third. Brett 4th. Angelia 5th. Tyler last. The jury is going to be bitter towards Tyler because he made so many final 2’s. The Hive is already bitter with him. Angela she did a lot of dirty work and she has 2nd most people angry at her. Kaycee I don’t think anybody is upset with her and she’s won a lot. I don’t think she won HOH but did has won POVs and Hacker comp. She’s likable. What Scottie said that Rockstar has kinda forgiven Brett is why he’s #4. Scottie will be gone Thursday. I assume everybody will aim for Hayleigh. Sam and JC are not L6. Tyler has suggested to Angela they get rid of Brett and take JC. Tyler must be thinking JC can’t win anything while Brett can. I think they will try to get Sam out first or will they take their shots at Kaycee and Brett? Be so interesting to see if L6 does stay strong to final 4 but it isn’t in their best interest to do so. Kaycee as athletic as she is has the second best chance at the final 3 comp next to Tyler. If she wins it and she goes to the final SHE WINS.

    1. Because someone in Production wants to bang her.
      I never take this angle but if the minorities who come on the show want to complain about anything – they should complain about the edits that Paul, Christmas, and Hay have received.

      1. The people in production how shall I say this tactfully….would probably want to bang Tyler if you get my drift…..

  2. OMFG, I really hope that if Haleigh stays that she really is joking about going after Sam because that would be a STUPID game move….. I really hate this jury buy back shit…. all the house does is just vote the person right back out…what is the point of it? never really changes anything.

    1. They needed another week and since Kaitlyn couldn’t put together a 7 piece puzzle and screwed that idea, they had to do a battle back.

      1. They could just do a season with no double eviction. Or have a all week for the final 5 then 4 .
        Will be fine with the dates.

    1. If Tyler takes her to final 2 she will give him a run for his money now. And hasn’t put anyone up She would most likely beat him.

      1. That’s the thing with L6/5/4, whoever can sell that they were the driver could win. Brett will have a harder time just because he hasn’t really won any comps. Although Scottie just assured that L6/5/4 takes each other to the end over the others.

        1. There is little chance people will agree that Kaycee was the leader of Level 6 because she wasn’t.

          Tyler and Angela so far have done most of the dirty work and they should be rewarded.

      2. The only person that can beat Tyler in the Final two is KAYCEE!!! No matter how bitter the Jurors are…. Most bitter jury’s snap out out it come Finale night.

  3. The rat got resurrected but he is getting the boot again. Thank God.

    No person who comes back deserves to win especially if they lose two challenges that they NEED to win…

        1. Johnny mac and amy season 3 made it to top4. Victor was 5th like judd from season 15.
          The returnee doesent always go right back out..
          James season 9 also lasted more than one or two evictions.

        2. Victor was very likable, still is. Johnny Mac was very likable also. When people are nice to everyone they don’t have the haters who hold it against them.
          Scottie told Angela how the jury hates her. She told Tyler, so will Tyler dump Kacey for Angela now at final two?

      1. Victor won America’s Favorite and the award for most evicted house guest ever. No other house guest, regardless of number of times they were in the house or how many season they payed, was evicted more than Victor!

      2. Nicole, Not Victor, won in the season that four or five different HOH’s were told not to nominate Nicole as they had planned before speaking to the d/r people (which they talked about on feeds). Actually, in that season it seemed that as soon as a house guest started speaking ill of or targeting Nicole, they’d be evicted the very next week even if they weren’t a target for the houseguest who won the HOH. Wasn’t that… odd. Well odd as in a season so rigged i thought i was watching bbcanada.

      1. HayWhore? These are the kind of comments that make me wish that we had the ability to MUTE commenters we find offensive….

  4. I don’t understand why Tyler is not going after Hayleigh? Scottie has his back more than Hayleigh does.

    I know Tyler watches Scooby Doo but I didn’t think he was THAT dumb.

    Scottie for America’s FAV

    1. Houka,

      Because Scottie is more of a threat to win comps. Once Scottie is gone the target moves to Hayleigh. Sorry for your guy.

    2. I think because Tyler doesn’t have a vote..and he is hoping scotty will be a voice for him going back to the jury…if hayleigh goes she will blame Tyler going into jury

    3. Tyler KNOWS Haleigh would target him. Tyler THINKS Scottie might target him. Which is better? The devil you know, or the devil that sneaks up behind you?

      1. Well if AFP stands for America’s Favorite Pilferer or Plunderer maybe, He did steal a lot of stuff from the storage room.

    4. That’s very true, actually. And it’s a safe bet that once H is the last of her alliance left, production will do anything it can to keep her in the game.

  5. Damn this pov win sucked. I really hoped Sam or jc would go up as a nominee. Battle back is always so pointless.

  6. The Hivers are going to hate this but the reason Level 4 is such a strong alliance is due to teamwork. Tyler or Angela win HOH and Kaycee cleans up on the veto while Brett works undercover mining information.
    Level 4 is everything that The Hive isn’t.

    1. Get the damn DNA test already! Couldn’t agree more, that trio has really what’s kept L6+2 safe so far into the game. Maybe besides JC crawling into Fez’s empty head and placing Scottie in there. That was pure evil and genius at the same time.

    2. They were a strong team. I got the impression the hive always thought of their own teammates as expendable. If the other side wins hoh why not through out names of people you believe are playing both sides (jc, Sam or Brett). Better to lose them then to lose a real ally. They never tried to make realistic deals with people outside the hive. We also seen a lack of campaignimg for hivers and themselves.

    1. That’s called beauty sleep. And my girl needs her beauty sleep if she’s to put on daily smoke shows for us common folk.

    1. Each time a hive member comes into jury… Bitchleigh and Rockslobber blame and comment about how dumb and stupid the new jury member’s game play was… Their hypocrisy has no limits.

  7. Yaaayyy way to go Kaycee!!! Level 6 is killing it with HoH n Veto last 2 weeks… Kaycee for the win!!! L9oks like Scotty headed right back to jury unless Hay screws up n does something crazy… That jury house is going to be super bitter…

  8. I hope it is a double eviction Thursday because it is going to be a very slow week if Hayleigh doesn’t win HOH because she is history. There are too many Hivers in the jury to leave Hayleigh in the game after Scottie goes.

    1. Now that I think about it I kind of think it would have been good to have the queen b*tch back in the house so we could see her sent home again..

      1. It would be fun to see her burst a vein again when she goes all Hurricane Bayleigh but it might not be safe for the little Swaggy in her stomach.

    2. I’m not sure hay would be their main target again right away. They know it would be better to get rid of JC. He isn’t able to help them anymore, his usefulness has run out. If anything they should put JC OTB against anyone…even brett (and I like him FTR). They all are seeing that JC isn’t trying to win anything so what is the point of keeping him? Maybe hay will win HOH next week and they can convince her to put Sam/JC OTB.

  9. Hive all pooling their votes at the end, what can you expect? This is Hive we’re talking about……no surprises there.

    1. what would the hive do if it was Brett and Angela in the Final 2?

      LOL they would have to vote for one of them

      1. Rock would probably be the first person to refuse to cast a vote to those 2 entitled spoiled white kids who own boats and marinas or know people with boats or marinas. Lol

    2. Right? Trust them to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they should do…every time. Why should Jury be any different?

  10. Wouldn’t it be another great blindside to the idiots of the hive, if let’s say Scotty and hayleigh vote for who they think actually deserves it? Rock Star and Fes will do whatever Bayleigh says and she’s no genius…there is hope for Scotty and hayleigh to do what’s right!

    1. I agree. Both know the game and I think come final they will vote who they think should win, not the way the other 3 tell them to. In the jury house, you can be an individual and tell the hive to shove it and that Fes is a moron and rock didn’t earn money for a down payment and congrats bay on her Swaggy baby. Lol

  11. Yay! Kaycee won another veto !!! All that’s left is Scottie leaving and Kaycee has proven that she can win comps the rest of L4 better watch out because no matter who she sits by at the end she will win anonymously. Only person who hasn’t won in Level 6 is Brett .. yeah he is gonna need to win some comps if he doesn’t wanna settle for 4th Place.

  12. I really hope now that the producers know the plan The Hive jury members have that they introduce a challenge they did in BB Canada where the winner gets to eliminate one jury member’s vote. I think it was S4 with Godfrey and Sarah where Jordan got his vote eliminated (I think because he was the first jury member so if that happens again bye Bayleigh!)..

    So if the final three is all L6 members either way they would eliminate one of the brain dead Hive members’ jury vote. The 9th vote (if even needed) would just be America’s vote.

    I expected something stupid like this from bitter idiots like Bayleigh, Fessy, Haleigh, and the older crazy useless Angela but NOT Scottie. Sure he is a rat but I thought a superfan would be above such f*ckery..

    I hope Tyler makes him a have not again. It really should be out of his control and be the first 3 who fell in that competition though. Would serve JC right if he really threw it.

    1. It’s too early to say they will all vote together…well Fes, rock, and Bay will. But I don’t think Scottie will and I really think Hayleigh will vote her way. It’s the end of the game, no need to please your side as it doesn’t matter anymore.

      1. Fes has never been anyone’s bitch, and he, unlike Hay, sees this as “just a game”. He’s apt to vote for the best game play, whereas H will vote for who she hates less.

    2. I watched off the block on Facebook when rockstar was evicted. Now I can’t stand rockstar, but I respected her statement about being able to vote for Brett to win, if he ended up playing the best game.

      I think the only hive members that will vote the wrong way is Bay, fes and likely Haleigh. I think everyone else will vote for who they think played the best game. There is also Sam who will just vote for who she likes the most..

  13. My girl Kaycee is playing the best game she can and if she wins, she should be considered a top tier 1 2 or 3 winner. I hate that she’s getting the furniture reputation just because she isn’t a drama starter or attention seeker. She’s selective in her competition wins in order to build her resume while creating strong social bonds that can see her through each week.

  14. Eviction order:

    Leaving Tyler,Brett,Angela and Kaycee to battle it out for the win.

    PS This could change if JC decides to grope someone again.

  15. I sincerely hope that Tyler has the “bitter jury” figured out. With a bitter jury, you need to bring someone to F2 that they hate more than you.

    Bay hates Tyler & would never vote for him.
    Rocks hates Angela more than Tyler.
    Fessie feels betrayed by both Tyler & Angela.
    Scottie, as usual, will follow the crowd.
    IMHO Hay will be the only independent vote. And that’s all you need. One out of the five. Tyler needs to link up with Hay & be the sympathizing shoulder. I know she said she’d put him on the block if she got the chance, but that’s because she recognizes his good game play. I think she’d vote for him to win based on that.

    The “bitter jury” is a part of BB. They need to know how to play this part of the game.

    Tyler needs to bring Angela to F2. He’s got a chance with Fessie or Hay if he’s up against Angela.

    1. Exactly.

      Kaycee will get Bayleigh and the older crazy useless Angela for sure.

      Fessy has no brain so he will go along with that. Haleigh seems close with Kaycee more and more so she could also go that way. And if she goes that way her love struck rat might follow suit.

      And that is only The Hive’s jury votes. If Tyler votes out JC/Angela/Brett they could be super pissed and vote against him. Angela more so since she is also very close with Kaycee so it wouldn’t be as crazy that she choose a friend who didn’t stab her in the back.

      1. Fessy doesn’t just automatically “go along with” whatever petty scheme he’s ordered to just because he’s easily duped (by L6+JC, not by angry/hysterical Hive women). That’s an irrational & facile presumption. He respects game.

    2. My favorite part of the game used to be watching the jury come around and respect the best gameplay. Yes, jury management is part of the game but the juries have become more bitter and an organized coup to vote as a bloc is just shit. If only that alliance could’ve been on the same page while they were in the actual house then maybe I’d feel differently. That being said, as it sits right now Tyler needs to bring Angela or Brett as people the jury are less likely to vote for. As for Bay, she seems embarrassed about her outburst and I wouldn’t rule out her voting for Tyler in the right circumstances.

  16. I can’t wait for Scottie to hit the Jury House and for Fes to ask him if there is another Battle Back.

    I’m sure Hayleigh is in the house wondering when Swaggy is coming back.

  17. my own theory: If Scottie was being truthful when he talked to Julie before going back into the house, he really did a lousy job. So, in order to get in close and tight with Tyler again he spent hours with Haleigh? Well, that was stupid.
    In terms of this season: telegraph, telephone, telehaleigh. The girl can’t keep her mouth shut. How does it help her to stay to say the jury is going to vote as a block? It virtually guarantees both she and Scottie have to go.
    In terms of house dynamic: the jury battle back has served it’s purpose. Haleigh so far has one more week in the house. I see you production monkeys. I can read your script.
    Part of me thinks Scottie won’t even bother trying to work Kaycee for the veto to be used.

  18. I really hope this bitter jury plan they have isn’t implemented in finale night because of all jury’s in all of the season this jury in particular has no room to be bitter towards anyone but themselves…..

    Bayliegh- had a HUGE power app where she could change noms but couldn’t keep her mouth shut about it so obviously people are gonna want to vote someone out with that much power….also could not keep her emotions in check making her an even bigger target

    Hayliegh- admits to the house she was the hacker to take the heat off of bayliegh….I mean come on if hayliegh never did that Tyler would have never saw her as a threat to his game

    Rockstar- not the best competitor and the one comp she was close to winning she TELLS Tyler the answer which would eventually lead to his win

    Fessy- see past hoh reign getting rid of his own number

    Scottie- voting out swaggy and admiring it, telling fessy he has feeling for hayliegh abd trying to get her as a replacement, coming back in house wanting to work with Tyler

    They all dug their own graves and the fact that these players could potentially screw over a deserving winner is a scary thought.

  19. As annoyed as I am about the bitter jury attempting to pool their votes, I have hope that they will manage to screw this up. They will fail to vote the same way, and the Fes will shout-out during the finale show, “Who flipped?!”

  20. Tyler if he makes final 3 he has the best shot at choosing who he goes to the final with. Sad part about the whole thing I think Tyler has the worse chance of winning the whole thing. His only chance is taking Angela. We have another bitter jury and this time it will be against Tyler. Scottie probably not going to vote for him. Rockstar no, Bayleigh no, Fessy no (yes if Angela is next to him). That’s 4 votes. You know Tyler will have to piss off another person by the end of the game. So his chance a slim to none.

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