POV Holder: | JohnnyMac | Next POV | July 13th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | July 6th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Becky | HOH Winner Team 2: | Shelli |
Nominations 1 : | Steve, Jason | Nominations 2: | Day, JohnnyMac |
Battle of the Block Winner | Steve & Jason | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 9th / ? |
Original Nominations: | Day, JohnnyMac | ||
Current Nominations: | DaVonne, Meg | ||
Have Nots | Steve, Jason, James and Meg |
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11:30am – 12:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the feeds return – Jason, Clay, Johnny and Audrey are out in the backyard. Clay asks John if they tell him what to say? John says you just go over it again and again line by line. Day joins them.
In the bathroom – Steven says I mean they’ve cancelled evictions before. A lot of things can happen with that last laugh. James says that would be crazy! James heads to the havenot room and asks Meg if she’s all right? She says yeah. James asks we have two more days till we get out of the here. Meg says yeah. They both comment on how they can’t wait to get out of the havenot room Meg says that everyone has been really nice though. Liz came up and asked if I was okay. Its not fun sitting up there in that seat. James says I had an idea you would go up .. because anyone else would have been questionable. Like they might have gone home. Jason joins them and hugs Meg.
12:40pm Out by the pool – Day tells Steve to be careful. Steve says he wonders what the last laugh will be about. It has to be something that America votes on. Maybe no one get evicted. That would be nice to have no expulsion. Day tells Steve that she was told that a lot of information that I told you got back to me though Audrey. Things that I had only told you, got back to me through her. And that hurt. Steve says I don’t know how that happened because I haven’t said anything. Day tells Steve that she noticed he consoled her (Audrey) but not me. Steve says I thought I did. I’m sorry you felt that way. Day says I am only talking to you because I want you to do well. There are only two people that I feel comfortable with .. you and Jason. You be careful with Audrey because she is watching and she’ll come over to talk to you to find out what we were talking about.

12:50pm – 1pm Day heads over to the backyard couches. She tells Jason and Johnny that she had a talk with Steve and told him not to let others run all over him. SHe comments on how no one else is out here. They’re hiding. Jason says cockroaches! Day says James sat in the bathroom for a long time after the ceremony. He was very sad. Jason says they do not look happy in the havenot room. There are some souls in here .. they may not be good ones but.. Jason goes to play pool with Jeff. Day tell him – I need you to hit a ball. Jason says I need you to eat a d!ck!
Up in the HOH room – Vanessa tells Shelli that was super awkward and I’m sure hard to do. I just wanted you to know that I feel for you. Shelli says thank you.
1:15pm – 1:35pm Jeff and Clay play a game of pool. In the havenot room – Jason says that he has a feeling that there are some people are lying about what they do for a living. I questioned Clay if he was actually drafted for the NFL and he said he wasn’t but I have a feeling he could easily lie about it. Day joins them. Meg says something will be in our power. At least we have two in our pocket. Jason asks Day are you getting any hints in there? Day says just possible stuff.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jason says if there is any possible way for you both to stay. Meg says Jason said maybe the other person goes. Meg says it was going to be Liz but they changed it because they needed someone that was close to you. Day says that’s dirty, that’s dirty! I almost wish I didn’t know that! Jason says trash bags! Meg asks what’s it called coo da ha? Jason says no coup da’etat. Meg says I can’t wait till Thursday to know what it is. Day says ain’t nobody come to comfort me. I see y’all.. cows! It’s bitter sweet. I wasn’t quite ready to leave just so soon. Jason asks why does it always happen to the strong black woman?! They wonder what type of costume someone might get. Day says a big tooth. James says or a toothbrush. Day says my momma was no joke before she became a minister.. I done saw her beat someone’s a$$. Jason says I didn’t think I would even get in .. I’ve been arrested for some stuff but it was never anything violent. James says you hear that feedsters we’re not perfect if you see something ..its not our fault.
1:50pm HOH room – Audrey says got through this week, just need to worry about next week. Jeff says obviously Steve is a target for me because I never know where he stands. Audrey says I think a lot of people feel the same way with him butting into conversations. Jeff says not only that but there are going to be competitions that he’ll do really well at. I want to win HOH sooner than later. Jeff says Austin is hard to read. I trust him but I feel like he doesn’t trust me. Audrey says from what I’ve heard he doesn’t trust James. Austin isn’t dumb. I don’t think he is going to target you. Jeff says I am just trying to get us all to jury that’s when the game really starts getting played. You want to keep people around that you would want to live with. Day won’t even look at me, she’s pissed. Jeff says Day said if Audrey doesn’t get put up next to me I know this is a personal attack. Audrey asks from who? Jeff says Shelli. Audrey says she started sh*t with me. She implied Becky was a racist. She’s talked sh*t about everyone in this game. It is personal. Jeff says I am just going to lay low. Audrey says if I hear anything I will let you know but obviously no one is talking game to me.
Bedroom – Steve tells Shelli that Day came up to me and started talking to me. You still have my vote. A lot of people have come up to me asking about that conversation so I just wanted you to know you still have my vote. Shelli says okay.
2:10pm Out in the backyard – Jason, Day, Meg, Liz, Austin are talking about random things. Day asks so you guys have come to the consensus that you’re not eating slop any more. Jason and Meg say they just can’t do it any more. Jason says we’re looking like Kate Moss in here without the cocaine. Jason asks Clay if he also went to all his interviews without a shirt on. Clay says no I did my best to keep my clothes on.
2:20pm Kitchen – Clay comments to Audrey how Shelli called their relationship a flirtmance last night. We’re not that. We aint a damn flirt thing. Audrey asks what are you? Clay says I don’t know but not that. Audrey asks friends with benefits? Clay says no. Audrey says you wish. Clay says I’m not like that. Vanessa, Shelli and Audrey start cleaning the kitchen.
2:35pm – 2:45pm Bathroom – Liz and Jeff are in the bathroom. Liz says you like to prey on the younger ones. Jeff says eww no I don’t. Liz says 5 years younger. Jeff says that’s 22. Liz says I’m 23. Too old. Jeff says I like them a bit younger like right at 18. No, I look at 18 year olds and they look like kids. Liz says I can’t believe you said you like blondes. I never hear that. Miami guys always go for the brunettes. F**k ya’ll! Liz says I need to move to Fort Lauderdale or like a white area. Jeff says
3pm Cabana room – Austin tells Vanessa he wants to get James out. He’s my target.
2:45pm – 3:10pm Up in the HOH room – Jeff talks to Shelli. Jeff asks are you feeling okay. Shelli says this is emotional. I definitely feel good about my week. Jeff says yeah you did good. You know we have your back. Jeff says Austin hates that I talk to Liz. Jeff says what the f**k is his problem he has a girlfriend. Shelli says I forget he has a girlfriend. Shelli asks is he annoyed you’re talking game with her. Jeff says no that I’m flirting with her. Jeff says you can’t trust Austin. He and Audrey are working together. I always see them talking together. Shelli says I do trust Vanessa. Jeff says I’m sketched out by her and feel if she ever won HOH. I think she would put me up. She is the ultimate floater. Her name has been brought up a lot. I think she’s going to go sooner than later. Shelli asks would you rather keep floaters around or get rid of them. Jeff says I would rather have clear targets and know who is coming after me. Shelli says I’m liking Becky. Jeff says yeah Becky is cool. Becky would be someone I would want to get rid of later in the game. Austin is someone I would put up right away if I won HOH. Shelli asks why is everyone so afraid of Steve? Jeff says next HOH is going to be an A or B. Shelli says and he would be good at it. Jeff says there will be a lot of memory challenges coming up and he will be good at them. Meg joins them. Jeff says the guys are just getting really weird in here .. they are all just hitting on each other. Jeff says I feel most people will have the same target. If they don’t, they’re an idiot. In fact if they don’t have the same target I will target them.
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Damn. Two of my picks are on the chopping block.
Really? Meg was actually someone’s pick?
It was between her, Jace, and Jackie.
These ppl play the wrong way! Play smart and don’t let “love” get in the way. In order to win you need need trust, a bond and be social and you will win no doubt!!
My two favs were Shelli and Da’Vonne. I was all for the all-female alliance. It sucks women can never work together in this game. Now one of my favorites will take out the other favorite.
Production must be scrambling trying to figure out the best way to make this twist work. The biggest problem is that the past couple seasons pretty much every eviction has been unanimous because the houseguests are afraid to draw lines.
Unfortunately, even if Day got to choose which evictions she wanted to toss out she will still most likely be evicted. Only way she has a chance is if she is given the twist today or tomorrow morning and is able to discuss it with whoever she wants.
Even if it doesn’t change this week’s outcome, hopefully it will make HOHs strategize differently when nominating – instead of always tutting up a “pawn”; or, perhaps, give HGs motivation to vote for themselves, and not just with the house.
I know! I miss the good old days when there were clear alliances and voting with your alliance rather than what the house/HOH wants.
This is the problem with the BoB twist. It forces the house to choose the same few pawns, always keeping those people on the bottom and keeping anyone from making big moves.
True, but at the same time they were able to make a big move by backdooring Jace even with the BoB in play. I still think there is potential for big moves to be made with this cast seeing as they seem less passive than last season. Also the fact that last season had this huge guy’s alliance from the beginning and it was harder for the others to break it because they had all the muscle on that side and with Derrick circumcising everyone that season it very easy for that alliance to steamroll, but this season there isn’t a big dominant guy’s alliance to make it a easy cakewalk to the end nor munipulation of Derrick, so i can see some moves being made later down the road.
This is why Survivor will ALWAYS be better than Big Brother. On Survivor it’s ALL STRATEGY, people aren’t afraid to switch it up and do REAL Blindsides. This putting up pawns to blindside someone shouldnt even be considered a genuine blindside because everyone can tell who is the pawn.
Also people go home based on factors that actually make them a REAL threat, not some petty reason. And rumora of racism are such a rarity in the game. BB literally reminds me of hs. The popular girl with the cute bf bullies her way to the top, picks on people for petty reasons and biases. And I hate that because it doesn’t allow any variety in the gameplay.
The same types of people always win, minorities always go home in the first few weeks and people get sent home for some petty reason rather than pure strategy, too many floaters and NO ONE has the balls to go against the quote unquote house majority.
I think that for certain weeks (or even all weeks) the number of votes each person received to evict should not be revealed. I think that would make for more blindsides. don’t know why they’re steal revealing the number of votes..
Production isn’t scrambling, they don’t care about saving Day. In fact, I would not be surprised if they put the bug in Clay’s ear to move their focus away from Audrey (their PC propaganda pawn) to Day in the first place.
It just makes zero sense in terms of strategy why the focus shifted from Audrey who was EVERYONE’S target to Day and suddenly EVERYONE who HATED Audrey and felt she couldn’t be trusted, suddenly ALL agree Day should go.
In Survivor, those contestants would never be too dumb to keep a snake that has been EXPOSED in the game because that’s one more chance they have of STAYING in the game and backstabbing you. At least witb Day, Clay and Shellie would of always knew where their relationship stood, with Audrey they’ll never be fully sure if she’s telling the truth about being aligned with them.
It all comes down to Shelli protecting her boy toy. Audrey was the plan, but when Day went off on Clay, she took personal revenge, and made enemies where she didn’t need to and it was a mistake on her part. Day didn’t even know Shelli was in the house, and she was not even thinking of targeting Shelli. It was personal, pure and simple, in defense of a guy she is in a flirtmance with, and it will hurt her game. This week Vanessa is using Shelli and Clay, but she is also leaving them exposed for later when someone outside their alliance is looking for a target. Shelli doesn’t realize that her and Clay are at the bottom of the 6 person alliance. I will love it when Shelli and Clay are evicted. I really wanted to see Audrey go this week, but now that she is still there, I want her to stay and be the one to pull the trigger on Barbie and Ken.
Sad. Day and Jason are to much loveable for a game like that…I hope Jason stop trust people and do well.
If Day could convince the house that Meg is more likeable than her and thereby a threat, she’d have a chance. But that would of course require talking to people other than Jason….not likely!
I thought of that too However, these people aren’t that smart. It would make sense. A lot of likable people win. I looked at a list of all the winners. Most have that quality in common. Jordyn never had to win a comp. They play different in Survivor. They keep the hated people and get rid of the likable people. But survivor picks better players… older, wiser… etc. It seems like the shows go for a different demographic. Oh well, I guess I’m going to have to wait until September to see some strategy. The smart move for Shelli would have been to get rid of Audrey and now the smart move for the house is to get rid of Meg. Keep the battle between Shelli, Audrey, Clay, vs Jason, James, and Day. That’s a lot of weeks to lay back and chill while they go at it.
FYI … RHAP Exit interview with Jace
Will you guys be posting who answers the 7th phone call? I’m curious to see if it has any effect. Thanks.
And thanks for all you guys do on this site! It is much appreciated!
If it is shown on the live feeds we will be posting it. I have a feeling BB will block the feeds and tell the person who get the 7th call they can’t talk about so it will be a mystery who can nullify the 3 votes.
I disagree. I think the house guest will know ahead of time to add some drama into the house.
If there is some “production” plan a foot to see Day stay, they will know. I posted in the other thread that it would have to be Jason, and if “they” want to save Day, it would have to be done at least 24 hours before eviction and Jason would have to be able to tell folks to give time to work it.
Even given all of the above I still think Day is in trouble. Meg is well liked, but not in an aggressive in your face way. Dayvonne is more of a threat. If you were going to vote Day out already, why would you switch your vote? Why not get rid of a competitor over a floater?
Lets say its Jason, and he is allowed to tell people and everyone knows of the twist, who switches their vote? I still only have 3 solid, she needs 5.
Looks like BBUS is trying to emulate BBCA with to many twist
Last laugh … is on CBS … Failed twist
Unlike Jon Mac, Austin, Vanessa and Clay clearly shady people. I want to like Steve. I think he´s to young to fell so isolate he on the opposite of Ian bb14 is not full of himself- But the strategy for survive is make him despicable. WHY YOU ARE UNTRUTH WITH DAY? WHY YOU PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR SHELLI SHE DOESN’T ASK. Ridiculous. He are the prove about IQ means zero inside the house.
Is the first time I watch feeds daily. And I have one doubt: This year I like people that I might don’t like if I only see the cbs edit. One of my favorite players is Dan bb10 and 14.
How he was on live feeds?
English, do you speak it?
Actually no. I’m from France. I already say multiple times but i´am a bb fan?
i think he was following Austins advice.. Austin told him he cannot just receive information, he has to share some too, so i think by talking to Shelli he thinks he was helping his game…… lying to Day at this point doesn’t matter because,sadly, looks like she is a goner……
Not to mention Day’s whole conversation with him was a lie. She never wanted to work with him. She was constantly talking behind his back. And nothing she ever told him came back to her through Audrey. I don’t understand this try and make Steve feel terrible about himself tactic to try and get his vote. Jace did it and not Day is doing it.. to me it makes you look despicable.
Yeah Gamewise we get it, you do not like Austin & Vanessa. You have some bullshit to say about them on most of your posts. Everyone is shady at some point while living in there, stfu already!
No bullshit. No some people don’t turn shady so easy that´s why are people we love and people we hate. And you going to love Jason in the end. I don’t get why people are so in love by these trio mac-vanessa-austin? A true bb fã don’t like players like that…My opinion and I’m glad I can express free. If i´am wrong about these trio I will say openly and recognize. But i´m NOT.
so “a true bb fan” only likes the same kind of players that you do?
Sorry that introverted players bother you so much…
I can’t believe you don’t see the value of flying under the radar and gathering information while the rest of the players get themselves evicted with their loud mouths.
Today is sad day for bb because dayvonne is leaving for short. But something good happen: AUDREY START HAVE DREAMS AGAIN! LOOOL
You and captain wedgie should write a screenplay. It would be riveting.
I’m a big fan of Audrey’s dreams LOL you never know what you’re going to get.
CBS is looking to lose their troublemaker, their token black person, and the feel good story in the first three evictions. Let the rigging begin!
Day don’t give up please start fighting to stay. Nothing beats a failure but a try. You have nothing to loose.
Is she getting looser in the house? As opposed to tightening up the game? Ohhhhh you meant to spell LOSE. Got it.
Does pointing out a small mistake make you feel better about yourself? I think that must be true because pointing out your character flaw will now allow me to go to bed with a smile on my face.
Still no calls?
Its very hard to campaign when you sit in a corner and only talk to people who are in your alliance. Get off your ass and hit other people in the house. There are people in there she hasn’t even approached .
Did Jace really Jerk off in a little Tupper ware container and put it in the refrigerator ? Wow
Not joking..they spent a long time talking about it
I hope meg stays for a long time she not screwed up she’s a nice person with a positive outlook on life. She’s the type of person that should win big brother. Many of us are tired of the attempt by big brother to have the first gay or first black or first transgender win. How about rewarding the most pleasant most normal person getting a chance no more Frankie’s or angry black women to support your
…Like another racist/bigot winning!??
Poor Steve. Seems to be the footstool of the group
I hope meg stays for a long time she not screwed up she’s a nice person with a positive outlook on life. She’s the type of person that should win big brother. Many of us are tired of the attempt by big brother to have the first gay or first black or first transgender win. How about rewarding the most pleasant most normal person getting a chance no more Frankie’s or angry black women to support your need to check all the boxes. What’s wrong with a genuine sincere well balanced young woman rather than apschopathic transgender that is a deeply troubled young person I like Meg I like normal
I know it must suck to have people targeting you but Day needs to atleast ATTEMPT to campaign…I know Meg is her friend but ultimately she came there for the money not to give it to Meg…she has a couple of days to try to sway the votes but it will never happen if she doesn’t atleast try.
Yaaaa daygone is going to be gone thank god #daygone
Its amazing how Shelli had a simple conversation with Clay. Led up to her putting Day on the block when originally her & Becky decided to put Audrey up.
This BB twist, The last laugh will become pointless. Meg wouldn’t have gotten voted off regardless. Majority are voting for Day so even if 3 of them can’t vote, Day would still have only James and Jason in her favor. So its still…
2 votes for Meg to go
7 votes for Day to go
Production got to her. There was no way in HELL that BB Producers were going to let Audrey get sent home. Audrey was/is suppose to be their pawn to pulling in ratings and also since Caitlyn Jenner, she’s the token PC figure.
No way was Audrey ever gonna go home and she won’t go home until more than half the contestants are gone.
It just makes little sense why to move your focus off of someone who exposed ALL of their cards, and when you had the backing if the entire house. Everyone wanted her gone, no one trusted her and somehow, attention magically shifts to Day.
Yeah this is all scripted.
Its amazing how Shelli had a simple conversation with Clay. Led up to her putting Day on the block when originally her & Becky decided to put Audrey up.
This last laugh will become pointless because Meg wouldn’t have gotten voted off regardless. Majority are voting for day so even if 3 of them can’t vote, Day would still have only James and Jason. So its still..
2 votes for Meg to go
7 votes for Day to go
The only way that Day stays. 1. win the phone calls 2.Then Convince Austin,Vanessa,Liz and Steve that Shelly And Clay had made another alliance with the other side of the house. If she stays she would be grateful and her and Jason would make an alliance with them.They would be strong with six
This is a bad idea because they will see Day as a flip-flopper and is not trustworthy. They will more eager to send Day home if she does that.
I completely agree with you on who she should try and convince, except Clay. Maybe even Becky, Shelli straight up lied to her about an Aud backdoor, sell this point, how close is Becky w/Meg? The rest just may be a waste of time: Clay/Aud/Jeff/Jackie/John/James. Da or Jason get the phone call and 3 votes are gone.
i agree with your assessment, but i can’t see the sales pitch. steve and austin are totally on the radar and going against the house raises their profile. meanwhile liz and vanessa aren’t exactly on the radar but their strategy is very much to stay off it. none of these people want to make waves and keeping da does exactly that. much better to have audrey, shelli, and clay be the primary targets than audrey, da, and the flippers who saved da.
I wonder if Jason got the 7th call if he could rally the troops. Everyone likes him, and he’s got the makings of a devious schemer.
jason certainly has a better chance of selling people on keeping da than da does, i’ll grant you that, but i still don’t think it will happen.
i am curious to see what jason’s game becomes once da leaves though.
How come Becky is not upset that Shelli did not put Audrey up for replacement?
If she is she’s keeping it in. She’s known the plan was to get rid of Da since the BOB was played.
It’s not a flirtmance?….What does he think it is?..Is it a relationship after 18 days?..wow
If its Jason or D winning the 7 call they should pretend that the power this week is to reverse the votes! Like the one who should be evicted bcs of the votes will be staying and the other one will be leaving. Put few of them in confidence and at the end surprise… Only way D can stay… However… This is Big Brother… D… You.veen #Davicted… Sorry Girl!
What the heck is up with that Jeff. Why is Austin so high on his list of people to get out? If I was Jeff I would keep him around for a while and let him help you win comps. Austin hasn’t (to my knowledge) got Jeff on his radar. Something about Jeff that just grates on my nerves……besides the dudes and the bros that he can’t speak without. Hopefully, like Audrey, he will get caught shortly in all his lies and stories. If he wants Austin out he better keep it to himself and not start spreading it around. I think Austin is easy to get along with, and might have more friends in the house than he thinks.
Jeff’s problem with Austin is that every time he tries to hang out with Liz, Austin is also there with them.
Jeff seems more concerned with hooking up than he does with winning $500K.
Jeff thinks Austin is mad he flirts with Liz. No Jeff..Liz tells him u are creepily always harassing her. Here’s a hint Jeff. She doesn’t want anything to do with you!
Shelli trusts Vanessa and Jeff thinks she is “shady”. Smmfh. Jeff u don’t like Vanessa because u can’t control her. And u know she is gona boot u out door soon. Shady=She is so much smarter and better at this game than me and she scares me shitless and I could never beat her.
I think it’s very unlikely that even if Day or Jason wins the twist, they will be able to rally troops. I highly doubt production will make it up for discussion… They want it to be a surprise at the live vote, unfortunately… Everyone at that point have already made up their minds…. And everyone seems to think the vote will be unanimous…even Da’Vonne seems to have given up…the best she could do is just to go out with a bang and start some fights….
If America get to send someone home I pick Jeff to go I do not want him to win this game at all every body else fair game but I do like Liz Austin Steve my favorite
I would pick to evict to evict Meg if I was most people in that house. What does Meg really do for annoys game other than being a possible vote and onlt 2 players really work with Meg.
As a fan I really want Meg evicted… nothing against Me, she is just one of the people in the house that don’t stand out in a good or a bad way… honestly Shelli, Becky, Meg and Liz for some reason have just melded into the same girl. I know Liz/ Julia are twins so they may be keeping it simple so they don’t mess up… but they just don’t stand out for me.
Besides as a fan I always love it when the HoH does not get the target and the pawn goes home… I know it is twisted I just don’t want Shelli to get what she wants and Da’Vonne is more fun to watch than Meg,
As a player Da’Vonne fills quite a few things that would help you get to the end. She provides necessary cover, She will blast players for you and if you are allied with her she will blow up a game for you.
Honestly I’d evict Meg.
The problem with Day’s game is that she hasn’t really tried to connect with most of the other HG’s. Everyone realizes she won’t work with Clay or Audrey. She probably wouldn’t work with Shelli. Day comes across as an all or nothing type of person, if she doesn’t trust you she won’t do anything with you. This game is about working with people who are ultimately trying to screw you over.
agree 100%. that whole thing with clay that happened when she was walking around like a total weirdo counting stuff, a good BB player would have let that slide right off their back, it’s way too early to lose potential allies over stupid comments. she is playing too much of an emotional game. I really hope she goes this week but she seems to be a popular HG.
Ugh, Jeff, stop talking bro.
Yeah, there were too many game changing twists, but it was better than season 13, 15 and 16. The cast was good, but the game was rigged. I do agree that the house in BBCAN is way nicer than the US house. It’s nicer this year than the last few years, but it looks tired and needs a total redesign.