Get ready Big Brother FANS! Big Brother 15 is set to air tonight on CBS at 8/7c!
CBS has released some photos of the house guests entering the Big Brother 15 house and a photo of the very first HOH competition. The house guests likely entered the Big Brother house over the weekend as it is custom for them to enter the house prior to the première in order to record the footage for the first episode and to do photo shoots with the cast.
The première episode which airs tonight will introduce the Big Brother 15 Cast, show them interacting and introducing themselves for the first time, show their reaction when Julie Chen notifies them of this seasons twist, and show the very first HOH competition.
The first Big Brother 15 HOH competition as seen in the photo below shows that it was an endurance competition where the house guests had to hang on to the giant popsicle sticks for as long as they could to be the last one hanging. From learning about the house guests the past few days, who do you think would have the ability and endurance to hang on the longest? These types of competitions are best suited for smaller individuals with a long reach and a lot of arm, leg and mental strength. This competition is just like the first HOH competition “Going Bananas” from Big Brother 13 where the house guests had to hang on to a giant banana while they were being sprayed with whip cream and chocolate. It will be interesting to see what Big Brother throws at these house guests to make it even more difficult to hang onto the popsicle. Or will they be hit by a large flying tongue? The person you might think would have the best advantage to win may not as it is common for house guest to throw the first competition as being the first HOH often puts a target on your back and makes the others see you as a competition threat.
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anyone else having problems signing up for live feeds???? 🙁
Got a feeling that one of the girls aside from Helen (because of her strategy) will win the HOH
Is it just me or does that person look like they have gray hair, hanging on the first purple “punching bag” on the right?
I think Aaryn has the most potential. She’s small and clearly stated that she wants to go for the first HOH. Other than her, Elissa maybe?
I think Howard will win HOH he short strong and said he want throw it so.
Coming soon, brigade 2.0
Can see it already, Nick (Matt), Jeremy (Enzo), David(hayden) and Judd (Lane.
I can see it already, Jeremy (Enzo), Nick(Matt), Judd (Lane), David (Hayden) 😀
Brigade upgrade 2.0
Jeremy aka meow meow jr. Enzo protege
Nick aka the brains jr. Matt protege
Judd aka the beast jr. Lane protege
David aka the animal jr. Hayden protege
Brigade upgrade 2.0
I hope not, but I get the vibe of Brigade 2.0 too. I rank Season 12 pretty low amongst BB seasons, it was a snoozefest for the most part.
Mere hours away. I think I just felt a POWERSHIFT in my pants. Does anyone know if TVGN has a feature to watch online? I don’t get it here, and their site was less than helpful.
the talk was good today cant wait tonight
I’m going to watch it once it comes on at 2… Did they show anything new from the house?
Notice the four different coloured popsicle sticks? MAYBE TEAMS OF FOUR?!?!
YA.. maybe some teams for the first couple weeks
I think they might just be popsicles, color meaning nothing other than flavor.
My VPN doesn’t work for the cbs site all of the sudden 🙁 Anyone else having that issue?
try installing this add on for firefox
Search for the cookie CBSGEOIP and change “Value” from “CA” to “US”
I’ll give it a whirl! Thanks 🙂
Will you still be able to post youtube videos of important events just like you did for BBCAN?
CBS informed us that if we post videos from the live feeds we will be removed from the feed affiliates program. They have also warned they will be policing youtube and getting accounts shutdown that show the feeds.
WE’ll be doing write ups, Screencaps (Lots) and animated gifs (new for us)
Simon, I am experiencing troubles with the Android app. Also, does anyone know if the TV listings on TVGN will cover up half the screen when trying to watch Big Brother After Dark? If so that will be awful.
The OBB android app?
I’m not sure if it works the same for others, but I have 2 channels for TVGN. One has the scrolling guide, the other doesn’t.
A girl will win the first HOH
Hope this year is good. Great site Simon #1 on the web yo.
Thanks YO!
I’m calling it, Elissa wins first HoH
Either Elissa wins HoH or she’s the first MVP.
Whatever the producers want. I’m leaning towards MVP…
SOOOO hoping there is never another Brigade! I could barely stand getting through that the 1st time, maybe one of the worst alliances ever! And one of the most useless mouthiest players ever, BOZO, Im sorry ENZO…..a reincarnation of that? NOOOOO! LOL….It would be nice if these new HG’s came up with something new and not a recycled idea which we seems to happen on BB all the time!
Lol, THE BRIGADE is one of the worst alliances ever? Yeah, right. Try one of the best if not THE best, behind Chilltown. They dominated the entire game. That’s why people like you keep talking about them
Believe me I hope I never have to talk about them again….maybe there wont be one at all! They shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same breath as chilltown! Watching the Brigade in action or lack thereof? Was truly one of the worst seasons IMO….and we SURE don’t need a copycat of it….
Preach it, Killer K, preach!!! Do people not forget Matt is one of the most overrated players in the history of BB, spent his Diamond POV on getting Kathy out. Insult to Will and Boogie to compare them to the Brigade.
You’re right Chilltown, he totally blew that Diamond POV! I forgot about that….and I agree maybe THE most over rated player ever! I mean we’re talking about the Brigade here…their big thing was fooling Britney….was it REALLY that hard to do? LOL….
I agree, Matt was waay overrated..he thought he was so smart, he didn’t even make it that far..
the brigade was a good alliance in that it was successful, but it was kinda boring..the biggest move was probably getting rid of one of their own, matt,..Brittany was just so gullible the end wasn’t interesting..
Kaitlin and Jessie are going to be a problem they kinda look a like
great idea
I’m expecting a guy to win the first HoH, probably a “power player” who is going to try and make a big move week 1 and it will blow up in his face…hopefully.
Hey does anyone know if media hint works for the live feeds? Simon looking forward to this season. So glad its all newbies!!! Will be donating to you guys shortly since you do such an amazing job giving all the action from the feeds.
I can’t wait to get this thing started. Hopefully there will be plenty of twists this year.
Hey, SImon and Dawg. Great to have BB back! I thought I’d let you and your viewers know that there is another option for Canadians to watch the feeds without having to subscribe to a VPN. I did a bit of research the other day on this issue and came across a great solution.
It is called a Surfeasy key and can be purchased at your local Furtureshop or Best Buy for $70. It basically puts you on a global private network. It is just a usb that you plug into your computer and it opens its own browser, as long as you use that browser you are free to watch content that would previously had been blocked in your region. For example, I am currently able to view all of the shows on and all content on American Netflix. This works for pretty much any other site as well. Obviously, you will still have to buy the feeds from CBS but other than that you are ready to go. I understand $70 is pretty steep for a lot of people but it is a great investment that will pay for itself over time and seemed to me to be a much easier option than subscribing for a VPN.
Anyway, hope this helps some people out.
Definitely Pumped for tonight! This should be an exciting season with all new faces trying to state their claim as a Big Brother Champion.
My pre-game picks to win this season are Helen or McCrae.
Who are yours????
PS: Simon, Just dropped you guys a donation. I meant to send it during BBCA but completely forgot (sorry). Figured this time I would pay ahead for your great updates and breakdowns. lol Your efforts are very much appreciated and hopefully everyone else will chip in to thank you guys for the great job you do. Cheers
I was hoping to watch Big Brother USA live feed from the UK. I already signed up and used the U.S, Zip code suggested on this site. Payment went through OK and the BB live feed website launched. Everything was OK for a week or so but earlier today a new message came up saying something like ‘not available in your area’. So I downloaded Hotspot Shield for free and that did not work ( Last year I had used Hotspot and it had worked fine). Then I tried and that did not work either. Still the same message. Then I read a website where they suggested the need to delete all cookies. Which I did. Now when I try to go back to the BB live feed website (I previously bookmarked the webpage) I get sent to the main CBS live feed login/register screen. I checked to see if I received a confirmation e.mail when I originally signed up to see if it included login/username/password information. All I received was a [email protected] email with subscription confirmation – info includes Customer name and subscription ID. It doesn’t include any CBS account login information. I don’t know how to get back to the BB LF screen? Any suggestions? Also, any idea why the ‘not available in your area’ still came up?
try installing this add on for firefox
Search for the cookie CBSGEOIP and change “Value” from “CA” to “US”
CBS checks your location sets a cookie and doesn’t check until the cookie expires so by editing the cookie value from CA to US and expiry date to September you should be good for the season.
Thanks. I’ll try that. Just managed to sort out the CBS login problem so I’m back in the live feed screen. Hopefully the fix will work.
The cookie manager seems to have work – I actually had to change the CBS cookie from GB to US. And the annoying area restriction message has now gone. Thanks for the help.
Drinking game, how many times David says like this episode
Just downloaded the OBB iPhone app. So happy the season started. And I can’t wait to receive notifications regarding HOH, POV winners and nomination ceremonies. It will be so much better than looking it up.
I don’t have any favs yet, I’m on the fence with everyone. Pizza Boy is looking interesting.
I kinda feel bad for Elissa, she was probably hoping to keep her secret, but now the one of the HGs knows it, she’ll be used to their advantage.
do you think if /when they have an allstars season, they will have clowns like Enzo or Adam from season 13? guys that made it far but did nothing to get there..I hope they don’t consider them allstars..