8:30pm Morgan and Shelby made up a game tossing balls into pots. Meanwhile Danielle, Jason and Kryssie are sleeping. Jason and Kryssie start talking. Kryssie – I didn’t even say anything bad. That proves they don’t listen. Jason – its not about whether its good or bad. They probably think it was bad because I said ohh that’s terrible… like I was making it bad before you got to the silver lining good part. Kryssie – Whatever the case may be I am just done. I go days unnoticed in here. I say 1 f**king thing! Jason – well we notice you. F**k the rest.
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HOH room – Shelby & Justin. Shelby – everyone is still good voting out Danielle right?! Justin – I think so. Shelby – I don’t know why you wouldn’t be. Justin – I’m going to go through with whatever I agree to you with.. Shelby – whatever you agree to.. I hope you remember what it was. Justin – I remember everything. Shelby – as long as you do it, Morgan will do it and America will probably do it too but even it they don’t… either way it would be a tie breaker as long as you vote Danielle out … and I would break the tie to vote Danielle out. Then you get the care package next week. Shelby – I’m so nervous about next week. Whoever goes next week will sit in a hotel room on Thanksgiving.

10pm – 10:45pm Justin – I know I made a deal with you… but I can’t guarantee Morgan’s safety over you. Its got to be one or the other. I know I made a deal with you but like if its you or her do you want to sacrifice yourself for her. Shelby – I don’t want to sacrifice myself for her. My best case scenario is that we both stick around. Justin – I already know. I am 100% going to fulfill my end of the deal. I am keeping you safe and if I did win I was going to take Morgan down. It’s going to be hard to protect both of y’all. Its either going to be you or her. Shelby – unless we can get Jason. its good for you because then you don’t jeopardize your relationship with Jason. Justin – I can’t trust Jason. Justin – I feel like I can kind of trust you. I’m going to do my best to protect you. Just know I am not going for you at all. Justin leaves. Morgan joins Shelby. Shelby – I know people are probably going to try to convince me to use it (veto) anther way but I will just laugh in their faces. Justin already thinks Jason is a snake.
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11:20pm – 1am Kitchen – Danielle, Justin, Jason and Kryssie are hanging out chatting about movies. The conversation switches to reminiscing about the season. Justin – we did it, we made it pretty far. Jason explains how Shelby said she didn’t watch season 16 and then knew the reward/punishment veto from the season. Jason – she’s pretending to be a recruit but really I think she’s a superfan. Kryssie – if anyone takes Shelby to the end .. you’re playing for second place. Justin – you think .. even though she sucks personally!? Kryssie – it doesn’t matter. Jason – she doesn’t suck personally as people think. Justin – now she is here kicking a$$. She was probably the brains of all those girls. She is very smart. Its going to be a problem. Kryssie – you need to make her think that deal you made is good so she gets complacent next week. Justin – you don’t think I did!? I talk sh*t to her a$$hole. She thinks I’m going to sell you out but that’s why I had to come talk to you. I don’t have it in my heart. When I was going crazy your cigarettes are what kept me sane.
2am – 4am Bedroom – Justin, Jason, Kryssie and Danielle are hanging out.
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Karma, Dani and Jason. .. One of you is gone at the hand of the girl you guys hated the most….
Sounds like justice to me. You reap what you sow.
I do like how Dani tried to say that the were honest to Alex when she was going……yeah right after the formed a fake alliance with Jason, Dani, Morgan, Alex, and Shelby. Lied to them. Then put Morgan up and taunted the girls calling them suckers….. Dani, you now know it is either you or Jason. No more back doors this week……. Morgan is coming down….
Wait…. So is Justin playing Shelby and Morgan? Damn, I was hoping he was being honest with them. Final 3 Shelby, Justin, Morgan.
I think the other options are crap. Jason needs to go home. I would love to see him go this week but I do agree that the best bet is to probably get rid of Dani as she may be a bigger threat at winning comps than Jason and it also makes it so that Justin get ACP. But if Justin is playing Shelby and Morgan then the CP will blow up in their faces. Ugg…..This season is “Over the top” LOL
I love your final 3. Dan is crude, rude, and down right disgusting. Well, so is Krusti. I have waited all season to see them leave.
1,000,000 ????
I agree Kelly, I also think Jason should go this week. He’s too big of a threat in the end. To me, this is their only chance. Think about it. If he skates through next week, he’s making it to the end(esp with a F3 instead of F2) and he’s winning the game! Hands Down! There’s no way America will not vote for him to win. Sad, but true:( and he has a great shot at skating by next week. If himself, Justin, or Kryssie win HOH over Morgan(3-1) he’s safe. No matter who wins veto, Shelby or Morgan will definitely be leaving. If Jason goes this week, and Justin wins HOH he could be talked into putting Danielle up. The girls really need to think this through and get Jason out. They’ll never have Justin if Jason’s in that house.
As far as the care package, it’s a minut point this week. It can’t really blow up in the girls faces no matter who gets it between Danielle and Justin. It’s not about saving anybody it just advances them to Final Four, IF and that’s a big IF they complete the task that big brother gives them. #Let’sGo #Ballsmashers #Shelbinator
Anyone who still thinks these late-season comps are legit didn’t watch last season’s McGuyver comp. I don’t care. It’s just a show. Team Shelbey & Justin.
I think out of the Ball Smashers that are left, Shelby deserves to win. We need need Morgan to go before the finale. BS fans will split the final winner votes between Shelby and Morgan and we can’t have that. If the LNJ has two of the final three their fans will split the votes and Shelby/Morgan will have a better chance at winning if they are the only person representing the BS in the final three!!!
I like the way this is shaping up. Morgan/Shelby (whomever is left standing) needs to drag two goats to the finals with them. Enter Kryssie and Justin…. If its Shelby and two goats, Shelby wins. If it’s Morgan and two goats, Morgan wins.
I see no scenario where Morgan wins! She hasn’t got anything on her resume!
She got a care package from America, to then be nominated by America the following week! She is not going to win the vote against anyone!
Morgan did win the wall climb veto……
I disagree. I think she’d win over Kryssie or Justin. She probably won’t though, just bc of the Misfit fans aka Jason’s fans voting, but she’s definitely proven she’s the better player of the 3. She’s one a POV and has been strategically playing within her alliance. Whereas, Kryssie has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! She won a crapshoot HOH and has threatened to quit a blue million times. Justin…..let’s see………….yep, I got nothing. He’s a big giant FLOATER!! This week proves that even more! If Jason was HOH, there’s no way he’d be working with the girls. But he floats to the power wk after wk! He’s made ZERO moves(not even voting wise) hasn’t been involved with any schemes or done anything were even talking about. So yes, Morgan does stand a shot at winning against the 2 of them. If it was a season with a jury…….I think the jury would choose Morgan over them. Since it’s “America” they’ll most likely choose a Misfit!
1,000,000 ????
Justin for the win with final two with Shelby baby!
FYI, there is no final 2 in BBOTT only a final 3 and America picks the winner from those 3……
I can really see Shelby using the veto on Jason and Putting up Justin. She really is in a super secret alliance with Dani and Jason. Morgan is gonna be really shocked…………………………….then Jason woke up……….
The most EPIC comment I’ve ever seen on here!!!????????????
Maybe you should get your eyes checked?
Hi Simon, Dawg, question for you guys. Do you think this new format with only live feeds and no TV production is going to fly? If so, will Canadians ever be be able to get CBS all Access?
I dont think this online version is as popular as they thought it might be, so I dont think they will do it again. I also dont think they will open up the live feeds to Canadians again… I wish they would but I highly doubt it. Luckily the work around still works otherwise Simon and I wouldnt be able to do these updates.
It will all come down to $$$ How close they come to making a profit or if they did make a profit on the venture will determine if they repeat the version. To be honest my spouse and I love the version and if they were to do it without a vet or all vets to have a level playing field going in, it would be much better.
I would love to see this version with no interference from production. Just pure BB. Let the chips fall where they may each week.
Totally agree with everything you said. I’d LOVE it if they did this show with all returning vets. That would definitely bring in the viewers that’s for sure. If they’re not gonna give us another All-stars, they can give us one online 🙂 That would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Bring back everybody that was close to winning, but got $crewed over. They could take some cues from Survivor. Do a heroes vs villains. Can you imagine? Oh my gosh I’m getting excited just thinking about it. It could be Frank, Boogie, Evel Dick, Spencer, Aaryan, Ginamarie, Amanda, Zack, Paulie, Scott, Janelle, etc Vs Alex, Brittney, Dani(the real Dani(Danielle Donato(Briones)), Helen, Shelly(BB12), Matt, Caleb, Memphis, Judd, Johnny Mac, Donny, Vic etc. Or a Revenge of the Super Fans(Bronte,Alex,Scott,etc) LOL. King of the Throne/Battle Royale (past winners: Dan,Derrick,Ian,Steve,etc), Always A Bridesmaid(previous finalists or F5-F2, that didn’t win: Paul, Vanessa, Cody, Victoria(LOL),etc) I could think of all kinds of stuff, so I know they can too 🙂 I LOVE BB:)
F@#k you America
Anyone hear Shelby’s comment to Morgan last night ” I might have to F*** the guy in production”. Well that’s one way to make it to the end. She’s their new Nicole.
I saw it. She was joking. It was obvious. You couldn’t tell? Or maybe you just wanted to post this with your twist. Anyone who actually watched will see through your connotation. Meh