2:35am – 3:45am HOH room – Natalie asks what the freak is going on?! They reiterate what’s been happening. Corey asks James if he is okay. James says yeah, I’m just wedged in the middle. Its like with America too… if I drop her because I used her for strategy then they would be mad at me too. Paulie says if you have something to say to me you can. James says no, I don’t have anything to say. I’m wedged in the middle because I’m with you and her. Paulie says you guys are a$$holes for holding back laughter. Paul says I was trying to not get involved. Never cared! Z joins them. Paulie says Michelle is going home.. its going to be an unanimous vote. Paul joins them again. They continue to talk about it. Paul says I was just trying to stay out of it. Paulie says I was glad Nat did this because Bridgette was going to be safe again. Paul asks so what’s the plan? Paulie says the plan is to get f**King Bridgette out. Paul asks put her up with who? Paulie says Nat after what she just did. Z is cool she is a ride or die chick.

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(Prior to Michelle coming in paulie, and paul were chatting
Paul tells James its best for his game to not react and stay clam. Paul says Paulie is on a power trip. It hurts for me to see him turn into a d!ck head. He has Corey that’s it. I think Nicole is about to abandon ship. Paul laughs about how Michelle walked by Paulie in the kitchen and said I was going to blow up your game tomorrow but it looks like you blew up your own game.
4am Havenot room – Natalie, Michelle and Bridgette. Nat talks about how Paulie said Z is a ride or die chick when literally last week we was talking about putting her up with me. Nat asks why would she do that when I was looking out for her. Bridgette says she’s warped. Michelle talks about having a good speech tomorrow.
Natalie is saying that Paulie is telling the guys that Zakiyah is a ride or die girl and just 2 days ago he was wanting her out.
Natalie – we gotta win.. Paulie controls everything Bridgette – if that side of the house gets the next care package i’ll freak out.
Michelle – Cody has 200K followers..
BRidgette – i’m sorry does Cody want to defend his brother right now
Michelle – yo don’t know how we’re being portrayed.
Michelle says she’s been talking about how Natalie didn’t deserve it last night so they will show her side of the story
Natalie – It’s going to be a mental comp
Michelle says they’re going to win it ..
Bridgette says Zakiyah thinks Michelle is going to Jury
Natalie – Paulie has a big mouth.. She threw my name again.. I told her what she was doing..
Bridgette – i’m done.. I’m not talking to her anymore
Natalie doesn’t plan on helping Zakiyah anymore she’s obviously siding with Paulie
Natalie – lets hope she doesn’t have the round trip
Michelle – she won’t go after us , she won’t go after Paulie.. She will go after whoever paulie tells her to..
Natalie – Victor or Paul..
Natalie – this is fun
Natalie says she cares for Paulie as a person but in this game……
Bridgette goes on about Paulie going into a rant of his from earlier today “She’s a fake a$$ person.. I’m not talking to her “
Michelle says Paulie is the one being Fake all the time he’s showing his true colours
Michelle – he was bragging about taking a 21 year old girl to the bar in vega
Bridgette- they were talking about it to corey today
Michelle l- you spent 800 for a easy bone and found out she is crazy on the plane and dumped her..
Feeds flip to the london room
Natalie – if he blindsides me tomorrow.. I’m not going to be a Zakiyah sorry.. Just between me you and ..
Bridgette – we’ll beast it out..
They hug..
Natalie – who would have thought we would work together..
Natalie says the other girls don’t like her for their own personal reasons, “I’m flirty and bubbly”
Natalie – there’s a double standard.. Cody can flirt with a married women.. “
4:14am Kitchen
Michelle – I was going to blow your game in my speech but you did it tonight
Paulie – You think my game it blown up you are out of your mind
Michelle laughs “No it’s toast”
Paulie laughs “WOW”
Victor – these cookies are too enticing Bridge
Bridgette – I’m glad you like them I bake with love
Paulie says Frank was literally slapping Da’Vonnes and Zakiyah’s a$$ and calling them wores
Bridgette – I don’t want to talk about Frank anymore
Paulie – the words uncomfortable mean something
Bridgette – Paulie i’m upset comments were made i’m a feminist at heart and i’ll defend women to no end .. that’s not game that’s me
Paulie – I get it .. the word disrespectful and uncomfortable get spread really loosely in this house..
Bridgette – when I see a women getting shit on i’m going to come to her defense
Bridgette says she feels that Natalie needed an extra voice because natalie couldn’t get a word in
Paulie respects that but if there’s an argument and her points are lined up he’ll call them out
Paulie accepts that natalie is her friends and Bridgette is helping her friend he would have done the same even if his friend is wrong.
Paulie says Natalie is wrong
Bridgette – I don’t think she’s wrong
Michelle – I’m glad America doesn’t get to see someone get 500 000 thousand dollar that picks up random girls at a bar and spend 800 dollars on them to leave them in Vegas.
Paulie – you’re right they just saw a super fan that sucks at playing the game
Michelle – i don’t care I blew up your game
Paulie – you blew nothing up
Michelle – you’re not winning so that’s all that matter in my heart..
Paulie – you can think that Michelle
Michelle – you’re not going to I’ll bet money on it
Paulie – ok how much 500 thousand
Michelle – sure
Paulie – you won’t have it to know
Michelle – you won’t either
Paulie – someone is upset Ian will never like her
Paulie laughing.. Walks into the tokyo room and tells Corey about his tiff with Michelle..
Corey – what a mess
4:18am Tokyo room / London room (From the Tokyo room)
Paulie – she is trash.. Unbelievable that is unreal to me
Corey – jolly dude
Nicole -that’s personal and she just goy mad at you for getting personal I don’t get it
Corey – there’s no reason to get personal
Paulie – now she crying
Paulie screams from the Tokyo room to the London room “I’m sorry are you crying Michelle”
Michelle – yells back ‘No i’m literally laughing”
Paulie – you’ll be laughing straight to the jury house meet your homegirl Da’Vonne
Michelle – you’ve manipulated everyone
Paulie yells over her “it’s OK Michelle you’re still going home at the end of the day
Paulie yells “You are nothing if you come back with the round trip I’m sending you out the door”
Corey laughs in the background
Michelle – I can’t hear you you have a girl’s voice
Paulie – make up another fake boyfriend and go TP your house.. You jealous child
Michelle laughing “He’s so stupid he fights like a girl.. “
Paulie – since you’re leaving you should make good TV and do something crazy
Michelle – you blowing up your own game Hilarious
Paulie – wait who did I blow up my game to? .. oh still waiting.. I got you out if thats blowing my game up than OH MY GOD..
Corey – too funny
Michelle – hopefully I have the ticket back BABY, he doesn’t scare me he’s 5 foot 7
Paulie says everyone was cool in Nicole’s season everyone hung out and when it was time to leave they left and counting out votes wasn’t blowing up your game.
Nicole says she’s laughing so hard “I’m going to pee my pants”
4:18am From the London room Paul, James and Natalie
Paul jokes – Nat you don’t like James.. your a liar typical Jersey girl cause they are all the same..
Jame s- dude that’s teh funniest thing ever I was going to blow your game up tomorrow but looks like you already did
James laughs “what the f** who says sh1t like that.. Paulie is probably over it”
Michelle comes in .. they are all giggling
Michelle give them a run down of the encounter with Paulie in the kitchen lots of giggling
(The argument above happens i’ll just include the parts that were missed above)
Michelle – you made me the target Victor didn’t you did this is your HOH the whole time..
MEECH – I CAN’t Hear you .. you have a girls voice..
Lots of giggling..
Jame s- you’re bad a$$
Meech – he’s so stupid.. he fights like a girl.. what are yo crying in there.. YA you blowing up your own game Hilarious.. I peed my pants it was so funny
Paul comments that paulie is goign to sh1t his pants
James- oh my god he’s going to freaking die ..
Meech says if the other side wins double they can all “Sh1t” on her hard she’ll go. they gave her a second chance
natalie – I don’t play that way
Meech – i want you guys to go far..
Natalie – James I don’t like you I thought this was a prostitution show
Meech – you guys think he’s sacred
Paul – YES otherwise he wouldn’t be feeding into it
James – don’t talk about his (paulies) hair cut he gets really mad at that
Michele – he’s a Paul wannabe .. I know Paul is awesome but the fact you have to steal all his f***g words and cut your hair like him and try and grow a beard like him .. you’re not going to be Paul man you’ll never be as funny as Paul
James and Paul laughing
Michelle – you want to take his words.. fine.. you want to have his hair cut fine.. but you can’t grow a f***g beard.
Paul – if you saw that tomorrow i’ll literally suck my own D*** tomorrow
Michelle says she’s trying to fuel the fire so if Paulie wins HOH he’ll target her
Michelle – I’m not afraid of him he doesn’t scare me.
Jame s- tomorrow is going to be a shit show..
Paul warns Michelle to ZIP it around Zakiyah because sh’es relaying everything to Paulie.
Michelle – IO heard.. frickin throwing Natalie under the bus
James- that’s why I can’t wait to send her a$$ home
Paul – apparently me and Vic are going on the block because of her
James says Zakiyah is “FAKE”
4:40am They start talkign about having to study hard tomorrow.
5:30am Zakyah and Paulie grinding away under the covers..
5:45am More London room Natalie PAul/Michelle
Paul is saying that Zakiyah tells Paulie everything
Michelle – Pillow talk
Natalie says Zakiyah and Paulie might be playing all of them hardcore they secretly are in love and are just playing up being mad at each other so Zakiyah can get information.
Paul – he’s getting super defensive
Michelle – he’s a different person .. in the beginning he always said i’m going to be calm cool and collected that’s my personalty
Paul – bullshit
Michelle calls Paulie a baby.
Michelle goes on about all the shit she’s goign to pull tomorrow on Paulie to piss him off.
They agree Paulie is too cocky
Natalie – he (Paulie) played himself into a knot
Paul – now he’s scurrying .. dude he told James how high up I got on your thighs..
Natalie says she made the right decision starting all this, “He’s been throwing my name out and laughing at me.. He’s been fake to my face.. ”
Michelle – dude you know what if I win HOH before nomination that whole 24 hours i’m goign to be like hey Paulie wouldn’t it be fun to put you on the block.. wouldn’t it be hilarious that I get to put you on the block.. you know what is even more hilarious is you don’t get a chance to play POV.. Hilarious..
They agree it’ll be really hard to get Paulie out he’ll win the POV.
Natalie – does James respect me behind my back
Paulie – 100%
5:56am same group in the London room
Michelle – Nicole is hilarious.. she comes in here saying don’t say anything bad in your speech because I care about you as a person
Paul e – you should say something about her
Natalie – that so funny I’ve heard 5 people in this game call her s snake .. 5
Michelle – yup Jozeas was right… Hilarious.. now we sound like him
Paul says she started all the lingo in the house (he’s almost right most the lingo being adopted by the hive mind is Paul’s but surprisingly some of it is Corey’s and some is Paulies)
Natalie – he literally adapted his social game and tried to be you (Paul)
Michele – he never swore in the beginning now he’s F** F** F** like you
Paul – what can I saw I’m a trend setter .. fool tries to me doesn’t succeed.. blows his game up
Michelle about Paulie – his true loyalties are Nicole and Paulie
Natalie about Zakiyah – I have zero respect for that girl
Paul – she’s a idiot.. stubborn, hard headed, manipulative, sociopaths, narcissistic . .. I called it from day one
Michelle says paulie is always looking at him self in the mirror
Paul – I was talking about Zakiyah.. but Paulie to
Natalie – they deserve each other
They agree Nicole is not nice to girls.
Michelle – me, her and Zakiyah were close and she screwed us all over..
Michelle about Nicole – she can’t play this game without a showmance
Paul says it’s tacky that Nicole keeps coming into the game looking for showmances.
Paul says Corey is just using Nicole
Nicole and Michelle agree
Natalie – I’m not talking to Corey and Nicole anymore
Michelle – not after they laughed at you
6:20am sleeping.. finally..
7:42am Still sleeping.. (Maybe I will to)
This flip is going down as of 7:50am Zakiyah is going home. I don’t see James flipping back to Paulie so much damage has been done to Paulies, Corey, Nciole’s game they are lucky Paulie can win all the comps.
10:35am Feeds are back on.. hosueguests called into the HOH for Lockdown.
[polldaddy poll=9491180]
[polldaddy poll=9491957]
Nj girls are blowing up on Twitter. Was reading @KristaKimberly posts. She’s dishing on Paulie. This is awesome! That fuckwad will be lynched when he goes home. Haha.
it appears to me, that the NJ girls are the way they are, is because of the NJ boys made them act that way.
Well, Honey, that’s the smartest response I’ve seen in a long time!
*big granny kiss on your forehead
The live feeds were freaking awesome last night. If you don’t have them yet…get them NOW! You can sign up right from this sight, and our boys Simon and Dawg will appreciate that.
I’m throwing out my own poll. Please comment on each player. Just list them and how you feel about each person. I’ll start.
Paulie: Disrespects women all the time, but tries to play like he loves them and defends them. So annoying to watch on the feeds. Thinks he’s to cool.
Zakiyah: Who??? Lol. Paulie’s b!tch! Getting played and didn’t even realize it.
Nicole: Whhhhiiiiiinnnnnnnnyyyyyy and annoying! Needs a showmance to survive. Should be on Bachelor!
Corey: Has no brain cells left. Been hit in the head to many times. Not sure he’s even aware he’s playing Big Brother.
Paul: Playing both sides. Will be caught soon, but I still think he can go far.
Vic: I’m just amazed that he’s made it this far after being evicted. This NEVER happens. I think he’ll be around a cpl more weeks at least. Unless somebody like Nicole or Corey wins. I say that bc, they’d be to scared to go after James/Natalie. So they’ll take him out to cause less damage.
Michelle: Didn’t like her at all in the beginning. Actually, I just started liking her 2 days ago:) I’m still annoyed with all the harsh things she said in the beginning, but if Bridgette can move on, I guess I can too. Lol. Anyhow, I love that she’s not scared to cause chaos. Let the games begin. I’m praying she wins HOH!
Bridgette: Have liked her since she linked up with Frank, before that I didn’t really notice her. I think she’s sweet and smart. She is a target of a lot of people though:( hopefully she gets super safety this week.
James: I have waaaaaay to much to say about him. I have a love/hate relationship with him. I think he’s a cowardly little b!tch. We need his nuts to drop. He talks a big game about being a Texan and standing up for his female friends then runs straight to Paulie and proceeds to suck his D. Lol. Sad but true. I don’t like that he throws Natalie under the bus every 5 seconds. He should have her back the most! He needs to stop playing for “America” and play to win. If he says “do u think this is what America would want?” one more time I’m gonna lose it. James, America wants u to stop being a little pu$$…..MAN UP! ***if he gets America’s Favorite, I’m gonna be pi$$ed. Side note: Have u all noticed at the beginning of each episode when they flashback to someone saying or doing something funny during the week, it’s always James. All of them except 1 maybe 2 have been James. Pay attention, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Or go back and watch the beginning of past episodes. It’s pretty clear who production wants for America’s Favorite.
Natalie: Have liked her this whole time, but I LOVE her now. So glad she’s speaking up and will actually be in an episode:) hopefully production doesn’t edit this in James’ favor, bc this was all Natalie. She’s a beast! I wish she’d start playing to win though. She has this mindset of just winning an HOH and going to jury. She needs to realize that she could make it to final 2 especially if Paulie gets evicted. She’s proven to be good in comps to, so hopefully she wins one. I’d love to see her make it through tonight’s double then win the HOH right after, so she’ll have it for the week. #GoNatGo #Nat4TheWin 🙂
Ok, so this is way longer than anticipated. Most ppl probably won’t even read all of it. Sorry Simon/Dawg you do have read all of it so you can make sure it’s within the commenting guidelines. I apologize for that and taking up so much of your time:(
What an utterly ridiculous thing to say! Where’s responsibility for your own choices? Dumbass response! I don’t hand over my freedom of choice, weight or wrong.
Those include his momma and his sister.
Judge Judy – you win for the BEST comment of the day! ????
Appreciate that information. I’m a geriatric North Jersey girl so I can’t participate in the lynching, but watching would give me tremendous satisfaction. I can maybe bake goodies for the crowd and turn it into a street party. Maybe me and a few other no good girls should do a drive by first to check house for a For Sale sign. With nothing to do here except dance on tables at the senior center and make out with old geezers, some real life local entertaiment would really make our year.
I cannot wait till he gets out. I just went back and watched it on the feeds and I have never disliked someone on this show more in my life. And that includes Amanda.
He literally thinks he is running the world and being the biggest douche canoe ever seen. Paulie deserves any bit of backlash he will get.
Well, I’m sure Derrick and Cody are shaking their heads right about now. He lost his cool, never to be respected in or out of the BB house again. Dumb ass.
Paulie who? I NEVER coached someone to be a total asshat!!!
Paulie who? I don’t have a brother…
Jersey girls WILL stay far away from the psycho douche canoe! What a complete moron this guy is! Really Pauline? That’s what ya have to do? Is that what he had in his arsenal? You’d figure being he’s gods gift to us women he’d have a better strategy than to point out fake boobies … I thought he’d do better than that … Oh wait he’s from a Jersey girl … that’s all I have to say about that 🙂
Simon & Dawg …. You guys are friggin the best! You keep us so entertained I had to go on and donate some US $$ to you guys! Keep up the fantastic work and let’s see a house flip tonite! Fingers crossed!!
Natalie and Bridgette for the $500k! Because who ever gets douche canoe out deserves it! 🙂
Tonights episode is going to be epic. Let the backstabbing begin.
I read this on her twitter account…
KristaDeBono @KristaKimberly
Paulie you know what’s so weird about jersey girls? YOU GAVE A RING TO ONE BEFORE YOU LEFT And it’s getting handed back to u when u get home
986 retweets 1,778 likes
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KristaDeBono Retweeted
Tiffany Chantell ?@TiffanyChantell 14h14 hours ago
Tiffany Chantell Retweeted KristaDeBono
True and she denied you b/c she caught you cheating on her with 5 different women. He Left that part out on #bb18Tiffany Chantell added
Ooooooohhhhh shhhhh******tttt! I don’t think Paulie left just piss in that hot tub. Z better get herself tested.
And Paulie is such a scary person. He has no clue about consent and boundaries. Maybe Natalie lets Paul touch her. Maybe she doesn’t want Paulie to say anything about her body because he’s a creep. It makes me wonder how many lines he’s crossed with women, and how far he crossed them.
Well thank God. That girl dodged a huge bullet. Can you imagine being married to someone like Paulie?
Lets just be honest, everyone from New Jersey sucks. I’ve never met one nice person from there. Same goes for Ohio too.
Must be because we recognize a-holes when we see them. Without having met you Porn, your name is a good Indicator I’m correct.
Whoo Hooo! Gonna be great TV tonite!
For those of you in the NY metro area……….Football is on channel 2
BUT Big Brother is being broadcast on channel 10 or WLNY at 9pm.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering when that was going to happen. I definitely wouldn’t want to miss this throwdown tonight!
I am voting for Bridgette to get this upcoming care package she will need it. Pauline’s fans will be voting for him as he got knocked down a few notches.
epicness is imminent
loving seeing michelle get under paulies skin
michelles speech is going to be great
i just hope its a true blindside
I’m absoluty floored by how scared the men in the house are of Paulie……I mean hes a little yaping bitch and the guys all cowar in his presence……Wheres Frank when you need him?……Oh yeah Jamesy evicted him!
Paulie was all up Frank’s ass too! He told Bridgett that paulie was the only one to trust…
Paulie was up Franks ass?
Seems like Paulie’s on “Who Wants to Be America’s Next Godfather?”
The way he talks about taking people out, the way he expects his minions will do what he says…he’s delusional. And Z is trying out for “Mafia wives.”
Fingers crossed that James doesn’t puss out before the show. Hopefully Z goes and a member of the grossmance gets axed during the double.
I think Bridgette has a real good handle on the game and players….and I think her role in the conflict above will force Jame’s p*ssy hand. The more she paints Paulie as a villain, as opposed to engaging in the fight, James will have no choice.
He won’t want to go into the DR and side with the “bad guy”…so I hope she can temper Nat and Michelle, at least until after Z is evicted, otherwise James will waver, trying to see who he can pretend to be the best good guy with for the audience.
James is the absolute worst….
Couldn’t have said it better myself:)
Who is the grossmance? Nicole and Corey?
To me the grossmance is Paulie and Zakiah.
Both couples are nasty. Z changing her maxi pad on tv and straddling Paulie with her dirty stained underwater on. Vomit. Watching Nicole and Corey in bed was so creepy. Nicole is a desperate jealous little girl trying to act relevant. She looks at herself constantly and always messing with the rats nest on her head. Can’t take much more of them. Fireworks tonight:)
James, the definition of “bitch” is when someone insults your woman and you just sit there. Man up dude.
Have I followed this correctly? Putting a hand on Nat’s leg or a flirty comment about her butt is a big deal and something James will confront the guys with. But trashing talking her body, insulting her intelligence and basically verbally assaulting her … he just sits there.
He’s the Texas cowboy when his target isn’t around then he shuts up once he walks in. Asking if Natalie said anything to Paulie to justify it. James summer of just lying around is over, he’s gotta go to work now. He has to choose sides.
James saying did she do anything to justify the comment was worst than the comment! Did she hear that?
Also…”James asks what does Nat have to do to keep the peace?”
It suggests to me that James is a really shitty father. He has a daughter who lives in the same world as men like Paulie. Prove you got assaulted. Prove your date went too far. Prove you said no. Thanks Dad 🙁
Did anyone read the above update? James got mad and said it was not cool to talk about Nats body. He then went to confront Paulie about it.
I watched the whole conversation live. No, James didn’t get mad at all. He meekly stated that this is a game and we shouldn’t get personal. That’s it. From there the rest of the conversation basically entailed James kissing Paulie’s butt. It was Bridgette who stood up to Paulie, telling him that she finds him offensive and calling him out for trying to intimidate her with a stare down.
…geesh, that’s not butt kissing, it’s acting, playing the game, staying under the radar, protecting his own game. He’s NOT in a relationship with Natalie for real outside the house. She initiated this relationship and he treats her with respect. He’s not there for a girl, he’s there to win a game.
The follow-through (or lack thereof in this case) is what matters
Let’s all come to terms with the fact that James was castrated before coming on.
I don’t like that it has to be “man up.” This is the 21st century. He should defend her just to be a good partner; it doesn’t have anything to do with being a man. I just hate phrases like “man up” or “be a real man” because defending someone else and being brave rather than cowardly shouldn’t make someone a “real man,” it should make them a “good person.”
Paul and Victor are in a great spot! Avoiding the drama and letting the others take each other out. It’s crazy how far they both have risen from the dead lol
I agree! Definitely Paul out of those two because to be on the block 3 times and being hated by everyone to being liked and more quiet. If he made finally two vs Paulie he has a strong chance of beating him especially now that everyone is figuring out that Paulie has made everyone his puppet lol
This girl, is smart! She chose the perfect time to strike and the perfect weapons to strike with. She played on James heart strings perfectly and added bonus of getting Paulie to blow himself up! How’d she figure all this out?!
I am so happy for her. Everyone thought she was the bubble head of this year. She was the one and only to open these peoples eyes to Paulie. I love Natalie and I love James, they are so cute together. I cannot wait to see Paulies (DB), Nicole – trashy stupid beatch, and Corey (the real bubble head duh?) tonight!!!!!
she deserves a bit more respect regarding her intelligence.. intelligence manifests its way differently for all people.. some translate it to facts.. some become good athletes.. and others use it to understand people and relationships.. she didnt get to where she is because she is stupid.. she used her own intelligence with people to become what she is.. she had everybody’s game locked down a long time ago.. unfortunately james never payed attention.. now he’s forced to.
Holy Fuuuuuuuuuuuuqqqqqq!!!!! This is the MOST exciting feeds ever, ever, ever!!!! I literally, cannot BELIEVE the stuff that is flying out of Paulie’s mouth!!! He is disgusting! At first I was PISSED that James wasn’t standing up for Nat, but like Paul said, he needs to remain calm. Paulie is literally self-destructing before our eyes and I love it!
Gotta hand it to Simon and Dawg!!!!!!! Thanks for staying up!
What is WRONG with these people! Paulie makes personal attacks on Nat and then bows-up to Bridgette (who stood her ground!). I’m hoping not all NJ guys are like this. Jeez
Paulie tells Jameshow he just told Natalie she is as fake as those things on your chest. Paulie says she (Nat) said I think you’re a great person, a great guy and I was like I wish I could say the same about you. Nicole hides under covers and laughs bc Nat flirted w/ Corey weeks ago.
I just can’t wait for Nicole to realize she’s on a sinking ship. LMAO! As of right now she still thinks everyone is on their(her, Corey, Paulie) side and Michelle is going home. She’s going to be in the same situation as Michelle and Z……… BLINDSIDED! Lol. She’s going to be kissing so much butt(remember when she said she’s not a kisser butter? LMAO). I can hear her now, to Michelle, Natalie, Bridgette, I love you girls…. Blah blah blah. The only thing that sucks is, I have a very strong feeling Nicole or Paulie will win this HOH:(
And Paul. He’s gonna get caught playing the middle. He better throw HOH. If he wins Paulie will expect Nat and Bridgette nominated and Nat, James and everybody else will expect Nicole/Cory nominated with Paulie as the backdoor. So he’s pretty much screwed. He can’t win. He straight up comforted Nat when Paulie called her fake as her chest…… Then seconds later walked in a fist bumped Paulie. If he a Vic stay out of this though, they’ll make it pretty far. I’m seeing Paul in the final 3 for sure. Maybe even final 2.
So tired of James being a little coward. Talking about how he’s a Texan and defends his woman then runs to Paulie and throws Natalie under the bus. Big bark…… No bite! He needs to man up, stop thinking about America and what we want and start playing the damn game! That’s what we want. We want your nuts to drop:)
I don’t know, I’ve never found it too hard to calmly and rationally confront somebody who is neither. It’s not too hard to shut somebody down who’s crossing the line without inviting that person to turn on you…but you have to be smart, have courage, and more concerned with what right than having everybody like you.
I’m sure James buys Paul’s patronizing excuse for James being worthless, but we shouldn’t.
as much as hated this season, the live feeds last night without a doubt was BB entertainment. hopefully James cancels out the right votes tonight to save Michelle, and we see Z and Paulie head out to jury with double eviction.
I love this site! Drinking my coffee, an almost choked reading Paul’s comments about sucking his own D, lol. Can’t wait till tonite to see the fireworks!!!!
HAAH thanks Cheri, it’s getting good now 🙂
Yes. The feeds are insane right now. And if you don’t have them, get them! Too much fun. Oh and btw please click the link on OBB to get them 😉
Paulie is a dick! He is just pissed because he got called out and can’t controlled everyone anymore. James better side with Nat! Get the game rolling…
I find it interesting that Michelle goes on and on about how disrespectful and mean Paulie is, yet she said awful things about bridge, Nat and victor behind their backs….she’s the worst…. I want her to stay for drama, but she is a really mean person…..Natalie better be careful because she will turn on her in an instant
James has never been this “character person” that he claims to be…on his season he openly shook hands and pledged allegiance and then went back on his word and put them up, and he did the same this season (and even said it a few weeks ago that he needs to stop going back on his word) and then he said he was going to stand up for Nathalie tonite about the chest comment (and got all upset to others about how he’ll go off on Paulie) and then he never did. Nathalie can do much better.
This was the best post yet!
Dude I cannot WAIT to hear Michelle’s speech and see Z walk out the door!
Fingers crossed she doesn’t have the return ticket. She has seriously got to be one of the worst players ever.
I kinda hope she gets booed for choosing Douchebag McDoucherson, bi*ch is getting played like a fiddle.
Dude, I am going to both watch AND dvr the live eviction tonight!! THIS is going to be the show that pulls in the ratings and maybe give us fans new life.
All the good stuff happens late, late night!! .I am sitting at my desk with deadlines to meet and presentations to prepare but I am about to rewind these live feeds and eat some lunch first. This post has me on the edge of my seat and wondering how CBS will fit all this into the recap segment, will MEECH give that speech and who does have the round trip ticket??
Tonight’s eviction should be great, but nothing will top Austin’s eviction last year barefoot and all….still makes me laugh pretty hard.
I guess we should thank Paulie for blowing up his game and alienating his allies so much (including cowardly James) that the flip is now almost a certainty.
Now this is why we tune in! All that lovey dovey crap and what the house wants. Pot ball and soda bottle bowling. After all of this I would be very surprised if James puts his votes towards Con Corleone. Not only does he amaze me with the crap he says but even after all that has been said Max-Z is all in his arms and in his bed.
Wow she is going to look back on this and see what a damn fool she allowed herself to be.
How much do I love Bridgette when she says “my balls dropped a long time before these BOYS” ZING!!!
Being a Texan ………James are you f#cking kidding me….James you embarrassed all your fellow Texans tonite…. for all the feeders I’m sorry about James! (Actually hes from N.C.)
Actually he’s from South Carolina. Yet he pretends he’s a Texan because he moved there. So he’s not really a Texan since he wasn’t born there. That has to make the people of SC happy. Just like in the house how he can’t choose a side. Looks like he can’t choose a state either. This guy is such a phony and a pussy and I’m ashamed I voted for him for AFP last year.
Hell no! James is not from NC. Those are SC tattoos (State of SC and Clemson Tigers). NC got enough trash to get rid of, don’t need anymore. He wish he was Carolina blue!
LOL – Being from SC isn’t the problem, its the fact that he is a Clemsux fan. Poor fella.
Most guys in TX would be a lot more forceful if a man bows-up (texas slang for stepping up to) at a women. They would say a LOT more then “this is a game”. James cant get physical in any way with Paulie wo getting thrown from BB but he could be a LOT more forceful by getting some bass in his voice and telling NJ Paulie to “back the F up, step away, and calm down.”
James (and the other HG) should be walking out of any room that Paulie is in right now. Jeez.
Loser. how can you let someone talk to your gf like that?
He will fold…. guaranteed.
I hope all the women on this show go and find guys that treat them better. James doesn’t stick up for Natalie when other people are criticizing and insulting her. Corey doesn’t treat Nicole she has any real importance or is any kind of a priority. When Zakiyah is upset and sad Paulie just completely disregards/ ignores/ blows her off instead of being a real man and immediately going to comfort her and do everything possible to make things better < those are all HUGE red flags & I hope they understand they deserve much better than being treated like that and MOVE ON & cut these guys off. I tried my hardest to give Paulie the benefit of the doubt for most of the game but found I can no longer do that. I'm actually ready for this season to be over.
James really did not take up for his woman I had my husband shut down production because a man insulted me please don’t insult Texas
Just heard Paulie reveal that he knew James would be in the house BEFORE the game started. Theories of conspriacy coming true
Mr. Paulie Califiore is unbelievable. Probably my least fave HG of all time just a lil above Frankie
Paul is actually starting to grow on me a bit, it would be great if he actually turns on Paulie.
Time to fly over from Australia to the Big Brother house to SLAP THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF PAULIE AND HIS NASTY ARSE SIDE BURNS. Do NOT disrespect NatNat, or you will disrespect me. 😉
I’m sick of the James hate (all the hate on all of the hg’s, to be honest).
Many of you guys are just underestimating James.
I totally believe he will follow through (maybe not this week…just depends on how comps go) and that he is just covering his bases with the guys like he’s done from the beginning. James isn’t stupid. He knew Paulie’s girl would tell Paulie everything….all part of the plan. He knows what he is doing.
Regarding tonight….I don’t think James would keep Z in the long run, but he may keep her tonight to keep up his front with Paulie. Why would he do that???? So he can make an effective move to scicy Paulie later. He feels Zak has Paulie’ s back, only. So he feels Zak is P’s final two regardless of how he talks about Z to his boys. But, he still feels either girl going tonight could benefit his game in one way or another. James is true to NatNat, but in the end James wants to win. I think he suspects Nat is now AFP since she got the first care package and feels the message America was sending is, “Nat is your girl James”, confirmed with James receiving the second care package. James knows Paulie won’t stick to his boys’ so-called alliance unless it was his only play…he would surely take Z to final 2 if things work out. James has no interest in working with Nicorey.
Yet, James won’t make a move until the right time. He said himself to Nat that you can’t make a move until the time is right. There are still a lot of comps left in this game, and Paulie is a comp winner. James would be stupid to blow his cover with Paulie. Many are saying James is a wuss and plays for Paulie, but that’s not true. Paulie still claims allegiance with James to Corey, so James has done his job well to convince Paulie he’s with him. And James has now secured Paulie’ s targets as Beidgette, Paul, Nat, and Meech….basically everyone but Nicorey and Zak, maybe Vic, too.
Speaking of Z, her DR stssions prove she is aware of Paulie’ s deception. She has to keep up appearances to protect her game. She is telling everyone what they want to hear…..Z is playing the game, too.
I truly think James will do what’s best for his game. He did so with Frank’s eviction and still doesn’t get the respect for that. James plays a lame duck well, but he’s the one who has made the biggest move thus far.
This is a game, you guys. Don’t make it personal. Most of what these houseguests say to each other is pure BS for the same of their individual games. Don’t be so gullible. A winning player tells all others what they want to hear in order to maintain calon esters before the storm rolls through. James and Nat just do this without making it nasty and personal (everything Nat told Z is true).
Nat and James for the win.
Interesting theory. What excuse do you have for him sitting quiet while Paulie trash talked Natalie in front of him? Why was Bridgette the only one defending her? F**k game play, trash talking another female’s appearance because you got called out is weak and childish.
I don’t understand why Paul and Victor didn’t put Paulie in his place [in front of Zakiyah]. He has trashed talked about Zakiyah in front of them. The only people he has are Corey and Nicole [ two absolute idiots ] . 3 against 6 and lets be honest, Corey sucks at competition (watch the first competition the rocket). Nicole sucks at competitions (This season and last season). Thus unless Paulie is going to win every single HOH and POV, he is going home.
So once again why the hell is everyone walking on egg shells around Paulie?
He did not sit quiet. He told Paulie it is just a game and not to make it personal. Did we watch the same conversation? James doesn’t have to yell or raise his voice to make a point. In the end, Paulie will apologize to James. Just wait.
What the hell have you been watching? James sucked last season and he sucks now. You make it sound like James has made some massive strategy. Wake up dude all the moves he is making are Natalie not him. Trash talking about someone you like is not strategy. Explain to me how all this is not going to backfire on James once Zakiyah or Michelle are evicted?
Paulie is an asshole but not an idiot, once Zakiyah is gone Paulie will reveal what James said about Natalie. Furthermore what strategy does he having throwing off competitions? The guy cant win competitions so he thinks hes smart throwing them. What an absolute idiot.
I know a lot of people criticize Nicole for coming to the show for another showmance, but whats James excuse? How is strategy any different from last season?
Oh please – James looked liked a scared little kitten. Saying it’s just a game is not defending Natalie against Paulie’s attacks. James was so timid talking to Paulie that it wouldn’t have surprised me if he got down on his knees and kissed Paulie’s hand. A real man would have told Paulie to keep Natalie’s name out of your mouth and if you attack her on a personal level again there will be consequences. Paulie left the conversation believing that he still had James in his corner. Nice job James!
James standing up to Paulie would definitely have weakened Paulie. It would have sent him a message that yet another one of your presumed allies is questioning you and your moves, thus making Paulie doubt himself. James saying nothing makes Paulie think James is still in his pocket, thus keeping him that much more confident in himself.
…and good strategy on James’ part because we know Paulie’s trigger is people that criticize or challenge him. James challenging him to a higher level than he has would put him on Paulie’s hit list–move him up a notch perhaps over B or N.
James used to be a prison guard. He can handle himself, he’s not afraid of a guy like Paulie. He’s no frightened kitten. He’s just giving Paulie enough rope to hang himself. If James was straddling the fence before, Paulie just made the choice easy for him.
Paulies ego is way too big to apologize. James said a few words but basically was acting like a quiet timid little mouse. It was so disappointing. James definitely holds Paulie in high esteem unfortunately!
If you think Max-Z is playing the game it is not us who is the gullible one. And James, if not this week when should he star playing the game? when he makes his jury vote? No after this post it is clear NOW is the time to decide where you stand, what you stand for and who you stand with. No I don’t think Munchie should win the game and yes she has been quite the catty biotch, but I would rather see another week of her actually trying to play the game then another week of Max-Z playing house and being a door mat for that turd Paulie. Another plus is seeing that rat Nicole scurry when she realizes she is now in the minority. Corey is just clueless and a waste of space. Someone mentioned they have never seen him in the DR talking about how much he cares for Nicole. I can’t remember them ever even showing much if any of his DR sessions. They know he is irrelevant as well.
Okay, Dan. Calm down. You’re beginning to sound like Paulie.
This is just a game. Why is it so hard to believe that Z is using Paulie rather than the other way around?
LOL where in there was I not calm? Gullible and delusional as well. Pass the bong my friend I believe you have had enough. NEXT!
Yep. You’re as calm as Paulie. I digress.
Delusional James fan above alert.
He is just laying low waiting for right time to make huge moves. Ok.
He has been waiting two seasons now. You all can wait alone. James been dead to the rest of us since early on last season. Good luck with your “wait”
Delusional? Nah, that’s called perspicacious.
Look it up.
* goes back to her knitting pretending he needles are weapons
that’s funny, keep it coming
I’m loving this! 😀
Everything is funny after so many bong hits. It will wear off in a couple of hours. Eat a cookie.
To be fair to James. She doesnt need a man to stick up for her. The issue with SOME men, is they have a hard time using words, and go straight physical or verbal assault. Most go from 0 to 60… So that’s exactly what I expect a man to do, is sit there and make sure nothing physical happens, while she gives the tongue lashing… She can take it if she dishes it. Nobody wants anyone hurt or go to jail, but some words need to be said.
However, that was the really the ONLY instance I understand… BECAUSE… Woman should expect the man to defend his woman when shes not around, and vice versa… James threw her utb… so he is spineless..
All GIRL F3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for this post. Finally someone who gets the game and how you have to play it to survive. No wonder so many clueless players are cast. Only the best players know how to effectively play both sides, and also when to start winning comps. This game never really gets started until after the first double eviction, then things really come to light for both viewers and players.
So when is the right time for james to go against paulie. I say its now if you wait to long its gonna be even harder to get paulie out. He wins most of the comps and with each person leaving its gonna be easier for paulie to keep winning theses comps. I wanna see z go then james wins hoh and backdoors paulies ass and i hope paulie dont get picked for pov also james should nominate cory and nocole. Thats how i hope it plays out tonight.
Wtf is wrong with you James? This entire time Nat’s been loyal to your dumb @ass. Now when she needs your help you come out talking about how you weren’t raised to accept abuse against women… then you start shaking in your boots the second its time to confront Paulie!
Bridgette’s balls have definitely dropped before yours that’s 100% clear.
nat is using james to make her game better. everyone comments about the guys using the girls, nat is using james. she has no long term interest in him and she uses intimacy promises to keep james in line, that is calling the kettle when badmouthing the guys. james falls for it thinking sincere yet NOT. nat and meech are the snakes not Nicole…nat and meech are worse than paulie AND nat lets whatever guy in there do whatever to her but if pauli she gets upset for him doing same shit…America nat is a backstabber and doublestandard player to get what she wants any way she can. sweet my ass
Paulie: “James if you have something to say to me..say it”
James: “No I have nothing to say”
Tell me James isn’t a pussy now James fans!
Bridgette: “My balls dropped way before any of these guys”
Bahahaha. Now you see why to me at this point she is the only acceptable winner of this season from hell.
James is not a pussy. He was coached by Derrick. I just listened to a podcast by his best friend in Texas. James was taught keep it 100% social. That’s what he’s doing. He is being diplomatic from what I can read as I don’t have feeds.
wooow,paulie’s mout h got out of control, if he can just keep calm, i believe he would be in the final 2,he’s really great at the comp, but his social game geting messy day by day, if z go homw tomorrow, we know that the table has turned ,and i don’t mind to see that happen, i’m team nobody,this is my first comment in this site btw. #TEAMNOBODY #TEAMBIGBROTHER #TEAMGAMEPLAY
It’s official…James and Paulie, you’re both shitheads!!!!
When did the world become so sensitive. If a woman slanders a man… it’s justified somehow. If a man slanders a woman… it’s disrespectful, rude, low… etc. Everyone needs to have a drink, relax and roll with the punches.
Paulie said Nat is fake… isn’t she? Nat has flat out said she liked Corey then Vic THEN James… and when Vic gave her attention, he was disrespectful to women… now that he doesn’t “she doesn’t think that way anymore” give me a break girl…. she thrives on this shit. I haven’t been much for team Paulie this season… but he wins this round.
You nailed it!
Vic and Natalie had talked and squashed it. Natalie admitted the first 2 weeks she flirted, everyone did. They were all getting to know each other. The problem she have with Paulie is that he is flirting with her while they are close to James and Z. He’s disrespecting her, James and Z. She’s letting him know she’s not as “easy” as he thought she was. He’s just mad that she isn’t attracted to him. Nicole flirted with Vic when he won HOH. Corey didn’t get mad because he doesn’t care.
Paulie is fucking psychotic, seriously… and i thought Amanda Zuckerman was nuts.
He knows and expressed that what Paulie is doing is wrong, but he is NOT in real life, he s in the GAME and tomorrow is DE and all the mentally capable ppl are team Paulie , so it would be idiotic to have an argument with Paulie. Yall want this revolution to succeed, but if James goes out tomorrow it will be dead, Paul and Vic will crawl back to Paulie and Nat&Meech will be on the block with possible backdoor Bridgitte…so however you feel about James…U BETTER PRAY HE STAYS !
Thank the BB Gods I’m not the only fan to see and say this! I think it’s so hilarious how so many so-called fans can’t keep their own emotions out of this, yet they throw poo at the houseguests…like monkeys in a zoo when they don’t get their way… for “apparently” being affected by emotion when they could actually be just telling everyone what they want to hear for the sake of their own personal game.
The BB game isn’t near as exhausting as some of the fans’ ridiculous perceptions.
I’m not afraid to state my opinion even when I KNOW the thumbs down WILL outnumber the ups.
I can’t decide what’s more entertaining….the feeds or the response to the feeds on sites like OBB.
Thanks to the OBB admins for providing much needed fun and laughter! I’m adding well deserved $ to your jar!!!!!!
Thanks yo!
Hey Simeon have never even thought about donating to you guys honestly and have been reading the updates on this site for a while now, after reading these last updates, and how I feel I’m actually watching it as I read I will for sure send you guys some cake. How do I do it and great job. I love the post so much the only episode I watch now are the Thursday ones cuzs you guys paint such a great picture I feel I don’t need to watch the other ones.
If you want to support the site there’s a tab at the top, support this site, it’ll tell you everything you need to know.
I hate Paulie as much as the next guys but I think it’s bull crap how Natalie keeps playing the disrespecting woman card. Especially when she’s been going around flirting with all the guys.
You are correct. HOWEVER…
Paulie handled that so poorly. It was awful. Just apologize in front of everyone, diffuse the situation, and bank this in your mind to use at the appropriate time. If you’re going to have a showmance with the worst comp player in the house, you better keep your emotions in check. Quite frankly, I can’t wrap my head around anything Paulie has done all week. He ok’d the Z nomination, won the veto and then didn’t use it, and now there is severe backlash from some of his allies that the girls used to rally a house flip behind. This blowup on Nat in front of half the house was the cherry on top of a large turd sundae he built all week. Poor game play, period
Paulie’s reaction shows he isn’t as confident as he pretends. He freaked out over Tiffany because he was scared she was going to be like Vanessa and challenge him. He was stable while he thought he was on top but now that he’s challenged he’s lost it. Everything went as Derrick, Cody and he thought (James may have been in some of that). Now that a wrench was thrown in he doesn’t know what to do and he’s melting down. Contrast it with Paul who thought he was in control the first week and was the next on the block but managed to shift his game and now he’s a contender for the $500k. Not a fan of Paul but he’s handled the game pretty well.
Notice how Bridgette was the only one to face Paulie’s yapping because she sees it for what it is – all bark and no bite – whereas the so-called men are still sucking his butt in fear of a guy who bullies women to feel tough. He was clearly agitated when he heard Paul & Vic were plotting his downfall yet who did he blow up on? Nat-Nat.
Wonderful casting CBS, did you think Paulie was going to be another fan-favourite like Elissa? FAIL.
You can always tell when Paulie gets nervous or upset because the f bombs start flowing faster and faster. He dropped so many last night on BBAD that the scroll at the bottom of the screen said it was exhausting. I hope he isn’t expecting a warm homecoming, because those Jersey girls are going to freeze him out, because well, you know how Jersey girls are.
Also, count the times Paulie finishes sentences with, “You know what I mean?” He’s running scared now.
“Because you know how Jersey girls are…”
You mean rational? In this case, you must mean rational
Best comment of the season:
Bridgette “my balls dropped way before these boys”
I totally agree Bridgette delivers the EPIC line of the last several seasons of BB. I lost my drink when she said this…classic stuff. Now this is Big Brother. This is why we are fans.
It was the first time this season I was brought to immediate, non-stop, hysterical laughter! It was almost like she was reading my mind. Love it!!!!
I understand why James remained non-confrontational, but love Bridge put herself out there…took a huge risk. She has completely changed my opinion of her and is now in my top 3!
My husband’s demeanor is similar to James (but he’s a 6’2″ muscular Marine, so he LOOKS intimidating). He’s always calm and collected. He doesn’t believe in confrontation, especially in a group setting. He doesn’t ever make or take things personally. He will calmly state his opinion, but won’t add fuel to a fire, especially if it’s self ignited and destined to burn to the ground. His karma approach counterbalances my feisty persona (5ft petite female who can verbally defend on a dime). Yet, there is a moment when someone can push him too hard. He would completely have my back. I’m sure James will defend Nat when she needs it!
Natalie has turned Big Brother into Jersey Shore
Paulie did that. He can’t seem to deal with ANY women that calls him on his sh*t without blowing up and running to his boys. He had zero come backs to the girls last night (Nat, Bridgette, Meech). Hahaha!
Nat didn’t , Paulie did
Wow James way to stick up for Natalie when someone is yelling in her face…you shouldn’t be expecting to many cuddle sessions going forward ..Mr. I’m from Texas and we don’t put up with that.
Paulie is a user,hope momma c is proud of him (thinking she has a lot of work to do) woman bashing and the only word he knows is f oh and paulie keep ur hands off ur dick and balls yuck , Nicole is such a WHINNEER , OMGOSH ANNOYING.. CORY, what a wuss…. Paul and Vic can out do each other. Mines bigger no mines bigger please…..Brigit cabbage patch please,Z ,WHY ??????.James , love ya man ur the man of the house,,, meech please stop crying u getting on my nerves girl,,, THIS HAS BEEN THE MOST ANNOYING BB THAT HAS BEEN YET !!!!!!!
Lurch……I mean Corey jumping to fellow douchecanoe Paulies aid backing up his attack on Nat made me sick to my stomach ……Gaining a new asshole to loathe! Paulie needs some meds asap seriously….did you see his purple face and trembling hands all because of a couple of little girls……what a mental case!
Ok just to Say: in All these conversations Nicole never said something bad, but the fact that she’s the only one Who still talks to Paulie will make her look terrible. So Please be rationale and don’t be mad at her. She probably agree with Natalie but from a Game level her best move is to stat with Paulie, Who i consider a PSYCHO. I mean, dude CALM DOWN.
I’m rooting since day 1 for Michelle and Nicole final 2
Nicole was laughing with Paulie and Corey at Nat all night.
Ok just to Say: in All these conversations Nicole never said something bad, but the fact that she’s the only one Who still talks to Paulie will make her look terrible. So Please be rationale and don’t be mad at her. She probably agree with Natalie but from a Game level her best move is to stat with Paulie, Who i consider a PSYCHO. I mean, dude CALM DOWN.
I’m rooting since day 1 for Michelle and Nicole final 2
Paulie did just blow up his own game. Say good bye to the $500k. Say good bye to PP. Even Victor has a better shot than Paulie after all of this. It is unrecoverable. Who is going to trust him now? Paul may even start growing his hair out to make sure they don’t look alike anymore….
Also, through all of this, James is being exposed to everyone as being one of the weakest players in the house. Sure he can win a comp if he wants, play pool with everyone, and pull pranks. But for the first time he is in a power position (given to him by America no less!) and he is tanking…..who knew a few weeks ago that the most interesting thing about him would be his alliance with Natalie?
Kudos to Natalie and Michelle (and anyone who in the DR who coached them) for exposing Paulie and getting under his skin. It worked. Now things are finally getting interesting.
In other news: Ian is a 3 tissue a night guy on the feeds when Z is getting her armpits waxed and there is talk about anyone’s boobs…..
Simon and Dawg…do you know when finale is? And, do you think if round trip ticket isn’t used, if there will be a possible jury comeback?
No idea i haven’t looked and the Numbers vs the days left.
Just are reminder for people if you want to ask questions about my personnel opinions etc.. I do a weekly talk segment questions can be posted here.
Paulie is the type of guy that is oblivious to his own Ego and on many occasions forgets what he is saying is broadcasting to America. He is a generalist and labels everyone under the same blanket. Paulie it is 2016 and a lot of the stuff you say is going to end your career. It amazes me that some people like Paulie are so oblivious to their own Ego. In reality Paulie is a scared man living with values from the prehistoric days, no respect for women, I don’t care if Big Bro is a game, you don’t treat a woman like he does…..even if this woman is crazy and it is her doing, no man should take advantage of a woman like he does Z.
My new fav is Meech, I love what she said to Paulie blowing up his own game because in the end, Paulie did and I think even Paulie’s Ego realized it.
Zakiyah is possibly dumber than Veronica from BB16. Zakiyah is a skank who should have been on basketball wives or some other tacky show. She’s going to be in for a lot of shock after going home. No job, living with momma (who taught her to disrespect herself this way). This girl is just repulsive.
You mean Victoria.
He meant Veronica. Or maybe it was Valerie?
Who the hell are valerie and veronica??
There was a dark hair girl who dropped by the house and got to watch the comps and sometimes she got to sit in the nominees chairs.
Zakiyah’s so-called job. These people make up their resumes so I never believed she was a ‘kindergarten teacher’ from the jump. She doesn’t speak English clearly or properly. Go home girl.
I heard she was an aid to pre-school teachers, not an actual teacher, as she claims. Also, she said when she quit, her boss told her if she wanted to come back, she’d have to go through the hiring process again. (Which, to me, means “don’t bother”.)
Now that sounds more like it. I, myself had even said before on this site that Z didn’t seem like a college graduate with a degree in education.
I get it now- James’ sick loyalty to Paulie, it’s because of the Derrick connection and the pre-game strategy between the four. (Including Cody) Stupid James-this is an evolving game, you have to be able to adjust your strategy. Nat needs to dump your ass. Bridget for AFP
I recall reading somewhere that Paulie’s dad is James’ manager. Could that be holding James back because of being worried about dealing with his family when he gets out. It doesn’t mean he agrees with him but these incestuous BB relationships makes it hard for them so be “aggressive” when they need to be.
I think Z will go home tonight, because James knows Corey and Nicole will float over to him. The only problem is making sure one of their side wins HOH tonight- you’d think with 3/4 of the house they would win…
Paulie constantly refers to “Codys season” “On Codys season everyone got along and he and Derrick just chilled and coasted to the 500 grand.
Paulie you sat with Cody and Derrick for a year and learned their game. Ok that was the right game for THAT season. You are trying the exact same blueprint in a different season. You have to adjust your game at times not just get mad and whine.
If Derrick and Cody didn’t tell you this then they as dumb as you are.
They got along in Bb16 because they didn’t have an asshole of Paulie’s record-braking caliber.
They did, but he was gay.
Of course this happened last night!.. bc I deleted the After Dark episode thinking “probably nothing happened, this season is boring.” Of course this happened! Glad I can still come here for the scoop. Thanks Dawg!!
Okay, children. It’s my turn to talk.
This is a television show. Nothing is real. Don’t you understand that?
No? Oh, is it because you think these people are all supposed to do what YOU want?
Oh Lordy! Stick a fork in it and call it done! That Paulie boy’s game is over. And I give credit to everyone but that silly Nicole and confused Corey. Even Paulie, because I give credit where credit is due.
Now you all simmer down before my girdle bunches up again!
*shakes finger at laptop and grabs her biggest wooden spoon
Love it when a plan comes together!
Like many of us, I voted for James to get ACP this week. I did it to put a target on his back — and it looks like that is exactly what will happen:
If James eliminates Cory’s and Paul’s vote, as he promised Natalie, Bridgette, Vic, Paul and Michelle, and if he votes out Z as he promised – MaxZ will go home and Paulie, Nicole and Corey will be angry with James.
If James eliminates Paul’s and Natalie’s or Bridgette’s vote, as he promised Paulie and Corey, then the other side of the house will be angry with him (and Vic and Paul will scurry back to the other side).
Let’s hope the realization that if James does not help to get Michelle out, Natalie will cut him off from any future romance. Perhaps that’s why Natalie gave James a kiss ON THE LIPS before he retired to the HN room for the night; she wanted to remind him of what’s at stake!
Either way, James will have a target on his back, and I do not mind him getting evicted by either side because his pathetic, spineless existence is impossible to root for. I also can’t stand to listen to him talking about “what America wants” him to do, or what his fans want or will think of him for doing something (anything).
Don’t get me wrong, I would prefer to see MaxZ, Paulie, Nicole and Corey out before James. I’m just saying I won’t be mad if James left sooner than later. Sooner if Michelle is evicted tonight, or later if Z is evicted tonight.
This “Anonymous” post is mine. I’m not afraid to put my name on it, just too ignorant!
Yikes – I meant to say:
Let’s hope the realization that if James does not help to get ***MaxZ*** out, Natalie will cut him off from any future romance. Perhaps that’s why Natalie gave James a kiss ON THE LIPS before he retired to the HN room for the night; she wanted to remind him of what’s at stake!
I liked James, but not anymore. And he can’t redeem himself in my eyes. He could only make me hate him even more if he keeps Z. And this egotistical shrimp thinks Natalie only got the 1st package because of HIS fans??? Can’t wait until NatNat wins America’s Favorite Player. You suck James and you have lost a lot of your fans.
Destroyed a marriage?? Are you referring to Cody and Christine? Wouldn’t that responsibility fall onto the married persons back in that situation? Destroy a future marriage?? If people didn’t get married because they acted irrational and rude PRIOR to even meeting the person they were going to marry…. no one would ever be married.
I find so many hypocrites on this site… saying such stuff like you did because Paulie is saying derogatory things in the house… I hate to break it to you, but it is NO different… perhaps your mom should read YOUR comments?
You need to back away from the internet, relax and play some spider solitaire or just get some bud from Colorado and chill.
Wow, Paul flipped so fast on Paulie. Worst ally in BB history.
Paulie flew off the handle and turned a questionable decision into a complete meltdown. Earlier in the game, Paul turned a questionable decision (aligning with Jozea and Vic) into an opportunity by being civil and laying low. Paul knows a sinking ship when he sees one and he’s not hanging around to drown with Paulie.
Actually the worse BB alliance was Steve and Johnny Mac. But this is a close second.
haha what a great show! to be honest i think one has to actually see the convos to truly judge them. the silly girls like bridgette and michelle saying things like “you don’t talk about girl’s boobs” is hilarious. why did she get them then? for people to notice her?????? jeez
anyway, some of the stuff bridgette and michelle said was priceless. “my balls dropped way before any of the boys” lololol that’s gold!
james is still a bitch. i guess he knows his little pet isn’t really in to him and when he does what paul and paulie want it will really be over.
btw, paul is the TRUE snake. f him running back and forth between both sides. paulie it’s not the emotional (probably menapausal) females you should worry about, it’s paul.
simon after zachery goes home I think a boy should go home after her
on double eviction if a girl goes home after what pulie said lastnight
is wrong big brother please don’t let pulie get his way
in I hope you know women watch your show too
I want bridget so bad to get second hoh what pulie said about nattlie
is uncall for bb you got rules he should be a nom or evected in children watching to
I got a sister who lives in newjersy in it not just about newjersy with his comment its women all over
I’m i starting to like Michelle now? I’m i in bizzaro world?
I actually wont mind if Z has the roundtrip. That just means Pauline (intended misspelling) doesn’t. Z is easy to get rid of at anytime. Crosshair should have Pailines face on it. Once Corey and Nicole realize he’s cooked they are going to freak out. Can’t wait. I’m voting my ass off to protect Bridg, Michelle and Paul. They are amazing. About time!!!!!
This game has become sad and very disrespectful. Not one male step in for Natalie. Why should Natalie have to apologize to Paulie, when he havent apologize to Z? King Ding-a-Ling really feels entitled.
As I stated before ” Agreed that Paul is a tool, everyone needs a bad guy to hate on !!!! If you think the show is boooooring now wait till he’s gone…It will really be booooooooring then. Is one night of fireworks worth weeks of boring television ?” You really want to crush Paulie let him make F2 and vote for the other person to get the $$$$$. He’d have to be put on suicide watch to that far and loose !!!!!! That would crush Him !!!
I don’t think so. Paul and Vic probably will turn on Nicole and Corey. Hopefully
Guess tonight’s episode will be on a 7 second delay, since Paulie is incapable of putting together a sentence without at least 1 four letter word in it. I just came back from the liquor store with a bottle of champagen, so Nat, Bridgette, Meech please give me a reason to pop that sucker tonight.
Z definitely needs to walk out the door. She needs a mental health break away from Paulie. She’s in that state of mind that cult followers get. Nothing he says/does will ever sink it. Once there’s separation,maybe she will finally get it.
Paulie. Just wow, and I don’t mean that in a good way. You’ve fallen so far so fast. Let’s just hope the next fall is out the front door tonight. It’s not even about game at this point. There’s just certain lines you don’t cross.
Paulle is my secret brother.
Amanda, your brother sure has your pig genes.
PLEASE tell me that James is going to go through with this FLIP and FINALLY make a move that is worthy of the $500K. I have been reading these feeds and I am not convinced that he will stay true to Nat, Bridge, Paul & Vic and will some how get roped into saving Z by Paulie, Nicole & the ever BORIING Corey. WTF???? I read on another site that Nicole and Paulie’s mom VACATION EVERY YEAR together and that Derrick KNEW that James was going to be in the house and told Paulie to align with him. I feel sick if that is the case cause yet again BIG BROTHER is trying to make Paulie be the winner since his stupid brother Cody gave the money to Derrick. I CANNOT STAND NIcole – just like Michelle said – she CANNOT play this game unless she is in a showmance and she WHINES and WHINES all day! Hey Nicole – COREY has said it PLENTY on the feeds – HE’s JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!! HE IS USING YOU FOR SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWERS AND HE IS NOT ALL THAT EITHER! You must be desperate to think he is the best looking ‘boy’ you have ever seen. Gosh! Girl! get out much?? Paulie is using that poor girl Z and she will be played a fool until she gets out of that house and watches the feeds. He could care less about her. I believe truly that Natalie deserves to go to the end. She reads people VERY WELL and has all of them pegged. I just wish James would PLAY THIS GAME and not be SO SCARED!! I am now rooting for Natalie/Michelle/Paul/Vic/James/Bridgette to get control of this house and take out those THREE – Paulie with his bad ass NJ attitude (hey dummy – your MAMA is a JERSEY GIRL, nice going putting all JERSEY GIRLS DOWN when your MAMA and SISTER are included in that). and COREY is just dead wood furniture BORING as all hell and stares out into space like there is seriously something wrong with him. All Nicole does is WHINE WHINE WHINE and she is not that well liked, I would MUCH rather have seen ZACH, especially since he called her a FRUIT LOOP DINGUS. He is way more entertaining. Well – Simon/DAWG – what do you think? WIll they FINALLY blindside PAULIE tonight? Will Z be going to JURY??
It seems Paulie is extremely sensitive to being challenged especially by women. He freaked out over Tiffany and I think he was terrified she’d be like Vanessa and he knew he couldn’t handle that. He may have wet himself during the confrontation.
This is what happens to a guy when his father kisses him on the lips on national t.v.
We need to hope for a good HOH outcome for this DE and if things go bad an Paulie does get an HOH that the new alliance holds together and not get him what he wants 🙂
I’m a little miffed with so many physical comps that are slanted to athletic/gym guys. Hope these next couple are memory games.
Cut James some slack. Would you throw away 5ks for some girl you met 50 days ago who may or may not be playing you? James was Natalie’s 3rd or 4th choice! She flirted with all the guys and finally settled on James but continued to flirt with the other guys. James has repeatedly said he does not want to be played again this year. He doesn’t know who is lying to him or telling him the truth. We get to see everything. I think he is genuinely a good guy. He did stick up for Natalie but maybe it’s not the way you want him too but I’m sure in the real world he would have been the Southren gentleman he says he is.
I do agree James is a good guy. He is just not good at this game or he had an alliance with Paulie before coming into the house with Nicole.
Natalie is just as bad and obnoxious as Paulie is.
Bribing James with a make out session if Michelle stays. (open your ears James)
She knows he is the deciding factor here and she might as well be selling herself to him.
James is as vulnerable as Zakiyah is with Paulie.
James has been warned numerous times by numerous people. (he chooses not to listen)
This is an immature soap opera.
The cattiness from ALL of the little girls and the Vulgarity from the little boys club.
Desperation for attention all around.
Are you for real right now. Forget a second about the romantic intentions. Nat has always had James’ back in the game. She had his back when he put her ONLY friend on the block, going back on the word he had given. She had his back when he kept telling her – hey little lady, this is the nuggets of info you need to worry about, don’t worry your pretty little head with anything more.
James had throughout the game sold Nat to Paulie like a rat so don’t think James is the vulnerable one here.
I am not a fan of Paulie’s but I’m sure not siding with Natalie’s thot ass. She needs to accept some responsibility for her actions. Flirting with ALL of the guys in the house and wearing barely there shorts with her ass hanging out and yet she wants to be respected. She needs to respect her body more and maybe others will as well. Of course she is manipulating James and although he knows that he was her last choice, he seems to be fine with it. Just the opportunity to get into her pants seems to be worth the 500 thousand reward for James. I can’t wait to see the fallout tonight.
Natalie went from begging Victor to drop off the rope, to Xena:Warrior Princess. I hope the flip takes place, but no matter what happens Natalie is a lock for AFP.
Can someone let me know if this is current situation ?
Votes to evict Meech Paulie, Corey, Nicole
Votes to evict Zakiyah Bridgette, Natalie,, Paul
If that is the case and James eliminated Corey and Paul, Zakiyah would still go home or would James vote Meech out ?
Is that currently the situation or has something changed yet again ?
James gets to vote too. So, hopefully he votes to send Z home. 🙂
CBS editors will be working triple time today putting together tonight’s show!
This plus double eviction……will be hot tonight!
Doubt CBS would have shown any of last night’s stuff on the aired program anyway. I am actually surprised they didn’t cut the feeds last night like they did when Paulie when off on Tiffany. In fact they are probably p*ssed that this all happened as I think they were wanting Paulie to be the golden boy of the season. Now they are going work double time to explain to the casual viewers of the show why Paulie has fallen from grace because they sure aren’t going to show the fake chest remarks.
I think it’s hilarious that they all think thy blew up Paulie’s game. These girls think they’re all bad now, I will proudly support them if they can back up all their talk with some comp wins… Not really smart to talk so much crap when you have zero power … James included… I could care less if Zak goes home and in the end it won’t hurt Paulie… Thanks for waking up Nat but you suddenly coming out like this has put a huger target on your back, now everyone knows exactly what game you’re playing…
If Nat wants $500k, she needed to break out at some point to make her argument to the jury. If she’s happy to just make Top 8 or Top 5, then yes, this was a dumb move. Making a move like this against the unquestionable ruler of the house right before a DE is as big a game move that I can recall in at least 4 seasons.
I think the thing about Natalie is that she wants the full experience – winning HOH, staying as long as she can to experience the different parts of the game, playing the actual game – I am not sure though she believes in herself enough to think that she can win the game. It is a freaking hard game to win and I would be damned if she did not want to win. But at the same time, I think she wants to get as far as she can but on her own terms. She is pretty far now, and I thinks she would rather leave showing smarts and her astute observations and standing up for herself, and making some moves and playing some of the game, than leave being a doormat who is dragged along as far as possible. And I personally respect that she chose to fight and play.
It will be a big game move if she actually wins HOH tonight … I think this was her game play all along, hide behind ‘Mr Nice Guy James’ and then When she felt safe enough after all her observing and gathering info to go against the biggest game player she struck, I can respect her for that to a certain point but if she can’t win a comp after this like she hasn’t been able to so far, I will be counting down the days until she leaves…. that’s my point.
Granted Paulie is a pig, but I don’t get why Natalie is anybody’s favorite, either. Didn’t she tell James she would full-on make out with him if he used his vote cancelling power and his vote the way she wanted, (which is really blowing up his own game). After acting all this time like even giving him a kiss on the lips is something he has to really work for, that seems to me a little skanky.
Judgemental much?
Really? I thought I was quite polite in my opinion compared to many of the hateful opinions left on this site. Most are way worse than anything that the house guests are saying about each other and they have the excuse that they have been locked up with each other with nothing to do for 51 days.
Oh no, Honey!
Even if it were true, which it’s not, your comments about Natalie are downright mean. Yes, a lot worse has been said and written, which is shameful behavior. But you can’t let others’ words and actions justify your own.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes over the years. It’s best to put out positive thoughts, words, and actions. They are powerful and will attract the same to and about you. The same can be said about the negative.
In this life, we have a choice about who we become. I choose to be my best and improve every day.
We are all human. We are all imperfect. But let’s not point out others’ imperfections before we claim and accept our own.
Trust me. You will sleep much better at night.
Compared to what Nic and Z are doing for safety Nat is a saint.
Unfortunately, Nicole seems to be blindsided with love/lust for Corey and if you have ever felt that way, it is not that surprising that she is being physical with him under the covers. I don’t think It is all about the safety for her. It seems like all the guys in there like her which is probably why the girls are always calling her a b**ch.
She’s submissive. So of course they like her.
OMG. What is it that allows James to have this hold on people? I swear if he acted like Paulie has this entire season there would be a sizable group of people still claiming that James is a “southern gentleman”. Go ahead and give him AFP again while he laughs all the way to the bank. Unbelievable.
The answer is a very low IQ…..
Again, you have proven you are aptly named.
*chases you with wooden spoon
Please… Please, someone with good video editing skills get this out to the general public. I fear CBS won’t show it. I am ashamed to be a citizen with Califore (sp?). Terrible individual, and that is NOT gameplay. Please complie the vids and stick it on Youtube, twitter, any forums, so America can wake up. We knew Paulie was an awful human, but he just buried himself. There is NO justification for this.
I hope it gets some major airtime on tonight’s show ????????????
I believe pauly is a repressed homosexual, or he has so much anger towards women, he will be very dangerous in the future if he doesn’t get help.
As God is my witness, I promise you that:
1. Nat will win AFP
2. Nat will win BB
3. Nat will become POTUS
4. Nat has blown up
every stereotype about cheerleaders with implants and no brains.
Now I’m going to have to stay off internet just when it gets exciting. BB not airing until 1235 am :(. Normally wouldn’t have cared. But last nights drama has reeled me back in. Pissed !!
You actually lucky. Here in Central FL the local CBS station has it scheduled to air at 2:00AM. By the time I get to see the outcome of DE it will be old news and everyone will have gone to bed.
I want to tell all of you something to me bridget is a true friend
she took up for nattlie last night to me what I see bridget is a nice carrying sweet person
in im glad big brother ask her on the show I will be voting for bridget America safe packages
to bridget family an friends I want to let all of you know is that im rooting for bridget all of you should be proud of
the women bridget become thanks
Bridgette saying her balls dropped before the guys was the best comment ever! Hoping she gets next care package. Natalie is a little Chihuahua, small and cute and feisty and mean as hell! I am surprised Paulie and Corey and Nicole don’t remember the backlash for people like Aaryn, Gine Marie, Amanda, etc…Didn’t one or two get fired? Paulie has damaged his family name which is absolutely hilarious because they are fame whores. Z needs a psychologist to learn how men are supposed to treat her. Maybe DaVonne will smack some sh*t into her in the jury house!
Has Z ever referred to pauly as “MASTA’?
Watching flashbacks and I am genuinely confused.
Why is Paulie making generalizations about Jersey girls and referring to Natalie as a Blowj not offensive but Natalie using the word ‘uncomfortable’ to describe how she feels around Paulie is offensive.
Uncomfortable is not an offensive word. Right now it is very hot and humid where I live. I find it to be uncomfortable. I hope that doesn’t piss anyone off.
I was surprised that Paulie had to ask many, many times what was meant by ‘uncomfortable’. Since he knows other big words like prerogative and verbatim and deehay I’m not sure why uncomfortable has him so confused. Obviously Natalie would be referring to the emotional response of being uncomfortable meaning, ill at ease or awkward. An example using the word in a sentence would be, “Paulie, as a viewer it makes me very uncomfortable to watch you constantly grabbing your penis in front of a live audience. It’s still there, no one took it when you weren’t looking so for the love of God please leave that little thing alone!”
Lol ha ha ha.
Remember how he lost it on Z when she tried to talk to him a while back? He was so pissed at her for using that word, and I couldn’t figure out why. It’s a good word for describing how you’re feeling in a situation like that. But he seems to equate it with something else?
Yes! He gets SOOO defensive about that word. I’m guessing it’s not the first time he’s been told he’s making someone uncomfortable?
James u flip and America will for sure want (Names) nat and James in F2
Names for final 2!!!!!!
I don’t think “Names” is gonna happen…
FINALLY! A live eviction I am actually looking forward to watching! I can’t wait to see the CBS edit on this one. Not a big Natalie fan, but it’s good to see her actually do something other than giggle and cheerleader kicks. Come on James…block Paulie and Corey’s votes so they KNOW they’re screwed.
5 minutes of Paulie last night in 25 seconds http://gph.is/2aW0hBl?tc=1
Hey, Simon…If Corey gets evicted tonight in the double , and he and Nicole swap cards before he leaves so that he has the #9 card, the roundtrip , would Julie Chen call him out on it?
I don’t think they know who has the winning ticket.
From what I recall, they are not allowed to open the envelopes and they are not allowed to trade. Each one is numbered, so production has known since the night each one was selected who has the round trip ticket.
Douche canoe. Just went I thought he couldn’t get any douchier, he gave himself a round of applause…..
So much has happened, I can’t remember if I posted stuff or not. Maybe Simon and Dawg are eliminating my posts. Am I about to be deposed?! Wait, I’m not in charge of anything, even the 2 year old controls the TV in my house. Should I feel some kind of way about that?
Well I am so happy to see that at least Nat and Bridgette had the balls to at least take on Paulie tonight. BUT once again James passes the baton and hides in the corner. Sure he may have said ” I don’t think that is right – OR this is just a game ” – WOW BIG DEAL – That’s all you have for Paulie after he goes after your girl ????? * News Flash* James you’re guilty by association anyways, SO you should have let Paulie have it in that HoH room then and there and stood up for your woman.
If James showed more backbone he probably would have more respect throughout the house, but sadly nope !!! – And for that very reason he could go home during the DE. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was used as a pawn with Bridgette and Bridgette stayed over him because of his lack of support.
Thursday (tonight) Night is going to be huge – Can’t wait. And production had better show the whole blow out on TV – So sick of Paulie not being portrayed in the proper light. ( his ASSHOLERY ways ) !!!!
HOH Lockdown! HAHAHAHAHA They are all locked in the same room now! I could never be on this show…. I would kill somebody if he talked to me like Paulie did and then I had to stay in the same room with him.
If a person feels disrespected or uncomfortable, what’s wrong with them saying they feel that way? Geesh. Paulie has no right to tell people how they should or shouldn’t feel.
I think he’s projecting from a former relationship he lost control of like his fiance who probably told him she felt disrespected when he cheated on her with five other girls and she didn’t feel comfortable being engaged to someone who does that.
Right now I feel angry–oh wait, I’m not allowed to feel angry.
Wow! The live feeds were crazy last night. Let me start by saying this. Kuddos to Natalie for being straight up with Zakiyah about Paulie. Her own supposedly snake friend Nicole hasn’t even told her what that jerk has said about her. However, truth be told Nat only did it because she was pissed to find out that Paulie wasn’t into her like she thought. So what better way to get back at him by going after his bed buddy. Now everything she told Zakiyah was absolutely true. Zakiyah is so brainwashed by Paulie so much that I can’t feel sorry for her. She feels like she knows she can’t trust Paulie completely but yet she runs back to him making out with his disgusting behind. It would’ve been nice to see her get an HOH just to see if she would’ve put Paulie up and told him he was a pawn and sent him packing during her HOH. Sadly, she won’t get that chance unless she has the RT ticket. That is her only saving grace right now. We all know that Paulie has talked so much crap about her and she is going to leave tonight because of him. Paulie is going to go crazier from here on out. He is going to have to win every HOH and Veto from now on. I hope that when Zakiyah looks back on her experience on the show she will have more respect for herself as a woman. You never let a man use you the way Paulie did. All the signs were right in front of your face. Day tried to warn you and so did Nat. When all is said and done you won’t end up with Paulie or the money. Can’t wait to see the fallout tonight from her eviction!
Yeah but you have to remember she had Nicole enabling her, feeding her all that bull about how Paulie was so into Z and encouraging her with her talks about marriage and babies.
Talking about having a relationship with Zak after the game and, imho, setting up excuses for why he probably won’t, Paulie said, “We all know what kind of attention we’re going to get when we leave here.”
For some reason I heard Beavis and Butthead laughter in my headphones when Paulie made that comment.
Do you Paulie? Do you really know what kind of attention your going to be getting? I don’t think you do. I really don’t think you have any idea.
I think he expects a Paulie Fan club! lol to be knighted as the best BB player ever! commercials, model jobs etc. I hope he does not get a good edit tonight.
So let’s say the flip happens and Z goes. If the Anti-Paulie group wins HOH am I crazy to think you put up Nicole and Corey? That way no matter what you get one of the 3 out and you have a possibility that Paulie doesn’t play in the Veto.
Watch how quick Nicole would flip then. She’d be making deals all day.
Even if Paulie stays he has at most one ally left. If nominations remain the same you vote out Corey and Paulie would be playing solo. He’s basically have only one week of safety and his main target would be Meech and I think the group would vote her out over any of the others. So that’s my plan.
I used to like Paulie game wise he seemed a week ago to be playing the best game however, he just got too cocky with all the power he thought he had typical big brother move that has happened so many times power goes to their heads…he should have just kept his mouth shut and I certainly don’t think it was right what he told Nat but Nat has also done some shady stuff and flirted with Vic, Corey, Paulie and James…her innocent act I don’t buy it at all!!! Paulie is self destructing and the problem is he should have known better as being trained by Derrick and Cody to apologize and then keep his mouth shut keeping it going all night did not his game at all! Of course Derrick and Cody would never have said the initial comment in the first place!
The screaming match between Michelle and Paulie. Michelle screams “he doesn’t scare me he’s 5 foot 8 or 5 foot 7”, Paul “hey so am I”, James “hey I’m 5 foot 4”, Michelle “sorry! I was trying to get to his ego. Also didn’t Paulie say that when Michelle does her speech that he’s going to stop her. I would love for Julie to put him in his place on live television.
Omg that fight had me laughing so hard my husband got out of bed to see what I was laughing about. Michelle had me dying.
Paulie on BBAD: “Fuckin like princess, fuckin, she’ll fuckin eat your fuckin heart out, fuckin I’ve fuckin seen too many fuckin jersey fuckin girls, I’ll fuckin never go fuckin out with fuckin her, fuck.”
PAULIE IS IN A PSYCHIOTIC state and I love it.
Bring on the straightjacket!
I hope Paulie wins hoh and evict James. In the aftermath, Paulie should blame Nat and Bridgette for James eviction and put the both of them on a major guilt trip. James was in a great spot and did not need to play the game for another 2-3 weeks, but after all this bs, James has to start playing now. James deserve the 500k but Nat/Bridgette f… It up for him. Victor for the win,
I hope Big Brother can get people more mature next time, various aged people. This is like being in middle school. I don’t think anyone deserves to win. Michelle and Paulie are both playing dumb, at some point I hope Michelle leaves (along with Paulie), she is just too immature for me. Natalie has some valid points but it seems to me that she can dish it out and not take it and hides behind James. I have been loyal to BB since season 1 and hate to say it this season is awful and it is because it is a house full of children. Probably will just watch the Olympics.
Nicole is a very insecure girl and winer . Hope she doesn’t come back
dont foirget preseaqson football is on so alotr channwe;l will effect notr in canada~!
Day must be turning in her grave right now.
I’m actually afraid to watch tonight’s DE episode… i always expect the worst is going to happen. : (
All with the exception of Season 10 – everything double eviction episode is total sh*t unfortunately – hopefully this will be a ten-spot.
Cross your fingers, toes and eyes that tonight the house flips. It will be epic! Go Nat!
Sneak peak of what is goign to happen tonight https://twitter.com/simononlineBB/status/763820327994404864
TY, tweeted it out to the masses – love Natalie will vote for her to be America’s favourite player
preseason football on!
Wow! What a terrific soap opera! I hardly ever seen BB being this melodramatic, low and juicy. It’s like therapy to see Natalie throwing alcohol and lighting up matches close to Paulie! The guy who comments on here using the ID “PauliesThroat” should change his ID to PauliesEGO because I hardly ever seen someone so conceited like him!
Paulie forgot that his “buddies” in jury are responsible for deciding who gets the crown. Dumbo!
Lovely seeing Meech throwing shit and shade at him.
If I were her, I’d say tonite: Before I leave (if she leaves), here’s your beads, Vic. It’s too tacky for my taste but I think they are perfect for that whore you call mommy.
LOL! If you’re gonna get to a low level, do it with style!
What they should have done was have meech talk with Nicole at a time when Paulie was moving around, so he would see them talking. Then, after James votes out Z he blames Nicole, saying he say her and meech talking. Paulie confirms that and if he wins HOH he might use his emotions to put Meech and Nicole up.
Wait did he say he complements girls so they’ll feel good about themselves as a defense for his behavior? We don’t need complements from a guy to feel good about ourselves, not being objectified would probably help a lot. This guy is such a douche.
We need a new summary…I can’t figure out where the new comments are.
I really hope Nat or Bridgette gets HOH and kicks Paulies conceited, power hungry ass out.
He was my favorite early on – but, boy has that changed. Can’t wait to see his sorry ass out off of my tv.
What I would give to see Evil in the house and go toe to toe with Paulie. He’s big and bad with a bunch of girls. Let’s see him go a few rounds with Evil. That boy apparently learned nothing from Derrick or Cody. Because now that someone is pushing him, his true self appears. He lost complete control. Not s fan of Derrick necessarily but he controlled himself the entire time. And most likely because his true character is a decent guy. But guaranteed. He is smart and athletic. I see him winning the next HOH. And the next eviction is going to suck. I just hope it isn’t Bridgett or Nat. I’m ok with anyone else.
I never really liked Bridgette. She was too bubbly for my pessimistic self. But her defending Nat has given me mad respect for her. She didn’t let Paulie intimidate her and stood up for what she believed was right. Good on her.
I want to bathe in the glory of this comment… Michelle to Paulie – I was going to blow your game in my speech but you did it tonight
Reading these boards today is more entertaining than this entire season put together!!! Everyone on here should be a contestant next year.
With all of the drama going on, I totally forgot that Victor is HOH hahahahaha
No worries Natalie; the other side will NOT be getting any care packages. America loves you :)!
Nicole isn’t bartering her physical affection for votes. She unfortunately has real feelings for Corey. That has been obvious for weeks.
Well, thanks! It’s refreshing to find another true fan of the game.There are many on OBB, but unfortunately there are a lot of immature narcissists too. Yuk!
People never cease to amaze me. Only the immature and hyper defensive can’t handle someone disagreeing with them without throwing insults or accusing them of being insane or under the influence (i never actually inhaled LOL!).
Personal attacks=Paulieesque behavior. Double yuk!
Even though I don’t like him a whole lot, Paul is the only one who truly should win this game. He is masterful.
All I have to say is, gross.
First of all, Paulie is a effing disgusting douche bag, as many have so graciously already pointed out. “We give girls compliments to make them feel good about themselves.” And that right there is the problem in our society folks. Who the hell gave you the right to comment about Natalie’s ass, boobs and nipples? And when she says she feels uncomfortable, instead of apologizing because it’s clearly disrespectful, you turn into the fucking hulk? It goes right along with the mentality that blames women for rape because they were wearing skimpy clothes. They must have been asking for it right? The fact that they were raped certainly means that the man was clearly paying the woman a compliment. GTFO bro. Somebody vote him out. I’m also extremely disappointed in Nicole. When did she become a mean girl? I really liked her in her last season, but she’s become a total bitch. Just like Corey, who just goes along with this gross behaviour. You’re just as bad for egging him on bro. Grow a pair!
Man it feels good to vent that, now will somebody please vote these idiots out?
I have never posted before even though I have watched BB since Season 1 and I have screamed cried laughed through the years. But, this season I am so Vic’s Biggest Fan! I am so over Paulie, he is so full of himself thought he ran the game from the second he walked in. He is such a Wanna Be, he is copying Corey’s game, how dumb is that, be your own Man. If he says “ya know what I mean” or Dude I want to smack him upside his sissy ads hair cut ass I thought he went to college, he sounds so uneducated. I saw how cocky and conceited he was the first 5 minutes, but with Victor and Corey being in the house and much better looking, I was surprised that he still that he was all that. He is a good looking guy, but you van see 20 of good looking guys everywhere. I am so shocked what bad game decisions he has made since the first night. I never like to see people put in awkward positions, but I hope he gets BOO’ed when he gets on stage with Julie. I am so over his ball scatching, cocky, bad game move, copying his brothers game play (trying too anyhow) bad English, disrespect to women, and thinking the other players are so stupid that nobody would notice he was “trying” to run the house. I am so excited he is on the block. I just hope that when he gets voted out, the CBS, does not arrange somehow for that wannabe to have the round trip ticket. I do feel this will be the last season I watch. Ok, sorry for this post being so long, just so annoyed by his game play all season, and now that Vic has him where he needs to be, his game play has gone from Rooster to a Canary, whining and trying to spin his bad game play, into him trying to save the “guys” omg put a muzzle on the fake wanna be game player. I really thought he was gonna be a great player, look at his brother, wow I see Corey got not only the better looks, body, personality, but much smarter game player. I am sure Paulie now will be on Survivor, and every other reality show, trying to prove himself. just a tip buddy, don’t go on with Corey he will leave you in the dust……. Go Vic….. Love Ya Baby
Hello BB Fans I have a question, does anybody know where you can purchase past seasons? Also I’m not on social media like twitter and such, but are there any sites that show what the past houseguests are doing now? I am so curious about former guests. I wish CBS would do A where are they now series. Also, do a reunion show, that would be so fun. LOL or I need a life ????