big brother king arthur parade map

Past Big Brother players to make apperance at New Orleans’ King Arthur Parade

Meet Shelly, Adam, Lawon and Cassi
Last Years Big Brother 13 Heavy weights, Lawon Exum, Cassi Colvin, Adam Poch and The Straight Shooter (Aka Shelly Moore) will make an appearance as parade Grand Marshals at the New Orleans’ King Arthur Parade Sunday February 12th. They will be riding on float #2 of the Parade. After the parade there will be a party where the Cassi, Adam and Shelly will be to sign autographs and be available for photos. This is a great opportunity for Big Brother 14 hopefuls to get some information about the Big Brother audition process.

Whats the parade all about
From their website
The King Arthur’s parade includes 450+ members who parade on the first Sunday of Mardi Gras. The Krewe of King Arthur parades down beautiful St. Charles Avenue on the historic Uptown New Orleans route before turning onto Canal Street in front of tens of thousands of spectators of all ages. Dozens of marching units (floats, bands, etc.) make up the King Arthur procession.

How to get into the party
If you want to get in on the fun and try and get Cassi’s beads, See What Lawon is wearing or See if Straight Shooter still Shoots Straight get you tickets before FEBRUARY 10th Parade party tickets can be purchased by contacting Vera Vedros: 504-450.7471 (cell) 504-347-7010 (house), [email protected]. The cost is 17 buck.

Here is the parade map..
big brother king arthur parade map

Lawon Tweeted this the day of the event.


big brother mardi gras

19 thoughts to “Past Big Brother players to make apperance at New Orleans’ King Arthur Parade”

  1. During the research for this post I stumbled onto some of those “I hate shelly Moore” facebook pages… there’s still people posting about it out in the wild internets.

    Are any of you thinking about applying for BB14?

    1. That’s what JJ fans will do to you, probably will still stalk her after death.
      Have you read on the internet that since around the beginning of October the US cat population has almost tripled? The agency that tracks this says that “the explosion of cats coming out of America’s trailer parks is the reason behind it”. The epicenter seems to be in North Carolina and the ratio of cats to humans there is 12.53 to 1.
      There were a many of us that tried to warn of the inevitable Catpocalypse should BB let JJ come back for another season. This just furthers the belief that Allison Grodner is the anti-Christ and has begun her reign upon this earth . Beware should Jordo, the Dude, Mr. Skype or that Cabbage Patch girl with the Treasure Troll hair ever make it on another season as this will foretell the breaking of the final seal. There will be rivers of cats pouring onto our streets people in flannel shirts with no shoes tending to them, cat litter will be more valuable than gold, some dude named Captainwegiearchnemesis will become President.
      Pretty scarey stuff.

      1. I agreed on this one:
        squabble says:
        February 8, 2012 at 10:13 am
        That’s what DKP fans will do to you, probably will still stalk her after death.
        Have you read on the internet that since around the beginning of October the US cat population has almost tripled? The agency that tracks this says that “the explosion of dogs coming out of America’s trailer parks is the reason behind it”. The epicenter seems to be in California and the ratio of dogs to humans there is 12.53 to 1.
        There were a many of us that tried to warn of the inevitable Catpocalypse should BB let DKP come back for another season. This just furthers the belief that Nobody is the anti-Christ and has not begun through reign upon this earth . Beware should Dani, the Hungry Hippo, Ms.Runner-up or that Dani Boy-toy Dominic with the ugly hair ever make it on another season as this will foretell the breaking of the final seal. There will be rivers of dogs pouring onto our streets people in flannel shirts with no shoes tending to them, cat litter will be more valuable than gold, some dude named Not A PHD Student will become President.
        Pretty scarey stuff.
        Yes we know. How scary does Dani is!! I’m afraid of her coming after us.

            1. Wow Captain, you’re actually Santa Claus!

              Captain you and I are friends right? Even though I am an atheist and have been a very bad boy this year could you…you know make an exception to your rule and get me all of these things from my Christmas list?
              1. A jetpack
              2. X ray vision goggles
              3. A submarine that looks like a Blue Whale

              Thanks in advance.

              1. Dude…I’m confusing squabble so he think i live there. I’m not Santa. I’m trying to protect my identity.

                1. Really Captain you would lie to me? All I was trying to say is since our views are so different is that I would like to chill at your house, have you make some Kool Aid, watch some home videos of You and Jeff or even re watch BB13.

                  1. Do I lie to you? Of course not! I won’t lie to you because I live in the North Pole! I moved there because they have great reception and especially the Big Brother programs! So, yes. I live in the North Pole! I met Santa and he is my neighbor!

          1. I wouldn’t. I have heard horror stories from very few survivors that once you go in, you seldom come back out the same and that’s only if you’re lucky. Sometimes you never come back out at all. Journey at your own risk. THE HORROR! THE HORROR!

      1. Dude….why are you obessed with Daniele stick her vagina on your bum. What’s wrong with you?

      2. I agree on this one
        Name says:
        February 8, 2012 at 6:26 pm
        Would you let Daniele stick her vagina in your bum?
        That’s so wrong and not cool NAME!

  2. Come on now! When Shelly should make a public apology to America? She need to apologize what did she wrong and deserve explanation.

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