9:19pm Pool Room Ronnie and Michelle. Ronnie starts telling her that “we” trust Michelle now they all wants her to join them. HE lists off Jessie, Natalie, Chima and Natalie want you part of our group. She tells him she on the fence until after the POV competition is over. Michelle is worried that […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jessie to Natalie “Maybe we Should Cut our Losses and get Rid of Ronnie”
7:45pm Recycling room Jessie and Natalie. JEssie thinks it might be a good idea for them to cut their losses and get rid of Ronnie unless he wins POV. Jessie thinks it’s way to likely that one of them will be put up in Ronnies place. Jessie thinks the need to act like their […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Lydia and the Rat are Nominated, Lydia “I’ve gone from loving Jessie to hating him”
6:30pm Kitchen everyone but Ronnie and Lydia. Ronnie in recycling room stressing and Lydia in red room sulking. Russell and Natalie are laughing , Russell says he almost put JEssies key in last to mess with him but than he thought it was too mean. Natalie’s howling saying he should of done it. […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie: “BARK BARK WOOF” Jessie “Ease Down Girl.. lil Mama Stop”
START WATCHING the live feeds today! See what they CAN?T show you on TV!! TRY it FREE for 3 DAYS! 5:00pm HOH bed Jessie and Natalie. Natalie tells Jessie that Lydia has been selling Jessie out. Natalie thinks that Lydia is trying to get Jessie put up instead of herself. Natalie swears […]
Big Brother 11 Spoiler – Ronnie is in Panic Mode and Jessie injured his Neck Watching the HOH comp
11:00-11:45pm Recycling room Jessie and Natalie. Natalie is bringing up Michelle showing of her vagina during the Competition. Jessie points out that he saw Russell and Michelle wraping there pants around the rope so they wouldn’t have to hold on. Jessie says he felt sorry for Natalie up there. Natalie asks him how did Michell’s […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jessie on Slop and the World Ends
9:30pm Kitchen most the houseguests around. Jordan is going to pick the have and have not?s out of her graduation cap. She tells them that the people on slope last week will not be put on slop this week (the brains). She pulls out jeff’s name everyone laughs and tells her to pic someone else… […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell wins HOH
9:00pm HOH comp Russell and Jeff, they both want to go after the same people. Both are saying they want the same person gone. Jeff says he’ll give Russell his word but he won’t trust Russell with everyone around. Russell asks everyone to leave and they all do except for Jordan. Russ tells Jeff that […]
Big Brother 11 – 3rd Week Eviction and HOH results
Lydia votes to evict: Casey Jeff votes to evict: Casey Kevin votes to evict: Casey Russell votes to evict: Jordan Ronnie votes to evict: Casey Chima votes to evict: Casey Natalie votes to evict: Casey Michelle votes to evict: Casey Evicted: Casey No More cliques Mystery Power Given to a Houseguest: coup d’etat […]
Big Brother 11 – Casey and Jeff Hangin in the “Ghetto HOH”
10:30pm HOH Russell and Chima. Russell is telling her about the calculated moves he has made in the game. HE explain the fight with JEff in week 1 was just to see where the house’s alliances stood. HE goes on to say he learnt that Jordan was going onto JEffs side and Lydia was coming […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell Explains a Move
9:45pm Ronnie and Kevin Living Room They are talking about tomorrows HOH. Ronnie doesn’t think it’ll be endurance he’s thinking questions. Ronnie believes it will be based on the facts they have heard earlier. Ronnie now spews out every HOH competitions that was endurance for every season, Season 7 spiders season 9 had alot… Kevin […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin has Figured out What Ronnie is up to and Natalie’s Garbage Fashion Show
7:40pm Pool room Kevin and Lydia. Kevin is really worried about Ronnie. He is telling Lydia to watch what she says around him because ROnnie is up to shady business again. Kevin tells her that Kevin tried to send Lydia signals last night not to say things to Ronnie because Ronnie will just spin it […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers ? Jessie is saving Himself for Marriage but Jeff is going to “POP” tonight
5:20 Red Room Jordan, Michele, Lydia, Ronnie, Jesse, Kevin and Natalie. They are talking about the casting process and JOrdan brings up taking a plane to get to the studio and how she sat beside this friendly old man. The old man told her he fought in world war 2 and was stations at […]