8:00am HOH and Have nots all houseguests sleeping.. You can hear Michelle say “NOOOOOOooooooooo” (lol) 10:45am Michelle in the bathroom wearing her Bikini getting ready for the day. Jordan and Jeff still lying in bed tired from all the scheming last night. The beasties are still sleeping in the Red Room hiding […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Let the Scheming begin, Kevin thinks Production Prevented him from Winning HOH
7:35pm Red Room Natalie and Kevin. Kevin explaining to her how pissed he is at Production right now. He was so far ahead of the other players and they kept mentioning, “Kevin is ahead…Kevin is ahead” That made all the other players hustle more.. He goes on to tell her after Jeff got in […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – JEFF Wins HOH
6:50pm Kitchen all the houseguests chit chatting… Jeff is very happy he one HOH. They start talking about Lydia and about how mad she was at everyone but Kevin when she left. They are all saying things they didn’t like about her. Jeff brings up her never doing dishes. Jordan mentions Lydia calling her […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – POV Competition, POV Ceremony, Eviction and HOH results all in one
Tonight is a busy night for Big Brother. There will be a POV winner, POV Ceremony, an eviction and a HOH competition. This is a critical point in the game, Jeff has used his “wizard power” to remove Jessie from the game. This caused Jessie’s alliance to implode. Chima angry at production giving Jeff a […]
Big Brother 11 – Tie-Dye TShirt Night Jeff: “mines going to be tha bomb dude!”
10:00pm Jeff, KEvin and Michelle are getting their t-shirts ready to tie-dye. They have to refer to their instructions many times to figure out how to do it. Jeff makes a mistake.. He?s very excited about this he keeps saying his shirt is going to be awesome “so utterly awesome” Michelle giving some tips […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie a virgin? “I could of had Jessie’s b*** at anytime I wanted”
7:25pm Backyard Jeff and Jordan They are trying to figure out where to go from here. Jeff sarcastically calls her sherlock for jumping in during the meeting and asking all the questions. Jordan says she asked questions. Jordan getting mad at Jeff saying that she was asking questions and she pushed both Michelle and Russell, […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff and Jordan call a meeting.. Jeff “I’m willing to forgive and forget, we can salvage this”
6:00pm HOH Jordan and Jeff. Jordan thinks that Michelle and Russell are working together to take Jeff and Michelle out. Jordan says she believes Natalie and Kevin over Michelle and Russell now. Jordan is pissed she knows they are lying and wants to start calling them out. Jeff can’t understand why they are […]
Big Brother 11 – Russell on Kids “you have a boy you worry about 1 Dick with a girl you worry about 100’s of dicks”
2:20pm Backyard, Russell, Lydia, Natalie and Kevin. Russell is telling them about a girlfriend he once had that made him wait 4 weeks until sex… He says it was way too long for him and when they finally did it he said it was anger banging cause she made him wait. Lydia calls it […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilage – BULLSHIT!
9:00pm Backyard Michelle and Russell drinking wine. Michelle brings up Jordan and that she’s been acting funny lately.. She thinks it?s her period. Russell says Jeff told him the same thing, he hopes they haven’t pissed them off. Russell says he’s working out with Jeff again he’ll push Jeff hard tomorrow so he’s sore […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan T-shirts “The Woman, The Myth, The Legend” get yours today
7:16pm Red Room Kevin is telling them that production is waiting until today to tell the TV watchers that Chima is gone. He says they are trying to build a case to make Chima out to be this horrible person. They wanted it to be like you have to do a very bad thing […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin figures Thursday out: POV -> POV Ceremony -> Eviction -> HOH
5:00pm HOH Michelle and Jeff. Michelle has been crying and Jeff notices it. Michelle is worried that there’s a break in the group. Michelle asks about last night when she said goodnight to him and he made a reference to a colt 45. Jeff says he said nothing about Colt-45 he said “goodnight see […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin: “Chima royally screwed me” and Jordan tells us all about BIG TEXAS
8:15pm Kevin and the witches playing card games very little talk. 8:45pm Kitchen Michelle, Russell and Jordan. Russell is asking if everything is alright with Jeff, he seems a little short today. Jordan says he’s fine just dealing with stress. Jordan stats massaging her chest saying they feel like they weigh 10lbs […]