8:30pm Hottub Natalie, Kevin and Jordan. They are all wondering about tomorrow.. Jordan tells Natalie she will do her hair and makeup for her. Jordan says she has to start early cause there is a lot of getting ready… Jordan gets called into the Diary Room. Kevin says he doesn’t want Lydia to […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Last night in the BB house.. Natalie is Happy she won’t have to do dishes anymore **update**
5:30pm Kitchen Natalie cooking uneatable food, Kevin and Jordan siting around talking about the jury votes. Jordan tells Kevin that the jury is filled with people that hate her guts. She thinks that maybe half like her and probably even less than that will vote for her. Kevin believes he’s in the same boat he […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers: The final 2 days of Big Brother 11 … Who will walk away half a million dollars richer?
11am Natalie and Jordan are still sleeping in the red bedroom with the lights off. Kevin is in the bathroom trimming his hair with the trimmer and getting ready for the day… Watch the last couple days of Big Brother 11 for FREE. You can also use the FLASHBACK feature to jump […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Big Brother Food Network, Everyone is still scared of Natalie’s cooking
6:50pm Natalie, Kevin and Jordan in the kitchen making food. Natalie is preparing Fish and friend rice. Kevin wants to make more food and suggests mac and cheese. Natalie tells him he’s making too much food and its all going to go to waste. Kevin doesn’t think so he tells her he wants […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie Explains the Medical profession “gays cannot become Doctors”
12:05pm Everyone Sleeping. Late last night around 1:00am they were talking about Michele and how she is a Doctor. Jordan was confused about how you can be called a Doctor but not be a medical Doctor. Kevin explains to her that you can be a Doctor of anything and it doesn’t mean […]
Big Brother 11 – A look back at the season PART 1
Hi everyone, I thought it would be nice to change up the posting for a bit and take a short walk down memory lane. I went through Simon’s massive archive of pictures and picked a couple I liked. It sure brings back memories both good and bad. I remember the night when all of Ronnie’s […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Massive morning Excitment in the BB house **Update x2**
1:14pm Jordan laying at the pool sunning. Kevin and Natalie sleeping. There has been nothing going on in the house Jordan woke up around 12:45pm and the other 2 have been sleeping since 3am last night. 3:33pm Jordan is now sleeping.. Kevin siting on the couch eating. Briefly saw Natalie she is […]
Surviving The Big Brother House Part 1: If Natalie ever offers you Chicken DON’T EAT IT
5:35pm Jordan is laying in the splish splash Room with a slight smile on her face (dreaming of cookie or dough the awesome results in last nights POV). Kevin place solitaire Natalie comes in and starts making some food. Kevin tells her he wishes they had a “Cheap ass” camera so he could […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – **Updated** Another quiet morning in the Big Brother house… Jordan is the only one up..
12:35am Jordan is the only house guests awake. Natalie and Kevin are still sleeping. Big Brother hasn’t given them a wake up call yet. The lights are still off in the red bedroom. Jordan is in the backyard laying on the hammock suntanning. START WATCHING the live feeds today! Watch the last […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan post HOH victory celebration “I think I’m going to have diarrhea, It’s Over and Over, it’s excited diarrhea”
9:03pm Kitchen Natalie and Kevin. Natalie is convinced that the competition was designed to make Jeff or Jordan win. Natalie is pissed, they both think that America loves Jeff and Jordan and Hates them (most people only hate Natalie). Kevin starts to point out that Jeff and Jordan is being portrayed as the […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers 2nd HOH Results.. Jordan wins!
2nd HOH winner is: Jordan America is the seventh jury vote and the final 2 will not be determined until Tuesday In the HOH competition Jordan got 9 right with 30 seconds to spare and Natalie got 5 right with 2seconds to spare Sunday is a bloopers show and the Jury grills […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Part 2 of the 3 Part HOH competition happens TODAY!
10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests and tells them they have to go to the HOH room for a lock down. Natalie, Kevin, and Jordan wake up from sleeping in the red bedroom and all grab their blankets and head up to the HOH room. As they are going up the stairs […]