6:02pm Hayden, Lane and Brit in the Kitchen Lane says he hopes Ragan isn’t too made at him. Hayden doesn’t think so its part of the game. Brit is chopping up food there chatting about the pandoras box punishments. 6:00pm Taj Ragan Ragan is studying he’s going over facial features that are distinctive […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hairdo offers to be a pawn but thinks The Penguin is a better choice
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! PLUS try it FREE for 3 Days! 4:00pm Jumanji Hairdo and Lame hairdo is telling lane that he trusts if brit wins POV that she’ll not use it on Ragan. He thinks it’s best for Lane to put up Enzo and not himself as teh […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The house guests get their first punishment.. And Lane says he’ll nominate Enzo & Ragan…
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! PLUS try it FREE for 3 Days! 12:45pm Big Brother calls an end to the lock down. As the first punishment Big Brother has taken away all of their utensils and cups. (WOW that’s a tough punishment) Enzo, Ragan and Britney talk about how […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane says okay, Pandoras Box I don’t like you, I don’t trust you, but okay! ..3 Punishments for the House?!!
9:30am Britney is awake and in the bathroom putting on her makeup. Big Brother cuts the feeds and when they come back up Enzo goes to the washroom and then heads back to bed. When he climbs back in to bed he complains about his knee hurting. Enzo goes back to sleep. Hayden gets up […]
*Updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that Lane drinks muscle milk but Gunter drinks milk straight from the cow’s tit, he doesn’t need it to be pasteurized!
LIMITED Time Offer 33% OFF – Plus try it free for 3 days! Superpass – 3 Day Trial! 12:40am Big Brother calls Lane to the diary room to get his HOH key. Lane comes out of the diary room and asks who would like to see his HOH room. Everyone heads up to the HOH […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – A Toast to Final 5 and a moment to reflect on evicted houseguests Enzo: “Rachel is from the Flintstones or somthin”
10:14pm Talking about cougar hunting Hayden says week one he said in this DR that Kathy is a cougar and he bets she’s going to start hitting on him. Lane says he likes older women and he told that in the application so when he saw Kathy talking down the stairs eh was like OMG […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – HOH Results Lane WINS
9:53pm Kitchen, Enzo, Brit, HAyden and Lane. Enzo is asking them if MAtt was campaigning for votes. Lane says he was trying to get votes but once Hayden told him he was voting for Enzo to stay MAtt stopped trying. Brit: “Matty Knew he was going home”. Lane wonders if maybe the people that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo: “We still got HOH to play yo”
6:10pm Feeds are Back The final 5 hanging out in the kitchen talking about worse case final 5. Hayden says Andrew, Ragan says KAhty, Brit says Brendon, Enzo says Rachel and LAne says Annie. They all agree that Annie would of never of made it this far she was too crazy. Brit tells them she […]
The Penguin Vs. The Gremlin – Big Brother 12 Double Elimination SHOW DOWN
4:30pm Feeds Cut to Trivia Lane Votes to Evict: Matt Ragan Votes to Evict: Matt Hayden Votes to Evict: Matt Brendon Votes to Evict: Matt First Evicted House guest is: Matt First HOH Winner is: Hayden First Nominations are: Ragan and Brendon POV Winner is: Ragan Nominations are: BRendon and Brit Second […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon says that he had dream last night that he was talking to a friend of his and asked if people outside the house think he is a big douche..
Watch everything that happens after the LIVE SHOW Tonight!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial! 12:55pm Enzo, Hayden and Brendon break up their study session to go eat. They head to the kitchen and Enzo asks if Hayden can hear the noise coming from the backyard. Enzo says that it sounds like […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane, Britney & Enzo are wrestling.. Enzo yells out BOOGA HOOKIE! Brit asks whats that?! Enzo says its when you hit someone that isn’t looking..
FREE Live Feeds!! Superpass – 3 Day Trial! 11:40am – 12pm Big Brother calls an end to the HOH lock down. All the house guests leave the HOH room. Britney is the last one to leave the HOH room. She throws all her things in the center of a blanket and folds […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The Penguin Vs. The Gremlin?! Can Enzo break the costume curse??
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial! 9:10am – 9:25am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to wake up the house guests. When the live feeds come back Matt is in the bathroom sitting on the couch looking depressed. The other house guests are in the storage room […]