$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 3:36pm Jumanji Room Lane and Enzo Lane is trying to pump Enzo up for the HOH comp. Enzo says he’s ready to go off on this YO.. HE’s going to win and he’s going to smash something, Enzo: “I’m […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo looks at Rachel’s photo and says that she looks like she’s 48 …yo, look at all those wrinkles.
$5 off the BB12 Live Feeds – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! PLUS try it FREE for 3 Days! 9:20am – 10am Big Brother switches the live feed s to the “we will be right back” screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds come back all the house guests […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says that he’s not the type to just go have
12am All of the house guests are sitting around the pool. Britney asks Ragan …so how long after when we get out ..say we get out on a Wednesday …what will be the next day you have sex? Ragan says …Ahhh..SEX?!?! Britney says yeah if we leave on a Wednesday how long would you wait […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo: “Courtney Love is a hot mess I wouldn’t f**k her with your d!ck Ragan
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 8:29pm Hot Tub Lane, HAyden, Enzo and Ragan. Ragan is talking about the reality tv awards and how people from big brother will be nominated. They all think Rachel will be nominated for best villain but she won’t win. […]
Big Brother 12 – BB Video game, You could play as Evel Dick use Pots and Pans as weapons… Enzo would use his face and horns and Hayden would use Hair
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 4:45pm Backyard Everyone but Lane laying around. Enzo and Hayden have just figured out how to use the BBQ and are cooking their Potatoes. Brit says in 20 minutes she’s going to go cook up some bacon and they […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says that he said if they didnt play the right song he would do the opposite of operation red & go to Africa and start stabbing babies with an aids infected needle..
1:15pm – 1:30pm Lane comes out into the backyard with the HOH camera. Lane takes a photo of Enoz and Hayden and then he gets Enzo to take a photo of him and Hayden. Lane then goes over to Britney and tells her to make it good its going to Nick. Britney then heads over […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: 11am the house guests are still dreaming about how to spend a half million dollars…
11am – 11:10am All of the house guests are sleeping. Big Brother Production still has not given them a wake up call. Enzo gets up to go to the wash room and then heads to the living room.. He looks at the camera and says he’s going to win the show and bring home 1/2 […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that he wants the title of winner of Big Brother more than the money.
11:50pm In the kitchen Hayden, Ragan, Britney, Lane and Enzo are all in the kitchen table playing with the new toys. Enzo and Lane leave and head out into the backyard. Both Enzo and Lane are tired of hearing everyone talk about Rachel all the time. Enzo says that it’s enough, yo! Lane says that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel: “Everyone has Pimples Whatever” Ragan: “There not pimples there witch warts”
9:47pm Backyard Lane and Ragan on the couch, Enzo jogging and Hayden on the elliptical. There talking about Kathy and how horny she was. Ragan: “She straddled me I didn’t know what to do with that… I can’t believe she ripped off Enzo’s towel”. Ragan: “Your doing great BEBE… OH MY GOD can you believe […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Riley’s book club Looking for Members it’s all about “Sexually transmitted diseases and self help books”
7:50pm Kitchen Everyone but Lane Ragan is going through Rachel’s nail polish, he holds one says “even Rachels Nail polish has a STD…Brendon I can make you hard as nails”. Britney and Ragan start bashing Rachel.. Brit: “The Rachel Riley’s book club it like the Opera book club but Rachel’s is about sexually transmitted diseases […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan’s Attempt to Survive FAILED the Brigade still hard as F**k, Lane: “He was told to try or he would look like a idiot”
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 5:05pm Backyard Hayden and Enzo Enzo talking about his DR session where he was calling Annie the Greyhound because she was out of the house fast. They are playing a game where they throw the billiard balls on the […]
Big Brother Spoilers: Britney and Lane talk about the points Ragan made… Lane asks Britney if she will rub his inner thigh.
12:10pm – 12:55pm All the house guests are out in the backyard. Ragan is on the hammock by himself. Britney, Lane, Hayden and Ezno are sitting on the couch. Enzo has a bowl of cereal and he goes to eat it then says I don’t even want this yo! Enzo says that they (CBS Big […]