5:33pm – 5:45pm HOH Room – Blue and Matt.
Matt – so what to pick me for house guest choice. Blue laughs – absolutely. I was telling Jag because obviously he was telling me that he was putting me up .. like he was leaning towards putting me up so I feel good about it. I think it makes sense. I am not upset because if he said he was going to put someone else up I was going to ask him can I be house guest choice. Because I definitely want .. in the same way that I had a part in Cory leaving because I had a veto, I want to be a part of America leaving too. Like to be honest because with Cory me and him have always been going at it but like with America I feel like I have given her so many chances. So many times to be honest with me to just like work with me. Matt – for the entire season she’s played Cory’s game. Blue – literally! Matt – and she’s never worked with anyone else.