OnlineBigBrother and the Kill Show Talk BIG BROTHER 19 Week 5

Hey Onlinebiogbrother fans,

Every Friday I record a Big Brother segment with Ken from the Kill Show. The show airs live on Saturday at 9:00pm . Or you can catch it later on soundcloud, I’ve added the embed code to this post.

Send us any questions, opinions or whatever and we’ll bring them up on the next Kill show.

Hope you enjoy we always have a blast recording.

One thought to “OnlineBigBrother and the Kill Show Talk BIG BROTHER 19 Week 5”

  1. I hope when jesse leaves she throws a big law suite againts big brother!!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on them for letting things get so out of control that they let people destroy,bully,and call someone a sexual predator…….how far do you let this go??????then let someone get in your space with a weapon!!! yes i said weapon!!!! when he has shown nothing but crazy,crying,bulling,yelling,he is loud,explosive. If this would happen to julie chen on the out side world,,,, or anyone called her any of these things or her husband it would be on!!!!!!!!!! and all the following and harassing and bulling<<<< i hope pauls co. goes under…shame on him!!!! he should lead with a good game….I see why a lot of high schools and teachers are talking about this show and telling kids this is not a good show and should be cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. a lot of kids committing suicide for just the thing your adults are doing on tv!!!!!!!!!!

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