“Once the level six was formed this is my baby my entire world is to protect this”

POV: Scottie Next POV: July 21st
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: Brett & Winston Have Nots Angela, Sam, Tyler, Brett

Big Brother Spoilers

4:31pm FEs and Rachel
RAchel says she’s keeping Brett because she’s closer to him. Adds that long term wise she doesn’t want Brett here but there will be another opportunity to take him out, “he can be in front of you a a target”

Rachel says if she was on the block with Brett people will vote out Brett if she’s on the block with Winston people will vote her out. Points out that she’s now considered a threat in competitions.

Rachel – keeping Winston here is like keeping nothing to me.
Fes – if I win (HOH) I won’t put you up.

4:46pm Haleigh and Bayleigh
Haleigh says Tyler needs to go soon, Scottie can go leter.
Bayleigh – they all have to go..
THey are both worried Fes, Tyler, Scottie will pick Kaitlyn over them.
Bay – Rachel told me “i just hate how Angela treats me so b1tchy.. she’s not nice to me”
Bay – that just slipped out.. I’ll be nice to you Rachel real nice
Haleigh says she heard Angela tell Rachel to shut the F* up once
They agree they put those two girls on the block they will turn on each other. But they can’t because of the girls alliance.
Haleigh wants Tyler out they wonder what Fes will do if he gets power
Bayleigh – he’ll do what Kaitlyn asks
H – maybe, but if me you and Rockstar go to him and say now
Bay – do yo think we can get him to backdoor Tyler
H – yeah

Haleigh tells her not to worry about JC they have no reason to worry about him.
Bayleigh says Sam has been called into the diary room a lot. They wonder if she’ll use the power. Seeing how she’s in a final 3 with Scottie they don’t think that will happen.

4:54pm HOH Kaitlyn, Haleigh, Fes, RS
Fes tells them he’s talked to BRett.. They are all voting to evict Brett in the HOH. Fes is going to work on JC’s vote. Kaitlyn says looking at the vote this week it’s clear there’s two sides. Bayleigh mentions how Tyler is never alone it’s tough for her to go up him and have a one on one. Kaitlyn says Brett has been working on Tyler but Tyler told her “i’m with you ” Fes mentions that Brett makes a  lot of good points.
Haleigh – Brett always makes good points
Fes – if he would win he wouldn’t put me up.
Bayleigh he told me he wouldn’t make it personal it would be game.. he would put up people that threaten his game
Kailtyn – That would be you

Fes – if you want to see someone blow up and crack.. last two weeks both sides knew they had the votes. If they think they don’t have teh votes that’s when you ‘ll see them do something crazy
Haleigh – we have 3 here… Rockstar, JC and Tyler ..
Fes – we’re good
Haleigh points out that they’ve we’ve been good every week..
Rocklobster comes in and Kaitlyn leaves to the Diary room.

4:57pm Rachel and KAycee
Rachel is telling her all about the conversation with Bayleigh earlier today. Who has the powers and the final 2 deals Tyler has. Kaycee doesn’t think Tyler has a final 2 with Sam.
They are still solid with level 6. “The one thing you have is your loyalty”  They both feel bad talking to Winston right now.
Kaycee – I have a good feeling we’re solid with the vote and our alliance is solid
They laugh at the man eater alliance name, Man eater.
Kaycee – I was like are you guys for real they were like Yeah..
Rachel – that was Haleigh’s idea
They agree the girls alliance is a cool idea if they don’t already have what they have
Kaycee – everyday there’s something new in this house..
RAcehl says at the end of the day if they are on the block with someone weaker than they are they are going home
Kaycee says she’s down with getting another guy out but on the other side.
They are going to tell their bros about the all girls alliance.

5:12pm Tyler and Brett
Tyler says the other side has told him they want him to stay and they are trying to reel him in.
Brett is happy they are still giving Winston a hope because that is all you have in this game.
Tyler – you still don’t know for sure
Tyler – I talked to Sam .. she was like whatever you guys want to do..
Tyler says Sam is acting like he’s always telling her what to do.
Tyler says JV wasn’t to pine the flip on Kaitlyn, Tyler adds it’ll be 6-5 that’s 6th vote they’ll say is Kaitlyn
They comment how unbelievable it is ho much the people blab in the house.
Brett – it would be better for fes game if I stayed.. the next person on the chopping block is him
Tyler – Once the level six was formed this is my baby my entire world is to protect this . these decisions are easy it’s lieing to the other side that sh1t has been building up on me dude.. it’s bothering me..

Tyler says he doesn’t know if wants to blow up on Rs first or send her home first.
Brett warns that JC is really close to the other side.

Tyler says he’s going to try and flip Kaitlin’s vote right before the eviction. he just has to make sure he’s the last one to talk to her.
Brett says multiple people have told him that Kailtyn is doing a lot of preaching to get him out in the HOH
Brett – she thinks she’s HOH.. she keeps saying … did you hear what he did to me.. he needs to go
Brett – what did I do..
Tyler – what did you do
They laugh that JC thinks he runs the house.
Brett mentions how all the dude are leaving pretty soon this house is goign to be all girls.
Tyler mentions KAycee telling him that Rockstar is rtying to build an all girls alliance.. “Kaycee told me about it to try to position the guys against each other ”

Tyler – If I stay you stay we’ll f*** run this house..
Brett mentions how Kaitlyn is a HUGE liability but she’a also not really playing the game
Tyler – no she’s not she’s here for other shit.. 100% no here to play the game..
Tyler – I want to get the virus out.. RS out she’s the virus
Tyler – that is what I told Winston upstairs..
Brett mentions Bayleigh but she’s close to Kaitlyn.
Tyler says Bayleigh is a friends close enemies closer type person
Tyler says the only reason why the other side is being nice to Kaitlyn is they need her number. if thy didn’t they would have shunned her.
Brett is wondering how he should position his speech. Tyler says Winston is going to do something vague and just be nice..

Tyelr says Sam can see through fake conversations.
They agree JC doesn’t have the pull he thinks eh does.
Tyler – he’s still on our side

Brett isn’t going to bother having a 1 on 1 with rockwall, he’ll hit up the rest though. Brett says his public target will be Rockstar.. Says he does like her it’s not personal this is calculated..
Brett – I want everyone to think she’s my targets because shes not going to be able to get me out..
Tyler – that is exactly what I am doing with fes..
Tyler warns the longer Fes is here the more and more people become drawn to him..
Brett says Fes and Kaitlyn’s objective on this how is to be in a showmance so they might end up on one..

They are starting to get tired with the fakness in the house.
Tyler says he’s having a real problem keeping on a smile “I don’t f***in care”

Tyler – as far as I know you have 6 solid..


5:28pm Tyler and Kaitlyn
Tyler says Brett keeps mentioning that Kaitlyn is voting for him.
K – no I don’t
Tyler- I know he’s saying that because he knows I am voting with him
Kaitlyn will tell him to his face when she has her 1 on 1 “I am goign to evict you”
Tyler says he told Brett I don’t want to make Kaitlyn made.
She mentions production asking about him and the feeds cut

5:30pm Rachel, Haleigh  and KAycee watching “BB20” Haleigh – “I heard it sucked”

5:45pm Bayleigh and Tyler
Bayleigh asks him if Brett stays win HOH and put Scottie/Kaitlyn up who would he vote for Tyler says his priority is Kaitlyn. Bayleigh says Kaitlyn is small and feisty and when she marks her territory it’s marked.


6:30pm – 730pm playing hide and seek never have I ever and just a bunch of games… 



6:47pm Angela, Rachel, Winston 

They are laughing at Angela’s plan to pick have nots. She’s going to hold a hand behind her hand and ask people to guess the number. Whatever number Rockstar says will be the number she’s holding behind her hand.

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22 thoughts to ““Once the level six was formed this is my baby my entire world is to protect this””

  1. Fake ass Rockvirus and Scottie the rat need to go ASAP…..I’m hoping the app gets played, a bro wins HOH and puts them up. Wasted HOH hahaha. Brett’s roasting of Cra-tlyn was epic! Best lol on BB in years

    1. I agree, that would be great. Brett’s veto speech was the funniest thing I’ve seen on BB in years.

  2. Brett’s veto speech was the dumbest thing I ever heard. Guy is so full of himself. Talk about an inflated ego. Wow.
    I’m glad that Scottie is playing the game. And trying to make big moves. Somebody has to.
    Winston and Brett are bitter because Scottie did to them what they were planning to do to him.
    Sam will most likely use her power to save one of the bros. It might be good for her, but it will suck for Scottie who stuck his neck out there. He could have played it safe like everyone else is doing but he still would’ve been a target. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.
    I’m giving Scottie props because at least he tried.

    1. People ask for big moves all the time on here and when scottie does it to a bro they say they hate scottie.

        1. It was great for a little balance and entertainment. It was bad for those looking for a steamroll. Those are never fun seasons even if you like the folks benefiting from it. I’m glad Bayleigh and Haleigh are actually playing the game more. Fez is looking to do something. Kaitlyn and her guides are always doing something even if it’s just thinking about bunny recipes.

    2. Not a fan of Brett, but HILARIOUS! So glad someone came that close to calling out here nonsense. Plus, pretty sure, talking who, Kaitlyn is hauling a ton.

    3. i dont understand. people ask for big moves. scottie does one and everyone is mad?. he is playing a game. they are a power duo. one of them needs to go. they are also bullies. they act like they are untouchable. this is big brother. moves should be made. the bros were targeting scottie this week. if he did not win hoh he would be out. scottie drew blood first and you all are mad. at least not everyone is going with the house like last season. i also dont understand the hate for rockstar. she has an okay read on the game. the hate for scottie blows my mind.

    4. Scottie is dumb this week. He tried to play this game. But played too hard too fast. If sam uses her power then either brett and winston will pay to come back. If they do the faces on scottie rockstar Kaitlyn and haleigh will be priceless.

  3. Scottie spinning in circles during the veto comp was hilarious on tonights episode. Did anyone see Tyler on TKO tonight? Guess cbs found their new pet

    1. I did and it was awesome lol, Everyone called him Baywatch and Kevin Hart asked if he was a stoner. He said I never did drugs. Kevin was like are you sure? Great ep

  4. I’d rather see Brett stick around than Winston. I like the Bros as a duo, but to be honest, Brett is really the energy in that alliance. Winston started off strong, but has since become a little whiny and too paranoid. He’s overly aggressive in the wrong way, and doesn’t know how to calm down. Meanwhile Brett is teaching SwaggyC at home how to actually be Swaggy lmao Straight up staredowns, Veto speeches with hidden HG burns, and a handlebar stache. Dudes legit. Brett stays, Winston’s evicted. All day baby. All day.

  5. All I want is for level 6 to win the HOH, Bayleigh uses her power app nominates Kaitlyn and Tyler, POV gets used on Tyler and Rockstar is going to be the replacement nominee and go home. That would be a epic way to get her out.

  6. did anyone else see a show called KTO… with Kevin Hart … well was watching it tonight and nearly fell out of my chair when i saw Tyler on the show … just thought i would bring it up .. he was polite on that show too ..

  7. Seriously don’t know a thing about welding but I could listen to Sam explain it and not get bored. Why do I love her so much ? Even when she gets whiney it doesn’t irritate me to the point of pulling my hair out like another one does. Guess because I don’t think she’s doing it intentionally for attention. She just truly feels bad. Or sad. Don’t know how it’s going to go if she has people thinking her power is up this week then it’s used automatically next week. Some will be pretty angry i think that she lied about it being up this week. Anyone know for sure who she told directly that it ends this week ?

    1. Even though Sam’s power gets used automatically this fourth week, Level 6 still has some power in KNOWING the real specifics of the power and working around it. The others have no clue who Level 6 is, what the power really was, that it’s in play this week, and NO one knows Tyler has the Cloud app power. I think the guys realize there’s no room for throwing comps anymore. Angela has been laying low since her fall out with Swaggy so it’s time for those girls to go all out in the comps too if they want to hang on. It’s going to get messy and FUN this next week! Hopefully whoever wins HOH won’t let Kaitlyn and FrankenRock dominate the HOH room for once. They have become permanent fixtures.

    2. You love Sam for the same reasons I do. She has a lot of life experience in her years. It’s hard to believe she is just 27…definitely an old soul!

      I’ve witnessed that Sam told Tyler and Kaycee the specifics of her power, directly. Angela knows (maybe Rachel, too) , but Sam didn’t tell her.

        1. Amen! Praise the Lord! I imagine BB will take Sam places, if you know what I mean. But, Kaitlyn’s BB after-life is now very questionable. Just sayin’!

  8. Glad one of the bros are leaving. They made the game too personal. Calling Scottie a dork and saying they want to spit in rockstars face.. I don’t like them either but it’s a game.. bye bros

  9. Brett’s veto speech tonight was amazing. I laughed so hard. His vision and Kaitlyn’s face. It was simply glorious. Also Tyler on TKO was great. I can see why CBS wanted him. He’s got serious charm!

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